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农村土地违法建房问题存在多、乱、差、杂等特点。文登市积极采取应对措施,深入分析原因,认为经济利益驱使、规划不合理和引导不力、宣传监管乏力是造成这一问题的主要原因。建议进一步加大法律法规宣传力度、加大国土资源执法巡查力度、增加规划意识、建立农村宅基地有偿使用制度和农民宅基地使用权制度。  相似文献   

在国家从严土地管理的新形势下,基层国土资源管理部门应科学地分析当前执法监察工作所面临的新形势,冷静地面对新问题,大胆地应对新挑战。要紧抓机遇,破解难题,就要从发挥主观能动性入手,大力推行治根治本之策,坚持"六个结合",重拳出击国土资源违法行为,担负起保护土地,促进地方经济发展的重任。  相似文献   

本文结合北京同仁医院经济开发区院区工程,详细介绍了医疗建筑施工阶段全过程的项目管理的实施和成果。  相似文献   

邵长春  林宪光  刘洋 《山东地质》2010,(9):60-61,65
为落实最严格的耕地保护制度和节约用地制度,梁山县国土资源局从2009年3月开始开展了保增长保红线行动,通过积极主动服务,拓展建设用地空间,严格执法监管,全面推进国土资源工作的有序开展,保障了全县经济社会的科学发展跨越发展。  相似文献   

A rapidly growing literature interrogates the social and economic impacts of various Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Less often, however, have scholars examined the necessary corollary of such initiatives; that is, both new and enhanced law enforcement initiatives to combat the global trade in illegal forest products and secure property rights to conserved forests. Drawing upon recent consultative experiences for relevant multinational agencies in East Africa, we critically analyze the emergent features of this additional ‘dark side’ of REDD+, highlighting in particular both its potential for ‘leakage’ effects on adjacent jurisdictions and deleterious implications for forest-dependent communities. Specifically, we highlight the ways in which such activities threaten to conflate illegal with informal trade in forest products; the ways in which they are potentially ill-suited for addressing the trade in charcoal as opposed to the trade in timber; and the incentives that they may provide for states to further marginalize indigenous forest-dwelling populations in the region. In doing so, we argue that this nascent synthesis of REDD+ and transnational law enforcement threatens to contribute significantly and regressively to the broader securitization of conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

吕同举 《山东地质》2012,(2):66-67,70
随着卫片执法检查的逐步深入,钢城区在执法监察方面做出了大量的摸索,有效规范了国土资源秩序,但执法监察形式仍不容放松警惕。在总结钢城区执法监察方面基本做法的同时,分析了存在的问题,提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

徐明 《水科学进展》2004,15(5):655-659
公元前256年建立的四川都江堰水利枢纽工程是世界历史上至今仍在发挥巨大作用的最古老的水利工程之一.但是随着工程基础设施的老化,生态环境的恶化,周边地区工农业的过度开发,原有的传统水利发展模式已经不能适应都江堰灌区当前和未来的发展需求.因此,提出了一个以可持续发展思想为指导的、有明确发展目标、有总体发展构架的、又能对其进行实施评估的都江堰水利发展战略框架以及与之相适应的实施对策.用以推动都江堰灌区水利可持续发展的进程.  相似文献   

唐晓燕  高燕 《山东地质》2010,(3):38-39,43
临沭县近几年工业发展势头较猛,但土地后备资源不足,经济发展对土地刚性需求大,保护资源与保障发展的双重压力较大。为此,临沭县重视土地利用总体规划,加强土地开发复垦和整理,强化耕地保护意识,加强耕地保护目标责任制,加大执法力度,实现了全县耕地总量的动态平衡。  相似文献   

We present a method to determine lower and upper bounds to the predicted production or any other economic objective from history-matched reservoir models. The method consists of two steps: 1) performing a traditional computer-assisted history match of a reservoir model with the objective to minimize the mismatch between predicted and observed production data through adjusting the grid block permeability values of the model. 2) performing two optimization exercises to minimize and maximize an economic objective over the remaining field life, for a fixed production strategy, by manipulating the same grid block permeabilities, however without significantly changing the mismatch obtained under step 1. This is accomplished through a hierarchical optimization procedure that limits the solution space of a secondary optimization problem to the (approximate) null space of the primary optimization problem. We applied this procedure to two different reservoir models. We performed a history match based on synthetic data, starting from a uniform prior and using a gradient-based minimization procedure. After history matching, minimization and maximization of the net present value (NPV), using a fixed control strategy, were executed as secondary optimization problems by changing the model parameters while staying close to the null space of the primary optimization problem. In other words, we optimized the secondary objective functions, while requiring that optimality of the primary objective (a good history match) was preserved. This method therefore provides a way to quantify the economic consequences of the well-known problem that history matching is a strongly ill-posed problem. We also investigated how this method can be used as a means to assess the cost-effectiveness of acquiring different data types to reduce the uncertainty in the expected NPV.  相似文献   

刘树亮 《山东地质》2011,(12):46-49
潍坊市坚持以科学发展观为指导,不断加强矿产资源执法监管力度,严格治理整顿矿产资源开发秩序,强化地质勘查和保护治理,科学调整矿业结构,优化开发布局,全面提高矿产资源综合利用水平,取得了较好的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Recent policy initiatives for the inner cities and regions of Britain were reviewed in the context of the continued and deepening processes of metropolitan decentralisation of population and economic activity and of regional divergence in levels of economic well-being. The result is a policy focus on those areas considered as being on the margins of economic viability. Research evaluating past policy indicates only modest potential for the success of such a focus. Policies having a growth stimulation objective may be better centred outside these most marginal areas. Policies having a welfare objective may achieve greater efficiency if they have no particular spatial dimension.  相似文献   

严格国土资源依法行政是有效保护和合理利用国土资源,促进资源持续发展的根本保证。改革开放以来,法律、法规体系逐步完善,执法机构不断健全,执法队伍日益壮大,执法力度显著增强。但由于执法环境不够完善,执法人员素质和执法水平参差不齐,目前的国土资源行政执法中仍存在一些问题,有法不依、执法不严、违法不究的现象时有发生,该文就如何解决这些问题提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

<正> 固体矿产普查勘探与开发程序,不仅是当前地质勘探和矿山建设工作中的实际问题,也是国内外学者和矿业学家多年来不断进行探讨和研究的一项理论课题。 苏联和东欧一些国家矿业活动实行国家管理,对地质普查、勘探程序一向极为重视。长期以来,他们通过制定各类矿产的勘探方法和储量规范,或由政府颁布有关条例、规程等形式对阶段程序作出统一规定,要求统一贯彻执行。  相似文献   

The high-growth, resource- and pollution-intensive industrialization model that China has pursued has caused severe environmental pollution and deterioration, particularly in a number of clusters in the coastal regions of East and Southeast China, where the Reform and Opening-up policies first started. The lack of uptake of environmental norms/values, deficit of regulatory enforcement of environmental policies, and insufficient institutional capacity have been compounding factors. As environmental standards were raised by China’s central government, the enforcement of environmental regulation has been compromised more in inland China than in coastal regions, due to China’s “decentralized governance structure” and regional disparity in terms of both economic development and environmental pollution. This paper therefore argues that rising environmental regulations, as well as firm characteristics, regional hub effect and political environment, have all been particularly important in forcing China’s pollution-intensive enterprises to restructure their production, through innovation, upgrading, geographical relocation, outsourcing and plant closure, especially in China’s coastal regions. It contributes to recent studies by developing a heuristic analytical framework that aims to be sensitive to the impacts of environmental regulation, political environment and regional hub effect over firm restructuring, but which does so by stressing these impacts are simultaneously inflected by the nature and attributes of firms. The empirical analysis suggests a roughly inverted “U”-shaped relationship between firm relocation tendency and firm size (or firm capability), resulting from complex interactions between political environment, regional hub effect and environmental regulation.  相似文献   

加快信息化建设,是新形势下国土资源管理工作的迫切需要。按照利用现代科技手段创新国土资源执法的要求,详细论述了数字执法系统的总体框架和功能设计,介绍了系统数据库建设模式,说明了该系统的主要特点;并结合执法过程中的实际应用,总结了实现国土资源数字化执法的先进经验。  相似文献   

Academics across disciplines are increasingly employing political ecology lenses to unpack conflicts related to resource extraction. Yet, an area that remains under-researched and under-theorised is how environmental impact assessments (EIAs) are embedded in politics and imagined as sites of power relations. Drawing on long-term fieldwork in Zimbabwe engaging small-scale gold miners, EIA consultants and government officials, this article examines the changing social significance of EIAs during and after a nationwide police operation that was framed by authorities as targeting non-compliance with environmental policy, illegal mining and illicit trading. Among other articulations of dissent, small-scale miners associations protested that EIA enforcement rhetoric served unjustly as a rationale for halting livelihoods and extracting rent from miners in times of economic difficulty. The article challenges EIA narratives that focus narrowly on risk management or governance failure, exploring technocratic obfuscations and how enforcement rhetoric was perceived in relation to criminalisation and coercion, expert environmental consultancy cultures and adapted legacies of colonial practice in contemporary dynamics of rule. Heavy-handed policing under the banner of enforcing order impinged on livelihoods and had counterproductive effects in addressing environmental problems, while complying with expensive EIA report-producing requirements was far beyond the means of most small-scale miners. The article rethinks how technical EIA rhetoric becomes entangled in spaces of contentious politics, the perils of looking only at particular scales of relations to the exclusion of others, and what it means to re-engage Donald Moore’s notion of “shifting alignments and contingent constellations of power.” Suggesting future directions in political ecology theorising in relation to extractive sectors, it calls for careful attention to the situated politics of EIAs – situated in time and space, amid varying relations of power – and how multiple hegemonic practices are conceptualised and challenged.  相似文献   

为加强做好国土资源执法监察工作,文登市国土资源局在认真贯彻落实好国土资源部执法监察各项规定的同时,在建立健全村级土地协管员、信访信息员、土地监督员的基础上,全市全面推行"分级负责,层层监管"的执法新机制,动员全社会力量参与国土资源管理,变国土部门一家管为大家管,扭转了国土资源执法监察工作的被动局面,是当前做好国土资源执法监察工作的有效途径。  相似文献   

介绍了丛式平台钻井及其技术经济优势,分析了其在陕北油田生产应用客观必要性,通过丛式井与单井施工统计数据对比分析,阐述取得的显著的规模钻井、资源环境、技术经济和社会效益,为同类油气田、页岩气、煤层气等大中型沉积矿床开发提供参考。  相似文献   

The last few years have seen an upsurge in the field of innovation studies especially ‘inclusive innovation’, aiming not only at economic but social development. In developing countries, like India, inclusive innovation must incorporate governance and for governance to be inclusive, it should encompass participation by all, especially the marginalized, to make public policies efficacious and deliverable. I argue that any model of inclusive innovation needs to take cognizance of participation by all stakeholders. The objective of innovation must be to enable and empower people at the periphery through awareness, accessibility and democratic deliberations rather than solely aiming at economic outcomes. There is a need to debate on the ‘inclusiveness’ of innovation and make it more participative. Such an endeavour may help promote United Nation’s sustainable development goals by making governance participatory and expediting the process of social justice.  相似文献   

The nature of efficiency formulae is discussed, and a recommendation is made that a formula of the general type: technical efficiency = amount recovered/amount recoverable be used in that such an expression, when suitably interpreted, can satisfy all the requirements for a statement of technical efficiency.Such formulae are inadequate expressions for use as objective functions in optimization work. A suitable objective function must include economic factors, and entirely adequate expressions do not appear to exist at present (or at least have not been found in the literature). There is considerable scope for research into suitable formulae.An example is given of the use of maximising technical efficiency in connection with inherently inefficient separations.  相似文献   

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