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Recent ROSAT measurements show that the X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars is modulated at the stellar rotation period. To interpret these measurements, one needs precise calculations of the heat transfer through the thin insulating envelopes of neutron stars. We present nearly analytic models of the thermal structure of the envelopes of ultramagnetized neutron stars. Specifically, we examine the limit in which only the ground Landau level is filled. We use the models to estimate the amplitude of modulation expected from non-uniformities in the surface temperatures of strongly magnetized neutron stars. In addition, we estimate cooling rates for stars with fields B  ∼ 1015 − 1016 G, which are relevant to models that invoke 'magnetars' to account for soft γ-ray emission from some repeating sources.  相似文献   

The concept of the nanoflare, used in interpreting the solar X-ray corona, is extended to RS CVn stars which, unlike the Sun, exhibit non-thermal quiescent radio spectra. The theoretical synchrotron-radiation radio spectrum emitted by a regular series of nanoflare-electron pulses, injected into the coronal magnetic field, is derived: for an electron energy spectrum N ( γ )∝ γ − s , the spectral power density is given by P ( ν )∝ ν − s /2. This result is valid for the observation of a series of nanoflares with total time duration ≳ the characteristic electron radiation lifetime, which is the case for electrons trapped in extensive coronal regions such as exist in RS CVn stars on the magnetic-dipole magnetospheric model. The tenuous coronal plasma allows the electrons to give a radio spectrum unaffected at high frequencies (≳5 GHz) by electron collision loss, while the emission of bremsstrahlung X-rays by the electrons also occurs with a spectrum that is related to their radio emission. The observation of individual X-ray bursts, which would provide direct evidence for microflares, is not, however, attainable with current instrumentation.  相似文献   

In the first part of this work, the empirical correlation of stellar surface brightness F V with ( I c− K ) broad-band colour is investigated by using a sample of stars cooler than the Sun. A bilinear correlation is found to represent well the brightness of G, K and M giant stars. The change in slope occurs at ( I c− K )∼2.1 or at about the transition from K to M spectral types. The same relationship is also investigated for dwarf stars and found to be distinctly different from that of the giants. The dwarf star correlation differs by an average of −0.4 in ( I c− K ) or by a maximum in F V of ∼−0.1, positioning it below that of the giants, with both trends tending towards convergence for the hotter stars in our sample. The flux distribution derived from the F V −( I c− K ) relationship for the giant stars, together with that derived from an F V −( V − K ) relationship and the blackbody flux distribution, is then utilized to compute synthetic light V and colour ( V − R )c, ( V − I )c and ( V − K ) curves of cool spotted stars. We investigate the effects on the amplitudes of the curves by using these F V –colour relations and by assuming the effective gravity of the spots to be lower than the gravity of the unspotted photosphere. We find that the amplitudes produced by using the F V −( I c− K ) relationship are larger than those produced by the other two brightness correlations, meaning smaller and/or warmer spots.  相似文献   

We study the expected X-ray luminosity of stellar merger products several years after merger. The X-ray emission is assumed to result from magnetic activity. The extended envelope of the merger product possesses a large convective region and it is expected to rotate fast. The rotation and convection might give rise to an efficient dynamo operation; therefore we expect strong magnetic activity. Using well-known relations connecting magnetic activity and X-ray luminosity in other types of magnetically active stars, we estimate that the strong X-ray luminosity will start several years after merger, will reach a maximum of L x∼ 3 × 1030 erg s−1, and will slowly decline on a time-scale of ∼100 yr. We predict that X-ray emission from V838 Mon which erupted in 2002 will be detected in 2008 with 20 h of observation.  相似文献   

We have performed high-speed UBV photometric observations on the peculiar binary V Sagittae. Using three new eclipse timings we update the orbital ephemeris and convert it to a dynamical time-scale (TDB). We also searched for quasi-periodic oscillations but did not detect them. Using the Wilson–Devinney algorithm we have modelled the light curve to find the stellar parameters of V Sge. We find that the system is a detached binary but that the primary star is very close to filling its Roche lobe, while the secondary star fills 90 per cent of its Roche lobe volume. We find temperatures of the primary and the secondary star to be T 1=41 000 K and T 2=22 000 K. We find i =72° and masses of 0.8 M and 3.3 M for the primary and secondary stars respectively. De-archived Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) spectroscopy of V Sge shows evidence of mass loss via a wind or winds. In addition we report radio observations of V Sge during an optical high state at 2 cm, 3.6 cm and 6 cm wavelengths. The 3.6 cm emission is increased by a factor of more than six compared with an earlier detection in a previous optical high state.  相似文献   

We present 10-μm ISO -SWS and Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the region in the cluster Wd1 in Ara centred on the B[e] star Ara C. An ISO -SWS spectrum reveals emission from highly ionized species in the vicinity of the star, suggesting a secondary source of excitation in the region. We find strong radio emission at both 3.5 and 6.3 cm, with a total spatial extent of over 20 arcsec. The emission is found to be concentrated in two discrete structures, separated by ∼ 14 arcsec. The westerly source is resolved, with a spectral index indicative of thermal emission. The easterly source is clearly extended and non-thermal (synchrotron) in nature. Positionally, the B[e] star is found to coincide with the more compact radio source, while the southerly lobe of the extended source is coincident with Ara A, an M2 I star. Observation of the region at 10 μm reveals strong emission with an almost identical spatial distribution to the radio emission. Ara C is found to have an extreme radio luminosity in comparison with prior radio observations of hot stars such as O and B supergiants and Wolf–Rayet stars, given the estimated distance to the cluster. An origin in a detatched shell of material around the central star is therefore suggested; however given the spatial extent of the emission, such a shell must be relatively young (τ ∼ 103 yr). The extended non-thermal emission associated with the M star Ara A is unexpected; to the best of our knowledge this is a unique phenomenon. SAX (2–10 keV) observations show no evidence of X-ray emission, which might be expected if a compact companion were present.  相似文献   

CK Vul is classified as, amongst others, the slowest known nova, a hibernating nova or a very late thermal pulse object. Following its eruption in ad 1670, the star remained visible for 2 yr. A 15-arcsec nebula was discovered in the 1980s, but the star itself has not been detected since the eruption. We here present radio images which reveal a 0.1-arcsec radio source with a flux of 1.5 mJy at 5 GHz. Deep Hα images show a bipolar nebula with a longest extension of 70 arcsec, with the previously known compact nebula at its waist. The emission-line ratios show that the gas is shock-ionized, at velocities  >100 km s−1  . Dust emission yields an envelope mass of  ∼5 × 10−2 M  . Echelle spectra indicate outflow velocities up to 360 km s−1. From a comparison of images obtained in 1991 and 2004 we find evidence for expansion of the nebula, consistent with an origin in the 1670 explosion; the measured expansion is centred on the radio source. No optical or infrared counterpart is found at the position of the radio source. The radio emission is interpreted as thermal free–free emission from gas with   T e∼ 104 K  . The radio source may be due to a remnant circumbinary disc, similar to those seen in some binary post-AGB stars. We discuss possible classifications of this unique outburst, including that of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass supernova, a nova eruption on a cool, low-mass white dwarf or a thermal pulse induced by accretion from a circumbinary disc.  相似文献   

We present results obtained from near-infrared JHK spectroscopic observations of novae V2491 Cygni and V597 Puppis in the early declining phases of their 2007 and 2008 outbursts, respectively. In both objects, the spectra displayed emission lines of H  i , O  i , He  i and N  i . In V597 Pup, the He  i lines were found to strengthen rapidly with time. Based on the observed spectral characteristics, both objects are classified as He/N novae. We have investigated the possibility of V2491 Cyg being a recurrent nova as has been suggested. By studying the temporal evolution of the linewidths in V2491 Cyg, it appears unlikely that the binary companion is a giant star with heavy wind as in recurrent novae of the RS Oph type. Significant deviations from that of recombination case B conditions are observed in the strengths of the H  i lines. This indicates that the H  i lines, in both novae, are optically thick during the span of our observations. The slope of the continuum spectra in both cases was found to have a  λ−(3−3.5)  dependence which deviates from a Rayleigh–Jeans spectral distribution. Both novae were detected in the post-outburst supersoft X-ray phase; V2491 Cyg being very bright in X-rays has been the target of several observations. We discuss and correlate our infrared observations with the observed X-ray properties of these novae.  相似文献   

We present temporal and spectral characteristics of X-ray flares observed from six late-type G–K active dwarfs (V368 Cep, XI Boo, IM Vir, V471 Tau, CC Eri and EP Eri) using data from observations with the XMM–Newton observatory. All the stars were found to be flaring frequently and altogether a total of 17 flares were detected above the 'quiescent' state X-ray emission which varied from 0.5 to  8.3 × 1029 erg s−1  . The largest flare was observed in a low-activity dwarf XI Boo with a decay time of 10 ks and ratio of peak flare luminosity to 'quiescent' state luminosity of 2. We have studied the spectral changes during the flares by using colour–colour diagram and by detailed spectral analysis during the temporal evolution of the flares. The exponential decay of the X-ray light curves, and time evolution of the plasma temperature and emission measure are similar to those observed in compact solar flares. We have derived the semiloop lengths of flares based on the hydrodynamic flare model. The size of the flaring loops is found to be less than the stellar radius. The hydrodynamic flare decay analysis indicates the presence of sustained heating during the decay of most flares.  相似文献   

Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) is a planetary nebula nucleus which is undergoing its final helium shell flash. This is the first of these rare and important events to be observable with non-optical instruments. We report the first radio detection, using a short (2-h) observation with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 4.86 GHz. The radio emission structure is coincident with the 34-arcsec diameter planetary nebula seen in optical emission lines. We find a statistical distance ∼ 3.8 ± 0.6 kpc, with a range of 1.9 <  D  < 5.3 kpc, depending on the planetary nebula (PN) mass. While we have no direct evidence for a new (post-flash) stellar wind, we estimate an upper limit to the mass-loss rate due to any such wind of 1.7 × 10−7 M⊙ yr−1. The number of emitting knots in the radio-visible nebula indicates an electron density of ∼ 2 × 108 m−3 in those knots, and a total emitting ionized mass of ∼ 0.15 M⊙, at an assumed distance of 3.8 kpc. The radio flux density indicates an Hβ flux of ∼ 6 × 10−16 W m−2, suggesting an extinction E ( B  −  V ) ∼ 1.15, comparable with reddening estimates in the direction of V4334 Sgr.  相似文献   

We calculate the X-ray emission from the shocked fast wind blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare with observations. Using spherically symmetric self-similar solutions, we calculate the flow structure and X-ray temperature for a fast wind slamming into a previously ejected slow wind. We find that the observed X-ray emission of six PNe can be accounted for by shocked wind segments that were expelled during the early-PN phase, if the fast wind speed is moderate,   v 2∼ 400–600 km s−1  , and the mass-loss rate is a few times  10−7 M yr−1  . We find, as proposed previously, that the morphology of the X-ray emission is in the form of a narrow ring inner to the optical bright part of the nebula. The bipolar X-ray morphology of several observed PNe, which indicates an important role of jets, rather than a spherical fast wind, cannot be explained by the flow studied here.  相似文献   

In this paper we present chromospheric emission levels of the solar-type stars in the young open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602. High-resolution spectroscopic data were obtained for over 50 F, G and K stars from these clusters over several observing campaigns using the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Unlike older clusters, the majority (28/52) of the solar-type stars in the two clusters are rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 20 km s−1)  with five of the stars being classified as ultra-rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 100 km s−1)  . The emission levels in the calcium infrared triplet lines were then used as a measure of the chromospheric activity of the stars. When plotted against the Rossby number ( N R), the star's chromospheric emission levels show a plateau in the emission for  log( N R) ≲−1.1  indicating chromospheric saturation similar to the coronal saturation seen in previously observed X-ray emission from the same stars. However, unlike the coronal emission, the chromospheric emission of the stars shows little evidence of a reduction in emission (i.e. supersaturation) for the ultra-rapid rotators in the clusters. Thus we believe that coronal supersaturation is not the result of an overall decrease in magnetic dynamo efficiency for ultra-rapid rotators.  相似文献   

The 1667-MHz ground-state hydroxyl (OH) line has been observed towards positions on Puppis A as well as in the immediate vicinity of this supernova remnant (SNR). The spectra at two positions on Puppis A show absorption lines at velocities less than +7.6 km s1, and emission lines above this velocity. Analysis of all four 18 cm OH lines indicates that Puppis A must lie between the OH clouds seen in absorption and emission, giving it a v lsr of +7.6 km s1. This implies that the kinematic distance to Puppis A is The OH clouds in front of Puppis A are slightly anomalously excited, as shown by analysis of the four 18 cm OH lines at the two observed positions on Puppis A. There is no evidence of any interaction of the SNR with the clouds in front of and behind it.  相似文献   

We review existing ROSAT detections of single Galactic Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars and develop wind models to interpret the X-ray emission. The ROSAT data, consisting of bandpass detections from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and some pointed observations, exhibit no correlations of the WR X-ray luminosity ( L X) with any star or wind parameters of interest (e.g. bolometric luminosity, mass-loss rate or wind kinetic energy), although the dispersion in the measurements is quite large. The lack of correlation between X-ray luminosity and wind parameters among the WR stars is unlike that of their progenitors, the O stars, which show trends with such parameters. In this paper we seek to (i) test by how much the X-ray properties of the WR stars differ from the O stars and (ii) place limits on the temperature T X and filling factor f X of the X-ray-emitting gas in the WR winds. Adopting empirically derived relationships for T X and f X from O-star winds, the predicted X-ray emission from WR stars is much smaller than observed with ROSAT . Abandoning the T X relation from O stars, we maximize the cooling from a single-temperature hot gas to derive lower limits for the filling factors in WR winds. Although these filling factors are consistently found to be an order of magnitude greater than those for O stars, we find that the data are consistent (albeit the data are noisy) with a trend of in WR stars, as is also the case for O stars.  相似文献   

We analyse 81 optical spectra of the composite-spectrum binary HD 216572, and show that the primary is a cool giant of type G8 III while the secondary is a double-lined binary consisting of two nearly identical B9 dwarfs in a 1.18-d orbit. The inner system undergoes partial eclipses, whose photometry we model to derive the physical parameters of both secondary stars. The outer system does not eclipse. We isolate the combined spectrum of the secondary by spectral subtraction, and from 48 separate radial-velocity measurements of both secondary components we obtain a triple-lined orbit solution from which we determine the individual masses of all three stars and the inclinations of both the inner and the outer orbits. The period of the outer system is 55 d, which is surprisingly short for a giant star, and our detection of small but non-negligible amounts of variable chromospheric emission in the Ca  ii K line is not unlike that detected in other systems with comparably short periods. The secondary components are in a circular orbit and are rotating at about  95 ± 10 km s−1  ; although their surface-to-surface separation is only  4 R  the stars are not noticeably distorted geometrically by such close proximity. All three stars appear to be in synchronous rotation in their respective orbits. We derive fairly accurate Hertzsprung–Russell diagram positions for all three stars and compare them to evolutionary tracks calculated for the respective stellar masses, but cannot reconcile the age of the cool giant with that of the B stars.  相似文献   

We have observed the energetic binary Cygnus X-3 in both quiescent and flaring states between 4 and 16 μm using the ISO satellite. We find that the quiescent source shows the thermal free–free spectrum typical of a hot, fast stellar wind, such as from a massive helium star. The quiescent mass-loss rate arising from a spherically symmetric, non-accelerating wind is found to be in the range (0.4–2.9)×10−4 M yr−1, consistent with other infrared and radio observations, but considerably larger than the 10−5 M yr−1 deduced from both the orbital change and the X-ray column density. There is rapid, large-amplitude flaring at 4.5 and 11.5 μm at the same time as enhanced radio and X-ray activity, with the infrared spectrum apparently becoming flatter in the flaring state. We believe that non-thermal processes are operating, perhaps along with enhanced thermal emission.  相似文献   

We study the influence of X-rays on the wind structure of selected O stars. For this purpose we use our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) wind code with inclusion of additional artificial source of X-rays, assumed to originate in the wind shocks.
We show that the influence of shock X-ray emission on wind mass-loss rate is relatively small. Wind terminal velocity may be slightly influenced by the presence of strong X-ray sources, especially for stars cooler than   T eff≲ 35 000 K  .
We discuss the origin of the   L X/ L ∼ 10−7  relation. For stars with thick wind this relation can be explained assuming that the cooling time depends on wind density. Stars with optically thin winds exhibiting the 'weak wind problem' display enhanced X-ray emission which may be connected with large shock cooling length. We propose that this effect can explain the 'weak wind problem'.
Inclusion of X-rays leads to a better agreement of the model ionization structure with observations. However, we do not find any significant influence of X-rays on P  v ionization fraction implying that the presence of X-rays cannot explain the P  v problem.
We study the implications of modified ionization equilibrium due to shock emission on the line transfer in the X-ray region. We conclude that the X-ray line profiles of helium-like ions may be affected by the line absorption within the cool wind.  相似文献   

Observations of V404 Cyg performed using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at four frequencies, over the interval 1.4–8.4 GHz, have provided us with the first broad-band radio spectrum of a 'quiescent' stellar mass black hole. The measured mean flux density is of 0.35 mJy, with a spectral index  α=+0.09 ± 0.19  (such that   S ν∝να  ). Synchrotron emission from an inhomogeneous partially self-absorbed outflow of plasma accounts for the flat/inverted radio spectrum, in analogy with hard-state black hole X-ray binaries, indicating that a steady jet is being produced between a few 10−6 and a few per cent of the Eddington X-ray luminosity.  相似文献   

Magnetars, neutron stars with ultrastrong magnetic fields  ( B ∼ 1014−1015G)  , manifest their exotic nature in the form of soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars. This study estimates the birthrate of magnetars to be ∼0.22 per century with a Galactic population comprising ∼17 objects. A population synthesis was carried out based on the five anomalous X-ray pulsars detected in the ROSAT All Sky Survey by comparing their number to that of massive OB stars in a well-defined volume. Additionally, the group of seven X-ray dim isolated neutron stars detected in the same survey were found to have a birthrate of ∼2 per century with a Galactic population of ∼22 000 objects.  相似文献   

In this paper, by assuming the equilibrium temperatures of RRab Lyrae variables defined by Carney, Storm & Jones as correct we show that temperatures derived from ( B − V ) colour (mean colour over the pulsational cycle calculated on the magnitude scale) transformations by Bessel, Castelli & Plez are consistent with the Carney et al. equilibrium temperatures within a probable error of δ  log  T e =±0.003 . As a consequence, it is shown that the pulsational temperature scale temperature–period–blue amplitude [ T eff= f ( P , A B )] relation provided by De Santis, who studied the ( B − V ) colour of about 70 stars of Lub's sample, is a suitable relation, being reddening- and metallicity-free, to calculate equilibrium temperatures for RRab variables. This relation is independent of variable mass and luminosity within a large range of period-shift from the mean period–amplitude relation valid for Lub's sample of variables. On the contrary, it is also shown that a temperature–amplitude–metallicity relation is strictly dependent on the period–amplitude relation of the sample used for calibrating it: we prove that this means it is dependent on both the mass and luminosity variations of variables.  相似文献   

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