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New data returned from the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission have revealed abundant evaporites in the sedimentary record at Meridiani Planum. A working hypothesis for Meridiani evaporite formation involves the evaporation of fluids derived from the weathering of martian basalt and subsequent diagenesis. On Earth, evaporite formation in exclusively basaltic settings is rare. However, models of the evaporation of fluids derived from experimentally weathering synthetic martian basalt provide insight into possible formation mechanisms. The thermodynamic database assembled for this investigation includes both Fe2+ and Fe3+ in Pitzer's ion interaction equations to evaluate Fe redox disequilibrium at Meridiani Planum. Modeling results suggest that evaporation of acidic fluids derived from weathering olivine-bearing basalt should produce Mg, Ca, and Fe-sulfates such as jarosite and melanterite. Calculations that model diagenesis by fluid recharge predict the eventual breakdown of jarosite to goethite as well as the preservation of much of the initial soluble evaporite component at modeled porosity values appropriate for relevant depositional environments (< 0.30). While only one of several possible formation scenarios, this simple model is consistent with much of the chemical and mineralogical data obtained on Meridiani Planum outcrop.  相似文献   

The MER rover Opportunity has carried out the first outcrop-scale investigation of ancient sedimentary rocks on Mars. The rocks, exposed in craters and along fissures in Meridiani Planum, are sandstones formed via the erosion and re-deposition of fine grained siliciclastics and evaporites derived from the chemical weathering of olivine basalts by acidic waters. A stratigraphic section more than seven meters thick measured in Endurance crater is dominated by eolian dune and sand sheet facies; the uppermost half meter, however, exhibits festoon cross lamination at a length scale that indicates subaqueous deposition, likely in a playa-like interdune setting. Silicates and sulfate minerals dominate outcrop geochemistry, but hematite and Fe3D3 (another ferric iron phase) make up as much as 11% of the rocks by weight. Jarosite in the outcrop matrix indicates precipitation at low pH. Cements, hematitic concretions, and crystal molds attest to a complex history of early diagenesis, mediated by ambient ground waters. The depositional and early diagenetic paleoenvironment at Meridiani was arid, acidic, and oxidizing, a characterization that places strong constraints on astrobiologial inference.  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks exposed in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars record aqueous and eolian deposition in ancient dune and interdune playa-like environments that were arid, acidic, and oxidizing. On Earth, microbial populations have repeatedly adapted to low pH and both episodic and chronic water limitation, suggesting that, to a first approximation, the Meridiani plain may have been habitable during at least part of the interval when deposition and early diagenesis took place. On the other hand, the environmental conditions inferred for Meridiani deposition would have posed a challenge for prebiotic chemical reactions thought to have played a role in the origin of life on Earth. Orbital observations suggest that the combination of sulfate minerals and hematite found in Meridiani rocks may be unusual on the martian surface; however, there is reason to believe that acidity, aridity, and oxidizing conditions were broadly distributed on ancient Mars. When these conditions were established and how much environmental heterogeneity existed on early Mars remain to be determined. Because sulfates and iron oxides can preserve detailed geochemical records of environmental history as well as chemical, textural and microfossil signatures of biological activity, Meridiani Planum is an attractive candidate for Mars sample return.  相似文献   

Impure reworked evaporitic sandstones, preserved on Meridiani Planum, Mars, are mixtures of roughly equal amounts of altered siliciclastic debris, of basaltic provenance (40 ± 10% by mass), and chemical constituents, dominated by evaporitic minerals (jarosite, Mg-, Ca-sulfates ± chlorides ± Fe-, Na-sulfates), hematite and possibly secondary silica (60 ± 10%). These chemical constituents and their relative abundances are not an equilibrium evaporite assemblage and to a substantial degree have been reworked by aeolian and subaqueous transport. Ultimately they formed by evaporation of acidic waters derived from interaction with olivine-bearing basalts and subsequent diagenetic alteration. The rocks experienced an extended diagenetic history, with at least two and up to four distinct episodes of cementation, including stratigraphically restricted zones of recrystallization and secondary porosity, non-randomly distributed, highly spherical millimeter-scale hematitic concretions, millimeter-scale crystal molds, interpreted to have resulted from dissolution of a highly soluble evaporite mineral, elongate to sheet-like vugs and evidence for minor synsedimentary deformation (convolute and contorted bedding, possible teepee structures or salt ridge features). Other features that may be diagenetic, but more likely are associated with relatively recent meteorite impact, are meter-scale fracture patterns, veins and polygonal fractures on rock surfaces that cut across bedding. Crystallization of minerals that originally filled the molds, early cement and sediment deformation occurred syndepositionally or during early diagenesis. All other diagenetic features are consistent with formation during later diagenesis in the phreatic (fluid saturated) zone or capillary fringe of a groundwater table under near isotropic hydrological conditions such as those expected during periodic groundwater recharge. Textural evidence suggests that rapidly formed hematitic concretions post-date the primary mineral now represented by crystal molds and early pore-filling cements but pre-date secondary moldic and vug porosity. The second generation of cements followed formation of secondary porosity. This paragenetic sequence is consistent with an extended history of syndepositional through post-depositional diagenesis in the presence of a slowly fluctuating, chemically evolving, but persistently high ionic strength groundwater system.  相似文献   

Analyses of outcrops created by the impact craters Endurance, Fram and Eagle reveal the broad lateral continuity of chemical sediments at the Meridiani Planum exploration site on Mars. Approximately ten mineralogical components are implied in these salt-rich silicic sediments, from measurements by instruments on the Opportunity rover. Compositional trends in an apparently intact vertical stratigraphic sequence at the Karatepe West ingress point at Endurance crater are consistent with non-uniform deposition or with subsequent migration of mobile salt components, dominated by sulfates of magnesium. Striking variations in Cl and enrichments of Br, combined with diversity in sulfate species, provide further evidence of episodes during which temperatures, pH, and water to rock ratios underwent significant change. To first order, the sedimentary sequence examined to date is consistent with a uniform reference composition, modified by movement of major sulfates upward and of minor chlorides downward. This reference composition has similarities to martian soils, supplemented by sulfate anion and the alteration products of mafic igneous minerals. Lesser cementation in lower stratigraphic units is reflected in decreased energies for grinding with the Rock Abrasion Tool. Survival of soluble salts in exposed outcrop is most easily explained by absence of episodes of liquid H2O in this region since the time of crater formation.  相似文献   

Outcrop exposures of sedimentary rocks at the Opportunity landing site (Meridiani Planum) form a set of genetically related strata defined here informally as the Burns formation. This formation can be subdivided into lower, middle, and upper units which, respectively, represent eolian dune, eolian sand sheet, and mixed eolian sand sheet and interdune facies associations. Collectively, these three units are at least 7 m thick and define a “wetting-upward” succession which records a progressive increase in the influence of groundwater and, ultimately, surface water in controlling primary depositional processes.The Burns lower unit is interpreted as a dry dune field (though grain composition indicates an evaporitic source), whose preserved record of large-scale cross-bedded sandstones indicates either superimposed bedforms of variable size or reactivation of lee-side slip faces by episodic (possibly seasonal) changes in wind direction. The boundary between the lower and middle units is a significant eolian deflation surface. This surface is interpreted to record eolian erosion down to the capillary fringe of the water table, where increased resistance to wind-induced erosion was promoted by increased sediment cohesiveness in the capillary fringe. The overlying Burns middle unit is characterized by fine-scale planar-laminated to low-angle-stratified sandstones. These sandstones accumulated during lateral migration of eolian impact ripples over the flat to gently undulating sand sheet surface. In terrestrial settings, sand sheets may form an intermediate environment between dune fields and interdune or playa surfaces. The contact between the middle and upper units of the Burns formation is interpreted as a diagenetic front, where recrystallization in the phreatic or capillary zones may have occurred. The upper unit of the Burns formation contains a mixture of sand sheet facies and interdune facies. Interdune facies include wavy bedding, irregular lamination with convolute bedding and possible small tepee or salt-ridge structures, and cm-scale festoon cross-lamination indicative of shallow subaqueous flows marked by current velocities of a few tens of cm/s. Most likely, these currents were gravity-driven, possibly unchannelized flows resulting from the flooding of interdune/playa surfaces. However, evidence for lacustrine sedimentation, including mudstones or in situ bottom-growth evaporites, has not been observed so far at Eagle and Endurance craters.Mineralogical and elemental data indicate that the eolian sandstones of the lower and middle units, as well as the subaqueous and eolian deposits of the Burns upper unit, were derived from an evaporitic source. This indirectly points to a temporally equivalent playa where lacustrine evaporites or ground-water-generated efflorescent crusts were deflated to provide a source of sand-sized particles that were entrained to form eolian dunes and sand sheets. This process is responsible for the development of sulfate eolianites at White Sands, New Mexico, and could have provided a prolific flux of sulfate sediment at Meridiani. Though evidence for surface water in the Burns formation is mostly limited to the upper unit, the associated sulfate eolianites provide strong evidence for the critical role of groundwater in controlling sediment production and stratigraphic architecture throughout the formation.  相似文献   

Iron-rich spherules (> 90% Fe2O3 from electron microprobe analyses) ∼10-100 μm in diameter are found within sulfate-rich rocks formed by aqueous, acid-sulfate alteration of basaltic tephra on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. Although some spherules are nearly pure Fe, most have two concentric compositional zones, with the core having a higher Fe / Al ratio than the rim. Oxide totals less than 100% (93-99%) suggest structural H2O and/or OH− 1. The transmission Mössbauer spectrum of a spherule-rich separate is dominated by a hematite (α-Fe2O3) sextet whose peaks are skewed toward zero velocity. Skewing is consistent with Al3+ for Fe3+ substitution and structural H2O and/or OH− 1. The grey color of the spherules implies specular hematite. Whole-rock powder X-ray diffraction spectra are dominated by peaks from smectite and the hydroxy sulfate mineral natroalunite as alteration products and plagioclase feldspar that was present in the precursor basaltic tephra. Whether spherule formation proceeded directly from basaltic material in one event (dissolution of basaltic material and precipitation of hematite spherules) or whether spherule formation required more than one event (formation of Fe-bearing sulfate rock and subsequent hydrolysis to hematite) is not currently constrained. By analogy, a formation pathway for the hematite spherules in sulfate-rich outcrops at Meridiani Planum on Mars (the Burns formation) is aqueous alteration of basaltic precursor material under acid-sulfate conditions. Although hydrothermal conditions are present on Mauna Kea, such conditions may not be required for spherule formation on Mars if the time interval for hydrolysis at lower temperatures is sufficiently long.  相似文献   

Before base surges were described in association with nuclear blasts and explosive volcanic eruptions (especially, the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington), laminar and cross-bedded volcanogenic surge deposits were commonly misinterpreted as being of fluvial or aeolian origin. One well-documented example involves the “water-laid tuffs” in and near the Spor Mountain beryllium mine, Utah; other examples abound. In light of how frequently volcanogenic surge deposits have been misinterpreted on Earth, extreme caution is urged for Mars studies. Contrary to what has been claimed, the markedly cross-bedded, salty deposits at Meridiani Planum on Mars need not have been formed by a combination of aeolian and aqueous processes, and their contained hematitic spherules need not have formed as aqueous concretions. Given the lack of indications of volcanism in the vicinity, and the planet-wide abundance of impact craters, deposition by surges associated with distant impact targets consisting of brine-soaked, locally sulfidic regolith is a reasonable explanation for all features observed, especially if diagenesis and weathering are considered. The uniformly sized and shaped, Ni-enriched blue-gray hematitic spherules would then be some type of vapor condensation spherules (including accretionary lapilli). A similar interpretation is possible for deposits in the Home Plate area, Gusev Crater. Unlike on the dry and atmosphereless Moon, salty impact surge deposits containing spherules should be common, and well-preserved, on Mars.  相似文献   

In many anoxic sedimentary environments, the onset of sulfate reduction, and pyritization of detrital iron-bearing minerals, leads to a precipitous decline in magnetic mineral concentration during early diagenesis. The usefulness of the surviving paleomagnetic record in such environments is usually argued to depend on how much of the primary detrital magnetic assemblage survives diagenetic dissolution. Detailed rock magnetic and electron microscope analyses of rapidly deposited (~ 7 cm/kyr) latest Pleistocene–Holocene sediments from the continental margins of Oman (22°22.4′N, 60°08.0′E) and northern California (38°24.8′N, 123°58.2′W) demonstrate that pyritization during early diagenesis also leads to the progressive down-core growth of the ferrimagnetic iron sulfide greigite. Greigite growth begins with nucleation of large concentrations of superparamagnetic (SP) nanoparticles at the inferred position of the sulfate–methane transition, which can explain the apparently paradoxical suggestion that diagenetically reduced sediments contain enhanced concentrations of SP particles. Looping of hysteresis parameters on a “Day” plot records the dissolution of single domain (SD) (titano-)magnetite and the formation of SP greigite, which then slowly and progressively grows through its SD blocking volume and acquires a stable paleomagnetic signal. This looping trend is also evident in data from several published records (Oregon margin, Korea Strait, Japan Sea, Niger Fan, Argentine margin, and the Ontong–Java Plateau), indicating that these processes may be widespread in reducing environments. Our observations have profound implications for paleomagnetic records from sulfate-reducing environments. The paleomagnetic signal recorded by greigite is offset from the age of the surrounding sediments by 10's of kyr, and ongoing growth of greigite at depth results in smoothing of the recorded signal over intervals of 10's to 100's of kyr. We therefore expect the presence of greigite to compromise paleomagnetic records in a wide range of settings that have undergone reductive diagenesis.  相似文献   

The formation of hematite and goethite concretions in different sedimentary rocks including sandstones is an important diagenetic process in the geologic history of the Earth. Its interpretation can also contribute to understanding the diagenetic history of Martian iron hydroxide concretions. A case study of iron-rich concretions from Estonian Middle Devonian sandstones exposed in ancient river valleys in southeastern Estonia was carried out based on the results of mineralogical, petrographical, geochemical, petrophysical and magnetic analyses. It was found that the high Fe2O3(total) content (25.0–39.5%), high magnetic susceptibility, bulk and grain density, very low porosity, corrosion and fracturing of the quartz grains of the platy iron concretions are in contrast with properties of the Devonian host sandstones. However the ferrous iron content (measured as FeO) of iron-rich concretions was as low as in the other Devonian rocks, suggesting an oxidizing environment and arid climate during the cementation by iron-hydroxides. The fracturing of quartz grains cemented by iron hydroxides could take place at near-surface conditions including vadose and phreatic zones in arid climate with high evaporation rates. Such climatic conditions have been reported for the Baltic region during Devonian, Upper Permian and Triassic times. We have found that goethite is prevalent in the cement, replacing clay and carbonate minerals. We assume that this iron-rich cement is originated from the mobilization of iron in host sandstones by groundwater, associated with tectonic activity at the end of the Middle Devonian, evidenced by fracturing in Devonian outcrops and caves. Although this mobilization could occur under reducing conditions, precipitation of goethite and hematite for the cementation could take place in oxidizing environment along bedding planes close to the surface during short sedimentation breaks. Another possible time for the formation of iron concretions could be Permian, under the condition of both arid climate and tectonic activity.  相似文献   

Physical sedimentology experiments have shown that sulfuric acid solutions may have formed some surface features seen on Mars. Recent data returned from Mars show the presence of jarosite, sulfate salts, hematite, phyllosilicates, and opaline silica, all of which precipitate from some terrestrial sulfuric acid solutions. There is a plethora of geochemical, mineralogical, and sedimentological data indicative of past sulfuric acid systems on Mars, but there has never been a comprehensive study published regarding sulfuric acid as a physical sedimentological agent. In the laboratory, we ran liquids of various compositions over sediments in order to test how these liquids entrain, transport, and deposit sediments. Pure water and concentrated sulfuric acid solutions produced the same general features, such as channels, gullies, and alluvial fans. However, sulfuric acid solutions yielded some distinct sedimentary features not produced by pure water runs. These features, narrow, deeply incised channels of consistent widths, rounded discrete fans, and air bubble “craters”, are similar to some Martian landscape features. These experimental results indicate that acid solutions should be considered a possible sedimentological agent on Mars.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and palaeoclimate in the Sirte and Kufra basins, Libya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stable and radio-isotope results (C, H, O) for groundwaters from the Sirte and northern Kufra basins are used to determine the recharge history during the Holocene and late Pleistocene. Radiocarbon ages have been corrected on the basis of their stable carbon isotope ratios and on environmental samples from the areas, and two groups may be recognised: (1) low 14C activity groundwaters (13000–34000 yr. BP) with δ 13C-5.6 to −11.7‰; and (2) higher 14C activity groundwaters (5000–7800 yr. BP) enriched in 13C up to δ 13C = −3.2‰. There is a general correlation of age with depth.

A well defined freshwater (< 50 mg/l Cl) channel can be traced within the aquifer for some 130 km through the region, which is considered to represent recharge from a former wadi. This water with an age of ± 7800 yr. BP is chemically and isotopically distinct from the regional groundwaters and provides direct evidence of a significant recharge event during the Holocene.

The stable isotope (O and H) composition of groundwater from the Kufra and Sirte basins are all related by an evaporative line with slope δ D = 4.5δ 13O − 35 with an intercept on the meteoric line of -11‰. This suggests a recharge source continuing into the Holocene from air masses, analogous to current heavy monsoon rain derived from south of the Sahara. The spatial and temporal distribution of groundwaters in relation to the evaporative line suggests a progressive change in character of the recharge which is controlled by a shift towards strongly convective rainfall during the Holocene.

The direct hydrogeological and geochemical evidence supports climatic models proposed by several workers in which discrete humid episodes during the Holocene are inferred.  相似文献   

Fragments of weathered granitic rocks from the Kunlun Shan, Qinghai Plateau (China) were investigated to elucidate the in?uence of biotic crusts on the breakdown of granitic rocks in an alpine environment. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive system and X‐ray diffractometry were used to describe the nature and properties of mineral accumulations on the rock surface. Results showed that organic salts such as calcium oxalate and calcium formate are associated with Aspicilia caesiocinera (Nyl.ex Malbr.) Arnold, Caloplaca sp., Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th.Fr., and Lecidea plana (Lahm) Nyl. Secondary accumulations of 2 : 1 clays minerals are found in A. caesiocinera while oxides of manganese are associated with X. elegans. Coatings of goethite (iron oxides) are believed to form from biological activity associated with the presence of hyphae and rodlet structures on the ?akes. Calcium oxalate crystallizes into several morphologies such as druse, hexagonal plates, and lenticular containing between 20 and 48 per cent calcium by weight. Calcium formate and iron oxide (goethite) occur together in the form of ‘red’ desert varnish. Observed ‘black’ coatings contain as much as 37 per cent manganese and 22 per cent iron. Clay accumulations have plate‐like morphology and contain c. 2 : 1 silicon to aluminium contents. We argue that organic acids from the activities of biotic crusts contribute to the breakdown of granitic rocks. Fungi accelerate the breakdown of granitic rocks through the growth of fungal hyphae along the 001 cleavage planes in primary chloritic minerals. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To contribute to establishing a historical baseline for future evaluations of the environmental quality of the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), we report metal contents determined in eight gravity cores obtained at representative locations in 1990 - before the installation of any wastewater treatment plants - and in fractions thereof that were obtained by the BCR sequential extraction method. The results suggest that early diagenesis had been influenced by both hydrodynamic conditions and organic matter input (the latter especially in areas devoted to mariculture), and that anthropogenic inputs had also affected the concentrations and between-fraction distribution of Cu, Pb, Zn and other metals in surficial sediments.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the potential of magnetic anisotropy techniques for determining the origin of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in sedimentary rocks, several new remanence anisotropy measurement techniques were explored. An accurate separation of the remanence anisotropy of magnetite and hematite in the same sedimentary rock sample was the goal.In one technique, Tertiary red and grey sedimentary rock samples from the Orera section (Spain) were exposed to 13 T fields in 9 different orientations. In each orientation, alternating field (af) demagnetization was used to separate the magnetite and hematite contributions of the high field isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM). Tensor subtraction was used to calculate the magnetite and hematite anisotropy tensors. Geologically interpretable fabrics did not result, probably because of the presence of goethite which contributes to the IRM. In the second technique, also applied to samples from Orera, an anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence (AAR) was applied in af fields up to 240 mT to directly measure the fabric of the magnetite in the sample. IRMs applied in 2 T fields followed by 240 mT af demagnetization, and thermal demagnetization at 90°C to remove the goethite contribution, were used to independently measure the hematite fabric in the same samples. This approach gave geologically interpretable results with minimum principal axes perpendicular to bedding, suggesting that the hematite and magnetite grains in the Orera samples both carry a depositional remanent magnetization (DRM). In a third experiment, IRMs applied in 13 T fields were used to measure the magnetic fabric of samples from the Dome de Barrot area (France). These samples had been demonstrated to have hematite as their only magnetic mineral. The fabrics that resulted were geologically interpretable, showing a strong NW-SE horizontal lineation consistent with AMS fabrics measured in the same samples. These fabrics suggest that the rock's remanence may have been affected by strain and could have originated as a DRM or a CRM.Our work shows that it is important to account for the presence of goethite when using high field IRMs to measure the remanence anisotropy of hematite-bearing sedimentary rocks. It also shows that very high magnetic fields (>10 T) may be used to measure the magnetic fabric of sedimentary rocks with highly coercive magnetic minerals without complete demagnetization between each position, provided that the field magnetically saturates the rock.  相似文献   

The influence of clay microstructure on radon emanation has been studied based on the analysis of literary data and direct measurements of the emanation coefficient of different types of clay rocks. Experiments have shown that modern and Holocene clay and silt with a cellular microstructure have the highest emanation coefficient (more than 60%). The majority of clay rocks transformed by diagenesis (showing either matrix or turbulent microstructure), have the emanation coefficient of about 50%. The emanation coefficients of lithified clay and argillite (laminar microstructure) do not exceed 10%. Thus, the emanation capacity of clay depends on clay microstructure and regularly decreases in the following row: cellular > matrix or turbulent > laminar microstructure.  相似文献   

Assemblages of evaporite minerals record detailed physical and chemical characteristics of ancient surficial environments. Accordingly, newly discovered regions of saline minerals on Mars are high priority targets for exploration. The chemical divide concept of evaporite mineral formation is used successfully to predict evaporite mineralogy and brine evolution on Earth. However, basaltic weathering largely controls fluid compositions on Mars and the robust predictive capabilities of terrestrial chemical divides cannot be used to interpret Martian evaporites. Here we present a new chemical divide system that predicts evaporite assemblages identified in SNC-type meteorites, ancient evaporites discovered on Meridiani Planum by the Opportunity rover, and Mars Express OMEGA data. We suggest that a common fluid type that has been buffered to different pH levels by basaltic weathering controls the variability among Martian evaporite assemblages and that evaporite mineralogy and brine evolution is essentially established by the initial composition of the dilute evaporating fluid.  相似文献   

Previous research on rock weathering crusts has revealed their large variability depending on the type of host rocks and development of weathering processes. The composition of crusts developed on natural sandstone exposures is less documented in the literature in comparison to those developed on architectonic stones. In both cases, previous research has focused mainly on the progress of salt weathering. This study considers the surfaces of sandstone tors in the Polish Outer Carpathians. The exposed parts of the rocks in this area are often covered by crust, which is up to several centimetres thick, and differs from the internal part in colour and composition. The crusts were characterized using light and electron microscopy, X‐ray diffractometry, thermal analyses, Mössbauer spectroscopy, bulk chemical analyses and sequential chemical extractions. Porosity was estimated by digital image processing. The following two hardened zones were observed: (1) thin (up to 30 µm), black, external layer, rich in carbon and composed of opal‐type silica, covered in places by sulphate incrustations and numerous spherical particles of anthropogenic origin; (2) thicker (up to several millimetres), internal part composed of a set of laminae of variable colouration, enriched in iron (oxyhydr)oxides (goethite and hematite) in comparison to the rock interior. Development of the crust results from silicon and iron redistribution during the sandstone alteration. The chief source of silica is hydrolysis of aluminosilicates, whilst that of iron is decomposition of aluminosilicates, carbonates and sulphides. Hematite is probably a result of goethite transformation. However, air pollutants may play an important role in the formation of sulphates. Silica and iron compounds affect the properties of the rock, hardening the surface and lowering porosity by formation of secondary cement. Crystallization of sulphate salts, in turn, may contribute to mechanical disintegration of the rock. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Groundwaters of known age contained in major aquifer systems in the African sedimentary basins enable low-resolution (±1000 year) characteristics of past climates to be determined, specifically palaeo-temperature, air mass origins, humid/arid transitions and rainfall intensity. Results from both northern and southern Africa indicate the predominance of a westerly Atlantic air flow during the Late Pleistocene. Greater aridity during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is recorded over most of northern Africa by the absence of dated groundwaters. An intensification of the African monsoon during the Early Holocene is apparent from isotopically light groundwaters found, in particular, over Sudan. Maximum cooling around the LGM of 5–7°C is recorded in the noble gas recharge temperatures from Africa. Modern recharge can be readily identified from the chemical and isotopic signatures (Cl, δ18O and 3H) in the unsaturated zone and in shallow groundwaters. The results indicate the non-renewability of many groundwater sources now being exploited across the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa. Extreme events in the past, noted from the groundwater record, may have lessons and implications for adapting to future climate change. Small but finite amounts of renewable groundwater may be estimated using chloride mass balance and other tracer techniques. These renewable waters form the basis of sustainable development in areas such as the Sahel. Based on the field evidence of water scarcity, new approaches are needed in management and education to adapt to the current limited resources in the face of changing climates.  相似文献   

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