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内蒙古乌海地区毛庄组上部灰岩产大量核形石,其内核与包壳含丰富的矿化细菌和有机质残余。显微观察显示:内核以微晶质为主,含少量生屑和陆源碎屑;包壳由亚毫米级亮/暗纹层交互构成。亮层具微亮晶—微晶混合组构,以自养蓝细菌居多;暗层以微晶质为主,富含异养细菌和黄铁矿莓球;这种差异表明两种纹层具不同的生物矿化机制,但都是微生物-化学过程与环境相互作用诱发碳酸盐沉淀并矿化微生物质的结果。超微研究表明:纹层内含大量纳米球粒(40~200 nm),与非晶质胞外聚合物(EPS)密切共生,可能源于EPS的降解。纳米球粒通过粘结-融合形成多面体(0.2~5μm),并进一步集合形成微米级微晶质球粒,后者常被齿状亮晶质环边包围。在寒武纪核形石内部观察到的这种多级微组构的有序组合及其与细菌残余和有机质的规律性配置关系,与近代矿化微生物席和实验研究中观察到的情况相似。本研究认为寒武纪核形石包壳纹层的形成可能与现代微生物席的矿化机制相近,都是微生物与环境相互作用诱发碳酸盐沉淀并矿化有机质的结果。  相似文献   

河北承德路通沟剖面芙蓉统凤山组中部发育厚层块状叠层石生物丘,构成一个淹没不整合型层序的强迫型海退体系域,指示这些叠层石形成于中高能浅海环境。该生物丘宏观上主要由柱状叠层石组成,叠层石内部纹层较粗糙,在构成叠层石的致密泥晶和微亮晶组构中,还见到球粒、底栖鲕粒及凝聚颗粒等多种生物成因颗粒类型,代表着复杂的微生物活动特征,以此而区别于前寒武纪的叠层石。更为重要的是,叠层石生物丘中的致密泥晶基质中发育一些“石松藻(Lithocodium)”状的钙化蓝细菌菌落残余物,以及一些丝状钙化蓝细菌化石,指示了形成叠层石的微生物席为蓝细菌所主导的微生物席。因此,凤山组叠层石生物丘内复杂而特殊的碳酸盐岩沉积组构为研究叠层石形成过程中复杂的微生物代谢活动所产生的钙化作用机制提供了一个宝贵的地质实例。  相似文献   

为明确柴达木盆地西部地区新生界微生物碳酸盐岩微观结构及主要造岩矿物的成因机理,本文利用岩芯观察、薄片分析、扫描电镜及电子探针分析等实验测试方法,对南翼山地区上油砂山组微生物碳酸盐岩微观结构、矿物特征差异性及矿化作用开展研究。分析认为南翼山地区上油砂山组发育厚层泥晶碳酸盐岩,单层厚度3~5 m;局部发育薄层微生物碳酸盐岩,单层厚度以30~50 cm为主,单层最大厚度2 m。微生物碳酸盐岩类型以凝块石为主、局部发育叠层石,二者混合共生,通过扫描电镜在微生物碳酸盐岩中发现了大量钙化的细胞外聚合物(EPS)组构与少量微生物化石,为湖相微生物碳酸盐岩的形成提供了生物学证据。研究结果表明:(1)微生物碳酸盐岩主要矿物类型为方解石,微观组构复杂、类型多样,包括球粒、团粒、菱面体以及片状结构等。球粒粒径分布范围50~80 nm。团粒由若干纳米级球粒聚合黏结形成,粒径为几微米至几十微米。片状方解石往往大小不等、形态各异,粒径通常为1~10μm。(2)发现大量钙化EPS组构及疑似微体化石,包括球状、杆状及丝状体。杆状体微生物化石直径约0.4μm,长0.5~1μm。丝状体微生物化石直径约0.3~0.5μm,...  相似文献   

黔中晚震旦世微生物岩及其磷的富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈孟莪  李菊英 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):446-452
我国南方晚震旦世广泛发育有包括叠层石、层纹石和核形石等组成的微生物岩, 其中以叠层石最为普遍; 黔中地区的磷质叠层石总体上以层礁产出为特点, 其中的藻类微生物化石已被确定的有丝状和球状两大类共17 个种属, 而细菌微生物参与成岩成矿作用的证据也常能见到。微生物岩中的磷质主要富集在叠层石的柱体部位, 特别是富集在柱体的富藻纹层中; 从微生物的矿化特点看, 其成矿作用可分为直接的和间接的两种不同机制的类型。与同期形成的碳酸盐叠层石相比, 磷质叠层石, 无论在种类的多样性或发育程度上都显得丰富多彩得多, 这可能与磷质叠层石所处的有利环境, 特别是对营造叠层石的微生物的生长所需的富磷水介质环境密切相关。  相似文献   

焦学文  巩磊  王超勇  孙旭  亓乐 《沉积学报》2015,33(5):865-877
根据川南先锋地区二叠系-三叠系界线地层的沉积特征,结合钻孔岩相及其组合特征,识别出等斜碳酸盐缓坡和局限台地2种沉积相,包括高能生屑浅滩、内缓坡、潮间带等7种亚相。同时采用微相分析的方法,对碳酸盐岩的生物组合、颗粒成分以及支撑类型等微相特征进行了研究,将界线地层沉积归纳为14种微相类型,并由此建立了该时期的沉积相序及其演化。研究区产出一层微生物岩,显微镜观察显示:微生物岩主要是叠层石;在它们内部发现了大量的蓝藻球粒、钙化鞘和微亮晶包覆层等微生物成因的显微组构。对ZK1501孔所采集的0.58 m K9灰岩岩芯连续磨片后进行生物组合分析,在距底6 cm地层中发现了丰富的三叶虫、腹足类和叶枝藻化石,其上出现小型化的介形虫(小于200 μm),表明二叠纪末期生物主灭绝界线应位于飞仙关组底面之上6 cm处,而二叠系-三叠系界线应位于小型化介形虫层的中下部。  相似文献   

微生物碳酸盐岩是微生物与环境相互作用的产物,它的发育对古环境与微生物群落有着重要的指示意义。河北省平泉县地区中元古代高于庄组四段发育有凝块石、纹理石、叠层石多种微生物碳酸盐岩。凝块石以其内部独特的凝块组构而显著区别于具纹层构造的叠层石等其它微生物岩类型。根据尺寸大小与排列特点可将高于庄组凝块石中的凝块组构分为3种类型:厘米级别、致密的中凝块,毫米级别、似层状的小凝块与微米级别、层状分布的微凝块。显微与超显微观察显示,所有的凝块组构均由内核与外壳两个结构单元组成。内核主要为丝状细菌、球状细菌等微生物或有机质残留,围绕内核的是呈放射状、扇状分布的方解石外壳,方解石颗粒之间可见有薄片状胞外聚合物(EPS)残留。凝块中微生物残余及EPS的大量发现,表明了凝块组构的形成与微生物密切相关。环境中海水碳酸盐初始饱和度的高低可能是形成不同类型的凝块组构的原因。  相似文献   

凝块石是一种不具纹层状组构的微生物碳酸盐岩,与纹层状组构的叠层石形成鲜明对照。鲁西地区寒武系张夏组中的凝块石生物丘主要由致密泥晶和微亮晶组成的团块构成,在团块中可见到细胞外聚合物质(EPS)钙化作用的残余物及钙化蓝细菌化石。在复杂的微观组构中,表现出球状结构、片状、席状及蜂窝状结构的EPS钙化残余物,说明凝块石中团块的形成是一个复杂的有机矿化作用过程。这些EPS钙化残余物与较为普遍的致密泥晶和钙化蓝细菌化石一起,为了解凝块石的形成机理提供了一些重要信息。因此,对凝块石生物丘的分析也为今后的深入研究提供了一个重要线索和思考途径。  相似文献   

在柴达木盆地西部新近纪叠层石纹层中第一次明确发现了保存完好的微生物化石,其中包括微米级别的微生物球状构造,亚微米级的生物颗粒构造以及矿化的席状和片状有机组织。结合目前国内外的研究成果可以确定暗层中微米级球状构造为类似于Coccoid的硫还原微生物,亚微米的球状颗粒一方面是叠层石微生物席胞外聚合物质(EPS)的重要组成部分,另一方面也是极端条件下微生物体脱水收缩以后的产物,而片状和席状构造则是矿化的EPS以及微生物膜。通过对亮层和暗层中生物构造、石英、石盐以及方解石矿物的分析,可以确定叠层石的形成过程分为暗层有机主动矿化和亮层无机原地沉淀,其中的暗层矿化则分为上层封闭酸性环境中的光合作用,以及下层相对封闭环境中的硫还原和EPS的降解钙化作用,上部的亮层则主要为原地沉淀无机成因并在成岩过程中受到了暗层中有机质的影响。  相似文献   

北京西郊寒武系凤山组叠层石生物层   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
梅冥相  刘丽  胡媛 《地质学报》2015,89(2):440-460
叠层石是微生物碳酸盐岩的典型代表,同时也是岩石记录中的"藻席"(微生物席)的建造物。在北京西山寒武系芙蓉统凤山组下部,见一层厚度为2~3m的叠层石生物层。宏观上,该生物层主要为大型柱状叠层石所组成;微观上,表现为致密泥晶灰岩和颗粒泥晶灰岩构成的泥晶相叠层石。在叠层石内部,各种特殊的颗粒如底栖鲕粒、核形石和凝块石的发育,表明了微生物席内颗粒的多样性,而三叶虫骨屑的发育则意味着叠层石生长过程中较为强烈的泥晶粘聚作用;致密泥晶中的黄铁矿晶体,间接地反映了泥晶的异养细菌成因。因此,凤山组中的叠层石生物层,作为"贫乏骨骼的寒武纪风暴海"中典型的沉积学现象,成为较深水背景之中微生物造礁作用的典型实例,也成为理解微生物席内微生物成因颗粒多样性的典型岩石记录。  相似文献   

新疆乌鲁木齐二叠系湖相微生物白云岩成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆乌鲁木齐地区养牛场剖面中二叠统芦草沟组以发育浅湖至半深湖背景下的中层深灰色、灰色碳酸盐岩、粉砂岩、细砂岩与中、厚层灰黑色泥岩、油页岩的互层沉积为特点.湖相碳酸盐岩以微晶白云岩为主体,其次为微晶灰岩.微晶白云岩主要由白云石、铁白云石及少量方解石等组成,常混有泥质组分且富含有机质.镜下观察白云石主要为微晶(<4μm)及微亮晶(4-10 μm),极少数为亮晶(>10μm).扫描电镜分析发现微晶白云岩中存在微球状(直径约9μm)、微棒状(长度约0.3~1.2μm)及微米级它形(< 5μm)等3种微形貌的白云石,其中微米级它形白云石在白云岩中占绝大多数.在微晶灰岩中还发现了直径约70-150nm,形态与球菌相似的纳米微粒,具有微生物矿化的特征.研究区白云岩Sr丰度及Sr/Ca比总体持平或略高于微晶灰岩,Mn丰度远高于微晶灰岩,C、O同位素均高于微晶灰岩,暗示了白云岩可能形成于比微晶灰岩更深及盐度更大的水下还原环境,二者之间缺乏明显的交代关系.芦草沟组白云岩的δ13CPDB介于9.2 ‰~15.6‰,强烈正偏的δ13CPDB可能是产甲烷古菌的代谢活动引起有机质碳同位素分馏的结果.以上特征表明,研究区芦草沟组白云石的沉淀可能与产烷带厌氧微生物的代谢活动引起的甲烷生成作用有关.  相似文献   

晚古生代—中三叠世右江盆地的格局和转换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
晚古生代—中三叠世右江盆地是在夷平的南华加里东造山带基础上再生裂陷的大陆边缘盆地,该盆地的形成与金沙江—哀牢山古特提斯洋盆关系密切,是一个具有台地与台间海槽相间结构的大陆边缘裂谷盆地。右江盆地自早泥盆世埃姆斯晚期开始裂陷,到石炭纪盆地与越北地块之间出现一个与古特提斯洋相关的局限小洋盆或深海盆。至二叠纪,该洋盆开始向西南俯冲于越北地块之下,形成活动大陆边缘。早三叠世晚期以后,随着该洋盆的闭合和碰撞造山,在凭祥、那坡等地出现同碰撞型的火山活动,右江盆地也于中三叠世转变为以复理石为特征的前陆盆地。因此右江盆地经历了裂谷盆地(早泥盆世晚期—晚泥盆世)、被动大陆边缘(早石炭世—早三叠世)、前陆盆地(中三叠世)的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

梅冥相 《地质论评》2012,58(5):937-951
早期"生物矿化作用"的概念,被定义为生物形成矿物的作用,并进一步分为生物控制和生物诱导两大类型。这个宽泛的概念,被修订为生物以生命活型(living form)影响矿物物质的沉淀作用;相应地,"生物矿物"是在严格的生物控制下、从局部环境中选择性地吸收元素并融合成具有生物功能构造的矿物。"有机矿化作用",则被定义为"与那些无生命活力的有机物质相关联的矿物形成作用"。与生物矿化作用相对应,有机矿化作用的产物被定义为"有机矿物",用来指那些通过有机聚合物、生物的和(或)非生物的有机化合物所导致的矿物沉淀作用,但是,有机矿物并非活着的细胞所直接形成。有机矿物与生物矿物的重要区别是,有机矿物没有被融合成受到生物严格控制的功能性构造。生物学家和化学家将生物矿化作用作为关注"生命体系中复杂的化学过程"的研究主题,超越了地质学范畴并使生物矿化作用的研究成为多学科关注的迷人领域,也大大促进了有机矿化作用的研究;考虑到有机矿物是沉积岩的重要组成,而且与生物的出现同步,还是潜在性的地外生命的遗迹,因此,从生物矿化作用衍生出的有机矿化作用的研究,自然就成为与生物矿化作用存在紧密关联的、地球生物学框架下又一个重要的研究主题  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility has been proven to be an excellent indicator for mineral fabrics and therefore deformation in a rock or sediment. Low-field anisotropy is relatively rapid to measure so that a sufficient number of samples can be measured to obtain a good statistical representation of the magnetic fabric. The physical properties of individual minerals that contribute to the observed magnetic fabric include bulk susceptibility and intrinsic anisotropy of the mineral phase, its volume concentration, and its degree of alignment. Several techniques have been developed to separate magnetic subfabrics arising from magnetization types, i.e., ferrimagnetism, antiferromagnetism, paramagnetism, and diamagnetism. Susceptibility anisotropy can be measured in low or high fields and at different temperatures in order to isolate a particular subfabric. Measuring the anisotropy of a remanent magnetization can also isolate ferrimagnetic fabrics. A series of case studies are presented that exemplify the value of isolating magnetic subfabrics in a geological context. It is particularly useful in rocks that carry a paramagnetic and diamagnetic subfabric of similar magnitude, such that they negate one another. Further examples are provided for purely paramagnetic subfabrics and cases where a ferrimagnetic subfabric is also identified.  相似文献   

Experimental shear zones and magnetic fabrics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic fabric analysis has been used as a non-destructive means of detecting petrofabric development during experimentally produced multi-stage, transpressive deformations in ‘shear zones’. Artificial, magnetic-bearing silicate sands and calcite sands, bonded with Portland cement, were deformed at room temperature and at 100 and 150 MPa confining pressure. The slip-rate for the shear zone walls was 0.73 × 10−4 mm s−1 and the maximum shear strains were about 0.38, across zones that were initially about 5 mm thick. The magnetic fabric ellipsoid rapidly spins so that the maximum and intermediate susceptibilities tend to become parallel to the shear zone walls throughout the sheared zone. The ellipsoid becomes increasingly oblate with progressive deformation. However, in all cases, the anisotropy is strongly influenced by the pre-deformation magnetic fabric. During deformation the cement gel collapses so that cataclasis of the mineral grains is suppressed. In the quartz-feldspar aggregates the magnetite's alignment is accommodated by particulate flow (intergranular displacements) of the grains. In the calcite aggregates stronger magnetic fabrics develop due to plastic deformation of calcite grains as well as particulate flow. However, the calcite grain fabrics are somewhat linear (LS) whereas the magnetic fabrics are planar (S >L). The preferred dimensional orientations of magnetite are weak and it is possible that the magnetic fabrics are due to intragranular rearrangements of magnetic domains.The transpressive shear zones are much more efficient than axial-symmetric shortening in the increase of anisotropy of the magnetic fabrics, especially in the case of the calcite aggregates. This suggests that flow laws derived for axial-symmetric shortening experiments may not be appropriate for non-coaxial strain histories such as those of shear zones.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabrics from rocks with multiple mineral-preferred orientations may have anisotropy ellipsoids whose shape and orientation arise from the addition of two or more component fabrics. Our numerical models and experiments demonstrate that such composite magnetic fabrics do not directly reflect the shapes and/or orientations of the individual mineral fabrics and we provide criteria for the recognition and interpretation of composite fabrics in natural rocks. These criteria include:

1. (1) the orientation of the maximum susceptibility axis is located at the intersection of two planar fabrics, and

2. (2) the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid changes from oblate to prolate and the degree of anisotropy decreases, as the relative intensity of two planar component fabrics becomes equal and as the angle between the planar fabrics increases.

Composite magnetic fabrics are observed in the shales and slates of the Martinsburg Formation, Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania. Modeling of the AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) and ARMA (anhysteretic remanent magnetization anisotropy) behavior constrains the relative degree of anisotropy of the bedding-parallel and cleavage-parallel fabrics. In particular, ARMA model results allow a good estimate of magnetite fabric strength.

We conclude that, in the presence of composite magnetic fabrics, quantitative measures of finite strain in deformed rocks are limited by the ability to accurately determine the degree of anisotropy and relative susceptibility of each component fabric. Such determinations require knowledge of the mineral(s) that are responsible for the measured magnetic fabric and their behavior during deformation.  相似文献   

岩石电子背散射衍射(EBSD)组构分析及应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
刘俊来  曹淑云  邹运鑫  宋志杰 《地质通报》2008,27(10):1638-1645
电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术是现代构造地质学与显微构造分析领域一项崭新的技术,它与现代高分辨率扫描电子显微镜和能谱分析设备结合,可以对块状样品中微米或纳米级尺度的颗粒进行晶体结构分析, 从而使微观结构、微区成分与结晶学数据结合起来,能够更精细地对比研究矿物和岩石显微构造,为岩石显微构造分析开辟了一个全新的领域。分析了EBSD技术的基本原理、系统构成、样品制备和工作程序。介绍了石英组构测量,极细粒物质(微角砾岩)的组构特点,二轴晶矿物(角闪石)的组构、变形机制和金属硫化物组构分析的应用实例,对于应用EBSD系统开展研究存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

An aggregate of piezoelectric minerals may itself be piezoelectric if the minerals are suitably aligned. Thus quartz-bearing rocks may be piezoelectric, since quartz is one such mineral. It has been shown that some rocks do possess this effect, termed a piezoelectric fabric (Bishop, 1981). The type of piezoelectric fabric may be determined by matching experimental data to theoretical models of piezoelectric fabrics. These theoretical models of pure quartz aggregates are derived by considering the symmetry of the preferred crystallographic directions of the aggregate grains. From the symmetry, the piezoelectric matrix of the model may be determined. The best-fitting model and the orientation of its fabric is obtained by equating the experimental data to each model in turn. For each model, the best fitting fabric orientation is determined by using an inversion routine. If the experimental data are due to a piezoelectric fabric and not to some random or nonpolar distribution of grains, the fabric type (c-axis point maximum or large-circle girdle) and its orientation with respect to the specimen may be determined. The positions and polarities of the quartz a-axes are also specified. A statistical examination of results from a quartz-mylonite shows that the problem of piezoelectric model fitting is well posed, in that the Eulerian angles that specify the fabric orientation are fairly independent important parameters and a sufficiently close fit of the model to the data can be obtained to determine the fabric.  相似文献   

The Ardara pluton as part of the Donegal batholith was intruded into Neoproterozoic metasediments and metadolerites at mid-crustal levels. The emplacement mechanism of the Ardara granite is very controversial, and mechanisms ranging from diapirism, ballooning and stoping followed by nested diapirism have been proposed. Magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and K/Ar dating of micas are used here to constrain the emplacement history. The compositional zoning of the Ardara pluton is clearly reflected in the different bulk magnetic susceptibilities between the outer quartz monzodiorite and the central granodiorite, whereas the intervening tonalite is of intermediate nature. The magnetic carriers are characterized by the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS), thermomagnetic measurements and through high field analyses (HFA). The separation of the ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic contributions revealed that biotite and magnetite control the AMS in the quartz monzodiorite. Both minerals are oriented in such a way that their summed contribution is constructive and originates from the shape fabric of magnetite and the texture of biotite. Biotite is responsible mainly for the AMS in the tonalite and granodiorite. The magnetic foliation can be directly related to the macroscopic foliation and also to the D4 structures in the country rocks. The foliation is consistent with the geometry of the roughly circular shape and has a mostly steep to vertical dip. Towards the central granodiorite the magnetic foliation dies out, although plagioclase texture measurements indicate a weak magmatic shape fabric. With the exception of the tail, the Kmax axes (magnetic lineation) vary from steeply to gently plunging. The so-called lineation factor is approximately 1.01 and therefore points to a less significant axial symmetry. These observations coincide with strain estimates on mafic enclaves that show a very consistent pattern of K ∼0 flattening strain. Texture analyses of biotite and quartz additionally support the observations made by the strain analyses and the magnetic fabric data. Microstructural investigations give evidence that the fabrics are associated with the emplacement over a range of temperatures from truly magmatic to high-temperature solid-state conditions. The age of the intrusion is still under discussion, but a new cooling age was determined by K/Ar dating of biotite at 403.7±8 Ma corresponding to a temperature range between 450 and 300°C. For a mylonite along the southern contact between the Ardara pluton and the country rock a K/Ar muscovite age of 378.8±7 Ma indicates a minimum age for the shear zone when the Ardara pluton must have already been cooled down below 350±50°C. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

With optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements, we analyzed clay microfabrics in ultracataclastic/gouge and cataclastic core samples obtained from the main bore hole of the San Andreas Fault observatory at depth (SAFOD). The analysis reveals a significant contrast between weak clay fabrics observed in the core samples with synchrotron X-ray fabric measurements and strong degree of preferred alignment for clay particles documented with the optical microscope. TEM and SEM observations also show distinct zones of locally aligned and randomly oriented clay minerals. The lack of a strong fabric may be attributed to randomly oriented matrix sheet silicates dominating the fault rocks. The presence of weak fabrics in intensely strained ultracataclasites/fault gouges is attributed to 1) newly formed clay minerals that grew in many orientations, 2) folded and kinked clay minerals, and 3) clay particles that are wrapped around grains. In addition, the locally aligned clay particles may act as barriers to fluid flow, which in turn decrease porosity, expel intergranular pore fluids, and consequently, may increase fluid pressure.  相似文献   

A peculiar orientation of plagioclase porphyroblasts hag been ascertained in some blastic rocks. There are several types of intergranular coordination between neighbouring plagioclase blasts. They are laid facing the equivalent crystallographical planes each other or in twin-like relation. Detailed measurements of these plagioclase fabrics told us that the symmetry elements revealed in one crystal also effectively govern over the two or more neighbouring plagioclase grains without any distinctions whether they are in direct contact or separately formed.  相似文献   

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