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We report a detailed analysis of an interaction between two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that were observed on 14?–?15 February 2011 and the corresponding radio enhancement, which was similar to the “CME cannibalism” reported by Gopalswamy et al. (Astrophys. J. 548, L91, 2001). A primary CME, with a mean field-of-view velocity of 669 km?s?1 in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO), was more than as twice as fast as the slow CME preceding it (326 km?s?1), which indicates that the two CMEs interacted. A radio-enhancement signature (in the frequency range 1 MHz?–?400 kHz) due to the CME interaction was analyzed and interpreted using the CME data from LASCO and from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) HI-1, radio data from Wind/Radio and Plasma Wave Experiment (WAVES), and employing known electron-density models and kinematic modeling. The following results are obtained: i) The CME interaction occurred around 05:00?–?10:00 UT in a height range 20?–?25 R. An unusual radio signature is observed during the time of interaction in the Wind/WAVES dynamic radio spectrum. ii) The enhancement duration shows that the interaction segment might be wider than 5 R. iii) The shock height estimated using density models for the radio enhancement region is 10?–?30 R. iv) Using kinematic modeling and assuming a completely inelastic collision, the decrease of kinetic energy based on speeds from LASCO data is determined to be 0.77×1023 J, and 3.67×1023 J if speeds from STEREO data are considered. vi) The acceleration, momentum, and force are found to be a=?168 m?s?2, I=6.1×1018 kg?m?s?1, and F=1.7×1015 N, respectively, using STEREO data.  相似文献   

A distinct magnetic cloud (MC) was observed in-situ at the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)-B on 20?–?21 January 2010. About three days earlier, on 17 January, a bright flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) were clearly observed by STEREO-B, which suggests that this was the progenitor of the MC. However, the in-situ speed of the event, several earlier weaker events, heliospheric imaging, and a longitude mismatch with the STEREO-B spacecraft made this interpretation unlikely. We searched for other possible solar eruptions that could have caused the MC and found a faint filament eruption and the associated CME on 14?–?15 January as the likely solar source event. We were able to confirm this source by using coronal imaging from the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI)/EUVI and COR and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO) telescopes and heliospheric imaging from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) and the STEREO/Heliospheric Imager instruments. We use several empirical models to understand the three-dimensional geometry and propagation of the CME, analyze the in-situ characteristics of the associated ICME, and investigate the characteristics of the MC by comparing four independent flux-rope model fits with the launch observations and magnetic-field orientations. The geometry and orientations of the CME from the heliospheric-density reconstructions and the in-situ modeling are remarkably consistent. Lastly, this event demonstrates that a careful analysis of all aspects of the development and evolution of a CME is necessary to correctly identify the solar counterpart of an ICME/MC.  相似文献   

Polar coronal holes (PCHs) trace the magnetic variability of the Sun throughout the solar cycle. Their size and evolution have been studied as proxies for the global magnetic field. We present measurements of the PCH areas from 1996 through 2010, derived from an updated perimeter-tracing method and two synoptic-map methods. The perimeter-tracing method detects PCH boundaries along the solar limb, using full-disk images from the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory/Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SOHO/EIT). One synoptic-map method uses the line-of-sight magnetic field from the SOHO/Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) to determine the unipolarity boundaries near the poles. The other method applies thresholding techniques to synoptic maps created from EUV image data from EIT. The results from all three methods suggest that the solar maxima and minima of the two hemispheres are out of phase. The maximum PCH area, averaged over the methods in each hemisphere, is approximately 6 % during both solar minima spanned by the data (between Solar Cycles 22/23 and 23/24). The northern PCH area began a declining trend in 2010, suggesting a downturn toward the maximum of Solar Cycle 24 in that hemisphere, while the southern hole remained large throughout 2010.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a multi-wavelength and multi-instrument investigation of a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) from active region NOAA 12371 on 21 June 2015 that led to a major geomagnetic storm of minimum \(\mathrm{Dst} = -204\) nT. The observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory in the hot EUV channel of 94 Å confirm the CME to be associated with a coronal sigmoid that displayed an intense emission (\(T \sim6\) MK) from its core before the onset of the eruption. Multi-wavelength observations of the source active region suggest tether-cutting reconnection to be the primary triggering mechanism of the flux rope eruption. Interestingly, the flux rope eruption exhibited a two-phase evolution during which the “standard” large-scale flare reconnection process originated two composite M-class flares. The eruption of the flux rope is followed by the coronagraphic observation of a fast, halo CME with linear projected speed of 1366 km?s?1. The dynamic radio spectrum in the decameter-hectometer frequency range reveals multiple continuum-like enhancements in type II radio emission which imply the interaction of the CME with other preceding slow speed CMEs in the corona within \(\approx10\)?–?\(90~\mbox{R} _{\odot}\). The scenario of CME–CME interaction in the corona and interplanetary medium is further confirmed by the height–time plots of the CMEs occurring during 19?–?21 June. In situ measurements of solar wind magnetic field and plasma parameters at 1 AU exhibit two distinct magnetic clouds, separated by a magnetic hole. Synthesis of near-Sun observations, interplanetary radio emissions, and in situ measurements at 1 AU reveal complex processes of CME–CME interactions right from the source active region to the corona and interplanetary medium that have played a crucial role towards the large enhancement of the geoeffectiveness of the halo CME on 21 June 2015.  相似文献   

Solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lines emitted by highly charged ions have been extensively studied to discuss the issue of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. Based on observations of the polar corona by the SUMER/SOHO spectrometer, this paper investigates the relation between the line widths and kinetic parameters of ions. It is shown that there exists a strongly linear correlation between two variables (σ/λ)2 and M ?1, where σ, λ and M are the half-width of the observed line profile at \(1/\sqrt{e}\) , the wavelength and the ion mass, respectively. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients exceed 0.9. This finding tends to suggest that the ions from a given height of polar corona have a common temperature and a common non-thermal velocity in terms of existing equation. The temperature and non-thermal velocity are obtained by linear least-square fit. The temperature is around 2.8 MK at heights of 57″ and 102″. The non-thermal velocity is typical 21.6 km?s?1 at height of 57″ and 25.2 km?s?1 at height of 102″.  相似文献   

The initiation phase of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is a very important aspect of solar physics, as these phenomena ultimately drive space weather in the heliosphere. This phase is known to occur between the photosphere and low corona, where many models introduce an instability and/or magnetic reconnection that triggers a CME, often with associated flaring activity. To this end, it is important to obtain a variety of observations of the low corona to build as clear a picture as possible of the dynamics that occur therein. Here, we combine the EUV imagery of the Sun Watcher using Active Pixel System Detector and Image Processing (SWAP) instrument onboard the Project for Onboard Autonomy (PROBA2) with the white-light imagery of the ground-based Mark-IV K-coronameter (Mk4) at Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) to bridge the observational gap that exists between the disk imagery of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the coronal imagery of the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Methods of multiscale image analysis were applied to the observations to better reveal the coronal signal while suppressing noise and other features. This allowed an investigation into the initiation phase of a CME that was driven by a rising flux-rope structure from a “two-stage” flaring event underlying an extended helmet streamer. It was found that the initial outward motion of the erupting loop system in the EUV observations coincided with the first X-ray flare peak and led to a plasma pile-up of the white-light CME core material. The characterized CME core then underwent a strong jerk in its motion, as the early acceleration increased abruptly, simultaneously with the second X-ray flare peak. The overall system expanded into the helmet streamer to become the larger CME structure observed in the LASCO coronagraph images, which later became concave-outward in shape. Theoretical models for the event are discussed in light of these unique observations, and it is concluded that the formation of either a kink-unstable or torus-unstable flux rope may be the likeliest scenario.  相似文献   

We report on the results of observations of a type IV burst made by the Ukrainian Radio interferometer of the Academy of Sciences (URAN-2) in the frequency range 22?–?33 MHz. The burst is associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME) initiated by a behind-the-limb active region (N05E151) and was also observed by the Nançay Decameter Array (NDA) radio telescope in the frequency band 30?–?60 MHz. The purpose of the article is the determination of the source of this type IV burst. After analysis of the observational data obtained with the URAN-2, the NDA, the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B spacecraft, and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we come to the conclusion that the source of the burst is the core of a behind-the-limb CME. We conclude that the radio emission can escape the center of the CME core at a frequency of 60 MHz and originates from the periphery of the core at a frequency of 30 MHz that is due to occultation by the solar corona at the corresponding frequencies. We find plasma densities in these regions assuming the plasma mechanism of radio emission. We show that the frequency drift of the start of the type IV burst is governed by an expansion of the CME core. The type III bursts that were observed against this type IV burst are shown to be generated by fast electrons propagating through the CME core plasma. A type II burst was registered at frequencies of 44?–?64 MHz and 3?–?16 MHz and was radiated by a shock with velocities of about \(1000~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\) and \(800~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\), respectively.  相似文献   

The 5 July 2012 solar flare SOL2012-07-05T11:44 (11:39?–?11:49 UT) with an increasing millimeter spectrum between 93 and 140 GHz is considered. We use space and ground-based observations in X-ray, extreme ultraviolet, microwave, and millimeter wave ranges obtained with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, Radio Solar Telescope Network, and Bauman Moscow State Technical University millimeter radio telescope RT-7.5. The main parameters of thermal and accelerated electrons were determined through X-ray spectral fitting assuming the homogeneous thermal source and thick-target model. From the data of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly/SDO and differential-emission-measure calculations it is shown that the thermal coronal plasma gives a negligible contribution to the millimeter flare emission. Model calculations suggest that the observed increase of millimeter spectral flux with frequency is determined by gyrosynchrotron emission of high-energy (\(\gtrsim 300\) keV) electrons in the chromosphere. The consequences of the results are discussed in the light of the flare-energy-release mechanisms.  相似文献   

We present a study of the origin of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that were not accompanied by obvious low coronal signatures (LCSs) and yet were responsible for appreciable disturbances at 1 AU. These CMEs characteristically start slowly. In several examples, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory reveal coronal dimming and a post-eruption arcade when we make difference images with long enough temporal separations, which are commensurate with the slow initial development of the CME. Data from the EUV imager and COR coronagraphs of the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation onboard the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, which provide limb views of Earth-bound CMEs, greatly help us limit the time interval in which the CME forms and undergoes initial acceleration. For other CMEs, we find similar dimming, although only with lower confidence as to its link to the CME. It is noted that even these unclear events result in unambiguous flux rope signatures in in situ data at 1 AU. There is a tendency that the CME source regions are located near coronal holes or open field regions. This may have implications for both the initiation of the stealthy CME in the corona and its outcome in the heliosphere.  相似文献   

We present a study of the complex event consisting of several solar wind transients detected by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) on 4?–?7 August 2011, which caused a geomagnetic storm with \(\mathit{Dst}=-110~\mbox{nT}\). The supposed coronal sources, three flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), occurred on 2?–?4 August 2011 in active region (AR) 11261. To investigate the solar origin and formation of these transients, we study the kinematic and thermodynamic properties of the expanding coronal structures using the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) EUV images and differential emission measure (DEM) diagnostics. The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetic field maps were used as the input data for the 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model to describe the flux rope ejection (Pagano, Mackay, and Poedts, 2013b). We characterize the early phase of the flux rope ejection in the corona, where the usual three-component CME structure formed. The flux rope was ejected with a speed of about \(200~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\) to the height of \(0.25~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\). The kinematics of the modeled CME front agrees well with the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) EUV measurements. Using the results of the plasma diagnostics and MHD modeling, we calculate the ion charge ratios of carbon and oxygen as well as the mean charge state of iron ions of the 2 August 2011 CME, taking into account the processes of heating, cooling, expansion, ionization, and recombination of the moving plasma in the corona up to the frozen-in region. We estimate a probable heating rate of the CME plasma in the low corona by matching the calculated ion composition parameters of the CME with those measured in situ for the solar wind transients. We also consider the similarities and discrepancies between the results of the MHD simulation and the observations.  相似文献   

We analyze multiwavelength observations of an M2.9/1N flare that occurred in AR NOAA 11112 on 16 October 2010. AIA 211 Å EUV images reveal the presence of a faster coronal wave (decelerating from ≈?1390 to ≈?830 km?s?1) propagating ahead of a slower wave (decelerating from ≈?416 to ≈?166 km?s?1) towards the western limb. The dynamic radio spectrum from Sagamore Hill radio telescope shows the presence of a metric type II radio burst, which reveals the presence of a coronal shock wave (speed ≈?800 km?s?1). The speed of the faster coronal wave, derived from AIA 211 Å images, is found to be comparable to the coronal shock speed. AIA 171 Å high-cadence observations showed that a coronal loop, which was located at a distance of ≈?0.32R to the west of the flaring region, started to oscillate by the end of the impulsive phase of the flare. The results indicate that the faster coronal wave may be the first driver of the transversal oscillations of coronal loop. As the slower wave passed through the coronal loop, the oscillations became even stronger. There was a plasmoid eruption observed in EUV and a white-light CME was recorded, having velocity of ≈?340?–?350 km?s?1. STEREO 195 Å images show an EIT wave, propagating in the same direction as the lower-speed coronal wave observed in AIA, but decelerating from ≈?320 to ≈?254 km?s?1. These observations reveal the co-existence of both waves (i.e. coronal Moreton and EIT waves), and the type II radio burst seems to be associated with the coronal Moreton wave.  相似文献   

Counterstreaming beams of electrons are ubiquitous in coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – although their existence is not unanimously accepted as a necessary and/or sufficient signature of these events. We continue the investigation of a high-latitude CME registered by the Ulysses spacecraft on 18?–?19 January 2002 (Dumitrache, Popescu, and Oncica, Solar Phys. 272, 137, 2011), by surveying the solar-wind electron distributions associated with this event. The temporal evolution of the pitch-angle distributions reveals populations of electrons that are distinguishable through their anisotropy, with clear signatures of i) electron strahls, ii) counter-streaming in the magnetic clouds and their precursors, and iii) unidirectionality in the fast wind preceding the CME. The analysis of the counter-streams inside the CME allows us to elucidate the complexity of the magnetic-cloud structures embedded in the CME and to refine the borders of the event. Identifying such strahls in CMEs, which preserve properties of the low β [<1] coronal plasma, gives more support to the hypothesis that these populations are remnants of the hot coronal electrons that escape from the electrostatic potential of the Sun into the heliosphere.  相似文献   

The SOL2001-12-26 moderate solar eruptive event (GOES importance M7.1, microwaves up to 4000 sfu at 9.4 GHz, coronal mass ejection (CME) speed 1446 km?s?1) produced strong fluxes of solar energetic particles and ground-level enhancement (GLE) of cosmic-ray intensity (GLE63). To find a possible reason for the atypically high proton outcome of this event, we study multi-wavelength images and dynamic radio spectra and quantitatively reconcile the findings with each other. An additional eruption probably occurred in the same active region about half an hour before the main eruption. The latter produced two blast-wave-like shocks during the impulsive phase. The two shock waves eventually merged around the radial direction into a single shock traced up to \(25~\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\) as a halo ahead of the expanding CME body, in agreement with an interplanetary Type II event recorded by the Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation (WAVES) experiment on the Wind spacecraft. The shape and kinematics of the halo indicate an intermediate regime of the shock between the blast wave and bow shock at these distances. The results show that i) the shock wave appeared during the flare rise and could accelerate particles earlier than usually assumed; ii) the particle event could be amplified by the preceding eruption, which stretched closed structures above the developing CME, facilitated its lift-off and escape of flare-accelerated particles, enabled a higher CME speed and stronger shock ahead; iii) escape of flare-accelerated particles could be additionally facilitated by reconnection of the flux rope, where they were trapped, with a large coronal hole; and iv) the first eruption supplied a rich seed population accelerated by a trailing shock wave.  相似文献   

We present the results of solar observations at 20 and 25 MHz with the Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope of the second modification (UTR-2) in the interferometric session from 27 May to 2 June 2014. In this case, the different baselines 225, 450, and 675 m between the sections of the east–west and north–south arms of UTR-2 were used. On 29 May 2014, strong sporadic radio emission consisting of Type III, Type II, and Type IV bursts was observed. On other days, there was no solar radio activity in the decameter range. We discuss the observation results of the quiet Sun. Fluxes and sizes of the Sun in east–west and north–south directions were measured. The average fluxes were 1050?–?1100 Jy and 1480?–?1570 Jy at 20 and 25 MHz, respectively. The angular sizes of the quiet Sun in equatorial and polar directions were \(55'\) and \(49'\) at 20 MHz and \(50'\) and \(42'\) at 25 MHz. The brightness temperatures of the radio emission were \({T_{\mathrm{b}}} = 5.1 \times{10^{5}}~\mbox{K}\) and \({T_{\mathrm{b}}} = 5.7 \times{10^{5}}~\mbox{K}\) at 20 and 25 MHz, respectively.  相似文献   

The evolution of an X2.7 solar flare, that occurred in a complex β γ δ magnetic configuration region on 3 November 2003 is discussed by utilizing a multi-wavelength data set. The very first signature of pre-flare coronal activity is observed in radio wavelengths as a type III burst that occurred several minutes prior to the flare signature in Hα. This type III burst is followed by the appearance of a loop-top source in hard X-ray (HXR) images obtained from RHESSI. During the main phase of the event, Hα images observed from ARIES solar tower telescope, Nainital, reveal well-defined footpoint (FP) and loop-top (LT) sources. As the flare evolves, the LT source moves upward and the separation between the two FP sources increases. The co-alignment of Hα with HXR images shows spatial correlation between Hα and HXR footpoints, whereas the rising LT source in HXR is always located above the LT source seen in Hα. The evolution of LT and FP sources is consistent with the reconnection models of solar flares. The EUV images at 195 Å taken by SOHO/EIT reveal intense emission on the disk at the flaring region during the impulsive phase. Further, slow-drifting type IV bursts, observed at low coronal heights at two time intervals along the flare period, indicate rising plasmoids or loop systems. The intense type II radio burst at a time in between these type IV bursts, but at a relatively greater height, indicates the onset of CME and its associated coronal shock wave. The study supports the standard CSHKP model of flares, which is consistent with nearly all eruptive flare models. More importantly, the results also contain evidence for breakout reconnection before the flare phase.  相似文献   

A CME/flare event occurred at the eastern limb on 25 January, 2007. Seven successive multi-wavelength scans in the range 1.8 cm?–?5.0 cm were obtained with the RATAN-600 radio telescope starting just at the beginning of the post-eruptive arcade formation (30 min after a C6.3 flare peak) and lasting for 3.5 hours. The conditions were favorable to study the off-limb microwave radio source associated with the post-eruptive arcade in different phases of its formation. Microwave radio emission of the arcade was rather intense initially and then considerably decreased; its maximum was co-spatial with the 195 Å Fe xii loop tops. The RATAN-600 total flux spectra of the off-limb radio source were practically flat during the first two hours indicating a predominant contribution of thermal emission. The X-ray spectrum was thermal (according to RHESSI data) at that time. Data available in the meter wavelength range during this phase were indicative of weak non-thermal processes likely due to accelerated particles. However, free?–?free emission of an isothermal source dominated in microwaves. This is indicative of the presence of a large amount of plasma in the region of arcade formation at the initial stage of the event. The weak microwave emission during the decay phase might be interpreted as the thermal cyclotron emission of the loops in the arcade.  相似文献   

We report on the coronal hole (CH) influence on the 54 magnetic cloud (MC) and non-MC associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) selected for studies during the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAWs) focusing on the question if all CMEs are flux ropes. All selected CMEs originated from source regions located between longitudes 15E?–?15W. Xie, Gopalswamy, and St. Cyr (2013, Solar Phys., doi: 10.1007/s11207-012-0209-0 ) found that these MC and non-MC associated CMEs are on average deflected towards and away from the Sun–Earth line, respectively. We used a CH influence parameter (CHIP) that depends on the CH area, average magnetic field strength, and distance from the CME source region to describe the influence of all on-disk CHs on the erupting CME. We found that for CHIP values larger than 2.6 G the MC and non-MC events separate into two distinct groups where MCs (non-MCs) are deflected towards (away) from the disk center. Division into two groups was also observed when the distance to the nearest CH was less than 3.2×105 km. At CHIP values less than 2.6 G or at distances of the nearest CH larger than 3.2×105 km the deflection distributions of the MC and non-MCs started to overlap, indicating diminishing CH influence. These results give support to the idea that all CMEs are flux ropes, but those observed to be non-MCs at 1 AU could be deflected away from the Sun–Earth line by nearby CHs, making their flux rope structure unobservable at 1 AU.  相似文献   

This paper presents the latest observations from the newly built solar radio spectrograph at the Chashan Solar Observatory. On July 18, 2016, the spectrograph records a solar spike burst event, which has several episodes showing harmonic structures, with the second, third, and fourth harmonics. The lower harmonic radio spike emissions are observed later than the higher harmonic bands, and the temporal delay of the second (third) harmonic relative to the fourth harmonic is about 30?–?40 (10) ms. Based on the electron cyclotron maser emission mechanism, we analyze possible causes of the temporal delay and further infer relevant coronal parameters, such as the magnetic field strength and the electron density at the radio source.  相似文献   

The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was flown on a NASA sounding rocket on 11 July 2012. The goal of the Hi-C mission was to obtain high-resolution (≈?0.3?–?0.4′′), high-cadence (≈?5 seconds) images of a solar active region to investigate the dynamics of solar coronal structures at small spatial scales. The instrument consists of a normal-incidence telescope with the optics coated with multilayers to reflect a narrow wavelength range around 19.3 nm (including the Fe xii 19.5-nm spectral line) and a 4096×4096 camera with a plate scale of 0.1′′?pixel?1. The target of the Hi-C rocket flight was Active Region 11520. Hi-C obtained 37 full-frame images and 86 partial-frame images during the rocket flight. Analysis of the Hi-C data indicates the corona is structured on scales smaller than currently resolved by existing satellite missions.  相似文献   

We have analyzed radio type IV bursts in the interplanetary (IP) space at decameter–hectometer (DH) wavelengths to determine their source origin and a reason for the observed directivity. We used radio dynamic spectra from the instruments on three different spacecraft, STEREO-A, Wind, and STEREO-B, which were located approximately 90 degrees apart from each other in 2011?–?2012, and thus gave a 360 degree view of the Sun. The radio data were compared to white-light and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations of flares, EUV waves, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in five solar events. We find that the reason that compact and intense DH type IV burst emission is observed from only one spacecraft at a time is the absorption of emission in one direction and that the emission is blocked by the solar disk and dense corona in the other direction. The geometry also makes it possible to observe metric type IV bursts in the low corona from a direction where the higher-located DH type IV emission is not detectable. In the absorbed direction we found streamers, and they were estimated to be the locations of type II bursts, caused by shocks at the CME flanks. The high-density plasma was therefore most probably formed by shock–streamer interaction. In some cases, the type II-emitting region was also capable of stopping later-accelerated electron beams, which were visible as type III bursts that ended near the type II burst lanes.  相似文献   

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