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随着东营市河口区经济的高速发展,城市建设对土地的需求量越来越大,加之以往土地资源管理的法律建设不够完善和执行力度薄弱,土地集约化利用程度不高,土地市场化配置还欠成熟,阻碍了工业化,城市化的发展进程。今后如何解决土地资源与人口增加、土地结构与经济发展、土地管理政策与实施过程之间的矛盾,已经成为东营市河口区城市发展中面临的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

随着东营市河口区经济的高速发展,城市建设对土地的需求量越来越大,加之以往土地资源管理的法律建设不够完善和执行力度薄弱,土地集约化利用程度不高,土地市场化配置还欠成熟,阻碍了工业化,城市化的发展进程.今后如何解决土地资源与人口增加、土地结构与经济发展、土地管理政策与实施过程之间的矛盾,已经成为东营市河口区城市发展中面临的一个重要课题.……  相似文献   

城市生态环境地球化学风险性评价已经成为地球化学界普遍关注的问题,近年来我国进行了大量的城市地球化学工作,但还没有形成一个公认的、完善的系统评价体系与方法。结合济南市发展现状,尝试从城市化进程和城市地质环境角度,提出城市地球化学系统评价体系的模型,以期协调城市化进程中人为扰动(工程活动等)和地质环境的对策,也是对城市环境地球化学工作的一种探索。  相似文献   

杨芳 《浙江地质》2008,(7):25-26
“城中村”,指的是在城市化、工业化进程中,原来处于城市边缘,周边土地因用于城市建设而逐步被城市包围,但其剩余土地性质、建筑格局、社会管理和居民生活方式等仍保留传统农村特征的村落。城中村,既是当今社会城市化、工业化快速推进的产物,又是城市化进程必须解决的民生问题。  相似文献   

根据中央关于积极稳妥推进城镇化进程,促进小城镇健康发展的战略部署,我省确立了“三化”发展战略,即信息化、工业化和城市化,全面加快了城乡建设步伐,并采取了一系列行之有效的措施,努力完善城市功能,改善城市环境,提高人民生活质量,走一条以提高城市发展质量为主线的城市化道路。推进中心镇的发展作为推进城市化进程的重点工作之一,取得了初步成效。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 随着城市化进程的加快,房屋拆迁成为关系到社会稳定和城市建设的重要工作,但拆迁中暴露的问题和矛盾较多,其中以拆迁补偿问题最为突出。城市房屋拆迁的实质是调整国有土地使用权,城市土地收储的很大一部分都是通过拆迁调整而来。因此在城市拆迁中必须充分考虑级差地租对被拆迁房屋或安置房屋的影响,及时制定合法又合理的拆迁管理、评估、安置等一系列的政策、制度,化解由于拆迁行为引起的各类矛盾。但长期以来,国土管理部门对集体土地征收、土地储备等方面所作的理论研究较多,取得的实践经验也较丰富,而对城市拆迁中土地使用权补偿方面开展的研究和出台的政策文件却不多。虽然在《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《城市房地产管理法》等法律中对于城市房屋拆迁中土地使用权的补偿都有相关规定,但国务院2001年颁布的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》中缺失土地使用权补偿的有关条款;另外,各省市制定的实施细则中关于土地使用权补偿问题,要么避而不谈,要么模棱两可,这就引发了对城市房屋拆迁土地使用权补偿问题的争论。2007年3月16日《中华人民共和国物权法》颁布后,争论的焦点就由“要不要补偿”转变为“如何补偿”的问题。  相似文献   

全球气候变化和快速城市化导致的城市水循环过程变化是当前城市水文学研究的热点问题。为综合理解城市水循环演变过程,结合城市水文学的发展历程,剖析水循环过程对快速城市化进程的响应机制。总结了国内外城市化水文效应的主要成果,包括城市化对水循环过程、洪涝灾害、水生态系统以及水资源的影响。系统归纳了城市化水文效应的评估方法和技术手段。针对现有研究中的不足,指出变化环境下城市化水文效应研究面临的主要挑战及关键技术难题,提出未来研究的重点方向,如城市化降水效应的机理、不透水面的分布及有效性评估、城市化与水生态系统的响应关系与综合城市水资源管理及需水预测等。  相似文献   

随着城市化水平的快速提高和城乡一体化进程的逐步加快,中国城市环境问题日益复杂。当前及今后一个时期,中国城市环境主要面临四个方面的挑战:一是城市化加速与人口快速增长给城市资源、环境带来巨大压力;二是城市环境基础设施建设严重滞后于城市化速度:三是“退二进三”战略增加了城市周边地区的环境风险:四是城市用地过快增长,导致多种环境问题。  相似文献   

张雅洁  张倩  王向飞 《地下水》2019,(1):160-161
城市化直接或间接地改变着城市水环境,在城市化进程中,水害加剧、水资源紧缺、水环境恶化等城市水问题,制约着城市的可持续发展。以沧州城市水文为例,阐述分析了城市化进程中沧州市存在水资源短缺、内涝严重、水环境污染等主要水问题,并提出构建节水社会、涵养地下水资源、降水积水监测、改善水域水质、加强水源地水质监测等对策措施,供相关管理部门参考。  相似文献   

北京和深圳城市化比较研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
通过对北京和深圳两个城市的城市化过程的比较研究,得出北京经历了一个稳定的城市化发展过程,城市人口(以户籍人口为主)城市化水平与人均国内生产总值的对数成正比关系,城市以"摊大饼"的模式向外扩张以及城市环境问题主要为大气污染和水资源匮乏;深圳经历了一个快速的城市化过程,城市人口以外来人口为主,城市化水平与人均国内生产总值成三次关系,城市沿交通干线向外扩张及城市环境问题主要是水污染和水土流失。两个城市化过程的差异主要是由于两个城市的政策和经济相互作用方式不同。  相似文献   

Urban expansion has become one of the main factors influencing natural habitats. Understanding the advances on the assessments of the impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats is of great significance to balance the contradiction between urban expansion and natural habitats protection and to improve urban sustainability. Therefore, this paper reviewed the assessments of the impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats. The results showed that the number of papers and the frequency of citations continuously increased. Previous studies mainly evaluated the impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in broad sense, and emphasized the impacts on the area and spatial patterns of natural habitats. The scale of previous studies concentrated on the local scale, and the spatial statistics were used as the most popular assessment method. Previous studies have laid a good foundation for understanding the impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats, but there are shortcomings in several aspects of contents, scales and methods. To solve those shortcomings, we propose a framework for assessing the impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats based on the principle of "multiple perspectives, multiple scales, and multiple methods". This framework will be helpful to assess the impacts of urbanization on natural habitats in a more effective way.  相似文献   

随着工业化、城市化进程加快和经济高速发展,济宁市耕地面积逐年减少、城区用地结构不合理,整体容积率较低,村庄建设用地量大,采煤区塌陷所引发的人地矛盾,后备资源日益匮乏等土地利用问题凸显。该文通过对各类建设用地节约集约利用评价,提出了统筹城乡用地结构,严控建设用地规模,盘活存量用地,发展区域产业,优化利用土地资源等土地集约节约利用新途径。  相似文献   

潘鑫 《地下水》2011,33(5):174-176
快速城市化为城市发展带来巨大的推动力,但同时也使得城市水资源面对巨大的挑战。本文从水资源安全形势出发,在分析了城市化与水资源安全相互关系的基础上,对西安水资源安全进行测度,结果显示西安在城市化进程中存在水资源安全问题,最后提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

随着全国大部分地区尤其是东部沿海区域城市化发展进入加速期,城区土地资源紧张问题愈发显现。同时城区内大片旧城区和城中村的改造,影响着城市化能否顺利实施,为了破解这一城市发展难题,青岛市国土部门创新思路,探索实施新的城中村土地征用(收)办法,全方位保障被拆迁群众的利益,推动了城市化的顺利实施,促进了社会的和谐和城市经济健康发展。  相似文献   

Raquel   《Geoforum》2001,32(4)
If we had to point out one single feature to define Brazilian cities today, it would be the existence of a dual built environment: a landscape produced by private entrepreneurs and contained within the framework of detailed urban legislation, and another one, three times greater, self-produced by the poor and eternally situated in an intermediate zone between the legal and the illegal. In addition to being an expression of economic and social disparities, this contrast has profound implications on the form and functioning of the cities. The sprawl of the precarious peripheries has lead to an absurd disconnection of poorly urbanized spaces and the city center where jobs, cultural and economic opportunities are concentrated. The effects of this persistent territorial exclusion are devastating and occur in both the peripheries and the city center. The purpose of this paper is to explore the nexus between the precarious and risky urbanization which took place in Brazilian cities and the urban violence that seems to be the most recent and visible face of this model, using the concrete example of different cities in the state of São Paulo. In order to construct the links it is first important to understand how patterns of economic development and population trends have contributed to the generation of risk urbanization and how planning and urban management policies interact with it.  相似文献   

利用1961 - 2017年逐日平均、 最低、 最高气温资料、 DMSP/OLS卫星夜晚灯光数据, 定量分析了城市化对辽宁省平均气温和极端气温指数趋势变化的影响。研究表明: 辽宁省气温呈显著增加趋势, 城市站增温速率明显快于乡村站; 平均最低气温增温率最快, 平均气温次之, 平均最高气温相对较慢; 四季增温速率依次为: 冬季>春季>秋季>夏季; 最低气温的城市化影响贡献率最大, 平均气温次之, 最高气温相对较小; 城市站最低气温的明显升高和最高气温增幅较小, 必将导致日较差明显减小和日较差城市化影响贡献率的增大。城市化加剧了辽宁省极端低温事件的显著减少和极端高温事件的明显增加, 城市化对极端气温事件影响显著。与冷事件有关的极端气温指数的城市化影响均为负值, 与暖事件有关的均为正值; 相对指数的城市化影响贡献率较大, 持续时间指数次之, 除气温日较差以外的绝对指数相对较小。基于最低气温的极端气温指数比基于最高气温的极端气温指数受城市化影响更显著, 其原因可能是城市热岛强度的非对称性以及城市站和乡村站气溶胶浓度之间的差异, 导致最高气温的增加没有最低气温的增加显著。  相似文献   

Ge  Yi  Dou  Wen  Wang  Xiaotao  Chen  Yi  Zhang  Ziyuan 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2629-2651

Identifying and analyzing the urban–rural differences of social vulnerability to natural hazards is imperative to ensure that urbanization develops in a way that lessens the impacts of disasters and generate building resilient livelihoods in China. Using data from the 2000 and 2010 population censuses, this study conducted an assessment of the social vulnerability index (SVI) by applying the projection pursuit cluster model. The temporal and spatial changes of social vulnerability in urban and rural areas were then examined during China’s rapid urbanization period. An index of urban–rural differences in social vulnerability (SVID) was derived, and the global and local Moran’s I of the SVID were calculated to assess the spatial variation and association between the urban and rural SVI. In order to fully determine the impacts of urbanization in relation to social vulnerability, a spatial autoregressive model and Bivariate Moran’s I between urbanization and SVI were both calculated. The urban and rural SVI both displayed a steadily decreasing trend from 2000 to 2010, although the urban SVI was always larger than the rural SVI in the same year. In 17.5% of the prefectures, the rural SVI was larger than the urban SVI in 2000, but was smaller than the urban SVI in 2010. About 12.6% of the urban areas in the prefectures became less vulnerable than rural areas over the study period, while in more than 51.73% of the prefectures the urban–rural SVI gap decreased over the same period. The SVID values in all prefectures had a significantly positive spatial autocorrelation and spatial clusters were apparent. Over time, social vulnerability to natural hazards at the prefecture-level displayed a gathering–scattering pattern across China. Though a regional variation of social vulnerability developed during China’s rapid urbanization, the overall trend was for a steady reduction in social vulnerability in both urban and rural areas.


Research Progress on the Impact of Urbanization on Climate Change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The world has been undergoing a remarkable process of urbanization, especially in developing countries in recent years. The urbanization process has brought about great urban development and large population agglomeration, changes in production and lifestyle, and man-made disturbances such as greenhouse gas and pollution emissions. As the global urbanization process continues to advance, its impact on climate change continues to strengthen significantly. This paper mainly reviewed and summarized relevant researches from two aspects: the influence of urbanization on climate change and the mechanism of influence of urbanization on climate change. Urbanization causes regional warming and urban heat island effect, extreme events such as high temperature, heat wave and heavy rainfall increase in frequency, and also leads to increased urban flood risk. The increase of pollutant emission in the process of urbanization is the main cause of air quality deterioration. Urbanization also has an indirect impact on air quality by changing urban climate. Urbanization has an important impact on climatic factors such as relative humidity, wind speed, sunshine and cloud cover. The impacts of urbanization on climate change are mainly realized through underlying surface changes, greenhouse gas and pollution emissions, anthropogenic heat emissions and urban high heat capacity. Urbanization not only directly affects the regional/local climate, but also indirectly affects the regional/local climate by promoting global climate change. Therefore, the impact of urbanization on climate change has a global and regional multi-scale superposition effect.  相似文献   

罗盼  杨旭  万鲁河  吴相利  周嘉 《冰川冻土》2017,39(5):1150-1156
以哈尔滨市为研究范围,构建了人口城市化、土地城市化指标体系,运用熵值法计算各指标的权重,结合协调发展模型,分别研究了哈尔滨市1997-2014年期间人口城市化的内部协调性、土地城市化的内部协调性以及人口城市化和土地城市化的协调度及协调发展水平,并对人口城市化、土地城市化与协调发展水平进行了研究。结果表明:哈尔滨市的人口城市化内部协调性和土地城市化内部协调性都表现出前期加速,后期平稳的状态,在20世纪90年代,人口城市化内部协调性和土地城市化内部协调性都迅速提高,进入21世纪以后,协调度均保持在0.9左右,波动较小,内部协调度较高;综合人口城市化和土地城市化的协调度和相对发展度来看,除1999-2000年处于高级协调外,在研究期的其余时段哈尔滨市人口城市化和土地城市化基本处于初级协调状态,人口城市化与土地城市化的非同步性,是制约两者协调发展的关键因素,其中人口城市化对协调发展水平的影响更大。  相似文献   

变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,变化环境(气候变化和城镇化)导致城市暴雨的发生频率或强度增加,加剧了城市暴雨洪涝问题。因此,分析变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统的影响对城市水资源规划管理、市政规划设计和城市防灾减灾有着重要意义。总结了未来高精度降雨预估技术、变化环境下排水系统设计标准等关键问题的研究进展,综述了变化环境下城市短历时暴雨演变规律及变化环境对城市排水系统影响的研究现状,探讨了变化环境对城市短历时暴雨的影响机理,并归纳了当前研究变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响的主要方法。指出今后应重点加强的研究:①加强气候变化和城镇化对城市短历时暴雨影响机制的研究;②提升区域气候模式对城市区域下垫面和大气相互作用的描述能力,并加强公里尺度对流可解析模型在城市气候变化影响研究中的应用;③加强对变化环境下排水系统设计标准的研究;④综合评估气候变化和城镇化对城市排水系统超载、污染物转移和水安全等的影响。  相似文献   

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