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张文俊 《西部资源》2012,(6):178+183-178,183
本文通过利用ZnO压敏电阻接入位置和接线形式的分析,探讨了中性点箱位三电平高压变频器的过电压保护问题。本文认为将一只ZnO压敏电阻接于逆变部分输入直流母线两端和三只参数相同ZnO压敏电阻三相三角形接法接于逆变部分输出,可以实现对中性点箱位三电平高压变频器的过电压保护。  相似文献   

内蒙古国土资源厅近日下发了关于规范矿产资源调查核实事宜的通知,以进一步规范建设项目用地压覆矿产资源调查核实及其申报审批工作要求,明确办理程序。该通知规定,压覆矿产资源审批应遵循相应原则:不压覆或尽量少压覆矿产资源;不影响矿产资源正常开采的,不作压覆处理;采矿权范围内,其矿业权人安置的生产、生活设施,不作压覆处理。采矿权人需要的生产、生活设施,确需建在采矿权范围外的,原则上不得压覆已查明矿产资源;保护资源与保护建设工程并举,且实现宏观效益最大化;避让与依法保护相关权利人合法权益;符合国家和自治区相关规  相似文献   

锂的两种稳定同位素6Li和7Li存在很大的相对质量差,质量分馏效应十分明显,因此要精确地测定锂同位素比值十分困难。近年来,随着质谱测定方法的发展,锂同位素的测定取得了长足进展。目前,使用热电离质谱仪(TIMS)和多接受电感耦合等离子质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)测定锂同位素比值的较多。TIMS相比于MC-ICP-MS,其测定精度较高。主要对使用热电离质谱仪(TIMS)测定锂同位素进行了详细的介绍,主要包括带材料和带结构、涂样形式以及电离温度这3方面的研究进展,并指出了此方法存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

本文以云南红河哈尼梯田湿地公园为例,对湿地公园规划理念、功能区划、景区布局、资源保护等方面进行了探讨,以期实现公园保护与开发利用相协调,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了促使矿产资源的保障能力可以在实践中得到有效提升,同时还要保证建设项目可以实现正常稳定的运行,就必须要结合实际情况,对压覆矿产资源储量估算当中的保护煤柱边界进行科学合理的分析和落实,这样才能够尽可能避免出现压覆重要矿产资源减少的问题发生。  相似文献   

基于共生理论的中国特色保护类村庄振兴类型细分研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨坤  芮旸  李宜峰  杨钰华 《地理科学进展》2021,40(11):1861-1875
特色保护类村庄是国家乡村振兴战略规划确定的4种村庄基本类型之一,但其分异明显,仍需进一步细分类型以精准施策。论文坚持问题导向和理论指引的分类思路,针对特色保护类村庄内蕴的保护与发展对立统一关系,借鉴共生理论构建其共生系统概念模型,根据系统类型及构成的差异划分村庄振兴类型,筛选出8173个国家级特色保护类村庄作为实证研究样本,初步提出一套简便实用的类型识别流程及方法,据此逐层判断样本类型并分类明确振兴模式。结果表明:① 特色保护类村庄共生系统分为外共生型、内共生型和内外共生兼具型3种,存在村庄与外部有机体共生、村庄特色资源与产业共生、村庄特色文化资源与人居环境共生以及村庄特色资源、产业与外部有机体共生等4类共生关系;② 特色保护类村庄振兴类型基于共生关系表征的异同抽象归纳为10种,样本据此细分为47个旅游目的地型、75个文旅融合型、251个农旅融合型、47个特色农业型、442个景区依托型、1463个市场拉动型、2159个交通推动型、160个历史记忆保护型、1543个民族特色保护型和1986个地域文化保护型村庄; ③ 特色保护类村庄振兴模式因类型而异,包括“优化升级、示范引领”“深度融合、增值赋能”“品牌强农、特色集聚”“借力景区、村景互补”“瞄准市场、乡城对接”“联动交通、一体共生”和“活态保护、留住乡愁”7种。  相似文献   

积极推进生态文明治理体制改革对湿地资源保护具有重要的现实意义。我国湿地保护过程中存在湿地保护法规缺失、保护不到位、监管缺失、信息不公开、经济建设和环境保护不协调等问题。针对这些问题,提出完善湿地保护法规、加强部门间协同合作、加强相关部门的监督、促进全面信息公开、重视环境保护等湿地保护对策,探索我国湿地保护的新格局。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略实施背景下的湿地生态经济区建设构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在回顾和总结中国湿地保护管理历程和取得成就的基础上,深入探讨了湿地保护中存在的以下问题:水体污染局部改善、总体恶化的趋势仍未得到根本扭转;湿地经济缺乏支柱产业及品牌、生态价值与经济效益未能较好地耦合;现有湿地保护形式难以下延,无法实现湿地资源全面保护的目标,湿地保护科学技术含量偏低且缺乏有效转化平台等。面对乡村振兴战略的实施、农业供给侧改革、生态旅游、研学教育和特色小镇建设等机遇,提出以解决经济发展与生态安全之间呈现失衡发展态势和实现湿地保护与生态产业发展相融合为目标,以生态学和资源经济学原理为指导,以建设由保护与恢复湿地和构建生态环境基底的湿地公园、解决面源污染和提升土地利用效率的湿地农业、打造生态宜居空间和促进乡村活力回归的湿地小镇组成的湿地生态经济区为抓手,实现在新形势下湿地综合价值的提升,促进一产、二产、三产"三位一体"和生产、生活、生态"三生共融",并对其建设理念、主要内容和未来要研究的重点进行了阐述。旨在通过实施湿地生态经济区建设,让健康的生态环境转变成为强劲的生态经济竞争力,实现生态产业结构由低级向高级演变,更好地促进人与自然的和谐发展,实现湿地保护与湿地生态产业发展相融合的升级。  相似文献   

云南省苍山十八溪发育十分典型的水石流,流动时表面为高含沙洪水,底部为粗相沙砾和巨石,固液两相离析为非均质两相流。流体具有很大的动能和冲击力,对富绕的苍洱平坝区造成危害。为了治灾除害,保护生态环境,本文对防治目的、治理目标、防治方针与方法,以及实施顺序、程序、方案、技术措施等问题作了阐述。  相似文献   

中国湿地保护恢复策略研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
中国湿地保护恢复取得了一定的成效,但依然存在以下问题:湿地威胁加剧、自然修复为主难以满足湿地恢复的需求、小微湿地生态问题被忽视和经济发展的积极效应没有充分发挥等。提出了中国湿地保护恢复由抢救性保护转向全面保护,合理选择湿地恢复等级,自然恢复与人工修复并重、注意中度干扰应用和创新湿地保护恢复新模式等策略。  相似文献   

利用美国Finnigon公司出品的微量碳酸盐同位素样品处理仪与MST—251型质谱仪联用,首次建立了微量碳酸盐样品中δ(13)C和δ(18)O的分析试测方法,并运用该方法对青海古气候环境的恢复作了尝试性的研究。该方法具有速度快、自动化程度高、精度高等优点。  相似文献   

马国霞  於方  齐霁  王金南 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2335-2344
在编制绿色投入产出表的基础上,对中国废水、大气污染物和固体废物的直接产生系数和完全产生系数进行分析,并对这三大类污染治理的单位成本和污染物治理的经济影响进行模拟。结果显示:① 电力热力的生产和供应业、化学原料及化学制品制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、石油加工及炼焦业、石油和天然气开采业等行业废水、废气和固废的完全产污系数都较高,属污染减排的重点行业。② 模拟的废水完全治理成本为6.4元/t,废气为2136元/t,固体废物为101元/t。③ 以模拟的单位治理成本进行污染物治理,将对电力热力的生产和供应业、有色金属矿采选业、黑色金属矿采选业、造纸及纸制品业、有色金属冶炼及压延加工业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿物制造业等行业的产品价格影响大。  相似文献   

沈静  黄双双 《热带地理》2015,35(5):745-752
以广东省为研究对象,首先分析其2000―2010年污染产业转移的变化特征,发现从2006年开始出现由珠三角向非珠三角地区转移的趋势,其中粤北山区接受转移最多,转移趋势明显的行业包括采掘业、非金属制品业,而水电煤气供应业、有色金属行业有轻微的转移趋势。然后采用面板数据模型进行实证研究,以单位工业总产值的SO2排放量为环境管制因子,结果发现总污染产业、采掘业、非金属制品业、水电煤气供应业等产业转移与宽松的环境管制相关。环境管制对广东省污染产业转移起重要作用,中国地方政府强制性的“命令―控制式”的环境管制手段对产业转移的影响大。  相似文献   

结构特征与权力等级是城市网络的重要要素。基于“产业-区位”视角,通过对2012年中国汽车产业供应链体系分析,凝炼中国城市网络特征。研究发现:① 基于汽车产业供应链体系的中国城市网络表现出明显的“低密度-多核心、高聚类-少趋同”的结构特征。② 城市网络的结构特征与权力等级存在显著“悖论”,即城市节点的网络地位不仅取决于链接城市的数量,还需考虑关联网络的空间属性和资本容量。③ 城市网络权力等级中既包括上海、重庆等领导核心城市,也包括广州、芜湖等中心集约城市和苏州、成都等权力门户城市,说明转变中心性与转变控制力不仅能有效揭示中国城市网络节点的真实权力属性,也更符合经济现象的地理空间非均衡规律。④ 重庆、上海、天津、长春、北京、十堰等领导核心城市并未完全锁定中国六大汽车产业集聚区,其中长三角地区网络权力最突出,珠三角地区网络权力最弱。  相似文献   

188 new and previously published radiocarbon dates on Holocene material from Disko Bugt, central West Greenland, are presented together with relevant informations (laboratory number, place name, dated material, geografic coordinates, altitude and δ13C-value) about the dates.

In October 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic station (65 °15′N,53 °31′W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 min., and the parameters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al. (1995). The present paper summarises main points of the climate during 1996.

Open system, or more correctly, hydraulic pingos, are genetically poorly understood. A continuing problem concerns their need for a perennial groundwater supply (intra- or sub-permafrost). This has to be maintained despite the existence of continuous permafrost in many areas where they are located. Recent work on Disko Island has suggested a new type of hydraulic pingo developing only in a “marsh environment”. It is argued that the marsh setting is not relevant to the formation of these features and that they are simply hydraulic pingos.


A group of marsh initiated open system pingo remnants from the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth, in Mellemfjord, Disko Island, Central West Greenland was described in Christiansen (1995). Gurney and Worsley (1997) state that the location of this group of pingo remnants in the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth is of no relevance to their genesis, and that they presumably were the result of an assumed late Holocene sea level regression, causing permafrost to be established in the valley bottom. In this reply the arguments by Gurney and Worsley (1997) on the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley pingos are commented, and it is argued by way of sea level information, frost penetration and water supply that the special setting must indeed have caused pingo initiation and growth. Furthermore, the area has experienced a relative sea level rise during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

The continuing use of petrochemicals in mineral nitrogen(N) production may be affected by supply or cost issues and climate agreements.Without mineral N,a larger area of cropland is required to produce the same amount of food,impacting biodiversity.Alternative N sources include solar and wind to power the Haber-Bosch process,and the organic options such as green manures,marine algae and aquatic azolla.Solar power was the most land-efficient renewable source of N,with using a tenth as much land as wind energy,and at least 100 th as much land as organic sources of N.In this paper,we developed a decision tree to locate these different sources of N at a global scale,or the first time taking into account their spatial footprint and the impact on terrestrial biodiversity while avoiding impact on albedo and cropland,based on global resource and impact datasets.This produced relatively few areas suitable for solar power in the western Americas,central southern Africa,eastern Asia and southern Australia,with areas most suited to wind at more extreme latitudes.Only about 2% of existing solar power stations are in very suitable locations.In regions such as coastal north Africa and central Asia where solar power is less accessible due to lack of farm income,green manures could be used,however,due to their very large spatial footprint only a small area of low productivity and low biodiversity was suitable for this option.Europe in particular faces challenges because it has access to a relatively small area which is suitable for solar or wind power.If we are to make informed decisions about the sourcing of alternative N supplies in the future,and our energy supply more generally,a decision-making mechanism is needed to take global considerations into account in regional land-use planning.  相似文献   

The continuing use of petrochemicals in mineral nitrogen (N) production may be affected by supply or cost issues and climate agreements. Without mineral N, a larger area of cropland is required to produce the same amount of food, impacting biodiversity. Alternative N sources include solar and wind to power the Haber-Bosch process, and the organic options such as green manures, marine algae and aquatic azolla. Solar power was the most land-efficient renewable source of N, with using a tenth as much land as wind energy, and at least 100th as much land as organic sources of N. In this paper, we developed a decision tree to locate these different sources of N at a global scale, or the first time taking into account their spatial footprint and the impact on terrestrial biodiversity while avoiding impact on albedo and cropland, based on global resource and impact datasets. This produced relatively few areas suitable for solar power in the western Americas, central southern Africa, eastern Asia and southern Australia, with areas most suited to wind at more extreme latitudes. Only about 2% of existing solar power stations are in very suitable locations. In regions such as coastal north Africa and central Asia where solar power is less accessible due to lack of farm income, green manures could be used, however, due to their very large spatial footprint only a small area of low productivity and low biodiversity was suitable for this option. Europe in particular faces challenges because it has access to a relatively small area which is suitable for solar or wind power. If we are to make informed decisions about the sourcing of alternative N supplies in the future, and our energy supply more generally, a decision-making mechanism is needed to take global considerations into account in regional land-use planning.  相似文献   

为了厘清京津冀地区污染变化与趋势以及污染与经济发展的关系,为环境污染协同防治、环境与经济协调发展提供科学参考,借助趋势检验模型定性定量分析2000—2013年京津冀主要污染物排放变化趋势,探讨工业细分行业污染排放的结构特征。研究发现:京津冀地区环境污染排放趋势逐渐分化,化学需氧量、烟(粉)尘排放显著减少,二氧化硫排放减少趋势不太显著,废水排放显著增加,氨氮排放减少趋势不显著;京津冀地区污染排放与经济波动、结构调整存在密切联系;从工业细分行业来看,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业、电力/热力生产和供应业、化学原料和化学制品制造业、造纸和纸制品业、农副食品加工业对污染排放贡献较大。  相似文献   

电力工业是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业,中国快速发展的电力工业对环境造成的影响正在逐步加剧。在概述电力工业的发展状况以及环境保护重要意义的基础上,分别对火力发电、水利水电、高压与超高压电力网、核电对环境的影响及相应的对策进行了综述,提出了实现中国电力工业和环境的协调发展的对策:(1)提高技术装备水平,从源头控制二氧化硫等污染物的排放量。(2)因地制宜发展可再生能源发电。(3)完善环境管理制度,制订有利于脱硫等污染治理的经济政策。(4)加强基础研究,促进决策的科学化。  相似文献   

In this research, a simulation was performed for evaluating power production from an abandoned geothermal well as an enhanced geothermal system by injecting a secondary fluid. Abandoned wells, due to lack of fluid or very low transmissivity, are regarded among the low-to moderate-temperature resources that have the potential for heat production without any cost for deep drilling. Accordingly, they are taken as suitable sources of energy. In the present paper, an abandoned geothermal well at Meshkinshahr geothermal field in Sabalan district, northwestern Iran, with 3176 m depth was simulated. The bottom-hole temperature of 148 °C, as well as well casing size, and real thermal gradient for well were applied in the model. A 3D heat transfer simulation model was designed by considering a coaxial pipe as a down-hole heat exchanger between surrounding rocks of the well and injected fluid. Injected fluid to the well with specified pressure and temperature receives heat from rocks surrounding the well, until it reaches the bottom of the well and converts to vapor. The vapor returns to the surface from inner pipe with very low heat loss during its return. The inner pipe is isolated by a thin layer having a low heat conductivity to prevent heat loss from the returned fluid. It was observed that obtained heat in the well depends on temperature profile of the well, injection velocity, and fluid mass flow rate. The model results were optimized by selecting suitable parameters such as inlet injection speed and fluid flow rate to achieve the highest temperature of the fluid returned from the well. A binary power plant was also modeled to determine the extractable power using returned fluid as input using ammonia and isobutene, as working fluids in binary cycle. Finally, electric power of 270 kW was generated from well NWS3 using designed down-hole heat exchanger.  相似文献   

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