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根据《济南市破损山体专项整治实施方案》要求,槐荫区国土资源局积极行动,勇于创新,在较短的时间内落实了破损山体情况以及治理责任单位、资金投入和治理进度表,探索出了一条破损山体整治的新路子,破损山体治理成效明显,得到了济南市整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作领导小组办公室的充分肯定和高度评价。  相似文献   

2006年,济南市市中区认真贯彻落实全市城乡环境综合整治工作会议精神,根据《济南市破损山体专项整治实施方案》的总体部署,采取多项措施,确保辖区破损山体治理任务的完成。一是爆破整平,消除视觉污染。对山体破损面积较大,且无保留价值的山体,主要采取爆破整平的方法进行治理。二是垒石砌堰,植树绿化。对山体破损面积较大,且有保留价值的山体,采取消坡、排险,垒石砌堰植树绿化。三是彩绘置景,艺术处理。针对破损面陡峭、立面平整的破损山体,采取彩绘置景的方法进行艺术处理,使其与周边环境相协调,从而消除人们的视觉污染。四是项目捆绑,开发…  相似文献   

蒙阴县京沪高速公路沿线破损山体治理方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
蒙阴县以科学发展观为指导,结合当地实际,积极探索破损山体治理模式,对京沪高速公路沿线破损山体进行了综合治理,取得了较好的治理效果。该文详细介绍了植生穴绿化技术、植生盆绿化技术和雕刻美化治理技术在蒙阴县京沪高速公路沿线破损山体治理中的应用,以及生态修复技术在日后养护中的注意事项,并探讨了治理工程产生的环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

济南高新区的破损山体治理任务涉及5个山头126万m2破损山体的治理,主要分布在经十东路和旅游路奥体中心附近.十一届全运会2009年10月在济南召开,按照省、市委的要求,2007年6月份,济南高新区拉开了整治破损山体的工作序幕.  相似文献   

枣庄市山体资源丰富,矿产资源开发利用程度较高。资源开发利用在很长时期内促进了枣庄市经济的快速发展,但也遗留了很多地质环境问题。本文总结了枣庄市破损山体调查工作技术方法,根据调查成果和现行的枣庄市矿山地质环境保护和治理规划,系统分析了全市破损山体的分布特征及存在的地质环境问题。综合参考全市"生态红线"划定成果、破损山体与"三区两线"可视范围位置关系,根据估算的破损山体可供开采资源量,提出了全市破损山体的生态修复模式建议。  相似文献   

济南破损山体概况及生态修复技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市破损山体不仅造成了大量陡坡岩面裸露,恶化了城市自然生态环境,而且还带来了坍塌、滑坡等安全隐患,是城市建设发展中亟待解决的问题。该文首先对济南城市破损山体现状及修复情况进行了调查分析,结合破损山体具体的生态修复工程实例,较详细总结研究了破损山体生态修复的技术和方法。经过几年的生态修复建设与养护管理,济南破损山体的生态景观功能得到了极大的恢复提升,该文筛选总结出的台地续坡式等治理方式及挂网喷播等生态修复技术,可为类似破损山体的生态修复提供借鉴。  相似文献   

日前,记者从辽宁省国土资源厅获悉,该厅对今后5年矿山地质环境治理工作做出了全面部署。到2017年,全省将治理矿山3459个,资金投入230.1亿元,治理总面积456.3平方公里。2013年度重点要对高速公路和铁路两侧矿山及破损山体进行治理。"青山工程"是辽宁省委省政府2009年提出的一项重大生态工程和民生工程。主要是通过矿山生态治理等强有力的措施,对因开发建设活动造成的已破损山体进行植被恢复治理,对未破损山体实施  相似文献   

因20世纪末,山石资源无序开采,济南市周边形成了多个破损山体,破坏了原始的地形地貌景观,形成较严重的安全隐患。面对传统的削坡、续坡、覆土绿化等治理手段存在无法实现破损面的全绿化、复绿周期过长、工期较长等诸多不利因素,结合章丘文霄石料厂治理工程特点,详细介绍了团粒喷播技术的技术方法、质量要求、工艺流程、施工材料及养护管理、取得的效果及与传统治理手段的优势等,解决了传统治理手段不能解决的诸多难题,取得了较好的治理效果,为同类型开展山体治理提供新的治理思路。  相似文献   

蒙阴县汇泉峪地区石灰石资源开采历史悠久,过去粗放式开采造成山体及周边土地破损、占压严重,矿山废弃多年未得到有效治理。为消除破损山体视觉污染、地质灾害隐患,减少山体周边水土流失,实施了废弃矿山综合生态修复工程。通过矿区基础地质调查和现状测绘,综合分析了废弃矿山开采现状和矿山地质环境问题,结合建筑边坡、结构设计等建筑方面的相关要求,深入分析矿区地质条件、采石立面岩体特性和周边基础设施情况,详细介绍了桩板式挡土墙后覆土绿化的采石面治理方式,分析了综合治理模式的成效和适用条件,为露天开采矿山综合治理提供了参考。  相似文献   

济南11月28日,由山东省10余家媒体组成的齐鲁环保世纪行采访团第一站到达平阴县,就该县公路筘线损毁山体治理情况进行调查采访。目前,平阴县已开工治理破损山体9个,完成平面治理面积56.87万平方米,立面30.29万平方米。采访团此次行动重点对山东省公路沿线损毁山体治理情况进行调查,为此山东省委、省政府要求到2007年山东矿山生态治理率必须达到55%以上,城市周边和高速公路、铁路两侧可视范围内治理率必须达到70%以上。  相似文献   

山体基面高度的提取方法 ——以台湾岛为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 山体基面高度的差异影响山体自身对其水热条件的再分配,进而影响山地垂直带谱的结构和分布,是决定垂直带分布高度的重要因子之一。目前,山体基面高度还没有一个准确科学的定义,也缺乏一个有效的数字化、定量化提取方法。本文以台湾岛为例,使用30m分辨率的ASTER GDEM数据,提出了一种提取山体基面高度的方法。首先,以地形特征与水文特征提取方法获得主山脊线与主山谷线,然后,以地形地貌单元自动提取方法获得山体轮廓界线,再依据提取出的主山脊线、山体轮廓界线及主山谷线,划分山体基面高度分区,依据山体基面分布特征确定各分区的基面高度值,将台湾山地划分出6个不同的山体基面高度(0m、150m、 200m、 600m、630m和650m)。该方法为大范围山体基面高度的快速、准确提取,以及山体效应定量化研究提供了重要的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Local temperature changes in mountain areas are significantly affected by the uplifted mountain terrains. Understanding how temperature increase with mountain terrains is an important component in accurately modeling the spatial distribution of temperature. The study, after minimizing the effect of elevation and latitude, quantitatively simulated the temperature increase in the uplifted mountain terrains, described the characteristics in the spatial distribution of warming areas with different magnitudes, and identified the correlated indices of mountain bodies for warming. Selecting Yunnan Province in southwest China as the study area, we simulated the warming field on a baseline surface at the average elevation of 2000 m and average latitude of 24.96°. The results indicated that the warming magnitudes in different local areas varied with the change in the spatial locations, and the warming process concentrated in the mountainous regions. Throughout the entire study area, the warming field presented a general pattern of three terraces from the regions of high mountains to middle mountains and then low mountains. The areasof high warming magnitude mainly surrounded large mountain bodies and were distributed on the upper part. The areas of low warming magnitude clustered in the valleys and basins of the middle mountain region, mostly on the lower part of the large mountain bodies and its branches. The areas with zero warming magnitude occurred in the low mountains and broad valleys, which were distributed largely on the lower parts of the middle mountains and in most of the valleys. Quantified sampling analysis demonstrated good positive correlation between the warming magnitudes in uplifted mountain terrains and the volume index of the mountain body, as well as elevation difference, with the coefficients corresponding to 0.82 and 0.91, respectively.  相似文献   

Mountainous areas have been long recognized as particularly important for the planet and sustainable mountain development is a global priority. In order to improve the socioeconomic development perspectives of mountain societies, efficient and well-targeted energy strategies should be formed. An important step towards this direction is adequate understanding of local conditions and specific features that affect energy sector. This procedure allows the inclusion of "locality" in energy planning and so, decentralized energy production is facilitated. The present study attempts to determine the particular energy identity of mountainous areas. Greece, which is the second most mountainous country in the EU, has been selected as a case study. Essential features of the mountainous space have been selected, namely altitude, inclination, remoteness, lack of productive activities, old buildings/vernacular architecture, in order to explore their interrelation with the energy sector. Based on literature review and research findings the interaction between mountainous character and energy is outlined. Therefore, a framework of the characteristics of mountain energy identity is composed, which can provide support to the formation of specialized energy policy for mountainous areas. Some of the main findings of the present study include the significantly increased energy loads of mountainous areas, the abundance of renewable energy potential in high – altitude areas, the vulnerability of mountain societies to energy poverty and the difficulties in sitting energy projects in the restricted usable space of mountains. Since the literature regarding mountains and energy is rather poor the present paper aspires to be a step towards highlighting the importance of energy issues for mountain areas and societies. By determining the features of mountain energy identity energy planning in high – altitude areas and so, helping make energy planning more effective, such research works can be parts of sustainable development strategies for mountainous areas.  相似文献   

矿山生态地质环境恢复治理是生态文明建设的环境基础。该文在介绍莱芜市石棚地区的地质、水文特征的基础上,对损毁山体的地质环境现状和存在危害进行了分析,提出了矿山生态地质环境恢复治理的生态、工程措施,实现了生态、社会、经济三大效益的协调发展。  相似文献   

To protect and promote the originality and authenticity of mountain foodstuffs, the European Union set Regulation No 1151/2012 to create the optional quality term "mountain product". Our research aimed at exploring the attractiveness of the mountain product label for consumers, considering both attitude towards the label itself and purchase intentions. We propose a model to investigate relationships between four latent constructs-mountain attractiveness, mountain food attractiveness, attitude towards the mountain product label, and purchase intention-which have been tested, thus confirming the statistical relevance of the relationships. All 47 items selected for describing the latent constructs are suitable for this purpose. Ridge and LASSO results also show that 17 items of the first three constructs are relevant in explaining purchase intentions. Some contextual variables, such as age, income, geographical origin of consumers, and knowledge of mountain products and mountains for tourism purposes, can positively influence consumers' behavior. These findings could support the design of mountain development strategies, in particular marketing actions for both the product and the territory.  相似文献   

济南燕翅山铁矿已闭坑多年,遗留大量的采空区潜在地面塌陷、山体崩塌及裂缝隐患,对当地人民群众生命财产安全构成威胁。该文对采空区稳定性进行了分析计算,并根据研究区实际,提出了主要地质灾害治理方法和措施建议。  相似文献   

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