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沙堆内小型管线的探地雷达模型实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
地质雷达作为一种新的探测技术,广泛应用于城市管线探测、特别是非金属管道(直径Φ为150~400 mm)探测,取得了良好的效果,但是对小口径管道的探测研究不多.本实验是对埋于中等湿度、均匀介质沙堆内的Φ为40~150 mm的管线不同组合模型,进行900 M、600 M、200 M雷达反射波图像观测,探讨单管、双管、三管的图像特征,研究探地雷达图像的影响因素.研究结果显示:雷达探测的实际分辨率达不到理论分辨率;高频率天线图像精细,适合探测浅小的管线;管道充填水后,多次波明显增强;路面街砖会削弱雷达的管线异常信号,出现类似倾斜岩层等干扰信号;利用多次反射波可求得管径.本实验有助于我们在城市地下管线探测中能够快速准确地识别各类地下异常体的探地雷达图像.  相似文献   

地质雷达是利用电磁波对地下不同电性介质进行探测的地球物理仪器,其探测速率快、分辨率高,可弥补探槽和其他地球物理方法存在探测盲区的缺陷,正在越来越多地应用于活动断层探测领域。本文以乌拉山山前断裂为例开展地质雷达探测工作,使用无人机正射影像技术对测线进行地形校正,获得断层浅部地质雷达图像。研究结果表明,本文研究方法能有效反映探槽揭露的地层单元和断层分布。本次探测中,雷达波形图像特征为:浅地表的土壤层反射波总体较弱;粗粒沉积为主的砾石层反射波总体较强,同相轴连续性好;细粒沉积为主的砂层反射波弱于砾石层,波形以中、高频为主,同相轴具有弱连续性;对于洪冲积地区,地质雷达能分辨具有一定特征的地层单元,这为剖面图像的断层识别提供了标志;通过无人机正射影像技术对地质雷达测线进行地形校正,有利于获得更为准确的探测结果。  相似文献   

探地雷达天线分为两种,一种是屏蔽的,一种是非屏蔽的.屏蔽天线一般不会接收到地面干扰波,但非屏蔽的天线在接收地下反射波的同时也会接收到诸如墙体、汽车、高压线、路灯杆、钻机等产生的地面干扰波.在市区内进行探地雷达探测如何消除这些干扰波就显得非常重要.由于地面干扰波的频率和有效反射波的频率一致,采用频率域滤波方法难以将其消除.研究发现地面干扰波的二维频谱和有效反射波的二维频谱明显分离,可采用二维滤波的方式进行处理.通过人机交互的方式在二维频谱图上用任意截取法滤波可以很好地消除探地雷达地面干扰波.实际应用效果说明这种处理方法比较有效.  相似文献   

地下管线是保障城市运行的重要基础设施与生命线,开展管线探测是城市地下工程建设中必不可少的环节.探地雷达正演有助于掌握雷达波在地下的传播规律、加深对管线回波的认识.由于真实的地下介质分布不均匀、测区环境充斥着多种干扰,导致实际的探地雷达剖面中回波信号成分复杂、目标双曲线形态不完整,难以直接进行地质解释,而数值模拟常不考虑杂波干扰,模拟结果相对理想化.因此,本文聚焦于管线模型的物理模拟实验,在室内实验室和野外现场构建了一系列不同材质、不同埋深、不同管径的管线模型,利用不同中心频率的天线开展探测实验;分析了地下管线的雷达波传播规律及特征;结合管线材质、大小和埋深等信息,进一步验证雷达资料解释的准确度.结果表明:在背景介质均匀的沙池实验中,原始雷达剖面中背景噪声较小、目标双曲线形态完整,金属管线的反射波能量最强,含水管线会引起明显的多次波.而在野外现场采集到的雷达数据中存在较多的噪声干扰,不同管线引起的雷达回波呈双曲线或“类双曲线”;与背景介电常数的差异越大,反射波能量越强;相较于深埋管线,浅埋管线的双曲线特征更明显、振幅能量更强.由此可见,不同管线具有不同的双曲线特征、相位和振幅特征,可为地...  相似文献   

地下管线探测是测绘和物探专业相结合的一项工作,对地下非金属管线探测目前最适用的方法是探地雷达法.为提高探地雷达探测地下管线的效率和探测准确性,使管线探测专业人士可以更好的掌握探地雷达探测地下管线技术,本文通过理论分析探地雷达探测地下管线的工作原理及在北京市近45000 km地下管线基础信息普查工作中大量实验,对不同管径、不同埋深、不同材质的管线进行雷达探测,对比分析各种管线雷达图像的特征.文章分析出管线管径的不同表现在雷达图上是抛物线水平距离跨度的不同,管径越大,水平距离跨度越大.管线埋深的不同则表现在雷达图抛物线拖尾部分水平距离不同,埋深越深则拖尾部分跨度更长.不同管径和埋深的管线在探测的时候需要采用不同中心频率的雷达天线进行探测.管线材质的不同则特征更明显,直接表现在有无多次波出现和多次波的强弱、是否屏蔽深层有效信号、同相轴相位表现形式及波形特征等各个方面.该研究成果可指导今后城市地下管线普查和管线竣工验收时的管线探测工作.  相似文献   

沥青心墙压实度的探地雷达探测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
沥青心墙是水利水电工程的一种重要的防渗形式,其质量直接关系到工程的安全.压实度是评价其质量的重要指标,常采用取芯后实验室来测定,虽然探测结果可靠,但破坏性大、周期性长以及连续性差.我们采用探地雷达方法来评价沥青心墙的压实度.为消除沥青心墙的侧壁和两侧的堆石对探测结果的影响,本文模拟了雷达波在沥青心墙中传播,得出没有侧壁和堆石反射波影响的有效探测深度.并利用实测数据提取沥青心墙的雷达波属性如振幅、主频以及瞬态谱等,结合采样获得的孔隙度和密度,得出其与属性参数间的关系.研究表明,这种方法可以直观、快速、连续的反映心墙压实度变化,为工程质量的检测提供很好的依据.  相似文献   

为使物理模拟实验效果与实际探测情形更为接近,在室外自然条件下建立中尺度土壤石油污染实验模型,油污染区扩展深度超过1 m,采用实地探测中常用的500 MHz雷达天线进行长期定时探测.通过实测雷达图像特征、土壤含水量含油量分析,并对比前人开展的小尺度室内模拟试验结果,综合评价探地雷达对油污染区的探测效果.研究表明探地雷达探测图像异常特征与污染区扩散阶段密切相关:包气带内油污染区会引起振幅增强;毛细带的油污染区则表现为水位面反射轴附近清晰可辨的高幅异常区,且水位面反射轴呈下凹状;随扩散过程持续进行,异常区下移与水位面反射轴相交,并产生水平扩张.当污染土含油饱和度大于20%时,可通过雷达图像异常区圈定污染范围;当污染土含油饱和度大于15%时,可通过频谱图出现低频响应的位置圈定污染区水平范围.中尺度实验结果与室内小尺度模拟结果具有一致性,可作为油污染区雷达图像异常的解译依据.  相似文献   

沥青混凝土是典型的多相离散随机介质,为了研究沥青混凝土各结构层的空隙率与探地雷达波场特征之间的关系,本文基于沥青混凝土各结构层对应的多相离散随机介质模型参数,应用量化约束多相离散随机介质模型建模算法,构建了不同空隙率的多相离散随机介质三维模型,并基于商用屏蔽型蝶形天线三维模型数值模拟了探地雷达波在其中的传播特征,研究了多相离散随机介质空隙率与探地雷达波场特征之间的关系.研究结果表明:在半无限空间中,多相离散随机介质的空隙率越大,探地雷达波散射越强烈、地面直达波正相位振幅越强;对于上、中、下面层厚度分别为4 cm、6 cm、8 cm的层状多相离散随机介质,地面直达波正相位振幅强度主要取决于上面层多相离散随机介质空隙率大小,受中面层多相离散随机介质空隙率的影响较小;地面直达波负相位的振幅强度主要与中面层多相离散随机介质空隙率大小相关,其振幅强度随空隙率的增大而增强,且地面直达波正、负相位振幅强度与下面层多相离散随机介质空隙率无关;下面层多相离散随机介质的空隙率与下层介质分界面之间的反射波振幅强度成正比例关系.研究结果为探地雷达定量估算沥青混凝土各结构层的空隙率提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

用于低渗砂岩油气开发的压裂需要地层的纵横波时差参数;压裂形成的人工裂缝或砂泥岩中的自然裂缝是油气流入井中的主要通道.声波测井是测量地层的纵横波时差、探测连通裂缝的有效方法.本文给出了新设计的偶极子组合声波测井仪器在低渗砂泥岩地层所测量的波形.新仪器利用声波在井内传播的固有频率设计探头,利用探头阻抗随频率的变化曲线设计匹配电路,有效地提高了声发射功率,在井下采用16位A/D转换器提高了原始波形的采样精度.测量的波形比通常的声波测井波形所含的地层信息丰富.单极子长源距声波测井波形中除了通常的纵、横波和Stoneley波外,还发现了起始于纵波首波的反射波以及随深度改变其到达时间的后续波.通过与其它测井曲线综合对比发现:其反射波与井眼扩径有关,使测量的声波时差加大;后续波在显示地层特征的同时,与横波混叠在一起,使横波时差的提取变得困难.另外,在偶极子所测量的低频波形中也发现了明显的反映地层连通裂缝的反射波,该反射波可以用于指示低渗砂岩地层中的连通裂缝.  相似文献   

南阳淅川喀斯特地貌区地震记录特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析河南测震台网记录的南阳淅川喀斯特地貌地区地震波形特征,从初动方向、AS/AP振幅比、反射波PmP与Pg到时差、直达波Pg视速度,与河南省汝阳矿区工程爆破记录波形进行对比分析,发现二者波形特征较为相似,但喀斯特地貌地区地震仍具有典型地震特征,如:初动方向呈四象限分布,振幅比远大于3,反射波记录较弱,Pg波视速度较高。  相似文献   

多年冻土区道路工程病害类型及特征研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
多年冻土及多年冻土区恶劣的环境给工程构筑物的建设及维护带来了极大的挑战。以青藏工程走廊内的青藏公路、青藏铁路两大道路工程为研究对象,系统论述了其路基工程、桥梁工程、涵洞工程的主要病害类型及分布特征。现场调查显示,青藏公路80%的路基病害由多年冻土融沉所引起,主要表现为严重的不均匀沉降变形和纵向裂缝,且主要发生在高填方路基上。这两种病害与多年冻土地温及含冰量密切相关,地温越高,含冰量越大,病害越为严重。青藏公路桥梁工程的病害主要集中在附属工程及上部结构上,而涵洞工程病害则主要由冻胀、融沉作用、泥石流淤积、冰塞以及施工原因导致。青藏铁路沿线现场监测及调查结果表明,目前铁路路基病害主要为高温冻土区普通路基的(不均匀)沉降变形、纵向裂缝、路桥过渡段沉降变形、风沙灾害及块碎石材料风化引起的冷却路基结构失效等。此外,青藏工程走廊内广泛分布着包括冻胀丘、冰椎、冰幔、热融湖塘等不良冻土地质现象,当上述不良地质现象与工程接近时,会对道路工程的稳定性造成威胁,严重时可导致一些工程病害的发生。  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar is a technique which offers a new way of viewing shallow soil and rock conditions. The need to better understanding overburden conditions for activities such as geochemical sampling, geotechnical investigations, and placer exploration, as well as the factors controlling groundwater flow, has generated an increasing demand for techniques which can image the subsurface with higher resolution than previously possible. The areas of application for ground-penetrating radar are diverse. The method has been used successfully to map ice thickness, water depth in lakes, bedrock depth, soil stratigraphy, and water table depth. It is also used to delineate rock fabric, detect voids and identify karst features. The effective application of the radar for the high-resolution definition of soil stratigraphy and fractures in bedrock is highlighted. The basic principles and practices involved in acquiring high quality radar data in the field are illustrated by selected case histories. One example demonstrates how radar has been used to map the bedrock and delineate soil horizons to a depth of more than 20 m. Two case histories show how radar has been used to map fractures and changes of rock type to 40 m range from inside a mine. Another case history demonstrates how radar has also been used to detect and map the extent of groundwater contamination. The corroboration of the radar results by borehole investigations demonstrates the power and utility of the high-resolution radar method as an aid for interpolation and extrapolation of the information obtained with conventional coring programmes. With the advent of new instrumentation and field procedures, the routine application of the radar method is becoming economically viable and the method will see expanded use in the future.  相似文献   

Both ground-penetrating radar and the resistivity method have proven to be useful tools for exploring water content variations, since related parameters such as dielectric constant and the resistivity of rocks and sediments are highly dependent on moisture content. These methods were used independently to estimate volumetric water content in the unsaturated zone and porosity in the saturated zone in a 100-m sandy section. Two sample sites along the profile were also chosen for a shallow geophysical investigation and soil sampling, to enable the calibration and verification of the indirect geophysical methods. The grain distribution at these sites is dominated by medium-sized sand (0.25–0.5 mm). The water content was 6.9 vol.% and calculated porosities are 37% and 40% respectively. At each of these sites the mean water content values calculated from resistivity are within one percentage unit of measured water content while those calculated from ground-penetrating radar give higher values by as much as 2.9 percentage units. The water contents in the unsaturated zone in the section, estimated from resistivity and ground-penetrating radar, show very similar trends, although that deduced from ground-penetrating radar is generally somewhat larger, consistent with the results from the sample sites. The mean porosity values obtained from the two methods in the saturated zone are in good agreement.  相似文献   

偏移归位是探地雷达资料处理中的一种重要方法。本文利用傅里叶有限差分法对相控阵探地雷达样机采集的实测数据进行偏移归位。异常点绕射波形得到有效的归位,异常体空间位置与实际测量的结果基本一致并且处理速度快,不仅表明了该方法的有效性,证明相控阵探地雷达技术具有一定研究价值,也为仪器的进一步完善提供了思路。  相似文献   

Knowledge about the stochastic nature of heterogeneity in subsurface hydraulic properties is critical for aquifer characterization and the corresponding prediction of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Whereas the vertical correlation structure of the heterogeneity is often well constrained by borehole information, the lateral correlation structure is generally unknown because the spacing between boreholes is too large to allow for its meaningful inference. There is, however, evidence to suggest that information on the lateral correlation structure may be extracted from the correlation statistics of the subsurface reflectivity structure imaged by surface-based ground-penetrating radar measurements. To date, case studies involving this approach have been limited to 2D profiles acquired at a single antenna centre frequency in areas with limited complementary information. As a result, the practical reliability of this methodology has been difficult to assess. Here, we extend previous work to 3D and consider reflection ground-penetrating radar data acquired using two antenna centre frequencies at the extensively explored and well-constrained Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. We find that the results obtained using the two ground-penetrating radar frequencies are consistent with each other, as well as with information from a number of other studies at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. In addition, contrary to previous 2D work, our results indicate that the surface-based reflection ground-penetrating radar data are not only sensitive to the aspect ratio of the underlying heterogeneity, but also, albeit to a lesser extent, to the so-called Hurst number, which is a key parameter characterizing the local variability of the fine-scale structure.  相似文献   

分析研究了RAMAC/GPR探地雷达的数据结构,结合数据处理技术,利用Visual C++编写了雷达数据处理软件,成图效果较好,为该类探地雷达数据的自主处理分析提供了高效率工具。  相似文献   

本文介绍了水利工程外露结构和隐蔽结构的不同检测方法和特点以及相关研究现状,总结了之前水利工程隐蔽结构隐患检测探索经验,结合横琴新区澳门大学中心沟东闸翼墙断裂探测等工程应用为例,通过三维激光扫描技术、探地雷达技术相结合的多源无损探测技术为例,对水利工程隐蔽结构的多源异构探测数据的融合应用做了相应探索研究。   相似文献   

Metal detectors have commonly been used for landmine detection, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is about to be deployed for this purpose. These devices are influenced by the magnetic and electric properties of soil, since both employ electromagnetic techniques. Various soil properties and their spatial distributions were measured and determined with geophysical methods in four soil types where a test of metal detectors and GPR systems took place. By analysing the soil properties, these four soils were classified based on the expected influence of each detection technique and predicted soil difficulty. This classification was compared to the detection performance of the detectors and a clear correlation between the predicted soil difficulty and performance was observed. The detection performance of the metal detector and target identification performance of the GPR systems degraded in soils that were expected to be problematic. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the metal detector and GPR performance for landmine detection can be assessed qualitatively by geophysical analyses.  相似文献   

多年冻土场地路基地震动位移性状研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
直接针对目前多年冻土场地道路工程抗震问题研究尚很薄弱这一事实,以在建的青藏铁路工程的抗震设计与地震加固为应用背景,基于若干种较为典型的多年冻土场地路基工况,开展多年冻土场地路基地震动位移性状的研究工作。研究表明,与不同的场地地形条件相比,场地冻土层厚度对路基地震位移响应的影响更加突出,尤其是含冻土融层路基的地震动位移值较不含冻土融层路基的地震动位移值大,因而冻土融层的存在无疑加剧了多年冻土场地路基的震害响应。  相似文献   

Because of its direct influence on the amount of unfrozen water and on the strength of intergranular ice in a frozen soil, temperature has a significant effect on all aspects of the mechanical behavior of the active layer in which temperature fluctuates above and below 0 °C. Hence seismic responses of engineering structures such as embankment on a sloping ground in permafrost regions exhibit obvious differences with seasonal alternation. To explore the distinctive seismic characteristics of a railway embankment on the sloping ground in permafrost regions, a coupled water-heat-dynamics model is built based on theories of heat transfer, soil moisture dynamics, frozen soil mechanics, soil dynamics, and so on. A well-monitored railway embankment on a sloping ground in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau is taken as an example to simulate seismic responses in four typical seasons in the 25th service year. The numerical results show that seismic acceleration, velocity and displacement responses are significantly different in four typical seasons, and the responses on October 15 are much higher among the four seasons. When the earthquake is over, there are still permanent differential deformations in the embankment and even severe damages on the left slope on October 15. Therefore, this position should be monitored closely and repaired timely to ensure safe operation. In addition, the numerical model and results may be a reference for maintenance, design and study on other embankments in permafrost regions.  相似文献   

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