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Although possessing ancient and distinguished histories, the recent urbanization and planning approaches of Madrid, Rome and Athens are relatively unknown to English-speaking planners and urban geographers. This paper reviews the development of each city from the mid-19th century to the present. Special attention is given to the planning instruments developed in each city to guide growth. Each city experienced rapid growth over the past century because of its capital city functions. As a result of strong growth pressures, city planning policies were frequently subverted by private sector interests. Only in the latter part of the 20th century have planning measures become effective in controlling and directing urban growth.  相似文献   

For almost 70 years. Soviet urban planners have enacted policies to create an urban environment designed to further the development of socialism. This paper analyzes the planning and development of one Soviet new town, Dubna, in order to provide insight into Soviet urban planning in general, as well as to identify the problems and prospects for city planners as they attempt to translate general socialist planning goals into reality. The study indentifies specific characteristics of the ideal Soviet socialist city and examines the extent to which these have been realized in Dubna. This allows a comparison between the actual accomplishments of local officials in Dubna and the ideal planning goals expressed throughout the Soviet urban literature. It also helps identify barriers to effective implementation of urban policies, barriers that help explain the disparity between the real and the ideal. Given the strong parallels between Soviet and British new towns, the examination is further enhanced by comparing Dubna with British new towns. Using the British case as a yardstick provides a crosscultural comparison that extends our understanding of the Soviet case, where data and analyses are lacking.  相似文献   

Rob Ferguson 《Geoforum》2003,34(1):9-11
This note expands on, and in some respects challenges, the distinction Thrift (Geoforum 33 (2002) 291) makes between the publication practices of young human and physical geographers. Evidence on highly-cited papers by eminent British geographers is used to suggest that human geographers have been publishing mainly in human-geography journals, but physical geographers in a wider range of outlets, for at least two decades; and that the most influential papers of all, human or physical, have generally been in multi- or inter-disciplinary journals. Publication in ‘non-geographical’ journals is desirable since it helps geographers have a wider impact. Conversely, the discipline is harmed if influential outsiders perceive geographers as only concerned with internal debates and seeking to impress each other.  相似文献   

A paper delivered to the IGU Applied Geography Commission meeting in Warsaw (House 1970) referred to the achievement and opportunity for geographers working on the New Towns of Britain. Much has changed, often for the worse, since that somewhat optimistic assessment of prospects. Widespread and severe economic depression has led to a steady state trend in planning, and to diminished expectations as the result of falling rates of population growth in many western countries. The role of the New Town itself as a planning tool has most recently come under increasingly ciritical review (Ward 1973,Eversley 1975,Hudson andJohnson 1976,McDonald 1976,Lock 1977). For the lack of an overall strategy for the British urban network New Towns have often been developed piecemeal, initially as alternatives to peripheral expansion of particular large cities. Through transfer of overspill populations the New Towns were to help to relieve congestion and deprivation, most notably in the inner city and its surrounding twilight zone. During the 1960s the potential of the New Town as an employment growth point in slow-growth or declining sub-regions received greater planning emphasis. Throughout, the New Town has been regarded as offering a total new living environment, as economically efficient as it was socially desirable. Whilst not denying the considerable achievements of the New Towns it is claimed by many, though opposed by some, that the achievements have been made at the expense of renewal and job provision in the inner city, the older industrial tracts, existing local authorities and deprived social groups in the urban community. British urban policies are currently being reshaped as result, and in this reformulation lie new opportunities for all social scientists, not least for the applied geographer. Such a challenge is indeed all the greater since the contributions by geographers to New Towns research have remained disappointingly limited, alike in theoretical and practical terms. The potential for contribution relates to: the objectives of New Towns; the stages in their designation, planning creation and management; the problems which emerge; and, finally, the wider questions of priority among urban policies.  相似文献   

Research of the interrelation between regional planning, division into economic districts and urban-planning, division into economic districts and urban planning is here emphasised. In the USSR development of a network of territorial economic complexes, economic districts including subregions of the II and III order, economic subregions and microdistricts is continuous. The outlook of regional planning is defined by the elaboration of its scientific theory including the geographical concept of regional planning. The use of geographical methods widens the scientific basis for the development of a systems approach and improves forecasting, the choice of aims and strategy of developing production, population distribution and the solution of ecological problems. The efficiency of regional planning depends not only on purely economic advantages, but on a more sensible use of nature. Regional planning is concerned with bio-economic systems, and must avoid conflict between the most important subsystems, natural and anthropogenic. Preservation of ecological balance has become the most important task of regional planning. When locating industrial enterprises in the process of regional planning, ecological factors are taken into account to an ever-increasing degree. The main tasks of regional planning concerning the distribution of agriculture stem from the aim of interrelated development of all elements of the agrarian and industrial complex. During the scientific and technical revolution the distribution of production orientates more and more and not towards individual towns but towards a system of populated areas. Systematic improvement of conurbations and their transformation into group systems of populated areas, regulated according to plan and having a broader economic and territorial base, are the most important task of regional planning and urban development.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for transforming the information of an engineering geological map into useful information for non-specialists involved in land-use planning. The method consists of classifying the engineering geological units in terms of land use capability and identifying the legal and the geologic restrictions that apply in the study area. Both informations are then superimposed over the land use and a conflict areas map is created. The analysis of these data leads to the identification of existing and forthcoming land use conflicts and enables the proposal of planning measures on a regional and local scale. The map for the regional planning was compiled at a 1:50,000 scale and encompasses the whole municipal land area where uses are mainly rural. The map for the local planning was compiled at a 1:10,000 scale and encompasses the urban area. Most of the classification and operations on maps used spatial analyst tools available in the Geographical Information System. The regional studies showed that the greater part of Analandia’s territory presents appropriate land uses. The local-scale studies indicate that the majority of the densely occupied urban areas are in suitable land. Although the situation is in general positive, municipal policies should address the identified and expected land use conflicts, so that it can be further improved.  相似文献   

Regional planning in the U.S.S.R. is part of a comprehensive and hierarchical spatial and sectoral planning system. Four levels are described: (a) the national level, involving the total settlement system; (b) the major regional level, handling major development schemes; (c) the minor regional level, with plans for administrative districts; and (d) the urban level, where city master plans are produced. The amount of detail and scale of working increased downwards through the hierarchy. The most pressing problem is planning for the emergence and growth of cities of 100,000 population or more. Moscow city-region is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

Recent concern over social deprivation in rural areas of the U.K. has provided a new focus for applied rural geographers. However, the concept of deprivation may be broadened to include many other aspects of the rural environment, and therefore it offers a framework for more integrated approaches to planning in the countryside. A more dynamic strategy of rural research, involving greater cooperation between academic geographers and practising planners, and focussing upon problems of rural deprivation, is advocated in this paper.  相似文献   

David Turnock 《GeoJournal》1997,42(4):457-464
The annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, held in Exeter in January 1997, offered wide coverage of issues relating to urban and regional restructuring in Eastern Europe. This paper attempts to summarise the main arguments to emerge from the seminars and to provide a coherent view of the discussions. In the urban context, there was consideration of ownership change and the growth of the tertiary sector, but with significant tension between planners and local residents. Enterprise in cities showed wide spatial variations according to the quality of the infrastructure and status in the urban hierarchy. Regional restructuring was also shown to be uneven, given the global scale of the competition for investment. But substantial progress was reported in some regions, despite a tendency to exaggerate the impact of foreign investment in the early years of the transition.  相似文献   

This paper examines relationships between rural-urban movement and spatial planning in Thailand, in the light of recent advances in both the migration and spatial planning literature. Patterns of circular rural-urban movement from six villages in Northeast Thailand are described, illustrating the high and increasing rate of movement; the predominance of Bangkok, 750 km distant, as the main urban destination; and the implications of current patterns of movement for labour supply, the availability of cash and prospects for development within the villages. These processes are discussed in the context of the planned decentralisation of urban development in Thailand; arguments are put forward for encouraging shorter-distance, intra-regional movement in place of moves to the primate city, in the interests of local and regional development. The paper concludes with an account of a successful field experiment designed to introduce information about urban opportunities in order to change spatial patterns of movement.  相似文献   

Knowledge about new technology is a main determinant of the competitiveness of cities and regions nowadays. It reduces the amount of uncertainty of companies in their daily operations. In addition, it is a basis for the establishment of new companies and the restructuring of old ones. The availability and use of knowledge has thus a major influence on the development of urban and regional economies. An amazingly small amount of research has been done on the knowledge capacity of cities to date, i.e. urban potentials to generate, store, transfer and use knowledge. This article explores therefore, the urban knowledge capacity in a theoretical and empirical sense. Attention will be given to essential urban knowledge activities, and to the comprehensive and complex nature of the phenomena involved. In addition, various planning tools aimed at knowledge-based economic growth will be considered, with a focus on differences between the actors involved, and opportunities and constraints for success. In the empirical part, the city of Delft in the Netherlands will serve as an example, particularly regarding local policies for knowledge-based growth. Delft is an interesting case given the abundant availability of new technology and the relatively low level of local new firm formation.  相似文献   

As a part of the inevitable process of industrialization, urbanization and its associated spatial forms generally have a substantial effect on sustainability. This paper considers the spatial form and sustainability of urbanization by evaluating the interaction between land-use planning, urban regimes and the fragmented structure of land ownership. This paper conceptualizes the structure of landownership as an institution that affects the form of spatial development and thereby determines the spatial implications of urban sprawl on sustainability. With reference to the Ilan experience of urbanizing Taiwan, it shows that the development of spatial form and sustainability is the product of planning institution and urban regime mobilization, and it reflects the institutional impact of a fragmented landownership structure. The conclusion also discusses policy implications.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous and Palaeogene sedimentary rocks that crop out on the Isle of Wight are highly prone to landsliding and the island offers an important field laboratory wherein to investigate a number of the different types of failure. Many of these landslides represent a significant engineering hazard, with several urban areas requiring remedial work and planning constraints (e.g. The Undercliff and Seagrove Bay) to aid development. Previous studies have thoroughly investigated the major landslides in the Undercliff area around Ventnor and presented a mechanism for that massive failure. This overview of the landslides throughout the Isle of Wight by the British Geological Survey was completed as part of the multidisciplinary survey of the surface geology, structure, geophysical response and offshore interpretations of the island between 2007 and 2010. The survey has collected new observational data on the extensive coastal landslides, as well as the distribution, nature and mechanism of failure of the lesser-studied inland examples.  相似文献   

P.A. Wood 《Geoforum》1974,5(3):19-27
British regional problems increasingly emphasize the need to understand the exploitation and movement of all factors of production between different parts of the country. This paper reviews evidence, from work sponsored by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, on the significance for the standard regions of capital investment, interregional capital flows and regional investment multipliers. A high level of economic interdependence allows the effects of investment to become widely spread throughout the British space economy. This limits the power of capital expenditure to lead growth in the region where it takes place. Studies of the spatial implications of capital investment should therefore form part of more general appraisals of factor supply and demand changes and their effects on the decisions of different investing agencies (including government). Two distinctive themes for the geographical study of capital investment are suggested: the examination of relationships between investment projects by different agencies at appropriate sub-regional scales; and the ways in which established patterns of physical capital stock may influence the expenditure of new, mobile funds.  相似文献   

Paul L. Knox 《Geoforum》1982,13(3):245-250
A weakness of research into urban service delivery has been its ahistorical approach. Historical geographers, on the other hand, have neglected the issue of urban service delivery. This paper illustrates the influence and interaction of urbanization, professionalization and public policy on urban service delivery using the example of medical care in Britain.  相似文献   

In the period between 1965 and 1976, when German geographers carried out their fieldwork for the Afrika-Kartenwerk under the sponsorship of the German Research Society, remarkable progress in urban development especially in Lagos could be observed. The cooperation with the Federal Survey Department of Nigeria gave the opportunity for collecting several series of aerial photographs which bring into focus some stages of the overwhelming urban expansion.The materials presented here have been selected to demonstrate some regional structures of the Nigerian capital. — In the geography of today the scientific evaluation of aerial photographs together with findings from local observation and historical as well as statistical data is still undervalued. Through this technique, the more classical and conservative method of geographical analysis, relying on subjective judgement, may regain some of its importance, which it once had in the age of exploration of new territories.Where data is scarce and written records of urban expansion are not available or difficult to extract, aerial photographs can give an impression of certain stages of urban growth. A functional analysis under geographical aspects has to be regarded by changes within spatial units in order to the factors of influence. Those factors are numerous, their influence will cause changes in a series of pushes arising from economic developments of the vast hinterland as well as from social conditions of certain groups of the population. In a metropolitan center, as Lagos, the highest ranking central place of Africa's most populous nation, heterogenous events and a confusing number of planning decisions must be taken into consideration. One consequence of nationwide regional interactions with the metropolis is migratory population dynamics. In pursuing lines of interaction, which originate from economic power, population density, and natural resources, one can hardly isolate a single element of influence because all factors are closely interrelated. For Lagos, there is only limited data available on the social and economic standard of the population, valid basic demographic figures of some value are not available.One still has to accept very rough estimates on population figures, number of industrial workers, the standards of housing and the social and economic hierarchy of the population. The present retrospective analysis of aerial photographs gives an interpretation of the regional structure of the town and indicate possible future development.  相似文献   

David Lambert 《Geoforum》2005,36(1):29-43
The increasing attention paid by geographers to white identities represents a welcome corrective to research on race and ethnicity that focused on non-white subjectivities and promises to deconstruct the purportedly `normal' or `unremarkable' status often afforded to whiteness. Such work is a vital part of a critical geographical agenda. This paper seeks to contribute to such an agenda by responding to Bonnett [Area 29 (1997) 193, White Identities: Historical and International Perspectives, Prentice Hall, 2000] call for a historical geographical engagement with `white studies'. To do so, it begins by considering how such a critical geography might be spatially and theoretically framed. It then introduces a specific context for such an engagement--the revolt of 1816 by enslaved people of African origin in the British Caribbean colony of Barbados. Reading this not as a single event but as a locus of multiple and conflicting narrations, each linked to particular assertions and contestations of whiteness, the paper argues that geographies of white identities must emphasise struggles between `white' subjects, as well as the role of subaltern acts and representations in white racialisation. This is important if postcolonial, and therefore critical, geographies of white identities are to be produced.  相似文献   

Galina V. Sdasuk 《Geoforum》1976,7(3):193-201
Acceleration of socio-economic progress and the achievement of self-reliant economy by the developing countries are closely linked with transformation of sectoral and spatial structure of colonial type economy, which is characterized by nonintegration, extreme inequalities in resources and land utilization, and regional disparities in the levels of socio-economic development. The State plays the leading role in this process through elaboration and realization of long-term regional policy and regional planning, the necessity of which is admitted in the majority of the developing countries. Their scientific substantiation is connected with investigation of objective process of formation of the spatial structure of the new type economy. The latter is formed in the process of interaction of the major regionalization systems: natural-resources, demography-ethnic, socio-economic (systems of special sector-wise and integral-complex regions are embedded in these systems). The systems of socio-economic regionalization are the most dynamic and manageable. But the modern stage of the development of the Third World countries is characterized by the essential changes of other regionalization systems as well. Evaluation of disproportional correlations in their interaction and elaboration of measures to reduce them constistute one of the most important objects of modern geography. Specialization of economic regions in the productions, which have favourable regional combinations of resources results in acceleration of economic growth because of the benefits of spatial division of labour. At the same time regional specialization and increase of inter-regional linkages strengthens the integration on all-national scale, which is of vital importance for the developing countries. The acute, not only economic but also socio-political problem of rapid backward areas advancement can and must be solved not separately (although such attempts have been undertaken often enough) but as a part of the general strategy of regional development. Scientific substantiation of the effective regional planning in the developing countries is an object of interdisciplinary research, where geographers are called to play the leading role.  相似文献   

Although Tokyo City has frequently suffered from earthquake disasters, more than 70 years have passed since the last catastrophe of 1923. Because Tokyo has a greater probability now than ever of being hit by another major earthquake, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has carried out two surveys for taking measures to cope with it; earthquake vulnerability assessment and earthquake damage prediction. The former assesses earthquake vulnerability regionally and is used for disaster-proof city planning. Damage due to the expected earthquake is quantitatively estimated in the latter. The results are used for making a regional disaster prevention plan in an emergency. Both physical and human geographers participate in these interdisciplinary surveys effectively.  相似文献   

Although there are several departments and subdepartments of geography in Saudi universities and other institutions, these departments have so far failed to produce professionals who are capable of filling the posts offered by the employers in both the public and private sectors. This paper suggests that since the demand for geography graduates with general training is rather low at presents, it is time for geography departments to turn to professionalism in the field so that geography graduates can compete favourably for the available posts. This calls for a new look into the geography curriculum, particularly at university level with a view of improving the skills and aptitude of geographers to assume a more positive role in the process of development. The paper also calls for the regional specialisation of geography departments in Saudi Arabia as a step forward towards solving the existing job problem for geography graduates, as well aas underlining the involvement and commitment of geographers to issues of development at the local, regional and national scales.  相似文献   

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