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吴国平  黄艳 《地理科学》1999,19(5):400-404
海面变化研究是具重要理论和实践意义的地学研究领域,全球性气候变化,海面升降和环境变迁的预测等研究,引起国际学术界和各国政府部门高度重视,成为国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)的重要研究课题,利用GIS软件Arc/Info建立中国第四纪海面变化信息系统,对中国第四纪海面变化进行动态模拟,趋势预测和应用分析,并利用计算机屏幕,图形终端,笔式绘图,静电绘图仪和打印机对中国第四纪海岸古环境进行再造和演示。  相似文献   

海面变化研究是具重要理论和实践意义的地学研究领域。全球性气候变化、海面升降和环境变迁的预测等研究,引起国际学术界和各国政府部门高度重视,成为国际地圈-生物圈计划  相似文献   

裘善文 《地理科学》2007,27(5):736-736
施雅风院士主编,崔之久、苏珍副主编的《中国第四纪冰川与环境变化》的学术专著,全书共19章、91万字,另附有李炳元等编制的《中国第四纪冰川图》,已在河北科学技术出版社于2006年3月出版。这部杰出的综合性专著,无疑是继著名地质学家李四光院士的“冰期之庐山”、世界级的第四纪大师刘东生院士的《黄土与环境》的专著之后,中国第四纪研究的又一项新的重大成果,无疑是对中国第四纪研究的一大重要贡献,它将推动中国新的高水平的第四纪冰川和环境变化的研究。  相似文献   

第四纪地质学在近些年来有了长足的进展,这是由于第四纪研究的范围和深度随着生产、科研的需要迅速扩展、加深而取得的。深海钻探不仅推动了海洋第四纪的研究,而且对大陆第四纪研究也发生了巨大影响。古地磁、放射性碳、氧同位素、钾氩法、铀系测年、微体化石等方法的应用和不断完善,也推动了第四纪地质学的迅速发展,在传统的地层、气候、新构造运动、古生物等方面;在环境的研究,海面的升降等方面也都取得了重要成果。  相似文献   

第四纪风沙环境证据的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四纪风沙环境的研究对于人们了解重大气候环境变迁有着重要的意义。对于第四纪风沙环境的研究主要通过对环境变化的信息载体进行分析,提取其中有关风沙环境变化的证据,从而对古环境进行推测与重建。本文阐述了当前国内外学者在进行第四纪风沙环境研究时使用的证据(形态学证据、沉积学证据和生物学证据),分析了利用这些证据时存在的问题,并对未来的研究趋势作了分析,指出各种证据的综合使用以及提高定年的准确度仍是未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

董光荣 《中国沙漠》2007,27(3):528-528
施雅风先生主编的《中国第四纪冰川与环境变化》专著及其所附的《中国第四纪冰川图》于2006年3月在河北省科学技术出版社首次出版至今仅有一年多,该书已经传播到全国和世界各主要地区,得到了国内外冰川、地貌、第四纪和气象学界很多学者的高度评价与热烈欢迎。为了让更多人对该书有所了解,现作如下简要介绍。该著作是作者等几代学者,在前后历经近50年考察研究,取得大量第一手考察、观测和实验资料的基础上,对中国第四纪冰川与环境变化所作的最新总结。全书洋洋洒洒近百万字,共分19章,由两大部分组成。其中1~5章为综合论述部分。综述了中国第四纪冰川研究的教训、进展与展望,冰芯研究的贡献,第四纪冰川、冰期间冰期旋回与环境变化,冰川沉积和测年评估,小冰期以来的冰川变化及其对水资源与灾害的影响。6~19章为分区论述部分。分别对喜马拉雅山系、喀喇昆仑山系、帕米尔高原、羌塘高原、唐古拉山系、昆仑山系、祁连山系、念青唐古拉山系、横断山系、天山山系、阿尔泰山系和中国东部高山区等第四纪不同时期的冰川做了论述。其时间跨度之长(约距今80万年以来)、空间范围之广(包括中国大陆东西部和台湾山地)是前所未有的,为目前惟一全面论述中国第四纪冰川与环境的首部力作,也是我国第四纪冰川研究史上一座新的里程碑。它的问世,无论对国内外的冰川学还是第四纪科学都有很重要的意义。书中的特色与创新点较多,在此略举三点:第一,比较全面系统的论述了前述各山系的第四纪冰川作用遗迹(包括冰川侵蚀地貌,冰川沉积地貌及其冰水地貌),重建了古冰川类型、规模、变化幅度和有关冰川环境(包括雪线高度、气温与降水等)。同时对长期以来关于我国东部低于海拔2 500 m以下存在山地冰川和青藏高原存在统一大冰盖的两个观点给予了否定与扬弃。由此证明,我国在第四纪期间既不是无冰川作用,也不存在泛冰川作用,冰川作用仅出现在我国西部高山、高原以及东部少数海拔超过2 500 m以上的山地(102°~104° E以东的东部地区有确切古冰川作用遗迹的只有台湾的雪山和玉山,东北吉林与朝鲜接壤的长白山和陕西的太白山),古冰川类型属于山地冰川,在海拔低于2 500 m的东部山地从未发育过山地冰川,青藏高原上更无统一大冰盖发育。这与西北欧、北美和西伯利亚在第四纪期间曾经发育大冰盖明显有别,可能与我国地处中低纬度,山地和高原分布范围最大,高度最高等等因素有关\.正是我国第四纪冰川作用的这个区域特色,使我国第四纪冰川与环境变化研究在国内外第四纪科学和过去全球变化研究中具有不可或缺、无可替代的特殊重要地位和作用。第二,运用多种测年方法,对不同时期不同研究地点的冰碛物特别是冰芯进行了较精确的定年,通过与深海氧同位素阶段对比,首次建立了中国第四纪冰期间冰期年表。并以此为基础,综合相邻学科的研究资料和成果,第一次较完整地建立了自早更新世希夏邦马冰期以来历次冰期间冰期旋回与环境变化序列。其中80~60万年前的最大冰期(昆仑冰期)、48~42万年前的中梁赣冰期(或高望峰冰期)和13万年前的倒数第二次冰期是首创。对7.5万年以来的末次冰期进行了更详细的划分,而且对相当于深海氧同位素3阶段间冰阶的中国特殊的气候与环境变化提出了独到的见解。对末次冰期的消失过程和历时1万年的全新世,特别是小冰期和全球变暖以来的冰川与环境变化也做了较充分的论述。这样,就将距今80万年以来我国第四纪冰川作用和冰期间冰期环境变化的时空轮廓生动地展示在人们面前。因有精确的测年数据,又有深海氧同位素以及其他相邻学科资料相互印证,所提出的中国第四纪冰期间冰期年表以及冰期间冰期的环境变化更有说服力,可信度也更高。这有助于消除欧洲阿尔卑斯学派研究第四纪冰川得出的经典理念和模式对我国学术界的不良影响,为研究我国第四纪冰川和环境变化提供了一个可资参考对比的新标尺。第三,根据15~19世纪小冰期特别是气候变暖以来,我国海洋型、亚大陆型和极大陆型冰川衰退情景的研究,结合前人在全球变暖条件下中国未来气温和降水的预测结果,预估了我国21世纪(主要是2030和2050年)前述三类冰川分布区未来的升温和冰川后退幅度。进而在分析影响冰川融水径流主要因素的基础上,对21世纪上半叶祁连山北麓河西地区、天山北麓准噶尔盆地南缘、东天山南麓吐鲁番—哈密盆地、塔里木内陆水系、柴达木内陆水系、青藏高原内陆水系、西藏南部与西部外流水系亚大陆—极大陆型冰川区、西藏东南部和横断山系海洋型冰川区等八个地区,冰川萎缩状况及其对河流水量变化的影响进行了科学的评估。尽管这种研究尚属首次,加之受复杂因素制约,预估值和评估结果还具有较大的不确定性,有待通过今后加强监测、模拟等研究予以验证和补充完善,但其定性的总趋势是可以肯定的。这为有关政府部门和科技机构研究、制定适应对策和措施,趋利避害,实现人与自然和谐发展,全面建设小康社会提供了重要的科学依据。总之,本书资料关翔实,内容丰富,论述系统全面,学术思想新颖,有许多新发现、新观点和新结论,既有理论价值,又有应用价值。可供冰川学、地貌学、第四纪研究乃至地质、地理、气候、水文、环境、区域规划、农牧业、水利、交通、旅游等方面科技工作人员参考,也可作为高等院校有关专业师生的教材和重要的参考书。  相似文献   

由中国第四纪冰川与环境研究中心和兰州大学地理系承办的“中国西部第四纪冰川与环境学术讨论会”于1989年5月18日至22日在兰州召开。来自全国各地的长期从事于中国第四纪冰川与环境研究的专家、学者近百名代表参加了会议。本次会议同时也是1991年将要在我国召开的第十三届国际第  相似文献   

李平日 《热带地理》2006,26(4):F0003-F0003
庆祝中国第四纪研究委员会成立50周年暨第九届全国第四纪学术大会于2006年10月9~11日在南京隆重举行。适逢中国第四纪界的领军人物———中国第四纪研究委员会名誉主席、国家最高科学技术奖获得者刘东生院士90华诞,到会者特别踊跃,有近20位院士和超过400位第四纪界学者参加这次  相似文献   

张青松 《地理学报》2007,62(3):333-333
施雅风院士主编的<中国第四纪冰川与环境变化>一书,是施先生和他的研究团队近50年来考察研究中国冰川与环境的经典之作.  相似文献   

李兰  朱诚  郑祥民  王辉 《地理学报》2010,65(5):632-635
由中国第四纪科学研究会教育与普及专业委员会和上海华东师范大学资源与环境科学学院联合举办的“2010 海峡两岸高校第四纪教育与普及学术研讨会”于2010 年3 月6 日至8 日在上海华东师范大学召开。本次会议的主题是:海峡两岸第四纪教育与普及。会议的议题主要有:海峡两岸第四纪教育与普及、第四纪环境演变与全球变化研究进展、全新世环境考古与中华文明探源研究、环境保护与治理、地貌与地表过程研究等。  相似文献   

The low lying Nal region in western India, linking the Gulf of Kachchh with the Gulf of Khambhat through the Little Rann and Nal Sarovar is barely 15 m above msl and lacks surface exposures. The evolutionary history of the Nal region using remote sensing data and sub-surface lithological correlation indicated that late Quaternary sedimentation in the Nal region was governed by changes in sea level and by tectonism in the region of Cambay Graben. The geomorphic evidence for changes in sea level was found in the form of inland palaeo-deltas and old mud flats. Abrupt changes in lithological data in the vicinity of Nal region pointed to the role of tectonism. Contrary to the earlier view, a shallow sea linked the Gulf of Kachchh to the Gulf of Khambhat only in a time period around Marine Isotope Stage 5. Our studies also suggest that the Nal region itself may not have witnessed any major uplift (beyond 10 m) during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Physical modelling of clastic sedimentary systems over geological time spans has to resort to analogue modelling since full scaling cannot be achieved within the spatial and temporal restrictions that are imposed by a laboratory set‐up. Such analogue models are suitable for systematic investigation of a sedimentary system's sensitivity to allocyclic changes by isolating governing parameters. Until now, analogue models of landscape evolution were mainly qualitative in nature. In this paper, we present a quantitative approach. The quantitative experimental results are verified and discussed by comparison with high‐resolution data from the Colorado river–shelf system of the Texas shelf that we used as a prototype. The model's dimensions are proportionally scaled to the prototype, except for a vertical exaggeration. Time is scaled using a Basin Response factor to maintain a similar ratio between the period of change and the system's equilibrium time for model and prototype. A Basin Fill factor was used to compare the ratio between the time‐averaged sedimentation rate and the rate of change in accommodation space of model and prototype. The flume‐model results are in the form of sediment budgets that are related to shelf cannibalism and fluvial supply, which are compared with the ancestral Colorado river–delta evolution of the last 40 kyr. Model and prototype have similarities in delta evolution in response to one cycle of sea‐level change. With sea‐level change as the isolated variable, the flume model generates a significant supply pulse caused by headward erosion of the shelf in response to the sea‐level fall. This pulse adds to the yield of the hinterland. The supply induced by sea‐level change persists during the early rise, although its rate declines. A similar trend is observed on the east Texas shelf. We argue that shelfal and fluvial degradation cycles induced by sea‐level changes can significantly influence the timing and amount of sediment supply to basins and must therefore be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

在回顾南海北部海岸和陆架地层证据的基础上,梳理了珠江三角洲晚第四纪演变历史。结果显示:1)本区晚第四纪地层拥有2套海相沉积,上(新)海相层是当前间冰期(或10.5 ka B.P.以来)高海平面期间形成的沉积物,而下(老)海相层最可能是末次间冰期(126―120 ka B.P.)高海平面阶段留下的沉积物;2)老海相层顶面埋深在三角洲盆地内至少比现今海平面低10~15 m,在珠江口一带则低于20 m,这说明珠江三角洲盆地存在构造沉降,因为2次间冰期的海平面高度是相近的;3)在新生代欧亚板块大陆向东南伸展的构造格局下,南海北部陆架和海岸带经历长期连续的沉降,而长期平均沉降率在0.12 mm/a左右,明显低于GPS测出的现代沉降率;4)在这种板块运动基础上,晚第四纪断裂活动增强了三角洲盆地的沉降,为2次海侵提供了可容沉积空间。  相似文献   

利用1973~2000年9个时相的卫片、海图,提出了卫星影像系列——海图叠合分析法来分析辐射沙洲中大沙洲的动态变化,并将之运用到东沙的动态趋势分析中。研究结果表明:(1)通过卫星影像系列——海图叠合分析法,可避开了不同时相卫片的潮位校正难点,揭示了沙洲的冲蚀淤长变化。(2)东沙北缘向南移动;沙洲东缘向东移动;在沙洲西部遭受侵蚀,边缘东移,但幅度不大。  相似文献   

The onshore record of Middle to Late Weichselian sediments and glacial history in Norway indicates a succession of four major ice advances alternating with rapid, considerable ice recessions and interstadial conditions. During all the glacial advances the ice sheet expanded from onshore/inland positions to the shelf areas. The basis for visualizing these variations in glaciation curves constructed along nine transects from inland to shelf, and for interpretation of the palaeoclimatic history, is the regional Quaternary stratigraphy, more than 300 datings, fossil content and some palaeomagnetic data. The methods applied in recent years for AMS radiocarbon dating of glacial sediments with low organic carbon content have given promising results with respect to accuracy and precision, and the results of such datings were an important tool for our reconstructions and for timing of the ice oscillations. The rapid and rhythmic ice fluctuations, as reconstructed in our new model, have been fairly synchronous in most parts of Norway. Ice advances commenced and culminated at 40, 30-28, 24-21 and 18-15 (14C) Kya. We describe three intervening interstadials from inland sites: Hattfjelldal I, Hattfjelldal II and Trofors. Our stratigraphical record also includes many indications of high, pre-Holocene, relative sea levels, suggesting a considerable glacioisostatic depression of western Scandinavia during the interstadials. In our glaciation model we suggest that, in addition to precipitation, the mountainous fjord and valley topography, glacial isostasy and relative sea level changes were probably more important for the size of the glacial fluctuations than were air temperature changes.  相似文献   

One outstanding feature of the recent Arctic climate is the contrast of the changes of sea ice concentration and thickness between the Beaufort Sea and the Chukchi Sea. Since the Arctic Oscillation (AO) plays a critical role in driving Arctic sea ice changes and the Beaufort and Chukchi seas have been hypothesized as a region in which sea ice anomalies originate, we employed a coupled sea ice-ocean model and carried out simulations forced by the AO signal to examine sea ice changes in these regions, focusing on seasonality. With the AO phase transition from negative to positive, anticyclonic windstress weakens broadly in both winter and summer; however, the surface air temperature response shows remarkable seasonal dependence. Positive temperature anomalies spread over the entire domain in winter, while negative anomalies occur in the shelf seas in summer, although positive anomalies remain in the deep-water portion. The simulated sea ice concentration resembles the observed concentration. The strong seasonality of sea ice concentration changes suggests that accumulation of sea ice concentration in the Beaufort Sea and reduction in the Chukchi Sea are mainly produced in summer. Changes of ice thickness are robust through the seasonal cycle. Generally, sea ice dynamics play a critical role in creating the anomalous sea ice pattern and sea ice thermodynamics partially compensate the dynamically-driven changes. However, considerable seasonal differences occur.  相似文献   

The application of geometric modeling to shelf‐margin stratigraphy has the potential to constrain interpretations of external forcings on margin development. Here we apply such a model to the Ebro margin in order to complement the analysis of Kertznus & Kneller (2009) . Our results suggest that increased mass wasting in the Pleistocene was unlikely to have been a factor in the observed long‐term shelf‐edge trajectory, and that the trajectory can be explained by the interaction of sediment flux, relative sea‐level rise, and basin shape.  相似文献   

This study describes shoreline migration paths for late Quaternary sediments on the inner Barents Sea shelf between Kola and the Pechora Sea. The depositional geometries provide an example of stratigraphical architecture in a glacially influenced basin prone to isostatic movements as well as rapid and high-amplitude changes in eustatic sea level. The depositional geometries reflect asymmetrical relative sea level changes characterised by marine inundation upon deglaciation and prolonged forced regressions. Thus, all deposition occurs during the falling stage and lowstand systems tracts. The transgressive and highstand systems tracts are lacking and the maximum landward position of the shoreline is coinciding with the basal surface of forced regression. Shoreline migration is dominated by downward and seaward trajectories, but aggradation occurs on the falling limb of the relative sea level curve due to superimposed eustatic cycles of lower hierarchical order. Fluvial aggradation behind the shoreline takes place during the lowstand systems tract, but is also linked to high sediment supply and may also respond to superimposed lower order sea level fluctuations. Lateral variations in isostatic load due to asynchronous ice advances lead to regional variations in shoreline trajectories. Significant differences in sea level history exist across former ice margins leading to time-transgressive and laterally discontinuous stratigraphical surfaces. Sequence boundaries are not only diachronous along the depositional profile, but also laterally, and basal surfaces of forced regression are strongly diachronous across former ice margins. Absolute age control allows for estimates of the time differences along significant stratigraphical surfaces.  相似文献   

The Rhine–Meuse system in the west‐central Netherlands is a continental‐scale fluvial system bordered by an extremely wide continental shelf. Consequently, late Quaternary eustatic sea‐level changes have resulted in dramatic shoreline displacements, by as much as 800 km. In addition, changes in climate have been severe, given the latitudinal and palaeogeographic setting of the Rhine–Meuse system. We investigated the relative importance of these allogenic controls on fluvial aggradation and incision during the last two glacial–interglacial cycles. We used optical dating of quartz from ~30 samples in a cross‐section perpendicular to the palaeoflow direction, allowing us to correlate periods of aggradation and incision with independent records of sea‐level change, climate change and glacio‐isostatic crustal movements. We found the long‐term aggradation rate to be ~8 cm kyr?1, a value similar to previous estimates of tectonic subsidence rates in the study area. Several excursions from this long‐term aggradation trend could be identified for the last glacial–interglacial cycle. Dry climatic conditions with relatively high sediment supply induced aggradation during oxygen‐isotope stages (OIS) 4 and 3. Build‐up of a glacio‐isostatic forebulge during OIS 2 is a likely cause of incision around the Last Glacial Maximum, followed by an aggradation phase during forebulge collapse. Sea‐level highstands during OIS 5 have likely resulted in the aggradation of coastal prisms, but only minor, basal estuarine deposits have been preserved because these coastal prisms were prone to erosion during ensuing sea‐level falls. Overall, the sedimentary record is dominated by strata formed during time intervals when the study area was completely unaffected by sea‐level control, and our evidence shows that the falling‐stage systems tract has the highest preservation potential. Our study highlights the importance of considering the complex interplay of both upstream and downstream controls to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of basin‐margin successions.  相似文献   

One of the parameters useful for monitoring large-scale climate variability in the Arctic Ocean is sea level. It integrates virtually all static and dynamic processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere of the Arctic. Previously unavailable mean monthly sea level data at 44 coastal and island stations in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas covering years from 1950 to 1990 were used to analyse seasonal and inter-annual variability. Sea level has a significant annual cycle with an average seasonal amplitude (from peak to peak) in the coastal zone of the Arctic seas on the order of 20 - 30 cm. The analysis of inter-annual and inter-decadal changes has shown that at nearly all stations in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas from the beginning of the 1950s through the end of 1980s there is a positive trend in sea level variability. The main contribution to the sea level rise was in the 1980s; on average for the coastal zone of Siberian shelf the sea level in the 1980s was 5-6 cm higher than in the previous decades. A reasonable agreement between observed decadal mean sea level values and the results of diagnostic model simulations suggests that this rise in the Arctic seas is connected with the reorganization of large-scale circulation of the Arctic Ocean, rather than the regional lowering of the coasts, as has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

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