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Immigrant and refugee acculturation has both behavioral and spatial manifestations. The purpose of this study is to examine the spatial acculturation process of Hmong refugees in California's San Joaquin Valley in order to understand changing perceptions of the concepts and uses of space and place. Through in-depth interviews and participant observation among 120 Hmong university students and their families, the process of change in settlement and use of space is traced from traditional cultural practices in Laos through the refugee camp experience to the first and 1.5 generation enclaves. Each generation has recreated and adapted the immediately preceding socialization experience such that settlement patterns and the use of space by the 1.5 generation only minimally resemble traditional culture, yet maintain its underlying cultural values.  相似文献   

基于空间生产的“三元辩证法”视角,以黄山市歙县卖花渔村为例,从物质空间、社会空间和制度空间3个维度分析传统村落空间转型过程、特征及驱动机制。结果表明:1)改革开放以来卖花渔村空间转型经历了内生性缓慢转型发展、外源性空间快速扩展、有序化空间品质提升3个阶段。2)随着盆景产业复兴和乡村旅游业兴起,传统村落物质空间分化重塑、社会空间解体重构、制度空间日趋完善,呈现出空间功能复合化、社会关系开放化、空间主体多元化的空间转型特征。3)在社会关系变迁、资本投入、权力干预等共同作用下,社会空间、物质空间及制度空间互动演进,共同推动了传统村落空间转型过程。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产根植于特定的生存环境,见证了人类历史的发展,其空间分布与人类迁徙、文明的传播与扩散有着紧密的联系.新疆是古代陆路丝绸之路重要节点,古代中西文化、经济交流的交汇地,非遗丰富多样,但对自然与人文因素与其空间分布关联却鲜有学者研究.通过借助ArcGIS空间分析功能,对新疆(含生产建设兵团)国家级、自治区级484...  相似文献   

张捷  张宏磊  唐文跃 《地理学报》2012,67(12):1675-1685
书法景观作为文化符号是中国传统文化景观的典型代表,是城镇文化景观的重要组成部分,其空间分布特征及其在全球化城市景观更新背景下的演化特征规律,是文化地理研究的重要问题。通过设计书法景观指数对北京、江苏、安徽、香港、四川等19个案例地典型地段的12种案例类型的书法景观调查统计,揭示了中国城镇书法景观存在多种明显的空间分异现象,即书法景观的空间分异存在于不同属性的城镇之间、城镇内部不同文化和功能属性的街区之间、以及同一街区的核心区与外围区之间。本文分析了影响中国城镇书法景观空间分异的基本因素-现代化和全球化、文化认同、城市更新、商业驱动,并构建了一个相应的机制模型。研究表明,中国人潜意识地将书法作为一种传统景观标志和传统文化象征符号,使得书法景观具备了空间地方界定和定义的功能,并促成了城镇中文化象征空间和地方感的形成以及书法景观的空间分异。书法景观研究对全球化和城市化过程中我国传统文化景观的保护具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

朱芳  苏勤  陶云 《地理科学》2021,41(10):1822-1831
以安庆黄梅戏会馆和再芬黄梅公馆为例,基于方法?目的链理论模型,解读文化消费者对黄梅戏展演空间属性的感知评价、层次处理和价值导向的转变。研究发现:不同层次的空间属性在文化消费者的感知与体验中实现着新的组合与重构,由此形成了基于舞台展演内容、文化呈现形式以及演出环境氛围为主体的3种空间感知模式。结合文化消费者感知的心理结构与路径,黄梅戏展演空间被消费者建构为娱乐空间、情感空间和社交空间,空间的多元化意义和价值得到彰显。方法?目的链理论从消费者的感知与需求出发,探索文化空间意义生成路径,实现了文化空间与消费者之间的双向信息交换。  相似文献   

马雨竹  宋伟轩  李晓丽 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1023-1033
基于行为地理学“空间认知-空间偏好-空间行为”的经典研究范式,以中国科学院大学研究生为调查对象,采用手绘意象地图和问卷调查相结合的方式,在一年时间内分三轮开展跟踪调查,通过观察被访者在北京逗留期间的城市空间认知、偏好和行为过程与特征,分析空间认知-偏好-行为三者间的相互作用关系与影响机制。研究发现:城市空间认知、空间偏好与空间行为存在一定耦合性,亦表现出明显的差异性,三者间不是单向因果而是相互影响的互馈关系;除认知主体的社会、文化等群体属性、经验和情感等个体差异以外,与客体的接触时间、空间距离和接触频率等时空制约因素均能影响主体的城市空间认知水平与发展过程。最后,根据空间认知、偏好、行为的相互作用关系和影响制约因素,凝练出一般化的城市空间认知-偏好-行为互馈关联模型。  相似文献   

汪明峰  周媛 《地理研究》2022,41(2):373-289
近年来,旧城更新形成的文化创意产业园向旅游目的地转型已成为普遍趋势。既有研究对文创园区和旅游地形成的空间生产机制有所挖掘,但对文创产业园旅游转向的内生性动力的认识有待深入。本文结合列斐伏尔的三元空间理论和福柯的权力空间思想,采用实地调研、深度访谈与半沉浸式观察相结合的综合方法,从宏观-微观互动的角度对田子坊文创旅游空间的生产和演化机制进行研究。结果表明:① 各行动主体基于社会关系和空间主权形成权力-空间关系;② 为实现增长的集体目标,城市政府引导了具有生产性逻辑的空间制度设计,并与微观行动者进行权力的分配与互动,形成空间规训和生产机制;③ 在表征的空间中,商户的日常生活实践通过多样化的服从与抵抗的能动性策略,形成差异化的微观空间生产,推动文创旅游的空间实践与演化。研究还针对文创园区旅游化进程中存在的问题提供了治理启示。  相似文献   

活态遗产地演变发展是连续性空间生产过程,揭示其特征与逻辑对于活态遗产地的保护、利用与传承具有重要意义。将表达遗产地活态性的3个要素——传统、地点、生活与“空间三元辩证法”相耦合构建TSL(Tradition-Site-Living)模型,并以丽江古城为例,探讨活态遗产地持续变化的一般规律。结果发现:1)古城经历了三个阶段的空间生产,即政治功能主导下的“空间中的消费”,工商功能主导下的“空间中的生产”,旅游功能主导下的“空间的生产和消费”;2)外部环境因素变化促使古城核心使用功能演替,引发生活、地点、传统相互作用,从而实现各个阶段的空间生产过程;3)活态遗产地连续性空间生产是外部因素驱动内生机制运行的结果,遵循时空延续变化、外部环境因素驱动、内部活态要素运作三大逻辑。活态遗产地是由时间、环境、空间叠合而成的时空连续体,TSL模型为揭示活态遗产地持续变化的基本规律提供了理论框架。  相似文献   

以广州市番禺区沙湾古镇为研究对象,基于空间句法理论轴线模型对2002、2008、2017年3个年份的城市形态进行建模分析。结果表明:1)从沙湾古镇整体形态看,古镇经历了由“单核内聚”到“轴带生长”,再到“发散蔓延”的3个发展阶段,古镇核心不断扩大,形态趋于完善;2)古镇空间形态外拓方向和集成核中心的扩展方向一致,古镇新商业中心转移与空间形态演变呈同步性;3)古镇集成核与商业中心发展不同步的现象,与现代城市的正交网格形态以及传统古镇相对密集复杂的空间肌理有关。文章揭示了快速城市化过程中的传统村落空间形态的发展规律,并提出未来古镇的空间设计应适当遵循空间同构、合理规划交通道路、理性控制旅游开发,从而保护与延续古镇原有的空间特质的建议,为传统村落新空间设计,继承与重构空间发展结构和秩序提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

摘要:后工业时代,文化资源的挖掘利用正日益成为各国政府引导城市更新、城市转型的重要手段。上海也积极利用各种文化资源来塑造国际文化大都市的形象。论文在回顾上海文化战略发展的基础上,分析了文化战略导向下上海对演出场馆资源的五种开发利用模式,并重点剖析了城市文化战略的实施对上海演出空间的塑造作用。在当前上海打造国际文化大都市的进程中,演出场馆的空间分布格局正日趋成形,同时,这种文化符号效力也带来了显著的空间效应,包括全球文化消费引领地的形成,艺术表演集聚区的初现以及演出空间的专业化拓展等。塑造与提升上海演艺文化空间格局成为上海加快建设国际文化大都市的必经之路。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the determinants of spatial knowledge and how our knowledge of space varies according to geographic location. By using data on U.S. city names recalled at 22 test locations, a multivariate model of the information surface specific to each test location is calibrated. This model links the probability of a city being recalled from memory to its distance from the test site, its population size, its location with respect to other cities, and whether or not it is a state capital. The paper then suggests that these recall data provide information on spatial knowledge surfaces from which large-scale spatial choices, such as migration destinations, are made. Results from the analysis lend further evidence to the idea that spatial knowledge is stored and processed hierarchically and that individuals underrepresent information in large clusters. Consequently, the results have important implications for modeling any spatial behavior based on individuals' spatial information surfaces. In particular, the results cast further doubt on the validity of traditional large-scale spatial choice frameworks and lend support to the competing destinations hypothesis.  相似文献   

The cadastral model has played a key role in Indigenous dispossession in settler states. Yet, the recognition of Indigenous land rights, which has increased globally since the 1960s, frequently requires Indigenous communities to directly engage with this spatial model. In Australia, native title claimants must use entity-based models of space to delineate their traditional territories during the claim process. They must also engage with planning and development documents which use the cadastral model of space to assert and defend their rights following native title recognition. This is often problematic as Indigenous spatial ontologies emphasise complexity and continuity which is inimical to the ‘crisp’ representations of cadastral space.This study explores the potential of a fuzzy index modelling approach to represent cultural values using a case study from Broome, Western Australia. Sketch mapping, fuzzy index modelling and combinatory techniques were used to produce a model of several cultural values held by the Yawuru community for the in-town foreshore of Roebuck Bay. This model was overlaid on local planning documents to provide the Yawuru community with strategic intelligence for post native title governance. The experience of co-producing this model suggests that such techniques may assist Indigenous communities to engage with settler structures. This implies that policies which fail to extend analytical capacity to interested native title groups as part of programmes of spatial enablement continue to perpetuate historical processes of colonial domination.  相似文献   

基于城市功能格局的西安市文化产业空间集聚研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对以往文化产业区位特征研究中缺乏与城市功能格局有机联系的问题,以中国西部重要的文化产业集聚中心西安市为案例,采用土地利用区位商、标准差椭圆、热点分析和叠加分析等方法,分析其文化产业的空间集聚特征及与城市功能格局的耦合关系。结果表明,2016年西安市的文化产业布局具有较强的“空间+功能”依附性特征,其空间集聚以城市发展主轴为方向线,集中在以一类工业和科教功能为主、开发较为成熟的城市综合功能区。传统商贸业、物流业等要素集散枢纽对文化产业的空间集聚影响较为显著。面向生活服务的文化休闲娱乐服务业的空间分布相对均衡,而面向生产服务的文化创意和设计服务业则表现出较强的产业关联导向和环境氛围导向特征。  相似文献   

康雷  杨兆萍  韩芳 《中国沙漠》2022,42(1):158-166
基于国家级和自治区级非物质文化遗产(简称非遗)资源空间数据,集成相关自然地理环境和社会经济文化数据,采用最邻近分析、核密度估计和全局空间自相关分析,研究新疆非遗的空间分布规律和集聚特征,采用地理探测器模型深入探究影响新疆非遗空间分布的自然因素、经济因素和社会文化因素。结果表明:新疆非遗空间分布呈现北多南少的特征,主要集中在喀什、伊犁、塔城、巴州和乌鲁木齐等地(市、州);新疆非遗在空间上具有明显的集聚特征,不同类型非遗的集聚程度也有差异,在空间上形成了乌鲁木齐-吐鲁番-库尔勒为核心的一级组团、伊宁和喀什为核心的二级组团以及以塔城、哈密和阿克苏为中心的若干三级组团。新疆非遗空间分布受自然因素、经济因素、社会文化因素的综合影响:社会文化因素(0.5494)>经济因素(0.4597)>自然因素(0.2285)。自然因素和经济因素、社会文化因素的协同效应对非遗空间分布的影响更明显。  相似文献   

代兰海  薛东前 《干旱区地理》2022,45(4):1302-1312
旅游地感知是旅游地理学重要的研究领域之一,“一带一路”倡议背景下,游客空间感知与地方想象研究对推动边疆生态旅游地品牌化建设,促进边疆“去边缘化”和旅游发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。以额济纳绿洲为例,综合集成内容分析法、社会网络分析法、文本分析法与社会访谈法,探讨了边疆生态旅游地游客空间感知意象特征与地方想象建构过程。结果表明:(1) 绿洲景观生态与自然风貌是生态旅游地空间感知中最主要的部分,其中,胡杨林在游客空间感知意象网络中居于核心位置,胡杨符号成为游客审美和消费偏好。(2) K-核分析发现,胡杨要素贯穿所有凝聚子群层次变化过程,胡杨景观及其延伸的社会文化意义是游客重点关注的内容。随着K-核级数增加,游客由着重关注绿洲胡杨森林景观向绿洲森林、地貌、水体等综合自然景观过渡,绿洲人文景观除黑城遗址和策克口岸外,其他较少受到游客青睐。(3) 基于边疆独特的景观符号、典型的地域符号和层累的文化符号,借助真实空间的具身体验和想象空间的文化建构,游客对额济纳绿洲展开丰富的生命想象、边塞想象与秘境想象,塑造出绿洲鲜明的地方意象。  相似文献   

在地理学“文化和空间转向”背景下,城市社会文化的关注渐渐成为城市研究和文化地理学研究中的热点.文中选择以茶楼为代表的传统茶文化消费和以星巴克为代表的新兴咖啡文化消费空间的冲突与变化为视角,结合问卷调查和深度访谈对以星巴克为代表的外来消费文化现象进行分析,从文化行为与心态层面归纳总结广州城市文化消费空间的重构及其内在机制.研究表明:在全球化影响下,星巴克咖啡消费空间的兴起,在广州培育了以中产阶级和学生为主的一批忠实的消费群体,对传统茶文化空间产生一定的冲击,伴随的是消费者“符号化”消费心理的膨胀及追求生活第  相似文献   

Existing sensor network query processors (SNQPs) have demonstrated that in-network processing is an effective and efficient means of interacting with wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for data collection tasks. Inspired by these findings, this article investigates the question as to whether spatial analysis over WSNs can be built upon established distributed query processing techniques, but, here, emphasis is on the spatial aspects of sensed data, which are not adequately addressed in the existing SNQPs. By spatial analysis, we mean the ability to detect topological relationships between spatially referenced entities (e.g. whether mist intersects a vineyard or is disjoint from it) and to derive representations grounded on such relationships (e.g. the geometrical extent of that part of a vineyard that is covered by mist). To support the efficient representation, querying and manipulation of spatial data, we use an algebraic approach. We revisit a previously proposed centralized spatial algebra comprising a set of spatial data types and a comprehensive collection of operations. We have redefined and re-conceptualized the algebra for distributed evaluation and shown that it can be efficiently implemented for in-network execution. This article provides rigorous, formal definitions of the spatial data types, points, lines and regions, together with spatial-valued and topological operations over them. The article shows how the algebra can be used to characterize complex and expressive topological relationships between spatial entities and spatial phenomena that, due to their dynamic, evolving nature, cannot be represented a priori.  相似文献   

Geographic studies of refugee issues have emerged as salient topics of inquiry in the past decade. This spatial analysis of the migration experiences and heterolocal settlement patterns of refugees in an increasingly diverse part of the Pacific Northwest focuses on a place that the Atlantic Monthly recently called the last Caucasian bastion in the United States. Perceived as a region better known for its dense forests, progressive environmental policies, and rural ambience, the Portland metropolitan area and its hinterland in the Willamette Valley now resonate with ethnic and racial diversity. This article analyzes the spatial patterns and related networks of the three largest refugee groups in the region. Findings indicate that an overlapping and interrelated set of political, social, cultural, and economic networks are the most important factors in determining refugee residential patterns.  相似文献   

以中国和日本两国都市旅游街区的商店招牌为研究对象,以北京琉璃厂、东京浅草寺作为传统旅游街区,以北京王府井、东京新宿作为更新型旅游街区,以南京新街口、东京银座作为都市现代商贸旅游街区,设计了特定的书法景观指数从不同空间尺度探讨了两国书法景观空间分异特征及文化认同的异同。结果表明:全球化背景下中、日两国对书法文化仍然存在的较强文化认同,书法景观作为一种文化符号,标识了城市内部象征空间的形成,表征着全球化背景下的社会与文化过程。虽然两国文字、民俗和书法传统的差异性导致两国在书法艺术的认同角度和形式上的差异,但两国书法景观在整体上具有城市空间分异规律和文化认同的一致性:在全球化的背景下,现代旅游街区的书法景观较之传统旅游街区已经弱化;书法景观在不同类型业态之间的差异则揭示了这种空间分异的形成机制。  相似文献   

Using ArcGIS to analyze the spatial distribution of traditional villages in Yunnan Province in combination with the actual local conditions of traditional villages, the purpose of this study is to determine the development model suitable for their characteristics. The results show several important features of traditional village distribution. (1) The traditional villages in Yunnan Province have spatial structural characteristics of unbalanced cohesive distribution, and they are mainly distributed in the higher-level cities and prefectures such as northwest Yunnan, west Yunnan and south Yunnan. Among them, the traditional villages of Baoshan City have the highest distribution density of 66.33 per 10000 km2. This is followed by Dali Prefecture and Honghe Prefecture, where the densities of traditional villages are 44.13 per 10000 km2 and 37.66 per 10000 km2, respectively. (2) The factors affecting the spatial distribution structure of traditional villages in Yunnan Province are natural geographical factors, humanistic historical factors and transportation factors. Among them, the natural geographical conditions with a large vertical gap in Yunnan Province gave birth to the human settlement environment of traditional villages. The history of a farming civilization that has been passed down from generation to generation has laid a brilliant and splendid humanistic foundation for traditional villages, and the high-altitude areas are relatively primitive. The transportation conditions have delayed the destruction of traditional villages by urbanization and industrialization. In summary, these factors have affected the spatial distribution pattern of traditional villages in Yunnan Province to some extent. (3) According to the law of the spatial distribution of traditional villages in Yunnan Province, it is necessary to explore the activation path of traditional village tourism with regional characteristics and ethnic characteristics, and also to carry out differentiated development according to the different endowment characteristics of local resources, that is to develop a series of activation modes including agricultural tourism, cultural tourism and ecological tourism.  相似文献   

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