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We present a parsimonious wave‐equation travel‐time inversion technique for refraction waves. A dense virtual refraction dataset can be generated from just two reciprocal shot gathers for the sources at the endpoints of the survey line, with N geophones evenly deployed along the line. These two reciprocal shots contain approximately 2N refraction travel times, which can be spawned into refraction travel times by an interferometric transformation. Then, these virtual refraction travel times are used with a source wavelet to create N virtual refraction shot gathers, which are the input data for wave‐equation travel‐time inversion. Numerical results show that the parsimonious wave‐equation travel‐time tomogram has about the same accuracy as the tomogram computed by standard wave‐equation travel‐time inversion. The most significant benefit is that a reciprocal survey is far less time consuming than the standard refraction survey where a source is excited at each geophone location.  相似文献   

In the field of seismic interferometry, researchers have retrieved surface waves and body waves by cross‐correlating recordings of uncorrelated noise sources to extract useful subsurface information. The retrieved wavefields in most applications are between receivers. When the positions of the noise sources are known, inter‐source interferometry can be applied to retrieve the wavefields between sources, thus turning sources into virtual receivers. Previous applications of this form of interferometry assume impulsive point sources or transient sources with similar signatures. We investigate the requirements of applying inter‐source seismic interferometry using non‐transient noise sources with known positions to retrieve reflection responses at those positions and show the results using synthetic drilling noise as source. We show that, if pilot signals (estimates of the drill‐bit signals) are not available, it is required that the drill‐bit signals are the same and that the phases of the virtual reflections at drill‐bit positions can be retrieved by deconvolution interferometry or by cross‐coherence interferometry. Further, for this case, classic interferometry by cross‐correlation can be used if the source power spectrum can be estimated. If pilot signals are available, virtual reflection responses can be obtained by first using standard seismic‐while‐drilling processing techniques such as pilot cross‐correlation and pilot deconvolution to remove the drill‐bit signatures in the data and then applying cross‐correlation interferometry. Therefore, provided that pilot signals are reliable, drill‐bit data can be redatumed from surface to borehole depths using this inter‐source interferometry approach without any velocity information of the medium, and we show that a well‐positioned image below the borehole can be obtained using interferometrically redatumed reflection responses with just a simple velocity model. We discuss some of the practical hurdles that restrict the application of the proposed method offshore.  相似文献   

Seismic interferometry is a relatively new technique to estimate the Green's function between receivers. Spurious energy, not part of the true Green's function, is produced because assumptions are commonly violated when applying seismic interferometry to field data. Instead of attempting to suppress all spurious energy, we show how spurious energy associated with refractions contains information about the subsurface in field data collected at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. By forming a virtual shot record we suppress uncorrelated noise and produce a virtual refraction that intercepts zero offset at zero time. These two features make the virtual refraction easy to pick, providing an estimate of refractor velocity. To obtain the physical parameters of the layer above the refractor we analyse the cross‐correlation of wavefields recorded at two receivers for all sources. A stationary‐phase point associated with the correlation between the reflected wave and refracted wave from the interface identifies the critical offset. By combining information from the virtual shot record, the correlation gather and the real shot record we determine the seismic velocities of the unsaturated and saturated sands, as well as the variable relative depth to the water‐table. Finally, we discuss how this method can be extended to more complex geologic models.  相似文献   

地震干涉技术被动源地震成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
被动源地震成像是基于地下反射波响应和透射波响应之间的关系,通过在地表接收由地下非人工震源发出的透射波响应,利用互相关运算来合成反射波响应的方法.合成的反射波响应,又称虚炮集记录等价于地表地震剖面记录.本文研究了由地下随机分布的被动源发出的透射波记录来合成虚炮集记录的基本原理,推导了反射波记录和透射波记录的关系公式;并通过数值模拟方法,分析了被动源成像的可行性.结果表明:利用被动源地震信息进行成像是可行的.  相似文献   

In regions where active source seismic exploration is constrained by limitations of energy penetration and recovery, cost and logistical concerns, or regulatory restrictions, analysis of natural source seismic data may provide an alternative. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of using locally‐generated seismic noise in the 2–6 Hz band to obtain a subsurface model via interferometric analysis. We apply this technique to three‐component data recorded during the La Barge Passive Seismic Experiment, a local deployment in south‐western Wyoming that recorded continuous seismic data between November 2008 and June 2009. We find traffic noise from a nearby state road to be the dominant source of surface waves recorded on the array and observe surface wave arrivals associated with this source up to distances of 5 kms. The orientation of the road with respect to the deployment ensures a large number of stationary points, leading to clear observations on both in‐line and cross‐line virtual source‐receiver pairs. This results in a large number of usable interferograms, which in turn enables the application of standard active source processing methods like signal processing, common offset stacking and traveltime inversion. We investigate the dependency of the interferograms on the amount of data, on a range of processing parameters and on the choice of the interferometry algorithm. The obtained interferograms exhibit a high signal‐to‐noise ratio on all three components. Rotation of the horizontal components to the radial/transverse direction facilitates the separation of Rayleigh and Love waves. Though the narrow frequency spectrum of the surface waves prevents the inversion for depth‐dependent shear‐wave velocities, we are able to map the arrival times of the surface waves to laterally varying group and phase velocities for both Rayleigh and Love waves. Our results correlate well with the known geological structure. We outline a scheme for obtaining localized surface wave velocities from local noise sources and show how the processing of passive data benefits from a combination with well‐established exploration seismology methods. We highlight the differences with interferometry applied to crustal scale data and conclude with recommendations for similar deployments.  相似文献   

Topography and severe variations of near‐surface layers lead to travel‐time perturbations for the events in seismic exploration. Usually, these perturbations could be estimated and eliminated by refraction technology. The virtual refraction method is a relatively new technique for retrieval of refraction information from seismic records contaminated by noise. Based on the virtual refraction, this paper proposes super‐virtual refraction interferometry by cross‐correlation to retrieve refraction wavefields by summing the cross‐correlation of raw refraction wavefields and virtual refraction wavefields over all receivers located outside the retrieved source and receiver pair. This method can enhance refraction signal gradually as the source–receiver offset decreases. For further enhancement of refracted waves, a scheme of hybrid virtual refraction wavefields is applied by stacking of correlation‐type and convolution‐type super‐virtual refractions. Our new method does not need any information about the near‐surface velocity model, which can solve the problem of directly unmeasured virtual refraction energy from the virtual source at the surface, and extend the acquisition aperture to its maximum extent in raw seismic records. It can also reduce random noise influence in raw seismic records effectively and improve refracted waves’ signal‐to‐noise ratio by a factor proportional to the square root of the number of receivers positioned at stationary‐phase points, based on the improvement of virtual refraction's signal‐to‐noise ratio. Using results from synthetic and field data, we show that our new method is effective to retrieve refraction information from raw seismic records and improve the accuracy of first‐arrival picks.  相似文献   

In hydraulic fracturing treatments, locating not only hydraulic fractures but also any pre‐existing natural fractures and faults in a subsurface reservoir is very important. Hydraulic fractures can be tracked by locating microseismic events, but to identify the locations of natural fractures, an additional technique is required. In this paper, we present a method to image pre‐existing fractures and faults near a borehole with virtual reverse vertical seismic profiling data or virtual single‐well profiling data (limited to seismic reflection data) created from microseismic monitoring using seismic interferometry. The virtual source data contain reflections from natural fractures and faults, and these features can be imaged by applying migration to the virtual source data. However, the imaging zone of fractures in the proposed method is strongly dependent on the geographic extent of the microseismic events and the location and direction of the fracture. To verify our method, we produced virtual reverse vertical seismic profiling and single‐well profiling data from synthetic microseismic data and compared them with data from real sources in the same relative position as the virtual sources. The results show that the reflection travel times from the fractures in the virtual source data agree well with travel times in the real‐source data. By applying pre‐stack depth migration to the virtual source data, images of the natural fractures were obtained with accurate locations. However, the migrated section of the single‐well profiling data with both real and virtual sources contained spurious fracture images on the opposite side of the borehole. In the case of virtual single‐well profiling data, we could produce correct migration images of fractures by adopting directional redatuming for which the occurrence region of microseismic events is divided into several subdivisions, and fractures located only on the opposite side of the borehole are imaged for each subdivision.  相似文献   

Full‐waveform inversion is re‐emerging as a powerful data‐fitting procedure for quantitative seismic imaging of the subsurface from wide‐azimuth seismic data. This method is suitable to build high‐resolution velocity models provided that the targeted area is sampled by both diving waves and reflected waves. However, the conventional formulation of full‐waveform inversion prevents the reconstruction of the small wavenumber components of the velocity model when the subsurface is sampled by reflected waves only. This typically occurs as the depth becomes significant with respect to the length of the receiver array. This study first aims to highlight the limits of the conventional form of full‐waveform inversion when applied to seismic reflection data, through a simple canonical example of seismic imaging and to propose a new inversion workflow that overcomes these limitations. The governing idea is to decompose the subsurface model as a background part, which we seek to update and a singular part that corresponds to some prior knowledge of the reflectivity. Forcing this scale uncoupling in the full‐waveform inversion formalism brings out the transmitted wavepaths that connect the sources and receivers to the reflectors in the sensitivity kernel of the full‐waveform inversion, which is otherwise dominated by the migration impulse responses formed by the correlation of the downgoing direct wavefields coming from the shot and receiver positions. This transmission regime makes full‐waveform inversion amenable to the update of the long‐to‐intermediate wavelengths of the background model from the wide scattering‐angle information. However, we show that this prior knowledge of the reflectivity does not prevent the use of a suitable misfit measurement based on cross‐correlation, to avoid cycle‐skipping issues as well as a suitable inversion domain as the pseudo‐depth domain that allows us to preserve the invariant property of the zero‐offset time. This latter feature is useful to avoid updating the reflectivity information at each non‐linear iteration of the full‐waveform inversion, hence considerably reducing the computational cost of the entire workflow. Prior information of the reflectivity in the full‐waveform inversion formalism, a robust misfit function that prevents cycle‐skipping issues and a suitable inversion domain that preserves the seismic invariant are the three key ingredients that should ensure well‐posedness and computational efficiency of full‐waveform inversion algorithms for seismic reflection data.  相似文献   

Interferometric redatuming is a data‐driven method to transform seismic responses with sources at one level and receivers at a deeper level into virtual reflection data with both sources and receivers at the deeper level. Although this method has traditionally been applied by cross‐correlation, accurate redatuming through a heterogeneous overburden requires solving a multidimensional deconvolution problem. Input data can be obtained either by direct observation (for instance in a horizontal borehole), by modelling or by a novel iterative scheme that is currently being developed. The output of interferometric redatuming can be used for imaging below the redatuming level, resulting in a so‐called interferometric image. Internal multiples from above the redatuming level are eliminated during this process. In the past, we introduced point‐spread functions for interferometric redatuming by cross‐correlation. These point‐spread functions quantify distortions in the redatumed data, caused by internal multiple reflections in the overburden. In this paper, we define point‐spread functions for interferometric imaging to quantify these distortions in the image domain. These point‐spread functions are similar to conventional resolution functions for seismic migration but they contain additional information on the internal multiples in the overburden and they are partly data‐driven. We show how these point‐spread functions can be visualized to diagnose image defocusing and artefacts. Finally, we illustrate how point‐spread functions can also be defined for interferometric imaging with passive noise sources in the subsurface or with simultaneous‐source acquisition at the surface.  相似文献   

We present the chain of time‐reverse modeling, image space wavefield decomposition and several imaging conditions as a migration‐like algorithm called time‐reverse imaging. The algorithm locates subsurface sources in passive seismic data and diffractors in active data. We use elastic propagators to capitalize on the full waveforms available in multicomponent data, although an acoustic example is presented as well. For the elastic case, we perform wavefield decomposition in the image domain with spatial derivatives to calculate P and S potentials. To locate sources, the time axis is collapsed by extracting the zero‐lag of auto and cross‐correlations to return images in physical space. The impulse response of the algorithm is very dependent on acquisition geometry and needs to be evaluated with point sources before processing field data. Band‐limited data processed with these techniques image the radiation pattern of the source rather than just the location. We present several imaging conditions but we imagine others could be designed to investigate specific hypotheses concerning the nature of the source mechanism. We illustrate the flexible technique with synthetic 2D passive data examples and surface acquisition geometry specifically designed to investigate tremor type signals that are not easily identified or interpreted in the time domain.  相似文献   

Wave‐equation based shot‐record migration provides accurate images but is computationally expensive because every shot must be migrated separately. Shot‐encoding migration, such as random shot‐encoding or plane‐wave migration, aims to reduce the computational cost of the imaging process by combining the original data into synthesized common‐source gathers. Random shot‐encoding migration and plane‐wave migration have different and complementary features: the first recovers the full spatial bandwidth of the image but introduces strong artefacts, which are due to the interference between the different shot wavefields; the second provides an image with limited spatial detail but is free of crosstalk noise. We design a hybrid scheme that combines linear and random shot‐encoding in order to limit the drawbacks and merge the advantages of these two techniques. We advocate mixed shot‐encoding migration through dithering of plane waves. This approach reduces the crosstalk noise relative to random shot‐encoding migration and increases the spatial bandwidth relative to conventional plane‐wave migration when the take‐off angle is limited to reduce the duration of the plane‐wave gather. In turn, this decreases the migration cost. Migration with dithered plane waves operates as a hybrid encoding scheme in‐between the end members represented by plane‐wave migration and random shot‐encoding. Migration with dithered plane waves has several advantages: every synthesized common‐source gather images in a larger aperture, the crosstalk noise is limited and higher spatial resolution is achievable compared to shot‐record migration, random shot‐encoding and linear shot‐encoding, respectively. Computational cost is also reduced relative to both random and linear shot‐encoding migration since fewer synthesized common‐source gathers are necessary to obtain a high signal‐to‐noise ratio and high spatial resolution in the final image.  相似文献   

Multi-source seismic technology is an efficient seismic acquisition method that requires a group of blended seismic data to be separated into single-source seismic data for subsequent processing. The separation of blended seismic data is a linear inverse problem. According to the relationship between the shooting number and the simultaneous source number of the acquisition system, this separation of blended seismic data is divided into an easily determined or overdetermined linear inverse problem and an underdetermined linear inverse problem that is difficult to solve. For the latter, this paper presents an optimization method that imposes the sparsity constraint on wavefields to construct the object function of inversion, and the problem is solved by using the iterative thresholding method. For the most extremely underdetermined separation problem with single-shooting and multiple sources, this paper presents a method of pseudo-deblending with random noise filtering. In this method, approximate common shot gathers are received through the pseudo-deblending process, and the random noises that appear when the approximate common shot gathers are sorted into common receiver gathers are eliminated through filtering methods. The separation methods proposed in this paper are applied to three types of numerical simulation data, including pure data without noise, data with random noise, and data with linear regular noise to obtain satisfactory results. The noise suppression effects of these methods are sufficient, particularly with single-shooting blended seismic data, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

We develop a new time‐domain reverse‐time migration method called double plane‐wave reverse‐time migration that uses plane‐wave transformed gathers. Original shot gathers with appropriate data acquisition geometry are double slant stacked into the double plane‐wave domain with minimal slant stacking artefacts. The range of plane‐wave components needed for migration can be determined by estimating the maximum time dips present in shot gathers. This reduces the total number of input traces for migration and increases migration efficiency. Unlike the pre‐stack shot‐profile reverse‐time migration where the number of forward propagations is proportional to the number of shots, the number of forward propagations needed for the proposed method remains constant and is relatively small even for large seismic datasets. Therefore, the proposed method can improve the efficiency of the migration and be suitable for migrating large datasets. Double plane‐wave reverse‐time migration can be performed for selected plane‐wave components to obtain subsurface interfaces with different dips, which makes the migration method target oriented. This feature also makes the method a useful tool for migration velocity analysis. For example, we are able to promptly obtain trial images with nearly horizontal interfaces and adjust velocity models according to common image gathers. Seismic signal coming from steeply dipping interfaces can be included into the migration to build images with more detailed structures and higher spatial resolution as better velocity models become available. Illumination compensation imaging conditions for the proposed method are also introduced to obtain images with balanced amplitudes.  相似文献   

广义地震数据合成及其偏移成像   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震波场的线性叠加原理,提出了对地震共炮道集及其震源进行线性叠加的一般方案——广义地震数据合成的方法.利用这个方法,可以根据不同的地质情况和要求得到各种不同的人工合成地震数据道集和震源,如平面波数据道集和震源、局部平面波(束)数据道集和震源以及面向目标的人工合成地震数据道集和震源.对于人工合成地震数据道集的偏移成像可应用单平方根方程实现.不同的合成地震数据道集具有不同偏移成像特性:平面波数据道集具有很高的计算效率,局部平面波数据道集具有很好的方向性,面向目标的合成地震数据道集具有很好的面向目标特性.  相似文献   

The key objective of an imaging algorithm is to produce accurate and high‐resolution images of the subsurface geology. However, significant wavefield distortions occur due to wave propagation through complex structures and irregular acquisition geometries causing uneven wavefield illumination at the target. Therefore, conventional imaging conditions are unable to correctly compensate for variable illumination effects. We propose a generalised wave‐based imaging condition, which incorporates a weighting function based on energy illumination at each subsurface reflection and azimuth angles. Our proposed imaging kernel, named as the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging, compensates for illumination effects produced by possible surface obstructions during acquisition, sparse geometries employed in the field, and complex velocity models. An integral part of the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging condition is a methodology for applying down‐going/up‐going wavefield decomposition to both source and receiver extrapolated wavefields. This type of wavefield decomposition eliminates low‐frequency artefacts and scattering noise caused by the two‐way wave equation and can facilitate the robust estimation for energy fluxes of wavefields required for the seismic illumination analysis. Then, based on the estimation of the respective wavefield propagation vectors and associated directions, we evaluate the illumination energy for each subsurface location as a function of image depth point and subsurface azimuth and reflection angles. Thus, the final directional‐oriented wavefield imaging kernel is a cross‐correlation of the decomposed source and receiver wavefields weighted by the illuminated energy estimated at each depth location. The application of the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging condition can be employed during the generation of both depth‐stacked images and azimuth–reflection angle‐domain common image gathers. Numerical examples using synthetic and real data demonstrate that the new imaging condition can properly image complex wave paths and produce high‐fidelity depth sections.  相似文献   

Testing the ability of surface arrays to monitor microseismic activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently there has been much interest in the use of data from surface arrays in conjunction with migration‐based processing methods for passive seismic monitoring. In this study we use an example of this kind of data recorded whilst 18 perforation shots, with a variety of positions and propellant amounts, were detonated in the subsurface. As the perforation shots provide signals with known source positions and origin times, the analysis of these data is an invaluable opportunity to test the accuracy and ability of surface arrays to detect and locate seismic sources in the subsurface. In all but one case the signals from the perforation shots are not visible in the raw or preprocessed data. However, clear source images are produced for 12 of the perforation shots showing that arrays of surface sensors are capable of imaging microseismic events, even when the signals are not visible in individual traces. We find that point source locations are within typically 45 m (laterally) of the true shot location, however the depths are less well constrained (~150 m). We test the sensitivity of our imaging method to the signal‐to‐noise ratio in the data using signals embedded in realistic noise. We find that the position of the imaged shot location is quite insensitive to the level of added noise, the primary effect of increased noise being to defocus the source image. Given the migration approach, the array geometry and the nature of coherent noise during the experiment, signals embedded in noise with ratios ≥0.1 can be used to successfully image events. Furthermore, comparison of results from data and synthetic signals embedded in noise shows that, in this case, prestack corrections of traveltimes to account for near‐surface structure will not enhance event detectability. Although, the perforation shots have a largely isotropic radiation pattern the results presented here show the potential for the use of surface sensors in microseismic monitoring as a viable alternative to classical downhole methods.  相似文献   

The geological storage of carbon dioxide is considered as one of the measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate global warming. Operators of storage sites are required to demonstrate safe containment and stable behaviour of the storage complex that is achieved by geophysical and geochemical monitoring, combined with reservoir simulations. For site characterization, as well as for imaging the carbon dioxide plume in the reservoir complex and detecting potential leakage, surface and surface‐borehole time‐lapse seismic monitoring surveys are the most widespread and established tools. At the Ketzin pilot site for carbon dioxide storage, permanently installed fibre‐optic cables, initially deployed for distributed temperature sensing, were used as seismic receiver arrays, demonstrating their ability to provide high‐resolution images of the storage formation. A vertical seismic profiling experiment was acquired using 23 source point locations and the daisy‐chained deployment of a fibre‐optic cable in four wells as a receiver array. The data were used to generate a 3D vertical seismic profiling cube, complementing the large‐scale 3D surface seismic measurements by a high resolution image of the reservoir close to the injection well. Stacking long vibro‐sweeps at each source location resulted in vertical seismic profiling shot gathers characterized by a signal‐to‐noise ratio similar to gathers acquired using geophones. A detailed data analysis shows strong dependency of data quality on borehole conditions with significantly better signal‐to‐noise ratio in regions with good coupling conditions.  相似文献   

Geostatistical seismic inversion methods are routinely used in reservoir characterisation studies because of their potential to infer the spatial distribution of the petro‐elastic properties of interest (e.g., density, elastic, and acoustic impedance) along with the associated spatial uncertainty. Within the geostatistical seismic inversion framework, the retrieved inverse elastic models are conditioned by a global probability distribution function and a global spatial continuity model as estimated from the available well‐log data for the entire inversion grid. However, the spatial distribution of the real subsurface elastic properties is complex, heterogeneous, and, in many cases, non‐stationary since they directly depend on the subsurface geology, i.e., the spatial distribution of the facies of interest. In these complex geological settings, the application of a single distribution function and a spatial continuity model is not enough to properly model the natural variability of the elastic properties of interest. In this study, we propose a three‐dimensional geostatistical inversion technique that is able to incorporate the reservoir's heterogeneities. This method uses a traditional geostatistical seismic inversion conditioned by local multi‐distribution functions and spatial continuity models under non‐stationary conditions. The procedure of the proposed methodology is based on a zonation criterion along the vertical direction of the reservoir grid. Each zone can be defined by conventional seismic interpretation, with the identification of the main seismic units and significant variations of seismic amplitudes. The proposed method was applied to a highly non‐stationary synthetic seismic dataset with different levels of noise. The results of this work clearly show the advantages of the proposed method against conventional geostatistical seismic inversion procedures. It is important to highlight the impact of this technique in terms of higher convergence between real and inverted reflection seismic data and the more realistic approximation towards the real subsurface geology comparing with traditional techniques.  相似文献   

Surface waves in seismic data are often dominant in a land or shallow‐water environment. Separating them from primaries is of great importance either for removing them as noise for reservoir imaging and characterization or for extracting them as signal for near‐surface characterization. However, their complex properties make the surface‐wave separation significantly challenging in seismic processing. To address the challenges, we propose a method of three‐dimensional surface‐wave estimation and separation using an iterative closed‐loop approach. The closed loop contains a relatively simple forward model of surface waves and adaptive subtraction of the forward‐modelled surface waves from the observed surface waves, making it possible to evaluate the residual between them. In this approach, the surface‐wave model is parameterized by the frequency‐dependent slowness and source properties for each surface‐wave mode. The optimal parameters are estimated in such a way that the residual is minimized and, consequently, this approach solves the inverse problem. Through real data examples, we demonstrate that the proposed method successfully estimates the surface waves and separates them out from the seismic data. In addition, it is demonstrated that our method can also be applied to undersampled, irregularly sampled, and blended seismic data.  相似文献   

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