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公众气象服务满意度问卷调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对天气预报服务中的不足之处,通过对四川省气象服务满意度的调查评估,为今后提高气象信息在社会、经济等领域的应用提供参考。根据CSIWS测量模型,从受众对气象服务的评价、对气象信息的了解、对气象信息的理解、对气象服务的要求4方面进行调查。有效问卷结果分析表明:(1)公众对四川省“气象部门公众形象”的评价最高,满意度指数达到90.60%;(2)公众对“天气预报准确率”期望值最高,为4.13分;而满意度为3.30分,两者差距0.83分,说明表现尚达不到社会公众的期望值,今后在提高天气预报准确率方面仍需下大力气;(3)评价满意度指数平均值为85.60%,社会公众对气象部门公众形象评价比较高,其余指标的满意度指数都有待进一步提高,但提高的迫切程度各有差异。  相似文献   

海盐县国土局十分重视矛盾纠纷调处工作,积极化解涉及土地征收、权属争议等各类矛盾纠纷,有力地维护了国土资源行业领域的和谐与稳定。上半年,共接到县长12345县长电话12件,办结率、满意度、回访率均为100%,完成省厅排摸积案化解1件,共受理群众来信31件,来访8批13人次,  相似文献   

水系沉积物测量数据量庞大,如何有效的确定异常元素共生组合类型,是圈定异常的关键。利用R型因子分析和聚类分析,为青海省裕龙沟地区水系沉积物测量元素共生组合类型划分提供依据。利用划分的元素组合类型圈定组合异常,异常显示良好,套合程度高,充分证明了因子分析和聚类分析对划分元素组合的有效性。同时,R型因子分析和聚类分析二者可互相对照,增加划分元素共生组合类型的准确性。  相似文献   

青州市表层土壤元素地球化学组合特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚类分析和因子分析可以获得土壤元素地球化学组合特征及其差异性。对青州市表层土壤样品数据进行分析研究,通过聚类分析,绘制表层土壤元素聚类谱系图,将23种元素或指标分为5个元素组合簇群及2个单元素簇,研究各元素间的组合特征,探讨其相关性、聚集性及其指示意义;通过因子分析,找出有代表性的因子,用其代表变量,绘制典型因子得分等值线图,并从中分析不同元素组合的区域分布基于何种因素,用11个代表性因子的分布特征就基本可以代表青州市表层土壤23项原始变量的分布特征,并对F1,F2,F3主因子进行了地质解释。聚类分析与因子分析相结合,利于表层土壤中元素的共生组合特征及其差异性研究,利于对研究区表层土壤异常进行归纳总结。  相似文献   

一种基于决策者满意度的多属性决策方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于决策者满意度的多属性决策方法.分别给出构造定量指标的基于决策者满意度的满意度函数模型和定性指标的集对满意度函数模型.以某保险公司为例,对其分公司培训部培训绩效进行综合评价和结果分析,并讨论了该决策方法的优点.  相似文献   

文章以《南方国土资源》为例,从打造和谐内容、提供和谐财力、确保和谐的人力资源、建立和谐的机制等4个方面分析探讨构建和谐科技期刊的先决条件,旨在促进科技期刊和谐的发展.  相似文献   

党的十六届六中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的目标任务,指出"以党内和谐促进社会和谐"。机关和谐是党内和谐的重要体现,是建设和谐社会的重要组成部分。根据构建社会主义和谐社会的总体要求,和谐机关应  相似文献   

建设和谐地勘职工队伍,不仅是一门科学管理,也是一门艺术管理。青海省第五地质矿产勘查院把建设和谐地勘职工队伍提升为首要任务,把以人为本作为和谐队伍建设的出发点和着眼点。通过科学管理与艺术管理两个层面,在为职工提供宽松愉快工作环境的同时,有效保障了干部职工在各自不同的岗位上,为和谐职工队伍建设添砖加瓦、争做贡献。职工收入水平、工作质量、工作成果的不断提高,为地勘经济跨越式发展创造了良好的开端。  相似文献   

顾客满意状态与企业利润率之间有着密切的联系,提高顾客满意度成了许多企业的重要经营目标.对红旗连锁的现状进行了分析,确定顾客满意度的各项指标与权重,建立了一个完善的指标和级度体系,通过对红旗连锁的顾客展开调查,综合评价了顾客现有的满意程度,并提出了提高顾客满意度的途径.  相似文献   

先后征地近万亩,拆迁安置农民1000多户,没有引发一起群防事件。几年来,信阳工业城管委会和国土资源分局高度重视保障失地农民的利益,积极探索,勇于创新,走出了一条平安征地、和谐拆迁的路子,使拆迁农户家家都存有发展基金,每位失地农民都办理了养老保险,保障了生活水平不降低,从而促进了社会和谐,确保了社会稳定。  相似文献   

To shed light on the general patterns and trends in urban sprawl research,and to provide reference for future study,bibliometric analysis and refined analysis are conducted for publications in this area from 1991 to 2011.The general publication output,the global geographical distribution of the authors,the funding and institutions involved,the research areas,and the source titles are analyzed and discussed.Scholars in the United States and China have produced most of the documents in urban sprawl and these two countries are also the largest contributors in terms of funding and institutions.′Environmental SciencesEcology′,′Urban Studies′,and′Geography′are the most common research areas,and the journal titled Urban Studies has contributed the most articles.Furthermore,the refined analyses on the 500 top-cited and most relevant publications have revealed that research on urban sprawl is closely associated with the categories of′Urban form and development′,′Land use/land development′and′environment/ecology/biology′.Conclusions are made with respect to the basic paradigm of research on urban sprawl.The multi-disciplinary research into urban sprawl are expected to be more diversified and integrated.  相似文献   

Landslide is one kind of geologic hazards that often happens all over the world.It brings huge losses to human life and property;therefore,it is very important to research it.This study focused in combination between single and regional landslide,traditional slope stability analysis method and reliability analysis method.Meanwhile,methods of prediction of slopes and reliability analysis were discussed.  相似文献   

Landslide is one kind of geologic hazards that often happens all over the world. It brings huge losses to human life and property; therefore, it is very important to research it. This study focused in combination between single and regional landslide, traditional slope stability analysis method and reliability analysis method. Meanwhile, methods of prediction of slopes and reliability analysis were discussed.  相似文献   

Heat balance of urban ecosystem is a key point for the study of urban climate and micro-climate pattern and its change mechanism. Urban heat island effect is becoming increasingly serious,which is mainly caused by the change of the earth's surface cover and the anthropogenic heat release. In this study,the simulation experiment for the anthropogenic heat release was designed according to the heat balance principle. A set of buildings of miniature city were used to constitute the residential area,U grooves were applied to simulate the single building,and the fluorescent lamps in the U groove were regarded as the heat sources of the anthropogenic heat release. The simulation experiment was launched with long-short wave sun photometer,sonic anemothermometer and heat flow gauge in the experiment site. Then the net solar radiation,sensible heat flux and heat flux into the ground were determined. The quantities of the anthropogenic heat release were calculated based on the heat balance principle,and were compared with the theoretical power consumption of the fluorescent lamps. The root mean square error( RMSE) of the simulation for the anthropogenic heat release reaches0. 078 W·m- 2,a comparatively high precision,which showes that the anthropogenic heat release can be accurately determined through the simulation experiments. This study provided a scientific method for the purpose of monitoring the anthropogenic heat release.  相似文献   

JFFS2文件系统的移植分析与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了JFFS2文件系统以及与其相关技术,分析了与μClinux内核接口的关键函数.然后以NOR Flash芯片SST39VF6401B为例,详细介绍了如何构建JFFS2文件系统的关键过程.主要涉及相关源代码和重要数据结构的分析和修改,内核的配置过程以及JFFS2文件系统镜像的制作和挂载的方法.实际测试结果表明了该移植的正确性.  相似文献   

The heavy floods in the Taihu Basin Showed increasing trend in recent years.In this work,a typical area in the northern Taihu Basin was selected for flood rish analysis and potential flood losses assessment.human activities have strong impact on the study area‘s flood situation(as affected by the polders built,deforestation,population increase,urbanization,etc.) and have made water level higher,flood duration shorter,and flood peaks sharper.Five years of different flood return periods[(1970),5(1962),10(1987),20(1954),50(1991)] were used to calculate the potential flood risk area and its losses.The potential flood risk map,economic losses,and flood-impacted population were also calculated.The study‘s main conclusions are:1) Human activities have strongly changed the natural flood situation in the study area,increasing runoff and flooding;2) The flood risk area is closely related with the precipitation center;3) Polder construction has successfully protected land from flood.Shortened the flood duration,and elevated water leel in rivers outside the polders;4) Economic and social development have caused flood losses to increase in recent years.  相似文献   

基于802.16的OFDM同步算法分析及其仿真实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OFDM是一种新的高效的多载波调制技术,能够有效地对抗多径传播;但是,OFDM系统对定时和频偏很敏感。对一种具有802.16帧结构的OFDM系统定时同步和频率偏移估计算法进行了分析并通过MATLAB进行仿真实现。仿真结果表明算法适用于具有802.16帧结构的OFDM系统。  相似文献   

在金融全球化和金融自由化的宏观背景下,不断的金融创新行为引起了国际金融界的普遍关注,特别是在国际金融危机的成因分析中,往往被提及。从它的作用和行为方式等方面来分析与国际金融风险的内在联系。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Itisverycommontousetidalconstantsinoceanen gineering .Ingeneral,tidalconstantscanbeobtainedfromtidalharmonicanalysisbasedonthehourlydata .However ,thereisamassofhistoricaltidaldatamere lyonthetimeandmagnitudesofsuccessivehighandlowwaterlevels .Moreover ,sometimeswemayhavetidaltableswhichonly givethepredictedvaluesofhighandlowwatersforsomeports,withoutinforma tionontidalconstants .Inthesetablesthetimeinter valsbetweensuccessivetidalextremaareirregular .Therefore ,mostofthestan…  相似文献   

通过敏感度理论分析、计算机仿真和实验测试对声表面波(SAW)滤波器的可靠性问题进行了研究,其中重点讨论了又指换能器(IDT)发生氧化腐蚀对SAW滤波器频率特性的影响,最后初步探讨了提高SAW滤波器可靠性的技术途径。  相似文献   

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