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半城市化地区作为城乡景观混杂交错、城乡功能相互渗透的过渡性地域,推进这类地区的良性发展是促进城乡融合发展的关键。对半城市化地区空间范围的精确识别是对其实施精准管控的基础前提,对半城市化地区演变规律的科学把脉可为其未来的发展规划提供重要参考。然而,由于半城市化地区的复杂性、动态性和模糊性,目前对该类地区的精细尺度定量识别研究不多。基于此,论文综合考虑半城市化地区的复杂多维特征,在多源遥感数据支持下,建立了一种高精度的半城市化地区识别方法体系:① 构建了一套覆盖社会经济和空间格局2大维度的半城市化地区识别综合指标体系;② 运用空间网格化技术和线性加权建立了半城市化特征值的计算方法; ③ 结合滑动t检验与概率密度分析实现了半城市化特征临界值的确定。最后以苏州市为实例,运用建立好的方法体系,在1 km×1 km尺度下识别出了该市2010、2015和2018年的半城市化地区空间范围,并在此基础上进一步探讨了其时空演变规律,以期为苏州市以及其他地区未来的城市化进程提供参考。实证结果显示,苏州市的半城市化地区在空间上围绕中心城区不连续分布,在时间上总体呈现减少趋势,尤其是2015—2018年间下降幅度明显,表明苏州市城镇化发展趋于有序,乡村工业化与城市的无序蔓延有所放缓。  相似文献   

刘寒寒  叶菁  王雯雯 《热带地理》2022,42(5):788-798
随着新型城镇化和国土空间规划工作的推进,半城市化地区的科学发展与治理已成为城乡融合发展的重要环节。基于文献计量分析方法,运用CiteSpace和VOSviewer可视化工具,对近30年来国内半城市化研究进行知识图谱分析。结果表明:1)作者与机构研究力量分散,地域分布特征明显;2)研究热点聚焦于分析北京、广州、上海等发达城市的土地利用、景观格局、失地农民、影响因素等问题,其内容可聚类为形态特征、空间界定、驱动机制、协调发展4类主题;3)半城市化研究发展经历了3个阶段,研究区域从东南沿海向内陆转移,内容从定性理论分析向定量实证探讨转化,视角也由自然特性分析向社会发展研究转变,体现出更多人文关怀。最后,从半城市化地区空间范围界定、人居环境建设、农业转移人口市民化路径探讨和基本公共服务均等化实施4个方面进行展望,旨在为中国半城市化地区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

杭州市半城市化地区空间分布变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刘盛和  张擎 《地理研究》2008,27(5):982-992
随着我国工业化、城市化和全球化进程的加快,在许多大城市周边发育和形成了大量的半城市化地区,其社会经济结构变化剧烈、城乡职能与土地利用混杂交错,是乡村向城市转变过程中的新型地域类型。选取杭州市开展案例研究,探讨我国半城市化地区判别指标的选择与判别标准的确定,实证分析1990年和2000年杭州市半城市化地区的空间分布及其在1990~2000年期间的变化,进一步辨识出半城市化地区的不同类型,并以萧山区和富阳市为例,对持续半城市化地区和新增半城市化地区在发展程度、工业与建设用地规模、动力机制等方面进行比较分析,旨在推进对半城市化地区动态变化及其内部差异性的认识。  相似文献   

长三角地区城市化空间关联特征及内在机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国正处于城市化快速发展阶段,但当前研究在综合反映城市化的时空特征时,往往忽略区域城市间的空间关联及其演化过程,无法有效地揭示区域城市间的相互影响和内在机制。基于空间极化及扩散理论和系统分析方法,剖析了长三角地区城市化的空间演化过程。结果显示:① 1995—2015年间长三角地区城市化的规模等级特征明显,作为区域增长极,上海处于第一等级,南京、杭州、苏州为第二等级;城市化空间关联指数也表明,以上海、苏州、杭州等10个城市构成区域最为密集的空间联系网络。② 研究时段内,城市化过程中空间极化和空间扩散同时存在,且空间极化的城市往往会进入新的扩散阶段,以南京、杭州等城市表现最为明显。该结果证实了各城市间在不同发展阶段具有不同的空间作用关系。本文还探讨了区域城市化的驱动机制,表明区域内产业升级和转移是形成空间极化或扩散作用的主要内生动力。本研究可为区域发展规划提供重要的科学支撑。  相似文献   

张敏  甄峰  张晓明 《地理研究》2008,27(4):927-937
基于半城市化相关理论回顾,针对中国城市化进程中所出现的半城市化现象,以我国东南沿海发展相对滞后的福建沿海城市——莆田市中心城市外围地区为例,提出中国沿海欠发达地区所呈现的半城市化现象。运用309个行政村的实地调查资料,通过人口、用地和基础设施等要素的分析,揭示了该地区半城市化的特征与机制及其与沿海发达地区的差异。  相似文献   

半城市化地区非农土地利用及整合研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国快速城市化过程中所牵涉的各种土地利用问题一直是国家经济发展和社会稳定所必须关注的重要问题,城市和乡村交汇的地带成为了研究的热点区域,半城市化地区正是处于这样的区域当中.因此,基于土地利用视角来探讨我国未来的半城市化地区空间整合和有序发展成为该区域发展研究的一项紧迫任务.从半城市地区的非农土地利用演变模式、非农土地利用特征、存在的问题及解决途径等方面回顾总结了以往国内外学者对半城市化地区非农土地利用的研究,最后阐述了目前研究中的问题和今后研究展望.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城市化进程中耕地面积的变化特征分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
讨论了1980-1995年珠江三角洲地区7个主要城市在城市化进程中耕地面积的变化特点;分析了城市化发展的不同阶段以及不同速度与耕地面积减少之间的关系。以耕地面积减少系数为主要指标,总结出珠江三角洲地区基于耕地资源利用特征的4种城市化模式。研究发现,部分城市出现的耕地资源过度消耗现象,不应简单地归因于城市化发展,而主要与当地城市发展规划和管理工作不力有关。  相似文献   

半城市化地区的识别方法及其驱动机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
半城市化地区是动态变化的区域,许多国家的半城市化地区是发展最快的区域,在空间、社会、经济以及环境等方面具有重要意义。半城市化地区显著的过渡性、动态性和不稳定等复杂特征已得到地理学、城市规划、经济学、生态学等领域学者的广泛关注。本文首先分析了“半城市化地区”概念内涵,重点辨析了城市边缘区、Desakota、城乡结合部等概念与半城市化地区的异同,并尝试提出了本文对半城市化地区的定义。而后梳理了国内外“半城市化地区”空间识别、类型识别和驱动机制的研究进展,总结分析了研究方法的演变、争议或薄弱之处。最后,在综合分析国内外相关研究成果基础之上,进行了简要述评,并提出未来研究需要更多关注中国半城市化地区的形成机理、人文思想与计量方法的深入融合以及半城市化地区内部类型研究。  相似文献   

在大尺度城市化发展进程研究中,DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据可以客观提供独特的视角,已成为城市空间格局研究重要的数据源之一。该文以河南省为研究区域,利用1992-2012年河南省夜间灯光影像数据和空间信息,采用平均灯光亮度、平均灯光亮度增长速度、归一化总辐射值、总灯光强度等指标以及城市重心坐标、城市重心偏移距离、城市重心偏移速度等指标对河南省各个城市的空间格局现状和城市扩张过程进行研究。结果表明:1992-2012年河南省城市化水平不断提高,小城市建成区面积增长率大于大、中城市;中北部平原地区城市发展速度较快,西部、南部山脉覆盖地区的城市发展较缓慢;整体上形成以郑州市为中心的簇状城市群向外扩张格局,并沿京广铁路和陇海铁路形成南北、东西向的"十"字形城市链形态;各城市中心的移动呈现"北城南移,南城北移",并有向中部省会郑州市聚拢的趋势。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异变动分析   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
闫小培  林彰平 《地理学报》2004,59(3):437-445
城市化速度加快,城市区域化和区域城市化以及城镇体系开放性增强等是20世纪90年代中国城市发展的总体特征。以省级行政区为基本空间单元,选取25项城市发展指标, 利用SPSS统计分析软件对1990年和2000年中国城市发展进行主成份分析和聚类分析,得出20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异的变动特征是:① 城市发展水平的东西空间差异增大,东部沿海地区城市发展重心南移;② 城市发展速度东部沿海地区快于中西部地区,东部地区的南部大于北部,基础较好的城市集群发展速度较快;③ 东部沿海地区的北京和上海集聚性、外向性和创新性特点都很显著,中西部地区城市发展特征结构仍处于低水平均衡状态。国家目标、战略和政策的作用及其效果累积,城市发展动力机制和地理区位条件的差异是这一时期中国城市发展空间差异变动的主要原因。  相似文献   


Peri-urban areas are the interface between urban and rural regions, with these regions traditionally acting as foodbowls for adjacent urban areas. This peri-urban agriculture provides a diverse suite of benefits to urban areas. Increasingly, however, peri-urban areas are being converted to residential uses, driven in part by higher land values secured for land converted for residential development. In Sydney, planning and development has tended to treat peri-urban areas as ‘suburbs in waiting’. Using a Foucauldian governmentality approach, this paper investigates the prevailing rationalities in metropolitan-level strategic planning documents—in particular A Plan for Growing Sydney and the Draft South West District Plan—and how these rationalities relate to peri-urban agriculture. Our analysis shows that the three overarching rationalities—the global city, the compact city and the sustainability agenda—frame the urbanisation of peri-urban agricultural lands as necessary and inevitable, and only integrate agriculture as part of the future of the city of Sydney when it can be rationalised within the ‘global city’ narrative. As a result, peri-urban areas are not considered to have unique planning needs, but are imagined as latent spaces that will enable Sydney to meet its housing and job targets through their future development.  相似文献   

Peri-urban areas are characterised by great heterogeneity and rapid changes of land use. Furthermore, population composition changes as peri-urban areas offer attractive residential alternatives to city centres or more remote locations. The dynamic processes leave peri-urban areas in an in-between situation, neither city nor countryside and home to a range of functions, spanning from agricultural production to residential and recreational areas. The paper investigates the urbanisation of agricultural areas in the Greater Copenhagen region based on quantitative data collected on agricultural properties in nine study areas between 1984 and 2004. The overall conclusion is that agricultural land use has continued largely unaffected by the processes of urbanisation. However, most of the production is concentrated on a few very large full-time farms. In addition, the economic activities have been greatly diversified over the last three decades. The structural components of the areas (land use and landscape elements) thus appear more resilient than the socio-economic system (declining number of full-time farmers and increasing number of owners engaged in other gainful activities). However, at some point this discrepancy will disappear and rapid land use changes may be expected.  相似文献   

半城市化地区因其在社会、经济、景观等方面的过渡性、多样性和动态性,从而得到地理学、城乡规划学、生态学及社会学等多个学科学者的关注。本文重点研究城市化近域推进过程中半城市化地区城乡聚落的消长规律,探讨保留村落的空间格局演化特征及其动力机制。在综述半城市化地区和乡村聚落研究进展的基础上,以西安市南郊大学城康杜村为例,综合运用遥感影像解译、野外调查和统计分析等方法,对其近15年来的聚落空间格局及其演化机制进行研究。结果表明:康杜村在2001-2015年间共经历了4次建房高峰和2次显著的就业变迁,绝大多数原住民的房屋租赁始于2006年;原住民的就业变迁时间与主要的城市化时间节点高度一致;就业变迁与建房高峰之间呈现出“刺激—反馈”的系统演化特征。城市化近域推进的外部驱动和村庄原居民的自我调适是半城市化地区乡村聚落空间格局演化的主要动力。  相似文献   


Peri-urban zones are an emerging issue in the analysis of urban areas as social-ecological systems. This work presents a process of developing support tools for local planning and decision-making, which were used to facilitate discussion between stakeholders about planning a future peri-urban park in the south of Prague, Czech Republic. Sociological methods were employed to describe and visualize the attitudes, communication patterns and value regimes of involved stakeholders. The research developed and tested an approach to map the distribution of stakeholder value regimes related to the study area and demonstrated its capability in facilitating communication between stakeholders. The output maps can serve as practical support tools and provide efficient means during the search for consensus on a form of shared governance in the future peri-urban park.  相似文献   

Peri-urban areas are usually a heterogeneous mosaic of rural, urban and natural systems which are quite dynamic across time. In this paper we contrast a static and a dynamic-based classification of local administrative units (LAU) in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA) to gain further insights onto the current land cover patterns and recent land cover changes in urban and peri-urban areas of the LMA. Using 16 landscape pattern indicators, we characterized the 211 LAU in the region contrasting a static (2006 data) and a dynamic-based (changes during the period 1990–2006) approach, and used cluster analyses to identify LAU typologies. Using the static approach we identified seven types of LAU, of which two were clearly urban, two could be considered rural, and three could be considered peri-urban. These latter could be distinguished among themselves by the landscape matrix type where urban areas were inserted. The dynamic-based approach yielded five types of LAU with specific trajectories in time, ranging from stable to highly dynamic. The frequency of the different dynamic typologies was not independent from the static ones, with typically urban areas being predominantly stable and rural areas having characteristic and exclusive trajectories of change. Peri-urban LAU were mostly moderately dynamic but shared a typology profile mixing highly dynamic LAU with moderately dynamic and stable ones. The combination of a static and dynamic view provides added value for the formulation of spatial planning policies in peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

Based on the case study of peripheral urban areas in Beijing, this paper aims to identify the factors which will influence the spatial distribution of peri-urban recreation areas, by analyzing the collected data from questionnaires, online survey, documentation and field investigations (2007). In order to achieve sound information, relevant data from different management departments, owners and land-use types involved in the case study area are collected. A sampling database for peri-urban recreation areas in Beijing is established, and GIS spatial analyses as well as statistic analyses are applied. The result indicates that spatial distribution of recreation areas is majorly influenced by four factors, e.g. tourism attractions and environmental conditions, policy and spatial governance, consumption demand and preference, land price and availability. Tourism attractions and environmental conditions are dominant factors for public recreation areas. Commercial recreation areas are highly related with accessibility. Agricultural recreation areas are usually attached to special farmlands near large-scaled scenic areas. Meanwhile, recreational business clusters have appeared in suburbs influenced by mass recreation market growth. Controlled by the land price, commercial recreation areas are differentiated on their scales and developing intensity. Policy and spatial governance have made arrangements of recreation areas more balancing and more human- oriented. A peri-urban recreation area model is therefore established on the basis of this analysis, which can guide urban planning and designing, land-use planning and recreation resource development.  相似文献   

Factors of spatial distribution of recreation areas in peri-urban Beijing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on the case study of peripheral urban areas in Beijing, this paper aims to identify the factors which will influence the spatial distribution of peri-urban recreation areas, by analyzing the collected data from questionnaires, online survey, documentation and field investigations (2007). In order to achieve sound information, relevant data from different management departments, owners and land-use types involved in the case study area are collected. A sampling database for peri-urban recreation areas in Beijing is established, and GIS spatial analyses as well as statistic analyses are applied. The result indicates that spatial distribution of recreation areas is majorly influenced by four factors, e.g. tourism attractions and environmental conditions, policy and spatial governance, consumption demand and preference, land price and availability. Tourism attractions and environmental conditions are dominant factors for public recreation areas. Commercial recreation areas are highly related with accessibility. Agricultural recreation areas are usually attached to special farmlands near large-scaled scenic areas. Meanwhile, recreational business clusters have appeared in suburbs influenced by mass recreation market growth. Controlled by the land price, commercial recreation areas are differentiated on their scales and developing intensity. Policy and spatial governance have made arrangements of recreation areas more balancing and more human-oriented. A peri-urban recreation area model is therefore established on the basis of this analysis, which can guide urban planning and designing, land-use planning and recreation resource development.  相似文献   

半城市化地区是在快速城市化进程中产生的一种过渡地域类型, 其土地利用特征表现为土地利用竞争和矛盾剧烈, 土地利用变化迅速的特征。土地利用/覆被的变化改变生态系统的结构与功能, 是对生态系统服务产生胁迫的主要驱动力之一。本文以厦门市集美半城市化地区为例, 分析半城市化地区生态系统服务对土地利用/覆被变化的响应, 基于对2007 年中国陆地生态系统服务价值当量修正的方法, 对半城市化地区生态系统服务价值(ESV)变化作出评估, 并通过土地系统和生态系统二者的耦合变化关系探讨生态系统服务对土地利用/覆被变化的响应过程。结果表明:①近20 年来, 集美半城市化地区生态系统服务价值总量随着土地利用强度增加呈现波动性变化, 总体上呈现负相关关系。②调节服务和文化服务是最主要的生态系统服务类型;土地利用强度与调节服务和支持服务呈现显著的负相关关系。③随着半城市化地区的快速城市化发展, 土地利用类型急剧转化, 城市建设用地大量增加, 预计集美半城市化地区未来ESV将继续降低, 可采取生态综合整治措施减缓ESV降低趋势。  相似文献   

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