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The Lower Cretaceous ammonite fauna of Japan was influenced by the Tethyan, Boreal and North Pacific realms with their oceanic current patterns and ammonite distributions. The hypothesis of oceanic circulation can be utilized to interpret the existence of the “Bering Strait” and the changing position of the “Boreal front,” that is the contact region of warm and cold-water masses. To understand such a system fully, a comprehensive understanding of the geographical distribution of ammonite faunas is required. The occurrence of twenty-five ammonite species, belonging to twenty genera, is confirmed in the Barremian to Albian of Japan. Of these, 24 species are described in this paper, including Barremites macroumbilicus sp. nov. The fauna can be divided into three associations, lower, middle, and upper, indicating late Barremian, late Aptian, and late Albian of the European standard zonation. The faunal characters suggest that the habitats of these ammonite faunas may have changed during later Early Cretaceous, with faunas characterizing three different environments, i.e., nearshore, intermediate, and distal shelf to upper slope setting. Ammonites of the lower association (late Barremian) are related to those of the Tethys, Boreal European, and circum-Pacific regions, and suggest that the Early Cretaceous Katsuuragawa Basin was deposited under the influence of currents from both high latitude and equatorial areas. The occurrence of Crioceratites (Paracrioceras) suggests that the Boreal European elements, including Simbirskites and Crioceratites (Paracrioceras), transited between Northwest Europe and Japan through the Arctic Sea, indicating that the Pacific Ocean was connected with the Arctic Sea at that time. The second association (late Aptian) is composed of ammonites of the Tethyan and circum-Pacific regions. As European Boreal ammonite taxa are absent in this association, it is concluded that the Pacific Ocean probably was not connected with the Arctic Sea at the time. Consequently, the “Boreal Front,” marking the contact between warm and cold water masses, was located at mid-latitude in the “Bering Strait” region during Barremian and subsequently moved northward during Albian. The uppermost ammonite association (late Albian) also consists of Tethyan and circum-Pacific taxa. Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) poronaicum expanded its range with northward and eastward circulation of oceanic currents, suggesting the current must have represented a warm water-mass from the equator. The species subsequently migrated from the southern Katsuuragawa Basin to the Hokkaido area during late to latest Albian.  相似文献   

Late Albian ammonite faunas from the Aitamir Formation of the Koppeh Dagh Basin in northeast Iran are described and illustrated. These comprise 14 taxa, several of which are recorded from Iran for the first time, namely Anahoplites planus (formerly recorded from central Iran in open nomenclature only), Semenoviceras solidus, Epihoplites (Metaclavites) iphitus, Hysteroceras orbignyi and Pseudhelicoceras robertianum. New records of Placenticeras grossouvrei extend the stratigraphic range of this species downwards into the Late Albian; previously it was known from the Early and Middle Cenomanian only. The record of the rare E. (M.) iphitus fills a palaeobiogeographic gap between Crimea and Tajikistan, and the holotype of Spath is re-illustrated here. Additionally, Epihoplites trapezoidalis, from the Late Albian of Tajikistan, is relegated into the synonymy of Spath's species. A large number of taxa typical of the Late Albian (upper part of the Gault Clay Formation) of northwest Europe indicate close palaeobiogeographic affinities with the Koppeh Dagh Basin and faunal exchange across the Russian Platform and Transcaspia. The stratigraphic succession of the ammonite faunas is used for a biostratigraphic subdivision of the upper Aitamir Formation.  相似文献   

H.G. Owen   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):921-938
The ammonite biostratigraphy of the 279.35 m of sediments of mid-Late Albian–Early Albian age traversed by the Kirchrode II (1/94) boring is described. The borehole was drilled in the Hermann-Löns Park, Kirchrode (Hannover), northwest Germany, in the central region of the Lower Saxony sedimentary basin. The core commenced within the Kirchrode Mergel Member of the Gault Formation in sediments of Callihoplites auritus Subzone age and showed a Late Albian ammonite zonal succession similar to that previously described by Wiedmann and Owen from the lower part of the nearby Kirchrode I (1/91) core, with which it is correlated. The thick underlying clay sediments of the Minimus Ton Member (Middle Albian–late Early Albian) provided a relatively sparse ammonite fauna. In the Middle Albian part of the sediment succession, several hiatuses are present and only sediments of the lower Euhoplites loricatus Zone (Anahoplites intermedius Subzone) and the Hoplites dentatus Zone (Hoplites spathi Subzone) have been identified. This is followed downward by a thick sedimentary succession through the upper part of the Early Albian Douvilleiceras mammillatum Superzone (Otohoplites auritiformis Zone). Earlier mammillatum and perhaps latest Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone portions of the core straddling the Minimus Ton/Schwicheldt Ton boundary, did not yield ammonites. The underlying sediments at the top of the Schwicheldt Ton Member, consist of dark clays and mudstones with a good representation of the Leymeriella (Neoleymeriella) regularis Subzone and the uppermost part of the Leymeriella acuticostata Subzone (Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone). Of particular importance is the succession through the sediments of the L. (N.) regularis Subzone, hitherto poorly known in north Germany. A brief comparison and correlation is made with other surface and borehole sections in northern Germany and elsewhere. The Boreal and more cosmopolitan Tethyan elements of the fauna are indicated and discussed. An appendix of ammonites obtained from the Mittellandkanal section at Misburg of latest Albian, Arraphoceras (Praeschloenbachia) briacensis Subzone age, completes the study.  相似文献   

Vegetation and climate during the last glacial maximum in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Japanese Archipelago was almost entirely covered by coniferous forests during the last glacial maximum. Northern Hokkaido was distinguished by coniferous parkland and tundra vegetation, while southern Hokkaido and northernmost Honshu were covered by northern boreal coniferous forests consisting mainly of Picea jezoensis, Picea glehnii, Abies sachalinensis, and Larix gmelinii; Tsuga was missing from the forest. More diverse boreal forests including species from Sakhalin and northern Japan grew together in northeastern Honshu. Central Honshu and the mountains of southwestern Japan supported subalpine coniferous forests which are now mainly restricted in distribution to the central mountains. Temperate coniferous forests (Picea polita, Abies firma, and Tsuga sieboldii) existed principally in the modern mid-temperate and evergreen laurel-oak forest regions. Haploxylon pine and tree birch were also abundant in the boreal and cool-temperate zones, as was Diploxylon in the southern temperate zone. Significant populations of Fagus were found along the Pacific coasts of Kyushu and Shikoku, but they were too small to be defined as a beech forest zone. Quercetum mixtum (Quercus, Ulmus, and Tilia) was more common in the coastal lowlands of southwestern Japan than those of northeastern Honshu; it was completely eliminated from Hokkaido. The reduced mean August temperature inferred from the floral assemblages showed a latitudinal gradient 20,000 yr ago; it was 8–9°C in northern Hokkaido, 7.7–8.7°C in northernmost Honshu, 7.2–8.4°C in the central mountains, 6.5°C in the Chugoku District, and 5–6°C in Kyushu. The probable annual precipitation ranged from 1050 to 1300 mm along coasts in southwestern Japan during the culmination of the last glaciation.  相似文献   

A late Albian ammonite assemblage from the Provincial Formation of Villa Clara Province, Cuba is described. The Provincial Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of Albian-Cenomanian age extensively exposed in central Cuba and formed within a part of the Caribbean Tethys that was volcanic during the Cretaceous. The formation is mainly composed of calcareous, terrigenous marine, and volcano-sedimentary deposits characterized by a series of micritic limestones intercalated with marls, sandstones, calcareous conglomerates, ash, and tuffaceous material. A rich assemblage of ammonites recovered from the calcareous biomicrites and marls is of late Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar Zone, Mortoniceras rostratum Subzone) age. The ammonite fauna shows a strong Tethyan affinity, and only a single hoplitid ammonite species was recorded. Although scarce, the first Cuban report of this and other boreal ammonite species now allows precise correlations to be made between Cuba and Albian sediments elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

New plant macrofossil localities are found in the middle-upper part of the Albian Upper Hatira Formation of Makhtesh Qatan, an erosion crater in the northern Negev. These are so far the only outcrop localities in the Negev containing plant compressions and well-preserved sporomorphs. Their age assignments are controlled by the ammonite Knemiceras records below and above the plant-bearing sequence in the adjacent Makhtesh Hatira. The macrofossil assemblages are strikingly different in the sandy fluvial and shaly lacustrine facies, the former being dominated by Araucaria, Athrotaxopsis, Brachyphyllum and pinnatifid Sapindopsis, comparable at the plant assemblage and leaf morphological levels to the early to early late Albian assemblage of the North American Potomac flora. The lacustrine shale macrofossil assemblages appear archaic on account of their diverse pteridophyte component and sparse angiosperm remains. A new supposedly gnetophytic genus and species Qataniaria noae Krassilov, gen. et sp. nov. is dominant in the shale horizon. The sporomorph assemblages are strongly dominated by psilate trilete spores (87-93%). In the absence of elaterate forms, the angiosperm pollen Afropollis jardinus, Pennipollis, Tricolpites spp. and Walkeripollis sp. is consistent with the early Albian age. The abundance and diversity of conifers and the prominence of the fern bog assemblage suggest a relatively humid phase of the regional Albian climates.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a study of the biogeographical distribution of Late Albian-Maastrichtian ammonites, found in sequences of the Pacific coast of Russia. The taxa typical of the Pacific Realm were identified, and their distribution traced beyond the borders of this region. In addition, species-migrants, distributed within the studied area were established. As a results of our works, a high level of endemism of ammonite fauna of the East of Russia was noted (75–88% of endemic species, on average). The bipolarity, previously established in the distribution of ammonoids within the Pacific Paleobiogeographical Realm, as well as their high regional provincialism, was confirmed. The following division of the studied area into faunal ammonite provinces in the Late Cretaceous was proposed: Arctic Province; Boreal-Pacific Province, including northeastern Russia (Chukotka Peninsula, the Koryak Upland, Penzhyna Gulf) and the boreal coast of North America (Alaska Peninsula, Arctic Canada and British Columbia); Northwest Pacific Province, including the Primorye Territory, Sakhalin and Shikotan Islands, the Japanese Islands; Northeast Province of the Pacific (the western coast of the United States and Mexico); Southwest Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Oceania) and Southeast (the western coast of South America and Antarctica, Seymour and James Ross Islands) Provinces. This division is confirmed by data on inoceramid species. In addition, levels of global transgressions and general sea level rise, associated with the appearances of most of widespread marine taxa in the Pacific shelf seas, are established. These include Late Albian, Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, Late Coniacian, Late Campanian, Early-Late Maastrichtian boundary. Moreover, migration of ammonites occurred due to the Tethys Ocean extension and followed the northern sea straits in the Arctic Ocean and within the Pacific Realm, depending on warm currents. Both the counter and one-way migrations were established.  相似文献   

藏北双湖-安多地区侏罗纪菊石新资料及地层述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近期采集的菊石鉴定表明藏北安多地区布曲组、“夏里组”和“索瓦组”的时代为中巴通期至中卡洛维期。特别要指出的是 ,从藏北地区沉积演化和古生物地理区系的角度来看 ,该地不具备存在晚侏罗世提塘期“斯匹提页岩动物群”的地质背景 ,所以藏北地区近年来多次报道的晚侏罗世提塘期的“斯匹提页岩菊石动物群”值得怀疑 ,有关化石的鉴定是不可靠的 ;还应该指出的是 ,雁石坪地区侏罗纪岩石单位也不适宜在安多地区运用。双湖地区菊石层序指明该地富含油页岩的缺氧性沉积 ,即“海螂蛤页岩相”的时代为早侏罗世晚普林斯巴赫至早图阿尔期 ,它们是早侏罗世晚期全球性缺氧事件在东特提斯北缘的响应。  相似文献   

Abstract The age of the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of coal measures in eastern Heilongjiang were previously considered to be Jurassic or mainly Jurassic. But there occur Middle Barremian- Early Albian Aucellina ( bivalvia) fossils in the Upper Yunshan Formation of the Longzhaogou Group and the Lower Chengzihe Formation of the Jixi Group, and the Qihulin Formation of the Longzhaogou Group yields Early Cretaceous bivalve and ammonite fossils. Consequently, the geological ages of the two groups are mainly, or even all, Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Seven coleoid jaws recovered from Santonian to lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) strata in Hokkaido, Japan were taxonomically studied. Based on the comparison with the jaws of modern and fossil coleoids, six of the seven jaw fossils are referred to the following two genera and three species, including one possible new species: Nanaimoteuthis jeletzkyi and N. yokotai of the order Vampyromorpha, and Paleocirroteuthis sp. nov. (?) of the order Cirroctopodida. The other single lower jaw is seemingly similar to those of modern octopods and teuthids with respect to the shape of the inner lamella, but its order-level assignment could not be determined because of its imperfect preservation. N. jeletzkyi has been described in the Upper Cretaceous fore-arc basin deposits in Hokkaido (Yezo Group) and Vancouver Island, Canada (Nanaimo Group), whereas N. yokotai occurs only in the Yezo Group. These findings, complemented by previous reports of coleoid jaws, gladii, and phragmocones from the Yezo and Nanaimo Groups, demonstrate that a highly diversified, non-belemnitid coleoid fauna including large teuthids had already appeared during the post-Albian Late Cretaceous, in the North Pacific region.  相似文献   

In the southern Tethyan margin, the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), south of Morocco, exhibits well-exposed and fossiliferous sections of Aptian–Albian age. Biostratigraphy by ammonoids and sedimentological analysis have been realized for five sections located along an E-W transect in the EAB. The studied successions were dated from the latest Early Aptian to the Early Albian and are characterized by five major sedimentary discontinuities defining at least four main sedimentary sequences. The Late Aptian–Early Albian succession can be considered a gently westward-dipping ramp, marked by a deepening upward evolution. A quantitative study of calcareous nannofossils and calcium carbonate content has been performed on three of these sections. At this time, the EAB was located in the tropical-equatorial hot arid belt. The decrease in both calcium carbonate content and Nannoconus abundances at the Aptian–Albian transition could be the result of cooler climatic conditions recognized in the EAB, and/or of the associated increasing terrigenous input and nutrients, which hindered carbonate production. In the EAB, the nannofossil productivity is higher below the deposition of dark levels, which are coeval with the Niveau Paquier, recognized as the expression in southern France of the OAE 1b (Early Albian). During the Early Albian, the EAB was characterized by nannofossil fluxes two times lower than the upwelling-influenced Mazagan Plateau (southern Tethyan margin) and eight times lower than the Vocontian Basin (northern Tethyan margin). These results show that, with respect to the northern Tethyan margin, trophic conditions in sea surface waters of the pelagic realm of the southern Tethyan margin were lower. Comparable results obtained by Heldt et al. in the neritic realm of the southern Tethyan margin have been ascribed to more arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Toyajo Formation is distributed around the Mt. Toyajo in the Aridagawa area, Wakayama, southwestern Japan. The formation is subdivided into three newly defined members, the Nakaibara Siltstone Member, Hasegawa Muddy Sandstone Member, and Buyo Sandstone Member, in ascending order. Close field observation elucidated the detailed biostratigraphy of the Toyajo Formation, and high-precision biostratigraphic correlation was made with the Yezo Group in Hokkaido (northern Japan) and Sakhalin and the Izumi Group in southwestern Japan.The Toyajo Formation contains diversified lower Campanian to upper Campanian heteromorph ammonoid assemblages, including Eubostrychoceras and Scaphites. Discovery of the heteromorph fauna demonstrates that scaphitid ammonoids survived until Campanian time in the northwestern Pacific region. Although Eubostrychoceras elongatum has been known in the northeastern Pacific region, the occurrence of this species in the northwestern Pacific region has been uncertain before. The rich occurrence of E. elongatum in the Aridagawa area indicates that this species was distributed widely in the northern Pacific realm.The Toyajo Formation is similar to the Izumi Group in various geologic features, and may indicate that the Toyajo Formation was deposited in a strike-slip basin along the Chichibu Belt formed by the movement along the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone in the latest Cretaceous, like the Izumi Group, along the Median Tectonic Line.  相似文献   

Land-derived pollen and spores and marine dinoflagellate cysts were extracted from the Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of the West Tiba-1 borehole, northern Western Desert, Egypt, On the basis of the recovered palynomorphs, of known stratigraphical significance, the following stages were assessed: Bathonian-Oxfordian (Middle-Late Jurassic) and Hauterivian, Aptian-Early Albian, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian, Early Cenomanian and Late Cenomanian (Early-Middle Cretaceous). No palynomorphs diagnostic for the Berriasian, Valanginian and Barremian stages (Early Cretaceous) were depicted. Based on the nature and composition of the identified palynomorph content, five informal palynomorph assemblage zones were recognised. These are: the Gonyaulacysta jurassica-Korystocysta kettonensis Assemblage Zone (PI, Bathonian-Oxfordian), Ephedripites-Aequitriradites verrucosus Assemblage Zone (PII, Hauterivian), Afropollis jardinus-Duplexisporites generalis-Tricolpites Assemblage Zone (PIIl, Aptian-Early Albian), Nyssapollenites-Elaterosporites Assemblage Zone (PIV, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian) and Assemblage Zone PV (Early-Late Cenomanian). The latter zone was differentiated into two subzones, namely the Classopollis brasiliensis-Elaterosporites klaszii Assemblage Subzone (PVa, Early Cenomanian) and Afropollis kahramanensis-Triporates Assemblage Subzone (PVb, Late Cenomanian). The time stratigraphy of the studied interval was revised. The occurrences and types of the dinoflagellate cysts, extracted from the studied succession, reflect a general shallow (shelf) marine pal˦oenvironment.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1987,8(2):141-153
Eight successive Buchia zones (buchiazones) are recorded in the stratigraphic interval from the base of the Middle Volgian substage (Late Jurassic), up to the base of the Early Valanginian (Early Cretaceous). These zones, reading from the base upwards include: mosquensis, russiensis, taimyrensis, obliqua, unschensis, okensis, jasikovi and tolmatschowi. The lower boundary of each of these zones was examined to choose one of them as the most suitable for recognising the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Preference was given to the base of the okensis zone, because it corresponds to the base of the ammonite zone of Hectoroceras kochi, and it is situated near the boundary between the Volgian and the boreal Berriasian stages. B. okensis is very easily recognised in field sections, and also is good for boreal-tethyan correlation. The base of the inflata zone and of its North Pacific chronostratigraphic analogue, the pacifica zone, is also ideal for correlation, but is too young and corresponds to the base of the Valanginian stage. The bases of other buchiazones are assessed and found unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Ryoji Wani   《Cretaceous Research》2006,27(6):863-871
The peculiar taphonomy of the late Campanian ammonite Metaplacenticeras subtilistriatum is reconstructed on the basis of stratigraphic occurrence within the Hakobuchi Formation of northern Hokkaido (Japan), as well as of host rock and patterns of fragmentation. The species' taphonomy is closely linked to its streamlined, oxyconic shell with flat flanks and a smoothly tapered venter. Such shells were accumulated, together with numerous pebbles, by bottom currents (>0.25–0.5 m/s), in such a way that ventral portions of some shells fractured by collision with pebbles. Small holes and depressions in the external shell surface, presumably formed during compaction after final burial, are restricted to phragmocones. On this evidence, it is suggested that this species was nektobenthic, lived in a shallow environment (shoreface–inner shelf) where its streamlined shell allowed it to align with prevailing currents, similar to a wind vane.  相似文献   

Abstract. Determinations of SO3 and Cl contents of igneous accessory apatite were carried out on Late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusive and volcanic rocks in the Japanese island arcs of the western Pacific rim including the southwestern Kuril arc (eastern Hokkaido), Northeast Japan arc (southwestern Hokkaido through northeastern Honshu to central Honshu), Izu‐Bonin arc, Kyushu‐Palau ridge, Southwest Japan arc (northern Kyushu) and northern Ryukyu arc (southern Kyushu). These were compared to those from the Western Luzon arc, Philippines, to better understand the metallogenesis of porphyry Cu deposits in the western Pacific island arcs. In addition, SO3 and Cl contents of accessory apatite in the Cretaceous magnetite‐series granitic rocks in the Kitakami belt (northeastern Honshu) and the Miocene ilmenite‐series granitic rocks in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan (southern Kyushu) were also examined. Microphenocrystic apatites in shallow intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the Western Luzon arc contain >0.1 wt% S as SO3. Such high SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite are a common characteristic of hydrous mag‐matism in the Western Luzon arc, from 15 Ma old tonalitic plutonic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera to present‐day volcanism at Mount Pinatubo. The accessory apatite in intrusive rocks associated with porphyry Cu deposits, especially those at the Santo Tomas II deposit, show significantly high Cl contents (>2 wt%). The SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite in most of the hydrous silicic rocks along the volcanic front, in andesites related to native sulfur deposits, and in Miocene and younger shallow granitic intrusions in northeastern Honshu, are generally <0.1 wt%. On the other hand, the SO3 contents of apatite in such rocks from eastern Hokkaido, southwestern Hokkaido, Izu, northern Kyushu and southern Kyushu are similar to those from the Western Luzon arc. The SO3 contents of accessory apatite in the Cretaceous magnetite‐series granitic rocks in the Kitakami belt are variable, whereas those of the Miocene ilmenite‐series granitic rocks in southern Kyushu are extremely low. The Cl contents of accessory apatite in some rocks of the Northeast Japan arc, Izu‐Bonin arc and Southwest Japan arc are significantly high. In terms of the Cl and SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite, Cenozoic Japanese arc magmatism show similarities with arc magmatism associated elsewhere with porphyry Cu mineralization, except for the most of northeastern Honshu of the Northeast Japan arc. Apatite commonly occurs as inclusions in other phenocrystic phases. Thus the variation in SO3 contents of apatite is a feature of early stage magmatic differentiation. The SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite are considered to reflect the redox state of the magma source region or fluids encountered during magma generation.  相似文献   

Backstripping analysis has been carried out on nine outcrop sections of the Basque-Cantabrian Aptian and Albian of northern Spain which consist of shallow-water marine deposits up to 7000 m thick. It reveals four main pulses of common accelerated subsidence: I (Early Aptian), II (Early Albian), III (lower Late Albian), and IV (uppermost Late Albian) separated by tectonic quiescent intervals. Tectonic subsidence rates of 70 m Myr–1 for the Aptian and 101 m Myr–1 for the Albian were recorded (Sopuerta section). The calculated stretching factor referred to a pre-rift continental crust of 35 km is (βs=1.32) and represents approximately 8.5 km of crustal thinning. Points of change towards lesser subsidence rate in the curves are correlated with major unconformities in the sections, in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin and in Boreal Europe, suggesting geodynamic changes related with the opening of Bay of Biscay. Minor variations of spreading direction and intensity are proposed to explain the subsidence pulses.  相似文献   

The Dalichai Formation with an age of Late Bajocian-Late Callovian was sampled in Central Alborz Mountains of northern Iran and studied for palynological, palaeobiogeographical and palynocorrelation purposes. Palynological studies revealed diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and lead to identification of three zones i.e., Cribroperidiniumcrispum (Late Bajocian), Dichadogonyaulaxsellwoodii (Bathonian to Early Callovian) and Ctenidodiniumcontinuum (Early to Middle Callovian) Zones. Subzone a of the D. sellwoodii Zone (Early to Middle Bathonian) was also differentiated. This biozonation corresponds to those recognised in Northwest Europe. Furthermore, the ammonoid families recorded including Phylloceratidae, Oppeliidae, Reineckeiidae, Perisphinctidae, Haploceratidae, Parkinsoniidae and Sphaeroceratidae, which confirm the Late Bajocian to Late Callovian age, are quite similar to those of Northwest Europe and the northwestern Tethys. The close similarities of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and ammonite fauna of northern Iran with those of Northwest Europe and the northwestern Tethys during the Middle Jurassic indicate direct but episodic marine connection and faunal exchange between the two areas.  相似文献   

Leymeriellid ammonite faunas are described from northeast of Esfahan and the Khur area (Central Iran). The faunas comprise Leymeriella (L.) tardefurcata, L. (L.) germanica and L. (L.) acuticostata? as well as L. (Neoleymeriella) regularis, L. (N.) diabola and L. (Neoleymeriella) pseudoregularis?. The leymeriellids of Iran are closely related to faunas from northwest Europe, the Vocontian Basin and Transcaspia (Mangyschlak) and thus allow for biostratigraphic correlations, indicating the earliest Albian Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone with its superimposed L. acuticostata and L. regularis subzones. We suggest that the sudden appearance of common representatives of the genus Leymeriella in the northern and Central Iranian basins (Leymeriella acme) can be used as a useful proxy marker to define the base of the Albian Stage in Iran.  相似文献   

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