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Blood samples from a total of 460 polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) from various Arctic regions, but excluding the USSR, were collected during the period 1967-1981 to study electrophoretic variation in different proteins. Two hundred and one samples from Alaska, 48 from the Canadian Arctic, 89 from Svalbard, and 21 from Northeast Greenland were collected during the period 1967-1973 and were analysed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to study transferrin and hemoglobin polymorphism. Thirty-one samples collected in 1974 were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis for 14 enzyme systems in serum and red blood cells. Seventy samples collected from Alaska, the Barents Sea, and Canada in 1980-81 were studied by starch gel electrophoresis, and further analysed for protein variation by thin-layer isoelectric focusing, horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and two-dimensional electrophoresis. In all, about 75 loci were analysed for variation. The degree of protein and enzyme variation in the polar bear was observed to be relatively low. Starch gel electrophoresis revealed variation of an unidentified serum protein. The distribution of this protein indicates a closer connection between bears in Alaska and Canada compared to those in Greenland and Svalbard, but the differences were not significant. As in many large mammals, the information from protein variation in polar bears has limited use for management purposes. We could not find any simple system usable for identification of discrete populations. On the basis of protein variation as sole criterion, the populations investigated could not be separated. Possible explanations for the uniformity of blood proteins can be exchange of bears between geographical areas and/or a high selective pressure in polar bears.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Hg and Co were determined in surface waters, glacier ice and plant and animal materials from three regions in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The concentrations of these metals in two samples of surface waters and in the vascular plants from Spitsbergen were found to be lower than what is commonly found in Cental Europe. Elevated concentrations were found in old ice from the surface of a glacier. The concentrations of heavy metals in algae were lower than in vascular plants. The concentrations of metals in the samples of feathers and animal hair from Spitsbergen were higher than what is common for Central Europe.  相似文献   

A total of 26 polar bears have been killed in Svalbard since January 1987. Fifteen of these cases were self defense, four precautionary measures, six acts of mercy and one unknown. Twelve of the 15 self defense cases occurred in the wilderness; none occurred in populated areas. Most self defence cases involved nonresidents of Svalbard and hence people not familiar with polar bear behaviour and encounters.  相似文献   

DiaPhragma and masseter muscles from 376 polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ), 252 ringed seals ( Phoca hispida ), 84 bearded seals ( Erignathus barbatus ), and 77 arctic foxes ( Alopex lagopus ) from Svalbard were examined for Trichinella . Infection rates in polar bears varied between 23 and 58%, and between 3 and 67% in arctic fox- None of tne seals were infected. Trichinella in polar bears is probably transferred through cannibalism and scavenging upon polar bear carcasses. Infection rate in arctic fox was high when they preyed upon polar bear carcasses before polar bear hunting was prohibited in 1973. A low infection rate seems more natural when such prey is not available. No difference could be found in infection rate between male and female polar bears. There is only a slight increase in infection rate with age, as calculated from hide lengths, and many adult animals remain uninfected. Geographical isolation of polar bear populations may explain differences in Trichinella infection rates between bears from arctic America and arctic Europe. Possible explanations are that discrete polar bear populations have different food habits, or that they are exposed to different Trichinella strains.  相似文献   

From a nunatak in central North Greenland (81.5°N, 44.7°W) nine sites of Middle Proterozoic basic dykes, cutting Archaean basement, were palaeomagnetically investigated. After AF and thermal cleaning the nine dyke sites and three adjacently baked gneiss sites give a stable characteristic remanent mean direction of D = 265°, I = 21.5° ( N = 12, α 95= 5.6°), the direction being confirmed by a detailed and positive baked contact test.
The polarity of the dykes in the nunatak area is opposite to that of the Zig-Zag Dal Basalts and the Midsommersø Dolerites in eastern North Greenland some 200–300 km away, the volcanics of which are assumed to be of similar age (about 1.25 Ga). The remanent directions of the two sets of data are antiparallel within the 95 per cent significance level of confidence.
When rotating Greenland 18° clockwise back to North America by the 'Bullard fit', the pole of the central North Greenland dolerites (NDL) falls at (14.3°N, 144.3°W). The reversed pole (14.3°S, 35.7°E) fits well on to the loop between 1.2 and 1.4 Ma on the apparent polar wander swath of Berger & York for cratonic North America.
The palaeomagnetic results from the Middle Proterozoic basic dykes from central North Greenland thus strengthen previous palaeomagnetic results from the Midsommersø Dolerites and Zig-Zag Dal Basalts from the Peary Land Region in eastern North Greenland, suggesting that Greenland was part of the North American craton at least for the period between c . 1.3 and 1 Ma (and probably up to the end of Cretaceous time). The major geographical meridian of Greenland was orientated approximately E–W, and the palaeo-latitude of Greenland was about 10°–15°.  相似文献   

The occurrence of infections with Trichinella sp. in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from northeastern Greenland has been studied by examination of muscle samples, mainly diaphragm, from 38 animals shot during the period 1983-1987. Trichinella larvae were demonstrated in 12 bears (32%) with an average of 9.2 larvae/g muscle tissue. No bears younger than three years old were infected. The prevalence of Trichinella among bears of the age group 3-4 years was 25% and 53% among older animals.  相似文献   

Nanscn's crossing of Greenland in 1888 galvanized Norwegians to a leading role in polar exploration. Subsequent expeditions include Nanscn's ‘Fram’ drift (1893-1896), Otto Sverdrup to Arctic Canada (1898-1902) and Roald Amundsen through the North-west Passage (1903-1906). Systematic exploration of Svalbard started in 1906. Norwegian Antarctic activities include Larsen's exploration of the Weddell Sea (1894), Borchgrcvinck's Antarctic expedition (1898-1900) and Amundsen at the South Pole (1911). Norwegian polar activities up to the present have resulted in about 200 topographic and thematic maps. Norwegian polar experience has led to efficient and safe operations, and Norwegian ships are preferred by many nations.  相似文献   

Polar bear predation on ringed seals in the fast-ice of Hornsund, Svalbard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar bear hunting success on ringed seals in subnivean lairs and basking on the fast ice, was studied in Hornsund, Svalbard. A few bears were observed while actually hunting, but in most cases bear tracks were followed by snowmobile to determine the outcome of hunts. Seal carcasses were classified from size and tooth annuli as pups, juveniles or adults. A total of 62 subnivean structures were entered by bears, with six seals killed. One of ten charges on basking seals resulted in a kill. Success rates of bears in Hornsund arc compared with results of studies in Canada and Svalbard. OHunting success, polar bear, predation, ringed seal  相似文献   

This study was conducted in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, from mid-March through April 1984. Local Greenland sled dogs were used to locate subnivean ringed seal lairs. A total of 90 lairs were found and excavated. These constituted 28 lairs classified as birth lairs, 22 as tiggak (rutting male) lairs, and 40 which could not be classified. The first birth lair was found on 24 March. There was significantly more snow covering birth lairs than tiggak lairs, and birth lairs were also shown to be significantly larger than tiggak lairs. The positions of the lairs were plotted on a map, and distances between neighbouring seal lairs were used as an indicator of territorial size. Arctic foxes had attacked 19 lairs and 6 of these had resulted in a kill (32%). Polar bears had attacked 13 lairs with one kill (8%).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two well dated Holocene sediment records bordering the Denmark Strait region have been used to reconstruct past climate variability. The content of biogenic silica, classic and organic material and moss in a lacustrine record from Lake N14 has been used to infer past variability in precipitation and temperature in southern Greenland. Sedimentologic and petrologic composition of sand in a shelf sediment record from the Djúpáll trough is used to infer past variability in the northwestern storm activity on northwestern Iceland, which probably also affected the inflow of polar waters from the East Greenland Current. Our evaluation of these records with a number of previous studies from the region documents Holocene climatic optimum conditions peaking between 8000 and 6500 calendar years before present (cal yr BP). Mid-Holocene climate deterioration set in around 5000 cal yr BP followed by a further marked setback around 3500 cal yr BP. A stacking of climate variability on a centennial timescale from previous studies in the area shows a fairly good correspondence to the timing of marked cold and warm events as evidenced from the Lake N14 and the Djúpáll trough records. Cooler periods are explained as the response to marked incursions of ice-laden polar water from the Arctic Ocean to the Denmark Strait region. Cool northerly and northwesterly winds along the East Greenland coast in relation to frequent strong atmospheric low pressure in the Barents Sea, coupled with strong high pressure over Greenland, would have favoured southward export of polar waters. A comparison with the proxy records of nuclide production (14C and 10Be) suggests that solar activity may have had some influence on the atmospheric pressure distribution in the Denmark Strait region.  相似文献   

During the summer 1987 expedition of the polar research vessel'Polarstern'in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, sea ice at about 84-86°N and 20-30°E was found to have high concentrations of particulate material. The particle-laden ice occurred in patches which often darkened more than half the ice surface at our northernmost positions. Much of this ice appeared to be within the Siberian Branch of the Transpolar Drift stream, which transports deformed, multi-year ice from the Siberian shelves westward across the Eurasian Basin. Lithogenic sediment, which is the major component of the particulate material, may have been incorporated during ice formation on the shallow Siberian seas. Diatoms collected from the particle-rich ice surfaces support this conclusion, as assemblages were dominated by a marine benthic species similar to that reported from sea ice off the coast of northeast Siberia. Based on drift trajectories of buoys deployed on the ice it appears that much of the particle-laden ice exited the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait and joined the East Greenland Current.
Very different sea ice characteristics were found east of the Yermak Plateau and north of Svalbard and Frans Josef Land up to about 83-84°N. Here sea ice was thinner, less deformed, with lower amounts of lithogenic sediment and diatoms. The diatom assemblage was dominated by planktonic freshwater species. Trajectories of buoys deployed on sea ice in this region indicated a tendency for southward transport to the Yermak Plateau or into the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

利用帕尔默干旱指数(PDSI) 全球数据库, 提取覆盖中国西北地区的56 个PDSI 栅格点数据, 对1953-2003 年间各个季节均值和年均值进行旋转经验正交函数(REOF) 分析。REOF 空间分区结果发现西北地区各个季节均值和年均值表现出较为一致的主要空间异常型, 依据 PDSI 年均值数据可以将中国西北地区划分为5 个空间型: 北疆型、南疆型、高原北部型、蒙 古西部型以及西北东部型。其中北疆型、南疆型主要位于西北地区西部, 高原北部型、蒙古西部型位于西北中部, 西北东部型位于西北东部。各个空间型特征点的PDSI 序列及二项式 拟合对比发现西北东部、西部存在完全相反的干湿变化: 西北西部主要受西风带影响, 自20 世纪80 年代开始有逐渐变湿的趋势; 西北东部主要受亚洲季风的影响, 有逐渐变干的倾向, 特别是夏秋季, 西北地区东南部变干的趋势更加明显。西北地区受西风带、亚洲季风以及青藏高原的影响明显, 在全球变暖的情景下, 不同区域的干湿状况的响应存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

A total of 284 ringed seals (Phoca hispida) were sampled to determine their diet in the spring of 1981 and 1982. Few seals contained identifiable stomach contents. No significant age-or sex-related differences in choice of prey were found. It seems that in spring northwestern Spitsbergen ringed seals prey upon arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) , decapods and larger amphipods.? Diet, ringed seal, Svalbard .  相似文献   

1IntroductionStudiesonchemicalcharacteristicsinsnowpitareveryimportantinresearchofmodernprocesesinsnowandice,whichisbasiccont...  相似文献   

根据 110余个表层土壤样品微量元素含量的测定结果和通用的土壤微量元素缺乏临界值指标,探讨了川西北草原土壤微量元素的供给能力以及与之有关的含量水平、有效性及其影响因素。统计计算结果表明:川西北草原土壤有效硼和锰含量很低,硼、锰缺乏较为严重和普遍;有效锌含量不高,约有1/4的土壤供锌不足;有效铜和铁含量丰富,基本上不缺。  相似文献   

Aerial strip surveys of polar bears in the Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aerial strip surveys of polar bears in the Barents Sea were performed by helicopter in winter 1987. The number of bears within 100 m on each side of the helicopter was counted. A total of 263.6 km2 was surveyed and 21 bears were counted. Most of the bears were found in the southern part of the area, which indicates that the southwestern ice edge area in the Barents Sea is a very important winter habitat for polar bears.  相似文献   

1980年以来中国农地利用变化的区域差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The study of land use change and its driving mechanism has become the focus since the research of land use/land cover change (LUCC) became one of the important areas of Global Environmental Change (GEC) researches in the 1990s (Turner, 1994). Scholars mai…  相似文献   

A total of 179 redfish (Sebastes spp.), 495 Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and 133 starry ray (Raja radiata) stomachs were collected from the catch in four bottom trawl hauls carried out at 6-hour intervals on a shrimp fishing ground off West Greenland in September 1991. Between 90 and 96% of the total catch in each of the four trawl hauls consisted of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) . The fish catches were small and dominated by redfish, Greenland halibut, starry ray and polar cod (Boreogadus saida) . The stomach contents of redfish consisted of crustaceans (mysiids, hyperiids and copepods) followed by cephalopods, northern shrimp and redfish. Fish (mainly redfish), cephalopods and northern shrimp were the most important stomach content of Greenland halibut. The stomach content of starry ray consisted mainly of northern shrimp and redfish. Plots of redfish and shrimp sizes found in the stomachs of Greenland halibut and starry ray versus predator size showed only weak associations indicating that availability overruled the importance of size-dependent prey preference. The present study indicates that redfish, Greenland halibut and starry ray feed throughout the 24-hour cycle with no clear diel feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

We examined the stability of fast ice areas in western and northern Spitsbergen, the area north of Nordaustlandet, the bays and sounds of Hinlopen Stretet and the large area in the northern part of Storfjorden. NOAA satellite imagery from 1974 and 1988 and NOAA (AVHRR) imagery from 1980-87 were used to determine the dates of freeze-up and break-up. The number of days of fast ice present before the nominal birth date of ringed seal pups were computed for all major bays and fjords. Ice thickness was then computed from these data. Known prime breeding habitat in Svalbard is found in areas near glacier fronts in protected fjords and bays, where densities of birth lairs are 5.46 km−2, corresponding to a ringed seal female density of 2.6 km−2. Most of the ringed seal breeding habitat in Svalbard, however, consists of flat fjord ice where snow accumulation is rarely deep enough to permit birth lair construction. In these areas pups are often born in the open. Based on breathing hole densities, the density of adult females in the flat ice areas in the breeding period was estimated to 0.98 km−2. A preliminary estimate is that approximately 19,500 pups could be born annually in the fast ice of Svalbard. Annual recruitment could be quite variable given the unpredictable nature of the fast ice areas and the high predation mortality on newborn pups. Discrepancies between our calculated ringed seal production and numbers of seals required to feed the large polar bear population in the area signal cause for management concern.  相似文献   

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