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A moderate shallow earthquake occurred on 5 December 2014 (M W = 4.9) in the north of Lake Hovsgol (northern Mongolia). The infrasonic signal with duration 140 s was recorded for this earthquake by the “Tory” infrasound array (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia). Source parameters of the earthquake (seismic moment, geometrical sizes, displacement amplitudes in the focus) were determined using spectral analysis of direct body P and S waves. The spectral analysis of seismograms and amplitude variations of the surface waves allows to determine the effect of the propagation of the rupture in the earthquake focus, the azimuth of the rupture propagation direction and the velocity of displacement in the earthquake focus. The results of modelling of the surface displacements caused by the Hovsgol earthquake and high effective velocity of propagation of infrasound signal (~ 625 m/s) indicate that its occurrence is not caused by the downward movement of the Earth’s surface in the epicentral region but by the effect of the secondary source. The position of the secondary source of infrasound signal is defined on the northern slopes of the Khamar-Daban ridge according to the data on the azimuth and time of arrival of acoustic wave at the Tory station. The interaction of surface waves with the regional topography is proposed as the most probable mechanism of formation of the infrasound signal.  相似文献   

—?This paper describes an automatic and interactive data processing system designed to locate impulsive atmospheric sources with a yield of at least one kiloton by detecting and characterizing the airborne infrasound radiated by the source. The infrasonic processing subsystem forms part of a larger system currently under development at the Prototype International Data Center (PIDC) in Arlington, Virginia where seismic, hydroacoustic, radionuclide and infrasonic methods are used to detect and locate impulsive sources in any terrestrial environment. Infrasonic signal detection is achieved via a coincidence detector which requires both the normalized cross correlation and the short-term-average/long-term-average ratio of a beam in the direction of maximum correlation to exceed predetermined threshold values simultaneously before a detection is declared. The infrasound propagation model currently used to infer travel-time information assumes the horizontal sound speed across the ground to be 320.0?m/s. This crude model is currently being replaced by a model which predicts travel-time information through a ray-tracing algorithm for acoustic waves in an atmosphere with seasonal representations for temperature and wind. A novel feature of the source location process is the fusion of all available arrival information, whether it be seismic, hydroacoustic or infrasonic to locate a single source where it is reasonable to hypothesize a common source. In its final configuration the infrasonic subsystem will routinely process data from the global 60-station International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasonic network currently under development.  相似文献   

v--vAn essential step in the establishment of an International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound station is the site survey. The survey seeks a location with relatively low infrasonic noise and the necessary logistical support. This paper reports results from our surveys of two of the oceanic sites in the IMS - the Azores and Cape Verde. Each survey sampled infrasonic noise, wind velocity, air temperature and humidity for ~3 weeks at 4 sites near the nominal IMS locations. The surveys were conducted on Sao Miguel (the main island in the Azores) and Maio (Cape Verde). Infrasonic noise was measured using the French MB2000 microbarometer.¶During our 3-week experiment in January the trade winds at Cape Verde varied little from an azimuth of 63°. Because of the unvarying wind azimuth, the experiment gave us an opportunity to examine the effectiveness of a forest at reducing both wind speed and infrasonic noise. We find that the thick Acacia forest on Maio reduces wind speeds at a 2 m elevation by more than 50% but does not reduce infrasonic noise at frequencies below 0.25 Hz. This forest serves as a high-frequency filter and clearly does not reduce long-period noise levels which are due to large-scale turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer above the forest. This is consistent with our observations in the Azores where the relationship between infrasonic noise and wind speed is more complex due to frequent changes in wind azimuth.¶In Cape Verde, wind speed and infrasonic noise are relatively constant. The diurnal variations are clearly seen however the microbarom is only rarely sensed. In the Azores, during our 3-week experiment in November and December of 1998, wind speed and infrasonic noise change rapidly. At this location, daily noise level swings of 40 to 50 dB at 0.1 Hz are not uncommon in the early winter and are due to changes in wind speed and atmospheric turbulence. The effectiveness of an infrasound station in the Azores will be strongly dependent on time during the winter season.¶The two surveys illustrate some of the difficulties inherent in the selection of sites for 1 to 3 km aperture arrays on oceanic islands. Due to elevated noise levels at these sites, 8 element, 2 km aperture arrays are strongly preferred.  相似文献   

Quantitative modeling of infrasound signals and development and verification of the corresponding atmospheric propagation models requires the use of well-calibrated sources. Numerous sources have been detected by the currently installed network of about 40 of the final 60 IMS infrasound stations. Besides non-nuclear explosions such as mining and quarry blasts and atmospheric phenomena like auroras, these sources include meteorites, volcanic eruptions and supersonic aircraft including re-entering spacecraft and rocket launches. All these sources of infrasound have one feature in common, in that their source parameters are not precisely known and the quantitative interpretation of the corresponding signals is therefore somewhat ambiguous. A source considered well-calibrated has been identified producing repeated infrasound signals at the IMS infrasound station IS26 in the Bavarian forest. The source results from propulsion tests of the ARIANE-5 rocket’s main engine at a testing facility near Heilbronn, southern Germany. The test facility is at a range of 320 km and a backazimuth of ~280° from IS26. Ground-truth information was obtained for nearly 100 tests conducted in a 5-year period. Review of the available data for IS26 revealed that at least 28 of these tests show signals above the background noise level. These signals are verified based on the consistency of various signal parameters, e.g., arrival times, durations, and estimates of propagation characteristics (backazimuth, apparent velocity). Signal levels observed are a factor of 2–8 above the noise and reach values of up to 250 mPa for peak amplitudes, and a factor of 2–3 less for RMS measurements. Furthermore, only tests conducted during the months from October to April produce observable signals, indicating a significant change in infrasound propagation conditions between summer and winter months.  相似文献   

—?In order to improve on the accuracy of event locations at teleseismic distances it is necessary to adequately correct for lateral variations in structure along the ray paths, either through deterministic model-based corrections, empirical path/station corrections, or a combination of both approaches. In this paper we investigate the ability of current three-dimensional models of mantle P-wave velocity to accurately locate teleseismic events. We test four recently published models; two are parameterized in terms of relatively long-wavelength spherical harmonic functions up to degree 12, and two are parameterized in terms of blocks of constant velocity which have a dimension of a few hundreds of km. These models, together with detailed crustal corrections, are used to locate a set of 112 global test events, consisting of both earthquakes and explosions with P-wave travel-time data compiled by the Internation al Seismological Centre (ISC). The results indicate that the supposedly higher resolution block models do not improve the accuracy of teleseismic event locations over the longer wavelength spherical harmonic models. For some source locations the block models do not predict the range of observed travel-time residuals as well as the longer wavelength models. The accuracy of the locations largely varies randomly with geographic position although events in central Asia are particularly well located. We also tested the effect of reduced data sets on the locations. Multiple location iterations using 30 P-wave travel times indicate that teleseismic events may be located within an area of 1000?km2 of the true location 66% of the time with only the model-based corrections, and increasing to 75% if calibration information is available. If as few as 8 phases are available then this is possible only 50% of the time. Further refinement in models and/or procedure, such as the addition of P n phases, azimuth data, and consideration of P-wave anisotropy may provide further improvement in the teleseismic location of small events.  相似文献   

The paper describes the principles and techniques used to detect signals propagating in the atmosphere in the infrasonic frequency range. Such signals can be generated by different sources: ground and atmospheric explosions, as well as objects moving in the atmosphere at supersonic speed (aircraft, rockets, bolides, fragments of spent stages of launch vehicles). Portable infrasound monitoring stations are described, each of which includes three spaced infrasonic microphones. Each such station makes it possible to determine three basic parameters of the detected infrasound signal, which are subsequently used to solve the direction- finding problem: the time of arrival of an infrasonic wave, the azimuth to the source in the horizontal plane, and the wave approach angle from the source of infrasonic waves to the Earth’s surface in the vertical plane. An acoustic detector used to extract useful signals against a noise background is described. The detector is based on an algorithm similar to the STA/LTA detection algorithm known in seismology. Examples of the operation of an acoustic detector with data obtained during real measurements are given. Passive infrasound direction-finding technology is described. It is based on mathematical modeling of the of infrasonic wave propagation in the atmosphere, which are generated by objects moving along possible trajectories; comparison of theoretical signals with real ones recorded by monitoring stations; and determination of the realized trajectories. The paper gives examples of experimental verification of the effectiveness of passive infrasound direction-finding technology for determining the impact points of the first and second stages of launch vehicles. It is shown that infrasound direction-finding systems makes it possible to reduce the estimated search area for launch vehicle fragments that fall to the Earth, significantly decrease the time and costs for their search and utilization, and mitigate the negative environmental impact of the rocket and space industry.  相似文献   

—?The Institute for the Dynamics of the Geospheres (IDG) in Moscow, Russia, contains an archive of infrasound recordings from Soviet atmospheric nuclear tests that were conducted in 1957 and 1961, and has digitized the highest quality records from this data set. We have measured the infrasound signals from these records and compared them with previously developed scaling and attenuation relations. We find that the data are in best agreement with a scaling and attenuation relation developed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) which can be written as logP = 3.37 + 0.68 logW? 1.36logR where P is zero to peak pressure amplitude in Pascals, W is the yield in kilotons, and R is the source to receiver distance in kilometers. We use the scaling relations to define an infrasound magnitude, and to estimate the detection capability of the International Monitoring System (IMS) being developed as part of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The detection threshold for the proposed 60-station IMS network is estimated to be slightly higher than the CTBT design goal of 1 kiloton in some locations.  相似文献   

The study of infrasound is experiencing a renaissance in recent years since it was chosen as a verification technique for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Currently, 60 infrasound arrays are being installed to monitor the atmosphere for nuclear tests as part of the International Monitoring System (IMS). The number of non-IMS arrays also increases worldwide. The experimental ARCES infrasound array (ARCI) is an example of such an initiative. The detectability of infrasound differs for each array and is a function of the array location and configuration, the state of the atmosphere, and the presence of natural and anthropogenic sources. In this study, a year of infrasound data is analyzed as recorded by ARCI. Contributions of the atmosphere and the sources are evaluated in both a low- (0.1–1.0 Hz) and high-frequency (1.0–7.0 Hz) pass-band. The enormous number of detections in the low-frequency band is explained in terms of the stratospheric wind and ocean wave activity and compared with the detection of microseism. Understanding the detectability in the low-frequency band is of utmost importance for successfully applying infrasound as a verification technique since small-sized nuclear test will show up in this frequency range.  相似文献   

Infrasound environments in the Czech microbarograph network were studied. Reference Fourier amplitude spectra were calculated from data measured at three microbarograph sites of the network in May 2011-April 2012; directional analysis of infrasound arrivals in the frequency band 0.15-0.4 Hz was performed for the microbarograph array at Panská Ves in May 2014-April 2015. Diurnal, seasonal and site-to-site variability of the reference spectra was evaluated. Site-to-site variability is influenced by the location of the respective sensors in the open air and inside the observatory buildings and by local noise phenomena like wind turbines. Diurnal variability is well developed in summer with maximum ambient noise levels during the daytime and minima at night. Seasonal variability is observed at night with maxima in winter and minima in summer. Wind and wind eddies seem to be an important source of ambient noise in measurements in the Czech microbarograph network. A distinct spectral peak occurs near 0.2 Hz with amplitudes by about one order of magnitude higher in winter than in summer. Its seasonal variability is related to seasonal propagation of microbaroms from the source region in the Northern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Acoustic tomography is presented as a technique for remote monitoring of meteorological quantities. This method and a special algorithm of analysis can directly produce area-averaged values of meteorological parameters. As a result consistent data will be obtained for validation of numerical atmospheric micro-scale models. Such a measuring system can complement conventional point measurements over different surfaces. The procedure of acoustic tomography uses the horizontal propagation of sound waves in the atmospheric surface layer. Therefore, to provide a general overview of sound propagation under various atmospheric conditions a two-dimensional ray-tracing model according to a modified version of Snell’s law is used. The state of the crossed atmosphere can be estimated from measurements of acoustic travel time between sources and receivers at different points. Derivation of area-averaged values of the sound speed and furthermore of air temperature results from the inversion of travel time values for all acoustic paths. Thereby, the applied straight ray two-dimensional tomographic model using SIRT (simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique) is characterised as a method with small computational requirements, satisfactory convergence and stability properties as well as simple handling, especially, during online evaluation.  相似文献   

越来越多的观测发现,在地震、火山爆发、泥石流等重大自然灾害发生前,常产生异常的次声信号,这为地震及其他自然灾害的预报工作增加了一种可能的信息;同时,次声还是监测大气层、浅地表爆炸的有效手段.在自然灾害和爆炸事件次声监测中,慢度和方位角等参数对于源信号传播、定位以及源性质识别等工作具有重要意义.然而,目前的慢度和方位角等参数的算法——频率波数(FK)分析法,尚存在精度和分辨率不高等问题,特别是对多源次声信号的识别能力较差.为提高次声信号的监测精度,基于次声信号和噪声的子空间不相关性,构建了次声信号慢度和方位角二维子空间计算模型,并在此基础上提出了一种高分辨率次声信号二维子空间算法,仿真实验和实际数据的对比分析结果表明:本文提出的方法在精度和分辨率方面明显优于FK法,且能够更好地分离多源次声信号.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the technique for assessing the state of atmospheric acoustic channels (AACs) for the long-distance propagation of microbaroms. We calculated two possible microbarom propagation paths to station “Badary” from the sources located in (1) the North Atlantic at an azimuth of 320° and (2) the Northwestern Pacific at an azimuth of 60°. We investigate the spatio-temporal structure of the AAC. The experimental data are compared with modeling results.  相似文献   

New location features for possible implementation by the International Seismological Centre in its standard location procedures are tested using a set of 156 well-located and geographically well-distributed earthquakes and explosions. The tests are performed using the Engdahl et al. ([Engdahl, E.R., Van der Hilst, R.D., Buland, R.P., 1998. Global teleseismic earthquake relocation with improved travel times and procedures for depth determination. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 88, 3295-3314]; EHB) location algorithm with the 1-D reference Earth model ak135 [Kennett, B.L.N., Engdahl, E.R., Buland, R., 1995. Constraints on seismic velocities in the Earth from travel times, Geophys. J. Int. 122, 108-124]. Weighting by phase variance as a function of distance improves location accuracy by 7%. Use of later phase arrival times does not result in a significant improvement in location or depth for events with observing stations well distributed in azimuth. However, with application of an improved phase identification technique, depth phases provide significantly better estimates of focal depth.  相似文献   

We have incorporated horizontal winds into ray-mode theory including the full spectrum of acoustic–gravity waves for a perfectly stratified, range-independent, steady-state model atmosphere for frequencies from 10?4 to ~10 Hz. This approach has also been applied to a specific atmospheric propagation problem that has long defied a solution, namely counter-wind propagation arrivals at a location ~300 km up-wind of the source. Our modified ray-mode theory predicts reliable up-wind solutions, but only if small-scale sound speed fluctuations were added to the mean seasonal sound speed profiles. Since full-waveguide theory and modified ray-mode mode theory incorporate diffraction and scattering propagation effects, we have performed additional analyses to determine the mechanism through which these fluctuations produce the up-wind signals. We have concluded that the dominant mechanism is through diffraction due to the presence of semi-permanent turbulence and internal gravity waves located near the stratopause.  相似文献   

Transformation of infrasound to magnetic sound upon propagation from ground level up to the ionosphere is considered. It is shown that upon entering the ionospheric layers at altitudes of order 150–170 km, the wave dynamics changes sharply. Nonlinear effects, including shock formation, are also considered. The shocks are typically formed in a relatively narrow range of altitudes, or not formed at all. Generalization of the model to a case of oblique propagation is briefly considered, and the effects of atmospheric profile variation and of finite plasma conductivity are estimated. Along with providing qualitative insight, the model gives some realistic estimates for waves generated by earthquakes.  相似文献   

Atmospheric masses play an important role in precise downward continuation and validation of satellite gravity gradiometry data. In this paper we present two alternative ways to formulate the atmospheric potential. Two density models for the atmosphere are proposed and used to formulate the external and internal atmospheric potentials in spherical harmonics. Based on the derived harmonic coefficients, the direct atmospheric effects on the satellite gravity gradiometry data are investigated and presented in the orbital frame over Fennoscandia. The formulas of the indirect atmospheric effects on gravity anomaly and geoid (downward continued quantities) are also derived using the proposed density models. The numerical results show that the atmospheric effect can only be significant for precise validation or inversion of the GOCE gradiometric data at the mE level.  相似文献   

武汉地区中尺度电离层声重波扰动的变化特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用武汉电离层观象台高频多普勒台阵的覆盖太阳活动高、低年份,长达5年的连续观测数据,采用小波分析等方法估算电离层声重波扰动(TID)的传播参量,通过这些参量对武汉地区电离层扰动形态和变化规律进行了系统分析研究.结果表明,观测到的中尺度电离层声重波扰动(MSTID)存在二个显著季变化,在传播速度和周期上有明显差异的优势传播方向:一个指向东北方,传播的方位角主要分布在30°─70°之间(0°为正北,以顺时针方向表示传播方位角),它在夏季出现率最大,冬季基本消失;另一个优势方向指向正南,方位角主要分布在150°─220°范围,主要出现在冬季.文中还给出了MSTID的年、日变化,并进一步探讨了其变化特性的可能形成机理.  相似文献   

方位角度域共成像点道集能够客观反映地下介质的速度、各向异性参数异常以及振幅随角度变化(AVA)和裂缝信息。传统Kirchhoff PSTM通常输出偏移距域共成像点道集,对于速度分析、各向异性分析、AVA分析、裂缝识别等均存在诸多不便。本文提出了基于走时梯度的Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移全方位角度集输出方法并提出工业上切实可行的实现方案。通过走时场梯度计算波场传播方向矢量,形成能够反映观测系统参数和波场传播情况的全方位角度域共成像点道集。为了在大规模地震数据Kirchhoff积分叠前时间偏移中输出全方位角度道集,本文给出基于输入道方式的偏移实现方法,采用逐条inline线进行线偏移成像,从而大大降低了全方位角度道集输出对计算机内存的压力,显著提高了Kirchhoff积分时间偏移输出全方位角度道集的可行性。三维盐丘模型测试和海上某区块三维实际资料试验证明了本文方法的正确性。   相似文献   

The North Pacific Subtropical Counter Current (STCC) is a weak zonal current comprising of a weak eastward flow near the surface (with speeds of less than 0.1 m/s and a thickness of approximately 50–100 m) and westward flow (the North Equatorial Current) beneath. Previous studies (e.g., Qiu J Phys Oceanogr 29: 2471–2486, 1999) have shown that the STCC is baroclinically unstable. Therefore, despite its weak mean speeds, nonlinear STCC eddies with diameters ~300 km or larger and rotational speeds exceeding the eddy propagation speeds develop (Samelson J Phys Oceanogr 27: 2645–2662, 1997; Chelton et al. Prog Oceanogr 91: 167–216, 2011). In this study, the authors present numerical experiments to describe and explain the instability and eddy-generation processes of the STCC and the seasonal variation. Emphasis is on finite-amplitude eddies which are analyzed based on the parameter of Okubo (Deep-Sea Res 17: 445–454, 1970) and Weiss (Physica D 48: 273–294, 1991). The temperature and salinity distribution in March and April offer the favorable condition for eddies to grow, while September and October are unfavorable seasons for the generation of eddies. STCC is maintained not only by subsurface front but also by the sea surface temperature (SST) front. The seasonal variation of the vertical shear is dominated by the seasonal surface STCC velocity. The SST front enhances the instability and lead to the faster growth of STCC eddies in winter and spring. The near-surface processes are therefore crucial for the STCC system.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of wave dispersion in dry sand is studied both by purely analytical studies and by analytical–numerical experiments on the basis of gradient elastic and viscoelastic material models. These material models are employed in order to simulate the microstructural characteristics of dry sand. The analytical studies treat the material body as a one-dimensional (for the viscoelastic case) and three-dimensional (for the gradient elastic case) and for both material models provide explicit expressions for the velocity of propagation of harmonic compressional (P) and shear (S) waves. These velocities are found to be functions of frequency, i.e., dispersive. The analytical–numerical studies treat the material as a one-dimensional one and try to simulate P and S wave propagation along the axial direction of cylindrical dry sand specimens. Thus, a sinusoidal pulse with a specific frequency is applied at one end of the specimen and the response is determined at some other point by solving a transient dynamic boundary value problem with the aid of a numerical Laplace transform. This analytical–numerical experiment is repeated for various frequencies. Thus, one determines the velocities of P and S waves as functions of frequency, thereby proving again that wave propagation in dry sand is dispersive.  相似文献   

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