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高翔 《国土资源》2012,(5):28-29
五四青年节前夕,辽宁省第十地质大队启动了"名师带高徒"及"百人团队"建设活动。在启动仪式上,18名青年技术人员郑重向12位专业技术带头人行"拜师礼",结下了"名师带高徒"师徒对子。同时,17名青年技术骨干从队长吕凤军手中接过了聘书,成为十队"百人团队"的首批成员……  相似文献   

1月11日,从河南省地质矿产勘查开发局(以下简称省地矿局)传来喜讯,由中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心曲凯研究团队在河南桐柏发现并命名的自然界新矿物——空锌银黝铜矿正式获得国际矿物学协会新矿物命名及分类委员会批准,新矿物全型标本已馆藏于中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

湖州新开元碎石有限公司隶属于上海建工集团股份有限公司,成立于1995年,企业注册资金1.52亿元人民币,年生产规模400万吨。公司产品主要有高速铁路特级道砟、高标号管桩优质骨料、高性能混凝土专用精品骨料和机制砂四大类,产品入选为湖州市名牌产品,获得全国砂石骨料大赛一等奖,为长三角地区重点工程提供优质骨料,如上海中心(高标号)、江南布衣总部工程(清水混凝土)等。公司坚持矿产资源综合利用与绿色循环经济两大理念,引进南太湖精英计划领军型创新团队,设立省级博士后工作站,省级研发中心等,持续提升绿色矿山建设关键技术。  相似文献   

正首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院设有地理系、旅游系、地理信息系、遥感科学与技术系、环境系;有"地理科学与技术国家实验教学示范中心"、"地理学国家教学团队"、"地理信息系统国家特色专业"、"地理信息系统国家精品课程"、地理学一级学科博士授权点、地理学博士后流动站和11个硕士学位授权点。在读本科生420人、硕士生450人、博士生60人。2012年,在教育部学位和研究生教育发展中心组织的全国高校学科评估中,我院地理学排名第9。  相似文献   

正强大专家团队集体亮相新视角新元素品质升级理念如一《国土资源导刊》是湖南省国土资源厅主管.国内外公开发行的综合指导类月刊。《国土资源导刊》致力于国土资源理念、实践、价值、文化的记录与解析,融入社会经济发展全局,还原国土资源资本、资源、资产本质,探索节约、集约、可持续利用之  相似文献   

日前,浙江省地质勘查局开展"院士专家地勘行"活动,在浙江地勘事业改革转型的关键时期,邀请局系统内六个院士专家工作站的相关进站院士及教授专家团队为地勘事业发展支招献策。中国科学院院士陈旭、杨文采、金振民、杨树锋及浙江大学、中国地质大学(武汉)相关教授专家出席活动,浙江省地质勘查局党委委员。  相似文献   

人才问题是大部分新兴企业遇到的首要问题。它不但缺少好的技术人才和经营管理人才,同时还迎来人才体制变革的问题。因此,招聘、培训、培养一支懂技术、会管理、有修养、素质高的企业团队,就成了新兴技术知识密集型企业的一项战略任务。笔者结合当前的特点,浅谈人才管理的一点想法。新兴企业同样面临着同行业企业间激烈的竞争、市场的不稳定性、常用能源及人员工资的快速增长、不同行业间的闭关自守和同行业企业的不断涌现,  相似文献   

团队精神是现代企业精神的重要组成部分,是促进企业凝聚力、竞争力不断增强的精神力量。面对激烈的市场竞争,每个企业都必须依靠团队的力量,充分发挥团队精神,才能在激烈的竞争中取胜。关于团队精神的解释很多。有人认为,所谓团队精神,简单来说就是大局意识、协作精神和服务精神的集中体现。团队精神的基础是尊重个人的兴趣和成就。核心是协同合作,最高境界是全体成员的向心力、凝聚力,反映的是个体利益和整体利益的统一,并进而保证组织的高效运转。  相似文献   

正近日,经北京市科学技术协会认定,中科宇图科技股份有限公司"院士专家工作站"正式成立。院士专家工作站的成立,将构建企业高端人才培养与领域核心专家相结合的产学研创新体系,实现院士及其研究团队与企业技术创新人才的无缝对接。通过整合科技资源、人力资源、学科资源、专业资源等优势,实现院士前沿技术与企业科研、产业化  相似文献   

正强大专家团队集体亮相新视角新元素品质升级理念如一《国土资源导刊》是湖南省国土资源厅主管,国内外公开发行的综合指导类月刊。《国土资源导刊》致力于国土资源理念、实践、价值、文化的记录与解析,融入社会经济发展全局,还原国土资源资本、资源、资产本质。探索节约、集约、可持续利用之道,建设走向未来的共识与道路,提供现实的国土  相似文献   

Characteristics from a hydrodynamic model of a trapezoidal artificial reef   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flume experiments and numerical simulation were conducted to characterize the hydrodynamics of a trapezoid artificial reef. Measurements in particle image velocimetry were conducted to observe the formation of upwelling and vortices; and forces for the reef model were measured by load cell. The results of flume experiments agree well with the numerical data. In addition, the flow structure around a reef combining trapezoidal and cubic blocks was simulated numerically under two deployment schemes, showing a more complicated flow structure than that of a stand-alone reef. Relationship between drag coefficient and Reynolds number suggest that the degree of turbulence can be assessed from the value of drag coefficient downstream from the reef. The role of the reef in water flow is to reduce flow velocity and generate turbulence.  相似文献   

Based on the principle of turned mass damper(TMD) systems,the conceptual design of semi-submersible platform with a moveable heave-plate(MHS) has been put forward.The heave motion response amplitude operator(RAO) and viscous damping of the MHS platform are calculated by iteration,and the coupling stiffness between the MHS hull and the heave-plate is optimized to decrease the maximum heave motion response of the MHS hull under 10-year survival conditions in the South China Sea.The nu-merical results indicate that the heave motion RAO of the MHS hull can be decreased in the range of predominant wave frequencies,which may provide some reference to the heave motion control of offshore platforms.  相似文献   

A tunnel-type anchorage(TTA) is one of the main components in suspension bridges: the bearing mechanism is a key problem. Investigating the deformation characteristics, development law, and failure phenomenon of a TTA under load can provide the theoretical basis for a robust design. Utilizing the TTA of the Jinsha River suspension bridge at Lijiang Shangri-La railway as a prototype, a laboratory model test of the TTA was carried out for three different contact conditions between the anchorage body and the surrounding rock. The stress and deformation distribution law of the anchorage body and its surrounding rock were studied, and the ultimate bearing capacity and failure mode of the TTA were analyzed. The test results show that the compressive stress level is highest at the rear part of the anchorage body. Moving away from the rear portion of the body, the stress decays in a negative exponential function. Based on the load transfer curve, the calculation formula for the shear stress on the contact surface between the anchorage body and the surrounding rock was derived, which shows that the distribution of the shear stress along the axial direction of the anchorage body is not uniform. The distance from the maximum value to the loading surface is approximately 1/3 of the length of the anchorage body, and the stress decreases as the distance from the loading surface increases. Furthermore, the contact condition between the anchorage body and surrounding rock has a great influence on the bearing capacity of the TTA. The increase in the anti-skid tooth ridge and radial anchor bolt can improve the cooperative working capacity of the anchorage body and the surrounding rock, which is approximately 50% higher than that of the flat contact condition. The main function of the anchor bolt is to increase the overall rigidity of the TTA. The contact condition between the anchorage body and the surrounding rock will lead to a change in the failure mode of the TTA. With an increase in the degree of contact, the failure mode will change from shear sliding along the interface to trumpet-shaped inverted cone-shaped failure extending into the surrounding rock.  相似文献   

The tidal asymmetry-induced siltation below tidal barriers is a worldwide problem that restricts regional socio-economic and environmental development. The hydrodynamic processes of the small mud estuary also feature a high uncertainty after estuary restoration measures. In this study, a hydrodynamic model based on the MIKE21 is used to quantify the responses of tidal asymmetry to a two-phase restoration project in Shuanglong Estuary, Bohai Bay, China. According to the numerical modeling results, the tidal flat removal in the upper estuary(first-phase restoration) induces the flood asymmetry switching to the ebb asymmetry in unrestored reach but enhances flood asymmetry in widening restored reach. Although the tidal asymmetry reverts to flood-dominated pattern after full restoration over the estuary, the imbalance between flood and ebb velocities is relieved. A possible net sediment transport pattern based on a comparison of dominant asymmetric current and actual sediment transport period shows net sediments in the upper estuary and inlet transport seaward and landward, respectively, in the first-phase restoration, whereas landward net sediment transport occurs in the whole estuary under the second-phase restoration scenario. Given these results, we assume that a switch from the flood-dominated estuary to ebb-dominated estuary can be caused by redesigning the cross-sectional profile. The quantitative comparison of Lagrangian residual currents also implies that a channel–shoal structure rather than a flat bathymetry can promote the mass transport. Therefore, reshaping the channel–tidal flat system in restoration projects can prevent the sedimentation of the estuary and improve the water environment.  相似文献   

This study aimed to produce a high-quality landslide susceptibility map for Teziutlán municipality, a landslide-prone region in Mexico, which is characterised by a depositional pyroclastic ramp. The heterogeneous quality of available topographic information(i.e. higher resolution digital elevation model only for a sub-region) encouraged to confront modelling results based on two different study area delineations and two raster resolutions. Input data was based on the larger modelling region L15(163 km2) and smaller S(70 km2; located inside L15) with an associated raster cell size of 15 m(region L15 and S15) and 5 m(region S5). The resulting three data sets(L15, S15 and S5) were included into three differently flexible modelling techniques(Generalized Linear Model-GLM, General Additive Model-GAM, Support Vector Machine-SVM) to produce nine landslide susceptibility models. Preceding variable selection was performed heuristically and supported by an exploratory data analysis. The final models were based on the explanatory variables slope angle, slope aspect, lithology, relative slope position, elevation, convergence index, distance to streams, distance to springs and topographic wetness index. The ability of the models to classify independent test data was elaborated using a k-fold cross validation procedure and the AUROC(Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic) metric. In general, all produced landslide susceptibility maps depicted the hillslopes of the ravines, which cut the pyroclastic ramp, as prone to landsliding. The modelling results showed that predictive performances(i.e. AUROC values) slightly increased with an increasing flexibility of the applied modelling technique. Thus, SVM performed best, while the GAM outperformed the GLM. This tendency was most distinctive when modelling with the largest landslide sample size(i.e. data set L15; n = 662 landslides). Non-linear classifiers(GAMs, SVMs) performed slightly better when trained on the basis of lower raster resolution(data set S15) compared to the 5 m counterparts(data set S5). Highest predictive performance was obtained for the model based on data set L15 and the SVM classifier(median AUROC: 0.82). However, SVMs also indicated the highest degree of model overfitting. This study indicates that the decision to delineate a study area, the selection of a raster resolution as well as the chosen classification technique can affect varying aspects of subsequent modelling results. The results do not support the assumption that a higher raster resolution(i.e. a more detailed digital representation of the terrain) inevitably leads to better performing or geomorphically more plausible landslide susceptibility maps.  相似文献   

Reducing the threats of sulfate ion(SO_4~(2-))deposition to terrestrial ecosystems is a great challenge.The canopy interception effect on SO_4~(2-)deposition has been well documented,but the interception efficiency of the gap edge remains unknown.Therefore,a subalpine dragon spruce(Picea asperata) plantation was evaluated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.The dynamics of the SO_4~(2-) concentration in the throughfall were investigated from the gap edge to the closed canopy during the rainfall and snowfall periods from August 2015 to July 2016.The annual input of SO_4~(2-) totaled 2.56 kg/ha through rainfall and 0.69 kg/ha through snowfall.The total annual net interception fluxes(NIFs) of SO_4~(2-) at the gap edge and in the closed canopy were 1.48 kg/ha and 0.66 kg/ha,respectively,and the net interception ratios(NIRs) accounted for 45.40% and 20.25%,respectively.The NIF and the NIR of SO_4~(2-) at the gap edge were higher than those in the closed canopy.Therefore,the results suggested that a significant amount of SO_4~(2-) deposition was intercepted by the tree canopy in the subalpine plantation,with more SO_4~(2-) deposition at the gap edge than in the closed canopy,which is beneficial for improving the water quality in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River via forest management.  相似文献   

A finite difference model for solving Navier Stokes equations with turbulence taken into account is used to investigate viscous liquid sloshing-wave interaction with baffles in a tank. The volume-of-fluid and virtual boundary force methods are employed to simulate free surface flow interaction with structures. A liquid sloshing experimental apparatus was established to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model, as well as to study nonlinear sloshing in a prismatic tank with the baffles. Damping effects of sloshing in a rectangular tank with bottom-mounted vertical baffles and vertical baffles touching the free surface are studied numerically and experimentally. Good agreement is obtained between the present numerical results and experimental data. The numerical results match well with the current experimental data for strong nonlinear sloshing with large free surface slopes. The reduction in sloshing-wave elevation and impact pressure induced by the bottom-mounted vertical baffle and the vertical baffle touching the free surface is estimated by varying the external excitation frequency and the location and height of the vertical baffle under horizontal excitation.  相似文献   

A colluvial landslide in a debris flow valley is a typical phenomena and is easily influenced by rainfall. The direct destructiveness of this kind of landslide is small, however, if failure occurs the resulting blocking of the channel may lead to a series of magnified secondary hazards. For this reason it is important to investigate the potential response of this type of landslide to rainfall. In the present paper, the Goulingping landslide, one of the colluvial landslides in the Goulingping valley in the middle of the Bailong River catchment in Gansu Province, China, was chosen for the study. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), together with traditional monitoring methods, were used to monitor changes in water content and the deformation of the landslide caused by rainfall. ERT was used to detect changes in soil water content induced by rainfall. The most significant findings were as follows:(1) the water content in the centralupper part (0~41 m) of the landslide was greater than in the central-front part (41~84 m) and (2) there was a relatively high resistivity zone at depth within the sliding zone. The deformation characteristics at the surface of the landslide were monitored by TLS and the results revealed that rainstorms caused three types of deformation and failure: (1) gully erosion at the slope surface; (2) shallow sliding failure; (3) and slope foot erosion. Subsequent monitoring of continuous changes in pore-water pressure, soil pressure and displacement (using traditional methods) indicated that long duration light rainfall (average 2.22 mm/d) caused the entire landslide to enter a state of creeping deformation at the beginning of the rainy season. Shear-induced dilation occurred for the fast sliding (30.09 mm/d) during the critical failure sub-phase (EF). Pore-water pressure in the sliding zone was affected by rainfall. In addition, the sliding L1 parts of the landslide exerted a discontinuous pressure on the L2 part. Through the monitoring and analysis, we conclude that this kind of landslide may have large deformation at the beginning and the late of the rainy season.  相似文献   

Large-scale annual climate indices were used to forecast annual drought conditions in the Maharlu-Bakhtegan watershed,located in Iran,using a neuro-fuzzy model.The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) was used as a proxy for drought conditions.Among the 45 climate indices considered,eight identified as most relevant were the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation(AMO),Atlantic Meridional Mode(AMM),the Bivariate ENSO Time series(BEST),the East Central Tropical Pacific Surface Temperature(NINO 3.4),the Central Tropical Pacific Surface Temperature(NINO 4),the North Tropical Atlantic Index(NTA),the Southern Oscillation Index(SOI),and the Tropical Northern Atlantic Index(TNA).These indices accounted for 81% of the variance in the Principal Components Analysis(PCA) method.The Atlantic surface temperature(SST:Atlantic) had an inverse relationship with SPI,and the AMM index had the highest correlation.Drought forecasts of neuro-fuzzy model demonstrate better prediction at a two-year lag compared to a stepwise regression model.  相似文献   

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