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Most practical reservoir simulation studies are performed using the so-called black oil model, in which the phase behavior is represented using solubilities and formation volume factors. We extend the multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method to deal with nonlinear immiscible three-phase compressible flow in the presence of gravity and capillary forces (i.e., black oil model). Consistent with the MSFV framework, flow and transport are treated separately and differently using a sequential implicit algorithm. A multiscale operator splitting strategy is used to solve the overall mass balance (i.e., the pressure equation). The black-oil pressure equation, which is nonlinear and parabolic, is decomposed into three parts. The first is a homo geneous elliptic equation, for which the original MSFV method is used to compute the dual basis functions and the coarse-scale transmissibilities. The second equation accounts for gravity and capillary effects; the third equation accounts for mass accumulation and sources/ sinks (wells). With the basis functions of the elliptic part, the coarse-scale operator can be assembled. The gravity/capillary pressure part is made up of an elliptic part and a correction term, which is computed using solutions of gravity-driven local problems. A particular solution represents accumulation and wells. The reconstructed fine-scale pressure is used to compute the fine-scale phase fluxes, which are then used to solve the nonlinear saturation equations. For this purpose, a Schwarz iterative scheme is used on the primal coarse grid. The framework is demonstrated using challenging black-oil examples of nonlinear compressible multiphase flow in strongly heterogeneous formations.  相似文献   

The MultiScale Finite Volume (MSFV) method is known to produce non-monotone solutions. The causes of the non-monotone solutions are identified and connected to the local flux across the boundaries of primal coarse cells induced by the basis functions. We propose a monotone MSFV (m-MSFV) method based on a local stencil-fix that guarantees monotonicity of the coarse-scale operator, and thus, the resulting approximate fine-scale solution. Detection of non-physical transmissibility coefficients that lead to non-monotone solutions is achieved using local information only and is performed algebraically. For these ‘critical’ primal coarse-grid interfaces, a monotone local flux approximation, specifically, a Two-Point Flux Approximation (TPFA), is employed. Alternatively, a local linear boundary condition can be used for the dual basis functions to reduce the degree of non-monotonicity. The local nature of the two strategies allows for ensuring monotonicity in local sub-regions, where the non-physical transmissibility occurs. For practical applications, an adaptive approach based on normalized positive off-diagonal coarse-scale transmissibility coefficients is developed. Based on the histogram of these normalized coefficients, one can remove the large peaks by applying the proposed modifications only for a small fraction of the primal coarse grids. Though the m-MSFV approach can guarantee monotonicity of the solutions to any desired level, numerical results illustrate that employing the m-MSFV modifications only for a small fraction of the domain can significantly reduce the non-monotonicity of the conservative MSFV solutions.  相似文献   

We present a variational multiscale mixed finite element method for the solution of Darcy flow in porous media, in which both the permeability field and the source term display a multiscale character. The formulation is based on a multiscale split of the solution into coarse and subgrid scales. This decomposition is invoked in a variational setting that leads to a rigorous definition of a (global) coarse problem and a set of (local) subgrid problems. One of the key issues for the success of the method is the proper definition of the boundary conditions for the localization of the subgrid problems. We identify a weak compatibility condition that allows for subgrid communication across element interfaces, a feature that turns out to be essential for obtaining high-quality solutions. We also remove the singularities due to concentrated sources from the coarse-scale problem by introducing additional multiscale basis functions, based on a decomposition of fine-scale source terms into coarse and deviatoric components. The method is locally conservative and employs a low-order approximation of pressure and velocity at both scales. We illustrate the performance of the method on several synthetic cases and conclude that the method is able to capture the global and local flow patterns accurately.  相似文献   

Upscaled flow functions are often needed to account for the effects of fine-scale permeability heterogeneity in coarse-scale simulation models. We present procedures in which the required coarse-scale flow functions are statistically assigned to an ensemble of upscaled geological models. This can be viewed as an extension and further development of a recently developed ensemble level upscaling (EnLU) approach. The method aims to efficiently generate coarse-scale flow models capable of reproducing the ensemble statistics (e.g., cumulative distribution function) of fine-scale flow predictions for multiple reservoir models. The most expensive part of standard coarsening procedures is typically the generation of upscaled two-phase flow functions (e.g., relative permeabilities). EnLU provides a means for efficiently generating these upscaled functions using stochastic simulation. This involves the use of coarse-block attributes that are both fast to compute and correlate closely with the upscaled two-phase functions. In this paper, improved attributes for use in EnLU, namely the coefficient of variation of the fine-scale single-phase velocity field (computed during computation of upscaled absolute permeability) and the integral range of the fine-scale permeability variogram, are identified. Geostatistical simulation methods, which account for spatial correlations of the statistically generated upscaled functions, are also applied. The overall methodology thus enables the efficient generation of coarse-scale flow models. The procedure is tested on 3D well-driven flow problems with different permeability distributions and variable fluid mobility ratios. EnLU is shown to capture the ensemble statistics of fine-scale flow results (water and oil flow rates as a function of time) with similar accuracy to full flow-based upscaling methods but with computational speedups of more than an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Combining a geological model with a geomechanical model, it generally turns out that the geomechanical model is built from units that are at least a 100 times larger in volume than the units of the geological model. To counter this mismatch in scales, the geological data model's heterogeneous fine-scale Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios have to be “upscaled” to one “equivalent homogeneous” coarse-scale rigidity. This coarse-scale rigidity relates the volume-averaged displacement, strain, stress, and energy to each other, in such a way that the equilibrium equation, Hooke's law, and the energy equation preserve their fine-scale form on the coarse scale. Under the simplifying assumption of spatial periodicity of the heterogeneous fine-scale rigidity, homogenization theory can be applied. However, even then the spatial variability is generally so complex that exact solutions cannot be found. Therefore, numerical approximation methods have to be applied. Here the node-based finite element method for the displacement as primary variable has been used. Three numerical examples showing the upper bound character of this finite element method are presented.  相似文献   

A Dirichlet–Neumann representation method was recently proposed for upscaling and simulating flow in reservoirs. The DNR method expresses coarse fluxes as linear functions of multiple pressure values along the boundary and at the center of each coarse block. The number of flux and pressure values at the boundary can be adjusted to improve the accuracy of simulation results and, in particular, to resolve important fine-scale details. Improvement over existing approaches is substantial especially for reservoirs that contain high-permeability streaks or channels. As an alternative, the multiscale mixed finite-element (MsMFE) method was designed to obtain fine-scale fluxes at the cost of solving a coarsened problem, but can also be used as upscaling methods that are flexible with respect to geometry and topology of the coarsened grid. Both methods can be expressed in mixed-hybrid form, with local stiffness matrices obtained as “inner products” of numerically computed basis functions with fine-scale sub-resolution. These basis functions are determined by solving local flow problems with piecewise linear Dirichlet boundary conditions for the DNR method and piecewise constant Neumann conditions for MsMFE. Adding discrete pressure points in the DNR method corresponds to subdividing faces in the coarse grid and hence increasing the number of basis functions in the MsMFE method. The methods show similar accuracy for 2D Cartesian cases, but the MsMFE method is more straightforward to formulate in 3D and implement for general grids.  相似文献   

Multiscale mixed/mimetic methods on corner-point grids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiscale simulation is a promising approach to facilitate direct simulation of large and complex grid models for highly heterogeneous petroleum reservoirs. Unlike traditional simulation, approaches based on upscaling/downscaling, multiscale methods seek to solve the full flow problem by incorporating subscale heterogeneities into local discrete approximation spaces. We consider a multiscale formulation based on a hierarchical grid approach, where basis functions with subgrid resolution are computed numerically to correctly and accurately account for subscale variations from an underlying (fine-scale) geomodel when solving the global flow equations on a coarse grid. By using multiscale basis functions to discretise the global flow equations on a (moderately sized) coarse grid, one can retain the efficiency of an upscaling method and, at the same time, produce detailed and conservative velocity fields on the underlying fine grid. For pressure equations, the multiscale mixed finite-element method (MsMFEM) has been shown to be a particularly versatile approach. In this paper, we extend the method to corner-point grids, which is the industry standard for modelling complex reservoir geology. To implement MsMFEM, one needs a discretisation method for solving local flow problems on the underlying fine grids. In principle, any stable and conservative method can be used. Here, we use a mimetic discretisation, which is a generalisation of mixed finite elements that gives a discrete inner product, allows for polyhedral elements, and can (easily) be extended to curved grid faces. The coarse grid can, in principle, be any partition of the subgrid, where each coarse block is a connected collection of subgrid cells. However, we argue that, when generating coarse grids, one should follow certain simple guidelines to achieve improved accuracy. We discuss partitioning in both index space and physical space and suggest simple processing techniques. The versatility and accuracy of the new multiscale mixed methodology is demonstrated on two corner-point models: a small Y-shaped sector model and a complex model of a layered sedimentary bed. A variety of coarse grids, both violating and obeying the above mentioned guidelines, are employed. The MsMFEM solutions are compared with a reference solution obtained by direct simulation on the subgrid.  相似文献   

Combining a geological model with a geomechanical model, it generally turns out that the geomechanical model is built from units that are at least a 100 times larger in volume than the units of the geological model. To counter this mismatch in scales, the geological data model's heterogeneous fine-scale Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios have to be upscaled to one equivalent homogeneous coarse-scale rigidity. This coarse-scale rigidity relates the volume-averaged displacement, strain, stress, and energy to each other, in such a way that the equilibrium equation, Hooke's law, and the energy equation preserve their fine-scale form on the coarse scale. Under the simplifying assumption of spatial periodicity of the heterogeneous fine-scale rigidity, homogenization theory can be applied. However, even then the spatial variability is generally so complex that exact solutions cannot be found. Therefore, numerical approximation methods have to be applied. Here the node-based finite element method for the displacement as primary variable has been used. Three numerical examples showing the upper bound character of this finite element method are presented.  相似文献   

Efficient heat exploitation strategies from geothermal systems demand for accurate and efficient simulation of coupled flow-heat equations on large-scale heterogeneous fractured formations. While the accuracy depends on honouring high-resolution discrete fractures and rock heterogeneities, specially avoiding excessive upscaled quantities, the efficiency can be maintained if scalable model-reduction computational frameworks are developed. Addressing both aspects, this work presents a multiscale formulation for geothermal reservoirs. To this end, the nonlinear time-dependent (transient) multiscale coarse-scale system is obtained, for both pressure and temperature unknowns, based on elliptic locally solved basis functions. These basis functions account for fine-scale heterogeneity and discrete fractures, leading to accurate and efficient simulation strategies. The flow-heat coupling is treated in a sequential implicit loop, where in each stage, the multiscale stage is complemented by an ILU(0) smoother stage to guarantee convergence to any desired accuracy. Numerical results are presented in 2D to systematically analyze the multiscale approximate solutions compared with the fine scale ones for many challenging cases, including the outcrop-based geological fractured field. These results show that the developed multiscale formulation casts a promising framework for the real-field enhanced geothermal formations.  相似文献   

The aim of upscaling is to determine equivalent homogeneous parameters at a coarse-scale from a spatially oscillating fine-scale parameter distribution. To be able to use a limited number of relatively large grid-blocks in numerical oil reservoir simulators or groundwater models, upscaling of the permeability is frequently applied. The spatial fine-scale permeability distribution is generally obtained from geological and geostatistical models. After upscaling, the coarse-scale permeabilities are incorporated in the relatively large grid-blocks of the numerical model. If the porous rock may be approximated as a periodic medium, upscaling can be performed by the method of homogenization. In this paper the homogenization is performed numerically, which gives rise to an approximation error. The complementarity between two different numerical methods – the conformal-nodal finite element method and the mixed-hybrid finite element method – has been used to quantify this error. These two methods yield respectively upper and lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the coarse-scale permeability tensor. Results of 3D numerical experiments are shown, both for the far field and around wells.  相似文献   

Homogenization has proved its effectiveness as a method of upscaling for linear problems, as they occur in single-phase porous media flow for arbitrary heterogeneous rocks. Here we extend the classical homogenization approach to nonlinear problems by considering incompressible, immiscible two-phase porous media flow. The extensions have been based on the principle of preservation of form, stating that the mathematical form of the fine-scale equations should be preserved as much as possible on the coarse scale. This principle leads to the required extensions, while making the physics underlying homogenization transparent. The method is process-independent in a way that coarse-scale results obtained for a particular reservoir can be used in any simulation, irrespective of the scenario that is simulated. Homogenization is based on steady-state flow equations with periodic boundary conditions for the capillary pressure. The resulting equations are solved numerically by two complementary finite element methods. This makes it possible to assess a posteriori error bounds.  相似文献   

For the past 10 years or so, a number of so-called multiscale methods have been developed as an alternative approach to upscaling and to accelerate reservoir simulation. The key idea of all these methods is to construct a set of prolongation operators that map between unknowns associated with cells in a fine grid holding the petrophysical properties of the geological reservoir model and unknowns on a coarser grid used for dynamic simulation. The prolongation operators are computed numerically by solving localized flow problems, much in the same way as for flow-based upscaling methods, and can be used to construct a reduced coarse-scale system of flow equations that describe the macro-scale displacement driven by global forces. Unlike effective parameters, the multiscale basis functions have subscale resolution, which ensures that fine-scale heterogeneity is correctly accounted for in a systematic manner. Among all multiscale formulations discussed in the literature, the multiscale restriction-smoothed basis (MsRSB) method has proved to be particularly promising. This method has been implemented in a commercially available simulator and has three main advantages. First, the input grid and its coarse partition can have general polyhedral geometry and unstructured topology. Secondly, MsRSB is accurate and robust when used as an approximate solver and converges relatively fast when used as an iterative fine-scale solver. Finally, the method is formulated on top of a cell-centered, conservative, finite-volume method and is applicable to any flow model for which one can isolate a pressure equation. We discuss numerical challenges posed by contemporary geomodels and report a number of validation cases showing that the MsRSB method is an efficient, robust, and versatile method for simulating complex models of real reservoirs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a procedure for subsurface characterization of a fractured porous medium. The characterization involves sampling from a representation of a fracture’s permeability that has been suitably adjusted to the dynamic tracer cut measurement data. We propose to use a type of dual-porosity, dual-permeability model for tracer flow. This model is built into the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method in which the permeability is sampled. The Bayesian statistical framework is used to set the acceptance criteria of these samples and is enforced through sampling from the posterior distribution of the permeability fields conditioned to dynamic tracer cut data. In order to get a sample from the distribution, we must solve a series of problems which requires a fine-scale solution of the dual model. As direct MCMC is a costly method with the possibility of a low acceptance rate, we introduce a two-stage MCMC alternative which requires a suitable coarse-scale solution method of the dual model. With this filtering process, we are able to decrease our computational time as well as increase the proposal acceptance rate. A number of numerical examples are presented to illustrate the performance of the method.  相似文献   

Flow of fluids and transport of solutes in porous media are subjects of wide interest in several fields of applications: reservoir engineering, subsurface hydrology, chemical engineering, etc. In this paper we will study two-phase flow in a model consisting of two different types of sediments. Here, the absolute permeability, the relative permeabilities and the capillary pressure are discontinuous functions in space. This leads to interior boundary value problems at the interface between the sediments. The saturation Sw will be discontinuous or experience large gradients at the interface. A new solution procedure for such problems will be presented. The method combines the modified method of characteristics with a weak formulation where the basis functions are discontinuous at the interior boundary. The modified method of characteristics will provide a good first approximation for the jump in the discontinuous basis functions, which leads to a fast converging iterative solution scheme for the complete problem. The method has been implemented in a two-dimensional simulator, and results from numerical experiments will be presented. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Downhole electrical heating can be used to achieve the high temperatures required for in situ upgrading of oil shale or oil sands. Heater-well models are needed if this process is to be simulated accurately. The traditional Peaceman approach used for fluid injection and production wells may not be applicable because it does not capture transient effects, which can be important in downhole heater models. Standard models also neglect the effects of heterogeneity and temperature dependence in the rock properties. Here, we develop two new models for representing heater wells in reservoir simulators. The first model is applicable for homogeneous systems with properties that are not temperature dependent. For such cases, we develop a semi-analytical procedure based on Green’s functions to construct time-dependent heater-well indexes and heater-block thermal transmissibilities. For the general case, which can include both fine-scale heterogeneity and nonlinearity due to the temperature dependence of rock properties, we present a numerical procedure for constructing the heater-well model. This technique is essentially a near-well upscaling method and requires a local fine-scale solution in the near-well region. The boundary conditions are determined using a local-global treatment. The accuracy of the new heater-well models is demonstrated through comparison to reference solutions for example problems. The approach is then applied for the coarse-scale modeling of the in situ upgrading of oil shale, which entails a thermal-compositional simulation with chemical reactions. The model is shown to provide an accurate and efficient solution for this challenging problem.  相似文献   

Large-scale flow models constructed using standard coarsening procedures may not accurately resolve detailed near-well effects. Such effects are often important to capture, however, as the interaction of the well with the formation can have a dominant impact on process performance. In this work, a near-well upscaling procedure, which provides three-phase well-block properties, is developed and tested. The overall approach represents an extension of a recently developed oil–gas upscaling procedure and entails the use of local well computations (over a region referred to as the local well model (LWM)) along with a gradient-based optimization procedure to minimize the mismatch between fine and coarse-scale well rates, for oil, gas, and water, over the LWM. The gradients required for the minimization are computed efficiently through solution of adjoint equations. The LWM boundary conditions are determined using an iterative local-global procedure. With this approach, pressures and saturations computed during a global coarse-scale simulation are interpolated onto LWM boundaries and then used as boundary conditions for the fine-scale LWM computations. In addition to extending the overall approach to the three-phase case, this work also introduces new treatments that provide improved accuracy in cases with significant flux from the gas cap into the well block. The near-well multiphase upscaling method is applied to heterogeneous reservoir models, with production from vertical and horizontal wells. Simulation results illustrate that the method is able to accurately capture key near-well effects and to provide predictions for component production rates that are in close agreement with reference fine-scale results. The level of accuracy of the procedure is shown to be significantly higher than that of a standard approach which uses only upscaled single-phase flow parameters.  相似文献   

Uncertainty quantification is typically accomplished by simulating multiple geological realizations, which can be very expensive computationally if the flow process is complicated and the models are highly resolved. Upscaling procedures can be applied to reduce computational demands, though it is essential that the resulting coarse-model predictions correspond to reference fine-scale solutions. In this work, we develop an ensemble level upscaling (EnLU) procedure for compositional systems, which enables the efficient generation of multiple coarse models for use in uncertainty quantification. We apply a newly developed global compositional upscaling method to provide coarse-scale parameters and functions for selected realizations. This global upscaling entails transmissibility and relative permeability upscaling, along with the computation of a-factors to capture component fluxes. Additional features include near-well upscaling for all coarse parameters and functions, and iteration on the a-factors, which is shown to improve accuracy. In the EnLU framework, this global upscaling is applied for only a few selected realizations. For 90 % or more of the realizations, upscaled functions are assigned statistically based on quickly computed flow and permeability attributes. A sequential Gaussian co-simulation procedure is incorporated to provide coarse models that honor the spatial correlation structure of the upscaled properties. The resulting EnLU procedure is applied for multiple realizations of two-dimensional models, for both Gaussian and channelized permeability fields. Results demonstrate that EnLU provides P10, P50, and P90 results for phase and component production rates that are in close agreement with reference fine-scale results. Less accuracy is observed in realization-by-realization comparisons, though the models are still much more accurate than those generated using standard coarsening procedures.  相似文献   

We propose a methodology, called multilevel local–global (MLLG) upscaling, for generating accurate upscaled models of permeabilities or transmissibilities for flow simulation on adapted grids in heterogeneous subsurface formations. The method generates an initial adapted grid based on the given fine-scale reservoir heterogeneity and potential flow paths. It then applies local–global (LG) upscaling for permeability or transmissibility [7], along with adaptivity, in an iterative manner. In each iteration of MLLG, the grid can be adapted where needed to reduce flow solver and upscaling errors. The adaptivity is controlled with a flow-based indicator. The iterative process is continued until consistency between the global solve on the adapted grid and the local solves is obtained. While each application of LG upscaling is also an iterative process, this inner iteration generally takes only one or two iterations to converge. Furthermore, the number of outer iterations is bounded above, and hence, the computational costs of this approach are low. We design a new flow-based weighting of transmissibility values in LG upscaling that significantly improves the accuracy of LG and MLLG over traditional local transmissibility calculations. For highly heterogeneous (e.g., channelized) systems, the integration of grid adaptivity and LG upscaling is shown to consistently provide more accurate coarse-scale models for global flow, relative to reference fine-scale results, than do existing upscaling techniques applied to uniform grids of similar densities. Another attractive property of the integration of upscaling and adaptivity is that process dependency is strongly reduced, that is, the approach computes accurate global flow results also for flows driven by boundary conditions different from the generic boundary conditions used to compute the upscaled parameters. The method is demonstrated on Cartesian cell-based anisotropic refinement (CCAR) grids, but it can be applied to other adaptation strategies for structured grids and extended to unstructured grids.  相似文献   

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