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“十三五”时期,长江流域水环境质量改善明显,但湖泊水质和富营养化状况改善滞后.长江中游作为我国淡水湖泊集中分布区域之一,部分湖泊存在水环境质量恶化和富营养化加重问题.本文以长江中游区域国家开展监测的洪湖、斧头湖、梁子湖、大通湖、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖这6个典型湖泊为研究对象,科学评价其2016-2020年水质和富营养化时空变化特征及关键驱动因素,探讨其成因及治理对策.结果表明,“十三五”时期长江中游湖泊水质和富营养化程度存在较大差异,与2016年相比,2020年大通湖水质改善最为明显,梁子湖水质变差,总磷是影响长江中游湖泊水质类别的主要因子;洪湖富营养程度恶化最为严重,斧头湖次之,TLI(SD)对长江中游湖泊富营养化评价贡献最大.目前长江中游湖泊呈有机污染加重和叶绿素。浓度升高现象,洪湖、斧头湖和梁子湖主要与氮、磷营养盐浓度升高有关,而大通湖、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖受水文过程、流域纳污量和湖泊管理等非营养盐因素影响较大.总氮和总磷仍然是影响“十三五”时期长江中游湖泊水质和富营养化的最主要驱动力,且各湖泊总氮和总磷浓度变化均具有较强正相关性,建议开展河湖氮、磷标准衔接工作,提出河湖氮、磷标准限值或考核目...  相似文献   

长江中下游浅水湖泊富营养化发生机制与控制途径初探   总被引:191,自引:22,他引:169  
秦伯强 《湖泊科学》2002,14(3):193-202
长江中下游地区是我国淡水湖泊比较集中的地区。该地区绝大多数湖泊为浅水湖泊,所有的城郊湖泊都已经富营养化,其他湖泊的营养状况均为中营养-富营养,处于富营养化的发展中,这些湖泊富营养化的原因同流域上的人类活动有很大的关系。一方面,工业,农业和城市生活污水正源源不断地向湖泊中排放。另一方面,人类通过湖泊围垦、湖岸忖砌,水产养殖等破坏自然生态环境,减少营养盐输出途径。国际上对于浅水湖泊富营养化治理的经验表明,即使流域上的外源污染排放降到历史最低点,湖泊富营养化问题依然突出,其原因与浅水湖泊底泥所造成的内源污染有关。动力作用导致底泥悬浮,,影响底泥中营养盐的释放,也影响水下光照和初级生产力。控制浅水湖泊富营养化,除了进行外源性营养盐控制之外,还必须进行湖内内源营养盐的治理。治理内源营养盐的有效途径是恢复水生植被,控制底泥动力悬浮与营养盐释放。而要进行水生植被恢复,必须进行湖泊生态系统退化机制及生态修复的实验研究。  相似文献   

淡水湖库富营养化与蓝藻水华是全球性的突出水环境问题,尤其是滨岸带严重蓝藻水华堆积甚至造成了水体黑臭、威胁饮用水安全等严重危害,科学评估滨岸带蓝藻水华堆积风险、精准识别蓝藻水华易堆积区域是水环境管理与研究中亟待解决的关键科学问题.本研究以我国长江中下游的大型浅水富营养化湖泊巢湖为研究对象,依托流域水文与湖泊水动力模拟、遥...  相似文献   

浅水湖泊湖沼学与太湖富营养化控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
秦伯强 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1229-1243
自2007年无锡暴发饮用水危机事件以来,太湖经历了前所未有的高强度、大规模治理,各种治理措施累计投资已经超过千亿元.监测显示,在治理初期太湖的氮、磷浓度下降明显,水质有所好转,但最近几年关键水质指标总磷与浮游植物叶绿素α浓度出现了波动,蓝藻水华有所反弹.研究表明,太湖的外源负荷并没有减少,这与城镇用水量增加、污水排放标准偏低、面源污染削减不足有很大的关系;同时,内源负荷也因为蓝藻水华的持续而加重,浅水湖泊水深浅、扰动强的特点强化了磷的循环利用效率,加剧了内源负荷对湖泊富营养化和蓝藻水华的影响.气候变暖叠加营养盐富集的复合效应、流域风速下降以及暴雨事件频次和强度增加等气象水文条件变化,都促进了太湖蓝藻水华的暴发;蓝藻水华的时空分布特征则受湖泊水动力的决定性影响.太湖治理的曲折过程,凸显了大型浅水湖泊湖沼学研究的不断深入与发展,未来需要继续加强多学科交叉研究,特别是基于湖泊-流域系统的气象水文、生物地球化学和生物生态学的学科交叉.对于太湖生态环境的综合治理和管理,既要注重湖泊与流域相结合,更需要重视自然科学和人文科学的有机融合,才能真正达到控制太湖富营养化、维护流域水环境安全与社会经济可持续发展的目标.  相似文献   

李珍  李相虎  张丹  蔺亚玲 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1319-1334
洞庭湖是长江中游重要的通江湖泊,水系格局复杂.近年来在气候变化和人类活动的双重影响下,江湖关系发生变化,湖泊水文干旱事件频发.基于洞庭湖、流域和长江干流水文站点的实测数据,通过标准化水位指数和标准化径流指数识别了水文干旱事件,并运用Copula函数分析了洞庭湖-流域-长江系统水文干旱的联合概率分布特征.结果表明:在年尺度上,1964—2016年间洞庭湖共发生了9次水文干旱事件,水文干旱的发生概率为14.01%,洞庭湖-流域系统、洞庭湖-长江系统的水文干旱联合概率分别为9.65%和8.58%,表明年尺度上流域来水对洞庭湖水文干旱的影响更大.在季节尺度上,洞庭湖-流域系统春季水文干旱联合概率最高,且两者同时发生水文干旱事件的次数最多,表明洞庭湖春季水文干旱与流域入湖补给减少有密切关系;而洞庭湖-长江系统,其秋季水文干旱联合概率最大,尤其自2003年以后更加极端和频发,这一方面受秋季降水减少和流域内人类活动的影响,另一方面三峡水库秋季蓄水使长江中下游干流水位降低,长江对湖泊顶托作用减弱也是重要原因之一.  相似文献   

长江中下游典型湖泊营养盐历史变化模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郭娅  于革 《湖泊科学》2016,28(4):875-886
湖泊营养盐变化在自然条件下受到气候水文因素控制,同时受到湖泊生态系统生物群落作用和反馈.作为动力机制探讨,本文试图基于水文和生态动力学方法,分别构建气候-流域水文作用于湖泊营养盐的外源模式和湖泊生物群落作用于湖泊营养盐的內源模式.针对长江中下游典型湖泊,经过控制实验和率定,发现营养盐模拟与观测数据在时间序列上达到90%百分位的正相关,因此用来模拟1640 1840 A.D.期间的营养盐演变历史.研究表明:(1)模拟的湖泊营养盐变化与沉积钻孔揭示的历史营养盐变化基本一致,沉积记录与模式模拟的7个湖泊的营养盐变化均显著相关;(2)气候因素是湖泊营养盐历史演变的主控因子,来自于湖泊生物群落的反馈作用贡献约占40%;(3)在温度和降水因子的驱动下,湖泊营养盐历史变化主要受降水控制,在极端干旱时期,60%的营养盐变化同步响应于降水变化.同时,面积在400 km2以下的湖泊营养盐对气候变化的响应比2000 km2以上的大湖更为敏感.研究结果对长江中下游湖泊营养状态的长期变化机理认识和趋势控制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

综合营养状态指数(TLI)在中国湖库富营养化评价中应用非常广泛.对于该指数的各分项指标,基于叶绿素a的评估结果是富营养化风险的直接体现,是最终指示;而基于理化指标(总氮、总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数)的评估结果是间接指示.如果两者TLI评估结果存在显著差异,则说明基于理化参数的TLI评估结果低估或者高估了实际富营养化水平和相关风险.本文针对长江中下游湖库的基于水质理化指标和基于叶绿素a的TLI结果是否匹配的问题开展了调查分析.结果表明,对于非通江浅水湖泊而言,基于总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数的TLI评估结果均低估了富营养化水平和相关风险;对于通江浅水湖泊而言,基于总氮、总磷和透明度的TLI评估结果高估了富营养化水平和相关风险,而基于高锰酸盐指数的结果低估了富营养化水平;对于深水水库,基于总氮的TLI指数评估结果高估了富营养化水平,而基于总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数的结果低估了富营养化水平.上述水质理化指标和叶绿素a评估结果不匹配的原因为以下两点:第一,部分物理化学指标失去了对富营养化风险(叶绿素a)的指示意义,如通江浅水湖泊的总氮、总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数以及深水湖泊的总氮;第二,部分富营养化理化指标和叶绿素a原有关系发生错位,比如对于深水湖泊总磷对叶绿素a的响应比TLI指数构建所采用的关系更加敏感.针对TLI理化指标评估在长江中下游湖库应用中存在的问题提出如下改进建议:1)结合长时间序列历史数据,基于分位数回归等方法构建特定湖泊的叶绿素a和理化参数的响应关系,开发“一湖一策”的评估公式;2)根据换水周期和湖泊面积水深比对进行湖泊分类,建立特定湖泊类型的叶绿素a和理化参数的响应关系,构建“一类一策”的评估公式;3)在富营养化评估结果中应分别量化富营养化状态参数(营养盐水平)和富营养化风险参数(叶绿素a)以及两者比值,但生物指标是富营养化评估的最终指示.现阶段我国富营养化评价和管理多为“全国一策”,可能很难满足经济高效的管理需求.因此,本研究所建议和综述的“一类一策”和“一湖一策”的湖泊富营养化评估方法对未来的湖泊生态管理可能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

长江中游通江湖泊江湖关系研究进展   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
自然通江的洞庭湖和鄱阳湖与长江之间形成复杂的江湖水沙交换关系,其变化影响着区域洪水灾害防治、水资源利用、水环境保护和水生态安全维护,是长江中游水问题的核心.从长江中游大型通江湖泊江湖关系的概念与内涵、江湖关系演变过程、江湖关系变化的影响因素及效应等方面,系统梳理了长江中游通江湖泊江湖关系研究的进展.针对当前研究现状和存在的问题,提出了研究江湖关系表征指标体系是正确认识江湖关系的前提;定量区分人类活动和气候变化影响的贡献率是江湖关系研究的重点和难点;深入跟踪研究三峡等重大工程对江湖关系变化的影响是一项长期任务;评估江湖关系调整背景下江湖关系的健康状况,研究以江湖水系重大水利工程群联合调度为核心的江湖关系优化调控原理,维持江湖两利的长江中游健康河湖系统格局和相互作用关系是江湖关系研究的根本目标.  相似文献   

江湖联通状况对湖泊生态系统有着重要影响,但是由于缺乏长期的生态水文监测数据,湖泊系统对其响应的过程与机理仍缺乏认识.本研究选择长江中下游地区典型湖泊——涨渡湖,结合该湖一沉积短柱的210Pb、137Cs年代测试,通过高分辨率的多指标分析(硅藻、元素地球化学和粒度),揭示近200年来湖泊生态系统对该湖与长江之间联通关系改变的响应过程.与历史文献记载一致,古湖沼学记录揭示出该湖与长江的联通状况经历了3个阶段.1)江湖联通期(1954年以前):该湖与长江自然相通,江湖水体交换频繁,丰富的贫营养浮游种Cyclotella bodanica表明该湖长期处于低营养及湖泊水位相对较高的状态.2)江湖隔绝期(1954 2005年):随着湖坝的兴建,江湖联通关系被隔绝,湖泊换水周期变长,透明度降低,喜好扰动环境的Aulacoseria granulata大量生长.相应地,富营养硅藻的增加、高TOC含量以及较高的沉积物TP、TN浓度表明,该湖营养水平逐渐升高.特别是近20年来,较高含量的富营养硅藻种——C.meneghinena、A.alpigena、Nitzschia palea、Surirella minuta和地球化学记录,包括TOC含量和沉积物TP、TN浓度,表明该湖富营养化程度加剧.3)江湖季节性联通期(2005年后):硅藻以附生种、底栖种为主,但仍有一定含量的富营养化属种,且TOC含量以及沉积物TP、TN浓度仍然保持较高水平,表明富营养程度有所缓解.古湖沼学和历史记录都揭示了自该湖与长江无连通后其生态状况的快速退化、重新联通后生态状况有所好转.因此,在长江中下游洪泛平原区,江湖关系的重新联通将是减轻湖泊生态压力的有效手段.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊中的初级生产者主要由分布在底栖生境中的底栖植物和生活在敞水生境中的浮游植物组成.底栖植物主要包括维管束沉水植物和底栖藻类等,浮游植物则主要为浮游藻类.贫营养浅水湖泊湖水营养盐浓度低,透明度高,底栖植物因能直接从沉积物中获取营养盐,往往是浅水湖泊的优势初级生产者.随着外源营养盐负荷的增加,湖水中的营养盐浓度不断升高,浮游植物受到的营养盐限制作用减小,加上其在光照方面的竞争优势,逐步发展成为湖泊的优势初级生产者,湖泊逐步从底栖植物为优势的清水态转变为浮游植物为主的浑水态,即稳态转换.在稳态转换过程中,浅水湖泊生态系统结构与功能发生了一系列变化,本文综述了浅水湖泊沉积物性质和生物(浮游植物、底栖植物、底栖动物和鱼类等)群落结构的变化,分析了这些变化对底栖植物、浮游植物之间竞争优势和底栖敞水生境间磷交换的影响,探讨了富营养化驱动的底栖敞水生境耦合过程变化和稳态转换机理.了解浅水湖泊底栖敞水生境耦合过程与稳态转换机理对富营养化浅水湖泊修复有重要意义.富营养化浅水湖泊修复实际就是重建其清水态,在制定修复目标时应该关注评价清水态的指标,如透明度、浮游植物生物量、底栖植物的覆盖度或优势度等.在开展湖泊修复技术研发与工程应用时,应该重点关注对底栖敞水生境耦合有重要影响的关键技术,如沉积物磷释放和底栖生物食性鱼类控制以及底栖植物(尤其是沉水植物)恢复等有关技术.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of research works concerning the nutrient transportation, transformation and exchange between water, sediment and biota in the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River conducted in the context of project entitled "The Processes and Mechanism of Lake Eutrophication in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River". All the lakes from this area are shallow lakes. According to the typical lake site research, the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have a higher baseline of nutrition in the history. Normally the trophic status of these lakes can be categorized into medium-trophic or eutrophic. Human activities have been enhanced during the last decades, which speed up the lake eutrophic process. Lake eutrophication control needs to reduce not only the external nutrient inputs from watershed but also the internal loading from the sediments. Investigations revealed that the lake sediments in this area are considerablly high in nutrition in which at most about 30% of phosphorus exists in the form of bio-available in the sediment. The surface sediment will exert great effects on the nutrient exchange between water-sediment interface via adsorption and release of nutrient. The nutrient release from the sediment in these shallow lakes is mainly in two ways, i.e. in the undisturbed condition the nutrient is released through diffusion created by the nutrient gradient from sediment to overlying water; whereas in disturbed condition, the nutrient release is determined by the hydrodynamic forcing intensity and the sediment resuspension. Metallic elements such as the iron, manganese and aluminium and the aerobic-anaerobic ambience will affect the release of nutrients. The disturbed release will increase the total nutrients in the water column significantly in the short period. At the beginning of sediment resuspension, the dissolved nutrient concentration will increase. This increase will be damped if the ferric oxide and aluminium are rich in sediment because of the adsorption and flocculation. This means that the lakes have capability of eliminating the nutrient loadings. Investigations for the lakes from middle and down stream of Yangtze River have suggested that most lakes have the self-cleaning capability. Dredging the control of the internal loading, therefore, is only applicable to the small lakes or undisturbed bays which normally are situated nearby the city or town and rich in organic materials in the sediment. In addition, the strong reduction condition and weak aeration of these lakes and bays make these small lakes and bays release much more bio-available nutrient and without much self-eliminating capability. Moreover, eutrophication induced algal bloom in these lakes will change the pH of water, which further induces the increase in the nutrient release. In turn, the increase in nutrient release promotes the growth of phytoplankton and results in severe algal bloom. For the heavily polluted water, research suggests that the biomass of bacteria and alkaline phosphatase activity will be higher corresponding to the higher concentration of nutrients, which accelerates the nutrient recycling between water, sediment and biota. Quick recycling of nutrient, in turn, promotes the production and biomass growth of microorganism and leads to more severe eutrophication. Further research work should focus on the nutrient transformation mechanism and the effects of microbial loop on the eutrophication.  相似文献   


This paper is a review of research works concerning the nutrient transportation, transformation and exchange between water, sediment and biota in the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River conducted in the context of project entitled “The Processes and Mechanism of Lake Eutrophication in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River”. All the lakes from this area are shallow lakes. According to the typical lake site research, the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have a higher baseline of nutrition in the history. Normally the trophic status of these lakes can be categorized into medium-trophic or eutrophic Human activities have been enhanced during the last decades, which speed up the lake eutrophic process. Lake eutrophication control needs to reduce not only the external nutrient inputs from watershed but also the internal loading from the sediments. Investigations revealed that the lake sediments in this area are considerablly high in nutrition in which at most about 30% of phosphorus exists in the form of bio-available in the sediment. The surface sediment will exert great effects on the nutrient exchange between water-sediment interface via adsorption and release of nutrient. The nutrient release from the sediment in these shallow lakes is mainly in two ways, i.e. in the undisturbed condition the nutrient is released through diffusion created by the nutrient gradient from sediment to overlying water; whereas in disturbed condition, the nutrient release is determined by the hydrodynamic forcing intensity and the sediment resuspension. Metallic elements such as the iron, manganese and aluminium and the aerobic-anaerobic ambience will affect the release of nutrients. The disturbed release will increase the total nutrients in the water column significantly in the short period. At the beginning of sediment resuspension, the dissolved nutrient concentration will increase. This increase will be damped if the ferric oxide and aluminium are rich in sediment because of the adsorption and flocculation. This means that the lakes have capability of eliminating the nutrient loadings. Investigations for the lakes from middle and down stream of Yangtze River have suggested that most lakes have the self-cleaning capability. Dredging the control of the internal loading, therefore, is only applicable to the small lakes or undisturbed bays which normally are situated nearby the city or town and rich in organic materials in the sediment. In addition, the strong reduction condition and weak aeration of these lakes and bays make these small lakes and bays release much more bio-available nutrient and without much self-eliminating capability. Moreover, eutrophication induced algal bloom in these lakes will change the pH of water, which further induces the increase in the nutrient release. In turn, the increase in nutrient release promotes the growth of phytoplankton and results in severe algal bloom. For the heavily polluted water, research suggests that the biomass of bacteria and alkaline phosphatase activity will be higher corresponding to the higher concentration of nutrients, which accelerates the nutrient recycling between water, sediment and biota. Quick recycling of nutrient, in turn, promotes the production and biomass growth of microorganism and leads to more severe eutrophication. Further research work should focus on the nutrient transformation mechanism and the effects of microbial loop on the eutrophication.


Ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes using aquatic macrophytes is an important and practical technology. Here, we investigated the response of phytoplankton and zooplankton to a large-scale 2015-built aquatic macrophyte enclosure (AME, 200,000 m2) screened of by a PVC net in Baima Lake, a eutrophic lake, from spring to autumn of 2019. AME significantly improved water quality by increasing water transparency, and reducing total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll-a content during the growing season. AME significantly decreased phytoplankton abundance and biomass and marginally increased zooplankton abundance and biomass. Phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were closely related to environmental factors, such as water temperature, conductivity, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll-a inside and outside the AME. The zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio inside was slightly higher than outside the AME. Zooplankton and phytoplankton biomass were significantly positively correlated inside and outside the AME, as were chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus. We found phosphorus to be a key factor limiting primary productivity in Baima Lake, and that bottom-up effects were the main driver to control phytoplankton in the AME. Using aquatic macrophytes to reduce nutrient loads is an effective way to manage eutrophication in Baima Lake.  相似文献   

王琼  卢聪  范志平  李法云 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):297-307
通过对太子河流域46个采样点溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷、电导率、p H、溶解氧和叶绿素a浓度及相关环境因子的测定,分析氮、磷浓度与叶绿素a浓度的空间分布特征,利用回归分析判别氮、磷与叶绿素a浓度的相关性,冗余分析判别河流水质与环境因子的关系,并初步评价太子河流域水体富营养化状况.结果表明:太子河流域氮、磷浓度具有明显的空间异质性,表现为上游浓度较低且变化较平稳,辽阳段浓度逐渐上升且波动增大,鞍山段浓度最高.冗余分析显示氮、磷浓度的空间分布特征与土地利用方式、海拔、河岸缓冲带宽度、植被多样性密切相关.叶绿素a浓度与氨氮、硝态氮、溶解性无机氮、溶解性无机磷、总氮、总磷和电导率呈显著正相关,说明营养盐的增多在一定程度上会促进浮游藻类的增长.太子河流域水体富营养化评价综合指数显示,太子河流域"中"营养状态点位有27个,占58.7%,"富"营养状态点位有19个,占41.3%,没有"贫"、"重富"和"极富"营养状态.  相似文献   

Changes in the level of the Yangtze River caused by anthropogenic water regulation have major effects on the hydrological processes and water cycle in surrounding lakes and rivers. In this study, we obtained isotopic evidence of changes in the water cycle of Yangtze River during the two drought years of 2006 and 2013. Isotopic evidence demonstrated that the δ18O and δD levels in Yangtze River exhibited high spatial heterogeneity from the upper to lower reaches, which were controlled by atmospheric precipitation, tributary/lake water mixing, damming regulation, and water temperature. Both the slope and intercept of Yangtze River evaporative line (δD = 7.88 δ18O + 7.96) were slightly higher than those of local meteoric water line of Yangtze River catchment (δD = 7.41 δ18O + 6.01). Most of the river isotopic values were located below the local meteoric water line, thereby implying that the Yangtze River water experienced a certain degree of evaporative enrichment on isotopic compositions of river water. The high fluctuations in the isotopic composition (e.g., deuterium excess [d‐excess]) in the middle to lower reaches during the initial stage of operation for the Three Gorges Dams (2003–2006) were due to heterogeneous isotopic signatures from the upstream water. In contrast to the normal stage (after 2010) characterized by the maximum water level and largest water storage, a relatively small variability in the deuterium excess was found along the middle to lower reaches because of the homogenization of reservoir water with a longer residence time and complete mixing. The effects of water from lakes and tributaries on the isotopic compositions in mainstream water were highlighted because of the high contributions of lakes water (e.g., Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake) efflux to the Yangtze River mainstream, which ranged from 21% to 85% during 2006 and 2013. These findings suggest that the retention and regulation of the Three Gorges Dams has greatly buffered the isotopic variability of the water cycle in the Yangtze catchment, thereby improving our understanding of the complex lake–river interactions along the middle to lower reaches in the future.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊的成因与演化   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
长江中下游湖泊洼地的成因比较复杂,以构造沉降控制的湖泊洼地规模较大,也比较深,但在碚分湖泊洼地属支流河口洼地、扇缘洼地、河间洼地。湖泊水位受到长江干流水位位的制约。在冰期人低海面时期,长江干流下切,沿江湖泊多干涸;冰后期海面上升,长江干流自河口而上相继发生水位上升,加上降水的变化,导致沿江洼地逐渐蓄水为湖,长江中下游湖泊的演化趋势是不同程度地被泥沙充填,容积不断缩小并导致湖水位涨落年变幅增大与洪水  相似文献   

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