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薛芮  余吉安 《地理研究》2023,42(2):407-421
冰雪旅游是冰雪产业、文化产业、旅游产业的集合,在乡村振兴和生态文明建设的大背景下,冰雪旅游的高质量发展需要在经济提升与文化传承之间实现一种主体间的和谐,这种和谐的达成与旅游场域下乡村冰雪旅游地的空间结构演变密切相关,因此以空间范式为轴心的冰雪旅游研究十分有必要。以理论推演和模型构建为方法,依次分析冰雪旅游在乡村振兴中的多元利益主体博弈与文化资本实践的双轮驱动机制、解构在双轮驱动之下冰雪旅游地的空间体系、论述冰雪旅游高质量发展所需要的空间联动逻辑,结果发现:乡村冰雪旅游地空间是动静结合、虚实共存的多维体系,在双轮驱动下重构为地理空间和信息空间的双层空间结构,以及生态空间、生产空间、生活空间、旅游空间的四维空间网络,各层子空间彼此交互联动。从空间体系出发的乡村冰雪旅游高质量发展,需要依靠文化资本实践丰富冰雪旅游产品供给、深化利益主体博弈下的社区协调、通过空间联动优化乡村冰雪旅游规划。  相似文献   

冰雪是一种自然现象,也是一种宝贵的旅游资源,已经衍生为全球旅游业中的重要业态。冰雪旅游在欧美发达国家兴起和发展,后逐渐扩展到全球,一直以来备受学界和业界关注。本研究以Web of Science为数据库,对相关文献进行系统整理和阅读,以定性和定量相结合的方式对国际冰雪旅游研究的研究分布、研究热点、研究趋势和主要议题进行深入剖析,以期为后续研究提供借鉴和参考。研究发现:(1) 1988年以来国际冰雪旅游相关文献数量持续攀升,研究者和机构主要集中在欧美冰雪产业发达的国家,但中国正在快速崛起。(2)国际冰雪旅游研究热点呈现一定的阶段性,初始阶段侧重于探讨“滑雪伤害”,后随着全球气候变暖趋势明显,使得“气候变化”相关主题成为关注热点且延续至今,近些年冰雪旅游产业可持续发展、冰雪旅游产品供给、冰雪赛事等一批视角创新、尺度微观的研究涌现。(3)国际冰雪旅游研究主要围绕“自然影响”“游客体验”和“产业发展”3个话题展开。最后,本研究分析了国际冰雪旅游研究对中国的启示,从研究尺度、研究视角、研究方法和研究价值等方面指出中国冰雪旅游研究的方向。  相似文献   

The successful bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics has provided a new opportunity for the popularization of ice-snow sports and making improvements in the efficiency of ice-snow tourism in China. Taking Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province as the research object and using questionnaire analysis and the structural equation model (SEM), this paper examined several hypotheses of the relationship between tourist experiential value and tourist loyalty in the context of ice-snow tourism, and a mediation analysis was conducted to explore the moderating role of travel companions. The results show that: (1) The functional value, emotional value and social value have significant positive effects on tourist loyalty; (2) Tourist satisfaction is a partial mediator between functional value, emotional value, social value and tourist loyalty, and a full mediator between cognitive value and tourist loyalty; and (3) Travel companions play a significant moderating role in the influence of emotional value on tourist loyalty. Based on these findings, several suggestions are put forward for the high-quality development of ice-snow tourism in China, including developing ice-snow family tourism products, building an ice-snow brand with winter Olympics characteristics, constructing the ice-snow industrial system, and cultivating ice-snow culture.  相似文献   

在介绍辽宁省发展冰雪旅游的自然地理优势基础上,阐述辽宁省冰雪旅游的发展现状。构建辽宁省冰雪旅游发展状况评价指标体系,运用模糊综合评判方法,对其进行综合评价,得出辽宁省冰雪旅游的发展处于一般水平的结论,有待提高,并结合相应的指标,落实到具体地点范围,针对性的提出了辽宁省冰雪旅游未来深度开发的建议。  相似文献   

主题公园规划设计探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章就我国目前在开发建设主题公园过程中存在的问题,认为不能就主题公园论主题公园,而应树立以大众文化为内涵,以综合效益为目标、以区位组合为关键的规划设计理念,提出了可行性分析、主题策划、产品组合、游线设计、设施布局、环艺设计、形象策划、文化展经营管理和营销策划等方面的基本思路与对策。  相似文献   

王鑫  吴晋峰  郭峰  李蕾 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):1176-1181
近年来,沙漠旅游呈现蓬勃发展之势。应用问卷调查法对国内居民的沙漠感知形象进行调查,在此基础上进一步对其沙漠旅游行为意向进行研究。结果表明,沙漠旅游具有广阔的市场前景,人们对沙漠旅游十分向往,愿意支付较高的旅游费用并花费较长的旅游时间,但对沙漠的感知形象支离破碎,且对已开发的沙漠旅游景区认知度较低。研究还发现,市场营销力度不够和交通可达性差是阻碍目前中国沙漠旅游业发展的主要因素。提出推动中国沙漠旅游快速发展的3点建议,即丰富旅游产品体系,重点发展观光旅游;塑造鲜明旅游形象,加大市场营销力度;提高交通可达性,完善旅游配套设施。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来中国县域旅游研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Pearson Correlation分析法对1995-2010年我国县域旅游研究重要文献进行系统评述,初步构建了我国县域旅游理论体系;研究内容主要包括发展、规划、开发、资源、市场、形象、产品和方法研究8个领域21个视角,研究方法以现象描述和数理统计方法为主,但仍存在着理论研究视角、实证研究对象和研究方法选择较单一等问题;今后应分别从发展、规划、开发、要素和研究方法等方面的28个重要方向拓宽和延伸我国县域旅游的理论与实证研究。  相似文献   

广东清远市漂流旅游优势与竞争态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东清远市作为中国第一个也是目前唯一一个“中国漂流之乡”,近几年来,漂流旅游发展得如火如荼,已经成为广东漂流旅游发展得最成功、最成熟的地方以及全国最著名漂流地之一。笔者认为清远市发展漂流旅游的优势在于其气候和资源、区位交通、客源市场及规模集聚效应等方面,其目前面临着来自省内同类产品和非同类产品以及周边省区同类产品的竞争。要实现清远市漂流旅游的可持续迅速发展,需要做好清远漂流旅游品牌整体形象的塑造、多功能综合性漂流旅游区的建设、漂流旅游安全管理、从业人员的总体素质、对外宣传营销以及漂流旅游发展的总体规划等六方面的工作。  相似文献   

专业化城市的工业旅游开发研究--以独山子为例   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
工业旅游作为新兴的旅游产品,具有观赏性、知识性、参与性和趣味性等多种特点和优势,正以其独特的魅力,发展成为重要的旅游方式,具有广阔的发展前景,近几年逐步成为一个新的开发热点。专业化城市是我国数量众多的一类城市群体,其工业旅游开发的主要特征是工业与其所在的城市融为一体,形成典型的工业和城市复合型旅游产品。本文以独山子为例,通过对其工业旅游开发条件、现状及存在问题的分析,从开发思路、旅游产品、宣传促销、企业与政府间合作等方面探讨了这类城市的工业旅游开发策略。  相似文献   

在分析上海市高校旅游资源以及高校旅游客源市场特点的基础上,指出目前上海市高校旅游存在政校企合作的开发模式、高校自主开发模式、游客自发游览模式等3种开发模式.上海市高校旅游开发中存在的主要问题是尚未形成良好的开发氛围、缺乏市场化运作、旅游产品和旅游项目单一.最后提出上海市高校旅游的开发对策,包括转变观念、充分重视高校旅游、建立政府主导型多方合作的开发模式、丰富旅游产品的形式和内容、采取灵活多样的营销策略.  相似文献   

该文归纳我国区域旅游6种开发模式,提出需要重视区域旅游功能系统导向模式,认为促进区域旅游功能系统演进的主要因素是自然变化、人文演进、利益博弈、制度创新和交通变迁。我国大三峡区域旅游功能系统急剧演进,神农架林区旅游发展将面临新的机遇和战略选择。神农架必须壮大以旅游业为支撑的第三产业,抓住进入中西部旅游经济圈的机遇,创新旅游产品,提高竞争力,在国际化进程中展示区域个性,打造“神农架”旅游品牌,通过参与区域一体化进程,促进区域营销。最后,根据实例剖析认为,旅游功能系统演进将影响旅游经济组团的空间结构演变、区域旅游发展的战略转型、旅游产品的创新、区域旅游营销合作面的拓展等方面。  相似文献   

欠发达地区旅游公共服务供给演化及驱动机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以欠发达地区旅游公共服务供给为研究对象,在前期研究基础上,对供给演化的阶段特征、影响要素及其驱动机制进行探讨,认为:(1)欠发达地区旅游公共服务供给演化分为3个阶段。(2)促使欠发达地区旅游公共服务供给演化的因素包括自然因素和人文因素,其中旅游资源是自然因素的核心,人文因素包括游客需求因素、交通因素、旅游产业因素和政策制度等。(3)旅游公共服务供给演化的驱动机制包括动力机制、传输机制、形成机制和反馈机制。  相似文献   

Place names that contain rich regional cultural connotations are “living fossils” of history and culture, and they are of great tourist value. Taking the main urban area of Chengdu City as an example, this paper analyzes the cultural characteristics and connotations of place names, as well as their tourist values. This value is believed to mainly include stimulating tourists' interest in traveling, presenting local tourism features, enhancing the travel experience of the visitors and serving the tourism economy. Then this paper discusses the problems of place name cultural heritage and puts forward the tourism development strategies for Chengdu's place name culture. Such strategies could include establishing a tourism place name system of Chengdu scenic spot names, using place names in the restoration and development of ancient scenery, combining place names with food tourism resources and high-quality tourism commodities, developing cultural and creative products related to Chengdu place names, strengthening the theoretical discussion on Chengdu place name culture and conducting dissemination activities for Chengdu place name culture.  相似文献   

万绪才  赵梦娟 《地理研究》2016,35(10):1973-1982
运用针对中国重要客源国居民的问卷调查和统计分析等方法,对外国人来华旅游意愿总体情况及其差异性进行分析,并从旅游供给侧及客源国居民旅游感知的视角,探讨来华旅游意愿的影响因素。结果显示,外国人来华旅游意愿总体上不太强烈,在区域、华裔特征、来华次数以及年龄、学历和职业等人口学特征方面表现出显著的差异性;旅游资源和产品、语言沟通、旅游安全、旅游接待服务、交通便捷度和旅游价格等对来华旅游意愿有着不同程度的影响,其中,旅游资源和产品影响最大,其次是语言沟通、旅游安全和旅游接待服务,交通便捷度和旅游价格也起着一定的影响作用。  相似文献   

The anthropogenic heat release from tourism activities has a cumulative effect on glacial retreat when coupled with climate change. Mitigating the impacts of glacial tourism activities on glaciers and promoting the sustainable development of glacial tourism have become urgent issues. Taking Yulong and Hailuogou glacier tourism destinations as examples, we collected survey questionnaires related to glacial tourists (n=1113) and tourism companies (n=329) by systematic field surveys during 2016-2017, and we obtained data on energy consumption from catering, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment, and waste disposal. This study builds a responsible tourism system and discusses the strategies and measures used to engage stakeholders (mainly tourism companies, tourists, local governments, tourism associations, and the central government) in responsible tourism in order to reduce the impacts of tourism activities on glaciers. These strategies mainly include: improving the energy efficiency of the supply of tourism products and services, promoting the consumption of low-energy tourism products and services, strengthening the supervision and management of low-energy consumption tourism development, creating an environment for energy savings and consumption reduction, and establishing a long-term operational mechanism for responsible tourism management. A rewsponsible tourism system allows stakeholders to properly address this dilemma, internalize sustainable development goals to find their intrinsic self-discipline, and work together to fulfill the public responsibility of realizing the sustainable development of glacial tourism.  相似文献   

The successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics has brought historic opportunities for the development of ice and snow tourism in China. An index system for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was constructed from the target layer-factor layer-index layer approach in this paper. Taking tourists with ice and snow tourism experience as the research object, and integrating a questionnaire survey and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method, a total of 840 valid questionnaires were collected to assess the satisfaction of tourists in snow and ice tourism destinations, and the promotion model of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was put forward. This process led to three main results. (1) Ice and snow tourists in China are characterized as young and better-educated, with college students aged 19 to 25 as the main consumer group. More than 70% of ice and snow tourists are pretty satisfied with the current development of ice and snow destinations in China, and are willing to participate again. (2) Other than “ice and snow souvenirs”, tourists’ perceptions of importance are all higher than the level of perceived satisfaction, and the importance values of the 13 indicators including “Scenic spot security” and “Diversity of ice and snow entertainment and sports” are especially high, showing that tourists have high expectations and demands of the destinations. However, the perceived satisfaction level of tourists for all indexes is generally low, mostly at the general satisfaction level, indicating that ice and snow tourism destinations have only partially met the demands of ice and snow tourists, and there is still much room for improvement. (3) After IPA analysis, five suggestions for improving the satisfaction of tourists in ice and snow tourism destinations were put forward, including diversification of the tourism business model, construction of tourism facilities, a market diversified cultivation model, a humanized mode of tourism service and a refined management model. The results of this study will help to enrich the theory of ice and snow tourist satisfaction and promote the high-quality development of China's ice and snow tourism in the post-Winter Olympics era.  相似文献   

从新宅居生活看网络虚拟旅游的前景和方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘沛林 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1403-1411
随着信息化技术和网络技术的快速发展,居家服务系统的越来越完善,不愿或不能出门实现旅游目的的人群越来越庞大。对于数量巨大的不愿或不能外出旅游的“宅居”人群来说,通过网络实现虚拟旅游是最理想的方案。网络虚拟旅游在中国起步晚,但近年来发展快,已表现出产品多样化、技术集成化、需求娱乐化、用户大众化、功能休闲化等特点。目前要解决的主要问题集中在:① 3D高清动态仿真效果提质的技术实现问题;② 运用AR等新技术优势解决现场体验感不足的问题;③ 解决景区如何在网络虚拟旅游中受益的问题。未来的网络虚拟旅游方向是:① 在线产品越来越真实化和高清化;② 客源市场越来越大众化和多元化;③ 产品内容越来越多样化和分众化;④ 展示平台越来越普及化和共享化。  相似文献   

中国草原旅游研究的进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草原旅游发展在我国逐渐成为热点,研究文献不断出现。20世纪90年代以来的研究主要集中在旅游发展战略、旅游经济研究、地方旅游资源开发、旅游地管理、旅游环境影响、旅游资源一般理论、旅游产品研究、旅游美学研究、旅游文化研究、目的地营销、旅游纪念品和旅游法规等领域。研究具有明显的时段性,作者所在地域与研究区域具有高度一致性,研究内容过于集中,研究方法以定性描述为主。今后要注意规范旅游研究方法,注重多学科交叉相融,细化研究领域,拓展研究方向。  相似文献   

As an emerging mountain vacation tourism product, ski tourism is becoming increasingly important in the domestic tourism market. As an important theory for studying the quality of consumer experience, perceived value has been widely employed in tourism research in recent years, and improving the ski tourism experience value has become the focus of competition among ski tourism destinations. Taking the ski tourists in Chongli District of Zhangjiakou as an example, 305 valid questionnaires were collected by using online and offline methods. Based on the theory of perceived value, this paper adopted principal component analysis and cluster analysis to conduct a preliminary study of ski tourism experience and market segmentation. In addition, this paper examined the differences in demographic and behavioral characteristics of different types of ski tourists. This study finds that: (1) The perceived value of ski tourism experience includes four dimensions: facility value, perceived price, safety value and service value. (2) Using the perceived value to segment ski tourists, three different customer segments are identified: comfort-pursuant, price-sensitive and safety-oriented. (3) There are significant differences in key metrics, such as number of visits and stay time, among different types of ski tourists according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, age, monthly income, and behavioral characteristics. These results reveal the different dimensions of the perceived value of ski tourism experience and determine the market segments and characteristics of ski tourists. Developing a corresponding marketing strategy based on the different market segments can better promote the perceived value of ski tourists, and ultimately strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprises.  相似文献   

旅游中心地研究及其规划应用   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:31  
在对已有旅游中心地相关研究回顾的基础上,探讨了旅游中心地的概念与界定方法,分析了旅游中心地理论在旅游空间规划中的指导意义,并以吉林省旅游发展总体规划为例,介绍如何将旅游中心地的理论运用到实际的旅游规划当中。  相似文献   

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