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Molecular clouds are clumpy on length scales down to the limits of observational resolution. At least some ultracompactHii regions (UCHiiR) may result from the interaction of a young early type star and this type of cloud. The clumps can act as reservoirs of ionized gas distributed within theHii region. These models reproduce the relatively long lifetimes implied by the population statistics of UCHiiR. We present line profile and emission measure plots based on the simplest case where the flow remains supersonic through to a recombination front. The morphology agrees with the shell-like UCHiiR as classified by Churchwell. The predicted line profiles are broad and double peaked with a separation of about 50 km s–1 for the example given.  相似文献   

We report the astronomical detections of several ammonia inversion transitions involving nonmetastable levels with energies as high s 1090 K above the ground state. The (J, K) = (9, 6) inversion transition shows maser-like emission in the directions of W51, NGC 7538, W49, and DR 21(OH). The NH3 (6, 3) line exhibits similar characteristics in W51 but is seen in absorption in NGC 7538. These are the first definite detections of ammonia masers in space. The intensities and narrow line widths (0.5-1.5 km s-1) for the emission features are in contrast to the previously detected broad, weak, nonmetastable lines attributed to thermal emission in these sources. Temporal variability appears to be evident in the (9, 6) emission in W49 over a 4 month period. The highly excited (J, K) = (9, 6) and (6, 3) ammonia lines are found in regions containing compact H II regions and strong infrared sources with associated H2O and OH masers; i.e., in regions of active star formation.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution radio continuum and 6.67-GHz methanol spectral line data are presented for methanol masers previously detected by Walsh et al. (1997). Methanol maser and/or radio continuum emission is found in 364 cases towards IRAS -selected regions. For those sources with methanol maser emission, relative positions have been obtained to an accuracy of typically 0.05 arcsec, with absolute positions accurate to around 1 arcsec. Maps of selected sources are provided. The intensity of the maser emission does not seem to depend on the presence of a continuum source. The coincidence of water and methanol maser positions in some regions suggests there is overlap in the requirements for methanol and water maser emission to be observable. However, there is a striking difference between the general proximity of methanol and water masers to both cometary and irregularly shaped ultracompact (UC) H  ii regions, indicating that, in other cases, there must be differing environments conducive to stimulating their emission. We show that the methanol maser is most likely present before an observable UC H  ii region is formed around a massive star and is quickly destroyed as the UC H  ii region evolves. There are 36 out of 97 maser sites that are linearly extended. The hypothesis that the maser emission is found in a circumstellar disc is not inconsistent with these 36 maser sites, but is unlikely. It cannot, however, account for all other maser sites. An alternative model which uses shocks to create the masing spots can more readily reproduce the maser spot distributions.  相似文献   

Class II methanol masers are believed to be associated with high-mass star formation. Recent observations by Walsh et al. and Phillips et al. reported a very low detection rate of radio continuum emission toward a large sample of 6.7-GHz methanol masers. These results raise questions about the evolutionary phase and/or the mass range of the exciting stars of the masers. Here we report the results of a VLA search for 8.4-GHz continuum emission from the area around five Class II methanol masers, four of which were not detected by Walsh et al. at 8.6 GHz. Radio continuum emission was detected in all five fields although only two of the nine maser spot groups in the five fields were found to be superimposed on radio continuum sources that appear to be ultra-compact H  ii (UCH  ii ) regions. This suggests that continuum counterparts for some masers might be found in further surveys for which the sensitivity level is lower than  1 mJy beam−1  . Considering our results as well as observations from other studies of methanol masers we conclude that masers without radio continuum counterparts are most likely associated with high-mass stars in a very early evolutionary stage, either prior to the formation of a UCH  ii region or when the H  ii region is still optically thick at centimetre wavelengths. With one exception all maser spot groups in the five fields were found to be associated with mid-infrared objects detected in the Midcourse Space Experiment survey.  相似文献   

Intriguing work on observations of 4.83 GHz formaldehyde (H2CO) absorptions and 4.87 GHz H110α radio recombination lines (RRLs) towards 6.7 GHz methanol (CH3OH) maser sources is presented. Methanol masers provide ideal sites to probe the earliest stages of massive star formation, while 4.8 GHz formaldehyde absorptions are accurate probes of physical conditions in dense (103–105 cm?3) and low temperature molecular clouds towards massive star forming regions. The work is aimed at studying feature similarities between the formaldehyde absorptions and the methanol masers so as to expand knowledge of events and physical conditions in massive star forming regions. A total of 176 methanol maser sources were observed for formaldehyde absorptions, and formaldehyde absorptions were detected 138 of them. 53 of the formaldehyde absorptions were newly detected. We noted a poor correlation between the methanol and formaldehyde intensities, an indication that the signals (though arise from about the same regions) are enhanced by different mechanisms. Our results show higher detection rates of the formaldehyde lines for sources with stronger methanol signals. The strongest formaldehyde absorptions were associated with IRAS sources and IRDCs that have developed HII regions, and that do not have EGOs.  相似文献   

Images of the 6.7-GHz methanol maser emission from W3(OH) made at 50- and 100-mas angular resolution with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) are presented. The masers lie across the western face of the ultracompact H  ii region in extended filaments which may trace large-scale shocks. There is a complex interrelation between the 6.7-GHz methanol masers and hydroxyl (OH) masers at 1.7 and 4.7 GHz. Together the two species trace an extended filamentary structure that stretches at least 3100 au across the face of the ultracompact H  ii region. The dominant 6.7-GHz methanol emission coincides with the radio continuum peak and is populated by masers with broad spectral lines. The 6.7-GHz methanol emission is elongated at position angle 50° with a strong velocity gradient, and bears many similarities to the methanol maser disc structure reported in NGC 7538. It is surrounded by arcs of ground state OH masers at 1.7 GHz and highly excited OH masers at 13.44 GHz, some of which have the brightest methanol masers at their focus. We suggest that this region hosts the excitation centre for the ultracompact H  ii region.  相似文献   

A calibration previously determined for the evolution of the equivalent width of the emission line H with age for Hii regions (Dottori, 1981) is applied to detached extragalactic Hii regions. The frequency distribution of ages seems to indicate that some of these regions had other bursts of star formation so important as the observed last one.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make high-resolution images of the 6.7-GHz 51 → 60A+ maser transition of methanol towards 33 sources in the Galactic plane. Including the results from 12 methanol sources in the literature, we find that 17 out of 45 sources have curved or linear morphology. Most of the 17 have a velocity gradient along the line, which is consistent with masers lying in an edge-on circumstellar disc surrounding a massive star. We also made simultaneous continuum observations of the sources at 8.6 GHz, in order to image any associated H  ii region. 25 of the sources are associated with an ultracompact H  ii region, with a detection limit of ∼0.5 mJy beam−1. We argue that the methanol sources without an associated H  ii region represent less massive embedded stars, not an earlier stage in the lifetime of the star, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Methanol masers are known to be associated with regions of massive star formation. By studying the distribution of these masers with respect to unidentified EGRET sources, one may be able to identify regions of enhanced star formation leading to either supernova remnants and/or pulsars. In this study, we test for positional coincidences between class II methanol masers and EGRET sources and determine the statistical significance of these coincidences.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of 482 6.7 GHz methanol maser sources from the available literature, on their maser emission and the characteristics of their associated infrared sources. On the color-color diagram, more than 70% of the objects fall within a very small region (0.57 ≤ [25 - 12] ≤ 1.30 and 1.30 ≤[60 - 12] ≤ 2.50). This suggests that 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission occurs only within a very short evolutionary phase during the earliest stage of star formation. The velocity ranges of the masers belong to two main groups: one from 1 to 10 km s^-1, and one from about 11 to 20 km s^-1. These velocity ranges indicate that the masers are probably associated with both disks and outflows. The correlations between the maser and infrared flux densities, and between the maser and infrared luminosities, suggest that far-infrared radiation is a possible pumping mechanism for the masers which most probably originate from some outer molecular envelopes or disks.  相似文献   

The results of a survey searching for outflows using near-infrared imaging are presented. Targets were chosen from a compiled list of massive young stellar objects associated with methanol masers in linear distributions. Presently, it is a widely held belief that these methanol masers are found in (and delineate) circumstellar accretion discs around massive stars. If this scenario is correct, one way to test the disc hypothesis is to search for outflows perpendicular to the methanol maser distributions. The main objective of the survey was to obtain wide-field near-infrared images of the sites of linearly distributed methanol masers using a narrow-band 2.12-μm filter. This filter is centred on the  H2 v = 1–0 S(1)  line; a shock diagnostic that has been shown to successfully trace CO outflows from young stellar objects. 28 sources in total were imaged of which 18 sources display H2 emission. Of these, only two sources showed emission found to be dominantly perpendicular to the methanol maser distribution. Surprisingly, the H2 emission in these fields is not distributed randomly, but instead the majority of sources are found to have H2 emission dominantly parallel to their distribution of methanol masers. These results seriously question the hypothesis that methanol masers exist in circumstellar discs. The possibility that linearly distributed methanol masers are instead directly associated with outflows is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of monochromatic [Oiii], [Nii], and [Sii] observations of ring nebula Sh157 around the star (WR + B0III) HD 219460 belonging to the Ba 3 cluster. A stratification of radiation typical for photoionization excitation has been revealed. The observations suggest that the Sh157 ring structure may arise as a result of the HD 219460 stellar wind blowing the surroundingHii region, and the bubble age is found to bet(2–5)×105 yr. Three outer envelopes have been distinguished: a weaker extended emission shell apparently blown out by the wind from B-stars of the Ba 3 cluster, and two dust shells which are likely to be associated with NGC 7510 and Cas OB2. The paper is also concerned with the discussion of young star aggregates Ba 3, NGC 7510, Cas OB1, OB2, OB4, OB5, OB7, and Cep OBI and the associatedHii regions, shells and supershells of gas and dust, molecular clouds, and supernova remnants which may be probable members of a single giant stellar complex where the star formation process is in progress.  相似文献   

A classification of the observational data on NGC 2264 is presented. Optical, infrared and radio data for the Hii region are tabulated, and maps of the molecular cloud structure are shown. The observations of the NGC 2264 star cluster are also summarized. The role of star formation in this young region is briefly assessed.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to search for 6.7-GHz methanol maser emission towards 87 galaxies. We chose the target sources using several criteria, including far-IR luminosities and the presence of known OH megamasers. In addition, we searched for methanol masers in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253, making a full spectral-line synthesis image. No emission was detected in any of the galaxies, with detection limits ranging from 25 to 75 mJy. This is surprising, given the close association of OH and methanol masers in Galactic star formation regions, and significantly constrains models of OH megamaser emission. This absence of maser emission may be a result of low methanol abundances in molecular clouds in starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

We report the results of a blind search for 22-GHz water masers in two regions, covering approximately half a square degree, within the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106. The complete search of the two regions was carried out with the 26-m Mount Pleasant radio telescope and resulted in the detection of nine water masers, five of which are new detections. Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these detections have allowed us to obtain positions with arcsecond accuracy, allowing meaningful comparison with infrared and molecular data for the region. We find that for the regions surveyed there are more water masers than either 6.7-GHz methanol, or main-line OH masers. The water masers are concentrated towards the central axis of the star formation region, in contrast to the 6.7-GHz methanol masers which tend to be located near the periphery. The colours of the GLIMPSE point sources associated with the water masers are similar to those of 6.7-GHz methanol masers, but slightly less red. We have made a statistical investigation of the properties of the 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps with and without associated water masers. We find that the water masers are associated with the more massive, denser and brighter 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps. We present statistical models that are able to predict those 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps that are likely to have associated water masers, with a low misclassification rate.  相似文献   

The initial evolution of a uniform Hii region around a star of 36 solar masses is described. The general equations of the problem are solved numerically by a finite difference method. Forbidden line emission by ions of C, N, O, and Ne is taken into account.  相似文献   

Be stars show both emission and absorption profiles in the optical part of the spectrum, and these are found to vary with the time. Some of the shifts in profiles were earlier interpreted as Doppler shifts. However, some of the shifts of features in both emission and absorption line profiles may be artifacts due to superposition of an emission profile arising from an Hii region around a binary compact object, and a profile due to the Be star. This interpretation of shifts in line profiles has the advantage over the conventional Doppler-shift interpretation in so far as it does not need the oscillation of a large mass of circumstellar gas, and leads to the observed correlation between radial velocity (RV) variations and V/R variations.  相似文献   

A statistical estimate of the number of 6.7-GHz methanol masers in the Milky Way and their lifetime is presented. The estimate is based on the currently known number of masers, a realistic correction for sensitivity effects and generally accepted Galactic star formation rates and initial mass functions. The analysis suggests that the minimum number of masers in the Galaxy is of the order of 850 while a more realistic estimate of the total number of masers is of the order of 1200 ± 84. The lifetime is estimated to be between  2.5 × 104  and  4.5 × 104 yr  , with the variation being due to the use of different initial mass functions. The estimated lifetime agrees with that found from independent studies and agrees remarkably well with the time-scale for the chemical evolution of methanol in hot cores as well as with the dynamical time-scales of molecular outflows associated with high-mass star formation regions. It is shown that the hypothesis of the masers being associated with propagating planar shocks in cores or clumps results in lifetimes for the masers that are smaller by a factor of 2 or more compared with the lifetime of methanol masers as estimated here.  相似文献   

Class II methanol masers are found in close association with OH main-line masers in many star-forming regions, where both are believed to flag the early stages in the evolution of a massive star. We have studied the formation of masers in methanol and OH under identical model conditions for the first time. Infrared pumping by radiation from warm dust at temperatures >100 K can account for the known maser lines in both molecules, many of which develop simultaneously under a range of conditions. The masers form most readily in cooler gas (<100 K) of moderately high density  (105–108 cm-3)  , although higher gas temperatures and/or lower densities are also compatible with maser action. The agreement between the current model (developed for methanol) and the established OH maser trends is very encouraging, and we anticipate that further tuning of the model will further improve such agreement.
We find the gas-phase molecular abundance to be the key determinant of observable maser activity for both molecules. Sources exhibiting both 6668-MHz methanol and 1665-MHz OH masers have a typical flux density ratio of 16; our model suggests that this may be a consequence of maser saturation. We find that the 1665-MHz maser approaches the saturated limit for OH abundances >10−7.3, while the 6668-MHz maser requires a greater methanol abundance >10−6. OH-favoured sources are likely to be less abundant in methanol, while methanol-favoured sources may be less abundant in OH or experiencing warm (>125 K), dense (∼107 cm−3) conditions. These abundance requirements offer the possibility of tying the appearance of masers to the age of the new-born star via models of gas-phase chemical evolution following the evaporation of icy grain mantles.  相似文献   

The problem of the detection or discovery of RS CVn-type close binary systems with the aid of the magnesium emission doublet 2800 Mgii is discussed. On the example of a star, HD 102077, the possibility of such an approach is shown. The determining factor is the magnitude of the measureless parameterR(Mgii), that is, the relative power of the magnesium doublet emission. For the normal Main-Sequence stars the magnesium emission has a purely chromospheric origin andR(Mgii) 1 (in units of 10–5). However, in the case of close binary systems of RS CVn-typeR(Mgii) 100. Wit the help of IUE it is foundR(Mgii) 100 for the star HD 102077 and, therefore, it is identified with RS CVn-type objects in which the magnesium doublet emission is generated in the intercomponent medium by gaseous matter and is transferred from one component of the system to the other. The basic physical parameters of the intercomponent medium in the case of HD 102077 are obtained.  相似文献   

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