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Over the last decade, a significant research effort has focused on determining the feasibility of sequestering large amounts of CO2 in deep, permeable geologic formations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Most models indicate that injection of CO2 into deep sedimentary formations will lead to the formation of various carbonate minerals, including the common phases calcite (CaCO3), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), magnesite (MgCO3), siderite (FeCO3), as well as the far less common mineral, dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2). Nevertheless, the equilibrium and kinetics that control the precipitation of stable carbonate minerals are poorly understood and few experiments have been performed to validate computer codes that model CO2 sequestration.In order to reduce this uncertainty we measured the solubility of synthetic dawsonite according to the equilibrium: , from under- and oversaturated solutions at 50-200 °C in basic media at 1.0 mol · kg−1 NaCl. The solubility products (Qs) obtained were extrapolated to infinite dilution to obtain the solubility constants (. Combining the fit of these values and fixing  at 25 °C, which was derived from the calorimetric data of Ferrante et al. [Ferrante, M.J., Stuve, J.M., and Richardson, D.W., 1976. Thermodynamic data for synthetic dawsonite. U.S. Bureau of Mines Report Investigation, 8129, Washington, D.C., 13p.], the following thermodynamic parameters for the dissolution of dawsonite were calculated at 25 °C: , and . Subsequently, we were able to derive values for the Gibbs energy of formation (, enthalpy of formation ( and entropy ( of dawsonite. These results are within the combined experimental uncertainties of the values reported by Ferrante et al. (1976). Predominance diagrams are presented for the dawsonite/boehmite and dawsonite/bayerite equilibria at 100 °C in the presence of a saline solution with and without silica-containing minerals.  相似文献   

Chloride complexation of Cu+ controls the solubility of copper(I) oxide and sulfide ore minerals in hydrothermal and diagenetic fluids. Solubility measurements and optical spectra of high temperature CuCl solutions have been interpreted as indicating the formation of CuCl, , and complexes. However, no other monovalent cation forms tri- and tetrachloro complexes. EXAFS spectra of high temperature Cu-Cl solutions, moreover, appear to show only CuCl and complexes at T > 100 °C. To reconcile these results, I investigated the nature and stability of Cu-Cl complexes using ab initio cluster calculations and ab initio (Car-Parrinello) molecular dynamics simulations for CuCl-NaCl-H2O systems at 25 to 450 °C. Ab initio molecular dynamic simulations of 1 m CuCl in a 4 m Cl solution give a stable complex at 25 °C over 4 ps but show that the third Cl is weakly bound. When the temperature is increased along the liquid-vapour saturation curve to 125 °C, the complex dissociates into and Cl; only forms at 325 °C and 1 kbar. Even in a 15.6 m Cl brine at 450 °C, only the complex forms over a 4 ps simulation run.Cluster calculations with a static dielectric continuum solvation field (COSMO) were used in an attempt directly estimate free energies of complex formation in aqueous solution. Consistent with the MD simulations, the complex is slightly stable at 25 °C but decreases in stability with decreasing dielectric constant (ε). The complex is predicted to be unstable at 25 °C and becomes increasingly unstable with decreasing dielectric constant. In hydrothermal fluids (ε < 30) both the and complexes are unstable to dissociation into and Cl.The results obtained here are at odds with recent equations of state that predict and complexes are the predominant species in hydrothermal brines. In contrast, I predict that only complexes will be significant at T > 125 °C, even in NaCl-saturated brines. The high-temperature (T > 125 °C) optical spectra of CuCl solutions and solubility measurements of Cu minerals in Cl-brines need to be reinterpreted in terms of only the CuCl and complexes.  相似文献   

A model is developed for the calculation of coupled phase and aqueous species equilibrium in the H2O-CO2-NaCl-CaCO3 system from 0 to 250 °C, 1 to 1000 bar with NaCl concentrations up to saturation of halite. The vapor-liquid-solid (calcite, halite) equilibrium together with the chemical equilibrium of H+, Na+, Ca2+, , Ca(OH)+, OH, Cl, , , CO2(aq) and CaCO3(aq) in the aqueous liquid phase as a function of temperature, pressure, NaCl concentrations, CO2(aq) concentrations can be calculated, with accuracy close to those of experiments in the stated T-P-m range, hence calcite solubility, CO2 gas solubility, alkalinity and pH values can be accurately calculated. The merit and advantage of this model is its predictability, the model was generally not constructed by fitting experimental data.One of the focuses of this study is to predict calcite solubility, with accuracy consistent with the works in previous experimental studies. The resulted model reproduces the following: (1) as temperature increases, the calcite solubility decreases. For example, when temperature increases from 273 to 373 K, calcite solubility decreases by about 50%; (2) with the increase of pressure, calcite solubility increases. For example, at 373 K changing pressure from 10 to 500 bar may increase calcite solubility by as much as 30%; (3) dissolved CO2 can increase calcite solubility substantially; (4) increasing concentration of NaCl up to 2 m will increase calcite solubility, but further increasing NaCl solubility beyond 2 m will decrease its solubility.The functionality of pH value, alkalinity, CO2 gas solubility, and the concentrations of many aqueous species with temperature, pressure and NaCl(aq) concentrations can be found from the application of this model. Online calculation is made available on www.geochem-model.org/models/h2o_co2_nacl_caco3/calc.php.  相似文献   

The concentration and distribution of Pt and Au in a fluid-melt system has been investigated by reacting the metals with S-free, single-phase aqueous brines (20, 50, 70 wt% eq. NaCl) ± peraluminous melt at a confining pressure of 1.5 kbar and temperatures of 600 to 800 °C, trapping the fluid in synthetic fluid inclusions (quartz-hosted) and vesicles (silicate melt-hosted), and quantifying the metal content of the trapped fluid and glass by laser ablation ICP-MS. HCl concentration was buffered using the assemblage albite-andalusite-quartz and fO2 was buffered using the assemblage Ni-NiO. Over the range of experimental conditions, measured concentrations of Pt and Au in the brines (, ) are on on the order of 1-103 ppm. Concentrations of Pt and Au in the melt (, ) are ∼35-100 ppb and ∼400-1200 ppb, respectively. Nernst partition coefficients (, ) are on the order of 102-103 and vary as a function of (non-Henry’s Law behavior). Trapped fluids show a significant range of metal concentrations within populations of inclusions from single experiments (∼ 1 log unit variability for Au; ∼2-3 log unit variability for Pt). Variability in metal concentration within single inclusion groups is attributed to premature brine entrapment (prior to metal-fluid-melt equilibrium being reached); this allows us to make only minimum estimates of metal solubility using metal concentrations from primary inclusions. The data show two trends: (i) maximum and average values of and in inclusions decrease ∼2 orders of magnitude as fluid salinity () increases from ∼4 to 40 molal (20 to 70 wt % eq. NaCl) at a constant temperature; (ii) maximum and average values of increase approximately 1 order of magnitude for every 100°C increase temperature at a fixed . The observed behavior may be described by the general expression:

Copper partitioning in a melt-vapor-brine-magnetite-pyrrhotite assemblage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of sulfur on the partitioning of Cu in a melt-vapor-brine ± magnetite ± pyrrhotite assemblage has been quantified at 800 °C, 140 MPa, fO2 = nickel-nickel oxide (NNO), logfS2=-3.0 (i.e., on the magnetite-pyrrhotite curve at NNO), logfH2S=-1.3 and logfSO2=-1. All experiments were vapor + brine saturated. Vapor and brine fluid inclusions were trapped in silicate glass and self-healed quartz fractures. Vapor and brine are dominated by NaCl, KCl and HCl in the S-free runs and NaCl, KCl and FeCl2 in S-bearing runs. Pyrrhotite served as the source of sulfur in S-bearing experiments. The composition of fluid inclusions, glass and crystals were quantified by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Major element, chlorine and sulfur concentrations in glass were quantified by using electron probe microanalysis. Calculated Nernst-type partition coefficients (±2σ) for Cu between melt-vapor, melt-brine and vapor-brine are , , and , respectively, in the S-free system. The partition coefficients (±2σ) for Cu between melt-vapor, melt-brine and vapor-brine are , , and , respectively, in the S-bearing system. Apparent equilibrium constants (±1σ) describing Cu and Na exchange between vapor and melt and brine and melt were also calculated. The values of are 34 ± 21 and 128 ± 29 in the S-free and S-bearing runs, respectively. The values of are 33 ± 22 and60 ± 5 in the S-free and S-bearing runs, respectively. The data presented here indicate that the presence of sulfur increases the mass transfer of Cu into vapor from silicate melt. Further, the nearly threefold increase in suggests that Cu may be transported as both a chloride and sulfide complex in magmatic vapor, in agreement with hypotheses based on data from natural systems. Most significantly, the data demonstrate that the presence of sulfur enhances the partitioning of Cu from melt into magmatic volatile phases.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of aqueous solutions of Li2SO4 and K2SO4 have been measured at 523-673 K at 20-29 MPa in dilute solutions for molalities up to 2 × 10−2 mol kg−1. These conductivities have been fitted to the conductance equation of Turq, Blum, Bernard, and Kunz with a consensus mixing rule and mean spherical approximation activity coefficients. In the temperature interval 523-653 K, where the dielectric constant, ε, is greater than 14, the electrical conductance data can be fitted by a solution model which includes ion association to form , , and , where M is Li or K. The adjustable parameters of this model are the first and second dissociation constants of the M2SO4. For the 673 K and 300 kg m−3 state point where the Coulomb interactions are the strongest (dielectric constant, ε = 5), models with more extensive association give good fits to the data. In the case of the Li2SO4 model, including the multi-ion associate, , gave an extremely good fit to the conductance data.  相似文献   

The influence on olivine/melt transition metal (Mn, Co, Ni) partitioning of substitution in the tetrahedral network of silicate melt structure has been examined at ambient pressure in the 1450-1550 °C temperature range. Experiments were conducted in the systems NaAlSiO4-Mg2SiO4- SiO2 and CaAl2Si2O8-Mg2SiO4-SiO2 with about 1 wt% each of MnO, CoO, and NiO added. These compositions were used to evaluate how, in silicate melts, substitution and ionization potential of charge-balancing cations affect activity-composition relations in silicate melts and mineral/melt partitioning.The exchange equilibrium coefficient, , is a positive and linear function of melt Al/(Al + Si) at constant degree of melt polymerization, NBO/T. The is negatively correlated with the ionic radius, r, of the M-cation and also with the ionization potential (Z/r2, Z = electrical charge) of the cation that serves to charge-balance Al3+ in tetrahedral coordination in the melts. The activity coefficient ratio, (γM/γMg)melt, is therefore similarly correlated.These melt composition relationships are governed by the distribution of Al3+ among coexisting Q-species in the peralkaline (depolymerized) melts coexisting with olivine. This distribution controls Q-speciation abundance, which, in turn, controls (γM/γMg)melt and . The relations between melt structure and olivine/melt partitioning behavior lead to the suggestion that in natural magmatic systems mineral/melt partition coefficients are more dependent on melt composition and, therefore, melt structure the more alkali-rich and the more felsic the melt. Moreover, mineral/melt partition coefficients are more sensitive to melt composition the more highly charged or the smaller the ionic radius of the cation of interest.  相似文献   

The stability of yttrium-acetate (Y-Ac) complexes in aqueous solution was determined potentiometrically at temperatures 25-175 °C (at Ps) and pressures 1-1000 bar (at 25 and 75 °C). Measurements were performed using glass H+-selective electrodes in potentiometric cells with a liquid junction. The species YAc2+ and were found to dominate yttrium aqueous speciation in experimental solutions at 25-100 °C (log [Ac] < −1.5, pH < 5.2), whereas at 125, 150 and 175 °C introduction of into the Y-Ac speciation model was necessary. The overall stability constants βn were determined for the reaction

Ammoniojarosite [(NH4,H3O)Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2], a poorly soluble basic ferric sulfate, was produced by microbiological oxidation of ferrous sulfate at pH 2.0-3.0 over a range of concentrations (5.4-805 mM) and temperatures (22-65 °C). Ammoniojarosites were also produced by chemical (abiotic) procedures in parallel thermal (36-95 °C) experiments. At 36 °C, schwertmannite [ideally Fe8O8(OH)6(SO4)] was the only solid product formed at <10 mM concentrations. Between 11.5 and 85.4 mM , a mixed product of ammoniojarosite and schwertmannite precipitated, as identified by X-ray diffraction. In excess of 165 mM , ammoniojarosite was the only solid phase produced. An increase in the incubation temperature using thermoacidophiles at 45 and 65 °C accelerated the formation of ammoniojarosite in culture solutions containing 165 mM . Both the biogenic and chemical ammoniojarosites were yellow (2Y-4Y in Munsell hue), low surface area (<1 m2/g), well crystalline materials with average co and ao unit cell parameters of 17.467 ± 0.048 Å and 7.330 ± 0.006 Å, respectively. Strong positive correlations were observed between unit cell axial ratios (co/ao) and increasing synthesis temperature in both biotic and abiotic systems. All samples were N deficient compared to stoichiometric ammoniojarosite, and both chemical and X-ray data indicated partial replacement of by H3O+ to form solid solutions with 0.14-0.24 mole H3O+ per formula unit. The morphology of the biogenic jarosites included aggregated discs, pseudo-cubic crystals and botryoidal particles, whereas the chemical specimens prepared at 36-95 °C were composed of irregular crystals with angular edges. Morphological information may thus be useful to evaluate environmental parameters and mode of formation. The data may also have application in predicting phase boundary conditions for Fe(III) precipitation in biogeochemical processes and treatment systems involving acid sulfate waters.  相似文献   

The transport and deposition of copper in saline hydrothermal fluids are controlled by the stability of copper(I) complexes with ligands such as chloride. Despite their role in the formation of most hydrothermal copper deposits, the nature and stability of Cu(I) chloride complexes in highly saline brines remains controversial. We present new X-ray absorption data (P = 600 bar, T = 25-400 °C, salinity up to 17.2 m Cl), which indicate that the linear (x = 1, 2) complexes are stable up to supercritical conditions. Distorted trigonal planar complexes predominate at room temperature and at high salinity (>3 m LiCl): subtle changes in the XANES spectrum with increasing salinity may reflect geometric distortions of this complex. Similar changes were observed in UV-Vis data [Liu, W., Brugger, J., McPhail, D.C., Spiccia, L., 2002. A spectrophotometric study of aqueous copper(I) chloride complexes in LiCl solutions between 100 °C and 250 °C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta66, 3615-3633], and were erroneously interpreted as a new species, . Our XAS data and ab-initio XANES calculations show that this tetrahedral species is not present to any significant degree in our solutions. The stability of the complexe decreases with increasing temperature; under supercritical conditions and in brines under magmatic-hydrothermal conditions (e.g., 15.58 m Cl, 400 °C, 600 bar), only the linear Cu(I) chloride complexes were observed. This result and the instability of the complex are also consistent with the recent ab-initio molecular dynamic calculations of Sherman [Sherman D. M.(2007) Complexation of Cu+ in hydrothermal NaCl brines: ab-initio molecular dynamics and energetics. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 714-722]. This study illustrates the power of the quantitative nature of XANES and EXAFS measurements for deciphering the speciation of weak transition metal complexes up to magmatic-hydrothermal conditions.The systematic XANES data are used to retrieve the formation constant for at 150 °C, which is in good agreement with the reinterpretation of the UV-Vis data of Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2002). At high temperatures (?400 °C), the solubility of chalcopyrite in equilibrium with hematite-magnetite-pyrite and K-feldspar-muscovite-quartz calculated with the new properties is lower than that calculated using the previous model, and the calculated solubilities are at the lower end of the range of values measured in brine inclusions from porphyry copper systems.  相似文献   

The influence of solution complexation on the sorption of yttrium and the rare earth elements (YREEs) by amorphous ferric hydroxide was investigated at 25 °C over a range of pH (4.0-7.1) and carbonate concentrations . Distribution coefficients, defined as , where [MSi]T is the total concentration of sorbed YREE, MT is the total YREE concentration in solution, and [Si] is the concentration of amorphous ferric hydroxide, initially increased in magnitude with increasing carbonate concentration, and then decreased. The initial increase of is due to sorption of YREE carbonate complexes , in addition to sorption of free YREE ions (M3+). The subsequent decrease of , which is more extensive for the heavy REEs, is due to the increasing intensity of YREE solution complexation by carbonate ions. The competition for YREEs between solution complexation and surface complexation was modeled via the equation:

Four or five sets of ab initio models, including Unrestricted Hartree Fock (UHF) and hybrid Density Functional Theory (DFT) are calculated for each species in a series of aqueous ferric aquo-chloro complexes: , , , FeCl3(H2O)3, FeCl3(H2O)2, , FeCl5H2O2−, , ) in order to determine the relative isotopic fractionation among the complexes, to compare the results of different models for the same complexes, to examine factors that influence the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation, and to compare bond-partner-driven fractionation with redox-driven fractionation.Relative to , all models show a nearly linear decrease in 56Fe/54Fe as the number of Cl ions per Fe3+ ion increases, with slopes of −0.8‰ to −1.0‰ per Cl at 20 °C. At 20 °C, 1000 ln β (β = 56Fe/54Fe reduced partition function ratio relative to a dissociated Fe atom) values range from 8.93‰ to 9.73‰ for , 8.04-9.12‰ for , 7.61-8.73‰ for , 7.14-8.25‰ for , and 3.09-4.41‰ for . The fractionation between and ranges from 1.5‰ to 2.6‰, depending on the model; this is comparable in magnitude to fractionation effects due to Fe3+/Fe2+ redox reactions. β values from the UHF models are consistently higher than those from the hybrid DFT models.Isotopic fractionation is shown to be sensitive to differences in ligand bond stiffness (above), coordination number, bond length, and the frequency of the asymmetric Fe-X stretching vibrational mode, as predicted by previous theoretical studies. Complexes with smaller coordination numbers have higher 1000 ln β (7.46‰, 5.25‰, and 3.48‰ for , ,, respectively, from the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). Species with the same number of chlorides but fewer waters also show the effect of coordination number on 1000 ln β: (7.46‰ vs. 7.05‰ for FeCl3(H2O)2 vs. FeCl3(H2O)3 and 5.25‰ vs. 4.94‰ for vs. FeCl5H2O2− with the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). As more Fe-Cl bonds substitute for Fe-OH2 bonds (with a resulting decrease in β), the lengths of the Fe-Cl bonds and the Fe-O bonds increase.Preliminary modeling of shows an Fe3+/Fe2+ fractionation of 3.2‰ for the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model, in agreement with previous studies. The addition of an explicit outer hydration sphere of 12 H2O molecules to models of improves agreement with measured vibrational frequencies and bond lengths; 1000 ln β increases by 0.8-1.0‰. An additional hydration sphere around increases 1000 ln β by only 0.1‰.Isotopic fractionations predicted for this simple system imply that ligands present in an aqueous iron environment are potentially important drivers of fractionation, and suggest that significant fractionation effects are likely in other aqueous systems containing sulfides or organic ligands. Fractionation effects due to both speciation and redox must be considered when interpreting iron isotope fractionations in the geological record.  相似文献   

Comparative concentrations of carbonate and hydroxide complexes in natural solutions can be expressed in terms of reactions with bicarbonate that have no explicit pH dependence (). Stability constants for this reaction with n = 1 were determined using conventional formation constant data expressed in terms of hydroxide and carbonate. Available data indicate that stability constants appropriate to seawater at 25 °C expressed in the form are on the order of 104.2 for a wide range of cations (Mz+) with z = +1, +2 and +3. Φ1 is sufficiently large that species appear to substantially dominate MOHz−1 species in seawater. Evaluations of comparative stepwise carbonate and hydroxide stability constant behavior leading to the formation of n = 2 and n = 3 complexes suggest that carbonate complexes generally dominate hydroxide complexes in seawater, even for cations whose inorganic speciation schemes in seawater are currently presumed to be strongly dominated by hydrolyzed forms (). Calculated stability constants, and , indicate that the importance of carbonate complexation is sufficiently large that carbonate and hydroxide complexes would be generally comparable even if calculated Φ2 and Φ3 values are overestimated by two or more orders of magnitude. Inclusion of mixed ligand species in carbonate-hydroxide speciation models allows cation complexation intensities (MT/[Mz+]) to be expressed in the following form:

The solubility of ZnS(cr) was measured at 100 °C, 150 bars in sulfide solutions as a function of sulfur concentration (m(Stotal) = 0.02-0.15) and acidity (pHt = 2-11). The experiments were conducted using a Ti flow-through hydrothermal reactor enabling the sampling of large volumes of solutions at experimental conditions, with the subsequent concentration and determination of trace quantities of Zn. Prior to the experiments, a long-term in situ conditioning of the solid phase was performed in order to attain the reproducible Zn concentrations (i.e. solubilities). The ZnS(cr) solubility product was monitored in the course of the experiment. The following species were found to account for Zn speciation in solution: Zn2+ (pHt < 3), (pHt 3-4.5), (pHt 5-8), and ZnS(HS) (pHt > 8) (pHt predominance regions are given for m(Stotal) = 0.1). Solubility data collected in this study at pHt > 3 were combined with the ZnS(cr) solubility product determined at lower pH to yield the following equilibrium constants (t = 100 °C, P = 150 bars):

We investigated relationships between sedimentary solvent-extractable long-chain alkenone (LCA) concentration and composition and environmental factors in a suite of endorheic lakes from inland Spain. LCAs were found in 14 of the 54 lakes examined, with concentrations comparable with those from previously published lacustrine settings. The composition of LCAs in our sites, however, contrast from the majority of those previously reported from lake environments; in our study the tri-unsaturated component is the most abundant component at most sites where LCAs are detected, and C38:3 is the most abundant LCA in the majority of sites. LCA occurrence appears to be restricted to brackish-hypersaline sites and C37 LCAs are absent above a salinity of ∼40 g L−1 suggesting a salinity control on LCA-producing organisms in these sites. Low concentrations of C37 LCA components means and temperature indices are generally not applicable. Instead we find good relationships between C38 components and (in particular mean autumn) temperature and the strongest LCA-temperature relationships are found when using a combination of all C37 and C38 compounds. We propose a new alkenone temperature index for lakes with elevated salinity and where the C38 components dominate the LCA distributions. This is expressed as (r2 = 0.80, n = 13). In this paper, we provide the first account of sedimentary LCA distributions from lakes in inland Spain, extending the range of environments within which these compounds have been found and highlighting their significance as indicators of both salinity and temperature in saline, endorheic lake environments. This has important implications for extending the potential role of LCAs as palaeoclimatic indicators in lacustrine environments.  相似文献   

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