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Distinct competent layers are observed in the slopes of eastern Coprates Chasma, part of the Valles Marineris system on Mars. Our observations indicate that the stratigraphy of Coprates Chasma consists of alternating thin strong layers and thicker sequences of relatively weak layers. The strong, competent layers maintain steeper slopes and play a major role in controlling the overall shape and geomorphology of the chasmata slopes. The topmost competent layer in this area is well preserved and easy to identify in outcrops on the northern rim of Coprates Chasma less than 100 m below the southern Ophir Planum surface. The volume of the topmost emplaced layer is at least 70 km3 and may be greater than 2100 km3 if the unit underlies most of Ophir Planum. The broad extent of this layer allows us to measure elevation offsets within the north rim of the chasma and in a freestanding massif within Coprates Chasma where the layer is also observed. Rim outcrop morphology and elevation differences between Ophir and Aurorae Plana may be indicative of the easternmost extent of the topmost competent layer. These observations allow an insight into the depositional processes that formed the stratigraphic stack into which this portion of the Valles Marineris is carved, and they present a picture of some of the last volcanic activity in this area. Furthermore, the elevation offsets within the layer are evidence of significant subsidence of the massif and surrounding material.  相似文献   

We present results of our morphologic and stratigraphic investigations in the Amenthes region for which our observations suggest a complex spatial and temporal interrelation between volcanic and possibly water-related processes. We have produced a series of self-consistent geological maps and a stratigraphic correlation chart that show the spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic, fluvial and tectonic processes.The Amenthes region consists of a broad trough-like topographic depression that has served as a path for the supply of materials from Hesperia Planum to Isidis Planitia. It is most likely that Hesperia Planum and, in particular the area north of Hesperia Planum, including Tinto Vallis, Palos crater and the surrounding dissected highlands have acted as a source region for materials that were transported into the Amenthes trough and farther into the Isidis basin. The Amenthes trough, as well as the graben of Amenthes Fossae were formed after the Isidis impact in the Noachian and represent likely the oldest features in the Amenthes region. Dendritic valley networks, that bear evidence for surface runoff, have dissected the highlands adjacent to Amenthes Planum and within the Tinto Vallis and Palos crater region before ∼3.7 Ga. The ridged volcanic plains located near the Palos crater and Tinto Vallis region, within Amenthes Planum as well as within the Isidis transitional plains were formed between ∼3.5 and 3.2 Ga and represent the volcanic activity which resulted in the flooding of the Amenthes trough. The sinuous channel of Tinto Vallis was formed in the Hesperian (?3.5 Ga) and shows characteristics, which are consistent with both ground water sapping and igneous processes. The Palos crater outflow channel was formed nearly at the same time as Tinto Vallis, between ∼3.5 Ga and ∼3.2 Ga and postdates the volcanic flooding of the Amenthes trough in the Hesperian. Small valleys (∼3.4-2.8 Ga) incised into the ridged plains of Amenthes Planum appear also within the transitional plains located between the Amenthes plains and the Isidis interior plains. Our model ages show that Tinto Vallis, the Palos crater outflow channel as well as the small valleys are unlikely formed at the same time and by the same processes as the dendritic valley networks and represent an episode that clearly postdates the volcanic activity.  相似文献   

A number of martian outflow channels were carved by discharges from large dilational fault zones. These channels were sourced by groundwater, not surface water, and when observed on high-standing plateaus they provide indicators of elevated paleo-groundwater levels. We identify three outflow channels of Hesperian age that issued from a 750-km-long fault zone extending from Candor Chasma to Ganges Chasma. Two of these channels, Allegheny Vallis and Walla Walla Vallis, have sources >2500 m above the topographic datum, too high to be explained by discharge from a global aquifer that was recharged solely in the south polar region. The indicated groundwater levels likely required regional sources of recharge at low latitudes. The floodwaters that erupted from Ophir Cavus to form Allegheny Vallis encountered two ridges that restricted the flow, forming temporary lakes. The flow probably breached or overtopped these obstructions quickly, catastrophically draining the lakes and carving several scablands. After the last obstacle had been breached, a single main channel formed that captured all subsequent flow. We performed hydrologic analyses of this intermediate phase of the flooding, prior to incision of the channel to its present depth. Using floodwater depths of 30-60 m, we calculated flow velocities of 6-15 m s−1 and discharges in the range of . Locally higher flow velocities and discharges likely occurred when the transient lakes were drained. Variable erosion at the channel and scabland crossing of MOLA pass 10644 suggests that the upper 25-30 m may consist of poorly consolidated surface materials underlain by more cohesive bedrock. We infer that an ice-covered lake with a surface elevation >2500 m probably existed in eastern Candor Chasma because this canyon is intersected by the Ophir Catenae fault system from which Allegheny Vallis and Walla Walla Vallis originated. We introduce a new hydrology concept for Mars in which the groundwater system was augmented by recharge from canyon lakes that were formed when water was released by catastrophic melting of former ice sheets in Tharsis by effusions of flood basalts. This model could help to reconcile the expected presence of a thick cryosphere during the Hesperian with the abundant evidence for groundwater as a source for some of the circum-Chryse outflow channels.  相似文献   

An extensive layered formation covers the high plateaus around Valles Marineris. Mapping based on HiRISE, CTX and HRSC images reveals these layered deposits (LDs) crop out north of Tithonium Chasma, south of Ius Chasma, around West Candor Chasma, and southwest of Juventae Chasma and Ganges Chasma. The estimated area covered by LDs is ∼42,300 km2. They consist of a series of alternating light and dark beds, a 100 m in total thickness that is covered by a dark unconsolidated mantle possibly resulting from their erosion. Their stratigraphic relationships with the plateaus and the Valles Marineris chasmata indicate that the LDs were deposited during the Early- to Late Hesperian, and possibly later depending on the region, before the end of the backwasting of the walls near Juventae Chasma, and probably before Louros Valles sapping near Ius Chasma. Their large spatial coverage and their location mainly on highly elevated plateaus lead us to conclude that LDs correspond to airfall dust and/or volcanic ash. The surface of LDs is characterized by various morphological features, including lobate ejecta and pedestal craters, polygonal fractures, valleys and sinuous ridges, and a pitted surface, which are all consistent with liquid water and/or water ice filling the pores of LDs. LDs were episodically eroded by fluvial processes and were possibly modified by sublimation processes. Considering that LDs correspond to dust and/or ash possibly mixed with ice particles in the past, LDs may be compared to Dissected Mantle Terrains currently observed in mid- to high latitudes on Mars, which correspond to a mantle of mixed dust and ice that is partially or totally dissected by sublimation. The analysis of CRISM and OMEGA hyperspectral data indicates that the basal layer of LDs near Ganges Chasma exhibits spectra with absorption bands at ∼1.4 μm, and ∼1.9 μm and a large deep band between ∼2.21 and ∼2.26 μm that are consistent with previous spectral analysis in other regions of LDs. We interpret these spectral characteristics as an enrichment of LDs in opaline silica or by Al-phyllosilicate-rich layers being overlain by hydroxylated ferric sulfate-rich layers. These alteration minerals are consistent with the aqueous alteration of LDs at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Most (~90%) of the estimated original volume of outgassed water on Mars cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by exospheric escape or storage in the atmosphere, as frost, or in the permanent north polar ice cap. The balance may be stored as ground ice in the Martian cryosphere, a zone of permanently frozen ground that is protected from the atmosphere by a debris cover. Ground ice can exist throughout the entire cryosphere, but it need not fill it. If the ground ice does fill the cryosphere, then excess water can exist in a confined aquifer. The theoretical distribution of ground ice can be tested by identification of forms on the Martian surface that may be related to the presence of subsurface ice. The observed features that are most likely to reflect ground ice are thermokarst-like pits and debris flows. Landforms with ambivalent origins include polygonally patterned ground, lobate ejecta blankets, craters with central pits, and curvilinear features. The most persuasive morphologic evidence for ground ice is thermokarst pits and debris flows; the thermokarst pits are primarily located in the volcanic regions of Tharsis and Elysium. The association of ice-related features with these volcanic areas suggests that these forms are not directly latitude dependent. Activation by orbital variations could produce periodic, multiple episodes of melting that are dependent upon latitude. The presence of ice-related features in both hemispheres and the equatorial region of Mars indicates that ground ice may be—or have been—present over the entire planet, as predicted by the cryosphere model.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

We have used data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study 30-80 m thick light-toned layered deposits on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris at five locations: (1) south of Ius Chasma, (2) south of western Melas Chasma, (3) south of western Candor Chasma, (4) west of Juventae Chasma, and (5) west of Ganges Chasma. The beds within these deposits have unique variations in brightness, color, mineralogy, and erosional properties that are not typically observed in light-toned layered deposits within Valles Marineris or many other equatorial areas on Mars. Reflectance spectra indicate these deposits contain opaline silica and Fe-sulfates, consistent with low-temperature, acidic aqueous alteration of basaltic materials. We have found valley or channel systems associated with the layered deposits at all five locations, and the volcanic plains adjacent to Juventae, Ius, and Ganges exhibit inverted channels composed of light-toned beds. Valleys, channels, and light-toned layering along the walls of Juventae and Melas Chasmata are most likely coeval to the aqueous activity that affected the adjacent plateaus and indicate some hydrological activity occurred after formation of the chasmata. Although the source of water and sediment remains uncertain, the strong correlation between fluvial landforms and light-toned layered deposits argues for sustained precipitation, surface runoff, and fluvial deposition occurring during the Hesperian on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris and along portions of chasmata walls.  相似文献   

New instruments on board the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft began providing accurate, high-resolution image and topography data from the planet in 1997. Though data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) are consistent with hypotheses that suggest large standing bodies of water/ice in the northern lowlands in the planet's past history, Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images acquired to test these hypotheses have provided negative or ambiguous results. In the absence of classic coastal features to test the paleo-ocean hypothesis, other indicators need to be examined. Tuyas and hyaloclastic ridges are sub-ice volcanoes of unique appearance that form in ponded water conditions on Earth. Features with similar characteristics occur on Mars. MOLA analyses of these Martian features provide estimates of the height of putative ice/water columns at the edge of the Utopia Planitia basin and within Ophir Chasma of Valles Marineris, and support the hypotheses of a northern ocean on Mars.  相似文献   

We investigate the sulfate and iron oxide deposits in Ophir Chasma, Mars, based on short-wave infrared data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars - CRISM and from the Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité - OMEGA. Sulfates are detected mainly in two locations. In the valley between Ophir Mensa and the southern wall of Ophir Chasma, kieserite is found both within the slope of Ophir Mensa, and superposed on the basaltic wall of the chasm. Here, kieserite is unconformably overlain by polyhydrated sulfate deposits and iron oxides. Locally, jarosite and unidentified phases with absorptions at 2.21 μm or 2.23 μm are detected, which could be mixtures of jarosite and amorphous silica or other poorly crystalline phases.The second large sulfate-rich outcrop is found on the floor of the central valley. Although the same minerals are found here, polyhydrated sulfates, kieserite, iron oxides, and locally a possibly jarosite-bearing phase, this deposit is very distinct. It is not layered, almost horizontal, and located at a much lower elevation of below −4250 m. Kieserite superposes polyhydrated sulfate-rich deposits, and iron oxides form lags.The facies of sulfate formation remains unclear, and could be different for the two locations. A formation in a lake, playa or under a glacier is consistent with the mineralogy of the central valley and its flat, low-lying topography. This is not conceivable for the kieserite deposits observed south of Ophir Mensa. These deposits are observed over several thousands of meters of elevation, which would require a standing body of water several thousands of meters deep. This would have lead to much more pervasive sulfate deposits than observed. These deposits are therefore more consistent with evaporation of groundwater infiltrating into previously sulfate-free light-toned deposits. The overlying polyhydrated sulfates and other mineral phases are observed in outcrops on ridges along the slopes of the southern chasm wall, which are too exposed to be reached by groundwater. Here, a water supply from the atmosphere by rain, snow, fog or frost is more conceivable.  相似文献   

The ejecta blankets of impact craters in volatile‐rich environments often possess characteristic layered ejecta morphologies. The so‐called double‐layered ejecta (DLE) craters are characterized by two ejecta layers with distinct morphologies. The analysis of high‐resolution image data, especially HiRISE and CTX, provides new insights into the formation of DLE craters. A new phenomenological excavation and ejecta emplacement model for DLE craters is proposed based on a detailed case study of the Martian crater Steinheim—a well‐preserved DLE crater—and studies of other DLE craters. The observations show that the outer ejecta layer is emplaced as medial and distal ejecta that propagate outwards in a debris avalanche or (if saturated with water) a debris flow mode after landing, overrunning previously formed secondary craters. In contrast, the inner ejecta layer is formed by a translational slide of the proximal ejecta deposits during the emplacement stage that overrun and superimpose parts of the outer ejecta layer. Based on our model, DLE craters on Mars are the result of an impact event into a rock/ice mixture that produces large amounts of shock‐induced vaporization and melting of ground ice, leading to high ejection angles, proximal landing positions, and an ejecta curtain with relatively wet (in terms of water in liquid form) composition in the distal part versus dryer composition in the proximal part. As a consequence, basal melting of ice components in the ejecta at the transient crater rim, which is induced by frictional heating and the enhanced pressure at depth, initiates an outwards directed collapse of crater rim material in a translational slide mode. Our results indicate that similar processes may also be applicable for other planetary bodies with volatile‐rich environments, such as Ganymede, Europa, and the Earth.  相似文献   

The plains materials that form the martian northern lowlands suggest large-scale sedimentation in this part of the planet. The general view is that these sedimentary materials were transported from zones of highland erosion via outflow channels and other fluvial systems. The study region, the northern circum-polar plains south of Gemini Scopuli on Planum Boreum, comprises the only extensive zone in the martian northern lowlands that does not include sub-basin floors nor is downstream from outflow channel systems. Therefore, within this zone, the ponding of fluids and fluidized sediments associated with outflow channel discharges is less likely to have taken place relative to sub-basin areas that form the other northern circum-polar plains surrounding Planum Boreum. Our findings indicate that during the Late Hesperian sedimentary deposits produced by the erosion of an ancient cratered landscape, as well as via sedimentary volcanism, were regionally emplaced to form extensive plains materials within the study region. The distribution and magnitude of surface degradation suggest that groundwater emergence from an aquifer that extended from the Arabia Terra cratered highlands to the northern lowlands took place non-catastrophically and regionally within the study region through faulted upper crustal materials. In our model the margin of the Utopia basin adjacent to the study region may have acted as a boundary to this aquifer. Partial destruction and dehydration of these Late Hesperian plains, perhaps induced by high thermal anomalies resulting from the low thermal conductivity of these materials, led to the formation of extensive knobby fields and pedestal craters. During the Early Amazonian, the rates of regional resurfacing within the study region decreased significantly; perhaps because the knobby ridges forming the eroded impact crater rims and contractional ridges consisted of thermally conductive indurated materials, thereby inducing freezing of the tectonically controlled waterways associated with these features. This hypothesis would explain why these features were not completely destroyed. During the Late Amazonian, high-obliquity conditions may have led to the removal of large volumes of volatiles and sediments being eroded from Planum Boreum, which then may have been re-deposited as thick, circum-polar plains. Transition into low obliquity ∼5 myr ago may have led to progressive destabilization of these materials leading to collapse and pedestal crater formation. Our model does not contraindicate possible large-scale ponding of fluids in the northern lowlands, such as for example the formation of water and/or mud oceans. In fact, it provides a complementary mechanism involving large-scale groundwater discharges within the northern lowlands for the emplacement of fluids and sediments, which could have potentially contributed to the formation of these bodies. Nevertheless, our model would spatially restrict to surrounding parts of the northern plain either the distribution of the oceans or the zones within these where significant sedimentary accumulation would have taken place.  相似文献   

The study is a detailed look on one of the several fluvial systems located on the eastern rim region of the Hellas basin on Mars. We analyzed the morphologic and morphometric characteristics of an extensive channel system, which extends for over 650 km from 35.8°S, 106.4°E in Hesperia Planum to Reull Vallis at 39.5°S, 98.1°E, and has a drainage area of 35,000–40,000 km2. During its traverse the channel changes its characteristics many times, indicating variations in the surface properties. Based on cross-cutting relations, the fluvial system post-dates the emplacement of the early Hesperian lava plains in Hesperia Planum but predates the Amazonian deposits. We describe the geomorphology and evolution of the system and provide evidence of both surface flow and groundwater sapping processes. A chain of channeled paleolake basins in the central parts of the system (38°S, 102°E) provides a rough estimate for the water volume (250–300 km3) which was required to form the system. The minimum volume of surface materials eroded by the channel system is ~74 km3. Although this study presents the detailed analysis of only one fluvial system, the presence of many similar channel systems along the margin of Hellas suggests that late-stage surface runoff has played a significant role in the degradation of the rim of the basin and also in the transportation of materials towards Hellas floor.  相似文献   

The Apollo orbital geochemistry, photogeologic, and other remote sensing data sets were used to identify and characterize geochemical anomalies on the eastern limb and farside of the Moon and to investigate the processes responsible for their formation. The anomalies are located in the following regions: (1) Balmer basin, (2) terrain northeast of Mare Smythii, (3) near Langemak crater, (4) Pasteur crater, (5) terrain northwest of Milne basin, (6) northeast of Mendeleev basin, (7) north and northeast of Korolev basin, (8) terrain north of Taruntius crater, and (9) terrain north of Orientale basin. The anomalies are commonly associated with Imbrian- or Nectarian-aged light plains units which exhibit dark-haloed impact craters. The results of recent spectral reflectance studies of dark-haloed impact craters plus consideration of the surface chemistry of the anomalies strongly indicate that those geochemical anomalies associated with light plains deposits which display dark-haloed impact craters result from the presence of basaltic units that are either covered by varying thickness of highland debris or have a surface contaminated with significant amounts of highlands material. The burial or contamination of ancient volcanic surfaces by varying amounts of highland material appears to have been an important (though not the dominant) process in the formation of lunar light plains. Basaltic volcanism on the eastern limb and farside of the Moon was more extensive in both space and time than has been accepted.  相似文献   

We produced geologic maps from two regional mosaics of Galileo images across the leading and trailing hemispheres of Europa in order to investigate the temporal distribution of units in the visible geologic record. Five principal terrain types were identified (plains, bands, ridges, chaos, and crater materials), which are interpreted to result from (1) tectonic fracturing and lineament building, (2) cryovolcanic reworking of surface units, with possible emplacement of sub-surface materials, and (3) impact cratering. The geologic histories of both mapped areas are essentially similar and reflect some common trends: Tectonic resurfacing dominates the early geologic record with the formation of background plains by intricate superposition of lineaments, the opening of wide bands with infilling of inter-plate gaps, and the buildup of ridges and ridge complexes along prominent fractures in the ice. It also appears that lineaments are narrower and more widely spaced with time. The lack of impact craters overprinted by lineaments indicate that the degree of tectonic resurfacing decreased rapidly after ridged plains formation. In contrast, the degree of cryovolcanic resurfacing appears to increase with time, as chaos formation dominates the later parts of the geologic record. These trends, and the transition from tectonic- to cryovolcanic-dominated resurfacing could be attributed to the gradual thickening of Europa's cryosphere during the visible geologic history, that comprises the last 2% or 30-80 Myr of Europa's history: An originally thin, brittle ice shell could be pervasively fractured or melted through by tidal and endogenic processes; the degree of fracturing and plate displacements decreased with time in a thickening shell, and lineaments became narrower and more widely spaced; formation of chaos regions could have occurred where the thickness threshold for solid-state convection was exceeded, and can be aided by preferential tidal heating of more ductile ice. In a long-term context it is not clear at this point whether this inferred thickening trend would reflect a drastic change in the thermal evolution of the satellite, or cyclic or irregular episodes of tectonic and cryovolcanic activity.  相似文献   

Martian altitudes were measured by radar during the oppositions of 1971 and 1963 using the 64-m antenna at Goldstone (California). The resultant topographic profiles substantiate a zonal classification of the volcanic flows blanketing the south flanks of Arsia Mons, and they confirm the existence of a secondary, parasitic shield attached from the SSW to the main Arsia shield. The secondary shield is about 400 km in diameter at its base and at least 4 km high at its center. South of Valles Marineris, the Tharsis plateau is bounded by the approximate longitudes of 80° in the east and 140° in the west. In the Sinai Planum, closely adjacent to Coprates Chasma, another rise has been detected, bounded by longitudes of 55° in the east and 80° in the west. A volcanic shield of diameter 80 km, capped with a 22 km caldera has been identified near the crest of the rise. Topographic highs of about 1 km are associated with heavily faulted tracts such as Claritas Fossae. The distribution and orientation of the lunar-mare-like ridges in Sinai Planum appear to be independent of the regional gradients. Segments of the chaotic terrain at the eastern terminus of Valles Marineris are located as much as 6 km below the level of the surrounding plains.  相似文献   

John K. Harmon 《Icarus》2008,196(1):298-301
Radar imagery from July 2005 Arecibo observations has provided new information on surface relief over the southern portion of Caloris Basin and the smooth plains to the south of the basin. A lobe of smooth plains has been identified in the Mariner-unimaged region southwest of Mozart Crater that coincides precisely with topographically down-bowed terrain seen in earlier Arecibo radar altimetry. A 105-km-diameter crater has been found at 193.6° W, 25.6° N that appears to be the largest crater in the Caloris basin floor.  相似文献   

The mid- and high-latitudes of Mars are covered by a smooth young mantle that is interpreted as an atmospherically derived air-fall deposit of ice and dust related to recent climate changes. In order to determine relative and absolute ages of this surface unit within the southern hemisphere, a systematic survey of all available HiRISE and CTX images in the Malea Planum region from 55–60°S latitude and 50–70°E longitude was performed and the distribution and the morphology of small impact craters on the mantle deposit were investigated. Using crater size-frequency measurements, we derived absolute model ages of ~3–5 Ma for the surface of the mantle, immediately south of the Hellas basin rim. Morphologic observations of the mantle, its fresh appearance, very low number of craters, and superposition on older units support this very young Amazonian age. Nearly all observed craters on the smooth mantle in Malea Planum are small and show signs of erosion, evidence for the ongoing modification of the ice–dust mantle. However, this modification has not been strong enough to reset the surface age. Compared to the ice–dust mantle at higher latitudes in the northern and southern hemisphere, the surface of the mantle in Malea Planum is older and thus has been relatively stable during obliquity changes in the last ~3–5 Ma. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the ice–dust mantle is a complex surface deposit of different layers, that shows a strong latitude dependence in morphology and has been deposited and degraded at different times in martian history.  相似文献   

Ismenius Cavus, Mars: A deep paleolake with phyllosilicate deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ismenius Cavus is a basin where several fluvial valleys converge. Three depositional fan deltas are observed at the valleys outlets at similar elevations. These fans suggest long-term fluvial activity accompanied by a lake inside the basin. The elevational difference between the delta plains and the deepest part of the basin floor implies that this lake was 600 m deep. Iron-magnesium phyllosilicates, which are mapped from near-infrared spectral data, are associated with layered sediments >300 m thick at the base of one of the fans. Stratigraphic relationships with the surrounding plateau show that the valleys are hesperian in age (3.0-3.7 ga), thus dating the lake activity to this period. The coexistence of a deep lake and phyllosilicates demonstrates that persistent bodies of liquid water were present during the hesperian period.  相似文献   

Gareth A. Morgan 《Icarus》2009,202(1):39-59
The majority of martian valley networks are found on Noachian-aged terrain and are attributed to be the result of a ‘warm and wet’ climate that prevailed early in Mars' history. Younger valleys have been identified, though these are largely interpreted to be the result of localized conditions associated with the melting of ice from endogenic heat sources. Sinton crater, a 60 km diameter impact basin in the Deuteronilus Mensae region of the dichotomy boundary, is characterized by small anastomosing valley networks that are located radial to the crater rim. Large scale deposits, interpreted to be the remains of debris covered glaciers, have been identified in the area surrounding Sinton, and our observations have revealed the occurrence of an ice rich fill deposit within the crater itself. We have conducted a detailed investigated into the Sinton valley networks with all the available remote data sets and have dated their formation to the Amazonian/Hesperian boundary. The spatial and temporal association between Sinton crater and the valley networks suggest that the impact was responsible for their formation. We find that the energy provided by an asteroid impact into surficial deposits of snow/ice is sufficient to generate the required volumes of melt water needed for the valley formation. We therefore interpret these valleys to represent a distinct class of martian valley networks. This example demonstrates the potential for impacts to cause the onset of fluvial erosion on Mars. Our results also suggest that periods of glacial activity occurred throughout the Amazonian and into the Hesperian in association with variations in spin orbital parameters.  相似文献   

The central Valles Marineris is the widest part of the equatorial trough system of Mars. Melas Chasma and parts of Coprates and Candor Chasmata provide some of the clearest clues on the relationships between erosional landforms, deposits and various volcanic and tectonic features. A detailed geomorphic study of the troughs allows the identification of faults and other structures in most parts of this area, in spite of local obliteration by erosional and depositional processes. Tectonic control on erosional landforms appears mainly in the northern walls of Melas Chasma and in the edge of the inner plateau above the trough floor. Longitudinal major faults are identified only along the northern wall. However the trough may not be a simple half graben: another fault line is inferred inside Melas Chasma southern walls along the edge of a wide bench of layered deposits. A deep and relatively narrow graben linking those of Ius and Coprates Chasmata appears to be downfaulted inside a wider basin with eroded sides. Transverse or oblique faults control some outlines of these erosional landforms, whereas a few monoclines or faults restricted to the basin beds reveal compressional stresses or differential vertical movements related to the basin development.  相似文献   

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