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近年来,常规油气勘探难度越来越大,产量不断下降,但世界油气需求量持续增长,而非常规油气具有较大的资源潜力,因此非常规油气资源日益引起全世界的高度重视,油气勘探开发从常规向非常规跨越是现如今石油工业发展的趋势。本文对储层孔隙度、渗透率、源储特征、沉积相、相态、地震响应及测井响应进行分类研究。发现中国主要非常规油气资源主要为页岩油、煤层气、页岩气、致密气、致密油和天然气水合物等,在孔隙度,渗透率,沉积相以及测井响应等方面都有区别。在我国石油、天然气短缺将长期存在情况下,开发丰富的非常规油气资源对缓解我国日益严峻的能源压力,保证能源安全方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>全球非常规油气资源极为丰富,可采资源总量为5 834×108 t,约占油气资源总量的80%。全球非常规油气资源类型包括重油、油砂、致密油、页岩油、油页岩油、致密气、煤层气、页岩气、天然气水合物等,其中致密储层所蕴含的资源量(致密油气)正成为油气勘探的重点和科学研究的热点领域。  相似文献   

中国非常规油气勘探开发与理论技术进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新世纪非常规油气获战略突破,微纳米孔喉页岩系统油气成为油气资源接替的重要新领域,非常规油气资源在能源格局中的地位愈发重要。致密气、煤层气、重油、沥青砂等已成为勘探开发的重点领域,致密油成为亮点领域,页岩气成为热点领域。中国在致密气、页岩气、致密油、煤层气等非常规油气资源勘探开发获重要突破,油页岩、天然气水合物、重油、油砂矿等获重要进展,初步评价中国非常规石油资源量(223~263)×10~8t,天然气资源量(890~1260)×10~(12)m~3。中国非常规油气研究取得重大进展,细粒沉积学在陆相敞流湖盆大型浅水三角洲砂体、湖盆中心砂质碎屑流沉积、海陆相细粒沉积等研究新进展,提供了盆地中心储集体形成和分布的理论依据;非常规储层地质学在研究方法技术、多尺度数据融合、地层条件物理模拟等方面取得重大进展,多方法多尺度整体表征非常规储层已成为研究热点,推动了非常规油气地质学地质理论和方法技术快速发展;创新发展了连续型油气聚集理论,构建了非常规油气地质学理论体系框架,明确了非常规油气地质研究的内涵、地质特征、形成机理、分布规律和核心技术,为大面积非常规油气规模勘探开发奠定了理论基础;非常规油气勘探开发技术方法快速发展,涌现了烃源性、岩性、物性、脆性、含油气性与应力各向异性评价等"六特性"、"甜点区"地质一工程综合评价等核心评价方法,微地震监测、水平井钻完井、"工厂化"生产、"人工油气藏"等开发工程核心理念和技术,推动非常规油气"革命性发展"。非常规油气的突破,带来了坚持理论创新、坚持核心技术进步等4点重要启示,对延长石油工业生命周期、推动理论技术升级换代、改变能源格局具有深远意义。  相似文献   

中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心牵头组织实施的“非常规油气地质调查工程”,开展了黑龙江省鸡西地区煤系气地质调查、松辽盆地及外围油页岩地质调查、松辽盆地西斜坡油砂原位试采工程、陆域天然气水合物地质调查与祁连山木里天然气水合物野外长期观测站建设、陕西关中地区氦气地质调查和非常规油气资源国情调研等工作,获取了大量基础数据,取得了黑鸡地1井、黑鸡地3井、黑鸡地4井等一系列突破性成果和重要进展,初步掌握了我国油页岩、油砂、陆域天然气水合物、氦气以及鸡西盆地煤系气等非常规油气资源潜力。该工程在煤系气、油页岩、氦气等领域产生重要影响,提振了非常规油气勘探开发信心,推动了科技创新与地质调查深度融合,促进了非常规油气学科发展。  相似文献   

在世界面临能源短缺的背景下,页岩气作为油气勘探的一个新领域,越来越得到世界各国的重视。我国页岩气资源丰富,许多盆地或地区具有页岩气大规模成藏的地质条件,对页岩气的研究显得尤为重要。该文介绍了我国页岩气资源储量、分布及开采面临的问题,概述了页岩气地质特征。在此基础上探讨了我国页岩气的影响因素,认为我国页岩气主要受有机碳含量、成熟度、裂缝的发育程度、地层压力的控制;页岩气与煤层气同属于非常规天然气,其赋存形态、成因类型、富集规律具有很多相似之处,因此可将页岩气与煤层气进行对比研究。  相似文献   

中国非常规油气勘探与研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球油气勘探目标的转移和石油地质学的发展,具有从毫-微米孔喉的圈闭油气,逐渐向纳米孔喉的连续型油气聚集发展的趋势。近十年非常规油气资源在全球能源格局中的地位愈发重要,致密气、煤层气、重油、沥青砂等已成为勘探开发的重点领域,致密油成为亮点领域,页岩气成为热点领域。中国致密气、页岩气、致密油、煤层气等非常规油气资源勘探开发取得重要突破,油页岩、天然气水合物、油砂矿等有重要进展。中国非常规油气研究也取得重大进展,陆相敞流湖盆大型浅水三角洲砂体、湖盆中心砂质碎屑流沉积和湖相碳酸盐岩等,提供了湖盆中心储集体形成和分布的理论依据;创新发展了连续型油气聚集理念,明晰了连续型油气聚集的10个基本地质特征和2项关键标志,为大面积非常规油气规模勘探开发奠定了理论基础;系统表征了致密油气储层的纳米级微观孔喉结构,首次发现了纳米孔喉中油气的赋存,推动了纳米孔喉中油气流动机制和分布规律的研究。随着全球石油工业和纳米等技术的快速发展,提出了"纳米油气"概念,并指出这是未来石油工业的发展方向,需要发展纳米油气透视观测镜、纳米油气驱替剂、纳米油气开采机器人等换代技术,油气智能化时代即将到来。  相似文献   

全球主要国家水合物探采计划与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着世界上石油和常规天然气资源的消耗和减少,各国的研究人员正在致力于寻找新的替代能源,天然气水合物的发现、勘探、开发和利用为未来能源带来新的希望。由于天然气水合物具有重要的战略意义和巨大的经济价值,世界上许多发达国家和发展中国家都将其列入国家重点研发计划,美国、日本、印度、韩国、德国、挪威以及中国等均相继投入巨资进行海域天然气水合物调查甚至于开采试验。文章介绍了国际上主要国家天然气水合物勘探开发计划的历史和现状,重点阐述了国家层面的天然气水合物勘探开采计划、实施情况、资金投入以及战略研究,同时从整体角度,对天然气水合物现阶段关注的重点问题进行了阐述。按照各个国家的发展趋势和研究目标总结为3种类别:(1)美国,早期在研究机构和ODP航次支持下,积累了大量的地质实物资料,但由于受到页岩气工业革命等商业模式冲击,近期天然气水合物开采领域投资放缓,但仍然关注于理论和技术实践,并保持综合科学研究工作为主,待时机成熟后将再次注入国家预算资金;(2)中国、日本、印度、韩国,由于受到国内能源结构和储备的限制,对天然气水合物勘探开采持有非常积极的态度,国家资金投入丰厚,全部开展了多期次的近海的天然气水合物钻探工作,并且中国和日本近年在海域试开采领域突飞猛进,分别取得了重要性的阶段成果,极可能是未来世界上首批商业性开采的国家;(3)德国、挪威,作为传统的欧洲工业国家,利用雄厚的工业技术基础,在天然气水合物能源开采技术研究以及环境评估等方面另辟蹊径,着重关注于全球环境保护和二氧化碳置换甲烷技术,是天然气水合物研究领域的绿色保护者代表,可为后能源时代提供天然气水合物新的机遇。  相似文献   

不断攀升的能源需求和日益增大的能源压力,让非常规能源受到越来越多的重视。资源潜力大、开采寿命长、生产周期长,这让天然气家族中的新成员——页岩气在北美大陆上大放异彩,也引起了我国的重视和关注。国土资源部油气资源战略研究中心副主任张大伟表示,加强页岩气资源战略调查和勘探开发,对于改变我国油气资源战略调查和勘探开发格局,甚至改变整个能源结构,缓解我国油气资源短缺,保障国家能源安全,促进经济社会发展都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

天然气水合物--石油天然气的未来替代能源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚伯初  吴能友 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):225-233
天然气水合物是甲烷等天然气在高压、低温条件下形成的冰状固体物质。据估算,全球天然气水合物中碳的含量等于石油、煤等化石能源中碳含量的两倍,这是一个非常诱人的数字。在人类面临化石能源即将枯竭的时候,科学家和各国政府都把眼光投向这一未来能替代化石能源的新能源。南海在新生代构造演化历史、沉积条件、沉积环境等方面都显示这里具有生成和蕴藏巨大天然气水合物资源的条件,因此,这里可能成为中国在不远的将来之新能源基地。  相似文献   

<正> 方针与方向未来100年世界能源供应充足世界能源委员会(WEC)报道,全球矿物燃料资源,包括常规石油、非常规石油、天然气、天然气水合物、煤炭,总计为267900亿吨油当量(天然气水合物187000亿吨油当量)。至1990年已采出常规石油、天然气和煤炭共计2560亿吨油当量;除天然气水合物以外的其它可采资源量合计尚达43150亿吨油当量。另外,核燃料尚可提供155400亿吨油当量的能源资源。  相似文献   

The new century has witnessed a strategic breakthrough in unconventional oil gas.Hydrocarbon accumulated in micro-/nano-scale pore throat shale systems has become an important domain that could replace current oil gas resources.Unconventional oil gas plays an increasingly important role in our energy demand.Tight gas,CBM,heavy oil and asphaltic sand have served as a key domain of exploration development,with tight oil becoming a 'bright spot' domain and shale gas becoming a 'hotspot' domain.China has made great breakthroughs in unconventional oil gas resources,such as tight gas,shale gas,tight oil and CBM,and great progress in oil shale,gas hydrate,heavy oil and oil sand.China has an estimated(223-263)×10~8t of unconventional oil resources and(890-1260)×l0~(12)m~3 of gas resources.China has made a breakthrough for progress in unconventional oil gas study.New progress achieved in fine-grained sedimentary studies related to continental open lacustrine basin large-scale shallow-water delta sand bodies,lacustrine basin central sandy clastic flow sediments and marine-continental fine-grained sediments provide a theoretical basis for the formation and distribution of basin central reservoir bodies.Great breakthroughs have been made in unconventional reservoir geology in respect of research methodology technology,multi-scale data merging and physical simulation of formation conditions.Overall characterization of unconventional reservoirs via multi-method and multi-scale becomes increasingly popular and facilitates the rapid development of unconventional oil gas geological theory,method and technology.The formation of innovative,continuous hydrocarbon accumulation theory,the establishment of the framework of the unconventional oil gas geological theory system,and the determination of the implications,geological feature,formation mechanism,distribution rule and core technology of unconventional oil gas geological study lays a theoretical foundation for extensive unconventional oil gas exploration and development.Theories and technologies of unconventional oil gas exploration and development developed rapidly,including some key evaluation techniques such as 'sweet spot zone' integrated evaluation and a six-property evaluation technique that uses hydrocarbon source,lithology,physical property,brittleness,hydrocarbon potential and stress anisotropy,and some key development engineering technologies including micro-seismic monitoring,horizontal drilling completion and "factory-like" operation pattern, "man-made reservoir" development,which have facilitated the innovative development of unconventional oil gas.These breakthroughs define a new understanding in four aspects:①theoretical innovation;② key technologies;③ complete market mechanism and national policy support;and ④ well-developed ground infrastructure,which are significant for prolonging the life cycle of petroleum industry,accelerating the upgrade and development of theories and technologies and altering the global traditional energy structure.  相似文献   

As a milestone of the entire energy industry, unconventional resources have inevitably swept the world in the last decade, and will certainly dominate the global oil and gas industry in the near future. Eventually, the “unconventional” will become “conventional”. Along with the rapid development, however, some issues have emerged, which are closely related to the viability of unconventional resources development. Under the current circumstances of low crude oil and gas price, coupled with the prominent environmental concerns, the arguments about the development and production of unconventional resources have been recently heated up. This work introduced the full-blown aspects of unconventional resources especially shale reservoirs, by discussing their concepts and definitions, reviewing the shale gas and shale oil development history and necessity, analyzing the shale plays’ geology and petroleum systems with respects to key hydrocarbon accumulation elements and mechanisms, and summarizing the technology resolution. This study also discussed the relevant key issues, including significant estimation uncertainty of technically recoverable resources, the equivocal understanding of complex geology preventing the production and technologies implementation optimization, the difficulties of experiences and technologies global expanding, and the corresponding risks and uncertainties. In addition, based on the latest production and exploration data, the future perspective of the unconventional resources was depicted from global unconventional resources assessments, technology development, and limitations constraining the development.  相似文献   

页岩气是一种潜在资源量巨大的非常规天然气资源,具有开采技术要求高、开采寿命长、稳产周期长的特点。近些年来,严峻的能源紧张形势和能源价格的快速增长,使页岩气资源在全世界受到了广泛的重视。回顾了美国页岩气勘探开发的历史,总结了美国的页岩气发育情况,跟踪了世界其他地区(加拿大、欧洲)包括中国页岩气研究的最新进展情况。根据前人的资料,认为中国南方海相页岩和北方盆地的湖相页岩具有巨大的页岩气资源潜力。鉴于页岩气是一种非常规能源,对其研究具有重大的现实意义,建议中国相关部门加大研究投入力度,尽快开展页岩气资源战略调查和选区研究工作,加强技术攻关创新、引进和国际合作,探讨中国现实国情下的页岩气相关政策,以早日实现页岩气在中国的商业性开发,促进经济快速发展。  相似文献   

世界页岩气勘探开发现状及对中国的启示   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
页岩气是一种潜在资源量巨大的非常规天然气资源,具有开采技术要求高、开采寿命长、稳产周期长的特点。近些年来,严峻的能源紧张形势和能源价格的快速增长,使页岩气资源在全世界受到了广泛的重视。回顾了美国页岩气勘探开发的历史,总结了美国的页岩气发育情况,跟踪了世界其他地区(加拿大、欧洲)包括中国页岩气研究的最新进展情况。根据前人的资料,认为中国南方海相页岩和北方盆地的湖相页岩具有巨大的页岩气资源潜力。鉴于页岩气是一种非常规能源,对其研究具有重大的现实意义,建议中国相关部门加大研究投入力度,尽快开展页岩气资源战略调查和选区研究工作,加强技术攻关创新、引进和国际合作,探讨中国现实国情下的页岩气相关政策,以早日实现页岩气在中国的商业性开发,促进经济快速发展。  相似文献   

页岩层系内的非常规油气已成为全球油气勘探开发的热点,这些资源的形成与富有机质页岩密切相关,形成演化有序、空间分布上共生。目前的研究通常按非常规油气类型单独进行,尚未从页岩层系整体角度考虑各类油气资源的分布规律。在大量调研国内外页岩层系油气资源分布规律的基础上,提出页岩层系油气资源有序共生,并以鄂尔多斯盆地长7页岩系为例进行解剖,按照成熟度阶段、埋藏深度和有机质丰度,将长7页岩层系油气资源分成露头-浅埋藏油页岩区、中等成熟-中等埋深压裂页岩油区、中等成熟-中等埋深原位改质页岩油区、高成熟度-深埋页岩气区和紧邻-夹层致密砂岩油五大区域。基于页岩系统油气资源有序共生关系,提出页岩层系油气资源立体勘探开发的观点,以期对页岩层系非常规油气资源有效利用提供新思路。  相似文献   

郭旭升 《地球科学》2022,47(10):3511-3523
我国陆上含油气盆地油气资源丰富,经过半个多世纪的勘探,尽管已取得了较多发现,但在未来“稳油增气”的形势下仍将起到国家能源安全“压舱石”的作用.怎样进一步发掘成熟探区潜能,拓展勘探领域,是值得深入探讨的问题.基于近期油气勘探成果以及勘探发展趋势,研究表明有五大领域是未来陆上油气勘探最现实的方向,包括:陆相页岩油气,东部富油坳陷中以逆掩构造为代表的近源地质体、富煤盆地的深层煤层气、大型走滑构造体系和地热资源等.此外,对东部老油田而言,“油田变热田”不失为一重要的发展方向.在未来的勘探工作中,勘探工作者应当加强基础研究,尤其是在我国东部成熟探区,加强三新领域地质评价、寻找老区新的资源接替领域是目前的当务之急;攻关关键技术,实践表明先进且适用性强的物探技术、工程工艺是油气勘探发现与突破的基本保障,也是降低油气发现成本的根本途径;高效管理决策,主动发挥勘探先锋作用、引领一体化攻关是加快推进资源战略的重要路径.   相似文献   

Natural gas hydrates have been hailed as a new and promising unconventional alternative energy, especially as fossil fuels approach depletion, energy consumption soars, and fossil fuel prices rise, owing to their extensive distribution, abundance, and high fuel efficiency. Gas hydrate reservoirs are similar to a storage cupboard in the global carbon cycle, containing most of the world’s methane and accounting for a third of Earth’s mobile organic carbon. We investigated gas hydrate stability zone burial depths from the viewpoint of conditions associated with stable existence of gas hydrates, such as temperature, pressure, and heat flow, based on related data collected by the global drilling programs. Hydrate-related areas are estimated using various biological, geochemical and geophysical tools. Based on a series of previous investigations, we cover the history and status of gas hydrate exploration in the USA, Japan, South Korea, India, Germany, the polar areas, and China. Then, we review the current techniques for hydrate exploration in a global scale. Additionally, we briefly review existing techniques for recovering methane from gas hydrates, including thermal stimulation, depressurization, chemical injection, and CH4–CO2 exchange, as well as corresponding global field trials in Russia, Japan, United States, Canada and China. In particular, unlike diagenetic gas hydrates in coarse sandy sediments in Japan and gravel sediments in the United States and Canada, most gas hydrates in the northern South China Sea are non-diagenetic and exist in fine-grained sediments with a vein-like morphology. Therefore, especially in terms of the offshore production test in gas hydrate reservoirs in the Shenhu area in the north slope of the South China Sea, Chinese scientists have proposed two unprecedented techniques that have been verified during the field trials: solid fluidization and formation fluid extraction. Herein, we introduce the two production techniques, as well as the so-called “four-in-one” environmental monitoring system employed during the Shenhu production test. Methane is not currently commercially produced from gas hydrates anywhere in the world; therefore, the objective of field trials is to prove whether existing techniques could be applied as feasible and economic production methods for gas hydrates in deep-water sediments and permafrost zones. Before achieving commercial methane recovery from gas hydrates, it should be necessary to measure the geologic properties of gas hydrate reservoirs to optimize and improve existing production techniques. Herein, we propose horizontal wells, multilateral wells, and cluster wells improved by the vertical and individual wells applied during existing field trials. It is noteworthy that relatively pure gas hydrates occur in seafloor mounds, within near-surface sediments, and in gas migration conduits. Their extensive distribution, high saturation, and easy access mean that these types of gas hydrate may attract considerable attention from academia and industry in the future. Herein, we also review the occurrence and development of concentrated shallow hydrate accumulations and briefly introduce exploration and production techniques. In the closing section, we discuss future research needs, key issues, and major challenges related to gas hydrate exploration and production. We believe this review article provides insight on past, present, and future gas hydrate exploration and production to provide guidelines and stimulate new work into the field of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change, geosciences provide an important geological solution to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, China’s geosciences and geological technologies can play an important role in solving the problem of carbon neutrality. This paper discusses the main problems, opportunities, and challenges that can be solved by the participation of geosciences in carbon neutrality, as well as China’s response to them. The main scientific problems involved and the geological work carried out mainly fall into three categories: (1) Carbon emission reduction technology (natural gas hydrate, geothermal, hot dry rock, nuclear energy, hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy); (2) carbon sequestration technology (carbon capture and storage, underground space utilization); (3) key minerals needed to support carbon neutralization (raw materials for energy transformation, carbon reduction technology). Therefore, geosciences and geological technologies are needed: First, actively participate in the development of green energy such as natural gas, geothermal energy, hydropower, hot dry rock, and key energy minerals, and develop exploration and exploitation technologies such as geothermal energy and natural gas; the second is to do a good job in geological support for new energy site selection, carry out an in-depth study on geotechnical feasibility and mitigation measures, and form the basis of relevant economic decisions to reduce costs and prevent geological disasters; the third is to develop and coordinate relevant departments of geosciences, organize and carry out strategic research on natural resources, carry out theoretical system research on global climate change and other issues under the guidance of earth system science theory, and coordinate frontier scientific information and advanced technological tools of various disciplines. The goal of carbon neutrality provides new opportunities and challenges for geosciences research. In the future, it is necessary to provide theoretical and technical support from various aspects, enhance the ability of climate adaptation, and support the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.  相似文献   

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