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This paper examines the advantages of the traditional cattlepost system against the recent drive towards the fencing of Botswana's rangelands and the establishment of privatised, commercial beef ranches. Consideration of operational and environmental factors emphasise the benefits of the cattlepost system, while socio-economic and political factors explain why the current drive towards fenced ranches will continue for the foreseeable future. It is concluded that while the degradation issue on Botswana's rangelands has been overstated, alleged concern for the conservation of the grazing resource is explicitly driving Botswana's current New Agricultural Policy. By accentuating the existing marked socio-economic inequalities within the livestock sector, such misplaced policies will fuel much graver environmental problems, as the underlying equity issue remains unaddressed.  相似文献   

Desertification was reported in the Sahel during the higher rainfall regime of the 1950s and has become increasingly evident as human and livestock populations increase as a result of medical and veterinary care, which has created ever increasing population pressures for food, fodder, fuel, etc. The Great Drought of the mid 1960s and the ensuing lower rainfall has further aggravated the situation. With the help of NGO projects rural communities should be able to combat desertification and maintain a sustainable agriculture/livestock economy. The urban situation is undoubtedly extremely difficult if not beyond salvation. The future effects of climatic change is uncertain.  相似文献   

Through surveys and participatory rural appraisal methods, the study documents the traditional cattle-husbandry systems in both the mixed crop–livestock system in the highlands and the pastoral system in the lowlands in Eritrea. Herding, grazing, breeding strategies, heat detection, milking letdown, food habits, marketing, housing and traditional veterinary practices are described in each system. The pastoral system is based on large, mobile, predominantly female herds that go for long-range grazing and cattle are mainly kept for milk and milk products. In the highland farming communities, cattle are sedentary, relatively fewer, predominantly male and are mainly kept to provide energy for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

气候变化和二氧化碳减排问题已引起全世界的关注.本文运用岭回归分析1995-2008 年新疆碳排放与人口、经济、技术间的关系,并进一步探讨了产业结构和主导产业对碳排放的影响,以寻找减排的技术路线和对策,推动区域低碳经济的发展.结果表明:①不合理的经济结构和人口增长对碳排放有显著的推动作用,技术进步虽在一定程度上缓解了碳排放,但影响甚微;②新疆过分依赖自然资源的经济增长方式和以第二产业为主的经济结构是导致温室气体排放量增加的主要原因;③研究期间,新疆的主导产业均为以石油天然气开采、石油化工、煤化工为主的重工业,但其在工业总产值的比重却有较大提升,导致对能源的消耗急剧增加.未来在全球化背景下,新疆应转变经济增长模式,加大生态保护力度,更多地依靠科技创新、技术进步和制度的改进,大力发展低碳产业.  相似文献   

大旅游产业及其发展的影响和效益——以甘肃省为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大旅游的产业特性决定了其经济、社会和生态等方面影响的广泛性和效应的综合性。本文论述了大旅游产业的内涵、特征和产业体系。以甘肃省为例,从发展大旅游产业的角度,通过理论和实证两方面,对大旅游产业促进欠发达地区优势资源开发和资源替代、产业替代的作用及其经济、社会和生态效益进行了评估;提出了大旅游产业是欠发达地区新的经济增长点,扩大就业的有效途径和重要渠道,城市化和可持续发展的新型驱动力等结论。  相似文献   

Globalisation discourses increasingly depart from a network‐centred view of the world, and focus on the possibilities of leveraging economic globalisation – through incorporation in international production networks and global commodity chains (GCCs)– as a strategy for less developed countries (LDCs) to industrialise and advance their position in the world economy. This article goes beyond the question of incorporation and addresses the issue of sustaining positions, upgrading to more rewarding roles, and advancing to less dependent positions within production networks and GCCs. Drawing on experiences in the East Asian apparel industry, we present a framework for analysing such processes at both the firm and industry levels. We demonstrate that the East Asian experience provides a rather positive picture, despite a decline in the region's share of world trade. The present paper is a preliminary contribution; further research, using the framework presented, would enhance insights into competitive adjustment and advancement in GCCs, specifically, the forces underlying success or failure.  相似文献   

This is the second part of a contribution to the debate on the possibilities of leveraging economic globalisation — through incorporation in international production networks and global commodity chains (GCCs) — as a strategy for developing countries to industrialise and advance their position in the world economy. In the first part, we analysed the experience of the East Asian apparel industry and addressed the issues of sustaining positions, upgrading to more rewarding roles, and advancing to less dependent positions within production networks and GCCs. We developed an analytical framework at both the firm and industry levels, and subsequently identified alternative firm- and industry-level strategies and trajectories. The present paper deals with these issues in the context of the Singapore apparel industry. Based on extensive empirical research, we demonstrate that although the East Asian experience of upgrading and repositioning within the GCC is to some extent emulated in the case of the Singapore apparel industry, the outcomes have been less favourable in terms of the depth, extent and strength of these trajectories. The differing outcomes can be explained in terms of different (systemic) conditions in the Singapore business environment, including the agency of local players, the geography of sourcing networks, and the role of the state and prevailing business attitudes. Our conclusions merit continued attention in both research and policy circles on the development of capabilities at the firm level, and the role of local business and institutional environments in local industry development processes under globalisation.  相似文献   

The economically vulnerable and geographically isolated states and territories of the Pacific Islands find themselves increasingly powerless to resist the recent accelerated diffusion of globalisation and the economic options that this entails. Neoliberal policy has arrived in the ocean region later than elsewhere in the tropical world and in the developing world in general. However, it now almost exclusively frames regional and state policy agendas, and is profoundly restructuring economies and societies across the region. Agriculture, by far the leading economic sector in Pacific Island countries, has been targeted specifically for reform. The cultivation of non-traditional agricultural exports has formed the centrepiece of the evolving strategy. As well as "staple" exports such as sugar, copra, and taro going to non-traditional markets, "exotic" niche products are being developed for export to high income markets in Europe, Asia and North America. A major example of such a product is kava – a "traditional" crop used in the preparation of a ceremonial and/or social drink. Psycho- and physiological properties have been identified in the plant by the pharmaceutical industry that is marketing a range of kava products. Produced widely across the Pacific, Fiji is the major export source. This paper traces the evolution of globalisation in the Pacific Islands, placing the current wave of neoliberalism in its historical context. It goes on to outline the evolution of the Fijian kava export sector, and investigates some of the local socio-economic impacts of recent market growth. Given the evidence presented in this study, the paper asks if the power relations evolving under contemporary neoliberal globalisation are likely to be any different from those that existed during colonial globalisation.  相似文献   

中国草食家畜养殖的时空动态及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展草食家畜养殖是推动中国耗粮型畜牧业向节粮型畜牧业转型、解决人畜争粮矛盾的关键。本文运用探索性空间数据分析技术和计量模型方法,系统考察了中国草食家畜养殖的时序变化过程、地理集聚特征及其影响因素。研究表明:① 中国草食家畜养殖量整体增长态势明显,但畜种间养殖量存在较显著的差异。1978-2012年中国草食家畜养殖量增长了92.5%;同期养殖量肉牛>肉羊>奶牛。② 县域尺度上,草食家畜养殖量增长区数量多于减少区,而且北方地区养殖量增长明显快于南方地区,初步形成了“北热南冷”的空间格局。③ 空间杜宾模型显示,人均粮食产量、生产性土地面积比重、城镇人均可支配收入、农业机械化水平、农业劳动生产率与政策因素五项指标,对草食家畜养殖的发展有着正向效应,而人均GDP、城镇化水平和非农收入比重有着显著的负向效应。④ 中国草食家畜养殖可划分为6大类型区,各类型区应根据“区情、农情”从不同的侧重点加以调控。此外,还应优化调整区域种养结构、实行差别化的区域发展对策及重视养殖集聚区非农产业发展,稳定、促进草食家畜养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

The development of grass-feeding livestock breeding is the key to promoting the transition from grain-consumption type animal husbandry to grain-saving type animal husbandry in China, and to solving the problem of competition for grain between people and livestock. From the perspective of economic geography, this paper first defines the conversion standard for the breeding quantity of livestock, and then uses exploratory spatial data analysis technology and econometric models and methods to systematically investigate the sequential variation process, geographical aggregation characteristics, and influencing factors of grass-feeding livestock breeding in China. The study results show the following: 1) The breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in China has an obvious overall growth trend, but there is an obvious difference among the livestock species. During the period 1978–2012, the breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in China grew by 92.5%; and the breeding quantity within the same period was beef cattle > sheep > dairy cow. 2) On the county scale, the number of increasing areas of the breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock is larger than the number of decreasing areas, and the growth rate of breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in northern China is higher than that in southern China, which initially forms the pattern of “hot in the north and cold in the south”. 3) The spatial Durbin model shows that the per capita output of grain, proportion of productive land area, urban per capita disposable income, agricultural mechanization level, agricultural labor productivity and policy factor have positive effects on the development of grass-feeding livestock breeding, while the per capita GDP, urbanization level and proportion of non-agricultural income have obvious negative effects on it. 4) Grass-feeding livestock breeding in China can be divided into six major types of areas, and each type of area should be regulated and controlled in terms of their respective focus of attention according to regional conditions and situation of agricultural production.  相似文献   

宁夏产业结构演进与经济增长系统研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
产业结构的演进与升级一定程度上反映了区域经济的发展阶段与发展能力。以1978-2003年的统计数据为基础,系统研究了宁夏产业结构变迁与区域经济发展的关系。研究结果表明:(1)宁夏产业结构的变化符合产业结构变迁的一般规律,但产业结构高度化水平依然低下;(2)宁夏产业结构变迁的空间集聚效应明显;(3)宁夏产业结构演进对经济增长的影响形成产业结构偏离为正,竞争力偏离份额为负型、产业结构偏离为正,竞争力偏离份额为正型和产业结构偏离为负,竞争力偏离份额为正型三种类型;(4)产业结构变迁对各地区经济增长的影响差异较大。研究指出,在西部大开发和区域经济一体化进程中,以及在国家和地区产业政策调整的背景下,建立产业协调与分工合作机制,发展特色优势产业,推进重点地带布局开发,形成区域性“群落型”经济优势,成为新时期宁夏产业结构调整的战略选择。  相似文献   

陈良文  杨开忠 《地理科学》2008,28(3):325-330
利用1987~2003年中国制造业8个产业分省份面板数据对集聚经济效应的存在与否进行了实证研究,研究结果显示在制造业8个产业中,大部分产业存在地方化经济效应和城市化经济效应,即产业自身规模以及其他产业规模对该产业的劳动生产率具有正向影响,从而验证了集聚经济效应的存在性。研究同样对市场结构与生产率之间的关系进行了实证检验,并没有支持"竞争性的市场结构更能促进创新"这一理论预期,在一定程度上说明企业的内部规模经济效应要强于市场竞争对创新的促进作用。  相似文献   


The development of globalisation has ushered in fundamental changes that have led to a break in the relationship between places of production and places of consumption, and sometimes a rejection of global products and corporations at the local level in accordance with neolocalism. The objective of the article is to examine the effect of regional identity on the local impacts of global processes by applying a multilevel analysis of the brewing industry, in which consumers are very sensitive to changes in the beer offered and can influence it, for example by putting pressure on representatives of restaurants. Beginning with extensive research on the international level, the authors point out the various impacts of brewery acquisitions in three Central European countries – Czechia, Poland and Slovakia – that differ regarding the role of beer in the identity of their inhabitants. Thereafter, they focus on two Czech beer brands, the production of which was relocated to other regions after acquisitions. Based on field studies in the regions of the brands’ original production, the authors find that both brands lost popularity among their original customers. They conclude that for Czech customers, the place of production may be an important factor when choosing a beer brand.  相似文献   

赵权威  王玉华 《热带地理》2022,42(6):878-888
基于中国744家有机畜牧业企业基本数据,对其服务功能和生产功能区位进行分析,并采用Pearson相关性分析和多元回归分析方法对功能区位影响因素进行研究。结果表明:1)有机畜牧业企业服务功能区位和生产功能区位具有较强的共聚现象;2)有机畜牧业企业生产功能区位和服务功能区位受饲料产量、环境质量、政策效益等多种影响因子的综合作用,其中自然资源和传统畜牧产业发展水平对其影响较大;3)服务功能区位和生产功能区位空间集聚程度较高,导致有机畜牧业企业影响因素具有相对一致性,但囿于有机畜牧业企业功能部门自身的区位偏好差异,同一影响因子对于其服务功能和生产功能区位的作用程度具有一定的异同性。最后,提出2点建议:1)通过提升与强化地区综合性环境条件因子与环境承载力,增强不同层面空间单元的要素优势,引导有机畜牧业企业根据不同功能部门需求向其功能区位优势聚集区布局;2)地方政府应加大政策扶持力度,引导新生有机畜牧业企业在资源环境条件优越地区集聚,并鼓励和引导传统企业根据实际情况向有机农业生产方式转换。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the economic crisis in Southeast Asia had a severe effect on small scale enterprises in the region. In this paper, I interpret the different consequences of this economic crisis ( krismon ) for small enterprises in the city of Makassar, Sulawesi, in the light of current globalisation debates. It is argued that for the majority of small enterprises, there have not been significant changes because of the relative isolation of Sulawesi within the Indonesian and global economies. However, for other small enterprises, there have been two significant changes indirectly linked to wider globalisation influences, because of the importance of conspicuous consumption amongst local cultural groups. In turn, this leads to an evaluation of both the strength of globalisation tendencies in the city, and the important influence of local cultural traits on the ways in which members of the local economy have responded to change.  相似文献   

李杰  李宗礼  黄高宝  刘蕾 《中国沙漠》2013,33(1):308-312
在论述了节水型生态系统基本概念的基础上,确定了民勤绿洲兼顾生态保护与经济建设的发展方向--草畜产业。发展节水型灌溉草地不仅是草畜产业的基础,而且是转变用水方式及经济增长方式的有效途径。在此基础上提出了民勤绿洲草地建设的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Overgrazing by livestock has caused desertification in the Monte, where ctenomyids and livestock share grasses as main food items. The diet of Ctenomys eremophilus, above-ground food availability and changes related to cattle grazing are analyzed in the arid plain of Mendoza, Argentina. The most available categories were grasses, followed by low shrubs and tall shrubs. Tuco-tucos showed dietary generalism, ate mainly above-ground plant parts, preferred grasses and avoided shrubs at both grazed and ungrazed sites. Plant cover, grass diversity and availability decreased under livestock grazing, which was reflected in the diet by a lower percentage of grasses, a shift toward low shrubs and higher number of frequently used resources. Tuco-tucos in the grazed paddock compensated for lower consumption of vegetative plant parts by increasing the use of Prosopis flexuosa pods stored inside burrows. Moreover, greater dietary variation among individuals suggests foraging restricted to the items closest to burrow holes. These feeding tactics would allow them to reduce above-ground foraging as a response to high raptor predation risk due to increased bare soil. The plant recovery detected during the rest period, favoured by moderate stocking rate and rotational grazing system, would allow coexistence of tuco-tucos and cattle.  相似文献   

The geographies and histories of the introduction of cattle breeds to Australia in the period since white settlement are documented as an example of the diffusion of agricultural innovations. Three phases of development are identified: a colonial expansion phase from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century during which a number of primarily British cattle breeds were imported by the colonial settlers; an innovative phase in the mid twentieth century when both governments and private interests sought to produce or import new breeds deemed to be better adapted to Australian environments; and a multifunctional phase in recent decades. In this final phase, government deregulation and new technologies, such as the long distance transport of genetic packages, have facilitated the importation and development of many new cattle breeds in Australia. While this has produced a significant rise in the total number of breeds represented nationally, many recent and historic breeds currently exhibit extremely small numbers and a few generally well-established breeds such as Holstein, Hereford and Angus still dominate the national herd. This study of changing breed types and introductions provides some evidence of post-productivism and of a multifunctional transition in that several cattle breeds favoured by hobby farmers and boutique breeders are now represented, but the aggregate numbers for these breeds remain small and the numbers for several of the traditional (or colonial) breeds are currently in decline. Overall, it is apparent that Australia's cattle industry retains a strongly productivist ethos and that, particularly given the country's very great environmental variation, its levels of breed diversity remain low.  相似文献   

The debate over globalisation and the state has been sharpened by the emergence of such transitional economies as China and Vietnam. These states have become the subject of considerable attention, both in terms of the form that production is taking and the manner in which they interact with international capital. In both cases, interaction with international capital and the establishment of elements of the market economy have taken place under the auspices of highly centralised single party states. The resulting approach to the forces of economic globalisation has been both highly interventionist and, at times, extremely heavy-handed. As such, both countries may be seen as being seriously out of step with the advocates of liberalisation and economic globalisation. This paper seeks to further the understanding of the position of such states through an examination of Vietnam at two levels: first, through an overview of the distinctive and changing nature of the interaction and, second, through an examination of the nature and consequences of the differential treatment of labour and capital for foreign companies operating in Vietnam.  相似文献   

基于"产业—企业—空间"的沈阳市经济韧性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新常态背景下,东北地区与其他区域相比经济下行明显,适应能力较差,即区域经济韧性较弱。产业和企业是区域宏观经济的中微观载体,有助于揭示区域宏观经济韧性的中微观特征,却鲜少有研究。本文从宏观经济增量、中观产业增量及结构变化和微观企业空间动态,分析了1978年以来沈阳市经济韧性的特征。研究发现:① 在全国经济周期影响下,沈阳市经济韧性的变化呈现出“弱—强—弱”的周期性特征,主要是受第二产业韧性的波动变化影响。以支柱产业演替为代表的新老路径产业的韧性变化差异明显,其中老路径产业中机械产业韧性的“强—弱”变化对第二产业的韧性变化影响较大,其韧性减弱主要是由自身竞争力不足造成的。② 在全国经济“增速换挡”放缓的影响下,企业存活率的结果表明,老路径产业企业的韧性强于新路径产业企业的韧性;除食品产业外,其余产业老企业的韧性都强于新企业的韧性。另外初步发现,老路径产业和新路径产业中的电子等技术密集型制造业的新进入企业表现出对中心城区的“空间”路径依赖性,“空间集聚”对企业存活存在正向积极作用。  相似文献   

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