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We calculate the polarization of the radiation from an optically thick accretion disk with a vertical averaged magnetic field. The polarization arises from the scattering of light by free electrons in a magnetized disk plasma. The Faraday rotation of the polarization plane during the propagation of a photon in a medium with a magnetic field is considered as the main effect. We discuss various models of optically thick accretion disks with a vertical averaged magnetic field. Our main goal is to derive simple asymptotic formulas for the polarization of radiation in the case where the Faraday rotation angle Ψ ≫ 1 at the Thomson optical depth τ = 1. The results of our calculations allow the magnetic field strength in the region of the marginally stable orbit near a black hole to be estimated from polarimetric observations, including X-ray observations expected in the future. Since the polarization spectrum of the radiation strongly depends on the accretion disk model, a realistic physical model of the accretion disk can be determined from data on the polarization of its radiation.  相似文献   

Over the last few years X-ray observations of broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs) by ASCA , RXTE and BeppoSAX have shown that these objects seem to exhibit weaker X-ray reflection features (such as the iron K α line) than radio-quiet Seyferts. This has lead to speculation that the optically thick accretion disc in radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) may be truncated to an optically thin flow in the inner regions of the source. Here, we propose that the weak reflection features are a result of reprocessing in an ionized accretion disc. This would alleviate the need for a change in accretion geometry in these sources. Calculations of reflection spectra from an ionized disc for situations expected in radio-loud AGN (high accretion rate, moderate-to-high black hole mass) predict weak reprocessing features. This idea was tested by fitting the ASCA spectrum of the bright BLRG 3C 120 with the constant density ionized disc models of Ross & Fabian. A good fit was found with an ionization parameter of   ξ ∼4000 erg cm s-1  and the reflection fraction fixed at unity. If observations of BLRGs by XMM-Newton show evidence for ionized reflection then this would support the idea that a high accretion rate is likely required to launch powerful radio jets.  相似文献   

The global structure of accretion disks is investigated in a unified scheme. We use a general radiative cooling formula applicable to both optically thick and thin regimes and we include radial advection cooling. Within the -viscosity models, we found distinct families of global solutions. If the accretion rate is low, there are three non-intersecting solutions, corresponding to optically thick and thin, local cooling and optically thin advection cooling. If the accretion rate is high, and the viscosity coefficient is large, the two local cooling solutions coincide at radii R1 and R2 and exist independently below R1 and above R2 while the advection solution is stable at all radii. If the accretion is high and the viscosity is low, the two optically thin solutions will cross each other while the optically thick solution exists at all radii.  相似文献   

The galactic black hole binary systems give an observational template showing how the accretion flow changes as a function of increasing mass accretion rate, or L/LEdd. These data can be synthesised with theoretical models of the accretion flow to give a coherent picture of accretion in strong gravity, in which the major hard-soft spectral transition is triggered by a change in the nature and geometry of the inner accretion flow from a hot, optically thin plasma to a cool, optically thick accretion disc. However, a straightforward application of these models to AGN gives clear discrepancies in overall spectral shape. Either the underlying accretion model is wrong, despite its success in describing the Galactic systems and/or there is additional physics which breaks the simple scaling from stellar to supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

At luminosities below a few percent of Eddington, accreting black holes switch to a hard spectral state which is very different from the soft blackbody-like spectral state that is found at higher luminosities. The hard state is well-described by a two-temperature, optically thin, geometrically thick, advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in which the ions are extremely hot (up to 1012 K near the black hole), the electrons are also hot (∼109−10.5 K), and thermal Comptonization dominates the X-ray emission. The radiative efficiency of an ADAF decreases rapidly with decreasing mass accretion rate, becoming extremely low when a source reaches quiescence. ADAFs are expected to have strong outflows, which may explain why relativistic jets are often inferred from the radio emission of these sources. It has been suggested that most of the X-ray emission also comes from a jet, but this is less well established.  相似文献   

We present the results of our studies of the aperiodic optical flux variability for SS Cyg, an accreting binary systemwith a white dwarf. The main set of observational data presented here was obtained with the ANDOR/iXon DU-888 photometer mounted on the RTT-150 telescope, which allowed a record (for CCD photometers) time resolution up to 8 ms to be achieved. The power spectra of the source’s flux variability have revealed that the aperiodic variability contains information about the inner boundary of the optically thick flow in the binary system. We show that the inner boundary of the optically thick accretion disk comes close to the white dwarf surface at the maximum of the source’s bolometric light curve, i.e., at the peak of the instantaneous accretion rate onto the white dwarf, while the optically thick accretion disk is truncated at distances 8.5 × 109 cm ∼10R WD in the low state. We suggest that the location of the inner boundary of the accretion disk in the binary can be traced by studying the parameters of the power spectra for accreting white dwarfs. In particular, this allows the mass of the accreting object to be estimated.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are close binary systems where mass is transferred from a red dwarf star to a white dwarf star via an accretion disk. The flickering is observed as stochastic variations in the emitted radiation both in the continuum and in the emission line profiles.The main goal of our simulations is to compare synthetic Doppler maps with observed ones, aiming to constrain the flickering properties and wind parameters.A code was developed which generates synthetic emission line profiles of a geometrically thin and optically thick accretion disk. The simulation allows us to include flares in a particular disk region. The emission line flares may be integrated over arbitrary ‘`exposure’' times, producing the synthetic line profiles. Flickering Doppler maps are created using such synthetic time series. The presence of a wind inside the Roche lobe was also implemented. Radiative transfer effects in the lines where taken into account in order to reproduce the single peaked line profiles frequently seen in nova-like CVs.  相似文献   

We consider the reflection of non-polarized radiation from the point-like sources above the accretion discs both the optically thick and optically thin. We investigate the dependence of the polarization of reflected radiation on the aperture angle of incident radiation. The aperture angle is determined by the radius of accretion disc and the height of the source above the disc. For optically thick accretion discs we show that, if the aperture angle is smaller 70 grad, then the wave electric field oscillations of reflected radiation are parallel to the accretion disc plane. For aperture angle greater than 70 grad the electric field oscillations are parallel to the plane “normal to accretion disc—the line of sight”. The latter also holds for reflection from the optically thin accretion disc independent of the aperture angle value.  相似文献   

Non-linear time-dependent calculations are being carried out in order to study the evolution of vertically integrated models of non-self-gravitating, transonic accretion discs around black holes. In this paper we present results from a new calculation for a high-α model similar to one studied previously by Honma, Matsumoto &38; Kato who found evidence for limit-cycle behaviour connected with thermal instability. Our results are in substantial agreement with theirs but, in our calculation, the disc material does not always remain completely optically thick and we include a suitable treatment for this. We followed the evolution for several cycles and determined the period of the cycle as being about 780 s. Advective cooling is dominant in the region just behind the outward-moving peak of surface density. The behaviour of this model is significantly different from what we saw earlier for low-α models (which we discussed in a previous paper) and we contrast and compare the two situations.  相似文献   

We have analysed the available spectra of WW And and for the first time obtained a reasonably well defined radial velocity curve of the primary star. Combined with the available radial velocity curve of the secondary component, these data led to the first determination of the spectroscopic mass ratio of the system at qspec = 0.16 ± 0.03. We also determined the radius of the accretion disc from analysis of the double-peaked Hα emission lines. Our new, high-precision, Johnson VRI and the previously-available Strömgren vby light curves were modelled with stellar and accretion disc models. A consistent model for WW And – a semidetached system harbouring an accretion disc which is optically thick in its inner region, but optically thin in the outer parts – agrees well with both spectroscopic and photometric data.  相似文献   

Dust emission in the non-photospheric 10-μm continua of HL Tau and Taurus-Elias 7 (Haro6-10, GV Tau) is distinguished from foreground silicate absorption using a simple disc model with radial power-law temperature and mass–density distributions based on the IR–submm model of T Tauri stars by Adams, Lada & Shu with foreground extinction. The resulting 10-μm absorption profiles are remarkably similar to those of the field star Taurus-Elias 16 obtained by Bowey, Adamson & Whittet. The fitted temperature indices are 0.44 (HL Tau) and 0.33 (Elias 7) in agreement with Boss's theoretical models of the 200–300 K region, but lower than those of IR–submm discs (0.5–0.61; Mannings & Emerson); a significant fraction of the modelled 10-μm emission of HL Tau is optically thin, whilst that of Elias 7 is optically thick. We suggest that HL Tau's optically thin component arises from silicate dust within low-density layers above an optically thick disc.  相似文献   

Summary. Recent papers dealing with the most controversial aspects of AGNs are reviewed. They suggest interesting conclusions: all Seyferts can be described by a single parameter, the X-ray column density; radio loud AGNs may host a rapidly spinning black hole and radio quiet AGNs a slowly spinning black hole; high-ionization AGNs (Seyfert galaxies and QSOs) contain an optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disk, while low-ionization AGNs (Liners) contain an optically thin, geometrically thick accretion disk; a number of blazars have been classified as BLLs on the basis of insufficient data; most objects with weak broad emission lines are in fact HPQs; many objects have been called Liners although they are not AGNs but rather the result of stellar activity; type 2 QSOs exist, but are quite inconspicuous if radio quiet. Received 16 November 1999 / Published online: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation.  相似文献   

We have undertaken an extensive study of X-ray data from the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1751 − 305 observed by RXTE and XMM–Newton during its 2002 outburst. In all aspects this source is similar to the prototypical millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4 − 3658, except for the higher peak luminosity of 13 per cent of Eddington, and the optical depth of the hard X-ray source, which is larger by a factor ∼2. Its broad-band X-ray spectrum can be modelled by three components. We interpret the two soft components as thermal emission from a colder  ( kT ∼ 0.6 keV)  accretion disc and a hotter (∼1 keV) spot on the neutron star surface. We interpret the hard component as thermal Comptonization in plasma of temperature ∼40 keV and optical depth ∼1.5 in a slab geometry. The plasma is heated by the accretion shock as the material collimated by the magnetic field impacts on to the surface. The seed photons for Comptonization are provided by the hotspot, not by the disc. The Compton reflection is weak and the disc is probably truncated into an optically thin flow above the magnetospheric radius. Rotation of the emission region with the star creates an almost sinusoidal pulse profile with an rms amplitude of 3.3 per cent. The energy-dependent soft phase lags can be modelled by two pulsating components shifted in phase, which is naturally explained by a different character of emission of the optically thick spot and optically thin shock combined with the action of the Doppler boosting. The observed variability amplitude constrains the hotspot to lie within 3°–4° of the rotational pole. We estimate the inner radius of the optically thick accreting disc to be about 40 km. In that case, the absence of emission from the antipodal spot, which can be blocked by the accretion disc, gives the inclination of the system as ≳70°.  相似文献   

I summarize the main observational properties of low-luminosity AGNs in nearby galaxies to argue that they are the high-mass analogs of black hole X-ray binaries in the “low/hard” state. The principal characteristics of low-state AGNs can be accommodated with a scenario in which the central engine is comprised of three components: an optically thick, geometrically accretion disk with a truncated inner radius, a radiatively inefficient flow, and a compact jet.  相似文献   

Dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs) have been observed in a number of cataclysmic variables. I propose that these oscillations could be produced by a non-axisymmetric bulge at the transition between the optically thick disc and the optically thin boundary layer region. This would naturally explain the observed oscillation periods and the dependence of the oscillation amplitude on photon energy. The transition radius moves inward and outward with changing mass accretion rate, which explains the correlation between period and flux, and the time-scale for period variations. The underlying cause of the non-axisymmetry that produces the oscillations is not known, so it is not possible to predict the oscillation amplitude from first principles.  相似文献   

We show that the set of observational characteristics for low-mass X-ray binaries in the optical and X-ray bands can be explained in terms of the model of an optically thick accretion disk with an atmosphere irradiated by a central X-ray source. We show that this set of observational data can be successfully used to measure the orbital inclination of a binary, the geometric parameters of its accretion disk, and the reprocessing time of X-emission to optical one. For the burster GS 1826-238, a low-mass X-ray binary with a neutron star, we have estimated the binary inclination and the thickness of the disk atmosphere at the outer edge from the mean optical flux and the amplitude of periodic modulations in the optical light curve: i = 62.5° ± 5.5° and H d/R d = 0.145 ± 0.009. The optical response time of the binary to an X-ray burst disagrees with the geometric delay in the propagation of X-ray photons in the binary. We believe that this points to a finite X-ray reprocessing/reradiation time, 1.0 s ≲ τ repr ≲ 2.2 s, in the hot atmosphere above the accretion disk.  相似文献   

V347 Pup is the first novalike system with clear spiral arms in its accretion disc, as evidenced from its HeI Doppler maps. Combining the Doppler maps of the various lines of the system V347 Pup a more complex structure is revealed on the first arm. On the Doppler maps of HeI λ5875 emission line the first arm splits to two smaller and thinner structures. The Doppler map of HeI λ6678 emission line shows that this line dominates the region of thin structure with higher velocities that we met on the Doppler map of HeI λ5875 emission line. On the contrary the Hα emission line dominates the region of thin structure with lower velocities. We therefore observe, that the Hα emission line dominates on the exterior of the first arm, and the emission line of HeI on the interior. Most of NaI is probably emanated from the white dwarf or from the interior of the disc, and then being absorbed by the spiral shocks.  相似文献   

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