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To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography and the 75th anniversary of the teaching of geography in the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, the home of the Journal, this article, based on personal reflections and "objective" academic materials, provides an overview of developments in geography in the Department and Journal. The paper argues that the department's and Journal's"identities", since the post-World War II period, have been shaped by Singapore's changing domestic politics, the changing university academic environment, the personalities and academic interests of heads of the department and the Journa's editors, the state of the changing regional and global political economic environment, and the individual research interests of faculty in the department, and reflects a complex mix of colonial/post-colonial, modern/post-modern, North-South and East-West discourses. While a defined Singapore school of geography has yet to emerge, the article shows that both the department and the Journal have made major strides in meeting the challenges of globalisation and, in the process, have gained international visibility and academic legitimacy. In particular, the Journal has consolidated its position as a major voice for academics in lesser developed countries, its platform for "tropical world" discourse and maintaining its edge in the colonial/post-colonial and modern/post-modern discourses of states within the tropics.  相似文献   

The Journal of Geography publishes work on geography education from throughout the world. This article investigates the origins of articles from 2008–2015, uncovers differences in rejection rates among articles from developed versus less developed regions, and makes suggestions to improve publication success by non-North American authors.  相似文献   

Questionnaires sent to 500 geographers randomly selected from U.S. graduate departments solicited opinions on the quality of scholarship of articles in 34 U.S. geography journals. The five highest ranked were Quaternary Research, Annals, AAG, Arctic and Alpine Research, Geographical Review, and American Cartographer. When familiarity and quality together were ranked, the top five were Annals, AAG, Geographical Review, Professional Geographer, Economic Geography and Journal of Geography. Age and specialty of respondent were most significant in explaining ranking variations.  相似文献   

Questionnaires sent to 500 geographers randomly selected from U.S. graduate departments solicited opinions on the quality of scholarship of articles in 65 journals: 33 foreign geography journals and 32 non-geography journals. The five highest ranked were Science, Geological Society Bulletin, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, and Journal of Ecology. When familiarity and quality were considered together, the top five were Science, Canadian Geographer, Progress in Human Geography, Geographical Journal, and Transactions of the IBG. Specialty of respondent proved most significant in explaining ranking variations.  相似文献   


Questionnaires sent to 500 geographers randomly selected from U.S. graduate departments solicited opinions on the quality of scholarship of articles in 65 journals: 33 foreign geography journals and 32 non-geography journals. The five highest ranked were Science, Geological Society Bulletin, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, and Journal of Ecology. When familiarity and quality were considered together, the top five were Science, Canadian Geographer, Progress in Human Geography, Geographical Journal, and Transactions of the IBG. Specialty of respondent proved most significant in explaining ranking variations.  相似文献   

1889-1944年日本《地学杂志》刊载涉及中国论文分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
段伟  何滢 《地理研究》2013,32(3):580-589
日本《地学杂志》是日本地球科学界最重要的专门性刊物之一,自1889年创刊以来登载了大量有关东亚及东南亚的地理信息,其中对中国的报道和研究所占版面年平均超过13%。本文主要介绍日本《地学杂志》的发展沿革及内容构成,着重分析1889-1944年该杂志所载涉及中国的文章,特别关注日本地学家对中国各区域地形、地质、资源、物产、水道交通及社会人文等方面的实地考察,论证其研究价值和意义,分析其时空分布特点。通过分析1889-1944年间以《地学杂志》相关人员为代表的日本研究者对中国的关注和认识在时空及侧重点上的变化态势,表明当时日本地学家在中国所从事的实地调查活动与日本国家在政治和经济上对中国地理知识的需求之间有着十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

禇绍唐 《地理研究》1984,3(3):104-110
二十世纪初,是我国地理学发展的更替时期,一方面记述性的旧地理学逐渐被淘汰,另一方面探寻地理事象因果规律的新地理学正在成长。为了积极推动新地理学的发展,三十年代初在上海从事地理教学、研究及编辑出版的人士便发起成立《中华地学会》,成为继中国地学会(1909年成立)之后我国第二个地理学术组织。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):280-285

Successful curriculum development that will have impact upon individual American classrooms remains the key to maintaining the momentum of Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Teachers and students must be able to translate the national geography standards from the national stage to the local classroom setting to become geographically informed people. One example of this development for elementary urban geography is the Main Street lesson plan. It encourages observation and analysis required by Standard 4: The geographically informed student knows and understands the physical and human characteristics of places. After testing in a variety of Missouri classrooms, instructors thought that Main Street was a unique way of studying urban places and allowing students to gain a greater understanding of place.  相似文献   

Editors' Note: The following is the ninth in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Lecture Series. It is based on the plenary presentation of 3 September at the Annual Conference of the Royal Geography Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) held in London in 2010. In the search for a more international approach to theorizing cities, comparative methods hold considerable promise, although one concern might be that in their theoretical ambitions they foster a universalising approach rather than one appreciative of diverse and sometimes divergent urban experiences. The potentially universalizing ambitions of comparative methods lead some postcolonial theorists to question the extent to which comparativism carries the marks of colonial histories. Critics argue that some aspects of formal comparative methods can be traced to ambitious and geographically encompassing intellectual projects from the colonial era, when the interest and capacity to bring different parts of the world together within the same intellectual frame advanced significantly. This paper explores the complexities of these colonial lineages of comparative research with a view to assessing their implications for postcolonial comparative urbanism. It concludes by assessing the potential for more modest comparative experiments in a postcolonial vein through attending to the diverse vernacular cosmopolitanisms of cities. Following the spatialities of cities themselves has the potential to offer non‐universalizing but variously internationalizing theoretical engagements with different places.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):259-268

Environmental agencies in most states have an environmental education Web page that can point geography teachers to a variety of opportunities and resources to enhance their teaching. Most states provide linkages to local and national programs such as Project WET and Project WILD, and access to lesson plans and other teaching materials. A number of state agencies have environmental resource centers, teacher workshops, and grant programs for field trips and class projects. A few states have workshops that provide graduate academic credit and special certification. Much of the content of these programs contributes to fundamental geographic education themes as specified in the 1983 Guidelines in Geographic Education K–12 and Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994.  相似文献   

Editors' Note: The following is the tenth in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Lecture Series. It is based on the plenary presentation of 13 April at the AAG held in Seattle in 2011. In this essay I explore relational poverty analysis to take seriously the spatially varied intersections of political‐economic, social ordering and cultural‐political processes in shaping understandings of poverty. My work as part of the Middle Class Poverty Politics Research Group employs a relational comparative methodology to theorize where, when and under what circumstances those framed as ‘middle class’ act in opposition to or in solidarity with those named as ‘poor’. Our approach focuses on the exploitative effects of capital accumulation, processes of unequal sociospatial categorization and political and discursive systems that limit or exclude the poor. Our research focuses on places experiencing capitalist crisis because intense periods of restructuring highlight material and discursive struggles over poverty. We conclude by identifying a research agenda focused on the ways in which poverty politics are constituted by the nonpoor through place and in the articulation of places with processes of political economy, governance and cultural politics.  相似文献   

In academia, publication productivity, defined as the number of peer-reviewed articles published and the frequency of citations, is a primary factor in the assessment of tenure and promotion. One of the most cited gender differences in academia is the “productivity puzzle,” which suggests that women publish less than men, thereby affecting every aspect of a woman's academic career. Peer-reviewed articles published in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Annals) and The Professional Geographer (PG) between 1995 and 2006, and in four subdisciplinary journals between 2005 and 2009, as well as citation reports, were used to explore whether gender differences are present in publication productivity. Gender differences were evident in the proportion of women authors, the frequency of collaboration, and the number of citations across a broad range of prestigious geographic journals. For all journals studied, women were underrepresented, especially in the authorship positions that equate to notions of respect and merit. Although the number of collaborative articles increased during the study period, single-authored papers are the dominant mode of publication for both men and women for most geographic journals. The authorship patterns for frequently cited articles generally mirror those for all articles. Because the frequency of collaborative publication was high for women, the dual trends of a general increase in publication collaboration and increasing participation of women in academic geography bodes well for increased female productivity as it relates to publishing. Nevertheless, it is important to note that, currently, males as lead or single authors represent the predominant voice of geography within the journals examined in this study.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):160-167
This study provides an in-depth investigation of Turkish primary school students’ perceptions of geography. Gender differences in students’ perceptions of geography were investigated, including definitions of geography and its field of study. The findings showed that landforms, our geographical regions/Turkey, mapwork, and countries dominated among students’ definitions. Geography topics cited were mainly within the physical geography category and mostly those of landforms and cartography. A chi-square test revealed a statistically significant difference between girls and boys in the Turkey category and the history-related issues category.  相似文献   

何沛东 《地理科学》2021,41(5):872-879
《方志月刊》是中国近代唯一的一种侧重于区域地理的刊物,刊物的名称选择、编辑特色等均受到了主编张其昀地理学思想的影响。通过对《方志月刊》载文及相关史实的梳理与考证,解析其办刊特色和地理学贡献。研究表明:该期刊注重科学的区域地理研究和地图、照片的运用,注重国外地理学成果的介绍和地理学史的整理,为中国近代地理学特别是区域地理学的发展提供了有益导向。  相似文献   

面对变化中的全球环境以及变化中的学科热点,以“变化背景下自然地理学新发展与新挑战”为主题的第一届全国自然地理学大会于2017年11月20-22日在南京召开。聚焦地理学与可持续发展、自然地理要素与过程集成、空间数据挖掘与系统决策等当代自然地理学研究的前沿内容,通过学科前沿理论的凝练,引导自然地理过程研究的继续深化;依托理论与方法创新;在典型流域、区域实现了自然地理过程的初步集成,切实服务于人地耦合视角下的可持续社会决策。深化自然地理学分支学科的过程研究、推进综合自然地理学的发展、提升陆地表层系统观测和模拟水平,将有助于进一步巩固自然地理学在地理科学学科体系中的基础学科地位,为满足国家重大战略需求和全球可持续发展作出重要的学科贡献。  相似文献   

该文旨在描述十年来我国"信息社会的地理学"发展的大体轮廓。依据主题词选择、领域选择、期刊选择和论文选择的标准,以国内地理期刊上发表的96篇论文为研究对象,并按期刊、主题词、研究方法、研究区域进行分类分析,进而从7大领域综述我国"信息社会的地理学"的研究内容。研究发现,十年来我国"信息社会的地理学"呈现出研究不断深化、领域和主要内容全面化、研究方法和研究区域多样化的特点,据此探讨其研究趋势以引导未来的研究。  相似文献   

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