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叶景芳 《地理教学》2012,(16):35-37
在地理教学中引入地学可视化的空间图示法对地理现象的讲解与空间显示,综合了多感官交互能力的可视化表达来观察、思考地学问题,兼顾了地学研究对象的时空特征和属性特征,呈现具有动态性、多尺度和多属性的空间形态表达,为课堂教学的开展创造了良好的环境和氛围;同时,对较为抽象的知识点进行空间场景的呈现,不仅减缓了教学的难度,也为学生更加快速理解和掌握知识提供了便捷途径。  相似文献   

地学信息图谱的基础理论探讨   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
陈燕  齐清文  杨桂山 《地理科学》2006,26(3):306-310
文章在分析地学信息图谱的发展现状的基础上,从基本概念与特点、研究内容与目标、研究意义等几方面来阐述地学信息图谱的基本理论,最后对地学信息图谱的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

遥感影像分类与地学知识发现的集成研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
王雷  冯学智  都金康 《地理研究》2001,20(5):637-643
遥感与地学之间存在着数据与知识上巨大的互补性。本文通过地面类型数据将遥感影像分类与地学知识发现结合起来:用遥感数据驱动发现地学知识,用地学知识解释、确认、检验遥感分类结果,并使用统计值和分布谱来定量化表达地学知识,形成一体化的遥感地学分类系统。  相似文献   

地理信息科学发展与技术应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在地理信息科学研究与技术应用方面的历史过程,从早期的测量和制图的研究,到开创中国地理信息学科,建立资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室的历史,是中国特色原创地理信息理论发展的历史,是中国具备自主研发世界级地理信息软件的历史,是地理信息为国家重大战略提供坚实科技支撑的历史。本文主要从地图学、地学遥感、地理信息科学、地学数据共享、重大技术突破和国家战略支撑等方面进行概述,最后从地学知识图谱、地理大数据分析、遥感人工智能、地理系统模拟和知识服务角度展望地理科学发展的新科学范式。  相似文献   

1980年以来中国旅游地学研究文献分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的旅游地学是围绕地质地貌旅游资源的合理保护及利用研究而形成的一门交叉性学科.根据对417篇核心期刊文献的研究分析指出:[1]我国的旅游地学研究明显经历了三个发展阶段,即1988年之前的缓慢起步、个别发展阶段,1988-1998年之间的重点发展、学科奠基阶段,1999年以来的快速增长、全面发展阶段;[2]在地学与旅游这两翼的交叉中,地学旅游一翼同步于这三个阶段相继经过萌芽、隐伏、实践发展逐步成为学科研究的核心与归宿,它是旅游地学有别于其它地学学科的关键支撑之一;[3]地学旅游资源一翼则通过成因、分类、类型、美学等研究为旅游提供科学及景观美学支撑,其中脱颖而出的旅游地貌学已部分地向纵深发展;[4]地质公园则是旅游地学的最佳实践平台,是地学与旅游两翼的对接点,目前研究上尚处于前科学化阶段;[5]旅游地学研究已显现出专门化、交叉性与综合性、人文化、管理化、定量化、生态化等6大趋势.  相似文献   

曲轴坐标系是对传统直线坐标系的扩展,由曲轴坐标系构成的量化图形造型丰富、活泼生动、组合方式多样,是量化图形发展的又一重要途径.全曲轴坐标系是曲轴坐标系统中的一类,是量化图形的数学基础之一.该文通过对全曲轴坐标系的构成、基础坐标网和组合图形的研究.展现了全曲轴坐标系量化图形用于表现各类统计数据的能力.以<2005年中国统计年鉴>为数据源,绘制多种全曲轴坐标系图形图谱并进行分析,对实际的地学统计数据进行直观展现.同时,进行曲轴坐标系量化图形专题制图系统的研发,为全曲轴坐标系在地学信息可视化中的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

论广东自然旅游资源的地学基础及地学旅游资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从不同角度、不同层次分析了广东自然旅游资源形成的大地构造背景,所在地层、岩石特征和地理因素,目的在于研究广东旅游资源形成、演变和分布规律;为进一步寻找新的旅游资源、挖掘老旅游区潜力提供科学依据;作为科学导游的内容和普及地学知识的渠道。同时也对广东地学旅游资源进行探讨,提出了专项地学旅游资源与观光型地学旅游资源的分类观点,皆在寻求提高广东现有旅游资源的利用价值和科学品位的途径。  相似文献   

地学信息图谱的理论和方法   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
首先阐述了地学信息图谱的科学概念及其内涵界定,即从"谱"到"图谱"再到"地学图谱",最终引出"地学信息图谱"的定义、特点及其关键科学问题.随后阐述了地学信息图谱的理论基础和标准化模式,说明地学信息图谱的理论基础有地学基础、认知基础和地学信息机理3个方面;地学信息图谱的标准化模式包括标准式样和组成结构、分类标准、提炼模式、建模标准、集成和应用模式等.在此基础上,进一步研究了地学信息图谱的归纳和提炼方法,说明了其一般步骤,并着重强调了人工目视归纳和提炼、GIS和RS工具辅助归纳和提炼、全自动化归纳和提炼等反映地学信息图谱研究水平由低到高的3种不同层次的归纳和提炼方法.再次,介绍了知识创新工程领域前沿项目"地学信息图谱"在区域和中国地学信息图谱研究方面的进展,包括区域尺度的黄土高原地貌形态与土壤侵蚀信息图谱、中国宏观尺度的水网信息图谱和综合景观信息图谱等内容.最后,展望了地学信息图谱对地球科学和地球信息科学的发展的推动意义,分析了它在地学中应用前景. 等.在此基础上,进一步研究了地学信息图谱的归纳和提炼方法,说明了其一般步骤,并着重强调了人工目视归纳和提炼、GIS和RS工具辅助归纳和提炼、全自动化归纳和提炼等反映地 信息图谱研究水平由低到高的3种不同层次的归纳和提炼方法.再次,介绍了知识创新工程领域前沿项目"地学信息图谱"在区域和中国地学信息图谱研究方面的进展,包括区域尺度的黄土高原地貌形态与土壤侵蚀信息图谱、中国宏观尺度的水网信息图谱和综合景观信息图谱等内容.最后,展望了地学信息图谱对地球科学和地球信息科学的发展的推动意义,分析了它在地学中应用前景.  相似文献   

地学数据集成的理论基础与集成体系   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
地球空间数据 (简称地学数据 )来源的拓宽、更新手段的发展和应用领域的扩大使数据集成或集成使用的研究和实用化成为必需。简单地理解 ,地学数据集成是指不同来源、不同性状数据在相同环境下的使用。地学数据是对地理现象和过程及过程时空特征认知基础上的表达 ,地学数据集成的基础主要表现在 :地理现象和过程的空间和时间统一性、地学过程时空过程的连续性、地学现象和过程的层次性、地学数据认知的一致性、依赖于元数据的地学数据的透明性、数据内容和形式的相对独立性等 ;在此基础上 ,作者在论文中描述了基于地学知识和地理信息系统功能的地学数据集成概念模型和过程 ,并对地学数据集成过程中涉及到的问题进行了说明。  相似文献   

基于地学信息图谱的福建省生态环境脆弱性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈菁  廖克 《世界地理研究》2009,18(2):169-176
以地学信息图谱理论为指导,借鉴其它学科图谱研究的理论和方法,经过图谱思维的抽象概括,结合福建省脆弱生态环境的现状和存在的问题以及今后合理利用和保护的方向,提出建立脆弱生态环境信息图谱的指标体系,对福建省各县市的生态环境脆弱性进行评估,并进行规律和模式的挖掘,形成对区域生态环境更深层次的认识,探讨地学信息图谱在福建省脆弱生态环境建设中所能发挥的作用.  相似文献   

The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies has been producing powerful tools for spatial data processing, management, analysis, modeling, and visualization. While supporting many tasks, GIS technologies have evoked new thinking and advanced intellectual inquiries in geography. Technological advances in other fields often stimulate new research questions and lead to revolutionary discoveries. The Hubble telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the universe, and 3D digital microscopes transform our knowledge of the coordination among biological, neurological, and physiological systems in living organisms. Can GIS claim similar revolutionary effects on geography? The answer is much up for debate. With GIS technologies, geographic studies can explore a broader extent across multiple scales in space and time and tackle problems through increasingly complex spatial statistics, visual analytics, computation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Both the Hubble telescope and 3D digital microscope were built based on scientific research that subserves the technological advances for inquiries into space and life systems. Likewise, GIScience research innovates GIS methods that enable novel geographic investigations and therefore contribute to geographic knowledge production. For the sake of simplicity, the term GIS used here represents both GIScience and GIS technologies. This essay attempts to clarify the intellectual contributions of GIS to geography on the following two questions: (1) What novel geographic thinking is driven by GIS? (2) How may GIS provoke new geographic inquiries and knowledge? Building on Nystuen's notion of four tensions that trigger geographic questions, the essay discusses how GIS innovations mediate historical tension, space‐time tension, dimensional tension and scale tensions.  相似文献   

There has been significant progress transforming semi-structured data about places into knowledge graphs that can be used in a wide variety of geographic information systems such as digital gazetteers or geographic information retrieval systems. For instance, in addition to information about events, actors, and objects, DBpedia contains data about hundreds of thousands of places from Wikipedia and publishes it as Linked Data. Repositories that store data about places are among the most interlinked hubs on the Linked Data cloud. However, most content about places resides in unstructured natural language text, and therefore it is not captured in these knowledge graphs. Instead, place representations are limited to facts such as their population counts, geographic locations, and relations to other entities, for example, headquarters of companies or historical figures. In this paper, we present a novel method to enrich the information stored about places in knowledge graphs using thematic signatures that are derived from unstructured text through the process of topic modeling. As proof of concept, we demonstrate that this enables the automatic categorization of articles into place types defined in the DBpedia ontology (e.g., mountain) and also provides a mechanism to infer relationships between place types that are not captured in existing ontologies. This method can also be used to uncover miscategorized places, which is a common problem arising from the automatic lifting of unstructured and semi-structured data.  相似文献   

Qualitative GIS and the visualization of narrative activity space data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qualitative activity space data, i.e. qualitative data associated with the routine locations and activities of individuals, are recognized as increasingly useful by researchers in the social and health sciences for investigating the influence of environment on human behavior. However, there has been little research on techniques for exploring qualitative activity space data. This research illustrates the theoretical principles of combining qualitative and quantitative data and methodologies within the context of geographic information systems (GIS), using visualization as the means of inquiry. Through the use of a prototype implementation of a visualization system for qualitative activity space data and its application in a case study of urban youth we show how these theoretical methodological principles are realized in applied research. The visualization system uses a variety of visual variables to simultaneously depict multiple qualitative and quantitative attributes of individuals' activity spaces. The visualization is applied to explore the activity spaces of a sample of urban youth participating in a study on the geographic and social contexts of adolescent substance use. Examples demonstrate how the visualization can be used to explore individual activity spaces to generate hypotheses, investigate statistical outliers, and explore activity space patterns among subject subgroups.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):109-122

This research was based on an instructional module developed and used to investigate whether GIS can be used to enhance fourth grade students' geographic knowledge and map skills. Another goal was to identify challenges the teachers and the students face using GIS.

Findings from the study suggest that using GIS in the classroom helps students improve their geographic knowledge and maps skills. In addition, this study found that the students' geographic content knowledge tended to improve gradually and the knowledge transferred to the subsequent lessons, while certain map skills tended to develop in a more specific manner.  相似文献   

虚拟地理环境的多维数据模型与地理过程表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文通过剖析虚拟地理环境所表达的地球表层空间与其在计算机空间的映射之间的关系,定义了一维、二维、三维及多维虚拟地理环境;指出虚拟地理环境与传统地图、GIS的区别及联系。阐述近年来虚拟地理环境研究对地理学乃至地球科学研究方法和手段的影响以及对地理科学思维方式和重点研究领域的影响。  相似文献   

Dr. David Mark is widely regarded as a path-breaking researcher in geographic information science. What are the structural and temporal characteristics of his intellectual contributions, as seen through the eyes of the broader academic community? Aiming to answer that question, this article presents a scientometric analysis of publications that have been cited alongside David Mark’s papers. In deliberate contrast to the widespread focus on using citation data to condense scientific impact into a handful of indicators, the methodological contribution of this study lies in its mix of computational and visualization approaches. In the search for latent domain structures, state-of-the-art practices in information science, bibliometrics, and network visualization are combined and extended. An initial network of 50,000+ publications and 4,000,000+ document co-citations undergoes a series of transformations reducing it to 9000 publications that are then clustered in a two-stage process, leading to 678 communities whose co-citation linkages are used to delineate 19 super-communities. To enable replication of this approach for other studies, much focus in this article is on detailed discussion of that workflow as well as on highlighting the reasoning behind the choices made among data sources and analytical methods. The topical evolution of David Mark’s domain of influence is explored in some detail, based on tabular and graphic representations of extracted community structures. Results confirm not only the enormous overall breadth of his influence but also how lasting and recurrent it has been in some areas.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the use of maps in Turkish newspapers in order to evaluate their potential to contribute to the enhancement of geographic knowledge in society. This study reviewed the content of three Turkish newspapers published between January 2008 and August 2012. Only 835 maps were used in the newspapers during the study period, or an average of 278 maps per newspaper. During the study period, about 15,720 news articles were published per month in the three newspapers; however, only five of these were illustrated with a map. The study reveals the potential for Turkish newspapers to increase society's geographic awareness with additional published maps.  相似文献   

虚拟地理实验概念框架与应用初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从实验科学与实验地理学的角度,结合空间信息与虚拟地理环境技术,讨论"虚拟地理实验"概念、特征及研究理论与框架.以辽宁浑河沈阳城市段防洪为案例,介绍虚拟地理实验在城市洪水模拟和防洪工程规划中的应用.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):260-261

A baseline geography test was administered to over 3,000 Indiana college students enrolled in introductory geography courses. The National Council for Geographic Education Competency-Based Geography Test, Secondary Level, Form II, was used to measure the 1987 level of geographic ability in the areas of map skills, place-name location, physical geography, and human geography. Personal information gathered from each respondent included age, sex, travel experience, and level of geographic education. Older students scored better while geographically immobile groups scored lower. A strong correlation was found between travel and geographic knowledge. Findings show low overall geographic ability and that factors of age, travel experience and gender are correlated with certain aspects of geographic knowledge and skills.  相似文献   


Geographic information systems (GIS) are computer-based tools for geographic data analysis and spatial visualization. They have become one of the information and communications technologies for education at all levels. This article reviews the current status of GIS in schools, analyzes the requirements of a GIS-based learning environment from constructivist perspectives, and discusses the major issues in the design of a constructivist GIS-based learning environment based on experience from the development of World Explorer, a GIS-based learning environment that provides a theme-oriented data and information base, supports multiple representations and multiple linkages of information, and facilitates interactive learning and knowledge construction.  相似文献   

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