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中国海洋石油南海西部石油公司最近根据南海石油天然气的勘探开发情况,制订出了今后匕年的油气勘探开发目标规划、到2010年,该公司将探明原油累计储量3亿吨,实现原油年生产300万吨的能力;天然气累计探明储量117O0亿立方米,实现天然气年生产200亿立方米的能力.为了实现这个目标,该公司还详细订出了3个五年计划的努力目标、在2000年前,该公司计划新增原油探明储量8000万吨,实现原油200万吨的年生产能力;新增天然气探明储量4050亿立方米,实现天然气80亿t方米的年生产能力。南海西部公司订出15年规划@黄咣凯…  相似文献   

1987年我国石油产量完成1.3402亿吨,天然气137亿立方米,比1986年分别增加337万吨和3亿立方米,居世界第五位.随着1987年国际石油价格回升和我国开放优惠政策,进一步吸引了国外石油公司在我国近海石油勘探开发投资的热情,过去的一年不仅中外合作勘探取得重大进展,而且在自营的辽东湾,北部湾勘探区,相继发现高产油田,扩大了石油地质储量,充分显示我国含油气盆地的远景,也表明我国自营勘探开发石油独立自主的信心和力量,引起国际石油集团的关注,纷至沓来.美国阿英科东方石油公司已从南海石油合作区块扩大到渤海海域,在去年11月底与我国海洋石油总公司在北京签署306/15区块石油合同,该合同区位于天津以东约170公里,该区有一半面积原是法国与日本石油公司退出的作业区.至今渤海已发现26个含油气构造,11个油田,探明石油地质储量2700万吨,其中已建成一座现代海洋采油平台,正在作业开采,年产量40万吨以上,还有4个油田正待开发.  相似文献   

中国海洋石油资源丰富,前景潜力很大,在总面积达50多万平方公里的含油气盆地内,预测石油资源量240多亿吨,天然气资源量8万仿立方米。目前为止,中国海洋石油资源的开发利用通过国际石油合作已取得了在重大发展,找到了石油储量数亿吨,天然气储量千亿立方米。正在建设和已经投产的海上油气田18个,原油年产量达500-600万吨。中国海上石油合作的开展,有力地促进了海洋石油技术发展和进步,更新发展了一批现代化装  相似文献   

地处湄洲湾南岸的泉州市肖厝,将建世界级规模的石油化工基地。福建炼油化工有限公司、美国埃克森中国石油化工有限公司和沙特阿美海外公司最近在京签署了此项可行性研究协议。中美沙特三方协议合作投建的石化项目,将以肖厝现有的福建炼化公司年加工原油400万吨为基础,拟将原油加工能力扩建至1200万吨,并新建60万吨的乙烯裂解装置、年产45  相似文献   

从世界石油价格的变化,来看石油工业的发展.1981年世界石油价格曾达到每桶34美元的高峰,使全世界石油勘探和开发迅猛的发展,有60多个国家和地区转入海上勘探.在37个海上产油国中,产油量增长最快的是墨西哥和印度.墨西哥1979年日产原油58900吨,1981年日产原油151,500吨,增长157.2%.我国在80年代初期已利用外资在南海、渤海、南黄海进行大规模的石油勘探.由于七十年代石油价格猛涨,而使石油工业发展进入鼎盛时期,造成石油生产过剩,到1985年石油每桶28美元下降到9.5美元,1986年为14美元,1987年升至18美元,由于油价下跌,影响一些国家石油产量,仍以墨西哥为例,1986年产油1,234亿吨,比1985下降9.7%,1987年产油1,2095亿吨,比1986年下降19%多.而苏联原油产量比1985年增长3.4%达6.15亿吨,1987年其原油产量为6.14亿吨,比1986年略下降.我国石油保持增产趋势1986年比1985年增长3.8%达到1.295亿吨,1987年产油14,302亿吨,使我国原油产量仅次于苏联、美国、沙特阿拉伯、墨西哥而居世界第五  相似文献   

上海海洋油气分公司研究院自2005年以来一直为中国石化国际石油勘探开发有限公司(简称SIPC)的海外油气勘探项目提供技术支撑,其海上油气勘探技术实力和信誉受到了SIPC专家的一致认可和好评。曾在萨哈林3号区块所提供的井位钻探获得了油气突破,且在澳大利亚NT/P76区块的勘探被认为是海外油气勘探运行最规范的项目。多年的技术支撑为SIPC提供了科学的决策依据,降低了油气勘探的风险,并获得了很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

据一些地质学者预言,今后10年,最多不超过20年,世界将有可能出现石油资源短缺的局面。国际能源机构首次提出,世界石油产量在20l0年-2020年达到顶峰,此后便不可避免地出现持续下降。能源忧患意识产生了寻找和发现新的替代能源的热潮。海底储量丰富的天然气水合物被称之为石油资源耗尽之后的重要能源,已引起世界许多国家和大石油公司的重视,他们投入重金,强化研究,拟在近期有新突破。  相似文献   

据一些地质学者预言,今后10年,最多不超过20年,世界将有可能出现石油资源短缺的局面。国际能源机构首次提出,世界石油产量在2010年~2020年达到顶峰,此后便不可避免地出现持续下降。能源忧患意识产生了寻找和发现新的替代能源的热潮。海底储量丰富的天然气水合物被称之为石油资源耗尽之后的重要能源,已引起世界许多国家和大石油公司的重视,他们投入重金,强化研究,拟  相似文献   

美国《油气杂志》日前公布2009年度世界主要国家的石油产量,中国仅次于俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、美国,排名世界第四,占世界石油总产量的5.4%。根据中国石化协会最新发布的统计数据,2009年中国石油产量为1.89亿吨。  相似文献   

蒙特里湾国家海洋圣地的岸线调查表明常有海岸沥青(海滨中刷焦油沥青球)的残余物,指出圣地早期曾被原油污染。利用生物标志化合物和碳同位素进行的有机地球化学分析证实,这些残余物的大部分具有来自加利福尼亚中新世蒙特里建造油源岩的共同的原生成因、命名、原油和/或原油的衍生物。问题是这些残余物是人类活动造成的还是天然油的渗漏呢?由阿拉斯加运移来的北坡原油将是最有可能溢出的原油,在圣地没有发现来自北坡原油的焦油沥青。分布的广泛性、化学成分的相似性以及与加利福尼亚中新世原油的关系表明残余物是天然油渗漏形成的。但…  相似文献   

当前国际能源供需矛盾突出,能源安全日益成为各国关注的焦点,碳酸盐勘探开发聚焦了世界的目光。主要大国出于经济和政治利益的考虑,加大对碳酸盐油气勘探开发的投入。世界碳酸盐岩油气探明可采总量为1 434.5×10^8t油当量,其中探明可采石油750.1×10^8t油当量,探明可采天然气684.4×10^8t油当量。世界碳酸盐岩油气田313个,其中油田208个,气田105个。中国碳酸盐岩探明石油15.2×10^8t油当量,探明率为6.5%,探明天然气1.36×10^8m^3,探明率为28.65%。碳酸盐岩油气勘探方法有地质法、地球物理法、地球化学勘探法、钻井法。开发成熟技术有多分支井技术、定向射孔技术、压裂酸化技术等。通过对世界碳酸盐岩资源勘探开发现状研究,实现碳酸盐岩资源优化利用,改善勘探开发效果,必将为全球碳酸盐岩资源的高水平、高效益勘探开发和可持续发展提供理论及实践依据。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):779-788
Oil, chemicals and unexploded ordinances onboard sunken World War II (WWII) warships and merchant vessels pose a real and significant marine pollution risk to the nations of the Pacific and East Asia. A recent project of the South Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP), through its Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Program, has highlighted the extent of the risk posed by vessels lost in WWII to Member Governments. Some of these vessels have already begun to leak fuel oil and cargo into the fragile environment of the Pacific atolls. The oil spills from the oil tanker USS Mississinewa sunk in Ulithi Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia, will be used as an example of the problems associated with WWII wrecks in the region.A Regional WWII Wreck Strategy was formulated and endorsed by the Members of SPREP, and a preliminary risk assessment of WWII shipwrecks was carried out by the program, as part of this exercise. This led to the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) database, which details the types of ships, the tonnage and location of over 3800 vessels lost in the Pacific and East Asia. Although not complete, the Pacific WWII Shipwreck Database totals over 13 million tons of sunken vessels—ranging from aircraft carriers to battleships and including over 330 tankers and oilers.As a major proportion of vessels lost during WWII rest in the East Asian–Pacific sea area, close collaboration needs to be established between the regional environmental bodies and their affected Member Governments to address the scale of marine pollution risk. Complex maritime jurisdictional issues, along with overlapping claims on Economic Exclusion Zones and the interrelationships of the marine environments in the region, also underscore the need to address the issue on a multilateral basis.This paper aims to highlight the extent of the risks posed by sunken WWII vessels to fisheries, marine and coastal resources of the Pacific and East Asian regions, as well as the issues of ownership and responsibility for the WWII shipwrecks of the Pacific.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2008,48(1):129-137
The Californian borderland is the largest oil and gas region of the Pacific coast of the United States. Here, a series of large and minor sedimentary basins with established or inferred oil and gas bearing properties are recognized. The Californian borderland is located on a Nevadan-type active continental margin. The bodies of such margins are composed of giant accretion formations and occupy not only their underwater parts but also vast land areas. The accretion formations are dominated by rocks of a deep-water origin. The Californian borderland represents a system of basins and ranges that compose the underwater margin and the Coastal Ranges of California and the basement within the Great Valley. In the depressions of the accretion orogen, which are small in size but feature high subsidence rates, significant thicknesses of deposits are accumulated (up to 6?8 km). In the depressions of the Californian borderland, they are represented by young Neogene (rarer Eocene-Oligocene) formations of mainly terrigenous or siliceous-terrigenous compositions. The active tectonic regime resulted in a sharp reduction of the age range of the oil and gas bearing deposits, which are represented only by Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks. Full-scale oil and gas production here is performed in the Santa Barbara-Ventura and Santa Maria basins. The principal oil and gas bearing unit is the Monterrey Formation of the Middle Miocene. By January 2006, the production on the Californian borderland comprised about 17.8 million tons of oil and over 1 billion m3 of gas. Up to 1.4 billion tons of oil and 200 billion m3 of gas reserves are regarded to be not recovered on the Pacific coast of the United States in the region of the Californian borderland.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simplified approach to assess the effects of global warming on global coastal groundwater resources over the next century based on the smallest but necessary number of elements such as rainfall, temperature, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifers, and population changes regarding the consumption of groundwater. The positive aspect in this approach is that there is availability of the above elements in the majority of the planet. Methodology includes a sharp interface concept model and simplified estimation of groundwater recharge using limited climate data. The evaluation shows that the future climate changes would decrease fresh groundwater resources in Central American, South American, South African and Australian regions whereas most of the areas in Asia, except South-East Asia. Combinations of fresh groundwater loss and global population are considered to state the vulnerability of future fresh groundwater supply. Vulnerability assessment shows that South Asia, Central America, North Africa and the Sahara, South Africa and the Middle East countries are highly vulnerable whereas, Northern Europe, Western part of South America, New Zealand and Japan are less vulnerable with respect to future fresh groundwater supply. Further, this paper highlights the necessity Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) practices in these vulnerable coastal regions to ensure the sustainable development in coastal regions.  相似文献   

In 2007 CITES included the Critically Endangered European eel on its Appendix II, thereby regulation international trade. In 2010 the EU member states adopted a ‘zero-quota’ policy thereby banning all commercial international trade. Given the continued high demand for eel in East Asia shifts have occurred to source European eel from non-EU eel range countries. Using official export figures from two independent databases, I here quantify to what extend Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria are fulfilling this demand. The ban had little effect on the annual export volumes in live eel from Morocco (mean of 41.3 metric ton / year), Algeria (15.5 t) or Tunisia (56.2 t) or chilled/frozen eel from Algeria (11.7 t) and Tunisia (20.0 t) but this trade from Morocco increased significantly (from 27.4 to 237.2 t). Prior to the ban the trade in eel from North Africa was almost exclusively to European countries (live 93–98%) and very little to East Asia, whereas after the ban East Asia became the main importer (live 91–93%). The monetary value of the trade totalled US$126 million and did not increase over time, but the importance of the live eel trade increase from 76% prior to the ban to 93% after. It is unclear on what basis Morocco and Tunisia were able to decide what level of trade was not detrimental to the survival of European eel in the wild, and I argue for better monitoring to ensure that international trade is not an impediment to the conservation of European eel.  相似文献   

胜利油田海上勘探区 ,位于渤海湾南部的极浅海海域 ,其范围为 :西起四女寺河口 ,经套儿河口、老黄河口、新黄河口、小青河口 ,东到潍河口 ,海岸长 4 1 4km,胜利矿产登记线内面积 4 870 km2 ,水深一般 0~ 5m,最深 1 8m。截止 2 0 0 0年年底 ,已完成二维地震 71 3 6.1 km,三维地震 1 588.58km2 ,完钻探井 1 0 2口 ,测井解释油气层井 87口 ,试油 85口 ,其中 74口获工业油流 ,6口获低产油流。发现了埕岛、埕北 3 0、新滩 3个油田 ,在明化镇组、馆陶组、东营组、沙河街组、中生界、上古生界、下古生界、太古界中发现了 8套含油层系 ,6种类型的油气藏 ,已探明含油面积 1 45.8km2 ,石油地质储量 3 860 9万 t;控制含油面积57.5km2 ,石油地质储量 894 8万 t,其中埕岛油田是渤海域发现最早的亿吨级油田 ,目前已建成 2 1 6万 t年生产能力 ,累积产油 1 0 57万 t。根据两轮资源评价及勘探实践的认识 ,与本区有关的 8个生油凹陷 (岐口、沙南、渤中、埕北、桩东、青东、莱州湾、潍北 )总资源量约 1 2 .0亿 t,目前已找到探明加控制石油地质储量为 4 .75亿 t,仍有较大的勘探开发潜力。今后将对 8个构造带 (埕子口、埕岛、埕北 3 0、长堤、垦东、青东、青坨子、潍北 )进行勘探 ,落实探明储量 ,进一步投入开发 ,为胜利油田  相似文献   

上海港与周边港口的国际竞争策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
世界航运中心从大西洋转向了太平洋,东亚地区已成为国际集装箱运输的核心区域。随着该地区各集装箱港口的发展,大家都在努力争夺新的国际航运中心的地位。与上海港直接竞争的是釜山港、神户港和高雄港。本文分析了三港以及上海港的有关情况,通过设置有关的港口国际竞争力的指标,对上述四个港口在软硬件方面的竞争情况作了比较。文章最后给出了港口动态竞争模型,通过对8该模型的建立,阐述了各港口应采取的竞争与合作战略。  相似文献   

Extensive potassium and phosphorous-rich mineralization occurs on the outer continental shelf of the southern and west coasts of South Africa and Nambia. This article reviews the potential of exploiting these deposits in an environmentally sound manner for the manufacture of fertilizer. At present, reserves of potash and phosphate fertilizer are exploited from terresterial deposits, the majority being surface mined. The use of fertilizer in South Africa has shown no growth in the past 13 years, and, in some years, usage has even declined. On average, over the last decade, South Africa has consumed 2 million Mt of fertilizer (including nitrogen) per annum, the vast majority of phosphate fertilizer being produced by FOSKOR from the Phalaborwa Igneous Complex. Potash fertilizer is imported into South Africa. Although fertilizer consumption is expected to decrease in the short-term, there are good future prospects for the domestic and international fertilizer market. Considerable research into both glauconitic (containing K 2 O) and phosphatic deposits along the southern African continental shelf indicate that these sedimentary deposits have a complex genesis and mineralization. Of the total K 2 O reserves of 1300 million Mt on the southern African margin, 1000 million Mt is located off the southern African west coast, and the remainder situated on the Agulhas Bank. The largest glauconite concentration ( - 300 million Mt K 2 O) off southern Africa lies west of Saldanha Bay, South Africa. The distribution of P 2 O 5 off southern Africa is dominated by the vast deposit between Walvis Bay and Luderitz, Nambia. This reserve is estimated to contain 1000 million Mt of greater than 5% P 2 O 5 in a relatively small area of about 10000 km2. The phosphorite deposit south of Saldanha Bay constitutes a reserve of - 3500 million Mt of apatite and the deposit on the Agulhas Bank comprises 5500 million Mt. The phosphate deposit off Saldanha Bay occurs as an extensive, low to medium grade deposit. Although vast resources of potash and phosphatic minerals occur along the southern African outer continental shelf the expensive nature of marine exploitation may render most of these deposits, especially the phosphates, subeconomic. The low price of fertilizer andextensive natureontheonland deposits, although confined to asmallnumber of countries, mean that it will not be financially viable to extract these deposits. Assuming high grade glauconitic sand with the right composition can be located, the high market price indicates good future prospects for these potash deposits.  相似文献   

Extensive potassium and phosphorous-rich mineralization occurs on the outer continental shelf of the southern and west coasts of South Africa and Nambia. This article reviews the potential of exploiting these deposits in an environmentally sound manner for the manufacture of fertilizer. At present, reserves of potash and phosphate fertilizer are exploited from terresterial deposits, the majority being surface mined. The use of fertilizer in South Africa has shown no growth in the past 13 years, and, in some years, usage has even declined. On average, over the last decade, South Africa has consumed 2 million Mt of fertilizer (including nitrogen) per annum, the vast majority of phosphate fertilizer being produced by FOSKOR from the Phalaborwa Igneous Complex. Potash fertilizer is imported into South Africa. Although fertilizer consumption is expected to decrease in the short-term, there are good future prospects for the domestic and international fertilizer market. Considerable research into both glauconitic (containing K 2 O) and phosphatic deposits along the southern African continental shelf indicate that these sedimentary deposits have a complex genesis and mineralization. Of the total K 2 O reserves of 1300 million Mt on the southern African margin, 1000 million Mt is located off the southern African west coast, and the remainder situated on the Agulhas Bank. The largest glauconite concentration ( ±300 million Mt K 2 O) off southern Africa lies west of Saldanha Bay, South Africa. The distribution of P 2 O 5 off southern Africa is dominated by the vast deposit between Walvis Bay and Luderitz, Nambia. This reserve is estimated to contain 1000 million Mt of greater than 5% P 2 O 5 in a relatively small area of about 10000 km2. The phosphorite deposit south of Saldanha Bay constitutes a reserve of ±3500 million Mt of apatite and the deposit on the Agulhas Bank comprises 5500 million Mt. The phosphate deposit off Saldanha Bay occurs as an extensive, low to medium grade deposit. Although vast resources of potash and phosphatic minerals occur along the southern African outer continental shelf the expensive nature of marine exploitation may render most of these deposits, especially the phosphates, subeconomic. The low price of fertilizer andextensive natureontheonland deposits, although confined to asmallnumber of countries, mean that it will not be financially viable to extract these deposits. Assuming high grade glauconitic sand with the right composition can be located, the high market price indicates good future prospects for these potash deposits.  相似文献   

东海新生代构造格架特征与油气关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东海海域存在着二个不同时期、不同类型、不同结构秒同成因机制的新生代盆地,即发育在陆壳之上的东海陆架陆缘裂谷盆地和发育在过渡地壳之上的冲绳海槽弧后盆地。前者是大陆向洋蠕散时两次裂离而形成的,后者是洋壳向陆壳俯冲导致陆壳裂离而产生的。  相似文献   

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