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质量是恒星最基本、最重要的物理量之一,它在恒星形成和演化过程中起着至关重要的作用.年轻星天体的形成机制以及早期演化过程是彻底解决恒星形成问题的关键所在,而年轻星天体形成过程中的物质下落、质量吸积以及外流等物理过程都与年轻星天体的质量密切相关.该文介绍了确定年轻星天体质量的一些常用方法,包括利用开普勒定律的动力学方法、赫罗图方法、年轻星天体脉动方法和磁层吸积方法等.并对这些方法的适用范围及测量精度进行了评述,还综述了各种方法的研究进展及未来可能的发展.  相似文献   

近红外偏振是研究恒星形成的有效工具.该文介绍了近红外偏振器的工作原理,然后分几个方面介绍了近红外偏振在恒星形成研究中的应用.红外反射云能很好地示踪年轻星天体及分子外流,通过分析偏振矢量的方法确定红外反射云的偏振对称中心,从而确定它的照亮源;偏振波长相关曲线包含了年轻星天体的星周物质的很多信息;年轻星的分子外流导致了红外反射云的形成,因此红外反射云的照亮源通常与年轻星天体成协,并是分子外流的驱动源;一些年轻星天体埋藏得很深,一般在近红外波段无法直接探测到,人们称之为深埋源,通过分析偏振矢量的方法可以找到深埋源;一般认为比较年轻的年轻星天体都是有尘埃盘的,尘埃盘的存在会导致它的偏振形态出现偏振盘,偏振盘町以用来研究尘埃盘;恒星形成区里成员星的偏振主要是由尘埃的二色性消光产生的,这样偏振方向会平行于致使尘埃排列的磁场的方向,从而能够揭示磁场的结构.最后进行了总结,并论述了中远红外偏振研究的优势和意义.  相似文献   

随着系外行星观测样本的大量积累,大样本演化方法作为天体物理的重要方法,继在恒星物理中广泛应用后,在行星统计特征的研究中开始变得更加重要。行星大样本演化方法就是通过简化的行星形成演化模型,对大量初始条件(原行星盘参数)和边界条件(星周环境)同时进行模拟,给出行星的各种统计性质,并直接与观测上的行星样本统计特征做比较。该方法对于限制行星形成和演化的理论模型具有重要意义。对行星大样本演化模型进行概述,简要介绍了行星大样本演化的主要统计结果和最新进展,并对其未来发展作出了展望。  相似文献   

基于日本红外卫星AKARI/FIS的年轻恒星体样本,通过匹配Hipparcos(High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite)的数据库共计得到21个太阳系附近的年轻恒星体,可靠性为90%.恒星的光谱类型从B型到M型星.利用Hipparcos精确的三角视差测量,定出源在赫罗图位置分布,进而与理论的演化轨迹等时线比较估算恒星的年龄.结果发现样本中存在两个年龄大于10 Myr的年轻恒星体.光学至红外能谱分布表明这两个源是II型年轻恒星体,即有原行星盘.通过进一步的能谱拟合表明这两个源的年龄分别为(14.1±4.2)Myr和(16.8±4.4)Myr.长寿命原行星盘与行星形成关系紧密,是理想的原行星诞生地.  相似文献   

偏心率是描述天体运动轨道的重要参数之一, 能够为揭示天体的动力学演化提供重要线索, 进而帮助理解天体形成与演化的过程及背后的物理机制. 随着天文观测技术的不断发展, 人们对于天体运动轨道的研究已经走出太阳系, 包含的系统也从大质量端的恒星系统延伸到了低质量端的行星系统. 聚焦天体轨道偏心率研究, 回顾了目前在恒星系统(包括主序恒星、褐矮星以及致密星)和行星系统(包括太阳系外巨行星以及``超级地球''、``亚海王星''等小质量系外行星)方面取得的进展, 总结了不同尺度结构下偏心率研究的一些共同之处和待解决的问题. 并结合当下和未来的相关天文观测设备和项目, 对未来天体轨道偏心率方面的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

恒星作为宇宙的基础组成元素,其形成过程一直是天文学中的重要研究对象。人们已基本了解中小质量恒星(质量小于8M_⊙)的形成和演化过程;受到数量少、嵌埋深、演化快和反馈剧烈等因素的影响,大质量恒星(质量大于8M_⊙)的形成过程依然谜团重重。介绍了小质量恒星形成的基本理论,以及吸积盘、竞争吸积、并合三种主流的大质量恒星形成模型;回顾了以往使用红外或射电望远镜对大质量恒星形成区的观测和分析,以及现阶段使用多波段巡天观测手段对大质量恒星形成区的研究成果;着重介绍了目前公认的大质量恒星形成的示踪物——分子外向流的理论和观测现状,以及大质量外向流的优秀候选体——绿色延展天体的发现、理论及观测研究情况。最后,对大质量恒星形成的理论和观测研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

CO的射电转动谱线揭示了光学不可见的冷宇宙、银河系最大天体-巨分子云和恒星形成过程中的一个普遍存在的重要的相-双极外流。CO在67~186um波段的转动谱线是探测动能温度数百度以上的热天体(诸如富碳、富氧演化星包层,行星状星云、年轻星和恒星形成区复合体)物理条件的重要探针。对CO分子转动谱线的天体物理研究方法和在该领域的近期进展作了简单的评述。  相似文献   

渐近巨星分支恒星 (AGB星 )是一种晚期演化恒星 ,它是恒星作为以核反应释能为发光能源的天体的最后演化阶段。AGB星阶段的恒星具有许多有趣的性质 ,如很大的质量损失率 (因此形成很厚的拱星尘埃气体包层 ) ,光变 ,热脉动 (或He闪耀 ) ,强的红外超量发射 ,分子脉泽发射等 ,弄清AGB星的演化规律是研究恒星演化理论的重要任务。目前人们所知道的AGB星的演化图景是 ,恒星经过漫长的主序演化之后 ,将经过红巨星 (RGB)阶段 ,然后才进入AGB阶段 ,在其演化过程中AGB星的光度和质量损失率要逐渐增大 ,它的光变周期也逐渐变长 ,在其中心星经历了一系列的由He核反应不稳定性引起的热脉动之后 ,它的质量损失很快停止 ,恒星开始向行星状星云 (PN)演化 ,最后行星状星云将会变成一个白矮星 ,这将是许多初始质量不很大的恒星的最终结局。OH/IR星阶段是AGB星演化的一个阶段 ,OH/IR星是那些质量稍大的恒星在AGB阶段后期演化而成的天体。现阶段人们对OH/IR星的具体演化过程还知道得很少。我们利用了球对称包层中的尘埃辐射转移模型来研究OH/IR星的演化性质 ,并且收集了尽量多的具有可靠距离的OH/IR星来研究他们的光度和质量损失率的演化性质。在本文的研究工作中 ,我们主要讨论了OH/IR星在远红外双色图中的分布规律 ,还发现  相似文献   

卫星环绕行星,行星环绕恒星,而现在天又学家发现行星也可以环绕像行星那样小的天体运行。斯必泽空间望远镜发现一颗质量格外小的褐矮星周围有一个构成行星的尘埃盘。这颗褐矮星称为OTS44,仅有木星质量的15倍。以前发现的有行星盘环绕的褐矮星都比木星质量大25~30倍。  相似文献   

本文根据吸秘盘理论与天文观测结果,给出一个恒星在星云盘中形成的模型.通过计算角动量方程,获得了质量定常分布ρ(r)~r_(-β)(β=0,1,2)时的一般性解.对1M恒星的数值解表明:恒星在转动磁化的星云盘中形成时,角动量确实发生了巨大转移;并且,β=2的解能较满意地解释太阳系的角动量奇异性.  相似文献   

傅燕宁  孙义燧 《天文学报》1997,38(2):119-128
本文研究振动盘中恒星的运动性质.所采用的势模型为它由一种具简单径向振动模态的Kuzmin盘和一种对数晕共同产生.得到的主要结论是:(1)恒星存在稳定且有序的近圆轨道;(2)盘振动对角动量较小的恒星及远离近圆轨道的恒星影响较大;(3)盘中大部分恒星的运动是有序的;(4)远离近圆轨道的恒星一般作混沌运动,并且最终可能逃逸,但在一个Hubble时间内实际逃逸的恒星比例较小;(5)盘振动可能是振动Kurmin盘中某些星团形成并长期维持的机制之一,盘振动幅度越大,盘中星团数目可能越多;在同一个星系盘中,角动量越大的星团数目可能越少.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure of a radiatively-driven wind from a rapidly rotating hot star. When the rotation rate is large, there is a region at low latitudes near the stellar surface where the force of gravity is larger than the radiation pressure. Within this region, the streamlines fall toward the equator, and if the rotation rate is large enough, the fluid collides with the flow from the opposite hemisphere of the star. The shock compression and subsequent cooling produces a dense equatorial disk. This wind-compressed disk forms only if the star is rotating fast enough. The rotation threshold for disk formation is about 70% of the break-up speed for B stars and is much higher for O stars. If theoretical calculations of the terminal speed are correct, then the behavior of the disk formation threshold as a function of spectral type potentially explains the frequency distribution of Be stars. The geometry of the wind-compressed disk agrees quite well with observations of Be stars; however, the disk density is a factor of 100 too small to explain the magnitude of the IR excess, optical polarization, and H emission, if current UV mass-loss rates are correct. However, recent X-ray observations indicate that the mass-loss rates of B stars may be much larger than previously thought.  相似文献   

We present differential photometry of the cataclysmic variable star SW Sextantis. A time series analysis was performed in search of superhumps in the accretion disk of this star, which is the prototype of a class of cataclysmic variables, the SW Sex stars. We find no superhumps, which shows that the presence of superhumps is not a defining feature of the SW Sex stars.  相似文献   

We consider a passage of the stars through the accretion disk near the supermassive black hole in the nuclei of active galaxies and quasars. When a star penetrates the disk, a hydrodynamical track is formed behind it. The boundary of the track is a cylindric shock-wave. The region of the track is optically thick with respect to the true absorption. The transfer of the energy dissipated by the passage of the star with a radius ≈1012 cm (the typical dimensions of a star in a galactic nucleus) across the disk provided by the radiative heat conduction. Each star passage through the intermediate region of the disk results in the appearance of a bright spot on its surface. The energy emitted by the spots lies inside the frequency range from visible to UV, exceeding the disk luminosity due to accretion in the range considered.  相似文献   

Energetic outflows provide a dramatic accompaniment to accretion disks in all stages of star formation. The low extinction toward Classical T Tauri stars offers an opportunity to probe the star-disk interface region to search for the launch site and acceleration region of accretion-driven winds. This search is complicated by the fact that the dominant sources of emission in the optical and ultraviolet are the funnel flows and accretion shocks associated with magnetospheric accretion. Thus the quest for inner wind diagnostics requires disentangling accretion and outflow processes from the same line profile. We discuss two tracers of a high velocity inner wind in stars with high disk accretion rates. One, a hot component, is traced by helium emission and must arise very close to the star. A second, cooler component, is traced by blueshifted absorption in strong resonance lines and arises further from the star, but still within about ten stellar radii. We present evidence that the character of both magnetospheric accretion and the inner wind may differ among stars with high and low disk accretion rates.  相似文献   

The formation of a planetary system from the protoplanetary disk leads to destruction of the latter; however, a debris disk can remain in the form of asteroids and cometary material. The motion of planets can cause the formation of coorbital structures from the debris disk matter. Previous calculations have shown that such a ring-like structure is more stable if there is a binary star in the center of the system, as opposed to a single star. To analyze the properties of the coorbital structure, we have calculated a grid of models of binary star systems with a circumbinary planet moving in a planetesimal disk. The calculations are performed considering circular orbits of the stars and the planet; the mass and position of the planet, as well as the mass ratio of the stars, are varied. The analysis of the models shows that the width of the coorbital ring and its stability significantly depend on the initial parameters of the problem. Additionally, the empirical dependences of the width of the coorbital structure on the parameters of the system have been obtained, and the parameters of the models with the most stable coorbital structures have been determined. The results of the present study can be used for the search of planets around binary stars with debris disks.  相似文献   

Most astrophysical accretion disks are likely to be warped.In X-ray binaries,the spin evolution of an accreting neutron star is critically dependent on the interaction between the neutron star magnetic field and the accretion disk.There have been extensive investigations on the accretion torque exerted by a coplanar disk that is magnetically threaded by the magnetic field lines from the neutron stars,but relevant works on warped/tilted accretion disks are still lacking.In this paper we develop a simplified twocomponent model,in which the disk is comprised of an inner coplanar part and an outer,tilted part.Based on standard assumption on the formation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component,we derive the dimensionless torque and show that a warped/titled disk is more likely to spin up the neutron star compared with a coplanar disk.We also discuss the possible influence of various initial parameters on the torque.  相似文献   

The photometric activity of the star BF Ori, which belongs to the family of UX Ori-type stars, is studied. New data obtained with the ASAS robotic telescope confirm the existence of a cyclical component in the light curve for this star with a duration of roughly 11-12 years. The form of the photometric cycle resembles the theoretical light curves for a young binary system with a low-mass secondary component, and which is accreting matter from a surrounding common disk. Alternative mechanisms for the cyclical variability of UX Ori stars are also discussed.  相似文献   

Kuranov  A. G.  Postnov  K. A.  Yungelson  L. R. 《Astronomy Letters》2020,46(10):658-676
Astronomy Letters - A model of a population of ultraluminous X-ray sources with magnetized neutron stars (NULXs) in a spiral galaxy with a star formation history as in the thin disk of the Milky...  相似文献   

It is noted that the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars can be well described in terms of emission-line formation in a moderate density wind, a ring-like disk, and magnetically supported filaments which link the disk to the central star. The emission-line spectra of Of, O(f), and O((f)) stars likewise can be understood in terms of jets, filaments, and disks. Some examples of Of spectra are described and it is noted that expanding-spherical-wind models do not appear to be able to describe accurately all which is observed. When interpreting the spectra of Wolf-Rayet and O stars, it is useful to think in terms of the type of model which has proved useful for interpreting the emission-line spectra of Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri stars.  相似文献   

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