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We present Hα, [N  II ]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size ≃ 11 × 9 arcsec2 in [N  II ]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width 0.7–1.3 arcsec) S-shaped region which extends almost all along the nebula (≃ 7 arcsec). The 6-cm continuum emission also arises in this narrow region, which is characterized by an exceedingly high point-symmetry and systematic and continuous changes of the orientation with respect to the nebular centre. The properties of the narrow region suggest that it represents a system of precessing bipolar jet-like components. Two low-excitation, compact bipolar knots near the tips of the jet-like components are observed in the deduced [N  II ]/Hα image ratio. These knots may be generated by the interaction of the collimated outflows with surrounding material. A comparison of the optical and radio images shows the existence of differential extinction within the nebula. Maximum extinction is observed in a disc-like region which traces the equator of the elliptical shell previously observed at 20-cm continuum. All available data strongly suggest that K 3-35 is a very young planetary nebula in which we could be observing the first stages of the formation of collimated outflows and point-symmetric structures typically observed in planetary nebulae. The properties of the jet-like components in K 3-35 are in good agreement with models of binary central stars in which highly collimated outflows originate either from a precessing accretion disc or via magnetic collimation in a precessing star.  相似文献   

We present optical spectra of four intermediate-mass candidate young stellar objects that have often been classified as Herbig Ae/Be stars. Typical Herbig Ae/Be emission features are not present in the spectra of these stars. Three of them, HD 36917, HD 36982 and HD 37062, are members of the young Orion nebula cluster (ONC). This association constrains their ages to be ≲1 Myr. The lack of appreciable near-infrared excess in them suggests the absence of hot dust close to the central star. However, they do possess significant amounts of cold and extended dust as revealed by the large excess emission observed at far-infrared wavelengths. The fractional infrared luminosities  ( L ir/ L )  and the dust masses computed from IRAS fluxes are systematically lower than those found for Herbig Ae/Be stars but higher than those for Vega-like stars. These stars may thus represent the youngest examples of the Vega phenomenon known so far. In contrast, the other star in our sample, HD 58647, is more likely to be a classical Be star, as is evident from the low   L ir/ L   , the scarcity of circumstellar dust, the low polarization, the presence of H α emission and near-infrared excess, and the far-infrared spectral energy distribution consistent with free–free emission similar to other well-known classical Be stars.  相似文献   

A follow-up survey using the Submillimetre High-Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC-II) at 350 μm has been carried out to map the regions around several 850-μm-selected sources from the Submillimetre HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). These observations probe the infrared (IR) luminosities and hence star formation rates in the largest existing, most robust sample of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). We measure 350-μm flux densities for 24 850-μm sources, seven of which are detected at ≥2.5σ within a 10 arcsec search radius of the 850-μm positions. When results from the literature are included the total number of 350-μm flux density constraints of SHADES SMGs is 31, with 15 detections. We fit a modified blackbody to the far-IR (FIR) photometry of each SMG, and confirm that typical SMGs are dust-rich  ( M dust≃ 9 × 108 M)  , luminous  ( L FIR≃ 2 × 1012 L)  star-forming galaxies with intrinsic dust temperatures of ≃35 K and star formation rates of  ≃400 M yr−1  . We have measured the temperature distribution of SMGs and find that the underlying distribution is slightly broader than implied by the error bars, and that most SMGs are at 28 K with a few hotter. We also place new constraints on the 350-μm source counts, N 350(>25 mJy) ∼ 200–500 deg−2.  相似文献   

We present arcsec-resolution images at 8.2, 10.0 and 11.3 μm of the unusual young object WL 16 in Ophiuchus, which has an extended envelope of fluorescing hydrocarbon molecules. To the limit of achieved sensitivity, the faint 10.0-μm continuum has a surface-brightness distribution that is not distinguishable from those at 8.2 and 11.3 μm, where the luminosity is known to be dominated by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features. We conclude that the 10-μm continuum either arises from non-equilibrium heating of small dust grains that are well mixed with the hydrocarbons or is quasi-continuous emission from the PAH particles themselves, rather than thermal equilibrium emission from macroscopic dust grains, and that there is no significant silicate absorption variation across the source. The extended hydrocarbon emission may trace a flattened, equatorial distribution of circumstellar material or arise in bipolar lobes. The former case is slightly favoured, based on currently available data, and would imply that WL 16 is a relatively evolved Herbig Ae star, the equatorial plane of which has been almost cleared of normal dust, leaving only fluorescing hydrocarbons and larger coagulated particles as a possibly transient fossil of the original circumstellar disc.  相似文献   

The analysis of hard X-ray INTEGRAL observations (2003–2008) of superaccreting Galactic microquasar SS433 at precessional phases of the source with the maximum disc opening angle is carried out. It is found that the shape and width of the primary X-ray eclipse are strongly variable, suggesting additional absorption in dense stellar wind and gas outflows from the optical A7I component and the wind–wind collision region. The independence of the observed hard X-ray spectrum on the accretion disc precessional phase suggests that hard X-ray emission (20–100 keV) is formed in an extended, hot, quasi-isothermal corona, probably heated by interaction of relativistic jet with inhomogeneous wind outflow from the precessing supercritical accretion disc. A joint modelling of X-ray eclipsing and precessional hard X-ray variability of SS433 revealed by INTEGRAL by a geometrical model suggests the binary mass ratio   q = mx / m v ≃  0.25–0.5. The absolute minimum of joint orbital and precessional  χ2  residuals is reached at   q ≃ 0.3  . The found binary mass ratio range allows us to explain the substantial precessional variability of the minimum brightness at the middle of the primary optical eclipse. For the mass function of the optical star   f v = 0.268 M  as derived from Hillwig & Gies data, the obtained value of   q ≃ 0.3  yields the masses of the components   mx ≃ 5.3 M, m v ≃ 17.7 M  , confirming the black hole nature of the compact object in SS433.  相似文献   

Low-resolution spectra, taken at La Silla (ESO), identify the old nova RS Car (1895) as a ∼18 mag star located 7 arcsec southwest from the previous published position. This suggests a much brighter absolute magnitude of the old nova, M v ∼5.4, than previously suspected. The spectrum reveals a continuum energy distribution typical of optically thick accretion discs and quite a high excitation state of the gas. The possible detection of the AlO λ 4843 emission band is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a submillimetre continuum survey for accretion discs around seven embedded protostars in the Perseus and Serpens molecular clouds. Observations were made at frequencies between 339 and 357 GHz using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope–Caltech Submillimeter Observatory single-baseline interferometer on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. All the objects in our survey show compact dust emission on scales ≲1 arcsec, assumed to arise in a circumstellar accretion disc. We compare the properties of this compact component with evolutionary indicators, such as the ratio of compact to extended emission, and bolometric temperature. We find that discs of mass ∼0.01 M have formed by the Class 0 stage, and that similar mass discs are observed in Class I and Class II sources. A trend is observed whereby the ratio of compact to extended emission in our sources increases from Class 0 to Class II sources. For three of the objects in the survey, NGC 1333 IRAS2:CR1 and SVS13 in Perseus, and FIRS1 in Serpens, the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient to allow us to model the brightness distributions with elliptical Gaussian and power-law disc models. The Gaussian fits give semimajor half-power radii of approximately 90 to 140 au, at the assumed distance of 350 pc to the Perseus and Serpens clouds.  相似文献   

We present observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 7331 using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clark Maxwell Telescope. We have detected a dust ring of 45 arcsec radius (3.3 kpc) at wavelengths of 450 and 850 μm. The dust ring is in good correspondence with other observations of the ring in the mid-infrared (MIR), CO and radio continuum, suggesting that the observed dust is associated with molecular gas and star formation. A B  −  K colour map shows an analogous ring structure with an asymmetry about the major axis, consistent with the extinction being produced by a dust ring. The derived temperature of the dust lies between 16 and 31 K and the gas-to-dust ratio lies between 150 and 570, depending on the assumed dust emission efficiency index (β = 1.5 or 2).  相似文献   

We report near-infrared molecular hydrogen and Brackett γ observations towards the massive star formation site G323.74−0.26. The region contains an H  ii region, ∼30 arcsec across, and two Class II methanol maser sites, which are separate from the H  ii region. We show that the spectral type of the star powering the H  ii region is B0. We also show that at least one of the maser sites is powered by an infrared source that appears to be at least as luminous as the star responsible for the H  ii region. However, neither of the two stars associated with the methanol maser sites shows any signs of radio continuum emission above 0.2 mJy. For at least one of these maser sites, this shows a real deficiency in the radio continuum flux, which we suggest is an indication that the star is in an early stage of development, before its H  ii region becomes visible, or it is a multiple intermediate mass star system. A shocked molecular hydrogen outflow is seen extending from one of the maser sites towards the west and possibly in a fan shape, suggesting that the stars associated with the maser sites are indeed at a very early stage of evolution.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the envelope of the young stellar object (YSO) GGD30IR. What distinguishes this from most other YSOs is the elongated absorption feature seen in silhouette against the background emission in the Spitzer Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey Extraordinaire 8 μm Infrared Array Camera image of the region. The size and the symmetrical placement of GGD30IR in the centre of this feature suggest that it is an extended envelope, perhaps the remnant of the collapse of the GGD30 core. We have used the extinction in the envelope measured from (i) the reduction in the 8 μm background intensity and (ii) field star colour excesses, to estimate the envelope mass, obtaining values of 0.6 ± 0.2 and  0.5 ± 0.3 M  , respectively. To investigate the envelope further, we have obtained Australia Telescope Compact Array 3 mm continuum and HCO+ line observations of the region. The continuum emission at 3 mm arises from both a compact (unresolved; ≤730 au) core embedded in an extended envelope ∼18 000 au × 38 000 au in extent. We estimate the core mass to be 0.11 ± 0.02  M  . The HCO+ emission is extended in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the envelope, suggesting it comes from an outflow. The spectral energy distribution (SED) provides a 2–24 μm spectral index, α= 1.0, which places GGD30IR in the Class I YSO category. Integrating the SED provides a luminosity of   L *≃ 25 ± 5 L  .  相似文献   

We present a multiwavlength infrared (IR) study of the nearby, edge-on, spiral galaxy NGC 891. We have examined 20 independent, spatially resolved IR images of this galaxy, 14 of which are newly reduced and/or previously unpublished images. These images span a wavelength regime from  λ 1.2 μ  m in which the emission is dominated by cool stars, through the mid-IR, in which emission is dominated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), to λ 850 μm, in which emission is dominated by cold dust in thermal equilibrium with the radiation field. The changing morphology of the galaxy with wavelength illustrates the changing dominant components. We detect extraplanar dust emission in this galaxy, consistent with previously published results, but now show that PAH emission is also in the halo, to a vertical distance of   z ≥ 2.5 kpc  . We compare the vertical extents of various components and find that the PAHs (from λ 7.7 and 8 μm data) and warm dust (λ 24 μm) extend to smaller z heights than the cool dust (λ 450 μm). For six locations in the galaxy for which the signal-to-noise ratio was sufficient, we present spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the IR emission, including two in the halo – the first time a halo SED in an external galaxy has been presented. We have modelled these SEDs and find that the PAH fraction, f PAH, is similar to Galactic values (within a factor of 2), with the lowest value at the galaxy's centre, consistent with independent results of other galaxies. In the halo environment, the fraction of dust exposed to a colder radiation field, f cold, is of the order of unity, consistent with an environment in which there is no star formation. The source of excitation is likely from photons escaping from the disc.  相似文献   

This work presents the first integral field spectroscopy of the Homunculus nebula around η Carinae in the near-infrared spectral region ( J band). We confirmed the presence of a hole on the polar region of each lobe, as indicated by previous near-IR long-slit spectra and mid-IR images. The holes can be described as a cylinder of height (i.e. the thickness of the lobe) and diameter of 6.5 and  6.0 × 1016  cm, respectively. We also mapped the blue-shifted component of He  i  λ10830 seen towards the NW lobe. Contrary to previous works, we suggested that this blue-shifted component is not related to the Paddle but it is indeed in the equatorial disc.
We confirmed the claim of N. Smith and showed that the spatial extent of the Little Homunculus matches remarkably well the radio continuum emission at 3 cm, indicating that the Little Homunculus can be regarded as a small H  ii region. Therefore, we used the optically thin 1.3 mm radio flux to derive a lower limit for the number of Lyman-continuum photons of the central source in η Car. In the context of a binary system, and assuming that the ionizing flux comes entirely from the hot companion star, the lower limit for its spectral type and luminosity class ranges from O5.5  iii to O7  i . Moreover, we showed that the radio peak at 1.7 arcsec NW from the central star is in the same line-of-sight of the 'Sr-filament' but they are obviously spatially separated, while the blue-shifted component of He  i λ10830 may be related to the radio peak and can be explained by the ultraviolet radiation from the companion star.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make a sensitive  (5 σ ≃100 mJy)  search for maser emission from the 4765-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→0  transition of OH. 55 star formation regions were searched and maser emission with a peak flux density in excess of 100 mJy was detected toward 14 sites, with 10 of these being new discoveries. In addition we observed the 4750-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→1  transition towards a sample of star formation regions known to contain 1720-MHz OH masers, detecting marginal maser emission from G348.550−0.979. If confirmed this would be only the second maser discovered from this transition.
The occurrence of 4765-MHz OH maser emission accompanying 1720-MHz OH masers in a small number of well-studied star formation regions has led to a general perception in the literature that the two transitions favour similar physical conditions. Our search has found that the presence of the excited-state 6035-MHz OH transition is a much better predictor of 4765-MHz OH maser emission from the same region than 1720-MHz OH maser emission is. Combining our results with those of previous high-resolution observations of other OH transitions we have examined the published theoretical models of OH masers and find that none of them predicts any conditions in which the 1665-, 6035- and 4765-MHz transitions are inverted simultaneously.  相似文献   

CK Vul is classified as, amongst others, the slowest known nova, a hibernating nova or a very late thermal pulse object. Following its eruption in ad 1670, the star remained visible for 2 yr. A 15-arcsec nebula was discovered in the 1980s, but the star itself has not been detected since the eruption. We here present radio images which reveal a 0.1-arcsec radio source with a flux of 1.5 mJy at 5 GHz. Deep Hα images show a bipolar nebula with a longest extension of 70 arcsec, with the previously known compact nebula at its waist. The emission-line ratios show that the gas is shock-ionized, at velocities  >100 km s−1  . Dust emission yields an envelope mass of  ∼5 × 10−2 M  . Echelle spectra indicate outflow velocities up to 360 km s−1. From a comparison of images obtained in 1991 and 2004 we find evidence for expansion of the nebula, consistent with an origin in the 1670 explosion; the measured expansion is centred on the radio source. No optical or infrared counterpart is found at the position of the radio source. The radio emission is interpreted as thermal free–free emission from gas with   T e∼ 104 K  . The radio source may be due to a remnant circumbinary disc, similar to those seen in some binary post-AGB stars. We discuss possible classifications of this unique outburst, including that of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass supernova, a nova eruption on a cool, low-mass white dwarf or a thermal pulse induced by accretion from a circumbinary disc.  相似文献   

We combine photometric observations of high-redshift     quasars, obtained at submillimetre to millimetre wavelengths, to obtain a mean far-infrared (rest-frame) spectral energy distribution (SED) of the thermal emission from dust, parametrized by a single temperature ( T ) and power-law emissivity index ( β ). The best-fitting values are     and     . Our method exploits the redshift spread of this set of quasars, which allows us to sample the SED at a larger number of rest wavelengths than is possible for a single object: the wavelength range extends down to ∼60 μm, and therefore samples the turnover in the greybody curve for these temperatures. This parametrization is of use to any studies that extrapolate from a flux at a single wavelength, for example to infer dust masses and far-infrared luminosities.
We interpret the cool, submillimetre component as arising from dust heated by star formation in the host galaxy of the quasar, although we do not exclude the presence of dust heated directly by the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Applying the mean SED to the data, we derive consistent star formation rates ∼1000 M yr−1 and dust masses ∼109 M, and investigate a simple scheme of AGN and host galaxy co-evolution to account for these quantities. The time-scale for formation of the host galaxy is     , and the luminous quasar phase occurs towards the end of this period, just before the reservoir of cold gas is depleted. Given the youth of the Universe at     (1.6 Gyr), the coexistence of a massive black hole and a luminous starburst at high redshifts is a powerful constraint on models of quasar host galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We present new high- and low-resolution spectroscopic and photometric data of nine members of the young association CMa R1. All the stars have circumstellar dust at some distance, as could be expected from their association with reflection nebulosity. Four stars (HD 52721, HD 53367, LkH α  220 and LkH α  218) show H α emission and we argue that they are Herbig Be stars with discs. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of these stars reveal new characteristics of their variability. We present first interpretations of the variability of HD 52721, HD 53367 and the two LkH α stars in terms of a partially eclipsing binary, a magnetic activity cycle and circumstellar dust variations, respectively. The remaining five stars show no clear indications of H α emission in their spectra, although their spectral types and ages are comparable with those of HD 52721 and HD 53367. This indicates that the presence of a disc around a star in CMa R1 may depend on the environment of the star. In particular we find that all H α emission stars are located at or outside the arc-shaped border of the H  ii region, which suggests that the stars inside the arc have lost their discs through evaporation by UV photons from nearby O stars, or from the nearby (<25 pc) supernova, about 1 Myr ago.  相似文献   

HD 179821 is an evolved star of unknown progenitor mass range (either post-asymptotic giant branch or post-red supergiant) exhibiting a double-peaked spectral energy distribution (SED) with a sharp rise from ∼8 to  20 μm  . Such features have been associated with ejected dust shells or inwardly truncated circumstellar discs. In order to compare SEDs from both systems, we employ a spherically symmetric radiative transfer code and compare it to a radiative, inwardly truncated disc code. As a case study, we model the broad-band SED of HD 179821 using both codes. Shortward of 40 μm, we find that both models produce equivalent fits to the data. However, longward of 40 μm, the radial density distribution and corresponding broad range of disc temperatures produce excess emission above our spherically symmetric solutions and observations. For HD 179821, our best fit consists of a   T eff= 7000 K  central source characterized by  τ V ∼ 1.95  and surrounded by a radiatively driven, spherically symmetric dust shell. The extinction of the central source reddens the broad-band colours so that they resemble a   T eff= 5750 K  photosphere. We believe that HD 179821 contains a hotter central star than previously thought. Our results provide an initial step towards a technique to distinguish geometric differences from spectral modelling.  相似文献   

We present 8.4-GHz VLA A-configuration observations of 87 sources from the mid-infrared-selected AGN sample of Rush et al. These 0.25-arcsec-resolution observations allow elongated radio structures tens of pc in size to be resolved, and enable radio components smaller than 3.5 arcsec to be isolated from diffuse galactic disc emission. When combined with previous data, matched radio observations covering 90 per cent of the sample have been collected, and these represent the largest subarcsecond–resolution radio imaging survey of a homogeneously selected sample of Seyfert galaxies to date.
We use our observations to identify five radio-loud AGN in the sample. The nature of the radio emission from Seyfert nuclei will be discussed in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

New SCUBA measurements at millimetre wavelengths are presented for a sample of Vega-like stars. Six stars were detected, while sensitive upper limits were obtained for a further 11 sources. Most of the sample selected from a recent catalogue of Vega-like stars have infrared excesses similar to those of the prototype Vega-like stars α Lyr and α PsA. Their IR–submm spectral indices are steep, indicating that the submm emission from the discs is dominated by grains which are smaller than the wavelength of observation and that only small grains exist in those dusty discs. HD 98800 has an IR–submillimetre spectral index of less than two, which suggests that grains have grown to more than 0.3 mm in size. Hipparcos parallax data for HD 42137 and HD 123160 suggest that these two stars are giants rather than dwarfs, similar to the situation previously found for HD 233517. Dust masses, or upper limits, were derived for the sample; these indicate that most of the sources do not have as much dust as Herbig Ae/Be or T Tauri stars, but are likely to have dust masses comparable to those of the prototype Vega-like stars.  相似文献   

The few known γ-ray binary systems are all associated with variable radio and X-ray emission. The TeV source HESS J0632+057, apparently associated with the Be star MWC 148, is plausibly a new member of this class. Following the identification of a variable X-ray counterpart to the TeV source we conducted Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Very Large Array (VLA) observations in 2008 June–September to search for the radio counterpart of this object. A point-like radio source at the position of the star is detected in both 1280-MHz GMRT and 5-GHz VLA observations, with an average spectral index, α, of ∼0.6. In the VLA data there is significant flux variability on ∼month time-scales around the mean flux density of ≈0.3 mJy. These radio properties (and the overall spectral energy distribution) are consistent with an interpretation of HESS J0632+057 as a lower power analogue of the established γ-ray binary systems.  相似文献   

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