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The author, in a review of Ye. Ye. Shiryayev's book, Cartographic Presentation, Transformation, and Analysis of Geoinformation, addresses several issues in the automation of cartography—in particular what he perceives as a growing tendency to underestimate the importance of understanding the information being portrayed on maps. A formalistic (strictly quantitative) view of generalization that focuses on preservation or minimization of the loss of information on an initial map ignores the potential for the creation of new knowledge through the abstraction and elimination of information about lower-order systems. Salishchev criticizes Shiryayev's method of “raster digitizing” on such formalistic grounds, and because of its lack of visual quality and purported indiscriminate application within cartography. Shiryayev's reply to Salishchev's comments appears in the following paper of this issue. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1985, No. 11, pp. 59–61.  相似文献   

Several researchers, including some affiliated with the Moscow Institute of Geodetic, Aerial Photographic, and Cartographic Engineers, an important center of geodetic and cartographic training in the USSR, continue the debate on automation in cartography featured in the preceding issue of Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing (1986, No. 4, pp. 274–288). They advocate continuation of some of the more promising research directions outlined in Ye. Ye. Shiryayev's book, criticize certain of its ideas regarding cartographic communication, generalization, and raster digitizing, and call for increased attention to the role of the geodetic sciences in the training of cartographers. The current debate stems from lack of adequate definitions for many concepts involved with cartographic presentation, inadequate development of a theory of automation, and lack of coordination in research among concerned organizations. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1986, No. 7, pp. 37–42.  相似文献   


In a recent issue of this Review, an example is given of the conformal transformation of a network of triangulation using Newton's interpolation formula with divided differences. While the application of the method appears to be new, attention should be drawn to the fact that Kruger employed Lagrange's interpolation formula in a discussion and extension of the Schols method in a paper which was published in the Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen in 1896. A reference to this paper was given at the end of the paper, “Adjustment of the Secondary Triangulation of South Africa”, published in a previous issue of the E.S.R. (iv, 30, 480).  相似文献   

The author has developed a novel method of constructing an orthogonal matrix R with the help of Newton's successive approximation method of iterating the solution of a linearised set of equations. As the method requires iteration, it may not compete successfully with the Rodrigue's form of R .  相似文献   


In the E.S.R. No. 17 of July 1935, page 138, there appeared an article by Prof. F. A. Redmond on “The use of Even Angles in Stadia Surveying”. Since I have given this method a six-months' test in the field, using Prof. Redmond's “Tacheometric Tables” for the reduction of the measurements, the conclusions reached may be of some interest.  相似文献   


We are indebted to Professor R. V. Southwell for the approximate method of computation known as the systematic relaxation of constraints. In an article to the Empire Survey Review, 1938, Mr A. N. Black showed how Southwell's ideas could be applied to the adjustment of the co-ordinates of a point.  相似文献   

The authors apply remote sensing data to the mapping of natural envionment with a focus on environmental protection. The technique is illustrated with particular reference to a largely swampy potash-mining deposit in Belorussia which is the largest potash producer of the USSR, accounting for 54% of its total output in 1983. Translated from: Kartografirovaniye po kosmicheskim snimkam i okhrana okruzhayushchey sredy (Mapping from Space Imagery and Protection of the Environment), edited by Ye. A. Vostokova et al., Moscow: Nedra, 1983, pp. 177-195.  相似文献   

Satellite sensors have provided new datasets for monitoring regional and urban air quality. Satellite sensors provide comprehensive geospatial information on air quality with both qualitative remotely sensed imagery and quantitative data, such as aerosol optical depth which is the basic unknown parameter for any atmospheric correction method in the pre‐processing of satellite imagery. This article presents a new method for retrieving aerosol optical thickness directly from satellite remotely sensed imagery for short wavelength bands in which atmospheric scattering is the dominant contribution to the at‐satellite recorded signal. The method is based on the determination of the aerosol optical thickness through the application of the contrast tool (maximum contrast value), the radiative transfer calculations and the ‘tracking’ of the suitable darkest pixel in the scene. The proposed method that needs no a‐priori information has been applied to LANDSAT‐5 TM, LANDSAT‐7 ETM+, SPOT‐5 and IKONOS data of two different geographical areas: West London and Cyprus. The retrieved aerosol optical thickness values show high correlations with in‐situ visibility data acquired during the satellite overpass. Indeed, for the West London area a logarithmic regression was fitted for relating the determined aerosol optical thickness with the in‐situ visibility values. A high correlation coefficient (r2= 0.82; p= 0.2) was found. Plots obtained from Tanre et al. (1979, 1990) and Forster (1984 ) were reproduced and estimates for these areas were generated with the proposed method so as to compare the results. The author's results show good agreement with Forster's aerosol optical thickness vs. visibility results and a small deviation from Tanre's model estimates.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for analyzing properties of solar radiation at the earth's surface based on satellite observations of cloud cover. It is shown that the amount of incident solar radiation is clearly governed by type of weather conditions and, more specifically, by the quantity and types of clouds. This affords a basis for predicting solar radiation receipt at the earth's surface. Translated by Edward Torrey, Alexandria, VA 22308 from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, geografiya, 1989, No. 2, pp. 83–85.  相似文献   


Triangulation.—Apart from Simms' Geodetic Chain, Gordon's Chain, the Copper Queen Limb, and a section of the Victoria and Umtali Series, all the primary triangulation shown on the accompanying map has been executed since 1933. The work of Simms and Gordon has been remodelled, however, being greatly strengthened, and these chains are now called Simms' and Gordon's Series. For an explanation and plan of the above Series, see “A Note on the Trigonometrical Survey of S. Rhodesia”, in the Empire Survey Review, no. 27, vol. iv.  相似文献   

The author, noting the high cost and complexity of automated methods of processing imagery of the earth's cloud cover, presents a less sophisticated, instrument-aided method yielding similar results. A procedure for analyzing cloud cover patterns based on color synthesis of two-band scanner imagery from Soviet “Meteor” and American NOAA-series weather satellites using a synthesizing projector is outlined. This method adds the interpretation key of color to those of cloud structure and form in the analysis of cloud patterns, enhances cloud-underlying surface contrasts, and compares favorably with more highly automated methods in image preparation and interpretation time. Translated by Jay Mitchell; PlanEcon, Inc.; Washington, DC 20005 from: Izvestiya vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Geodeziya i aerofotos'yemka, 1987, No. 5, pp. 95-98.  相似文献   

This article presents a positional quality acceptance control method for 2D and 3D line strings based on a statistical hypothesis test. Two statistical models are applied together: a Binomial Model is applied over a Base Model. By means of the Base Model the method can be applied to any parametric or non‐parametric error model. The Base Model represents the hypothesis about the error behavior. The Binomial Model is fixed and consists of counting the number F of fail events in a sample of a determined size. The π parameter of the Binomial Model is derived from the Base Model by means of a desired tolerance. By comparing the probabilities associated to F and π a statistical acceptance/rejection decision is achieved. This method allows us to know and control the user's and producer's risk of acceptance/rejection. An example using a 2D line string data set from a commercial product is presented. The extension of the method to the 3D line string case is also presented. In order to facilitate the application of the method, some tables linking π with F and the control sample sizes are presented.  相似文献   


My attention has recently been drawn to an article by G. H. Menzies (E.5.R., vi, 46, 474) on this subject. The present note is intended to point out improvements in the Anér method, which he favours, and to refute some of his criticisms of the Relaxation method. References are to page and table numbers in Menzies's paper.  相似文献   


To the writer's knowledge nothing has been published, at the time of writing, on British maps as a selling medium in the period 1860–1940. The only exception proves the rule: D. G. Hindley's Advertising in Victorian England 1837–1901 (see Sources) mentions Chas Baker's 1887 ABC Guide to London and Large Pocket Map of London (see below), but does not place it in its context. This means that the subject can only be studied through the maps themselves, against a background of society at the time.  相似文献   

The authors describe a methodology for the compilation of a final map from remote sensing imagery (that can be rapidly updated) showing the location of likely future sites of infestations of forest insect pests. A series of preliminary maps is compiled, with each stage of mapping providing information used in compiling a map in the subsequent stage, in this case wind damage $$ resistance to further damage $$ locations of potential centers of insect infestation. The design and informational content of maps at all stages in the process are described. Translated by Elliott B. Urdang, Providence, RI 02906 from: A. S. Isayev, V. I. Sukhikh, Ye. N. Kalashnikov et al., Aerokosmicheskiy monitoring lesov [Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring of Forests]. Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 154-163.  相似文献   


Few, most certainly, will dispute the value of Mr Black's paper describing a method of “Systematic Relaxation”, which appeared in a previous number of this Review. At the same time, however, it seems to the writer to be only fair to readers to point out that the application of the method to triangulation adjustment is really a treatment, from a slightly different aspect, of methods that have long been established.  相似文献   


At the suggestion of Mr. T. H. Corfield, who has himself given two solutions (E.S.R., No. 12, pp. 345–6) of Mr. A. J. Potter's problem, I venture to submit a third solution, which has at least the merit of simplicity.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to identify spatial patterns of 1991 Gulf War (GW) troop locations in relationship to subsequent postwar diagnosis of chronic multisymptom illness (CMI). Criteria for the diagnosis of CMI include reporting from at least two of three symptom clusters: fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and mood and cognition. A GIS‐based methodology was used to examine associations between potential hazardous exposures or deployment situations and postwar health outcomes using troop location data as a surrogate. GW veterans from the Devens Cohort Study were queried about specific symptoms approximately four years after the 1991 deployment to the Persian Gulf. Global and local statistics were calculated using the Moran's I and G statistics for six selected date periods chosen a priori to mark important GW‐service events or exposure scenarios among 173 members of the cohort. Global Moran's I statistics did not detect global spatial patterns at any of the six specified data periods, thus, indicating there is no significant spatial autocorrelation of locations over the entire Gulf region for veterans meeting criteria for severe postwar CMI. However, when applying local G* and local Moran's I statistics, significant spatial clusters (primarily in the coastal Dammam/Dharhan and the central inland areas of Saudi Arabia) were identified for several of the selected time periods. Further study using GIS techniques, coupled with epidemiological methods, to examine spatial and temporal patterns with larger sample sizes of GW veterans is warranted to ascertain if the observed spatial patterns can be confirmed.  相似文献   


In January 1940, in a paper entitled “The Transverse Mercator Projection: A Critical Examination” (E.S.R., v, 35, 285), the late Captain G. T. McCaw obtained expressions for the co-ordinates of a point on the Transverse Mercator projection of the spheroid which appeared to cast suspicion on the results originally derived by Gauss. McCaw considered, in fact, that his expressions gave the true measures of the co-ordinates, and that the Gauss method contained some invalidity. He requested readers to report any flaw that might be discovered in his work, but apparently no such flaw had been detected at the time of his death. It can be shown, however, that the invalidities are in McCaw's methods, and there seems no reason for doubting the results derived by the Gauss method.  相似文献   


After the completion of Simms's Geodetic Chain in 1901 and the publication of the results in 1905—Volume iii of the Geodetic Survey of South Africa—nothing further of a geodetic nature was done until 1928 when a short chain was run westwards from Simms's chain, at about latitude 17° 10′, to fix the Copper Queen mining area. The Eastern Circuit was commenced shortly after this; it runs from Salisbury eastwards to the Portuguese Boundary, southwards through Umtali to about latitude 20° and then westwards, joining Simms's chain again to the east of Bulawayo. Another chain running north from Simms's work has been commenced near Bulawayo. The several series are exhibited on the outline map attached.  相似文献   

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