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新疆焉耆盆地绿洲水盐双梯度下天然植被多样性分异特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对焉耆盆地河畔带、荒漠带、湖畔带土壤水盐及地下水位和天然植被关系的分析,研究了干旱绿洲水盐过程与分异天然植被生长和绿洲生态的影响.结果表明:绿洲天然植被生物多样性取决水盐双梯度影响,盐分不断向湖畔积聚是引起焉耆盆地湖畔生态系统生境恶化的主导因子.绿洲内部河畔带物种多样性与地下水埋深关系表明,在埋深1.5m区域,随着地下水埋深的加大,物种多样性减少;在埋深1.5~3m区域内,随着地下水埋深加大,其物种多样性在增加;而当埋深在3~4m之间时,随着地下水埋深的加大,植物多样性呈明显减少趋势;而在埋深4m区域内,多样性指数波动不大.调查表明,随着埋深的变化,地表的天然植被草本、灌木、乔木也呈现明显的分异,地下水水盐条件制约植被分布、生存和演替,各种植被类型适应不同的地下水位和盐分特征.  相似文献   

东天山喀尔里克山北坡-淖毛湖植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东天山喀尔里克山北坡-淖毛湖为研究区,探讨了该区山地-荒漠生态系统的植物种类组成、植被类型及群落物种多样性特征.结果表明:该区共有高等植物33科93属133种,植物生活型组成以草本植物居多.群落物种多样性测度指数的主成分分析结果显示,物种丰富度指数(R)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsi)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)和Simpson优势度指数(C)能很好地描述群落结构和组成特征.其中,多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数的变化趋势基本一致,优势度指数则和前三者呈负消长的关系.随着海拔升高,群落物种多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数变化均呈现单峰分布格局,即植物群落的物种多样性在山前荒漠生态系统和高海拔山地生态系统中较低,而在中海拔地区达到最大.  相似文献   

甘肃迭部扎尕那地区山地土壤过程的垂直分带性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究迭部扎尕那地区山地土壤过程的垂直分带性, 对不同海拔分布的土壤类型进行垂直分带取样, 并针对不同植被类型和特殊地理因素进行横向取样, 分析土壤的化学成分及其结构. 应用GIS软件数字化研究区地形图, 提取海拔、 坡度、 坡向等地形因子, 结合土地利用资料得到土地利用类型图. 通过采样点数据与数字化地形因子图与土地利用类型图的叠加, 结合属性数据的统计分析, 讨论影响土壤过程垂直分带性各要素的垂直性规律和分布. 结果表明: 有机碳含量和全氮含量呈极好的线性正相关, 并随海拔的升高而增加. 此外, 在同一海拔范围内, 土壤有机碳含量随着土地利用类型和坡向的变化呈规律性变化. 其中, 不同土地利用类型下的土壤有机碳含量依次为有林地>高寒草甸>高覆盖度草地>农村居民点>平原耕地>山地耕地; 不同坡向上, 土壤有机碳含量依次为阴坡>半阴坡>半阳坡>阳坡.  相似文献   

研究现代孢粉沿海拔梯度分布、传播特征及其驱动因素,有助于提高基于孢粉重建古植被和古气候的可靠性。喜马拉雅山是全球中纬地区落差最大的山脉之一,其中段南坡植被垂直带谱完整,目前尚缺乏该垂直带谱孢粉现代过程研究。本研究通过喜马拉雅山脉中段南坡不同海拔26个表土样品(海拔梯度为3551~4444 m)的孢粉分析并整合前人表土孢粉数据(n=138,海拔梯度涵盖132~5000 m),系统分析了孢粉(包括组成、百分比含量、浓度及多样性)的垂直分异规律及其与气候、土地利用之间的关系。研究结果显示孢粉组合垂直分布特征能很好地代表植被垂直分布特征,年降水和暖季气温是影响孢粉分布的重要气候要素。孢粉丰富度沿海拔梯度无明显分异特征;而孢粉均匀度随海拔升高而显著降低(特别是海拔3500 m以上区域),能够代表植被群落随海拔的变化特征。常见乔木植物花粉(松属、云杉属、桦木属和栎属等)存在明显的向高海拔传播现象,且不同类型间传播能力差异较大;而柏科花粉传播能力差,能很好地指示局地植被。表土样品孢粉浓度随海拔升高呈现降低趋势,且高海拔地区较低的孢粉浓度一定程度上放大了由低海拔传播而来的乔木植物花粉对孢粉组合的影响。...  相似文献   

祁连山排露沟流域水分状况与径流形成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对祁连山排露沟水源流域水分状况进行测定分析,结果表明:流域内水分状况与径流形成潜力具有在空间上的异质性,随坡向、海拔等地形因子而发生规律性变化;流域降水不论坡向、海拔变化均能在满足植被(乔木)生长需要后有结余,水分状况较好.流域高海拔较低海拔水分状况好,形成径流潜力大;同一海拔阴阳坡径流系数没有显著差异,但阴坡森林由于结余的水分多、径流潜力大,对河川径流形成的贡献和调节作用均大于阳坡草地.流域高海拔和阴坡森林面积越大,水分状况越好,产流能力越强;流域阴坡森林对河川径流的调节作用使其面积越大河川径流越稳定.  相似文献   

利用1982—2006年的GIMMS-NDVI数据,应用RS与GIS技术,结合水资源的形成与转化规律分析了准噶尔盆地植被的时空演化特征与水文地质因素的关系。结果表明:植被指数较高地区分别对应径流消耗和强烈转化区及径流形成区,即平原绿洲和山区林草地;植被指数较低地区主要为荒漠生态系统,即缺水区。研究区植被指数年际变化整体呈弱增加趋势,与降水的相关性存在明显的地域分异特性,与海拔700~1 650 m的低山半荒漠和砾质戈壁地区相关性最大。植被指数空间变化呈现明显的地域分异特性,径流形成区NDVI显著减少,主要为山区林草地;径流消耗与强烈转化区和径流排泄蒸散区NDVI显著增加,主要为人工绿洲。以典型剖面为例,径流变化与植被显著增加的山区荒漠和绿洲生态系统的NDVI变化呈显著正相关,体现为冰川雪地转化为荒漠,平原林草地、水域和荒漠转化为耕地;径流变化与植被显著减少的山地生态系统中的山区林草地的NDVI变化呈显著负相关,山地生态系统涵养水资源的能力下降。研究成果可为干旱半干旱区生态环境治理及水资源开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

祁连山不同植被类型对积雪消融的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为研究祁连山植被对积雪消融的影响, 利用人工调查积雪深度逐日变化量和积雪盖度变化, 并结合空气雪面感热通量(SH)观测, 对祁连山水源林生态站排露沟流域海拔2 600~2 700 m青海云杉林、灌丛林、林缘、阳坡草地在2003-2007年的积雪消融进行了研究, 每年的观测从10月降雪开始到翌年5月积雪消融完结束, 共获取数据134 400个. 结果表明: 当SH<0时, 积雪消融停止;当SH>0时, 积雪消融开始;植被可以减缓积雪消融速率, 有植被的地方消融速率减慢, 反之则加快;不同植被消融速率大小顺序为草地>林缘>灌木林>乔木林;同一植被、不同坡向消融速率不同, 半阳坡云杉林>半阴坡云杉林>阴坡云杉林. 积雪含水率随气温升高而增大, 1月融化积雪占整个积雪的5%, 2月增大到28%, 大量积雪在3月消融, 占55%. 从坡位看, 下坡消融速率最大;在一个垂直带上, 低海拔消融速率大于高海拔. 温度是影响积雪消融的主要因子, 积雪消融速率随温度升高而增大, 反之则减小.  相似文献   

在祁连山冷龙岭南麓坡地进行不同海拔的土壤植被的整体双向移地实验,以探讨气候变化对土壤碳、氮含量及其比例的影响.结果表明: 土壤植被移植后土壤因原生状态不同而存在差异,移地后土壤有机质含量总体表现出随海拔升高而升高,部分移植后在海拔3 600~3 800 m处略有下降;土壤全氮变化比较复杂.从不同高度移植到各海拔后,除从海拔3 400 m移到各海拔的土壤碳氮比先升高后降低外,其它3个高度移植后土壤碳氮比随海拔升高而升高.受气候影响和原生植被类型差异,土壤碳、氮及碳氮比波动变化明显.  相似文献   

在祁连山冷龙岭南麓坡地进行不同海拔的土壤-植被的整体双向移地实验,以探讨气候变化对土壤碳、氮含量及其比例的影响.结果表明:土壤-植被移植后土壤因原生状态不同而存在差异,移地后土壤有机质含量总体表现出随海拔升高而升高,部分移植后在海拔3 600~3 800m处略有下降;土壤全氮变化比较复杂.从不同高度移植到各海拔后,除从海拔3 400m移到各海拔的土壤碳氮比先升高后降低外,其它3个高度移植后土壤碳氮比随海拔升高而升高.受气候影响和原生植被类型差异,土壤碳、氮及碳氮比波动变化明显.  相似文献   

长白山苔原带土壤温度与肥力随海拔的变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤温度与土壤肥力的分解释放、植被生长密切相关。利用2015年8月至2017年6月长白山西坡苔原带5 cm土壤温度并测试其土壤肥力,分析了土壤温度与肥力随海拔的变化特征及土壤温度对苔原带肥力的影响。结果表明:(1)长白山西坡苔原带土壤最热月为8月,最冷月为1、2月。长白山西坡苔原带土壤年均温随海拔的升高而下降,垂直变化率为-0.44℃·(100m)-1。月均温垂直变化率则有所差别,5-9月垂直变化率为正,其余月份垂直变化率为负。(2)海拔是土壤温度空间分异的主要影响因素,冷季土壤温度随海拔升高而显著降低。随着海拔升高,越稀疏的植被和越薄的土层使得土壤热容量越小,暖季土壤温度随海拔升高而显著升高。(3)长白山西坡苔原带土壤肥力,尤其是与植物生长关系密切的速效养分随海拔升高表现出先升高再降低,在植物多样性和丰富度及草本植物盖度最高的2 250 m处达到土壤肥力最高水平。低海拔(2 050~2 250 m)的土壤肥力水平明显高于高海拔(2 350~2 550 m)的土壤肥力水平。西坡苔原带土壤肥力的空间分异状况受草本植物入侵影响较大。(4)长白山西坡苔原带土壤肥力水平随土壤温度升高而升高,温度是土壤有机质分解和矿物质养分转化的限制性因素。建议山地苔原带生态系统生产和生态管理中要重点考虑草本植被入侵给土壤肥力带来的影响。  相似文献   

Conducting research about the relationships between soil chemical properties and vegetation coverage at different slope aspects is especially important in reconstructed ecosystems of vulnerable ecological regions. This study was conducted in the first reclaimed dump within the Pingshuo mining area of Shanxi Province, China, to analyze patterns of soil chemical properties (soil organic matter (SOM), soil total nitrogen (STN), soil available phosphorus (SAP) and soil available potassium (SAp) and vegetation coverage (NDVI) and their correlations at different slope aspects. In the reclaimed dump, 26 quadrats were established along four slope aspects (i.e., shady, semi-shady, sunny and semi-sunny slopes). There was no significant difference in SOM or STN among different slope aspects, while SAP differed between shady slopes compared to semi-shady, sunny and semi-sunny slopes; SAP differed significantly between semi-shady and semi-sunny slopes. The NDVI of semi-sunny slopes differed significantly from that of the other three aspects. There was variation in the relationships between NDVI and soil chemical properties, depending on the slope aspects. The logarithm of SOM and NDVI was related linearly on shady and semi-shady slopes, while NDVI was inversely related to the natural logarithm of the logarithm of SOM on sunny and semi-sunny slopes. STN and NDVI had a first-order function relationship on shady and semi-shady slopes, yet a quadratic function relationship on sunny and semi-sunny slopes. The relationships between SAP and NDVI were inverse on all types of slopes. On shady and semi-shady slopes, NDVI had a quadratic relationship with the logarithm of SAp, but it was well fitted by using a cubic function on sunny and semi-sunny slopes. The sensitivity coefficients of soil chemical properties and NDVI were different, and soil chemical properties changed differently depending on changes in NDVI at different slope aspects.  相似文献   

根据实地考察和相关参考资料,运用历史文献和统计分析的方法,对托木尔峰国家级自然保护区垂直自然带景观特征进行分析,结果显示:对托木尔峰自然保护区垂直自然带的形成,地形地貌因素起着主导作用,纬度起着次要作用,受地形地貌因素制约的水热条件是形成各垂直自然带景观特征的最重要的物质和能量来源,随着水热条件的垂直变化,从低山带至高山带有规律的出现暖温带荒漠带、温带荒漠草原带、山地草原带、亚高山草甸带、高山草甸带、高山垫状植被带和高山冰雪带.东西走向的天山山脉,南北向深切的冰川和流水地貌,对来自北大西洋和北冰洋的湿润气流起了显著地屏障作用,致使托木尔峰南、北坡具有不同的气候特点,南坡形成了暖温带半干旱和干旱气候.自然景观以温带荒漠、荒漠草原和草原为主,植物种类贫乏,具有耐旱特点,随着海拔高度的增加,植物的荒漠成分逐渐减少,草原和草甸成分逐渐增加,土壤的有机质含量提高,碳酸盐的淋溶作用增强.  相似文献   

The approach of tropical cyclone (TC) Juliette, in 2001, to the Baja California Peninsula triggered at least 419 landslides. Most of the landslides were shallow slips and debris slides of limited areal extent, which were converted rapidly into debris flows to be exported quickly out of the mountain areas towards the lowlands. Main factors affecting landslide occurrence were total storm rainfall and intensity, aspect, geology and vegetation association. Two processes can be distinguished as initiating slope failure. Accumulation of rainfall from exposed bedrock slopes, generating excess overland flow, was the main process linked to failures in concave topography. A combination of wind and excess overland flow in the more convex or planar upper slopes was a secondary process related to heterogeneity of vegetation associations in the oak-dry tropical forests ecotone, as uprooted trees dislodged large regolith and bedrock blocks, priming hillslopes for further runoff concentration. An estimative threshold curve for triggering landslides in this region is sketched. From the analysis of historical information, storms like Juliette approach the southern peninsula on average once every 100 years. Denudation estimates are in the higher end of the spectrum for a tectonically passive margin. These estimates should be considered when taking decisions regarding management of water resources in this area through damming of streams. The results emphasize the need for a more detailed representation of the spatial distribution of the rainfall and winds for this mountainous region affected by TCs.  相似文献   

祁连山在中国西部处于及其重要的地理位置,是北方及西北地区生态安全的主要屏障之一。水源涵养区浅山区植被的恢复与保护在整个祁连山生态系统保护与建设中发挥着重要的作用。但是,由于受到气候变化及人为损坏、超载放牧等负面因素的影响,祁连山水源涵养区浅山区植被受到一定的破坏,为当地生态环境造成巨大压力。本文从山丹县祁连山水源涵养区浅山区植被恢复与保护入手,在明确其重要性的同时分析了近年来对区域植被恢复与保护的策略及取得的成效。  相似文献   

根据影响沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地的地质地貌、植被、气候和人类活动等特征,通过确定地域分异、发生学、多级序列等区划原则,建立了以地质地貌类型组合、气候为沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地区(Ⅰ级区)划分和以沙质荒漠化土地类型空间分布特征为沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地亚区(Ⅱ级区)划分的指标体系。采用遥感方法,将中国北方沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地划分为贺兰山以西干旱沙漠、沙质荒漠化区;贺兰山-大兴安岭干旱、半干旱沙漠、沙质荒漠化区和大兴安岭以东半干旱、半湿润沙质荒漠化区等3个区和17个亚区。并对沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地区进行了现状分析。  相似文献   

高山寒漠带水文、生态和气候意义及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高山寒漠带在青藏高原和天山地区的面积比率约为20%~30%,在高海拔山区面积分布广阔,是山区流域降水的高值区,下渗迅速,产流系数高,是山区流域的主要产流区。由于其海拔高、气温低、地形陡峭、植被稀疏,是重要的水文功能区和极端寒区生态脆弱区,附生在其中的稀疏植被和低温微生物是高山生命带的重要组成部分,对气候变化也有指示意义,但国内相关研究很少。人类活动对高山寒漠生境植被的影响比低海拔区要小,因而为我们提供了一个可以进行气候变化效应比较监测的机会。提出高山寒漠带在我国冰冻圈水文、生态和气候等方面的重要性,并对相关进展进行初步总结,建议将高山寒漠带作为一个特殊的生态、气候和水文功能区,专门进行研究。  相似文献   

山区地下水对平原区的侧向径流补给量是一个长期争议且悬而未决的难题,这个量在西北内陆干旱盆地,被估算得或很小或很大。在总结前人研究的基础上,采用地质水文地质调查、物探、钻探、抽水试验、地下水动态观测、水化学测试、盆地地下水水位统测和综合研究等技术方法,查明了黑河中游盆地南部山盆交接带的地质构造接触关系、地层岩性接触关系及梨园河口白垩系风化壳含水层结构和水文地质参数。通过山区不同流域等级的地表水与地下水转化关系分析,将山区地下水对平原区侧向径流补给带划分为大中型河流河谷补给段和小微型河流或冲沟群流域构成的浅山带补给段。河谷补给段勘探资料较为丰富,多用达西断面流方法计算;针对浅山带补给段极为缺乏勘探资料的实际,以梨园河口断面径流量为参照,构建了浅山带岩性、汇水区面积、降水量等3 个变量的山区地下水对平原区侧向径流补给量的估算方法。估算出黑河中游盆地南部山区浅山带地下水对平原的侧向径流补给量为0.40×108 m3/a,河谷段基岩侧向补给量为0.07×108 m3/a;推算出河谷段第四系地下水补给量为0.30×108 m3/a;3 项补给量之和为0.77×108 m3/a,占盆地地下水资源量的3.0%。该研究为西北内陆干旱盆地山区地下水对平原区侧向径流补给量的估算提供了一个可供借鉴的实例。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has profoundly transformed the spatial pattern of urban land use, and the urban hills are facing changes in Jinan City. Urbanization has had and continues to have a negative impact on urban mountain area within city. With the rapid development of Jinan’s urbanization and civilization, urban mountainous environment issues, such as destruction of mountain body, soil and water loss, soil erosion, and degeneration of vegetation, are becoming more serious. These have resulted in the serious natural hazards in the karst mountainous region of Jinan City, i.e. mining landslide, debris flow, and mountain collapse.  相似文献   

An airborne laser scanner can identify shallow landslides even when they are only several meters in diameter and are hidden by vegetation, if the vegetation is coniferous or deciduous trees in a season with fewer leaves. We used an airborne laser scanner to survey an area of the 1998 Fukushima disaster, during which more than 1,000 shallow landslides occurred on slopes of vapor-phase crystallized ignimbrite overlain by permeable pyroclastics. We identified landslides that have occurred at the 1998 event and also previous landslides that were hidden by vegetation. The landslide density of slopes steeper than 20° was 117 landslides/km2 before the 1998 disaster. This event increased the density by 233 landslides/km2 indicating that this area is highly susceptible to shallow landsliding.  相似文献   

The water resource and its change of mountainous area are very important to the oasis economic system and ecosystem in the arid areas of northwest China. Accurately understanding the water transfer and circulation process among vegetation, soil, and atmosphere over different hydrological units in mountainous areas such as snow and ice, cold desert, forest and grassland is the basic scientific issue of water research in cold and arid regions, which is also the basis of water resource delicacy management and regulation. There are many research results on the hydrological function of different land covers in mountain areas, basin hydrological processes, however, there are only very limited studies on the water internal recycle at basin scale. The quantitative study on the mechanism of water internal recycle is still at the starting stage, which faces many challenges. The key project “Study on water internal recycle processes and mechanism in typical mountain areas of inland basins, Northwest China” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China will select the Aksu River and Shule River Basin, which have better observation basis, as study area. The internal mechanism of moisture transfer and exchange process of different land cover and atmosphere, the internal mechanism of water cycle in the basin, and water transfer paths in atmosphere will be studied through enhancing runoff plot experiments on different land cover, analyzing the mechanism of water vapor transfer and exchange between different land covers in the watershed by isotope tracing on the water vapor flux of vegetation water, soil moisture and atmospheric moisture, improving the algorithms of remote sensing inversion and ground verification on land surface evapotranspiration on different land cover, and analyzing the water vapor flux from reanalysis data, and the coupling modeling of regional climate model and land surface process model. At last, the effect of different land cover in hydrological process of mountain area, and the impact of land cover on downstream oasis will be systematically analyzed.  相似文献   

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