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The Southeast Anatolian orogen is a part of the eastern Mediterranean-Himalayan orogenic belt. Development of the Southeast Anatolian orogen began with the first ophiolite obduction onto the Arabian platform during the Late Cretaceous, and it continued until the Miocene. Its lingering effects continue to be discernible at present. During the Late Cretaceous-Miocene interval, three major deformational phases occurred, related to Late Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene nappe emplacements. The Miocene nappes are composed of ophiolites and metamorphic massifs.

For a decade, field studies in the region have shown that strike-slip tectonics played a role complementary to the major horizontal effects of the nappe movement, as indicated by: (1) fault systems active during the Eocene; (2) different Eocene rock units composed of coeval continental and deep-sea deposits and presently tectonically juxtaposed; and (3) other stratigraphic and structural data obtained across the present strike-slip fault zones.

These strike-slip faults possibly resulted from oblique subduction of the mid-oceanic ridge underneath the northerly situated Yuksekova ensimatic island-arc complex, causing a gradual cessation of the island-arc system. The subduction also led to the development of a back-arc pull-apart basin, i.e., the Maden basin, which opened on the upper plate. The geologic history in Southeast Anatolia resembles the development of the San Andreas fault system and subsequent tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

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The Çatallar Basin is one of the Miocene basins located in the southern part of the Bey Da?lar? Massif (SW Turkey). This basin has been reinvestigated and new stratigraphic and sedimentological data are now presented. The Çatallar Basin lies in paraconformity on the Bey Da?lar? carbonate platform of Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene age. It consists of an impersistent, shallow-marine carbonate base (Karabay?r formation, Late Oligocene to Early Burdigalian) followed by an onlapping detrital sequence including the Akçay and Ba?beleni formations (Langhian to Serravallian). The Akçay formation mainly contains turbidites in which several debris-flows and olistostromes are intercalated. The lowest debris flows derive from the local carbonate platforms of Cretaceous and Palaeogene age. Higher, the debris flows and olistostromes contain large carbonate blocks deriving from nearby sources (Bey Da?lar? platform carbonates), whereas the accompanying pebbles originate from the allochthonous ophiolitic units located farther to the north (Lycian Nappes) or to the east (Antalya Nappes). The origin of these ophiolitic detritus is a matter of debate. The new data obtained in this study favour a northern origin.  相似文献   

Iron-titanium rich grains (‘ilmenites’ to a various degree of weathering) occuring along the coast line of Senegal and deriving from various parent units are characterized from their size, texture, magnetic and geochemical properties. Both the corresponding data and their multivariate analysis lead to the conclusion that the ‘ilmenite’ grains derive from various sources, mainly local ones, except in the area of Saint-Louis where occur more distal grains from Mauritania. In the North of Cap Vert and in the South of Gambia, the ‘Continental Terminal’ formation represents the main source of the ‘ilmenite’ grains. Along the ‘Petite Côte’, ‘ilmenites’ derive mainly from the Maastrichtian formations of the ‘Massif de Ndiass’. Volcanic formation of the Cap Vert area does not represent a major source, except in the area of the extremity of the peninsula. The old ferricretes do not significantly contribute to the recent accumulation. The ‘ilmenites’ concentration along the beach lineis controlled by the different sedimentary cycles; the nouakchottian transgression beeing probably the most important event. In the Senegalese basin, a significant amount of the ‘ilmenites’ originated from the ‘Continental Terminal’ formation appears to derive from basic metamorphic rocks of the Mauritanide orogen. In the northern part of the basin, ‘ilmenite’ assemblage contains grains suggesting intermediate to acidic magmatic parental rocks. The calc-alkaline igneous complex from the structural units emplaced in the late Paleozoic on the NW margin of the Mauritanide orogen, and the Reguibat uplift, are two possible sources. The ‘ilmenite’ association found in the Maastrichtian formation probably derives from various paleozoic formations but its primary origin can not be deciphered.  相似文献   

Résumé L'une des voies actuelles de la recherche menée pour comprendre les caractéristiques des gisements minéraux est de les considérer comme des anomalies de l'écorce terrestre.Une approache nettement plus fertile peut être entrevue dans un contexte géochimique. Un gisement de fer apparait comme l'impact de phénomènes géologiques élémentaires favorables situés à diverses échelles, sur les propriétés spécifiques du fer. Les gisements n'apparaissent que parce qu'il existe une hétérogénéité de la distribution des éléments chimiques dans l'écorce terrestre. L'analyse de cette hétérogénéité doit être regardée comme l'analyse des différentes formes de dilution. Cependant, chaque niveau de dilution est sous la dépendance de causes particulières et la poursuite de la concentration vers des échelles géométriques de plus en plus grandes est déterminée par ces causes favorables de plus en plus nombreuses dont la probabilité de rencontre est de plus en plus faible.
Many geologists want today to explain the characteristics of mineral deposits as anomalies in the earths crust. A more fruitful approach may be the consideration of the geochemical context. An iron deposit appears thus as the combination of favourable elementary geological phenomena with the specific properties of iron. There are deposits which may be attributed only to the heterogeneity in the distribution of elements through the earths crust. The analysis of this heterogeneity is an analysis of the different features of dilution. However, for each dilution level there are particular causes, and the continuation of a certain concentration towards larger geometric scales is determined by a growingly larger number of favourable causes and thus by causes whose probability of coincidence is increasingly smaller.

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