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Increasing Chinese urbanization and industrialization has prompted greater attention to the study of human settlement and the human-land relationship in the fields of geography, architecture, and urban planning. We used bibliometric methods and statistical software to review 180 articles on human settlement in 16 Chinese geographical journals. We found that Chinese geographical human settlement research is characterized by the following:(1) Most research focuses on human settlement extension, valuation indicators, models for urban and rural settlements, theoretical exploration and the planning practices of single-factor, human settlement and complex, geographical livability in macro-scale, urban settlement differentiation and ideal patterns in medium scale, the comprehensive evaluation of settlement environment, and the planning of community units in micro-scale, community settlements; socio-cultural investigation and warnings about advancing human settlement.(2) No progress has been made in synthesizing and integrating method systems. PSR models and DPSIR models are used for targeting mechanisms, while the standard settlement evaluation system was composed of physical economic indicators by questionnaire surveys. On the other hand, spatial clustering based on GIS has been a frequent focus in recent years. Pioneering research on human settlement and theoretical systems within the context of China's urbanization and industrialization will provide guidance on the sustainability of Chinese cities and regions. The following five aspects require greater attention:(1) Natural suitability research on human settlement, and a survey of human settlement demands to reflect the range of different demands concerning ecologically suitable settlements in urban environments, the corresponding valuation indicators, systems, and evolution, and the impact of the residents' socio-economic attributes.(2) Spatial-temporal evaluation and sustainability research on urban and rural human settlement at various scales, focusing on evolution and spatial differen-tiation at various scales such as city clusters and comparisons between cities, within the cities and communities.(3) Development of theory and technology for human settlement evolution research, including detection technology and methods, data mining measures, and forecasting and emulation of regional and urban human settlement evolution processes, mechanisms and patterns.(4) Research on the control of human settlement that focuses on optimization, patterns, and policies for effective management and development.(5) Estimating the human settlement system service value and establishing suitable human settlement systems, including social, economic, cultural and ecological service values.  相似文献   

中国乡村聚落地理研究进展及趋向   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近年来, 随着中国新农村建设的不断推进, 乡村发展问题日益受到学术界的重视。作为聚落地理学重要分支的乡村聚落地理学重新受到关注。了解乡村聚落地理学的研究现状, 掌握其研究趋向, 不仅是学术发展的需要, 也是促进中国城乡协调发展, 推动新农村建设的需要。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上, 本文首先简要叙述了国外乡村聚落地理的研究进展, 认为国外的相关研究成果值得中国借鉴;然后简单分析了中国乡村聚落研究进展, 并从乡村聚落生态、乡村聚落空间特征及其演化、乡村聚落发展问题、乡村聚落综合研究等4 个方面对近年来中国乡村聚落研究的主要内容进行概括和分析;最后, 在分析国内外乡村聚落研究进展的基础上, 本文认为中国未来乡村聚落研究的主要趋向应为:中国工业化、城镇化过程中乡村聚落演变趋势预测研究;中国不同发展水平区域乡村聚落的模式研究;中国不同地貌形态区乡村聚落的研究;新聚落的构建研究;跨学科综合性研究。  相似文献   

谭雪兰  安悦  蒋凌霄  谭洁  周国华 《地理科学》2018,38(10):1707-1714
以江南丘陵湖南地区为研究对象,通过对18个抽样村进行实地走访与问卷调查,从乡村聚落的居住条件、居住设施和乡村居民的生产生活形态等方面,探讨江南丘陵湖南地区乡村聚落空间地域分异特征与规律。研究表明:乡村聚落研究是江南丘陵地区乡村聚落空间布局优化与调控的基础。由于地域范围广泛,区域内的资源禀赋与地域组合、经济发展基础、文化传统等条件差异悬殊,因此江南丘陵湖南地区乡村聚落发展的地域分异规律较为明显,在聚落空间格局(规模、密度、形态)、居住条件(住房面积、住房结构、建筑特色)、居住设施(道路、饮水安全、网络电视开通率等基础与公共服务设施)和生产生活形态等方面呈现出较为显著的盆地-丘陵-低山区、发达-欠发达-落后、近郊-远郊-偏远等地貌、经济、区位梯度差异。  相似文献   

中国人居环境研究的总体特征及其知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CNKI、CSCD文献搜索引擎,以及文献计量可视化工具,采用传统文献研究与知识图谱相结合的方法,对1992—2017年中国人居环境研究的总体特征与知识图谱进行了定量识别和全景式展现。结果发现:1)近25年来,中国人居环境研究发文数量显著增长,《建筑学报》《城市规划》《城市发展研究》等期刊是学者的主要科研阵地;2)研究的优势机构和团队主要集中在中国科学院地理与资源研究所,以及辽宁师范大学、清华大学等其他建筑、规划类和师范类院校;3)研究经费多元化趋势明显,国家级基金是最主要的来源。4)在研究热点方面,人居环境、居住环境、宜居城市、人类环境、可持续发展、居住空间等是学者长期重点关注的热点词汇。5)在研究主题与知识基础方面,相关研究内容广泛,主题尚不集中,城市人居环境、宜居城市、居住环境、农村人居环境、自然适宜性、居住生活满意度、人居环境科学、人口发展是受到关注较多的8个热点主题,其知识基础建立在31篇经典文献之上。6)在具体演进轨迹方面,相关研究的知识结构呈连续发展且彼此联系紧密的态势,发展脉络较为清晰,并具有较强的问题导向性和政策导向性;社会经济发展的阶段性和动态性,问题或政策的学科发展导向,以及学者间的合作交流、学科间的交叉融合、技术方法的革新与应用等是其演进的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

城市人居环境的失配度——以辽宁省14 个市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出并运用城市人居环境失配度,将生态学的健康距离模型引入到城市人居环境科学,实证研究2005-2011 年辽宁省14 个市城市人居环境失配度的时空演变趋势、五大系统之间的失配关系以及造成失配的内部作用机理。结果表明:① 时空特征,时间上呈现出上升趋势且具有明显的阶段性和极值分布性特征;空间上呈现出区域差异性和“中部凸起,两翼凹陷”的方向性递减趋势;演变态势上具有较为特殊的非均衡变动性特征。② 五大系统失配关系分析,无论是单一系统本身还是多系统之间综合健康距离的变化都能作用于城市人居环境失配度,导致其数值增减,进而反映出城市人居环境的优劣变化。③ 人居环境失配度作用机理分析,政府宏观调控、经济发展方式以及城市基础设施的同步性和匹配性是城市人居环境失配度变化的内部驱动机理。  相似文献   

To cope with the difficulties of integrating migrant workers into urban life and inefficient land use caused by conventional urbanization, China has proposed a new type of urbanization policy. This policy may have a significant impact on the spatial patterns of rural settlements in China. Exploring this potential impact is conducive to the proposal of scientific plans for the spatial patterns of rural settlements. Therefore, this paper chooses Dingzhou, one of the pilot cities of this new-type urbanization, as the research area to carry out a simulation study on the impact of the new-type urbanization policy. Dingzhou has invested heavily in the new-type urbanization construction in recent years, but the influence of the policy on rural settlements remains unclear. Based on the theoretical framework of previous studies, this paper set up three scenarios, namely “conventional urbanization”, “new-type urbanization”, and “counter-urbanization”. This paper used FLUS (Future Land Use Simulation) Model and various spatial data to simulate the spatial patterns of rural settlements in Dingzhou in 2030 under the different scenarios. By comparing the different scenarios, the impacts of the new-type urbanization policy on the spatial patterns of rural settlements in Dingzhou were evaluated. The results indicated that: (1) From 2000 to 2015, the area of rural settlements in Dingzhou increased by 11.12%. Spatially, the density of rural settlements around the cities and towns increased, and rural settlement areas were mainly converted from cultivated land. Rural settlements were mainly transformed into urban land and cultivated land. (2) The overall simulation accuracy of FLUS was 0.89, so it can be well applied to the simulation of rural settlements. (3) In all three scenarios, rural settlements expanded along their edges, and the closer they were to towns, the more obvious the expansion was. In the counter-urbanization scenario, the change of rural settlements was most dramatic. (4) The new-type urbanization policy makes the spatial patterns of rural settlements in Dingzhou more stable and more intensive.  相似文献   

人居环境演变研究进展   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
人居环境作为人类栖息地,随着人类活动影响范围和强度的增加,人居环境问题越来越突出,人居环境演变过程也成为学术界关注的热点.本文梳理了近20 年来关于人居环境演变的相关研究理论与方法,从人居环境演变趋势的影响因素分析、演变机制探析和研究方法等方面评述了国内外的研究动向.总体而言,人居环境研究呈现出多学科交叉、集成研究的特点,在数据获取、演变过程的研究上更多地采用了现代化技术和模拟分析方法,但学术界对人居环境的内涵、演变机制解析等仍然存在着分歧.与国外研究相比,中国人居环境研究起步较晚,研究内容限于人居环境评价,对人居环境演变机理涉及较少,且研究数据和方法较为单一.最后本文对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

马雯秋  朱道林  姜广辉 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2615-2630
农村居民点作为乡村地域功能的空间反映,其内部用地功能结构随着经济社会发展发生剧烈变动,“转型”正成为当前中国农村居民点用地结构发展的主要特征。本文以乡村振兴战略需求为切入点,在阐明农村居民点用地结构转型内涵的基础上,依据“过程-类型-机制-优化”的研究思路系统剖析农村居民点用地结构转型规律,将农村居民点用地结构转型研究与乡村振兴战略需求相结合。研究认为,基于农村居民点内部典型地类间组合关系的演变过程,其转型可划分为外向非农化、内生乡村化和空心衰败化三种类型。城镇化、乡村工业化和以乡村振兴战略为主的农业农村现代化通过改变城乡间人口、土地、资本和技术等要素流动和资源配置效率进而影响着居民点转型的方向和结果;同时,合理、有序的农村居民点用地结构也可为乡村振兴的具体实施提供空间基础。未来应以乡村振兴战略需求为导向,从类型转换、效率提升和制度保障等角度优化居民点用地结构转型,以期在理论上创新和完善农村居民点用地转型与优化的研究范式,实践上为村庄规划和乡村振兴提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

聚焦农业产业化典型区聚落空间演变,以花木产业发展较突出的河南省鄢陵县为案例,利用大比例尺空间数据和实地调研数据,运用空间统计General G指数、核密度估计法、齐夫指数、多元回归模型,对鄢陵县聚落空间演变及驱动机理进行分析。结果表明:(1)1975—2017年鄢陵县聚落空间分布表现为“整体随机、局部集聚”的特征,在规模上表现为“低值集聚、高值分散”的分布特点,在数量上呈现出显著的南北空间分布差异;(2)在空间体系关系演变上,鄢陵县聚落体系的齐夫指数随花木产业发展和城镇化水平的提高逐渐趋近于齐夫定律(q=1);(3)自然禀赋、花木种植历史基础、花木产业发展、城镇化建设、村民人居环境改造意愿等是鄢陵县聚落空间演变的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

幂次法则是一个普遍存在于自然科学与社会科学界的现象,在都市体系中亦可观察到此一现象。过去的文献仅仅对于幂次法则现象进行了观察和解释,并未能完整地解释其形成的机制。本研究尝试由复杂理论中“递增报酬”的观念来探讨幂次现象的成因,采用计算机程序来仿真都市聚落体系形成的过程,并观察递增报酬与幂次现象之关系。该仿真包含了3 种不同的区位发展吸引模式,分别为相邻关系、规模吸引以及同时考虑规模与相邻的混合模式。计算机仿真显示:① 规模吸引与混合两种模式比相邻吸引模式能够更好地解释都市聚落的成长;② 依照递增报酬法则而仿真形成的都市聚落,与幂次现象呈高度相关。随后的数理仿真演算显示,幂次法则为一统计上的普遍现象,但在递增报酬等经济因素驱动下的都市聚落体系结构与真实的状况较为吻合。因此我们推测,递增报酬极可能是形成真实世界幂次现象的机制之一。  相似文献   

李小建  许家伟  海贝贝 《地理学报》2015,70(12):1870-1883
基于河南省巩义市1929-2013年的村庄数据,从位序—规模角度着手,使用齐夫指数、分形维数以及基尼系数,分别测度了近百年来县域聚落分布格局的演变。相对于城市,巩义市聚落等级规模具有如下特征:① 齐夫指数偏小但增长较快。大聚落发育不突出,具有农村聚落特征;但聚落规模越大,规模增加的速度越快,且二次项模型优于线性模型。② 分形维数偏大但降速加快。聚落体系等级差异增加,规模分布趋于集中。县域聚落规模只有增加到一定程度才能与城市表现出同样的规律。③ 聚落规模大小的基尼系数相对较小但增加显著,且增长率在1990s后加速,这与当地的城镇化发展过程具有密切关联。在空间上表现如下特征:① 沿河线状格局变化。核心聚落由“沿河平原线状”格局主导逐渐向“平原—丘陵片状”格局转变。② 网络等级结构形成。高等级聚落数量增加且规模增大,聚落等级增加,最终形成市场原则的5级等级结构。③ 核心聚落转移替代。县城迁移、工业化与城镇化带来聚落位序—规模变化,使核心聚落出现空间改变。  相似文献   

长江中游城市群城市人居环境演变及驱动力研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
从生态、居住、公共服务、休闲环境等人居环境核心系统出发,综合运用AHP、地理探测器方法,对长江中游城市群城市人居环境时空演变过程、核心驱动力、驱动机理进行了系统研究。研究表明:① 城市人居环境综合质量格局呈现出西北部相对下降,东南部逐渐提升的过程,优质的人居环境逐步向环鄱阳湖地区及京广线沿线集中分布;生态环境质量格局逐渐呈现以襄阳-吉安连线为界,东侧质量显著优于西侧的格局。京广线沿线城市的居住、公共服务质量始终优于江西片区浙赣线沿线城市,但休闲环境质量则逐渐劣于江西片区浙赣沿线;城市人居环境演变驱动力作用对象、程度、方向各异。其中经济发展、政府投入为城市人居环境演变的主导动力,社会群体收支为其内部关键动力,而土地供给与建设投资为现阶段次要动力,此外,城市规模通过集聚、催化作用推动城市人居环境的演变。  相似文献   

中国城市人居环境质量特征与时空差异分析   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
城市人居环境已成为推动城市化发展进程,衡量城市化发展水平的重要因素。以社会经济环境、居住环境、基础设施和公共服务环境、生态环境4个一级指标,28个二级指标构建了城市人居环境质量综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法对中国286个地级以上城市在2000年、2003年、2006年和2009年4个时间断面的人居环境质量特征和时空差异变化进行了分析。结果表明:中国城市人居环境质量整体在逐步提高,城市之间人居环境质量得分差值缩小,各城市排名基本保持在一定范围;城市人居环境质量级别差异明显;城市人居环境质量时空差异显著,呈现出与经济发展水平相似的从东部到中、西部依次递减的地带性空间分布特征以及南高北低的分布状况,且各地区城市级别分布不均衡;人居环境质量水平较高的城市呈"团"状分布,与国家"十二五"规划纲要中城市化战略格局基本吻合;城市人居环境质量与城市规模无对应关系。  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that: (1) Since the 1990s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable. (2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India. (3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):674-694
State-sponsored urbanization prevailed in the prereform China. A new track of spontaneous urbanization has emerged since 1978. However, state-sponsored urbanization has continued to be an important process of urbanization in the reform period. The Chinese pattern of urbanization since 1978 is distinguished by dual-track urbanization. This paper uses the dualtrack urbanization approach to examine the urbanization process in Pearl River Delta in the reform period. Whether urbanization takes place in main cities or low-order settlements has been a lasting theme of the urbanization inquiry. This issue is assessed by an analysis of the relative concentration and deconcentration of urban population among four groups of settlements: the primate city, cities with special economic zones, prefecture-level cities and county-level cities/counties. Contrary to previous research, it is found that both state-sponsored and spontaneous urbanization are driving a dispersed pattern of urbanization in the region.  相似文献   

中印城镇化区域差异及城镇体系空间演化比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国和印度作为两个正在崛起的大国,发展历程较为相似,但发展路径和模式差异较大。两个国家政治制度、经济体系、发展环境等的显著差异已经吸引了学者的广泛关注,本文将从地理学视角出发,重点关注两国城镇化及城镇体系的区域差异和空间演化过程。以人口普查和联合国城市人口数据为基础,采用空间分析、参数估计、非参数估计等多种方法,对中印两国城镇化和城镇体系的空间特征进行系统的比较分析,结果表明:① 20世纪90年代以来,中国城镇化的区域差异由南北差异转变为沿海—内部差异,而印度南北差异的格局则基本稳定;② 从省(邦)级空间尺度来看,中国和印度的人口密度和城镇化率都呈现正相关关系,当城镇化率超过50%后,两者的相关性更为显著,但是近年来中国人口密度与城镇化率的相关性不断增强,而印度则呈现降低的趋势;③ 现阶段中印两国以大中城市为主的城镇体系符合位序—规模分布的特征,但是经济改革对于两个国家城镇体系空间演化的影响差异明显,改革使得中国城镇发展的主要驱动力由地理历史因素向经济系统空间结构转变,而印度城镇发展的驱动力始终是地理历史因素,经济改革甚至降低了经济系统空间结构对城镇发展的影响。  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that:(1) Since the 1990 s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable.(2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India.(3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

李雪铭  李明 《地理科学》2008,28(6):742-747
已有的城市人居环境评价研究大多基于"生存、生活需要"层次,从人的自我实现需要角度研究城市人居环境评价未见报道。在已有研究的基础上,综合考虑信息时代下城市人居环境的人文因素内涵,构建一套体现人自我实现需要的城市人居环境指标体系。在国内首次将自组织特征映射神经网络模型应用在城市人居环境聚类分析中,根据聚类结果将中国主要城市人居环境分成四种类型,总结城市人居环境空间分布总体特征,归纳不同类别城市人居环境的特点并分析产生这种空间分异的原因。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, built-up land in China has increasingly expanded with rapid urbanization, industrialization and rural settlements construction. The expansions encroached upon a large amount of cropland, placing great challenges on national food security. Although the impacts of urban expansion on cropland have been intensively illustrated, few attentions have been paid to differentiating the effects of growing urban areas, rural settlements, and industrial/transportation land. To fill this gap and offer comprehensive implications on framing policies for cropland protection, this study investigates and compares the spatio- temporal patterns of cropland conversion to urban areas, rural settlements, and industrial/ transportation land from 1987 to 2010, based on land use maps interpreted from remote sensing imagery. Five indicators were developed to analyze the impacts of built-up land expansion on cropland in China. We find that 42,822 km2 of cropland were converted into built-up land in China, accounting for 43.8% of total cropland loss during 1987–2010. Urban growth showed a greater impact on cropland loss than the expansion of rural settlements and the expansion of industrial/transportation land after 2000. The contribution of rural settlement expansion decreased; however, rural settlement saw the highest percentage of traditional cropland loss which is generally in high quality. The contribution of industrial/transportation land expansion increased dramatically and was mainly distributed in major food production regions. These changes were closely related to the economic restructuring, urban-rural transformation and government policies in China. Future cropland conservation should focus on not only finding a reasonable urbanization mode, but also solving the “hollowing village” problem and balancing the industrial transformations.  相似文献   

中国农村居民点用地微观尺度研究进展及展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中国快速工业化和城镇化进程助推农村发展经历了深刻转型,农村居民点用地类型及功能逐渐多样化和非农化,由此对农村居民点内部地类辨析、演变规律及驱动力探讨等提出了迫切需求。本文围绕农村居民点用地类型、结构及功能,农村居民点用地空心化以及用地景观等方面进行了较全面地总结,指出农村居民点用地演变与经济发展及农户生计变化息息相关。都市郊区及经济发达地区农户就地非农就业促使农村居民点用地类型多样化以及功能和景观的非农化,传统农区劳动力大量转移导致农村居民点用地闲置废弃和景观的空心化。当前,无论从技术手段还是研究内容看,农村居民点用地微观尺度研究仍以现象描述和解释为主,未来应逐渐向实践应用拓展和深化,并加强微观研究方法与技术手段的创新。在微观尺度的农村居民点用地转型、演变模式提炼基础上,深入剖析农村居民点用地的演变规律及驱动机理,提出面向国家战略需求的农村居民点空间重构方向,将凸显乡村聚落地理研究的政策出口与实践价值。  相似文献   

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