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Stromatactis is a spar network whose elements in cross section have flat to undulose lower surfaces and digitate upper surfaces. The network is composed principally of isopachous crusts of centripetal cement and commonly occurs embedded in finely crystalline limestone. It is the cement filling of interconnected cavities. Stromatactis of Upper Silurian red stromatactis limestone from Gaspé Peninsula, Québec Appalachians, exhibits two types of cements: (1) an isopachous cement that lined the walls of the conduits and is interpreted as early marine; and (2) a later blocky cement that occupies the centres of cavities. The first cement is composed exclusively of non-ferroan calcite, whereas the second cement is mixed non-ferroan and ferroan calcite. The early isopachous cement is white on polished slabs and has a turbid aspect under transmitted light. In a few samples, the relative homogeneity of this early cement is broken by the presence of distinctive grey clear calcite. Under cathodoluminscence, the grey clear calcite is non-luminescent and exhibits well defined bladed crystal shapes, whereas the white turbid cement has a dull orange luminescence and indistinct crystal shapes. The relationships between the two cements indicate that the dull luminescent cement is a secondary form of the non-luminescent cement, and it is concluded that the dull cement is the product of alteration of the non-luminescent cement by burial or meteoric fluids. The later blocky cement has the same dull luminescence as the white turbid cement and is thought to have been precipitated from the same fluids as those responsible for the alteration of the early marine cements. Oxygen isotopic values of the dull cement of the early isopachous crusts (mean δ18O= -6.8%o are intermediate between those of the non-luminescent early marine cement (mean δ18O= -5.3%o) and the dull luminescent blocky cement (mean δ18O= -11.8%o), while carbon isotopic values do not differ significantly (δ13C=+2.9, +2.4 and +2.6%o, respectively). The alteration also has affected the distribution of some trace elements, particularly Mg. Both unaltered and altered cements contain less than 1% microdolomite inclusions, but the Mg content of the background calcite of unaltered cement is three times that of altered cement (14171 vs. 5502 ppm). Precursor early marine cement is thought to have been low-Mg calcite. The mean δ18O value (− 5.3%o) of unaltered early marine cement is higher than values for the oxygen isotopic signature of Silurian oceans provided by brachiopod shells.  相似文献   

In this study, the stable isotope and trace element geochemistries of meteoric cements in Pleistocene limestones from Enewetak Atoll (western Pacific Ocean), Cat Island (Bahamas), and Yucatan were characterized to help interpret similar cements in ancient rocks. Meteoric calcite cements have a narrow range of δ18O values and a broad range of δ13C values in each geographical province. These Pleistocene cements were precipitated from water with stable oxygen isotopic compositions similar to modern rainwater in each location. Enewetak calcite cements have a mean δ18O composition of ?6.5%0 (PDB) and δ13C values ranging from ?9.6 to +0.4%0 (PDB). Sparry calcite cements from Cat Island have a mean δ18O composition of ?4.1%0 and δ13C values ranging from ?6.3 to + 1.1%0. Sparry cements from Yucatan have a mean δ18O composition of ?5.7%0 and δ13C values of ?8.0 to ?2.7%0. The mean δ18O values of these Pleistocene meteoric calcite cements vary by 2.4%0 due to climatic variations not related directly to latitude. The δ13C compositions of meteoric cements are distinctly lower than those of the depositional sediments. Variations in δ13C are not simply a function of distance below an exposure surface. Meteoric phreatic cements often have δ13C compositions of less than —4.0%0, which suggests that soil-derived CO2 and organic material were washed into the water table penecontemporaneous with precipitation of phreatic cements. Concentrations of strontium and magnesium are quite variable within and between the three geographical provinces. Mean strontium concentrations for sparry calcite cements are, for Enewetak Atoll, 620 ppm (σ= 510 ppm); for Cat Island, 1200 ppm (σ= 980 ppm); and for Yucatan, 700 ppm (σ= 390 ppm). Equant cements, intraskeletal cements, and Bahamian cements have higher mean strontium concentrations than other cements. Equant and intraskeletal cements probably precipitated in more closed or stagnant aqueous environments. Bahamian depositional sediments had higher strontium concentrations which probably caused high strontium concentrations in their cements. Magnesium concentrations in Pleistocene meteoric cements are similar in samples from Enewetak Atoll (mean =1.00 mol% MgCO3; σ= 0.60 mol% MgCO3) and Cat Island (mean = 0.84 mol% MgCO3; σ= 0.52mol% MgCO3) but Yucatan samples have higher magnesium concentrations (mean = 2.20 mol% MgCO3: σ= 0.84mol% MgCO3). Higher magnesium concentrations in some Yucatan cements probably reflect precipitation in environments where sea water mixed with fresh water.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous chalks of southern England are a thick sequence of rhythmically bedded, bioturbated coccolith micrites, deposited in an outer shelf environment in water depths which varied between 50 and 200–300 m. The products of sea floor cementation are widely represented in the sequence, and a series of stages of progressive lithification can be recognized. These began with a pause in sedimentation and the formation of an omission surface, followed by (a) growth of discrete nodules below the sediment-water interface to form a nodular chalk, erosion of which produced intraformational conglomerates. (b) Further growth and fusion of nodules into continuous or semicontinuous layers: incipient hardgrounds. (c) Scour, which exposed the layer as a true hardground. At this stage, the exposed lithified chalk bottom was subject to boring and encrustation by a variety of organisms, whilst calcium carbonate was frequently replaced by glauconite and phosphate to produce superficial mineralized zones. In many cases, the processes of sedimentation, cementation, exposure and mineralization were repeated several times, producing composite hardgrounds built up of a series of layers of cemented and mineralized chalk, indicating a long and complex diagenetic history. Petrographic study of early cemented chalks indicates lithification was the result of the precipitation of small crystals on and between coccoliths and coccolith fragments. By analogy with known occurrences of early lithification in Recent deeper water carbonates, the cement is believed to have been either high magnesian calcite or aragonite, and more probably the former. The vast scale of operations involved in the cementation process precludes carbonate in expelled pore fluids as the source of cement, whilst quantities of aragonite incorporated in sediment are also inadequate. This, plus the observed association of horizons of early lithification with pauses in sedimentation associated with omission surfaces suggests seawater as a source of cementing materials. Stratigraphic studies indicate that processes of early lithification leading to hardground formation proceeded to completion in intervals to be measured in tens or hundreds of years. Regional studies suggest that early lithification characterized relatively shallow water phases associated with regional regression over the whole of the area, whilst in detail, the distribution of mature mineralized hardground complexes is strongly correlated with sedimentary thinning and condensation over small areas and the buried flanks of massifs. Early cementation in more basinal areas is typically in the form of nodular developments and incipient hardgrounds, whilst day contents in excess of a few percent appear to have inhibited early lithification. The striking rhythmicity of hardgrounds and nodular chalks is no more than a particular expression of the overall rhythmicity of chalk sequences. The stage of early lithification reached in any instance is dependent on sediment type, the time interval represented by the associated omission surface and the degree of associated scour and erosion (if any). Chalk hardgrounds differ from most others described in the geological literature in their widespread distribution (individual hardgrounds may cover up to 1500 km2), the presence of striking glauconite and phosphate replacements of lithified carbonate matrices, their frequently sparse epifaunas, and boring infaunas dominated by clionid sponges. These differences reflect the deeper water shelf setting of the chalk, and the more open marine, oceanic circulatory system, both strikingly different from the setting of other, shallower water hardgrounds. Litho- and biostratigraphic variation in the chalk sequences of the area studied are summarized in an appendix.  相似文献   

Zoned calcites were found in the phragmacone chambers of three Sonniniid ammonites from marine Middle Jurassic sandstones (Isle of Skye, U.K.). Each ammonite has a unique sequence of up to nine zones of calcite which fill or partially fill the chambers. Zones are defined by changes in the density of minute opaque inclusions and variation in trace-element composition. Proximal (early) calcites have undulose extinction and some exhibit the specific fabrics of fascicular-optic and radiaxial fibrous calcites. Microdolomite inclusions are found in one specimen. Early calcites, interpreted as replacements after a single isopachous fringe of acicular carbonate (probably high magnesium calcite), are succeeded by blocky ferroan calcite cement. In one specimen there are two distinct generations of calcite, in the others there is a continuous mosaic incorporating both early calcites and late cement. Isotopic composition of the early calcite zones demonstrates the initial importance of organic derived carbon (δ13C =— 26‰, δ18O ‰ O). Further cementation and mineralogical stabilization took place at increased temperatures and probably after modification of the pore water isotopic composition (calcites with δ13C =— O‰, δ18O~— 10‰). The distinctive fabrics and zonal patterns probably developed during the replacement of the precursor cement and are not primary growth features. Reversals in isotopic and trace element trends are believed to be related to the rate of neomorphic crystal growth and hence to the degree of exchange with external pore waters. Further increase in temperature, probably during Tertiary igneous activity, gave rise to the extremely light δ18O values of the late cements in the ammonite which had previously had least contact with external waters (cements with δ13C ~ O, δ18O ~— 20‰).  相似文献   

Petrography demonstrates the presence of three types of fibrous calcite cement in buildup deposits of the Kullsberg Limestone (middle Caradoc), central Sweden. Translucent fibrous calcite has intrinsic blue luminescence (CL) indicative of pure calcite. This cement has 2–5 mol% MgCO3, low Mn and Fe (≤ 100 p.p.m.), and is considered to be slightly altered to unaltered, primary low- to intermediate-Mg calcite. Grey turbid fibrous calcite has variable but generally low MgCO3 content (most analyses <2 mol%) and variable CL response, with Mn and Fe concentrations up to 1200 and 500 p.p.m., respectively. The heterogeneous characteristics of this variety of fibrous calcite are caused by diagenetic alteration of a translucent fibrous calcite precursor. Light-brown turbid fibrous calcite has low MgCO3 (near 1 mol%) and variable Mn (up to 800 p.p.m.) and Fe (up to 500 p.p.m.) concentrations, with an abundance of bright luminescent patches, which formed during alteration caused by reducing diagenetic fluids. The δ13C and δ18O values of all fibrous calcite form a tight field (δ13C=1·7 to 3·1‰ PDB, δ18O= ? 2·6 to ? 4·1‰ PDB) compared with fibrous calcite isotope values from other units. Fibrous calcite δ18O values are larger than adjacent meteoric or burial cements, which have δ18O δ ? 8‰ PDB. Consequently, most diagenetic alteration of Kullsberg fibrous calcite is interpreted to have occurred in the marine diagenetic realm. First-generation equant and bladed calcite cements, which pre-date fibrous calcite, are interpreted as unaltered, low-Mg calcite marine cements based on δ13C and δ18O data (δ13C = 2·3 to 2·7‰ PDB, δ18O= ? 2·8 to ? 3·5‰ PDB). Unlike fibrous cement, which reflects global sea water chemistry, first-generation equant and bladed calcite are indicators of localized modification of seawater chemistry in restricted settings. Kullsberg abiotic marine cements have larger δ18O values than most Caradoc marine precipitates from equatorial Laurentia. Positive Kullsberg δ18O values are attributed to lower seawater temperatures and/or slightly elevated salinity on the Baltic platform relative to seawater from which other marine precipitates formed.  相似文献   

Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) bioclastic sandstone turbidites in the Scapa Member (North Sea Basin) were extensively cemented by low-Mg calcite spars, initially as rim cements and subsequently as concretions. Five petrographically distinct cement stages form a consistent paragenetic sequence across the Scapa Field. The dominant and pervasive second cement stage accounts for the majority of concretions, and is the focus of this study. Stable-isotope characterization of the cement is hampered by the presence of calcitic bioclasts and of later cements in sponge spicule moulds throughout the concretions. Nevertheless, trends from whole-rock data, augmented by cement separates from synlithification fractures, indicate an early calcite δ18O value of+0·5 to -1·5‰ PDB. As such, the calcite probably precipitated from marine pore fluids shortly after turbidite deposition. Carbon isotopes (δ13C=0 to -2‰ PDB) and petrographic data indicate that calcite formed as a consequence of bioclastic aragonite dissolution. Textural integrity of calcitic nannoplankton in the sandstones demonstrates that pore fluids remained at or above calcite saturation, as expected for a mineral-controlled transformation. Electron probe microanalyses demonstrate that early calcite cement contains <2 mol% MgCO3, despite its marine parentage. Production of this cement is ascribed to a combination of an elevated aragonite saturation depth and a lowered marine Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio in early Cretaceous ‘calcite seas’, relative to modern oceans. Scapa cement compositions concur with published models in suggesting that Hauterivian ocean water had a Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of ≤1. This is also supported by consideration of the spatial distribution of early calcite cement in terms of concretion growth kinetics. In contrast to the dominant early cement, late-stage ferroan, 18O-depleted calcites were sourced outwith the Scapa Member and precipitated after 1–2 km of burial. Our results emphasize that bioclast dissolution and low-Mg calcite cementation in sandstone reservoirs should not automatically be regarded as evidence for uplift and meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

Three categories of fibrous calcite from early to middle Caradoc platform-marginal buildups in east Tennessee can be delineated using cathodoluminescent microscopy, minor element chemistry and stable C-O isotopic composition. Bright luminescent fibrous cement has elevated Mn (>1000 p.p.m.), negative δ13C and intermediate δ18O values relative to other types of fibrous calcite. This cement reflects fibrous calcite that interacted with reducing Mn-rich fluids. Dully luminescent fibrous cement has elevated Fe (>400 p.p.m.), positive δ13C and negative δ18O values relative to other fibrous cements. This cement was stabilized by burial fluids. Nonluminescent fibrous cement has low Mn and Fe (generally below 400 p.p.m.) and positive δ13C and δ18O values relative to other types of fibrous calcite. The latter cement is interpreted to be the best material for determining the isotopic composition of calcite precipitated in equilibrium with early to middle Caradoc seawater, which is δ13C=1% PDB and δ18O=?4 to ?5‰ PDB. Results from this study and Ashgillian brachiopods indicate that the average δ18O composition of the Ordovician ocean, during nonglacial periods, was probably never more negative than ?3‰ SMOW. Assuming an Ordovician seawater δ18O value of ?1‰ SMOW, Holston Formation fibrous cements would have precipitated at temperatures between 27 and 36 °C, which is near the upper temperature limit for metazoans. A seawater δ18O value of ?2‰ SMOW yields temperatures ranging from 23 to 31 °C, while a ?3‰ SMOW value yields temperatures of 18–26 °C.  相似文献   

The characteristics and formation mechanism of calcite cements in the tight sandstone of the Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation in the northeastern Central Sichuan Basin were analysed using petrographic and isotopic techniques. In the tight sandstone of the Lianggaoshan Formation, cements are mostly calcite and occur as poikilitic, pore-filling, fracture-filling and replacement of clastic particles. Contents of Al, Si, Fe and Mn in the poikilitic calcites are significantly less than that in the dissolution pore-filling and metasomatic calcites. Three stages (early, middle and late) of authigenic calcites correspond to temperature ranges of <60, 60–100 and ≥100?°C, respectively, with most calcite cements formed under lower temperature (<100?°C) conditions. The δ18O values of the early–middle authigenic calcites are in equilibrium with connate water, and the δ18O values of late calcites are depleted in 18O indicating equilibrium at higher temperatures. The early authigenic calcites precipitated in a relatively open system associated with CO2 from bacterial fermentation at an immature to low-mature stage, and a Ca2+- and alkaline-rich environment owing to hydration–hydrolysis and dissolution of silicate minerals during phase A of eodiagenesis. The middle–late authigenic calcites precipitated in a relatively closed system with CO2 from decarboxylation of organic acids and Ca2+ from dissolution of silicate minerals and transformation of clay minerals during phase B of eodiagenesis to mesodiagenesis. Calcite cements mainly occur in the medium and fine sandstones of sand flats and beach bars. Authigenic calcite dissolution is extremely weak, and calcite cementation is pore-space destructive.  相似文献   

Carbonate cements in late Dinantian (Asbian and Brigantian) limestones of the Derbyshire carbonate platform record a diagenetic history starting with early vadose meteoric cementation and finishing with burial and localized mineral and oil emplacement. The sequence is documented using cement petrography, cathodoluminescence, trace element geochemistry and C and O isotopes. The earliest cements (Pre-Zone 1) are locally developed non-luminescent brown sparry calcite below intrastratal palaeokarsts and calcretes. They contain negligible Fe, Mn and Sr but up to 1000 ppm Mg. Their isotopic compositions centre around δ18O =?8.5‰, δ13C=?5.0‰. Calcretes contain less 13C. Subsequent cements are widespread as inclusion-free, low-Mg, low-Fe crinoid overgrowths and are described as having a‘dead-bright-dull’cathodoluminescence. The‘dead’cements (Zone 1) are mostly non-luminescent but contain dissolution hiatuses overlain by finely detailed bright subzones that correlate over several kilometres. Across‘dead'/bright subzones there is a clear trend in Mg (500–900 ppm), Mn (100–450 ppm) and Fe (80-230 ppm). Zone 1 cements have isotopic compositions centred around δ18O =?8.0‰ and δ13C=?2.5‰. Zone 2 cement is bright, thin and complexly subzoned. It is geochemically similar to bright subzones of Zone 1 cements. Dull Zone 3 cement pre-dates pressure dissolution and fills 70% or more of the pore space. It generally contains little Mn, Fe and Sr but can have more than 1000 ppm Mg, increasing stratigraphically upwards. The δ18O compositions range from ?5.5 to ?15‰ and the δ13C range is ?1 to + 3.20/00. Zone 4 fills veins and stylolite seams in addition to pores. It is synchronous with Pb, Ba, F ore mineralization and oil migration. Zone 4 is ferroan with around 500 ppm Fe, up to 2500 ppm Mg and up to 1500 ppm Mn. Isotopic compositions range widely; δ15O =?2.7 to ?9‰ and δ13C=?3.8 to+2.50‰. Unaltered marine brachiopods suggest a Dinantian seawater composition around δ15O = 0‰ (SMOW), but vital isotopic effects probably mask the original δ13C (PDB) value. Pre-Zone 1 calcites are meteoric vadose cements with light soil-derived δ13C and light meteoric δ18O. An unusually fractionated‘pluvial’δ15O(SMOW) value of around — 6‰ is indicated for local Dinantian meteoric water. Calcrete δ18O values are heavier through evaporation. Zone 1 textures and geochemistry indicate a meteoric phreatic environment. Fe and Mn trends in the bright subzones indicate stagnation, and precipitation occurred in increments from widespread cyclically developed shallow meteoric water bodies. Meteoric alteration of the rock body was pervasive by the end of Zone 1 with a general resetting of isotopic values. Zone 3 is volumetrically important and external sources of water and carbonate are required. Emplacement was during the Namurian-early Westphalian by meteoric water sourced at a karst landscape on the uplifted eastern edge of the Derbyshire-East Midland shelf. The light δ18O values mainly reflect burial temperatures and an unusually high local heat flow, but an input of highly fractionated hinterland-derived meteoric water at the unconformity is also likely. Relatively heavy δ13C values reflect the less-altered state of the source carbonate and aquifer. Zone 4 is partly vein fed and spans burial down to 2000 m and the onset of tectonism. Light organic-matter-derived δ13C and heavy δ18O values suggest basin-derived formation water. Combined with textural evidence of geopressures, this relates to local high-temperature ore mineralization and oil migration. Low water-to-rock ratios with host-rock buffering probably affected the final isotopic compositions of Zone 4, masking extremes both of temperature and organic-matter-derived CO2.  相似文献   

Sedimentary gaps are a major obstacle in the reconstruction of a carbonate platform's history. In order to improve the understanding of the early diagenesis and the succession of events occurring during the formation of discontinuity surfaces in limestones, secondary ion mass spectrometry was used for the first time to measure the δ 18O and δ 13C signatures of 11 early cement and fabric stages in several discontinuity surfaces from the Jurassic carbonate platform of the Paris Basin, France. Pendant cements show a high variability in δ 18O, which was impossible to detect by the less precise microdrilling method. The morphology of a given cement can be produced in various environments, and dogtooth cements especially can precipitate in marine phreatic and meteoric phreatic to vadose environments. Marine dogtooth cements and micritic microbially induced fabrics precipitated directly as low‐magnesium calcite in marine waters, as attested to by the preservation of their initial δ 18O and δ 13C signals. Five discontinuity types are recognized based on high‐resolution geochemical analyses, and their palaeoenvironmental history can be reconstructed. Two exposure surfaces with non‐ferroan pendant or meniscus cements formed in the oxidizing vadose zone. A hardground displays marine fibrous cements and non‐ferroan dogtooth cements that formed in a subtidal environment in oxidizing water. Two composite surfaces have undergone both marine and subaerial lithification. Composite surface 1 displays non‐luminescent ferroan dogtooth cements that precipitated in reduced conditions in seawater, followed by brown‐luminescent dogtooth cements characteristic of a meteoric phreatic environment. Composite surface 2 exhibits microbially induced fabrics that formed in marine water with abundant organic matter. The latter discontinuity, initially formed in a subtidal environment, was subsequently exposed to meteoric conditions, as evidenced by ferroan geopetal cements. A high‐resolution ion microprobe study is essential to precisely document the successive diagenetic environments that have affected carbonate rocks and discontinuities with a polygenic and intricate history.  相似文献   

A carbonate buildup of Middle Triassic age, the Esino Limestone, outcrops in the Southern Calcareous Alps of Lombardy (N Italy). Along its margin and within the open subtidal facies, the Esino Limestone contains calcite cement-filled cavities of cm to m size. These features, known as evinosponges, may form pervasive networks within the host rock. The filling consists of concentric, isopachous layers of fibrous low-Mg calcite crystals characterized by strong undulose extinction and bent cleavages. The cement crusts are non-luminescent under cathodoluminescence, but both cements and host rock are cross-cut by micro-fractures filled with bright-luminescent calcite, related to late void-filling sparite. Mixing of different carbonates is reflected in stable isotope data. On the hand specimen scale, the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of cements and host rock show little variation. When compared on a regional scale, the values cover a broad range from δ18O(PDB)=?5‰ to ?12‰ and from δ13O =0‰ to +3‰. The linear covariant trends defined by the oxygen and carbon isotope data for different sampling regions reflect the admixture of late, isotopically depleted calcite with an isotopically enriched non-luminescent calcite of early diagenetic origin. The Esino Limestone fibrous cements, which were probably precipitated in the marine or marine-meteoric phreatic environment, were affected by late diagenetic processes that caused mineral deformation and isotopic depletion through recrystallization and the admixture of a later calcite. These later calcites precipitated from penetrative fluids possibly related to Late Triassic volcanic activity and/or to the Late Cretaceous/Early Palaeogene alpine orogeny.  相似文献   

Carbonate nodules and slabs in late Holocene shelly terrigenous deposits of the modern Fraser River delta (~49°N) are formed close to the seafloor by precipitation from saline pore waters of mainly fibrous to bladed crystals of high-Mg (~ 10–20 mol% MgCO3) calcite cement as coalescing isopachous crusts on grains. Previous reports that the cement is low-Mg calcite are not supported by this study. Highly negative δ13C values of ? 7 to ? 59‰ for the cements indicate that the bulk of their carbonate carbon was derived from the microbiological degradation of organic matter in the deltaic deposits during shallow burial. In particular, the production of biogenic methane (CH4) by anaerobic bacterial fermentation, its upward migration, chemical or biological oxidation to CO2 and neutralization in the near-surface sediment, and diffusion to microenvironments relatively enriched in organic components, are a possible set of conditions influencing the process and sites of carbonate cementation. Methane-derived Mg-calcite appears also to be the major submarine cement in several other modern occurrences of lithified shallow-water terrigenous sands and muds at non-tropical latitudes.  相似文献   

Meteoric sphaerosiderite lines (MSLs), defined by invariant δ18O and variable δ13C values, are obtained from ancient wetland palaeosol sphaerosiderites (millimetre‐scale FeCO3 nodules), and are a stable isotope proxy record of terrestrial meteoric isotopic compositions. The palaeoclimatic utility of sphaerosiderite has been well tested; however, diagenetically altered horizons that do not yield simple MSLs have been encountered. Well‐preserved sphaerosiderites typically exhibit smooth exteriors, spherulitic crystalline microstructures and relatively pure (> 95 mol% FeCO3) compositions. Diagenetically altered sphaerosiderites typically exhibit corroded margins, replacement textures and increased crystal lattice substitution of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ for Fe2+. Examples of diagenetically altered Cretaceous sphaerosiderite‐bearing palaeosols from the Dakota Formation (Kansas), the Swan River Formation (Saskatchewan) and the Success S2 Formation (Saskatchewan) were examined in this study to determine the extent to which original, early diagenetic δ18O and δ13C values are preserved. All three units contain poikilotopic calcite cements with significantly different δ18O and δ13C values from the co‐occurring sphaerosiderites. The complete isolation of all carbonate phases is necessary to ensure that inadvertent physical mixing does not affect the isotopic analyses. The Dakota and Swan River samples ultimately yield distinct MSLs for the sphaerosiderites, and MCLs (meteoric calcite lines) for the calcite cements. The Success S2 sample yields a covariant δ18O vs. δ13C trend resulting from precipitation in pore fluids that were mixtures between meteoric and modified marine phreatic waters. The calcite cements in the Success S2 Formation yield meteoric δ18O and δ13C values. A stable isotope mass balance model was used to produce hyperbolic fluid mixing trends between meteoric and modified marine end‐member compositions. Modelled hyperbolic fluid mixing curves for the Success S2 Formation suggest precipitation from fluids that were < 25% sea water.  相似文献   

Dolomites from the upper calcareous-siliceous member of the Miocene Monterey Formation exposed west of Santa Barbara, California, were analysed for geochemical, isotopic and crystallographic variation. The data clearly document the progressive recrystallization of dolomite during burial diagenesis in marine pore fluids. Recrystallization is recognized by the following compositional and crystallographic variations. Dolomites have decreasing δ18O and δ13C compositions, decreasing Sr contents and increasing Mg contents with increasing burial depths and temperatures from east to west in the study area. δ18O values vary from 5·3‰ in the east to − 5·5‰ PDB in the west and are interpreted to reflect the greater extent and higher temperature of dolomite recrystallization in the west. δ13C values correlate with δ18O and decrease from 13·6‰ in the east to − 8·7‰ PDB in the west. Sr concentrations correlate positively with δ18O values and decrease from a mean of 750 ppm in the east to a mean of 250 ppm in the west. Mol% MgCO3 values inversely correlate with δ18O values and increase from a minimum of 41·0 in the east to a maximum of 51·4 in the west. Rietveld refinements of powder X-ray diffraction data indicate that the more recrystallized dolomites have more contracted unit cells and increased cation ordering. The fraction of the Ca sites in the dolomites that are occupied by Ca atoms increases slightly with the approach to stoichiometry. The fraction of the Mg sites occupied by Mg atoms strongly correlates with mol% MgCO3. Even in early diagenetic, non-stoichiometric dolomites, there is little substitution of Mg in Ca sites. During recrystallization, the amount of Mg substituting for Ca in Ca sites decreases even further. Most of the disorder in the least recrystallized, non-stoichiometric dolomites is related to substitution of excess Ca on Mg sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the diagenetic history of dual (i.e. matrix and fracture) porosity reservoir lithologies in Cretaceous to Eocene carbonate turbidites of the Ionian fold and thrust belt, close to the oil‐producing centre of Fier–Ballsh (central Albania). The first major diagenetic event controlling reservoir quality was early cementation by isopachous and syntaxial low‐Mg calcite. These cements formed primarily around crinoid and rudist fragments, which acted as nucleation sites. In sediments in which these bioclasts are the major rock constituent, this cement can make up 30% of the rock volume, resulting in low effective porosity. In strata in which these bioclasts are mixed with reworkedmicrite, isopachous/syntaxial cements stabilized the framework, and matrixporosity is around 15%. The volumetric importance of these cements, their optical and luminescence character (distribution and dull orange luminescence) and stable isotopic signal (δ18O and δ13C averaging respectively; ?0·5‰ VPDB and +2‰ VPDB) all support a marine phreatic origin. Within these turbidites and debris flows, several generations of fractures alternated with episodes of cementation. A detailed reconstruction of this history was based on cross‐cutting relationships of fractures and compactional and layer‐parallel shortening (LPS) stylolites. The prefolding calcite veins possess orange cathodoluminescence similar to that of the host rock. Their stable isotope signatures (δ18O of ?3·86 to ?0·85‰ VPDB and δ13C of – 0·14 to + 2·98‰ VPDB) support a closed diagenetic rock‐buffered system. A similar closed system accounts for the selectively reopened and subsequently calcite‐cemented LPS stylolites (δ18O of ?1·81 to ?1·14‰ VPDB and δ13C of +1·52 to +2·56‰ VPDB). Within the prefolding veins, brecciated host rock fragments and complex textures such as crack and seal features resulted from hydraulic fracturing. They reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids within the footwall of the frontal thrusts. After folding and thrust sheet emplacement, some calcite veins are still rock buffered (δ18O of ?0·96 to +0·2‰ VPDB and δ13C of +0·79 to +1·37‰ VPDB), whereas others reflect external (i.e. extraformational) and thus large‐scale fluid fluxes. Some of these veins are linked to basement‐derived fluid circulation or originated from fluid flow along evaporitic décollement horizons (δ18O around +3·0‰ VPDB and δ13C around +1·5‰ VPDB). Others are related to the maturation of hydrocarbons in the system (δ18O around ?7·1‰ VPDB and δ13C around +9·3‰ VPDB). An open joint system reflecting an extensional stress regime developed during or after the final folding stage. This joint system enhanced vertical connectivity. This open joint network can be explained by the high palaeotopographical position and the folding of the reservoir analogue within the deformational front. The joint system is pre‐Burdigalian in age based upon a dated karstified discordance contact. Sediment‐filled karst cavity development is linked to meteoric water infiltration during emergence of some of the structures. Despite its sediment fill, the karst network is locally an important contributor to reservoir matrix porosity in otherwise tight lithologies. Development of secondary porosity along bed‐parallel and bed‐perpendicular (i.e. layer‐parallel shortening) stylolites is interpreted as a late‐stage diagenetic event associated with migration of acidic fluids during hydrocarbon maturation. Development of porosity along the LPS system enhanced the vertical reservoir connectivity.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope compositions of diagenetic carbonate minerals from the Lower Jurassic Inmar Formation, southern Israel, have been used to identify porewater types during diagenesis. Changes in porewater composition can be related to major geological events within southern Israel. In particular, saline brines played an important role in late (Pliocene-Pleistocene) dolomitization of these rocks. Diagenetic carbonates included early siderite (δ18OSMOW=+24.4 to +26.5‰δ13CPDB=?1.1 to +0.8‰), late dolomite, ferroan dolomite and ankerite (δ18OSMOW=+18.4 to +25.8‰; δ13CPDB=?2.1 to +0.2‰), and calcite (δ18OSMOW=+21.3 to +32.6‰; δ13CPDB=?4.2 to + 3.2‰). The petrographic and isotopic results suggest that siderite formed early in the diagenetic history at shallow depths. The dolomitic phases formed at greater depths late in diagenesis. Crystallization of secondary calcite spans early to late diagenesis, consistent with its large range in isotopic values. A strong negative correlation exists between burial depth (temperature) and the oxygen isotopic compositions of the dolomitic cements. In addition, the δ18O values of the dolomitic phases in the northern Negev and Judea Mountains are in isotopic equilibrium with present formation waters. This behaviour suggests that formation of secondary dolomite post-dates the tectonic activity responsible for the present relief of southern Israel (Upper Miocene to Pliocene) and that the dolomite crystallized from present formation waters. Such is not the case in the Central Negev. In that locality, present formation waters have much lower salinities and δ18O values, indicating invasion of freshwater, and are out of isotopic equilibrium with secondary dolomite. Recharge of the Inmar Formation by meteoric water in the Central Negev occurred in the Pleistocene, and halted formation of dolomite.  相似文献   

Deposition of the Gully Oolite was locally interrupted by emergence and a regionally extensive palaeosol is present at the top of the unit. Early diagenetic phases include isopachous, fibrous submarine cements, nonluminescent vadose cements, and mixing zone dolomite. Subsequent nonferroan phreatic cements are non- to dully luminescent and in restricted vertical intervals predate significant compaction. More usually, however, phreatic cements postdate extensive overpacking of allochems. Ooid isotopic composition (δ18O=-7·80° to -3·10° and δ13C = -2·38° to +3·28°) is similar to that of associated phreatic cements and the data suggest that the bulk of ooid stabilization and cementation occurred within meteoric groundwaters. The extensive allochem overpacking appears to have occurred during the first few tens of metres of burial and intergranular macroporosity was eliminated prior to deep burial. Fracturing of the Gully Oolite during the Hercynian Orogeny and subsequent post-orogenic uplift led to localized dolomitization, several generations of calcite veins, and the restricted occurrence of 18O depleted cements in inter- and intragranular microporosity. Some of the veins clearly relate to Triassic exhumation of the Carboniferous Limestone, but others may be related to post-Mesozoic uplift and erosion of South Wales. Fracture-associated dolomitization may have occurred within a large-scale post-orogenic groundwater system, with Mg2+ being supplied through the release of deeply buried diagenetic brines.  相似文献   

Modern cemented intervals (beachrock, firmgrounds to hardgrounds and concretionary layers) form in the lagoon and intertidal sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Seafloor lithification actively occurs in open, current-swept channels in low-lying areas between ooid shoals, in the intertidal zone of the middle lagoon, some centimetres beneath the inner lagoonal seafloor (i.e. within the sediment column) and at the sediment surface the intertidal sabkha. The concept of ‘concretionary sub-hardgrounds’, i.e. laminar cementation of sediments formed within the sediment column beneath the shallow redox boundary, is introduced and discussed. Based on calibrated radiocarbon ages, seafloor lithification commenced during the Middle to Late Holocene (ca 9000 cal yr bp ), and proceeds to the present-day. Lithification occurs in the context of the actualistic relative sea-level rise shifting the coastline landward across the extremely low-angle carbonate ramp. The cemented intervals are interpreted as parasequence boundaries in the sense of ‘marine flooding surfaces’, but in most cases the sedimentary cover overlying the transgressive surface has not yet been deposited. Aragonite, (micritic) calcite and, less commonly, gypsum cements lithify the firmground/hardground intervals. Cements are described and placed into context with their depositional and marine diagenetic environments and characterized by means of scanning electron microscope petrography, cathodoluminescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The morphology of aragonitic cements changes from needle-shaped forms in lithified decapod burrows of the outer lagoon ooidal shoals to complex columnar, lath and platy crystals in the inner lagoon. Precipitation experiments provide first tentative evidence for the parameters that induce changes in aragonite cement morphology. Data shown here shed light on ancient, formerly aragonite-cemented seafloors, now altered to diagenetic calcites, but also document the complexity of highly dynamic near coastal depositional environments.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions in the Lower Carboniferous Caton Shale Formation contain diagenetic pyrite, calcite and barite in the concretion matrix or in different generations of septarian fissures. Pyrite was formed by sulphate reduction throughout the sediment before concretionary growth, then continued to form mainly in the concretion centres. The septarian calcites show a continuous isotopic trend from δ13C=?28·7‰ PDB and δ18O=?1·6‰ PDB through to δ13C=?6·9‰ PDB and δ18O=?14·6‰ PDB. This trend arises from (1) a carbonate source initially from sulphate reduction, to which was added increasing contributions of methanogenic carbonate; and (2) burial/temperature effects or the addition of isotopically light oxygen from meteoric water. The concretionary matrix carbonates must have at least partially predated the earliest septarian cements, and thus used the same carbonate sources. Consequently, their isotopic composition (δ13C=?12·0 to ?10·1‰ PDB and δ18O=?5·7 to ?5·6‰ PDB) can only result from mixing a carbonate cement derived from sulphate reduction with cements containing increasing proportions of carbonate from methanogenesis and, directly or indirectly, also from skeletal carbonate. Concretionary growth was therefore pervasive, with cements being added progressively throughout the concretion body during growth. The concretions contain barite in the concretion matrix and in septarian fissures. Barite in the earlier matrix phase has an isotopic composition (δ34S=+24·8‰ CDT and δ18O=+16·4‰ SMOW), indicating formation from near‐surface, sulphate‐depleted porewaters. Barites in the later septarian phase have unusual isotopic compositions (δ34S=+6 to +11‰ CDT and δ18O=+8 to +11‰ SMOW), which require the late addition of isotopically light sulphate to the porewaters, either from anoxic sulphide oxidation (using ferric iron) or from sulphate dissolved in meteoric water. Carbon isotope and biomarker data indicate that oil trapped within septarian fissures was derived from the maturation of kerogen in the enclosing sediments.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvanian phylloid algal mounds exposed in the Cervatina Limestone of the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) developed during the highstands of high-frequency shallowing-upward cycles and lack evidence of subaerial exposure at their tops. Mound core facies are composed of massive bafflestones with variable amounts of calcite cements and anchicodiacean phylloid algae with cyathiform thalli preserved in growth position. Through standard petrographic, isotopic (δ18O and δ13C), major and trace element (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Sr) and cathodoluminescence analyses, five calcite cement phases (cement 1 (C1)–cement 5 (C5)) have been identified filling primary and secondary pores. Early marine diagenesis is represented by micritization and non-luminescent to mottled-dull luminescent high-Mg calcite fibrous marine cement (C1). A dissolution phase then occurred and created vuggy and moldic pores. Based on the absence of field or petrographical or geochemical evidence of exposure, it is inferred that dissolution occurred in near-surface undersaturated marine waters with respect to aragonite related to progressive organic matter oxidation. Secondary porosity was subsequently filled by dull-bright-dull bladed high-Mg calcite (C2), which precipitated in the early shallow burial from marine-derived pore waters. Remaining porosity was occluded by shallow-burial precipitates consisting of non-luminescent scalenohedral low-Mg calcite (C3) followed by non-ferroan dull luminescent calcite spar (C4). Latter phases of calcite spar exhibiting non- and dull luminescence (C5) are associated with burial calcite veins. Low δ18O values (around ?8‰), moderately depleted δ13C values (around 0.5‰) and the homogeneity of trace element contents of carbonate matrix, cements and vein-filling calcites suggest burial isotopic re-equilibration and recrystallization, probably in Early Permian times during post-thrusting orocline formation.  相似文献   

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