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Abstract— Samples of Holbrook (an L6 chondrite that fell in Arizona in 1912) were analysed by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy to determine the proportion of the total Fe that had been converted to Fe3+ by weathering processes. Although samples recovered in 1912 showed negligible (<1%) alteration, a spectrum recorded from a specimen recovered in 1968 showed that 9.7% of the total Fe was present as Fe3+. Given the existence of samples in similar semiarid environments with terrestrial ages >40 ka, a linear rate of weathering is unrealistic, rapidly producing very high levels of oxidation in samples with low terrestrial ages. However if weathering follows an approximate power law, then we can model a rapid initial phase and the levels of oxidation that are more typical in samples with much longer terrestrial residence times recovered from Roosevelt County. Our analysis, together with work on terrestrial age dated samples, indicates that hot desert weathering of ordinary chondrites is at least a two-stage process, with an initial rapid phase lasting <500 years before oxidation is passivated.  相似文献   

A.V. Pathare  M.R. Balme  M.C. Towner 《Icarus》2010,209(2):851-853
Competing hypotheses for the diameter dependence of terrestrial and martian dust devil frequency are assessed using new field observations from two sites in the southwestern United States. We show that at diameters less than 12 m, our observed dust devil size-frequency distributions are better fit by an exponential function than by a power law formulation, and discuss the implications for larger dust devils on Earth and Mars.  相似文献   

Data from the Pathfinder and Phoenix landers on Mars show transient pressure drops (~1–4 per day) attributed to nearby encounters with dust devils or dust-free vortices. The distribution of pressure drop amplitudes is consistent with a truncated power law distribution with a slope of ?2, similar to that suggested previously for the optical diameters of dust devils. Comparable data from terrestrial field observations are very sparse: the only published dataset is half a century old and lists only 19 pressure drops. That dataset is too small to permit a robust comparison with Mars and likely suffers from a low detection efficiency at small dust devil sizes. Observed pressure drops in these fixed-station Mars datasets (30–300 μbar) are 10× lower than those typically observed on Earth (0.3–3 mbar): some higher drops have been reported for large terrestrial devils sampled by pursuing vehicles. The needed terrestrial data for comparison with Mars in-situ data (soon to be augmented, we hope, by the Mars Science Laboratory mission) is noted. Prospects for obtaining such data via field campaigns using new data acquisition technology, and with microbarographs for nuclear test monitoring, are discussed.  相似文献   

Transient radio sources are necessarily compact and usually are the locations of explosive or dynamic events, therefore offering unique opportunities for probing fundamental physics and astrophysics. In addition, short-duration transients are powerful probes of intervening media owing to dispersion, scattering and Faraday rotation that modify the signals. While radio astronomy has an impressive record obtaining high time resolution, usually it is achieved in quite narrow fields of view. Consequently, the dynamic radio sky is poorly sampled, in contrast to the situation in the X-ray and γ-ray bands. The SKA has the potential to change this situation, opening up new parameter space in the search for radio transients. We summarize the wide variety of known and hypothesized radio transients and demonstrate that the SKA offers considerable power in exploring this parameter space. Requirements on the SKA to search the parameter space include the abilities to: (1) make targeted searches using beam forming capability; (2) conduct blind, all-sky surveys with dense sampling of the frequency–time plane in wide fields; (3) sample the sky with multiple fields of view from spatially well-separated sites in order to discriminate celestial and terrestrial signals; (4) utilize as much of the SKAs aggregate collecting area as possible in blind surveys, thus requiring a centrally condensed configuration, and; (5) localize repeating transient sources to high angular precision, requiring a configuration with long baselines, thus requiring collecting area in both a centrally condensed “core” array and sufficient area on long baselines.  相似文献   

A key parameter for understanding the geodynamics of a terrestrial planet is the size of its core. Numerical evaluation of 28 different interior structure models of Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars suggests that there is an almost linear relationship between the core radius and the extent of the seismic P-wave core shadow. A scaling law is derived from a simple mantle density and velocity model that permits the interpretation of respective seismic measurements on terrestrial planetary bodies.  相似文献   

We measure the power spectrum of the galaxy distribution in the ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey. We develop a technique to describe the survey window function analytically, and then deconvolve it from the measured power spectrum using a variant of the Lucy method. We test the whole deconvolution procedure on ESP mock catalogues drawn from large N -body simulations, and find that it is reliable for recovering the correct amplitude and shape of P ( k ) at k >0.065  h  Mpc−1. In general, the technique is applicable to any survey composed of a collection of circular fields with an arbitrary pattern on the sky, as typical of surveys based on fibre spectrographs. The estimated power spectrum has a well-defined power-law shape k n with n ≃−2.2 for k ≥0.2  h  Mpc−1, and a smooth bend to a flatter shape ( n ≃−1.6) for smaller k . The smallest wavenumber where a meaningful reconstruction can be performed ( k ∼0.06  h  Mpc−1) does not allow us to explore the range of scales where other power spectra seem to show a flattening and hint at a turnover. We also find, by a direct comparison of the Fourier transforms, that the estimate of the two-point correlation function ξ ( s ) is much less sensitive to the effect of a problematic window function, such as that of the ESP, than the power spectrum. Comparison with other surveys shows an excellent agreement with estimates from blue-selected surveys. In particular, the ESP power spectrum is virtually indistinguishable from that of the Durham–UKST survey over the common range of k , an indirect confirmation of the quality of the deconvolution technique applied.  相似文献   

Observations of redshift-space distortions in spectroscopic galaxy surveys offer an attractive method for observing the build-up of cosmological structure. In this paper, we develop and test a new statistic based on anisotropies in the measured galaxy power spectrum, which is independent of galaxy bias and matches the matter power spectrum shape on large scales. The amplitude provides a constraint on the derivative of the linear growth rate through   f σ8(mass)  . This demonstrates that spectroscopic galaxy surveys offer many of the same advantages as weak lensing surveys, in that they both use galaxies as test particles to probe all matter in the Universe. They are complementary as redshift-space distortions probe non-relativistic velocities and therefore the temporal metric perturbations, while weak lensing tests the sum of the temporal and spatial metric perturbations. The degree to which our estimator can be pushed into the non-linear regime is considered and we show that a simple Gaussian damping model, similar to that previously used to model the behaviour of the power spectrum on very small scales, can also model the quasi-linear behaviour of our estimator. This enhances the information that can be extracted from surveys for Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) models.  相似文献   

We allow a more general (step-function) form of the primordial power spectrum than the usual featureless power-law Harrison–Zeldovich (with spectral index   n =1)  power spectrum, and fit it to the latest cosmic microwave background data sets. Although the best-fitting initial power spectrum can differ significantly from the power-law shape, and contains a dip at scales   k ∼0.003  h  Mpc-1  , we find that  Ωm≈0.24  , consistent with previous analyses that assume power-law initial fluctuations. We also explore the feasibility of the early releases of the 2dF and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxy redshifts surveys to see these features, and we find that even if features exist in the primordial power spectrum, they are washed out by the window functions of the redshift surveys on scales   k <0.03  h  Mpc-1  .  相似文献   

Published galaxy power spectra from the two-degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are not in good agreement. We revisit this issue by analysing both the 2dFGRS and SDSS Data Release 5 (DR5) catalogues using essentially identical techniques. We confirm that the 2dFGRS exhibits relatively more large-scale power than the SDSS, or, equivalently, SDSS has more small-scale power. We demonstrate that this difference is due to the r -band selected SDSS catalogue being dominated by more strongly clustered red galaxies, which have a stronger scale-dependent bias. The power spectra of galaxies of the same rest-frame colours from the two surveys match well. If not accounted for, the difference between the SDSS and 2dFGRS power spectra causes a bias in the obtained constraints on cosmological parameters which is larger than the uncertainty with which they are determined. We also found that the correction developed by Cole et al. to model the distortion in the shape of the power spectrum due to non-linear evolution and scale-dependent bias is not able to reconcile the constraints obtained from the 2dFGRS and SDSS power spectra. Intriguingly, the model is able to describe the differences between the 2dFGRS and the much more strongly clustered Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample, which exhibits greater non-linearities. This shows that more work is needed to understand the relation between the galaxy power spectrum and the linear perturbation theory prediction for the power spectrum of matter fluctuations. It is therefore important to accurately model these effects to get precise estimates of cosmological parameters from these power spectra and from future galaxy surveys like Pan-STARRS, or the Dark Energy Survey, which will use selection criteria similar to the one of SDSS.  相似文献   

We analyse the spatial clustering properties of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) 1 Bright Sample, an X-ray flux-limited catalogue of galaxy clusters selected from the southern part of the survey. The two-point correlation function ( r ) of the whole sample is well fitted (in an Einsteinde Sitter model) by the power law =( r r 0) , with and (95.4 per cent confidence level with one fitting parameter). We use the RASS 1 Bright Sample as a first application of a theoretical model that aims to predict the clustering properties of X-ray clusters in flux-limited surveys for different cosmological scenarios. The model uses the theoretical and empirical relations between mass, temperature and X-ray cluster luminosity, and fully accounts for the redshift evolution of the underlying dark matter clustering and cluster bias factor. The comparison between observational results and theoretical predictions shows that the Einsteinde Sitter models display too low a correlation length, while models with a matter density parameter 0m=0.3 (with or without a cosmological constant) are successful in reproducing the observed clustering. The dependence of the correlation length r 0 on the X-ray limiting flux and luminosity of the sample is generally consistent with the predictions of all our models. Quantitative agreement is however only reached for 0m=0.3 models. The model presented here can be reliably applied to future deeper X-ray cluster surveys: the study of the clustering properties will provide a useful complementary tool to the traditional cluster abundance analyses used to constrain the cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

Using eigenmode expansion of the Mark III and SFI surveys of cosmological radial velocities, a goodness-of-fit analysis is applied on a mode-by-mode basis. This differential analysis complements the Bayesian maximum likelihood analysis that finds the most probable model given the data. Analyzing the surveys with their corresponding most likely models from the CMB-like family of models, as well as with the currently popular LambdaCDM model, reveals a systematic inconsistency of the data with these "best" models. There is a systematic trend of the cumulative chi(2) to increase with the mode number (where the modes are sorted by decreasing order of the eigenvalues). This corresponds to a decrease of the chi(2) with the variance associated with a mode and hence with its effective scale. It follows that the differential analysis finds that on small (large) scales the global analysis of all the modes "puts" less (more) power than actually required by the data. This observed trend might indicate one of the following: (1) the theoretical model (i.e., power spectrum) or the error model (or both) have an excess of power on large scales, (2) velocity bias, or (3) the velocity data suffers from systematic errors that have not yet been corrected.  相似文献   

Redshift surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have given a very precise measurement of the galaxy luminosity function down to about   MR =−17 (≈ MB =−16)  . Fainter absolute magnitudes cannot be probed because of the flux limit required for spectroscopy. Wide-field surveys of nearby groups using mosaic CCDs on large telescopes are able to reach much fainter absolute magnitudes, about   MR =−10  . These diffuse, spiral-rich groups are thought to be typical environments for galaxies, so their luminosity functions should be the same as the field luminosity function. The luminosity function of the groups at the bright end  ( MR < −17)  is limited by Poisson statistics and is far less precise than that derived from redshift surveys. Here we combine the results of the SDSS and the surveys of nearby groups, and we supplement the results with studies of Local Group galaxies in order to determine the galaxy luminosity function over the entire range  −25 < MR < −9  . The average logarithmic slope of the field luminosity function between   MR =−19  and   MR =−9  is  α=−1.26  , although a single power law is a poor fit to the data over the entire magnitude range. We also determine the luminosity function of galaxy clusters and demonstrate that it is different from the field luminosity function at a high level of significance; there are many more dwarf galaxies in clusters than in the field, due to a rise in the cluster luminosity function of  α∼−1.6  between   MR =−17  and   MR =−14  .  相似文献   

We constrain the velocity power spectrum shape parameter Γ in linear theory using the nine bulk flow and shear moments estimated from four recent peculiar velocity surveys. For each survey, a likelihood function for Γ was found after marginalizing over the power spectrum amplitude  σ8Ω0.6m  using constraints obtained from comparisons between redshift surveys and peculiar velocity data. In order to maximize the accuracy of our analyses, the velocity noise σ* was estimated directly for each survey. A statistical analysis of the differences between the values of the moments estimated from different surveys showed consistency with theoretical predictions, suggesting that all the surveys investigated reflect the same large-scale flows. The peculiar velocity surveys were combined into a composite survey yielding the constraint  Γ= 0.13+0.09−0.05  . This value is lower than, but consistent with, values obtained using redshift surveys and cosmic microwave background data.  相似文献   

The time variations of solar and terrestrial magnetic fields (background magnetic field, power of the active regions, AE and aa-indices) have been studied. The analysis of these data shows that multiplets of 27, 13.5, 9 and 7 day periods exist in the solar data as in the terrestrial data. The solar multiplets 13.5 and 9 days appear predominantly close to the equatorial zone of the Sun and can plausibly be explained by the presence of active longitudes. The similarity of the variations in period in solar and geophysical data provides evidence that the magnetosphere of the Earth is actually a continuation of the heliosphere. The variations of the terrestrial magnetic field are mainly determined by the solar background magnetic fields in middle heliographic latitudes.  相似文献   

Galileo's Solid State Imaging experiment (SSI) obtained 36 visible wavelength images of Jupiter's ring system during the nominal mission (Ockert-Bell et al., 1999, Icarus 138, 188-213) and another 21 during the extended mission. The Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) recorded an observation of Jupiter's main ring during orbit C3 at wavelengths from 0.7 to 5.2 μm; a second observation was attempted during orbit E4. We analyze the high phase angle NIMS and SSI observations to constrain the size distribution of the main ring's micron-sized dust population. This portion of the population is best constrained at high phase angles, as the light scattering behavior of small dust grains dominates at these geometries and contributions from larger ring particles are negligible. High phase angle images of the main ring obtained by the Voyager spacecraft covered phase angles between 173.8° and 176.9° (Showalter et al., 1987, Icarus 69, 458-498). Galileo images extend this range up to 178.6°. We model the Galileo phase curve and the ring spectra from the C3 NIMS ring observation as the combination of two power law distributions. Our analysis of the main ring phase curve and the NIMS spectra suggests the size distribution of the smallest ring particles is a power law with an index of 2.0±0.3 below a size of ∼15 μm that transitions to a power law with an index of 5.0±1.5 at larger sizes. This combined power law distribution, or “broken power law” distribution, yields a better fit to the NIMS data than do the power law distributions that have previously been fit to the Voyager imaging data (Showalter et al., 1987, Icarus 69, 458-498). The broken power law distribution reconciles the results of Showalter et al. (1987, Icarus 69, 458-498) and McMuldroch et al. (2000, Icarus 146, 1-11), who also analyzed the NIMS data, and can be considered as an obvious extension of a simple power law. This more complex size distribution could indicate that ring particle production rates and/or lifetimes vary with size and may relate to the physical processes that control their evolution. The significant near arm/far arm asymmetry reported elsewhere (see Showalter et al., 1987, Icarus 69, 458-498; Ockert-Bell et al., 1999, Icarus 138, 188-213) persists in the data even after the main ring is isolated in the SSI images. However, the sense of the asymmetry seen in Galileo images differs from that seen in Voyager images. We interpret this asymmetry as a broad-scale, azimuthal brightness variation. No consistent association with the magnetic field of Jupiter has been observed. It is possible that these longitudinal variations may be similar to the random brightness fluctuations observed in Saturn's F ring by Voyager (Smith et al., 1982, Science 215, 504-537) and during the 1995 ring plane crossings (Nicholson et al., 1996, Science 272, 509-515; Bosh and Rivkin, 1996, Science 272, 518-521; Poulet et al., 2000, Icarus 144, 135-148). Stochastic events may thus play a significant role in the evolution of the jovian main ring.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2192-2202
Nonlinear propagating dust-acoustic solitary waves (DASWs) in a warm magnetized dusty plasma containing different size and mass negatively charged dust particles, isothermal electrons, high- and low-temperature ions are investigated. For this purpose, a reasonable normalization of the hydrodynamic and Poisson equations is used to derive the Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) equation for the first-order perturbed potential. As the wave amplitude increases, the width and the velocity of the solitons deviate from the prediction of the ZK equation, i.e., the breakdown of the ZK approximation. To describe the soliton of larger amplitude, a linear inhomogeneous Zakharov-Kuznetsov-type (ZK-type) equation for the second-order perturbed potential is derived. Stationary solutions of both equations are obtained using the renormalization method. Numerically, the effect of power law distribution on the higher-order corrections is examined. It is found that the soliton amplitude in case of power law distribution is smaller than that of monosized dust grains. The higher-order corrections play a role to reduce the strength of the nonlinearity for power law distribution case. The relevance of the present investigation to Saturn's F-ring and laboratory experiment is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate a spatially flat cold dark matter model (with the matter density parameter     with a primordial feature in the initial power spectrum. We assume that there is a bump in the power spectrum of density fluctuations at wavelengths     , which corresponds to the scale of superclusters of galaxies . There are indications for such a feature in the power spectra derived from redshift surveys and also in the power spectra derived from peculiar velocities of galaxies. We study the mass function of clusters of galaxies, the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature fluctuations, the rms bulk velocity and the rms peculiar velocity of clusters of galaxies. The baryon density is assumed to be consistent with the big bang nucleosynthesis value. We show that with an appropriately chosen feature in the power spectrum of density fluctuations at the scale of superclusters, the mass function of clusters, the CMB power spectrum, the rms bulk velocity and the rms peculiar velocity of clusters are in good agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton /EPIC spectra for the Laor et al. sample of Palomar Green (PG) quasars. We find that a power law provides a reasonable fit to the 2–5 keV region of the spectra. Excess soft X-ray emission below 2 keV is present for all objects, with the exception of those known to contain a warm absorber. However, a single power law is a poor fit to the 0.3–10.0 keV spectrum and instead we find that a simple model, consisting of a broken power law (plus an iron line), provides a reasonable fit in most cases. The equivalent width of the emission line is constrained in just 12 objects but with low (<2σ) significance in most cases. For the sources whose spectra are well fitted by the broken-power-law model, we find that various optical and X-ray line and continuum parameters are well correlated; in particular, the power-law photon index is well correlated with the FWHM of the Hβ line and the photon indices of the low- and high-energy components of the broken power law are well correlated with each other. These results suggest that the 0.3–10 keV X-ray emission shares a common (presumably non-thermal) origin, as opposed to suggestions that the soft excess is directly produced by thermal disc emission or via an additional spectral component. We present XMM–Newton Optical Monitor (OM) data, which we combine with the X-ray spectra so as to produce broad-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs), free from uncertainties due to long-term variability in non-simultaneous data. Fitting these optical–UV spectra with a Comptonized disc model indicates that the soft X-ray excess is independent of the accretion disc, confirming our interpretation of the tight correlation between the hard and soft X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

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