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We report the discovery of a new double-image gravitational lens system, B1030 + 074, which was found during the Jodrell Bank–VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). We have collected extensive radio data on the system using the VLA, MERLIN, the EVN and the VLBA, and optical observations using WFPC2 on the HST . The lensed images are separated by 1.56 arcsec and their flux density ratio at centimetric wavelengths is approximately 14:1, although the ratio is slightly frequency-dependent and the images appear to be time-variable. The HST pictures show both the lensed images and the lensing galaxy close to the weaker image. The lensing galaxy has substructure which could be a spiral arm or an interacting galaxy. We have modelled B1030 + 074 using a singular isothermal ellipsoid which yields a time delay of 156/ h 50 d. This lens is likely to be suitable for the measurement of the Hubble constant.  相似文献   

We present an overview of the Space Telescope A901/2 Galaxy Evolution Survey (STAGES). STAGES is a multiwavelength project designed to probe physical drivers of galaxy evolution across a wide range of environments and luminosity. A complex multicluster system at   z ∼ 0.165  has been the subject of an 80-orbit F606W Hubble Space Telescope (HST) /Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) mosaic covering the full     span of the supercluster. Extensive multiwavelength observations with XMM–Newton , GALEX, Spitzer , 2dF, Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the 17-band COMBO-17 photometric redshift survey complement the HST imaging. Our survey goals include simultaneously linking galaxy morphology with other observables such as age, star formation rate, nuclear activity and stellar mass. In addition, with the multiwavelength data set and new high-resolution mass maps from gravitational lensing, we are able to disentangle the large-scale structure of the system. By examining all aspects of an environment we will be able to evaluate the relative importance of the dark matter haloes, the local galaxy density and the hot X-ray gas in driving galaxy transformation. This paper describes the HST imaging, data reduction and creation of a master catalogue. We perform the Sérsic fitting on the HST images and conduct associated simulations to quantify completeness. In addition, we present the COMBO-17 photometric redshift catalogue and estimates of stellar masses and star formation rates for this field. We define galaxy and cluster sample selection criteria, which will be the basis for forthcoming science analyses, and present a compilation of notable objects in the field. Finally, we describe the further multiwavelength observations and announce public access to the data and catalogues.  相似文献   

We present Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) infrared images of four gravitational lens systems from the JVAS/CLASS gravitational lens survey and compare the new infrared HST pictures with previously published WFPC2 HST optical images and radio maps. Apart from the wealth of information that we get from the flux ratios and accurate positions and separations of the components of the lens systems, which we can use as inputs for better constraints on the lens models, we are able to discriminate between reddening and optical/radio microlensing as the possible cause of differences observed in the flux ratios of the components across the three wavelength bands. Substantial reddening has been known to be present in the lens system B1600+434 and has been further confirmed by the present infrared data. In the two systems B0712+472 and B1030+074 microlensing has been pinpointed as the main cause of the flux ratio discrepancy both in the optical/infrared and in the radio, the radio possibly caused by the substructure revealed in the lensing galaxies. In B0218+357, however, the results are still not conclusive. If we are actually seeing the two 'true' components of the lens system then the flux ratio differences are attributed to a combination of microlensing and reddening or are alternatively the result of some variability in at least one of the images. Otherwise the second 'true' component of B0218+357 may be completely absorbed by a molecular cloud and the anomalous flux density ratios and large difference in separation between the optical/infrared and radio that we see can be explained by emission either from a foreground object or from part of the lensing galaxy.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a new gravitational lens system. This object, ULAS J234311.93-005034.0, is the first to be selected by using the new UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS), together with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The ULAS J234311.93-005034.0 system contains a quasar at redshift 0.788 which is doubly imaged, with separation 1.4 arcsec. The two quasar images have the same redshift and similar, though not identical, spectra. The lensing galaxy is detected by subtracting point spread functions from R -band images taken with the Keck telescope. The lensing galaxy can also be detected by subtracting the spectra of the A and B images, since more of the galaxy light is likely to be present in the latter. No redshift is determined from the galaxy, although the shape of its spectrum suggests a redshift of about 0.3. The object's lens status is secure, due to the identification of two objects with the same redshift together with a lensing galaxy. Our imaging suggests that the lens is found in a cluster environment, in which candidate arc-like structures, that require confirmation, are visible in the vicinity. Further discoveries of lenses from the UKIDSS survey are likely as part of this programme, due to the depth of UKIDSS and its generally good seeing conditions.  相似文献   

Many current and future astronomical surveys will rely on samples of strong gravitational lens systems to draw conclusions about galaxy mass distributions. We use a new strong lensing pipeline (presented in Paper I of this series) to explore selection biases that may cause the population of strong lensing systems to differ from the general galaxy population. Our focus is on point-source lensing by early-type galaxies with two mass components (stellar and dark matter) that have a variety of density profiles and shapes motivated by observational and theoretical studies of galaxy properties. We seek not only to quantify but also to understand the physics behind selection biases related to: galaxy mass, orientation and shape; dark matter profile parameters such as inner slope and concentration; and adiabatic contraction. We study how all of these properties affect the lensing Einstein radius, total cross-section, quad/double ratio and image separation distribution, with a flexible treatment of magnification bias to mimic different survey strategies. We present our results for two families of density profiles: cusped and deprojected Sérsic models. While we use fixed lens and source redshifts for most of the analysis, we show that the results are applicable to other redshift combinations, and we also explore the physics of how our results change for very different redshifts. We find significant (factors of several) selection biases with mass; orientation, for a given galaxy shape at fixed mass; cusped dark matter profile inner slope and concentration; concentration of the stellar and dark matter deprojected Sérsic models. Interestingly, the intrinsic shape of a galaxy does not strongly influence its lensing cross-section when we average over viewing angles. Our results are an important first step towards understanding how strong lens systems relate to the general galaxy population.  相似文献   

A gravitational lens model is presented for the newly discovered 10-image system B1933+503. The underlying object, revealed by modelling, is a triple radio source on the scale of a couple of hundred mas that is well-aligned along the line of sight with a foreground and somewhat flattened lensing galaxy, the orientation and location of which match those of an observed galaxy, known to be at a redshift of 0.755. Uncertainties in the modelling are obtained by a Monte Carlo exercise. Observational tests of the lens model are proposed, and the time delays between various pairs of images are determined, as the core of the source is known to be significantly variable. Future observations of the lens hold the key to using B1933+503 to constrain Hubble's constant. Despite the absence of a source redshift, the utility of the system as a probe of the structure of the lens galaxy is unparalleled as it provides a surfeit of easily identifiable constraints for modelling the system.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of the most complex arcsec-scale radio gravitational lens system yet known. B1933+503 was found during the course of the CLASS survey and MERLIN and VLA radio maps reveal up to 10 components. Four of these are compact and have flat spectra; the rest are more extended and have steep spectra. The background lensed object appears to consist of a flat-spectrum core (quadruply imaged) and two compact 'lobes' symmetrically disposed relative to the core. One of the lobes is quadruply imaged while the other is doubly imaged. An HST observation of the system with the WFPC2 shows a galaxy with an axial ratio of 0.5, but none of the images of the background object is detected. A redshift of 0.755 has been measured for the lens galaxy.  相似文献   

The Hubble constant can be constrained using the time delays between multiple images of gravitationally lensed sources. In some notable cases, typical lensing analyses assuming isothermal galaxy density profiles produce low values for the Hubble constant, inconsistent with the result of the HST Key Project  (72 ± 8 km s−1 Mpc−1)  . Possible systematics in the values of the Hubble constant derived from galaxy lensing systems can result from a number of factors, for example, neglect of environmental effects, assumption of isothermality, or contamination by line-of-sight structures. One additional potentially important factor is the triaxial structure of the lensing galaxy halo; most lens models account for halo shape simply by perturbing the projected spherical lensing potential, an approximation that is often necessary but that is inadequate at the levels of triaxiality predicted in the cold dark matter paradigm. To quantify the potential error introduced by this assumption in estimates of the Hubble parameter, we strongly lens a distant galaxy through a sample of triaxial softened isothermal haloes and use an Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to constrain the lensing halo profile and the Hubble parameter from the resulting multiple image systems. We explore the major degeneracies between the Hubble parameter and several parameters of the lensing model, finding that without a way to accurately break these degeneracies accurate estimates of the Hubble parameter are not possible. Crucially, we find that triaxiality does not significantly bias estimates of the Hubble constant, and offer an analytic explanation for this behaviour in the case of isothermal profiles. Neglected triaxial halo shape cannot contribute to the low Hubble constant values derived in a number of galaxy lens systems.  相似文献   

We test possible lensing scenarios of the JVAS system B2114+022, in which two galaxies at different redshifts ('G1' at z 1=0.3157 and 'G2' at z 2=0.5883) are found within 2 arcsec of quadruple radio sources. For our investigation, we use possible lensing constraints derived from a wealth of data on the radio sources obtained with VLA, MERLIN, VLBA and EVN as well as HST imaging data on the two galaxies, which were presented recently in Augusto et al. In the present study, we focus on reproducing the widest separated, observationally similar radio components A and D as lensed images. We first treat G2 (which is the more distant one from the geometric centre) as a shear term, and then consider two-plane lensing explicitly including G2's potential at the z 2 plane as the first case of two-plane lens modelling. Our modelling results not only support the hypothesis that the system includes gravitationally lensed images of a higher-redshift extragalactic object, but they also show that the explicit inclusion of G2's potential at the second lens plane is necessary in order to fit the data with astrophysically plausible galaxy parameters. Finally, we illustrate a natural consequence of a two-plane lens system, namely the prediction of distortion as well as shift and stretching of G2's isophotes by G1's potential, which can in principle be measured by subtracting out G1's light distribution in an image of high signal-to-noise ratio and good angular resolution, especially a multicolour one.  相似文献   

We simulated both the matter and light (galaxy) distributions in a wedge of the Universe and calculated the gravitational lensing magnification caused by the mass along the line-of-sight of galaxies and galaxy groups identified in sky surveys. A large volume redshift cone containing cold dark matter particles mimics the expected cosmological matter distribution in a flat universe with low matter density and a cosmological constant. We generate a mock galaxy catalogue from the matter distribution and identify thousands of galaxy groups in the luminous sky projection. We calculate the expected magnification around galaxies and galaxy groups and then the induced quasi-stellar object (QSO)–lens angular correlation due to magnification bias. This correlation is observable and can be used both to estimate the average mass of the lens population and to make cosmological inferences. We also use analytical calculations and various analyses to compare the observational results with theoretical expectations for the cross-correlation between faint QSOs from the 2dF Survey and nearby galaxies and groups from the Automated Plate Measurement and Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release. The observed QSO–lens anticorrelations are stronger than the predictions for the cosmological model used. This suggests that there could be unknown systematic errors in the observations and data reduction, or that the model used is not adequate. If the observed signal is assumed to be solely due to gravitational lensing, then the lensing is stronger than expected, due to more massive galactic structures or more efficient lensing than simulated.  相似文献   

In the gravitational lens system Q2237+0305 the cruciform quasar image geometry is twisted by 10c by the lens effect of a bar in the lensing galaxy. This effect can be used to measure the mass of the bar. We construct a new lensing model for this system with a power-law elliptical bulge and a Ferrers bar. The observed ellipticity of the optical isophotes of the galaxy leads to a nearly isothermal elliptical profile for the bulge, with a total quasar magnification of 16+5−4. We measure a bar mass of (7.5 ∼ 1.5) −108 h −175 M⊙ in the region inside the quasar images.  相似文献   

We present observations of a new double-image gravitational lens system, ULAS J082016.1+081216, of image separation 2.3 arcsec and high (∼6) flux ratio. The system is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic quasar list using new high-quality images from the UKIRT (United Kingdom Infrared Telescope) Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The lensed quasar has a source redshift of 2.024, and we identify the lens galaxy as a faint red object of redshift  0.803 ± 0.001  . Three other objects from the UKIDSS survey, selected in the same way, were found not to be lens systems. Together with the earlier lens found using this method, the SDSS–UKIDSS lenses have the potential to significantly increase the number of quasar lenses found in SDSS, to extend the survey to higher flux ratios and lower separations, and to give greater completeness which is important for statistical purposes.  相似文献   

MG 2016+112 is a quadruply imaged lens system with two complete images A and B and a pair of merging partial images in region C as seen in the radio. The merging images are found to violate the expected mirror symmetry. This indicates an astrometric anomaly which could only be of gravitational origin and could arise due to substructure in the environment or line of sight of the lens galaxy. We present new high-resolution multifrequency very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at 1.7, 5 and 8.4 GHz. Three new components are detected in the new VLBI imaging of both the lensed images A and B. The expected opposite parity of the lensed images A and B was confirmed due to the detection of non-collinear components. Furthermore, the observed properties of the newly detected components are inconsistent with the predictions of previous mass models. We present new scenarios for the background quasar which are consistent with the new observations. We also investigate the role of the satellite galaxy situated at the same redshift as the main lensing galaxy. Our new mass models demonstrate quantitatively that the satellite galaxy is the primary cause of the astrometric anomaly found in region C. The detected satellite is consistent with the abundance of subhaloes expected in the halo from cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. However, the fraction of the total halo mass in the satellite as computed from lens modelling is found to be higher than that predicted by CDM simulations.  相似文献   

We have obtained U - and R -band observations of the depletion of background galaxies resulting from the gravitational lensing of the galaxy cluster CL0024+1654 ( z =0.39). The radial depletion curves show a significant depletion in both bands within a radius of 40–70 arcsec from the cluster centre. This is the first time that depletion is detected in the U band. This gives independent evidence for a break in the slope of the U -band luminosity function at faint magnitudes. The radially averaged R -band depletion curve is broader and deeper than in the U band. The differences can be attributed to the wavelength dependence of the slope of the luminosity function and to the different redshift distribution of the objects probed in the two bands. We estimate the Einstein radius, r E, of a singular isothermal sphere lens model using maximum-likelihood analysis. Adopting a slope of the number counts of α =0.2 and using the background density found beyond r =150 arcsec, we find r E=17±3 and 25±3 arcsec in the U and R bands, respectively. When combined with the redshift of the single background galaxy at z =1.675 seen as four giant arcs around 30 arcsec from the cluster centre, these values indicate a median redshift in the range 〈 z S〉≈0.7 to 1.1 for the U AB≥24 mag and R AB≥24 mag populations.  相似文献   

Gravitational lensing of a background source by a foreground galaxy lens occasionally produces four images of the source. The cusp and the fold relations impose conditions on the ratios of magnifications of these four-image lenses. In this theoretical investigation, we explore the sensitivity of these relations to the presence of substructure in the lens. Starting with a smooth lens potential, we add varying amounts of substructure, while keeping the source position fixed, and find that the fold relation is a more robust indicator of substructure than the cusp relation for the images. This robustness is independent of the detailed spatial distribution of the substructure, as well as of the ellipticity of the lensing potential and the presence of external shear.  相似文献   

We investigate gravitational lensing using a realistic model of disc galaxies. Most of the mass is contained in a large spherical isothermal dark matter halo, but the potential is modified significantly in the core by a gravitationally dominant exponential disc. The method used is adapted from a very general multilens ray-tracing technique developed by Mo¨ller. We investigate the effects of the disc-to-halo mass ratio, the disc scalelength, the disc inclination to the line of sight and the lens redshift on two strong-lensing cross-sections: the cross-section for multiple imaging and the cross-section for large magnifications, in excess of a factor of 10. We find that the multiple-imaging cross-section can be enhanced significantly by an almost edge-on Milky Way disc compared with a singular isothermal sphere (SIS) in individual cases; however, when averaged over all disc inclinations, the cross-section is only increased by about 50 per cent. These results are consistent with other recent work. The presence of a disc, however, increases the inclination-averaged high-magnification cross-section by an order of magnitude compared with a SIS. This result has important implications for magnification bias in future lens surveys, particularly those in the submillimetre waveband, where dust extinction in the lensing galaxy has no effect on the brightness of the images.  相似文献   

The angular cross-correlation between two galaxy samples separated in redshift is shown to be a useful measure of weak lensing by large-scale structure. Angular correlations in faint galaxies arise as a result of spatial clustering of the galaxies as well as gravitational lensing by dark matter along the line of sight. The lensing contribution to the two-point autocorrelation function is typically small compared with the gravitational clustering. However, the cross-correlation between two galaxy samples is almost unaffected by gravitational clustering provided that their redshift distributions do not overlap. The cross-correlation is then induced by magnification bias resulting from lensing by large-scale structure. We compute the expected amplitude of the cross-correlation for popular theoretical models of structure formation. For two populations with mean redshifts of ≃0.3 and 1, we find a cross-correlation signal of ≃1 per cent on arcmin scales and ≃3 per cent on scales of a few arcsec. The dependence on the cosmological parameters Ω and Λ, the dark matter power spectrum and the bias factor of the foreground galaxy population is explored.  相似文献   

We present the results of a comprehensive re-analysis of the images of a virtually complete sample of 28 powerful 3CR radio galaxies with redshifts 0.6< z <1.8 from the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) archive. Using a two-dimensional modelling technique we have derived scalelengths and absolute magnitudes for a total of 16 3CR galaxies with a median redshift of z =0.8. Our results confirm the basic conclusions of Best, Longair & Röttgering in that we also find z =1 3CR galaxies to be massive, well-evolved ellipticals, the infrared emission of which is dominated by starlight. However, we in fact find that the scalelength distribution of 3CR galaxies at z ≃1 is completely indistinguishable from that derived for their low-redshift counterparts from our own recently completed HST study of active galactic nuclei hosts at z ≃0.2. There is thus no evidence that 3CR radio galaxies at z ≃1 are dynamically different from 3CR galaxies at low redshift. Moreover, for a 10-object subsample we have determined the galaxy parameters with sufficient accuracy to demonstrate, for the first time, that the z ≃1 3CR galaxies follow a Kormendy relation that is indistinguishable from that displayed by low-redshift ellipticals if one allows for purely passive evolution. The implied rather modest level of passive evolution since z ≃1 is consistent with that predicted from spectrophotometric models provided one assumes a high formation redshift ( z ≥4) within a low-density universe. We conclude that there is no convincing evidence for significant dynamical evolution among 3CR galaxies in the redshift interval 0< z <1, and that simple passive evolution remains an acceptable interpretation of the K – z relation for powerful radio galaxies.  相似文献   

Observations of early-type galaxies, both in the local Universe and in clusters at medium redshifts, suggest that these galaxies often contain discs or disc-like structures. Using the results of Kelson et al. for the incidence of disc-components among the galaxies in the redshift   z = 0.33  cluster CL 1358+62, we investigate the effect of disc structures on the lensing properties of early-type galaxies. Statistical properties, like magnification cross-sections and the expected number of quad (four-image) lens systems, are not affected greatly by the inclusion of discs that contain less than ∼10 per cent of the total stellar mass. However, the properties of individual lens systems are affected. We estimate that 10–30 per cent of all quad-lens systems, with early-type deflector galaxies, would be affected measurably by the presence of disc components. Intriguingly, the image magnification ratios are altered significantly. The amplitude of the predicted change is sufficient to explain the observed magnification ratios in systems like B1422+231 without requiring compact substructure. Furthermore, time-delays between images also change; fitting a bulge-only model to early-type lenses that in fact contain a disc would yield a value of the Hubble constant H 0 that is systematically too low by ∼25 per cent.  相似文献   

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