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Literature on the theoretical foundations of urban affairs emphasizes that the field is interdisciplinary in nature. The urban perspectives of the traditional social sciences, which include geography, should each constitute a significant component within an urban affairs program. However, the results of a recent survey indicate that geography is not represented in graduate urban affairs programs nearly to the extent of the other social sciences. The discrepancies between the interdisciplinary claims of the theoretical literature and the survey results are demonstrated in this article, followed by several hypotheses regarding possible causes of this situation.  相似文献   

人文地理学学科体系与发展战略要点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
樊杰  赵鹏军  周尚意  邓祥征  王琛 《地理学报》2021,76(9):2083-2093
本文属于《中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)》地理科学学科规划的系列成果之一,写作组在对人文地理学学科发展进行系统梳理与分析判研的基础上,在本文中侧重介绍未来15年的中国人文地理学学科体系与发展战略要点。人文地理学是研究人类活动地理分布格局形成和演变规律的一门学科。随着人类发展临近和进入后工业化阶段,人类活动的经济社会过程对人文地理分布规律的影响越来越重要,社会科学研究思维和方法已成为探讨和理解变化的人文地理过程和格局的重要途径,人文地理学研究方法论也呈现出自然科学和社会科学综合集成的特色。人文地理学研究的成果产出,揭示了人类活动地理分布格局和演变的科学规律,成为调控和优化国土空间开发保护格局的科学基础,在国土空间规划、区域战略和区域政策制定、空间治理现代化等方面有着广泛的应用,人文地理学的科学研究与决策应用之间具有紧密的关系。根据学科发展现状、趋势及主要产出结果,中国人文地理学可按照5个分支学科群进行学科战略布局,包括综合人文地理学、经济地理学、城市地理学、乡村地理学、社会文化地理学和政治地理学。各分支学科在新时期地理科学学科体系下,具有其优先发展领域与重点方向,相互协调,不断创新。  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to discuss whether a definition of economic geography as contextual analysis still is viable and relevant. The author argues that the definition remains the key to the production of high quality and social relevant research. He concludes that contextual analysis represents the competitive advantage of economic geography among other social sciences and the best position to demonstrate its relevance to the broader society.  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China’s urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China's urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

北京大学人文地理学发展与创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京大学是中国最早开展人文地理学教学、研究和实践的综合性教学科研单位。人文地理学的前身为1955年成立的北京大学地质地理系经济地理专业。60多年来,北京大学人文地理学秉持“教学科研并重,理论服务实践”的宗旨,从以人文地理基础理论研究为主,逐渐向基础研究与应用实践相结合的纵深拓展,形成了文理工交叉融合的创新研究思维和人文地理学科体系,创建了城市与经济地理系、城市与区域规划系和历史地理研究所。经过60多年的不断发展和开拓创新,对城镇化、城镇体系、城市与区域规划、土地利用评价与规划、产业区位与区域产业演化、产业集群与创新网络、住房与房地产经济、风景名胜区与世界遗产、村镇发展规划、城市社会地理、时间地理与行为地理、历史地理、旅游地理研究与规划、计量地理、交通地理和交通规划等各个领域进行了深入系统的理论研究和应用实践探索,取得了一系列在国内外具有显示度和影响力的创新成果,为国家社会经济发展提供了重要的科技支撑,在推动国家经济社会建设与城乡可持续发展方面做出了重大贡献。未来北京大学人文地理将面向国家战略需求和学科发展前沿,继续包容发展,加强多学科间的交流合作,进一步提升为国家战略决策的服务能力和人文地理学科在世界的学术影响力。  相似文献   

全生态综合世界观和人地互动过程与复杂性的系统研究是时间地理学理论体系构建的核心,也是行为地理学关于空间—行为互动理论构建的关键问题。企划和活动的地方秩序嵌套是新时间地理学的最新发展。论文围绕企划—活动系统及其变化、企划交织下的活动系统与社会互动、企划实现过程中活动的地方秩序构建等3个方面对时间地理学理论发展和研究前沿进行综述,系统梳理时间地理学在交通出行、城市与区域规划、地理学、康复医疗与健康、资源能源利用等领域的跨学科应用。未来呼吁更多学者关注时间地理学,积极开展跨学科应用和时间地理学创新应用的国际比较研究,将时间地理学的最新研究进展与中国城市发展的现实问题相结合,创新并发展中国城市研究的行为范式,丰富和完善中国城市的空间—行为互动理论,为中国城市的高质量发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

以"Web of ScienceTM核心合集"和CNKI核心文献库为数据源,运用CiteSpace软件进行文献计量分析,从发文时间、地区分布、学科分布、研究机构、关键词共现与高被引文献等方面,总结比较了2000年以来中外犯罪地理研究进展,并展望了未来的研究趋势.结果发现:1)国内外犯罪地理发文量整体呈现持续增长态势,美...  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):159-165

Foreign travel for secondary school teachers is beneficial for enhancement of classroom curriculum. The dual nature of the U.S. Navy-National Geographic co-sponsored trips is key to enriching the global geography perspective in the classroom. A travel study to Japan provides in-service benefit for teacher peers and community groups by enhancing geography through the link between the natural and social sciences.  相似文献   

In Australia, geography, studied as a discipline, is generally non-existent in Grades K-6 (approximately ages 5-11 years) and, in some states, this state of affairs extends to Grades 7-10 (12-15 years). In New South Wales (NSW), the geography component has been strengthened in the Grades K-6 curriculum; there are mandatory and optional geography courses in Grades 7-10, and optional geography courses in Grades 11 and 12 (16-17 + years). In this paper, the place of geography in NSW, in the learning area of Studies of Society and Environment, is compared with geography curricula in five countries. In England and Wales, and in Finland, geography is regarded as an essential subject in the school curriculum. In the USA and Japan, attempts are being made to replace generalist social studies courses with disciplines, such as geography, from the humanities and social sciences. And, finally, Hong Kong has been influenced by curriculum developments in England and Wales, as well as in Australia.  相似文献   

行为地理学的学科定位与前沿方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
始自行为革命,行为地理学逐渐走向多元化的发展方向,不断扩展自身的理论框架和实践外延,反思并重新认识自身的意义,成为了人文地理学的重要组成部分。伴随着社会经济转型的深入,世界越来越向着多样化、个体性、动态化发展,人们的空间行为决策、选择的差异与个性越来越明显,空间与行为的交互越来越强,为行为地理学带来了新的发展机遇。论文通过梳理行为地理学的学科基础,提出行为地理学的学科定位与内涵外延,并指出行为地理学已经呈现出面向动态人地关系、面向个体生活质量及面向社会可持续发展3个前沿发展方向。在此基础上,论文对行为地理学面临的方法论、研究方法与跨学科的挑战进行讨论,并展望行为地理学的未来发展,以期为中国行为地理学的理论创新与实践探索提供启示。  相似文献   

行为地理学围绕空间与行为间的关系这一学科核心,不断完善理论基础、深化研究方法、拓展研究议题,逐渐走向多元化和社会化,发展成为人文地理学的重要分支学科,其理论、方法以及相应的成果也被广泛应用于诸多领域的研究与实践中。论文首先对行为地理学研究在理论、方法和应用方面的跨学科基础进行梳理,进而从城市规划与设计、移动性规划与管理和社会可持续发展与治理3个方面阐述行为地理学与不同学科相结合的应用,试图探讨行为主义思想对于地理学和相邻学科产生的影响,厘清围绕行为地理学开展应用研究的学科交叉脉络,进一步推进行为地理学的跨学科发展,探索未来的研究与应用方向。  相似文献   

地理学:从知识、科学到决策   总被引:34,自引:16,他引:18  
傅伯杰 《地理学报》2017,72(11):1923-1932
地理学是研究地理要素或者地理综合体空间分布规律、时间演变过程和区域特征的一门学科,是自然科学与人文科学的交叉,具有综合性、交叉性和区域性的特点。随着地理信息技术发展与研究方法变革,新时期的地理学正在向地理科学进行华丽转身,研究主题更加强调陆地表层系统的综合研究,研究范式经历着从地理学知识描述、格局与过程耦合,向复杂人地系统的模拟和预测转变。在服务国内重大需求和国际全球战略过程中,地理学正在扮演愈发重要的角色,在新型城镇化、生态环境保护、水土资源管理、地缘政治等领域拥有广阔发展前景。中国地理学正面临前所未有的机遇,需要紧紧围绕国家重大需求,创新发展综合性的理论、方法和技术,逐步形成具有鲜明中国特色、深远国际影响的地理科学体系,为中国和全球的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   


This article introduces the word “LAMPPOST” as a mnemonic device to aid in the instruction of climate variables. It provides instructors with a framework for discussing climate patterns that is based on eight variables: latitude, altitude, maritime influence and continen-tality, pressure systems, prevailing winds, ocean currents, storms, and topography. It focuses on ways to introduce the variables in a logical sequence that provides a smooth transition from one variable to the next. It is primarily designed for instructors with a background in human geography or the social sciences who wish to incorporate elements of physical geography into their lectures.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):200-203

Man, the social animal, has organized his cities for particular social objectives. His urban social communications take place within a spatially and socially restrictive network of interpersonal information contact. Viewed in this sense, cities exist to facilitate the social communications or interactions of their population. At the same time, however, diverse social goals and group frictions create barriers to smooth flows of information among urban dwellers. This paper introduces the theme of urban social interaction, outlines the structure of social ties in cities, and surveys two major urban problems relating explicitly to social interaction in the city. The approach here is to bring geographical concepts and knowledge to bear on problems of social interaction in urban space. It is hoped that greater insight by teachers and students into the social problems of cities is achieved by an improved understanding of the geography of social communications.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):169-180

Research in the cognition and learning sciences has demonstrated that the human brain contains basic structures whose functions are to perform a variety of specific spatial reasoning tasks and that children are capable of learning basic spatial concepts at an early age. There has been a call from within geography to recognize research on spatial cognition in a meaningful way in primary school curriculum. This article utilizes the spatial thinking taxonomy proposed by Gersmehl and Gersmehl (2006) to examine to the extent to which spatial thinking concepts are being practiced in U.S. schools. The National Geography Standards and forty-nine state social studies or geography standards are examined. Using standards as a measure of geography content, it is concluded that while some of spatial thinking concepts appear often in curriculum, others are largely absent. Designing geography standards that address the findings of spatial cognition research may serve as a means of improving geography instruction.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):103-104

“Friends in High Places” is a group activity designed to integrate geography with other social studies disciplines such as government, political science, American history, and world issues. It is necessary to consider geography when shaping foreign policy because the formulation of foreign policy requires of its very nature reaching out from our borders like a worldwide network of nerve fibers. As chief diplomat, the President conducts foreign affairs including 1) the initiation of foreign policy, 2) the recognition of new foreign governments, and 3) the making of treaties.  相似文献   

欧美经济地理学的三个发展方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苗长虹 《地理科学》2007,27(5):617-623
经济地理学是在与经济学的交融中创新、发展的。基于经济学发展中的三个重要流派:新古典主义、制度主义和演化主义,经济地理学在新世纪将进入前所未有的纷争时代——新古典经济地理学、制度主义经济地理学和演化经济地理学三足鼎立的"三国时代"。在对经济学领域的这三大流派基本特征分析的基础上,探讨了欧美经济地理学领域这三个发展方向各自的理论出发点及其异同,进而分析了其竞争、合作和创新的基本途径以及对中国经济地理学发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

薛德升  王立 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1117-1129
以国内出版的专著和重要学术期刊发表的学术论文为资料基础,运用文献计量学方法,对1978年改革开放30多年来中国城市地理的研究进展进行了总结。研究发现:中国城市地理研究总体上日益繁荣,研究内容不断拓展和深化,研究方法逐步走向“科学化”和“规范化”,研究的空间尺度总体上“由大向小”转变,研究视角向多样化转变;国家政策和城市热点问题对研究内容具有重要影响,西方理论和流派对研究视角具有重要影响;基础研究与应用研究并重是重要特色,城市化与城市体系是重要的研究主题。建议在未来的研究中培养全球化视野,批判性地引进西方理论,加强理论创新、科学规范、跨学科交叉与新方法引进。  相似文献   

According to the latest data available, in 2013 a staggering 68,000 scholarly books reached print in North America alone. Book reviews have long served as an important tool to keep tabs on the content and quality of all of those books. In decades past, perusing book reviews was essential in conducting a literature review and a tool for authors to demonstrate the impact that their book has on a field of study. Most important, though, book reviews play a vital role in academic advancement by calling attention to books that successfully add to new knowledge and warn against books with defects and deficiencies. Despite their overwhelming importance, no one has systematically analyzed the value of scholarly book reviews. Moreover, in our current age of the Internet, e-mail, and social media, it is important to know the worth of book reviews. Drawing on the results of a 2018 survey sent to select members of the American Association of Geographers, this article assesses the value of scholarly book reviews among geographers. It answers these questions: Who writes and reads book reviews? What are the characteristics of a useful book review? Is writing a book review considered a valued scholarly activity? Does writing book reviews help advance a person’s career? Because geography is a microcosm of academia, this study has applicability across the social sciences and humanities. Do scholarly book reviews still matter? Key Words: human geography, monographs, promotion and tenure, scholarly book reviews.  相似文献   

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