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As seedling culture is a crucial factor for successful cultivation ofGelidium, the authors researched tissue culture technology for producing seedlings. The morphogeny and experimental ecology were observed and studied fully in 2–5 mm isolated tissue fragments. Regeneration, appearance of branching creepers and attaching structure and new erect seedlings production and development were studied. Fragments were sown on bamboo slice and vinylon rope. The seedlings were cultured 20–30 days indoor, then cultured in the sea, where the density of erect seedlings was 3–19 seedlings/cm2, growth rate was 3.84% day. The frond arising from seedlings directly was up to 10 cm per year. The ecological conditions for regenerated seedlings are similar to the natural ones. The regenerated seedlings are suitable for raft culture in various sea areas.  相似文献   

Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders is one of common kelps distributed in many coastal areas worldwide; however, in China, no reports have been made on cultivation of the genus. To investigate potential cultivation of the species in the northern part of China, trials on isolation and preservation of the gametophytes were conducted using C. costata from Korea; growth and development of the gametophytes were observed. We showed that at 10±1°C, 60 μmol m−2s−1 and 12:12 h (L:D), freshly released zoospores settled down within 1 hour, and then developed into the primary cell during the following 2 days. After a vegetative growth phase lasting 6–8 days, female gametophytes became 3–4 times larger in diameter than that of the primary cell, but still remained at a unicellular stage, while male gametophytes divided into 4–10 cells with only a slight change in size. Fertilization occurred within 10 days after the zoospores were released from the sporangia, and the apical and basal tissues of the juvenile sporophyte divided and differentiated into the blade and stipe. Temperature and irradiance influenced gametophytic vegetative growth and developmental patterns. Generally, low irradiance (15 μmol m−2s−1 and 30 μmol m−2s−1) was unfavorable to the induction of fertility, but it enhanced female gametophyte division. The optimal conditions for vegetative growth were 15°C and 30 μmol m−2s−1. After transplantation of the juvenile seedlings and after eight months cultivation, the harvested mature blade reached 194 cm in length and 32.7 cm in width. Our study proves that it is feasible to implement propagation and large scale cultivation of C. costata in northern China.  相似文献   

Isolated protoplasts from thalli ofPorphyra haitanensis andPorphyra yezoensis were treated with colchicine or irradiated by ultraviolet (UV). Several types of color variants were observed among the protoplast offspring. After treatment with colchicine: (1) 0.04–0.09% of red type variants inP. haitanensis were obtained; (2) The rate of red type variants and the variegated chimeral thalli composed of red type and wild type of sectors were 0.31–1.11% inP. yezoensis. After irradiation with UV: (1) 3.5–10.5% of red type variants inP. yezoensis were obtained: (2) 0.5–2.0% of red type variants and the variegated chimeral thalli composed of red type and wild type of sectors were obtained inP. haitanensis. Colchicine and UV’s mutangenic effects onP. yezoensis protoplasts were stronger than those onP. haitanensis protoplasts. The most efficient concentration of colchicine was 0.05%. The optimal length of UV-radiation was 1/2 min (radiation distance 5 cm). The red type variants induced by colchicine treatment grew faster than the wild type thalli. The clones of vegetative propagation from protoplasts of red type variants were still red type thalli. The red type variants will be good materials for genetic studies and improvement ofPorphyra strains.  相似文献   

When cultured under certain environmental conditions (25°C, light intensity 80 μmol/m2·s, LD 12/12, in enriched seawater medium with 7×10−4 mol/L NO3−N, 1.56×10−4 mol/L, PO4−P and supplements of other elements like Mn, Fe, I, etc.), male and female gametophytes ofU. pinnatifida kept growing vegetatively and propagated fast at average daily fresh weight increase rate of about 20%. The empirical formulaG m=G o·3m was established to estimate the output of vegetative gametophytes. Vigorous vegetative gametophyte cells began to form reproductive structures (oogonium and spermatangium, when the temperature was lower than 25°C and other environmental factors were kept optimal. The sufficient supply of gametophyte cells provided enough seeds for raisingUndaria sporelings on production scale. Controlled cross-breeding experiments using selected male and female gametophyte clones which increase their cell number by mitosis instead of meiosis were also carried out in vitro. Juvenile sporophytes from the cross-breeding had almost the same length and width increase rates as those of the control. The fact that vegetative gametophytes can be purposely selected, propagated quickly, cross-bred, with the resulting sporophytes having almost the same characteristics leads to a new way to select desiredUndaria strains for long time use without losing the desired economic characteristics. Contribution No. 2696 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

A filamentous clone of Polysiphonia urceolata was regenerated from segments cut from the fronds of gametophytes. Unlike wild thalli with short virgate branchlets, the clone was filamentous with few branches. Many transparent trichoblasts arose from pericentral cells during the induction culture, but these were seldom observed during normal growth. The trichoblasts were uniseriate, often colorless, and formed lobed rhizoids rapidly when they came into contact with solid substrates. In addition to morphological characteristics, the photosynthetic properties and growth conditions of the clone differed from those of the mother plant. Cross-gradient light and temperature culture experiments revealed that the most favorable conditions for culture of the filamentous clone were 22°C and 95-120 μE/(m2-s) light intensity. The photosynthetic light saturation value for filaments was approx. 100 μE/(m2-s), which is far lower than that of wild thalli. These results could be used to develop techniques for mass cultures of P. urceolata in photobioreactors for production of seed stock or bioactive products.  相似文献   

Free-living conchocelis ofPorphyra yezoensis Ueda (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) were treated with60Co-γ rays of different doses (ranging from 100 Gy to 1000 Gy) to induce mutation. Most of the conchocelis maintained the capability of penetrating into shells, growing and forming colonies in shells, but their vitality was seriously impaired by the irradiation of γ-rays. A few conchocelis pigments were mutagenized directly into different color pigment mutants whose progeny-conchospores and foliose thalli had the same colors. However, some irradiated conchocelis did not show the change in color at the conchocelis stage. The pigment mutation could be observed only after the conchospores of these conchocelis had germinated into young foliose thalli. Irradiation of low dose (100 Gy) promoted the growth of thallus and many with altered morphology were observed. Conchospores of the irradiated conchocelis attached to the culture nets were cultured in the sea, and growth of these progenies was observed and measured.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature and irradiance on growth and reproduction of Enteromorpha prolifera that bloomed offshore along the Qingdao coast in summer 2008, was studied. It was showed that E. prolifera propagated mainly asexually with specific growth rate (SGR) of 10.47 at 25℃/40 μmol m^-2s^-1. Under this condition, gametes with two flagellate formed and released in 5 days. At the beginning of the development, the unicell gamete divided into two cells with heteropolarity, and then the apical cell developed into thalli primordial cells, whereas the basal cell developed into rhizoid primordial cells. In 8-day culture, the monoplast gamete developed into juvenile germling of 240 μm in length. Unreleased gametes can develop directly within the alga body. E. prolifera could either reproduce through lateral branching or fragmenting except apomixis revealed by Microscopic observation. On aged tissue of E. prolifera, although the degraded pigments partially remained in faded algal filaments, numerous vegetative cells could still divide actively in the algal tissues.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia urceolata is one type of potential commercial red seaweeds used for breeding and cultivation, because of its significant biochemical and biomedical application. However, the information of breeding and seedling incubation for cultivation is limited, especially the early development. In this study, tetrasporohyte and gametophyte of P. urceolata were taken as the study materials in Huiquan Bay, Qingdao, China. The cleaned and sterilized tetrasporophytes and gametophytes were pre-cultured in sterilized seawater, then nurtured at 18°C, 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in 12:12 h (light:dark) photoperiod. Continuous observation under microscope showed that the early development consists of bipolar division stage and seedling stage. In the division stage, tetraspores germinate into bipolar sporelings that further differentiate into a colorless rhizoidal portion and a lightly pigmented upright shoot. The lightly pigmented rhizoidal cell develops to a rhizoid and the larger pigmented cell transforms to an erect axis. In the seedling stage, several quasi-protuberances appear on the erect axis and form juvenile seedlings. The results demonstrate the culture of P. urceolata from tetraspores under laboratory conditions. Supported by National Key Technology Support Program, Development Program of China (No.2006AA09Z21), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40618001 and N_CUHK438/06) and Shandong Agricultural Seed Stock Breeding Project  相似文献   

Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux is a unique intertidal siphonous green alga whose extruded protoplasm can aggregate spontaneously in seawater to form numerous new cells that can develop into mature algal thalli.In this study,the photosynthetic responses during dehydration of both the thalli and protoplasts isolated from B.hypnoides were measured using a Dual-PAM(pulse amplitude modulation)-100 fluorometer.The results show that the photosynthetic rates of B.hypnoides thalli were maintained for an initial period,beyond which continued desiccation resulted in reduced rates of PSI and PSII.However,the photosynthetic performances of the isolated protoplasts dehydrated in air(CO2 concentration 600±700 mg/L) showed a slight increase of Y(II) at 20% water loss,but the rates decreased thereafter with declining water content.When protoplasts were dehydrated in CO2 deficient conditions(CO2 concentration 40±80 mg/L),the values of Y(II) declined steadily with increased dehydration without an initial rise.These results indicated that the thalli and isolated protoplasts of this alga can utilize CO2 in ambient air effectively,and the photosynthetic performances of the isolated protoplasts were significantly different from that of the thalli during dehydration.Thus the protoplasts may be an excellent system for the study of stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Generalized linear models (GLM) and generalized additive models (GAM) were used to standardize catch per unit fishing effort (CPUE) of Ommastrephes bartramii for Chinese squid-jigging fishery in Northwest Pacific Ocean. Three groups of variables were considered in the standardization: spatial variables (longitude and latitude), temporal variables (year and month) and environmental variables, including sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea level height (SLH). CPUE was treated as the dependent variable and its error distribution was assumed to be log-normal in each model. The model selections of GLM and GAM were based on the finite sample-corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC) and pseudo-coefficient (Pcf) combined P-value, respectively. Both GAM and GLM analysis showed that the month was the most important variable affecting CPUE and could explain 21.3% of variability in CPUE while other variables only explained 8.66%. The interaction of spatial and temporal variables weakly influenced the CPUE. Moreover, spatio-temporal factors may be more important in influencing the CPUE of this squid than environmental variables. The standardized and nominal CPUEs were similar and had the same trends in spatio-temporal distribution, but the standardized CPUE values tended to be smaller than the nominal CPUE. The CPUE tended to have much higher monthly variation than annual variations and their values increased with month. The CPUE became higher with increasing latitude-high CPUE usually occurred in 145°E–148°E and 149°E–162°E. The CPUE was higher when SST was 14–21°C and the SLH from −22 cm to −18 cm. In this study, GAM tended to be more suitable than GLM in analysis of CPUE.  相似文献   

Green tides are caused by the proliferation of chlorophytes under suitable hydrographic conditions.These blooms lead to environmental degradation and negatively impact the waters and seagrass beds,as well as fishing and other recreational activities in the bay.A comprehensive ecological understanding of the bloom dynamics,including the origin and persistence,is needed to foster management decisions.The algae in the great majority of green tide blooms usually belong to two genera of Ulvophyceae,Ulva and Enteromorpha.Ulva has been observed more often in recent years.In China,green tides occurred for the first time in the middle area of the Yellow Sea in 2007,and a large-scale algae blooming broke out in the middle and southern areas of the Yellow Sea in late May 2008.We identified them as Ulva prolifera by comparative analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1),5.8S and ITS2 sequences in combination with microscopic observation.Morphological differences were found between the free-floating algae and the attached thalli.Various reproduction patterns of the free-floating algae include sexual,asexual and vegetative propagations,which played important roles in the long-term green tide persistence in China.The ITS sequences of the blooming algae were identical to those of the samples from the Lianyungang sea area but were different from the attached samples from the Qingdao sea area.The results infer that the blooms are originated from other sea areas rather than from the local attached populations.  相似文献   

As seedling culture is a crcial factor for successful cultivation of Gelidium, the authors researched tis-sue culture technology for producing seedlings. The merphogeny and experirmental ecology were observedand studied fully in 2-5 mm isoIated tissue fragments, appearaare of branching creepersand attaching structure and new erect seedlings production and development were studied. Fragments weresown on bamboo slice and vinyon rope. The seedlings were cultured 20-30 days indoor, then cultured inthe sea, where the density of erect seedlings was 3- 19 seedlings/cm~2, growth rate was 3.84%/day. The frondarising from seedlings directly was up to 10 cm per year. The ecological conditions for regenerated seedlingsare similar to the natural ones. The regenerated seedlings are sintable for raft culture in various sea areas.  相似文献   

Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory is an economically important alga that is primarily used for agar production. Although tetraspores are ideal seeds for the cultivation of G. lemaneiformis, the most popular culture method is currently based on vegetative fragments, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this study, we optimized the conditions for tetraspore release and evaluated the photosynthetic activities of different colonies formed from the branches of G. lemaneiformis using a PAM (pulse-amplitude-modulated) measuring system. The results showed that variations in temperature and salinityhad significant effects on tetraspore yield. However, variations in the photon flux density (from 15 μmol m−2 s−1 to 480 μmol m−2 s−1) had no apparent effect on tetraspore yield. Moreover, the PAM-parameters Y(I), Y(II), ETR(I), ETR(II) and F v/F m of colonies formed from different branches showed the same trend: parameter values of first generation branches>second generation branches>third generation branches. These results suggest that the photosynthetic activities of different colonies of branches changed with the same trend. Furthermore, photosynthesis in G. lemaneiformis was found to be involved in vegetative reproduction and tetraspore formation. Finally, the first generation branches grew slowly, but accumulated organic compounds to form large numbers of tetraspores. Taken together, these results showed that the first generation branches are ideal materials for the release of tetraspores.  相似文献   

The relationships between the neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, and the relative ocean environmental factors are analyzed. The environmental factors collected are sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll concentration (Chl-a) and sea surface height (SSH) from NASA, as well as the yields of neon flying squid in the North Pacific Ocean. The results show that the favorable temperature for neon flying squid living is 10°C–22°C and the favorite temperature is between 15°C–17°C. The Chl-a concentration is 0.1–0.6 mg/m3. When Chl-a concentration changes to 0.12–0.14 mg/m3, the probability of forming fishing ground becomes very high. In most fishing grounds, the SSH is higher than the mean SSH. The generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to analyze the correlations between neon flying squid and ocean environmental factors. Every year, squids migrate northward from June to August and return southward during October–November, and the characteristics of the both migrations are very different. When squids migrate to the north, most relationships between the yields and SST are positive. The relationships are negative when squids move to southward. The relationships between the yields and Chl-a concentrations are negative from June to October, and insignificant in November. There is no obvious correlation between the catches of squid and longitude, but good with latitude. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2003AA607030); National Key Technology Research and Development Program (No. 2006BAD09A05)  相似文献   

We conducted a phenological evaluation of Sargassum thunbergii, a common algal species, along the coast of Lidao Bay, Rongcheng, China. The local S. thunbergii population entered a maturation period from early June to mid-August, when seawater temperature was 14.4 to 25.1°C. Our results suggest an increase in temperature and day length during this period initiated thalli maturation. Inhabitants of the low tidal zone had higher thalli length and biomass compared with those from the mid-and high tidal zones. We observed a switch in the length frequency distribution and contribution of length classes to biomass between the small (<20 cm) and long (20–79.9 cm) length classes at the time of thallus maturity. This suggests there is a trade-offbetween sexual reproduction and vegetative regeneration.  相似文献   

Based on the archaeological rice cultivation with the14C dating of about 4000–5000 a B.P. the author holds that the plain at the lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River is one origin of rice cultivation in Asia and the other is Allahabad of India. The propagation of ancient rice cultivation in China can be divided into three stages, namely 4000–3000, 2635–2420 and about 1000 a B.P. It is inferred that there were two ways for propagating rice cultivation from China to Japan. One was from lower reaches of Changjiang River to Kyushu by sea way and the other was from Shandong Peninsula to southern Korea and then to Kyushu. The age of propagating rice cultivation into Vietnam from South China is about 1000 a B.P. Being influenced by climatic changes since about 5000 a B.P. the propagation of rice cultivation was stagnated for two times at least, for example, the three warm climatic stages and the two cold stages were quite in correspondence with the propagation and stagnation stages of rice cultivation, respectively, in China. During the ancient times the development of paddy rice was directive related to the fluctuation of sea level which is in keeping with the climatic changes.  相似文献   

Silvetia babingtonii is a potentially economic brown alga for sources of food and high-value added utilization. So far, sporeling nursery and field cultivation has not been successful. The lack of knowledge on development and life cycle of this alga hinder the development of techniques for the sporeings and cultivation. In this study, internal structure of oogonium and antherium of S. babingtonii was observed with hematoxylin and eosin staining and through microscope. Meanwhile, early development from zygotes to juvenile sporelings was studied at 20℃ under 60–100 μmol photons m-2 s-1. Zygotes germinated and divided into thallus and rhizoid cells. The larger thallus cells further divided and developed into juvenile sporelings; while the smaller rhizoid cells divided and elongated into rhizoid hairs. These findings documented the life cycle of S. babingtonii and provided fundamental knowledge for sporeling nursery in the near future.  相似文献   

Porphyra haitanensis andP. yezoensis are two mainPorphyra species cultured in China. Their life histories are slightly different. So far we have not observed thatP. haitanensis naturally produces monospores developing into thalli.P. yezoensis produces monospores which directly germinate into young thalli used in cultivation (Zeng, et al., 1985). Some somatic cells inP. yezoensis develop in vitro into monospore-like cells which later grow into young thalli (Lu, 1983). Studies on whether or not somatic cells inP. haitanensis can produce in vitro monospore-like cells that later grow into young thalli is important for understanding its life history and for culturing new varieties.  相似文献   

A 2-year study onKappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty introduced to Hainan Island from the Philippines in 1985 showed promising results. The average daily growth in weight reached 10% at a favourable temperature of about 26°C. Experimental results showed that timely cutting of the plant was an effective way to obtain new cuttings for cultivation and accelerate growth. New cuttings 0.05 kg in weight are suggested to be used as “seeds” and the old plant should be harvested. At present, artificial cultivation with a type of underwater raft applicable in places where there is strong wind will expand cultivation to more regions in Hainan Province. This paper was originally published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 19(5): 410–418, 1988. The plant under discussion wasEucheuma alvarezii Doty which was previously calledE. striatum in the article, and which now becomesKappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty. To the original title, “in China” was added. Only the essence of the original article was presented.  相似文献   

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