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随着工农业生产的迅速发展,化学农药的数量和种类越来越多,结果造成了严重的公害。外境污染和人、畜、作物的急、慢性中毒为断发生,因此,国内外曾先后停止了一些化学农药的生产和使用,而生物农药具有很多化学农药不可比拟的优点。据此,林业土壤研究所从1972年开始进行农用抗菌素的研究。  相似文献   

平邑县是山东省人畜饮水比较困难的县之一.本文针对该县人畜饮水困难的实际,介绍了该县在解决山丘区农村人畜饮水困难问题时采取的一些供水模式及工程措施.  相似文献   

本文根据248个监测站点,36项水质指标的监测数据,依据国家生活饮用水卫生标准,对泰安市农村人畜饮水水质进行了评价.摸清了泰安市农村人畜饮水水质构成、超标参数、分布规律和污染原因,分析出泰安市农村地下水化学异常区、高氟区,并提出了相应的保护措施.  相似文献   

当前,在农业生产责任制尚未完善稳定的情况下,一些水利设施(尤其是井、泵)损坏比较严重,有的甚至完全不能使用,给农业生产造成一定损失,给人畜饮水带来困难。蒲城县人民政府适应当前农业体制的变革,划定水利设施保护区的  相似文献   

西南红层地区人畜饮用水季节性短缺问题一直未能解决。通过地质调查与研究工作,本文总结了四川省、重庆市红层浅层地下水分布广、埋藏浅、补给充沛、更新速度快的自然规律,结合红层区农户居住分散、人畜饮用需水量小的用水特点,提出了红层浅层地下水资源化的认识和相应的"小口径浅井"开采技术、"一户一井"分散式供水模式。  相似文献   

水电部于九月十八日至二十三日在河南郑州市召开了全国农村人畜饮水工作会议,参加会议的有二十七个省、市、自治区,七个计划单列的市和中央民委、爱委会、黄委、松辽委、海委以及新闻单位代表共七十余人。是历届人畜饮水工作会范围最广的一  相似文献   

历史上淄河下游的人畜供水一直依赖地下水,但20世纪80年代以来区内淄河下游河道长期接纳上游污水,地表水和浅层地下水受到污染,浅层地下水已不适于人畜饮用。污染区沿淄河呈条带状展布,污染区边界距淄河约1.0~1.5 km,其中距淄河500 m以内的区域污染最为严重。中深层地下水水质良好,仅个别井点因井管损坏造成点状串层污染,可做为人畜用水水源。基本可满足2010年前区内人畜供水要求。人畜供水开采中深层地下水时,应根据地下水污染特征和中深层含水层水文地质特征,分区分层开采,实现地下水合理开发,防止中深层地下水串层污染,保护宝贵的地下水资源。  相似文献   

本文根据248个监测站点,36项水质指标的监测数据,依据国家生活饮用水卫生标准,对泰安市农村人畜饮水水质进行了评价。摸清了泰安市农村人畜饮水水质构成、超标参数、分布规律和污染原因,分析出泰安市农村地下水化学异常区、高氟区,并提出了相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

2010年入冬以来,山东省遭遇持续旱情,沂源县旱情尤其严重,连续4个月没有有效降水,农业生产、人畜饮水遇到了极大的困难,部分村庄完全断水,饮用水也要到十几里外的山下去运,抗旱、保苗、保证人畜用水,成为当前的一项重中之重的工作。2月11日,国土资源部召开全系统应急抗旱找水打井工作动员部署视频会议以后,  相似文献   

浅论农村人畜饮水供水安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  姜延华 《地下水》2012,(4):93-93,97
针对宜君县农村人畜饮水安全的实际,在调查的基础上,对当地人畜饮水安全问题进行分析,提出解决农村人蓄饮水安全的措施,加强人蓄饮水工程建设、保证工程水源的可持续性,加强水质检测建设,提高农村供水安全程度。  相似文献   

Geochemical data were collected to investigate the effects of topography and focused recharge on the transport of agricultural chemicals to groundwater through sandy soils. The research was done at a topographically high (upland) site and a depressional (lowland) site within a corn field. Agricultural chemicals that move readily with water were most directly affected by focused recharge to the lowland site. Surface runoff of water to the lowland site was the primary cause for the generally greater flux of chloride, nitrate nitrogen, and sulfate compared with the upland site. Based on data from the unsaturated zone, for example, the average annual fluxes of these chemicals in 1992–1993 were 5.1, 3.4, and 1.7 times greater, respectively, at the lowland site. Study results indicate that consideration should be given to modifying site-specific management farming technology to account for varying recharge rates in different topographic settings. By reducing chemical application rates in topographic depressions, where focused recharge of chemicals occurs because of surface runoff, farmers could improve ground-water quality as well as reduce expenditures for agricultural chemicals. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

为化肥和基础化工提供原料的中国化工矿产地质事业,43年来,在对磷、硫、钾、硼、锶、钛等资源的找矿勘探及科研工作中,取得显著成绩。但面对今后加速发展化肥工业的形势,尚需在深化地质工作改革、拓宽找矿领域、加强农用矿产资源地质找矿、重视科研及人才培养工作等方面继续努力  相似文献   

In southeastern Nigeria where population pressure is a problem of accelerating importance the agricultural land is in short supply thereby necessitating off-farm jobs to supplement farm income. There is therefore, a high incidence of part-time farming in the region. Analysis of the operational characteristics of thirty-six villages confirms that the intensity of part-time farming varies spatially according to the severity of environmental degradation resulting from population pressure. In addition, villages around urban/industrial centres participate actively in part-time farming since opportunities for off-farm employment are relatively higher. The situation in southeastern Nigeria is used to illustrate the prospects and problems of part-time farming in a developing economy. The implications of part-time farming on the agricultural economy and on rural development generally are examined. Policy measures are suggested that will direct the co-existence of part-time farming with work in the off-farm sector in order to achieve a beneficial and integrated rural development.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological principles and approaches have been applied to the problems of agricultural drainage in Ireland in the hope that such application will contribute to the better solution of the many drainage problems in Ireland. The legal position and a short history of drainage in Ireland are given, as well as a list of the many state bodies involved in arterial and agricultural drainage. The evolution of the present Irish environment is outlined, from the end of the last ice age to the present day, with emphasis on the formation of lands in need of drainage. Natural conditions indicate that agricultural drainage was required over some 50% (34,450 km2) of Ireland; the achieved agricultural drainage extends over some 29.3% of the country. Natural conditions affecting drainage are set out under the headings of topographical, geological, hydrogeological, vegetative, and hydrochemical influences as well as man's actions with regard to drainage. The third portion of the article deals with the ways in which areas now requiring agricultural drainage have been formed. Areas of low or nil infiltration are described, with some emphasis on such occurrences as lacustrine marls, pans of various types, the effects of the Calp and the Namurian in Carboniferous strate, and conditions under which rejected recharge by overfull aquifers produces winter marshes. Then areas afflicted by high, but often diffuse, groundwater discharge are noted. And the effect of bog growth, both raised bogs and blanket bog, are outlined; drainage of bogs is a very specialized operation, mainly undertaken by Bord na Mona. Some of the harmful affects of drainage are outlined, as reduction of grazing during rare droughts, of lands suitable for waterfowl, as well as some pollution from bog drainage. Drainage does not deplete the groundwater resources of Ireland, which are abundant and little used. The article ends with some general conclusions and a list of some 13 unusual ideas which arise from the application of hydrogeological principles and approaches to problems of agricultural drainage in Ireland.  相似文献   

This study presents the diffuse pollution profile of a coastal watershed with respect to the dominating sector of agriculture including forestry. A rough estimation of the diffuse loads expressed by two major nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorous is realized by calculations based on unit loads obtained from the literature for each land-use activity. The key concern is to rank the different diffuse loads arising from the watershed. The major diffuse nitrogen loads are estimated to arise from agricultural activities with 54 %, followed by livestock breeding that contribute to the nitrogen budget by 11 %. Almost 7 % of the nitrogen loads come from meadows and pasture, and 5 % from forests. In the distribution of diffuse phosphorus loads, it is estimated that 48 % of the loads arise from agricultural activities, and 18 % from livestock breeding. Almost 14 % of the phosphorous loads come from septic tank effluents; however, 13 % of the loads are due to rural run-off. The future loads for 2028 and 2039 are also estimated; 30–40 % decrease is foreseen in the agricultural pollutants and animal manure through the stepwise application of ecological agriculture and livestock breeding. The basic aim of this study is to put forth a practical methodology for estimating diffuse loads in a watershed for the decision-makers and local administrative authorities with especially limited available data. Through such, distribution of various diffuse loads becomes available among the administrative units composing the watershed.  相似文献   

近年来,莱芜市莱城区张家洼规模化畜禽养殖发展迅速,促进了当地的经济发展,但畜禽养殖用地的规划还处于无序状态,畜禽养殖破坏了环境,影响了村容村貌。为此,莱城区加强畜禽养殖用地管理,加强规划控制,加强畜禽养殖用地规模的核查;推行畜禽养殖用房流转,收取复耕保证金,走大棚养殖特色之路,取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

The Environmental benefits and costs of conservation tillage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Every production practice, including conservation tillage, has positive or negative environmental consequences that may involve air, land, water, and/or the health and ecological status of wildlife. The negative impacts associated with agricultural production, and the use of conventional tillage systems in particular, include soil erosion, energy use, leaching and runoff of agricultural chemicals, and carbon emissions. Several of these impacts are quantified. The conclusions suggest that the use of conservation tillage does result in less of an adverse impact on the environment from agricultural production than does conventional tillage by reducing surface water runoff and wind erosion. Additionally, wildlife habitat will be enhanced to some extent with the adoption of conservation tillage and the benefits to be gained from carbon sequestration will depend on the soil remaining undisturbed. Finally, further expansion of conservation tillage on highly erodible land will unquestionably result in an increase in social benefits, but the expected gains will be modest.  相似文献   

Impact of agriculture on surface water in Ireland Part I. General   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inland freshwaters of Ireland are generally of good quality, a condition at least partly attributable to the relatively small population and industrial base, which are mainly located in coastal areas. The wastes generated by agricultural activities greatly exceed those resulting from domestic and industrial activities. However, the bulk of these agricultural wastes are attributable to grazing livestock and are not likely to lead to pollution of waters. The disposal of manure slurries from intensive rearing operations and silage making are the main agricultural operations which have been implicated in pollution incidents, e.g., fish kills and lake eutrophication. Contamination of surface waters with nitrate and pesticides is not a significant problem at this stage, which reflects the relatively low usage of artificial fertilizers and biocides in Ireland. It is suggested that, in the long term, the main effect of agriculture on Irish surface waters will be eutrophication.  相似文献   

农业地质研究在现代农业领域中的开发应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李丹权 《吉林地质》2003,22(3):46-51,61
在现代农业领域中,农业地质研究及地质信息技术有着广泛的应用需求。本文以地质信息技术及农业地质研究作为现代农业生产和可持续发展的基础理论,对其开发应用的重要意义,以及应用前景等展开初步的分析、讨论。主要阐述农业地质在现代农业领域中开发应用的重要性,拓宽地质理论技术的开发应用及服务范围,更好地推动现代化农业生产的快速发展。  相似文献   

Lewis Holloway  Carol Morris   《Geoforum》2008,39(5):1709-1720
This paper focuses on the burgeoning application of genetic techniques in livestock agriculture, examining how these are changing livestock breeding knowledge-practices and the representation of animal life. Conventional livestock breeding relies on visual appraisal of animals and maintaining performance records, whereas genetic and genomic techniques offer the potential to assess particular aspects of animals’ genotypes. Advertising and promotional material produced by organisations involved in developing genetic techniques, and reportage and discussion of such techniques in the agricultural media, are used to examine the ways in which the production and value of living bodies in the future is being mapped out in emerging knowledge-practice networks which centre around particular visions and representations of what livestock bodies are and should do or be. The paper argues that bodies should be understood in part in terms of the wider spatial relationships in which they are entangled. A process of’circulating reference’ [Latour, B., 1999. Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA] is identified in which rounds of simplification occur in relation to the representation of the genetic qualities of livestock animals. However, these attempts to simplify produce new complexities when livestock breeders attempt to make use of genetic knowledge-practices. Identifying different modes of complexity, the paper discusses their spatiality in terms of differences between genetic abstractions from animal bodies and breeders ‘multi-layered ‘lay’ knowledges of their livestock animals.  相似文献   

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