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The oxygen isotopic micro-distributions within and among minerals in a coarse-grained Ca, Al-rich inclusion (CAI), 7R-19-1 from the Allende meteorite, were measured by in situ using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). All values of O isotopic ratios in 7R-19-1 minerals fall along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral mixing (CCAM) line on a δ17OSMOW vs. δ18OSMOW plot. Major refractory minerals (spinel, fassaite and melilite) in 7R-19-1 showed large negative anomalies of Δ17O in the order, spinel (−21‰) > 16O-rich melilite (∼−18‰) > fassaite (−15 to +1‰) > 16O-poor melilite (−8 to +2‰). However, the lower limit values of Δ17O are similar at about −21‰, a value commonly observed in CAIs. The similarity in the extreme values of the isotope anomaly anomalies suggests that crystallization of all CAIs started from an 16O enrichment of 21‰ (Δ17O) relative to terrestrial values. The order of the O isotopic anomalies observed for 7R-19-1, except for 16O-poor melilite, is parallel to the crystallization sequence determined by experiment from CAI liquid (Stolper, 1982), indicating that the O isotopic exchange in 7R-19-1 occurred between CAI melt and surrounding gas while 7R-19-1 was crystallizing from the 16O enriched CAI liquid (∼−21‰ in Δ17O) in the 16O-poor solar nebula. However, the a single crystallization sequence during the cooling stage cannot explain the existence of 16O-poor melilite. The presence of 16O-poor melilite suggests that multiple heating events occurred during CAI formation. The sharp contact between 16O-rich and 16O-poor melilite crystals and within 16O-rich melilite indicates that these multiple heatings occurred quickly. Based on the O isotopic and chemical compositions, fassaite crystals were aggregates of relic crystals formed from CAI melt whichthat have had various O isotopic compositions from the remelting processes. The results of intra-mineral distributions of O isotopes also support multiple heating events during CAI formation.  相似文献   

The coarse-grained, igneous, anorthite-rich (Type C) CAIs from Allende studied (100, 160, 6-1-72, 3529-40, CG5, ABC, TS26, and 93) have diverse textures and mineralogies, suggesting complex nebular and asteroidal formation histories. CAIs 100, 160, 6-1-72, and 3529-40 consist of Al,Ti-diopside (fassaite; 13-23 wt% Al2O3, 2-14 wt% TiO2), Na-bearing åkermanitic melilite (0.1-0.4 wt% Na2O; Åk30-75), spinel, and fine-grained (∼5-10 μm) anorthite groundmass. Most of the fassaite and melilite grains have “lacy” textures characterized by the presence of abundant rounded and prismatic inclusions of anorthite ∼5-10 μm in size. Lacy melilite is pseudomorphed to varying degrees by grossular, monticellite, and pure forsterite or wollastonite. CAI 6-1-72 contains a relict Type B CAI-like portion composed of polycrystalline gehlenitic melilite (Åk10-40), fassaite, spinel, perovskite, and platinum-group element nuggets; the Type B-like material is overgrown by lacy melilite and fassaite. Some melilite and fassaite grains in CAIs 100 and 160 are texturally similar to those in the Type B portion of 6-1-72. CAIs ABC and TS26 contain relict chondrule fragments composed of forsteritic olivine and low-Ca pyroxene; CAI 93 is overgrown by a coarse-grained igneous rim of pigeonite, augite, and anorthitic plagioclase. These three CAIs contain very sodium-rich åkermanitic melilite (0.4-0.6 wt% Na2O; Åk63-74) and Cr-bearing Al,Ti-diopside (up to 1.6 wt% Cr2O3, 1-23 wt% Al2O, 0.5-7 wt% TiO2). Melilite and anorthite in the Allende Type C CAI peripheries are replaced by nepheline and sodalite, which are crosscut by andradite-bearing veins; spinel is enriched in FeO. The CAI fragment CG5 is texturally and mineralogically distinct from other Allende Type Cs. It is anorthite-poor and very rich in spinel poikilitically enclosed by Na-free gehlenitic melilite (Åk20-30), fassaite, and anorthite; neither melilite nor pyroxene have lacy textures; secondary minerals are absent. The Al-rich chondrules 3655b-2 and 3510-7 contain aluminum-rich and ferromagnesian portions. The Al-rich portions consist of anorthitic plagioclase, Al-rich low-Ca pyroxene, and Cr-bearing spinel; the ferromagnesium portions consist of fosteritic olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, and opaque nodules.We conclude that Type C CAIs 100, 160, 6-1-72, and 3529-40 formed by melting of coarse-grained Type B-like CAIs which experienced either extensive replacement of melilite and spinel mainly by anorthite and diopside (traces of secondary Na-bearing minerals, e.g., nepheline or sodalite, might have formed as well), or addition of silica and sodium during the melting event. CG5 could have formed by melting of fine-grained spinel-melilite CAI with melilite and spinel partially replaced anorthite and diopside. CAIs ABC, 93, and TS-26 experienced melting in the chondrule-forming regions with addition of chondrule-like material, such as forsteritic olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, and high-Ca pyroxene. Anorthite-rich chondrules formed by melting of the Al-rich (Type C CAI-like) precursors mixed with ferromagnesian, Type I chondrule-like precursors. The Allende Type C CAIs and Al-rich chondrules experienced fluid-assisted thermal metamorphism, which resulted in pseudomorphic replacement of melilite and anorthite by grossular, monticellite, and forsterite (100, 160, 6-1-72, 3592-40) or by grossular, monticellite, and wollastonite (ABC, 93, TS-26). The pseudomorphic replacement was followed or accompanied by iron-alkali metasomatic alteration resulting in replacement of melilite and anorthite by nepheline and sodalite, enrichment of spinel in FeO, and precipitation of salite-hedenbergite pyroxenes, wollastonite, and andradite in fractures and pores in and around CAIs.  相似文献   

R chondrites are a distinct group of chondritic meteorites with unique mineralogical and chemical compositions. They contain various types of Al-rich objects [Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), Al-rich chondrules and fragments], whose mineralogical compositions and classifications were previously determined by Rout and Bischoff (2008). Here, we report on the bulk compositions of 126 such Al-rich objects determined by broad-beam electron probe microanalysis.Most of the CAIs, except a few, are significantly altered by complex nebular and/or parent body processes and the determination of their pristine composition is difficult. We found that the simple concentric spinel-rich inclusions have high Al2O3 (21–72 wt%) correlated with their high modal spinel. The subgroup of simple concentric spinel-rich CAIs have a high Al2O3 (21–57 wt%) and also sometimes high FeO (up to 36 wt%), due to a high hercynitic component in the spinel. One simple concentric spinel- and hibonite-rich CAI H030/L, identified as a HAL-type CAI by isotopic studies reported elsewhere, has a highly refractory composition (Al2O3~72 wt%). Most of the simple concentric spinel- and fassaite-rich CAIs have consistently high CaO (~2.5–17 wt%) compared to other simple concentric spinel-rich inclusions group, where only some inclusions have high CaO (up to 15 wt%). Simple concentric spinel- and Na,Al-alteration product-rich CAIs are heavily altered and have high Na2O (up to ~12.5 wt%).The three analyzed fassaite-rich spherules have high CaO and Al2O3, and complex spinel- and fassaite-rich CAIs have high CaO (up to 23 wt%) and SiO2 (up to 41 wt%). Most of the complex spinel- and plagioclase-rich CAIs are altered and contain high amounts of secondary oligoclase. However, a few are less affected by secondary alteration and these are characterized by relatively high CaO (up to 24 wt%) and Al2O3 (18–33 wt%); complex spinel and Na,Al-alteration product-rich CAIs are similar to the concentric spinel- and Na,Al-alteration product-rich CAIs. Due to Fe- and alkali-metasomatism, the vast majority of the inclusions in this subgroup were heavily altered, either in a nebular or parent body environment. As a result of this alteration, they contain high FeO and Na2O+K2O+Cl.Almost all inclusions have a Ca/Al-ratio below the solar ratio. This suggests that significant Ca/Al fractionation occurred during the formation of most CAIs, most probably due to disequilibrium condensation of spinel prior to melilite. However, a distillation process cannot be ruled out for some CAIs in producing the spinel enrichment. Some porous and fine grained CAIs may have been produced by agglomeration of refractory dust rich in spinel and fassaite. The HAL-type CAI, H030/L, most likely formed by distillation, similar to most of the HAL-type inclusions. Phase equilibrium analysis, in the CMAS system, shows that the fassaite-bearing spherules most likely formed by metastable crystallization and disequilibrium processes. Al-rich chondrules are characterized by >10 wt% Al2O3, and most of these also have high FeO and Na2O. Considering their bulk compositions, their precursors seem to have been a mixture of a ferromagnesian chondrule component rich in olivine and an anorthite–spinel–pyroxene–nepheline-rich CAI component. The mineral assemblages of some of the less altered Al-rich chondrules conform to those predicted by phase equilibrium studies.  相似文献   

The intrinsic room temperature magnetic properties of pure calcite were determined from a series of natural crystals, and they were found to be highly dependent on the chemical composition. In general, dia-, para-, and ferromagnetic components contribute to the magnetic susceptibility and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). With a combination of magnetic measurements and chemical analysis these three contributions were determined and related to their mineralogical sources. The intrinsic diamagnetic susceptibility of pure calcite is − 4.46 ± 0.16 × 10− 9 m3/kg (− 12.09 ± 0.5 × 10− 6 SI) and the susceptibility difference is 4.06 ± 0.03 × 10− 10 m3/kg (1.10 ± 0.01 × 10− 6 SI). These diamagnetic properties are easily dominated by other components. The paramagnetic contribution is due to paramagnetic ions in the crystal lattice that substitute for calcium; these are mainly iron and manganese. The measured paramagnetic susceptibility agrees with the values calculated from the known concentration of paramagnetic ions in the crystals according to the Curie law of paramagnetic susceptibility. Substituted iron leads to an increase in the AMS. The paramagnetic susceptibility difference was found to correlate linearly with the iron content for concentrations between 500 and 10,000 ppm. An empirical relation was determined: (k1 − k3)para (kg/m3) = Fe-content (ppm) × (1 ± 0.1) × 10− 12 (kg/m3/ppm). The maximum susceptibility difference (Δk = k1 − k3) was found to be unaffected by iron contents below 100 ppm. Ferromagnetic contributions due to inclusions of ferromagnetic minerals can dominate the susceptibility. They were detected by acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) and their contribution to the AMS was separated by high-field measurements.  相似文献   

Recent 182Hf-182W age determinations on Allende Ca-, Al-rich refractory inclusions (CAIs) and on iron meteorites indicate that CAIs have initial ε182W (−3.47 ± 0.20, 2σ) identical to that of magmatic iron meteorites after correction of cosmogenic 182W burn-out (−3.47 ± 0.35, 2σ). Either the Allende CAIs were isotopically disturbed or the differentiation of magmatic irons (groups IIAB, IID, IIIAB, and IVB) all occurred <1 m.y. after CAI formation. To assess the extent of isotopic disturbance, we have analyzed the elemental distribution of Hf and W in two CAIs, Ef2 from Efremovka (CV3 reduced), and Golfball from Allende (CV3 oxidized). Fassaite is the sole host of Hf (10-25 ppm) and, therefore, of radiogenic W in CAIs, with 180Hf/184W > 103, which is lowered by the ubiquitous presence of metal inclusions to 180Hf/184W > 10 in bulk fassaite. Metal alloy (Ni ∼ 50%) is the sole host of W (∼500 ppm) in Ef2, while opaque assemblages (OAs) and secondary veins are the hosts of W in Golfball. A large metal alloy grain from Ef2, EM2, has 180Hf/184W < 0.006. Melilite has both Hf and W below detection limits (<0.01 ppm), but the presence of numerous metallic inclusions or OAs makes melilite a carrier for W, with 180Hf/184W < 1 in bulk melilite. Secondary processes had little impact on the 182Hf-182W systematics of Ef2, but a vein cross-cutting fassaite in Golfball has >100 ppm W with no detectable Pt or S. This vein provides evidence for transport of oxidized W in the CAI. Because of the ubiquitous distribution of OAs, interpretations of the 182Hf-182W isochron reported for Allende CAIs include: (i) all W in the OAs was derived by alteration of CAI metal, or (ii) at least some of the W in OAs may have been equilibrated with radiogenic W during metamorphism of Allende. Since (ii) cannot be ruled out, new 182Hf-182W determinations on CAIs from reduced CV3 chondrites are needed to firmly establish the initial W isotopic composition of the solar system.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Fe was determined in water, Fe-oxides and sulfides from the Tinto and Odiel Basins (South West Spain). As a consequence of sulfide oxidation in mine tailings both rivers are acidic (1.45 < pH < 3.85) and display high concentrations of dissolved Fe (up to 420 mmol l− 1) and sulphates (up to 1190 mmol l− 1).The δ56Fe of pyrite-rich samples from the Rio Tinto and from the Tharsis mine ranged from − 0.56 ± 0.08‰ to + 0.25 ± 0.1‰. δ56Fe values for Fe-oxides precipitates that currently form in the riverbed varied from − 1.98 ± 0.10‰ to 1.57 ± 0.08‰. Comparatively narrower ranges of values (− 0.18 ± 0.08‰ and + 0.21 ± 0.14‰) were observed in their fossil analogues from the Pliocene–Pleistocene and in samples from the Gossan (the oxidized layer that formed through exposure to oxygen of the massive sulfide deposits) (− 0.36 ± 0.12‰ to 0.82 ± 0.07‰). In water, δ56Fe values ranged from − 1.76 ± 0.10‰ to + 0.43 ± 0.05‰.At the source of the Tinto River, fractionation between aqueous Fe(III) and pyrite from the tailings was less than would be expected from a simple pyrite oxidation process. Similarly, the isotopic composition of Gossan oxides and that of pyrite was different from what would be expected from pyrite oxidation. In rivers, the precipitation of Fe-oxides (mainly jarosite and schwertmannite and lesser amounts of goethite) from water containing mainly (more than 99%) Fe(III) with concentrations up to 372 mmol l− 1 causes variable fractionation between the solid and the aqueous phase (− 0.98‰ < Δ56Fesolid–water < 2.25‰). The significant magnitude of the positive fractionation factor observed in several Fe(III) dominated water may be related to the precipitation of Fe(III) sulphates containing phases.  相似文献   

The 1.27 Ga old Ivigtut (Ivittuut) intrusion in South Greenland is world-famous for its hydrothermal cryolite deposit [Na3AlF6] situated within a strongly metasomatised A-type granite stock. This detailed fluid inclusion study characterises the fluid present during the formation of the cryolite deposit and thermodynamic modelling allows to constrain its formation conditions.Microthermometry revealed three different types of inclusions: (1) pure CO2, (2) aqueous-carbonic and (3) saline-aqueous inclusions. Melting temperatures range between − 23 and − 15 °C for type 2 and from − 15 to − 10 °C for type 3 inclusions. Most inclusions homogenise between 110 and 150 °C into the liquid.Stable isotope compositions of CO2 and H2O were measured from crushed inclusions in quartz, cryolite, fluorite and siderite. The δ13C values of about − 5‰ PDB are typical of mantle-derived magmas. The differences between δ18O of CO2 (+ 21 to + 42‰ VSMOW) and δ18O of H2O (− 1 to − 21.7‰ VSMOW) suggest low-temperature isotope exchange. δD (H2O) ranges from − 19 to − 144‰ VSMOW. The isotopic composition of inclusion water closely follows the meteoric water line and is comparable to Canadian Shield brines. Ion chromatography revealed the fluid's predominance in Na, Cl and F. Cl/Br ratios range between 56 and 110 and may imply intensive fluid–rock interaction with the host granite.Isochores deduced from microthermometry in conjunction with estimates for the solidification of the Ivigtut granite suggest a formation pressure of approximately 1–1.5 kbar for the fluid inclusions. Formation temperatures of different types of fluid inclusions vary between 100 and 400 °C. Thermodynamic modelling of phase assemblages and the extraordinary high concentration in F (and Na) may indicate that the cryolite body and its associated fluid inclusions could have formed during the continuous transition from a volatile-rich melt to a solute-rich fluid.  相似文献   

Dissolution of the synthetic hydroxylapatite (HAP) and fluorapatite (FAP) in pure water was studied at 25 °C and 45 °C in a series of batch experiments. The XRD, FT-IR and SEM analyses indicated that the synthetic, microcrystalline HAP and FAP with apatite structure used in the experiments were found to have no obvious variation after dissolution except that the existence of OH groups in FT-IR spectra for FAP after 2880 h dissolution was observed. During the HAP dissolution (0–4320 h), the aqueous calcium and phosphate concentrations reached the maxima after 120 h and then decreased slowly with time. For the FAP dissolution in pure water, after a transient time of 1440 h (< 60 d), element concentrations and pH became constant suggesting attainment of a steady-state between the solution and solid. During early stages of the FAP dissolution reaction (< 72–120 h), mineral components were released in non-stoichiometric ratios with reacted solution ratios of dissolved Ca:P, Ca:F and P:F being lower than mineral stoichiometric ratios of Ca5(PO4)3F, i.e., 1.67, 5.0 and 3.0, respectively. This indicated that F were preferentially released compared to Ca from the mineral structure. The mean Ksp values were calculated by using PHREEQC for HAP of 10− 53.28 (10− 53.02–10− 53.51) and for FAP of 10− 55.71 (10− 55.18–10− 56.13) at 25 °C, the free energies of formation ΔGfo[HAP] and ΔGfo[FAP] were calculated to be − 6282.82 kJ/mol and − 6415.87 kJ/mol, respectively.  相似文献   

Cantilever torque magnetometry is utilized widely in physics and material science for the determination of magnetic properties of thin films and semiconductors. Here, we report on its first application in rock magnetism, namely the determination of K1 and K2 of single crystal octahedra of natural magnetite. The design of cantilever magnetometers allows optimization for the specific research question at hand. For the present study, a cantilever magnetometer was used that enables measurement of samples with a volume up to 64 mm3. It can be inserted into an electromagnet with a maximum field of 2 T. The cantilever spring is suitable for torque values ranging from 7.5 × 10− 7 N·m to 5 × 10− 6 N·m. The torque is detected capacitively; the measured capacitance is converted into torque by using a calibrated feedback coil. The magnetometer allows in-situ rotation of the sample in both directions and is, therefore, also suitable to analyze rotational hysteresis effects.The evaluation of the magnetite anisotropy constants involved Fourier analysis of the torque signal on the magnetite crystals' (001) and (110) planes. The absolute anisotropy constant has been computed using the extrapolation-to-infinite-field method. The value of K1 at room temperature is determined at − 1.28 × 104 [J m− 3] (± 0.13, i.e. 10%) and that of K2 at − 2.8 × 103 [J m− 3] (± 0.1, i.e. 2%). These values concur with earlier determinations that could not provide an instrumental error, in contrast with this work.The cantilever magnetometer performs four times faster than other torque magnetometers used for rock magnetic studies. This makes the instrument also suitable for magnetic fabric analysis.  相似文献   

The Changkeng Au and Fuwang Ag deposits represent an economically significant and distinct member of the Au–Ag deposit association in China. The two deposits are immediately adjacent, but the Au and Ag orebodies separated from each other. Ores in the Au deposit, located at the upper stratigraphic section and in the southern parts of the orefield, contain low Ag contents (< 11 ppm); the Ag orebodies, in the lower stratigraphic section, are Au-poor (< 0.2 ppm). Changkeng is hosted in brecciated cherts and jasperoidal quartz and is characterized by disseminated ore minerals. Fuwang, hosted in the Lower Carboniferous Zimenqiao group bioclastic limestone, has vein and veinlet mineralization associated with alteration comprised of quartz, carbonate, sericite, and sulfides. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions from quartz veinlets in the Changkeng and Fuwang deposits are in the range of 210 ± 80 °C and 230 ± 50 °C, respectively. Salinities of fluid inclusions from the two deposits range from 1.6 to 7.3 wt.% and 1.6 to 2.6 wt.% equiv. NaCl, respectively. The δDH2O, δ18OH2O, δ13CCO2 and 3He/4He values of the fluid inclusions from the Changkeng deposit range from − 80‰ to − 30‰, − 7.8‰ to − 3.0‰, − 16.6‰ to − 17.0‰ and 0.0100 to 0.0054 Ra, respectively. The δDH2O, δ18OH2O, δ13CCO2 and 3He/4He values of fluid inclusions from the Fuwang deposit range from − 59‰ to − 45‰, − 0.9‰ to 4.1‰, − 6.7‰ to − 0.6‰ and 0.5930 to 0.8357 Ra, respectively. The δDH2O, δ18OH2O, δ13CCO2 and 3He/4He values of the fluid inclusions suggest the ore fluids of the Changkeng Au-ore come from the meteoric water and the ore fluids of the Fuwang Ag-ore are derived from mixing of magmatic water and meteoric water. The two deposits also show different Pb-isotopic signatures. The Changkeng deposit has Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb: 18.580 to 19.251, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.672 to 15.801, 208Pb/204Pb: 38.700 to 39.104) similar to those (206Pb/204Pb: 18.578 to 19.433, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.640 to 15.775, 208Pb/204Pb: 38.925 to 39.920) of its host rocks and different from those (206Pb/204Pb: 18.820 to 18.891, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.848 to 15.914, 208Pb/204Pb: 39.579 to 39.786) of the Fuwang deposit. The different signatures indicate different sources of ore-forming material. Rb–Sr isochron age (68 ± 6 Ma) and 40Ar–39Ar age (64.3 ± 0.1 Ma) of the ore-related quartz veins from the Ag deposit indicate that the Fuwang deposit formed during the Cenozoic Himalayan tectonomagmatic event. Crosscutting relationships suggests that Au-ore predates Ag-ore. The adjacent Changkeng and Fuwang deposits could, however, represent a single evolved hydrothermal system. The ore fluids initially deposited Au in the brecciated siliceous rocks, and then mixing with the magmatic water resulted in Ag deposition within fracture zones in the limestone. The deposits are alternatively the product of the superposition of two different geological events. Age evidence for the Fuwang deposit, together with the Xiqiaoshan Tertiary volcanic-hosted Ag deposit in the same area, indicates that the Pacific Coastal Volcanic Belt in the South China Fold Belt has greater potential for Himalayan precious metal mineralization than previous realized.  相似文献   

Turnover of C in soils is the dominant flux in the global C cycle and is responsible for transporting 20 times the quantity of anthropogenic emissions each year. This paper investigates the potential for soils to be modified with Ca-rich materials (e.g. demolition waste or basic slag) to capture some of the transferred C as geologically stable CaCO3. To test this principal, artificial soil known to contain Ca-rich minerals (Ca silicates and portlandite) was analysed from two sites across NE England, UK. The results demonstrate an average C content of 30 ± 15.3 Kg C m−2 stored as CaCO3, which is three times the expected organic C content and that it has accumulated at a rate of 25 ± 12.8 t C ha−1 a−1 since 1996. Isotopic analysis of the carbonates gave values between −6.4‰ and −27.5‰ for δ13C and −3.92‰ and −20.89‰ for δ18O, respectively (against V-PDB), which suggests that a combination of carbonate formation mechanisms are operating including the hydroxylation of gaseous CO2 in solution, and the sequestration of degraded organic C with minor remobilisation/precipitation of lithogenic carbonates. This study implies that construction/development sites may be designed with a C capture function to sequester atmospheric C into the soil matrix with a maximum global potential of 290 Mt C a−1.  相似文献   

176 vertical-component, short period observations from aftershocks of the Mw 7.7, 26 January, 2001 Kachchh earthquake are used to estimate seismic wave attenuation in western India using uniform and two layer models. The magnitudes (Mw) of the earthquakes are less than 4.5, with depths less than 46 km and hypocentral distances up to 110 km. The studied frequencies are between 1 and 30 Hz. Two seismic wave attenuation factors, intrinsic absorption (Qi− 1) and scattering attenuation (Qs− 1) are estimated using the Multiple Lapse Time Window method which compares time integrated seismic wave energies with synthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropic scattering model. We first assume spatial uniformity of Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and S wave velocity (β). A second approach extends the multiple scattering hypothesis to media consisting of several layers characterized by vertically varying scattering coefficient (g), intrinsic absorption strength (h), density of the media (ρ) and shear wave velocity structure. The predicted coda envelopes are computed using Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that, under the assumption of spatial uniformity, scattering attenuation is greater than intrinsic absorption only for the lowest frequency band (1 to 2 Hz), whereas intrinsic absorption is predominant in the attenuation process at higher frequencies (2 to 30 Hz). The values of Q obtained range from Qt = 118, Qi = 246 and Qs = 227 at 1.5 Hz to Qt ≈ 4000, Qi ≈ 4600 and Qs ≈ 33,300 at 28 Hz center frequencies, being Qt− 1 a measure of total attenuation. Results also show that Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and Qt− 1 decrease proportional to fν. Two rates of decay are clearly observed for the low (1 to 6 Hz) and high (6 to 30 Hz) frequency ranges. Values of ν are estimated as 2.07 ± 0.05 and 0.44 ± 0.09 for total attenuation, 1.52 ± 0.21 and 0.48 ± 0.09 for intrinsic absorption and 3.63 ± 0.07 and 0.06 ± 0.08 for scattering attenuation for the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. Despite the lower resolution in deriving the attenuation parameters for a two layered crust, we find that scattering attenuation is comparable to or smaller than the intrinsic absorption in the crust whereas intrinsic absorption dominates in the mantle. Also, for a crustal layer of thickness 42 km, intrinsic absorption and scattering estimates in the crust are lower and greater than those of the mantle, respectively.  相似文献   

While many uncertainties remain, a kinetic evaporation-condensation model is used to show that type A chondrules, and compact Type A and B calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) could have formed from CI-like precursors under conditions that are consistent with predictions for 2-3 AU in a canonical solar nebula. Type B and Al-rich chondrules, and Type C CAIs, on the other hand, may have formed from fractionated precursors. Based primarily on chondrule and CAI isotopic compositions, previous studies have reached different conclusions because they did not take into account the effects of gas-melt exchange.Assuming CI-like precursor compositions, equilibrium silicate melts with elemental compositions like those of type A chondrules could have formed over a wide range of conditions (T, Ptot, solid/gas/solar). Metal is not predicted to be stable when T ≥ 1600°C. When T < 1600°C, the abundances and compositions of metal in chondrules appear to be less successfully reproduced than the silicates, e.g., at a given temperature more metal is predicted in type II chondrules than is generally observed, and under some conditions type IIs are predicted to be more metal-rich than type Is. These differences could be overcome if type Is formed from precursors that were more reduced than CI, and if type IIs formed after significant metal-silicate fractionation.The formation conditions of molten CAIs are much more restricted than for chondrules, perhaps in part explaining their lower abundances. The Mg, Si and O isotopic mass fractionations in non-FUN CAIs can be reproduced if they formed between ∼1400 to 1500°C in regions where CAI-like equilibrium melts were stable, but they did not quite reach equilibrium with the gas. CAI formation times at Ptot = 10−4-10−3 bars are consistent with estimates of Type B CAI cooling times, but pressures much below this require formation times that are too long. The isotopic mass fractionations in FUN CAIs can be explained if they formed at or below the ranges of solid/gas/solar ratios where CAI-like equilibrium compositions are stable. Under these conditions, FUN inclusions undergo less gas-melt exchange than non-FUN CAIs. The FUN CAI formation temperatures are consistent with formation at 1400 to 1500°C, but may have been higher.Two general explanations for the distribution of O mass independent fractionations (MIF) in chondrules/CAIs have been explored: creation of the MIF before chondrule/CAI formation, and creation of the MIF during chondrule/CAI formation. If the MIF was established before chondrule/CAI formation, the most promising explanation is that H2O (presumably as ice) and silicate dust with MIFs of opposite sign are fractionated together from the remaining gas. On heating, the H2O now in the gas exchanges with the melt.If the MIF was generated during chondrule/CAI formation, it must be generated in the H2O, because it exchanges most rapidly with the melt, and mass balance requires creation of MIF of opposite sign in CO. Self-shielding from UV radiation is one possibility, but the effect may be quenched at high temperatures. Non-RRKM intramolecular kinetic isotope effects are another possibility, but a continuous source of radiation may be needed to prevent gas phase reactions from approaching equilibrium.  相似文献   

We report data from a series of dynamic crystallization experiments that focus on determining the partition coefficients (D’s) for V and Ti in the spinel + liquid system of an average type B1 CAI bulk composition for three different fO2 conditions. Partitioning data for Ca and Si are also obtained. We show that the D’s for V and Ti are fO2 dependent with DTi decreasing at low oxygen fugacity due to the presence of Ti3+. DV is essentially 0 in air, rises to 2.2 at the Fe-FeO buffer and drops to 1.4 at the C-CO buffer. This indicates that V3+ is highly compatible in spinel and that higher and lower valence states are much less compatible. We also report data from isothermal experiments that determine diffusion times for V and Ti in same system at a temperature close to the Tmax for type B1 CAIs. Diffusion of these elements between spinel and liquid is surprisingly rapid, with essentially total equilibration of Ti and V between spinel and liquid in 90 h run duration. Lack of equilibration of Cr, Si, and Ca shows that the Ti and V equilibration mechanism was diffusion and not dissolution and reprecipitation. Our experimental run durations set an upper limit of a few tens of hours on the time that type B1 CAIs were at their maximum temperature. Based on our data we argue that subsolidus reequilibration between spinel inclusion and host-silicate phases within type B CAIs likely explains the observed range of V and Ti concentrations in spinels which are inclusions in clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

The aluminum-rich (>10 wt% Al2O3) objects in the CH carbonaceous chondrite North West Africa (NWA) 739 include Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), Al-rich chondrules, and isolated mineral grains (spinel, plagioclase, glass). Based on the major mineralogy, 54 refractory inclusions found in about 1 cm2 polished section of NWA 739 can be divided into hibonite-rich (16%), grossite-rich (26%), melilite-rich (28%), spinel-pyroxene-rich (16%) CAIs, and amoeboid olivine aggregates, (AOA's, 17%). Most CAIs are rounded, 25–185 μm (average=70 μm) in apparent diameter, contain abundant, tiny perovskite grains, and typically surrounded by a single- or double-layered rim composed of melilite and/or Al-diopside; occasionally, layers of spinel+hibonite and forsterite are observed. The AOAs are irregularly shaped, 100–250 μm (average=175 μm) in size, and consist of forsterite, Fe,Ni-metal, and CAIs composed of Al-diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel. One AOA contains compact, rounded melilite-spinel-perovskite CAIs and low-Ca pyroxene replacing forsterite. The Al-rich (>10 wt% bulk Al2O3) chondrules are divided into Al-diopside-rich and plagioclase-rich. The Al-diopside-rich chondrules, 50–310 μm (average=165 μm) in apparent diameter, consist of Al-diopside, skeletal forsterite, spinel, ±Al-rich low-Ca pyroxene, and ±mesostasis. The plagioclase-rich chondrules, 120–455 μm (average=285 μm) in apparent diameter, are composed of low-Ca and high-Ca pyroxenes, forsterite, anorthitic plagioclase, Fe,Ni-metal nodules, and mesostasis. The isolated spinel occurs as coarse, 50–125 μm in size, subhedral grains, which are probably the fragments of Al-diopside chondrules. The isolated plagioclase grains are too coarse (60–120 μm) to have been produced by disintegration of chondrules or CAIs; they range in composition from nearly pure anorthite to nearly pure albite; their origin is unclear. The Al-rich objects show no evidence for Fe-alkali metasomatic or aqueous alteration; the only exception is an Al-rich chondrule fragment with anorthite replaced by nepheline. They are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other CH chondrites studied (Acfer 182, ALH85085, PAT91467, NWA 770), but are distinct from the Al-rich objects in other chondrite groups (CM, CO, CR, CV). The CH CAIs are dominated by very refractory minerals, such as hibonite, grossite, perovskite and gehlenitic melilite, and appear to have experienced very low degrees of high-temperature alteration reactions. These include replacement of grossite by melilite, of melilite by anorthite, diopside, and spinel, and of forsterite by low-Ca pyroxene. Only a few CAIs show evidence for melting and multilayered Wark-Lovering rims. These observations may suggest that CH CAIs experienced rather simple formation history and escaped extensive recycling. In order to preserve the high-temperature mineral assemblages, they must have been efficiently isolated from the hot nebular region, like some chondrules and the zoned Fe,Ni-metal grains in CH chondrites.  相似文献   

Literature data on the thermodynamics of complexation of Zr with inorganic species, at 25°C, have been critically reviewed. The preponderance of published complexation constants deal with F and OH ions. Stability constants for the complexation reactions are relatively independent of ionic strength and thus recomended values for each ligand type are averages of the most reliable data. Complexation constants under elevated conditions (T 250°C andPv = PH2O) have been predicted for various Zr complexes (F, Cl, SO42 and OH) using Helgeson's electrostatic approach. Predominance diagrams (calculated for simple systems with these constants) suggest that, over a wide range of pH conditions, Zr(OH)4(aq) will dominate the aqueous geochemistry of Zr except under very high activities of competing ligands (e.g., F, SO42).The solubilities of vlasovite [Na2ZrSi4O11] and weloganite [Sr3Na2Zr(CO3)6·3H2O have been measured in KCI solutions (0.5–1.0 M) at 50°C. Weloganite dissolution is complicated by the predictable precipitation of strontianite (SrCO3) whereas vlasovite dissolves incongruently. Solubility products for the dissolution of welonganite and vlasovite are determined to be −28.96±0.14 and −20.40±1.18, respectively. Concentrations of Zr up to 10−3 m were present in the experimental solutions; the presence of large amounts of Zr in aqueous solutions support the possibility of extensive remobilization of Zr during hydrothermal mineralization.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of reduced sulfur species (RSS including H2S/HS, S0, electroactive FeS) and dissolved Fe(II) was studied in the anoxic water column of meromictic Lake Pavin. Sulfide concentrations were determined by two different analytical techniques, i.e. spectophotometry (methylene blue technique) and voltammetry (HMDE electrode). Total sulfide concentrations determined with methylene blue method (∑H2SMBRS) were in the range from 0.6 µM to 16.7 µM and were substantially higher than total reduced sulfur species (RSSV) concentrations determined by voltammetry, which ranged from 0.1 to 5.6 μM. The observed difference in the sulfide concentrations between the two methods can be assigned to the presence of FeS colloidal species.Dissolved Fe was high (> 1000 µM), whereas dissolved Mn was only 25 µM, in the anoxic water column. This indicates that Fe is the dominant metal involved in sulfur redox cycling and precipitation. Consequently, in the anoxic deep layer of Lake Pavin, “free” sulfide, H2S/HS, was low; and about 80% of total sulfide detected was in the electroactive FeS colloidal form. IAP calculations showed that the Lake Pavin water column is saturated with respect to FeSam phase. The upper part of monimolimnion layer is characterized by higher concentrations of S(0) (up to 3.4 µM) in comparison to the bottom of the lake. This behavior is probably influenced by sulfide oxidation with Fe(III) oxyhydroxide species.  相似文献   

Magnesium, potassium and calcium isotope compositions in terrestrial samples and refractory phases from primitive meteorites are determined using an ion microprobe. A thorough investigation of the different instrument parameters is carried out to ensure that conditions necessary for high mass resolution and high precision isotopic studies are adequately satisfied. The instrument can be tuned to achieve mass resolution (M/ΔM) of up to 10,000 (M≤60); it has a very good dynamic stability (ΔB/B≤10 ppm over durations of ≤40 minutes) and the counting system has an effective dead-time of ≤25 nsec and a dynamic background of ≤0·01 c/s. Reproducibility and precision of isotopic measurements are checked by analyzing magnesium and titanium isotopic compositions in terrestrial standards and isotopically doped silicate glasses. A precision of 2‰ (2σ m ) was achieved during magnesium isotopic analysis in samples with low Mg content (200 ppm). Results from studies of magnesium and potassium isotopic compositions in several Ca−Al-rich refractory inclusions (CAIs) from the primitive meteorites Efremovka and Grosnaja, representing some of the early solar system objects, are presented. The well-behaved Mg−Al isotopic systematics confirm the pristine nature of the Efremovka CAIs inferred earlier from petrographic and trace element studies. The Grosnaja CAIs that have experienced secondary alterations show disturbed magnesium isotopic systematics. Observation of excess26Mg in several of the analyzed CAIs confirms the presence of the now extinct26Al (t 1/2=7×105 years) in the solar nebula at the time of CAI formation. Our data also suggest a relatively uniform distribution of26Al in the solar nebula. Several Efremovka CAIs with excess26Mg also have excess41K resulting from the decay of41Ca (t 1/2≃105 years). This observation constrains the time interval between cessation of nucleosynthetic input to the solar nebula and the formation of some of the first solar system solids (CAIs) to less than a million years.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight samples of peat, peaty lignites and lignites (of both matrix and xylite-rich lithotypes) and subbituminous coals have been physically activated by pyrolysis. The results show that the surface area of the activated coal samples increases substantially and the higher the carbon content of the samples the higher the surface area.The adsorption capacity of the activated coals for NO, SO2, C3H6 and a mixture of light hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10) at various temperatures was measured on selected samples. The result shows a positive correlation between the surface area and the gas adsorption. In contrast, the gas adsorption is inversely correlated with the temperature. The maximum recorded adsorption values are: NO = 8.22 × 10− 5 mol/g at 35 °C; SO2 = 38.65 × 10− 5 mol/g at 60 °C; C3H6 = 38.9 × 10− 5 mol/g at 35 °C; and light hydrocarbons = 19.24 × 10− 5 mol/g at 35 °C. Adsorption of C3H6 cannot be correlated with either NO or SO2. However, there is a significant positive correlation between NO and SO2 adsorptions. The long chain hydrocarbons are preferentially adsorbed on activated lignites as compared to the short chain hydrocarbons.The results also suggest a positive correlation between surface area and the content of telohuminite maceral sub-group above the level of 45%.  相似文献   

Tunnel excavation at Äspö Island, Sweden, has caused severe groundwater disturbance, gradually extending deeper into the tunnel as present-day Baltic seawater intrudes through fractures connecting to the surface. However, the paleo-hydrogeochemical conditions have remained in the deep highly saline waters that have avoided mixing. A correlation has been observed between dissolved 4He concentration and Cl ion concentration, measured every two years from 1995 to 2001 at Äspö. Groundwater mixing conditions can be examined by the correlations between 1/Cl, 36Cl/Cl, and 3H concentrations. Subsurface production is responsible for the majority of the 36Cl and excess dissolved 4He of interstitial groundwater in fractures. The secular equilibrium ratio of 36Cl/Cl in rock was theoretically estimated to be (5.05 ± 0.82) × 10−14 based on the neutron flux intensity, a value comparable to the measured 36Cl/Cl ratio in rock and groundwater. The degassing crustal 4He flux was estimated to be 2.9 × 10−8  1.3 × 10−6 (ccSTP/cm2a) using the HTO diffusion coefficient for the Äspö diorite. The 4He accumulation rate ranges from 6.8 × 10−10 (for the in situ accumulation rate) to 7.0 × 10−9 (ccSTP/(gwater · a) considering both 4He in situ production and the degassing flux, assuming 4He is accumulated constantly in groundwater. By comparing the subsurface 36Cl increase with 4He concentrations in groundwater, the 4He accumulation rate was determined from data for groundwater arriving at the secular equilibrium of 36Cl/Cl. The 4He accumulation rate was found to be (1.83 ± 0.72) × 10−8 ccSTP/(gwater · a) without determining the magnitude of degassing 4He flux.  相似文献   

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