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Comparison of quasar (QSO) absorption spectra with laboratory spectra allows us to probe possible variations in the fundamental constants over cosmological time-scales. In a companion paper we present an analysis of Keck/HIRES spectra and report possible evidence suggesting that the fine-structure constant, α , may have been smaller in the past:     over the redshift range     . In this paper we describe a comprehensive investigation into possible systematic effects. Most of these do not significantly influence our results. When we correct for those which do produce a significant systematic effect in the data, the deviation of     from zero becomes more significant. We are led increasingly to the interpretation that α was slightly smaller in the past.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet resonance transitions are observed routinely both in the Galactic interstellar medium and in quasar absorption systems. The quality of the astronomical spectroscopic data now available demands more precise laboratory rest wavelengths. Of particular interest is the accuracy with which one can constrain space–time variations in fundamental constants using quasar spectra. A recent analysis by Webb et al. of 25 quasar spectra using Mg and Fe transitions tentatively suggests that the fine-structure constant was smaller at earlier epochs. To permit a check on this result, and to allow further more extensive investigations, we have carried out a new determination of the laboratory wavelengths of Mg  i  2853 Å, Mg  II  2796 Å and Mg  II  2803 Å by high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy. Our results for Mg  II  2796 Å are consistent with the value measured independently by two other groups. To our knowledge, no previous measurements of comparable precision exist for Mg  I  2853 Å and Mg  II  2803 Å.  相似文献   

We have observed the Red Rectangle nebula with the Multi-Object Spectrograph on the WIYN telescope. Moderate-resolution spectra (Δ λ =0.4 Å) in the region of 5800 Å were obtained in 3-arcsec apertures at over 50 positions in the nebula. Accurate and precise wavelength calibrations were obtained against a thorium–argon lamp and the sodium lines in the sky and nebula. The peak position and full width at half-maximum of the 5800-Å Red Rectangle band (RRB) were measured to beyond 15 arcsec from the star. The shortest wavelength of the band is found to be 5799.10±0.15 Å in the rest frame of the nebula. None of the emission bands has intensity coincident with the wavelength of the diffuse interstellar band (DIB) at 5797.11±0.05 Å. The 2-Å offset cannot be explained by an instrumental, spectroscopic or photophysical effect. The hypothesis that the same molecule may be the carrier of the RRB and the DIB is contradicted by these observations. As a further test of the hypothesis, absorption has been sought that would be due to a potential DIB carrier in the nebula. Tentative evidence for absorption is found in the RRB spectra taken within 9 arcsec of the star; but any absorption has a peak position essentially coincident in wavelength with the band maximum of the emission band.  相似文献   

The quality of astronomical spectroscopic data now available is so high that interpretation and analysis are often limited by the uncertainties of the laboratory data base. In particular, the limit with which space–time variations in the fine structure constant α can be constrained using quasar spectra depends on the availability of more accurate laboratory rest wavelengths. We recently measured some transitions in magnesium by high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy for this purpose, and we now report measurements on some ultraviolet resonance lines of Zn  ii (2062 and 2026 Å), Cr  ii (2066, 2062 and 2056 Å) and Ni  ii (1751, 1741, 1709 and 1703 Å). Apart from the last line, which is very weak, the uncertainty of these measurements is 0.002 cm−1 (0.08 må) for the lines around 2000 Å and 0.004 cm−1 (0.12 må) for the lines around 1700 Å.  相似文献   

A computed list of  H216O  infrared transition frequencies and intensities is presented. The list, BT2, was produced using a discrete variable representation two-step approach for solving the rotation–vibration nuclear motions. It is the most complete water line list in existence, comprising over 500 million transitions (65 per cent more than any other list) and it is also the most accurate (over 90 per cent of all known experimental energy levels are within 0.3 cm−1 of the BT2 values). Its accuracy has been confirmed by extensive testing against astronomical and laboratory data.
The line list has been used to identify individual water lines in a variety of objects including comets, sunspots, a brown dwarf and the nova-like object V838 Mon. Comparison of the observed intensities with those generated by BT2 enables water abundances and temperatures to be derived for these objects. The line list can also be used to provide an opacity for models of the atmospheres of M dwarf stars and assign previously unknown water lines in laboratory spectra.  相似文献   

We show that spatial correlations in a stochastic large-scale velocity field in an otherwise smooth intergalactic medium (homogeneous comoving density) superposed on the general Hubble flow may cause a 'line-like' structure in QSO spectra similar to the population of unsaturated Lyα forest lines which usually are attributed to individual clouds with 1011 ≲ N H i  5 × 1013 cm−2. Therefore there is no clear observational distinction between a diffuse intergalactic medium and discrete intergalactic clouds. It follows that the H  i density in the diffuse intergalactic medium might be substantially underestimated if it is determined from the observed intensity distribution near the apparent continuum in high-resolution spectra of QSOs. Our tentative estimate implies a diffuse neutral hydrogen opacity τGP ∼ 0.3 at z  ∼ 3 and a current baryon density ΩIGM ≃ 0.08, assuming a Hubble constant H 0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1.  相似文献   

We present spectra of six luminous quasars at   z ∼ 2  , covering rest wavelengths 1600−3200 Å. The fluxes of the UV Fe  ii emission lines and Mg  ii λ2798 doublet, the line widths of Mg  ii and the 3000 Å luminosity were obtained from the spectra. These quantities were compared with those of low-redshift quasars at   z = 0.06–0.55  studied by Tsuzuki et al. In a plot of the Fe  ii (UV)/Mg  ii flux ratio as a function of the central black hole mass, Fe  ii (UV)/Mg  ii in our   z ∼ 2  quasars is systematically greater than in the low-redshift quasars. We confirmed that luminosity is not responsible for this excess. It is unclear whether this excess is caused by rich Fe abundance at   z ∼ 2  over low-redshift or by non-abundance effects such as high gas density, strong radiation field and high microturbulent velocity.  相似文献   

Comparison of quasar (QSO) absorption-line spectra with laboratory spectra provides a precise probe for variability of the fine-structure constant, α , over cosmological time-scales. We constrain variation in α in 21 Keck/HIRES Si  iv absorption systems using the alkali-doublet (AD) method in which changes in α are related to changes in the doublet spacing. The precision obtained with the AD method has been increased by a factor of 3:     . We also analyse potential systematic errors in this result. Finally, we compare the AD method with the many-multiplet method, which has achieved an order of magnitude greater precision, and we discuss the future of the AD method.  相似文献   

New, more detailed calculations of the emission spectra of the He-like Kα complex of calcium, iron and nickel have been carried out using data from both distorted-wave and R-matrix calculations. The value of the GD ratio (an extended definition of the G ratio that accounts for the effect of resolved and unresolved satellite lines) is significantly enhanced at temperatures below the temperature of He-like maximum abundance. Furthermore, it is shown that satellite lines are important contributors to the GD ratio such that   GD / G > 1  at temperatures well above the temperature of maximum abundance. These new calculations demonstrate, with an improved treatment of the KLn     satellite lines, that Kα satellite lines need to be included in models of He-like spectra even at relatively high temperatures. The excellent agreement between spectra and line ratios calculated from R-matrix and distorted-wave data also confirms the validity of models based on distorted-wave data for highly charged systems, provided the effect of resonances is taken into account as independent processes.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectra of comet 8P/Tuttle were obtained in the frequency range 3449.0–3462.2 cm−1 on 2008 January 3 ut using CGS4 with echelle grating on United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. In addition to observing solar pumped fluorescent lines of H2O, the long integration time (152 min on target) enabled eight weaker H2O features to be assigned, most of which had not previously been identified in cometary spectra. These transitions, which are from higher energy upper states, are similar in character to the so-called SH lines recorded in the post Deep Impact spectrum of comet Tempel 1. We have identified certain characteristics that these lines have in common, and which in addition to helping to define this new class of cometary line give some clues to the physical processes involved in their production. Finally, we derive an H2O rotational temperature of     and a water production rate of  (1.4 ± 0.3) × 1028  molecules s−1.  相似文献   

Intermediate-resolution (60 000 R 120 000) observations of interstellar Na  i lines towards 29 stars in the general direction of the Lupus molecular clouds (330°≲ l ≲350°; 0°≲ b ≲25°) are presented. Previously published spectra towards an additional seven stars are also included. Based on the Hipparcos distances to these stars, and the minimum distance at which strong interstellar Na  i lines appear in the spectra, I obtain a distance of ~150±10 pc to the Lupus molecular complex. While in agreement with a number of other independent estimates, this result is at odds with the value of 100 pc recently obtained by Knude & Høg from a Hipparcos -based study of interstellar extinction. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is discussed, and it is concluded that the value of 150±10 pc obtained here is to be preferred. In addition, these observations have some other implications for the structure of the interstellar medium in this direction, and these are briefly considered.  相似文献   

We critically review the current null results on a varying fine-structure constant, α, derived from Very Large Telescope (VLT)/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) quasar absorption spectra, focusing primarily on the many-multiplet analysis of 23 absorbers from which Chand et al. reported a weighted mean relative variation of  Δα/α= (−0.06 ± 0.06) × 10−5  . Our analysis of the same reduced data , using the same fits to the absorption profiles , yields very different individual  Δα/α  values with uncertainties typically larger by a factor of ∼3. We attribute the discrepancies to flawed parameter estimation techniques in the original analysis and demonstrate that the original  Δα/α  values were strongly biased towards zero. Were those flaws not present, the input data and spectra should have given a weighted mean of  Δα/α= (−0.44 ± 0.16) × 10−5  . Although this new value does reflect the input spectra and fits (unchanged from the original work – only our analysis is different), we do not claim that it supports previous Keck/High Resolution Echelle Spectrograph (HIRES) evidence for a varying α: there remains significant scatter in the individual  Δα/α  values which may stem from the overly simplistic profile fits in the original work. Allowing for such additional, unknown random errors by increasing the uncertainties on  Δα/α  to match the scatter provides a more conservative weighted mean,  Δα/α= (−0.64 ± 0.36) × 10−5  . We highlight similar problems in other current UVES constraints on varying α and argue that comparison with previous Keck/HIRES results is premature.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the normal Type Ia SN 1990N observed very early on (14 days before B maximum) was analysed by Fisher et al., who showed that the large width and the unusual profile of the strong line near 6000 Å can be reproduced if the line is assumed to be due to C  ii 6578, 6583 Å and if carbon is located in a high-velocity shell. This line is one of the characterizing features of SNe Ia, and is usually thought to be due to Si  ii . A Monte Carlo spectrum synthesis code is used to investigate this suggestion further. The result is that if a standard explosion model is used, the mass enclosed in the shell at the required high velocity (25 000–35 000 km s−1) is too small to give rise to a strong C  ii line. At the same time, removing silicon has a negative effect on the synthetic spectrum at other wavelengths, and removing carbon from the lower velocity regions near the photosphere makes it difficult to reproduce two weak lines which are naturally explained as C  ii , one of them being the line which Fisher et al. suggested is responsible for the strong 6000-Å feature. However, synthetic spectra confirm that although Si  ii can reproduce most of the observed 6000-Å line, the red wing of the line extends too far to be compatible with a Si  ii origin, and that the flat bottom of the line is also not easy to reproduce. The best fit is obtained for a normal SN Ia abundance mix at velocities near the photosphere (15 500–19 000 km s−1) and an outer carbon–silicon shell beyond 20 000 km s−1. This suggests that mixing is not complete in the outer ejecta of an SN Ia. Observations at even earlier epochs might reveal to what extent a carbon shell is unmixed.  相似文献   

It is proposed that some, possibly many, of the unidentified diffuse interstellar absorption bands arise from rovibronic transitions between the ground states of negatively charged molecules and/or small grains, and shallow dipolebound electronic states which lie close to the electron detachment threshold. Under this hypothesis the attributes for the neutral 'molecular' frameworks are electron affinities between 1 and 3 eV and permanent electric dipole moments of 2 debye or greater. Boundbound spectra involving the lowest rotational levels have not been detected in the laboratory, but these proposed carriers appear to be capable of satisfying the main observational astronomical constraints: transitions that lie in the range from the near-ultraviolet to the near-infrared; a wide range of widths; band wavelengths that are invariant; and a large number of related but distinct carriers. The wavelengths of the lowest rotational lines of the band of the transition between the ground and a dipolebound electronic state of the CH2CN molecule appear to be consistent with a diffuse band near 8037 Å.  相似文献   

In order to assess qualitatively the ejecta geometry of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (SNe), we investigate 98 late-time spectra of 39 objects, many of them previously unpublished. We perform a Gauss-fitting of the [O  i ]  λλ6300, 6364  feature in all spectra, with the position, full width at half maximum and intensity of the  λ6300  Gaussian as free parameters, and the  λ6364  Gaussian added appropriately to account for the doublet nature of the [O  i ] feature. On the basis of the best-fitting parameters, the objects are organized into morphological classes, and we conclude that at least half of all Type Ib/c SNe must be aspherical. Bipolar jet models do not seem to be universally applicable, as we find too few symmetric double-peaked [O  i ] profiles. In some objects, the [O  i ] line exhibits a variety of shifted secondary peaks or shoulders, interpreted as blobs of matter ejected at high velocity and possibly accompanied by neutron-star kicks to assure momentum conservation. At phases earlier than ∼200 d, a systematic blueshift of the [O  i ]  λλ6300, 6364  line centroids can be discerned. Residual opacity provides the most convincing explanation of this phenomenon, photons emitted on the rear side of the SN being scattered or absorbed on their way through the ejecta. Once modified to account for the doublet nature of the oxygen feature, the profile of Mg  i ]  λ4571  at sufficiently late phases generally resembles that of [O  i ]  λλ6300, 6364  , suggesting negligible contamination from other lines and confirming that O and Mg are similarly distributed within the ejecta.  相似文献   

Observations at millimetre wavelengths are presented for a representative sample of 22 X-ray-selected BL Lac objects (XBLs). This sample comprises 19 high-energy cut-off BL Lac objects (HBLs), 1 low-energy cut-off BL Lac object (LBL) and 2 'intermediate' sources. Data for LBLs, which are mostly radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs), are taken from the literature. It is shown that the radio–millimetre spectral indices of HBLs     are slightly steeper than those of the LBLs     . A correlation exists between α 5–230 and 230 GHz luminosity. While this correlation could be an artefact of comparing two populations of BL Lac objects with intrinsically different radio properties, it is also consistent with the predictions of existing unified schemes that relate BL Lac objects to Fanaroff–Riley class I radio galaxies.
The HBLs have significantly flatter submillimetre–X-ray spectral indices     than the LBLs     although the two intermediate sources also have intermediate values of α 230–X∼−0.9. It is argued that this difference cannot be explained entirely by the viewing-angle hypothesis and requires a difference in physical-source parameters. The α 230–X values for the HBLs are close to the canonical value found for large samples of radio sources and thus suggest that synchrotron radiation is the mechanism that produces the X-ray emission. As suggested by Padovani & Giommi, the inverse-Compton mechanism is likely to dominate in the LBLs requiring the synchrotron spectra of these sources to steepen or cut off at lower frequencies than those of the HBLs.  相似文献   

Abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni and Ba are determined for 30 nearby lower-main-sequence stars in the Northern sky using high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra. Our results show an equilibrium of  [Fe/H]I  and  [Fe/H]II  and a much smaller star-to-star scatter of the abundance ratios as a function of metallicity compared with the results of Kotoneva et al. The non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) corrections for oxygen are considered and found to be small  (∼−0.04 dex)  . A flat trend of [O/Fe] exists over the whole metallicity range. The non-LTE effects for some important elements are discussed, and it is found that the abundance pattern for our programme stars is very similar to that of F and G dwarfs.  相似文献   

We make new non-local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations to deduce the abundances of neon from visible-region echelle spectra of selected Ne  i lines in seven normal stars and 20 HgMn stars. We find that the best strong blend-free Ne line that can be used at the lower end of the effective temperature T eff range is λ 6402, although several other potentially useful Ne  i lines are found in the red region of the spectra of these stars. The mean neon abundance in the normal stars (log  A =8.10) is in excellent agreement with the standard abundance of neon (8.08). However, in HgMn stars neon is almost universally underabundant, ranging from marginal deficits of 0.1–0.3 dex to underabundances of an order of magnitude or more. In many cases, the lines are so weak that only upper limits can be established. The most extreme example found is υ Her with an underabundance of at least 1.5 dex. These underabundances are qualitatively expected from radiative acceleration calculations, which show that Ne has a very small radiative acceleration in the photosphere, and that it is expected to undergo gravitational settling if the mixing processes are sufficiently weak and there is no strong stellar wind. According to theoretical predictions , the low Ne abundances place an important constraint on the intensity of such stellar winds, which must be less than 10−14 M yr−1 if they are non-turbulent.  相似文献   

The star HD 6628, heretofore classified as a G5 subgiant, is shown to be a chromospherically active single-lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 27.332±0.008 d. From high-resolution spectra, the system is found to consist of a late F-type dwarf and an active G8–K1 bright subgiant, the latter having a rotation period of not more than 14.8±3.8 d derived from the width of metal lines. Further stellar and orbital parameters are derived and presented.  相似文献   

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