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This is the third in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the two previous reports, which appeared in the August and November issues, it has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. However, unlike the previous articles, each of which aimed at providing data regarding Japanese research on specific geographic topics, this paper is intended to supply the reader with an inventory of those materials that will be needed for the conduct of research in Japan. —H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the report on historical geography, which appeared in the August issue, this report on geomorphology has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. As an indication of the relative importance of geomorphology in Japanese geography, at the April 1979 annual meeting of the AJG in Tokyo 30 percent of the 138 papers presented were devoted to geomorphology.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU  相似文献   


This is the second in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the report on historical geography, which appeared in the August issue, this report on geomorphology has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. As an indication of the relative importance of geomorphology in Japanese geography, at the April 1979 annual meeting of the AJG in Tokyo 30 percent of the 138 papers presented were devoted to geomorphology.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU  相似文献   

A regret frequently expressed at International Geographical Congresses concerns the lack of summary information about the nature of geographic research in the host country. During a discussion of this point with members of the Association of Japanese Geographers, the idea of publishing a series of reports on various aspects of Japanese research surfaced. The concept was later enthusiastically supported by the United States National Committee for the International Geographical Union. This first report, “Historical Geography in Japan,” has been modified for the benefit of the English-speaking readers of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. Although the reports will be of particular interest to those planning to attend the 1980 IGC in Tokyo, they should prove of general interest as well.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   


A regret frequently expressed at International Geographical Congresses concerns the lack of summary information about the nature of geographic research in the host country. During a discussion of this point with members of the Association of Japanese Geographers, the idea of publishing a series of reports on various aspects of Japanese research surfaced. The concept was later enthusiastically supported by the United States National Committee for the International Geographical Union. This first report, “Historical Geography in Japan,” has been modified for the benefit of the English-speaking readers of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. Although the reports will be of particular interest to those planning to attend the 1980 IGC in Tokyo, they should prove of general interest as well.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   

胡志丁  杜德斌 《地理学报》2020,75(10):2047-2060
自“地缘政治”一词创立以来,西方地缘政治学已经历了120年的发展,期间诞生了众多理论流派,然而其影响却在日渐衰落。这在一定程度上源于其发展思路以及由此导致对现实研究不足所致。中国地缘政治研究起步较晚,长期以借鉴西方地缘政治理论为主,直到2010年掀起以“地缘环境”研究为主题的复兴议程。地缘环境研究将地理知识和政治融入地缘政治分析过程中,这一研究方向与思路不仅有助于地缘政治研究的变革与创新,还有助于推进“一带一路”倡议和人类命运共同体建设,具有重要理论与现实意义。本文基于前期对有关地缘环境概念、构成、结构、模拟等内容的研究进展,提出了国别地缘环境研究思路、跨学科融合路径和分析框架,并以德川幕府时期的日本为例,展现了跨学科融合研究视角下日本受国内外多要素、长时间、多尺度综合作用所导致的地缘环境演变,对其中涉及到的日本对内、对外的政策制定与变化也从其面临的地缘环境视角进行了解读。最后为深化对当前国别地缘环境研究提出了三条建议。  相似文献   

论地理学的特性与基本问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
学科通常都具有独立的研究对象、独立的学科问题、独特的学科特征以及独特的社会服务功能。本文从3个方面论述了地理学的属性,进而认识现代地理学的时代特征。①地理学研究对象的演化经历了由简单向复杂的变化过程。在研究实践过程中,应充分认识地理系统的复杂属性。②地理的要素、空间与时间相互融合构成了独特的学科问题体系,阐述了不同地理问题的本质区别,进而促进解决不同地理问题的技术与方法体系建设。③“还原论”与“整体论”并举的地理学哲学思维方兴未艾。地理学强调的综合研究在当今时代受到了前所未有的重视。在新兴学科和新兴技术的支撑下,出现了地理要素和地理系统并行研究的新格局。本文从地理学研究的基本特征出发,总结了地理学研究的核心问题,探讨地理学驱动机制对地理规律的组合效应。理解地理学关键特征和时代价值,有助于探索地理学的社会发展契机。  相似文献   

This is the last in a series of reports on various aspects of geographic research in Japan. The series has been sponsored by the United States Committee for the International Geographic Union in anticipation of the 1980 IGC in Tokyo. Like its predecessors, this report has been modified by H. Jesse Walker, member of the Committe, for the benefit of English-speaking readers of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER.  相似文献   

黄舒雨  肖玲 《热带地理》2016,36(6):1034-1044
以广州日本侨民为研究对象,通过进行半结构访谈、收集统计数据和资料、实地踏勘等方法,分析了广州日本侨民的空间聚集和社会隔离情况及其原因。研究发现:在全球化资本配置和地方发展响应的条件下,伴随着日企的进驻和广州城市中心的发展,日本侨民多聚集于城市中心区,形成了环市东路、天河北―天河南、五羊新城―珠江新城等三大日本侨民聚集区;由于受到日本企业的安排、日本媒体、语言和社团活动、双边关系和签证政策等外部客观因素,日本民族特性、工作思维等内部主观因素,以及跨国经济、社会活动的影响,日本侨民的社会隔离存在被动隔离和主动隔离 2 种类型,跨国活动使日本侨民构筑的跨国社会空间内部具有统一性和均衡性,对外界却存在排他性和防御性。  相似文献   

城镇化系列咨询研究进展与影响   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
陈明星  龚颖华 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2015-2024
2014年3月,国家印发《新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》,标志着中国城镇化发展的重大转型,将城镇化重点转向实现“人的城镇化”。国家城镇化政策转型离不开多学科众多学者长期以来针对城镇化开展研究探索的集体智慧的推动,中国科学院学部牵头完成的城镇化系列咨询报告是标志性成果之一,在城镇化政策转型中发挥了作用。回顾城镇化系列咨询研究的主要内容,以及对国家相关部委产生的工作推动与影响。认为人文与经济地理学要积极承担国家智库和思想库功能,加强基础研究以支撑决策咨询研究,城镇化是地理学综合研究的重要内容,新型城镇化为学科发展提供了广阔空间。同时,科技工作者要有强烈责任感与科学精神。  相似文献   

本文基于S.Beer空间分辨率圆锥,应用等级体系理论,结合地理学有关研究成果,探讨建立一种具有尺度单元结构性质的区域地理系统模型———区域地理系统单元等级圆锥。研究认为,区域地理系统单元等级圆锥由地理最小结构单元、地理基本功能单元、地理景观单元、地理景观类型单元与地理景观类型组合单元组成,它们分别实现地理学“最小空间粒度划分”、“基本空间过程分析”、“空间过程共轭分析”、“类型划分”与“类型间相互作用”的研究方法,分别体现地理学“还原分析”、“过程分析”“整体分析”、“类型分析”与“综合分析”的研究思想。  相似文献   

地理学视角的干旱传播概念、特征与影响因素研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地理学视角理解干旱传播时空维概念内涵,沿着“概念界定—特征量化—过程描述”这条主线全面揭示干旱传播特征、模式与机制及其研究现状,对于深刻理解干旱发展始终全过程中干旱演变过程与驱动因素具有重要的理论意义。论文首先从地理学时空完备性进行干旱传播概念界定;分析干旱传播的时空两维特征并归纳其研究思路与方法;探究干旱传播的主要影响因素;并归纳出基于“特征—过程—机制”的干旱传播研究框架与展望。通过梳理国内外文献并综述表明,干旱传播具有时空维概念与特征,其主要受下垫面因素(水系特征)、气候变化与人类活动(土地利用行为)控制。目前,干旱传播主要集中于干旱传播时间维度上的滞后性特征及传播概率研究,在探索其空间维度特征、演绎干旱传播过程并揭示其驱动机制方面尚有不足。揭示气象干旱、水文干旱、农业干旱至社会经济干旱形成与演变的过程机制和规律是干旱研究的重要内容,是制定高效的御旱抗旱措施的首要前提,从地理学视角揭示干旱传播概念内涵并探究其特征与过程机制应是干旱研究的题中要义。  相似文献   

理解地理“耦合”实现地理“集成”   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
“耦合”作为物理学的经典概念,为许多学科提供了一套阐述多主体相互作用的思路和方法。“集成”不是来自特定学科,但因其高度的概括能力被广泛应用于自然和人文科学领域。地球科学是应用这两个概念最多的学科之一。地理学作为自然与人文交叉学科,具有区域性、综合性和复杂性特征。在使用耦合概念时,不同地理分支具有不同的理解,为此,地理学者有必要明确界定不同学科、不同情景下耦合概念的内涵,从而更准确地探索陆地表层格局、过程和机制。首先,从地理要素耦合、地理空间耦合、地理界面耦合、地理空间尺度耦合、地理关系耦合、地理耦合解译六个方面,对地理耦合的内涵进行全面解析和界定,并给出了相应的研究实践案例。其次,从地理学的视角认识理解集成,并以“黑河流域生态—水文集成研究”重大研究计划的地理实践为例,介绍实现地理集成的基本路径。最后,提出理解地理“耦合”与实现地理“集成”之间的联系。  相似文献   

黄秉维先生始终坚持认为,“没有综合性地理研究,地理学便失其存在的依据”,“综合研究是发展自然地理学最主要的方向,同时也是带动部门自然地理学最有效的途径”.综合研究包括现代过程和历史形成这两个互相关联、互相补充的方面,为此60年代他提出自然地理研究的3个方向,实际上是地理学在自然环境层次上的综合。近年来,黄秉维先生提出的“陆地系统科学与区域可持续发展战略研究”,是在新形势下,他一贯主张的地理综合研究思想的继续与发展。他强调综合研究的重要性,指出只有跨学科研究才是综合研究;为了协调人地关系,仅仅有自然方面的综合是不够的,还需要进行社会经济方面的综合和自然与社会经济方面的跨学科研究。  相似文献   

杨霄 《地理学报》2023,78(1):230-240
就军事地理环境而言,当代中国在海洋方向面临的最主要威胁来自环中国岛链的封锁,研究这一限制性地理环境对准备和实施军事活动的影响与相应对策,具有重要的现实意义。第一次世界大战(简称“一战”)初期,德国东亚驻军进行了跨岛链作战的实践,但在日本海军依托岛链和优势兵力的封锁下,其战略目标未能达成,并且出现了军事地理位置上的优劣转换。本文通过对“一战”初期德国东亚驻军跨岛链作战行动的军事地理分析,尝试提出军事地理研究思路、跨学科融合路径和分析框架。本文分析认为,彼时德占青岛虽然具有良好的战略态势和强大的军事力量,但孤悬海外,且缺乏战略纵深;从宏观的区域尺度分析来看,基地与舰队间的联系被岛链分隔,腹背受敌,军事地理上的劣势凸显。但依托岛链进行封锁,需要集结大量兵力,利用对方边缘区内作战力量相对比较薄弱的有利条件,原本实力较弱的德国东亚舰队取得了重大战果,形成反转式的“核心—边缘”结构。本文为中国的海疆安全和海洋强国建设提出了5条建议。  相似文献   

朱连奇  史学建  韩慧霞 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1625-1632
采用定性分析和定量计算、微观机理研究和宏观分析相结合的方法,对影响淤地坝建设的地理要素进行筛选,重点分析了沟壑密度、土壤侵蚀模数、农业人口密度对小流域淤地坝建设,主要是对淤地坝空间布局的影响;以黄河中游多沙粗沙区为研究对象,根据研究区域45个县(旗、市)的沟壑密度、土壤侵蚀模数、农业人口密度和淤地坝密度的基础数据,从地理学角度系统分析它们和研究区域淤地坝密度的关系,研究影响该区域淤地坝建设及布局的主要地理要素。结果表明,在黄河中游多沙粗沙区,影响淤地坝建设最主要的地理要素是农业人口密度,即人类活动的剧烈程度和淤地坝密度之间存在着直接的关系,分析结果为黄河中游多沙粗沙区淤地坝建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

lintroductionGeographicinformahonSystem(GIS)hasbeendevelopedtosuchadegreethatitseemstobeakindofpanaceawhengeographicproblemsarediscussedwhereverinPapers,onclasses,inrePOrtSorinresearchplans.AtpresentitisasthoughthatgeographywasnotgeographywithoutmentioningGIS.Itremindsusofquanhtahvegeography1flatoncebroughtanewlookforgeogr'aphicresearchfromthe1960stothe1980s.DuringthatPeriod,quanhtahvegeographyhadthesimilargoodfortUnetoGIStodayasitwasfrequenhyappliedindiscussingconcernedgeognphicproblems…  相似文献   

This article reports preliminary results of using a spatial dependence approach to retrieving industrial building complexes from digital aerial photographs. Because image retrieval was originally developed outside geography, this paper first discusses the principle of image retrieval in the context of geographic studies, the basic types of geographic features for retrieval, and the spatially dependent nature of geographic features. Based on these discussions, the spatial dependence approach is presented for the intended retrieval. Semivariogram is used to represent the spatial dependence of geographic features and for the subsequent retrieval of these features. Results show the effectiveness of this approach and warrant further investigations.  相似文献   

This article reports preliminary results of using a spatial dependence approach to retrieving industrial building complexes from digital aerial photographs. Because image retrieval was originally developed outside geography, this paper first discusses the principle of image retrieval in the context of geographic studies, the basic types of geographic features for retrieval, and the spatially dependent nature of geographic features. Based on these discussions, the spatial dependence approach is presented for the intended retrieval. Semivariogram is used to represent the spatial dependence of geographic features and for the subsequent retrieval of these features. Results show the effectiveness of this approach and warrant further investigations.  相似文献   


Inquiry-based learning has a long tradition in geography education, and many faculty members are using inquiry to tap the constructivist potential of the World Wide Web. This paper reports on the development of a scoring guide that assesses the degree to which teaching materials support issues-based geographic inquiry. The scoring guide was tested in a content analysis of geographers7 Web-based teaching materials. The results of the preliminary analysis suggest that relatively few geography teaching materials on the Web bear the characteristics of inquiry. Additional research is needed to determine whether teaching materials on the Web are facilitating a shift toward constructivist practice in the discipline.  相似文献   

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