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经济发展的区域化、区域发展的集团化、社会发展的民主化使得一个公平、公开又具世界 竞争力的区域管治和协调系统越来越成为当今众多学者关注的焦点;对国内外区域管治的相关 研究成果的回顾、归纳与总结, 有助于增进对区域管治的概念、理论、实践和研究方法的认识。本 文在总结区域管治研究历史和辨识相关概念的基础上, 分别对国内外不同层次的区域管治的研 究成果进行了综合评述, 对国内区域管治研究的主要问题进行了系统剖析, 并指出了我国区域管 治实施中存在的问题与难点, 提出了未来区域管治的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

区域管治研究的国际进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济发展的区域化、区域发展的集团化、社会发展的民主化使得一个公平、公开又具世界 竞争力的区域管治和协调系统越来越成为当今众多学者关注的焦点;对国内外区域管治的相关 研究成果的回顾、归纳与总结, 有助于增进对区域管治的概念、理论、实践和研究方法的认识。本 文在总结区域管治研究历史和辨识相关概念的基础上, 分别对国内外不同层次的区域管治的研 究成果进行了综合评述, 对国内区域管治研究的主要问题进行了系统剖析, 并指出了我国区域管 治实施中存在的问题与难点, 提出了未来区域管治的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

作为人文地理学的核心概念之一,地方认同反映了主体对地方的情感依恋,不仅对居民满意度和游客忠诚度产生影响,还能影响主体的环境行为,进而影响旅游业的可持续发展。论文在对国内外相关文献系统梳理的基础上,对地方认同的内涵、维度、影响因素及形成机制进行了综合分析。主要结论包括:① 地方认同内涵理解和维度划分,因学者学科背景及研究目的不同呈现差异化。地方认同及其相关概念存在5种逻辑关系。基于新的认识论基础上的内涵解析,将有助于促进地方认同概念内涵认识及理解的趋同化发展。地方认同及其相关概念关系的进一步梳理,有助于维度分类、方法及适用标准的规范化。② 地方认同影响因素包括个人、地方自然环境及社会文化。基于人文地理学视角的人地关系研究,是地方认同形成机制的主要范式。多理论视角的分析,是未来地方认同影响因素及机制探究研究的重要方向。③ 国内地方认同研究开始时间较晚。虽然目前国内外学者在地方认同研究的核心内容上存在一致性,但研究的深度和广度不同,其中国内只有少量学者关注到空间尺度与地方景观对地方认同的影响,气候、时间方面与地方认同的关系研究是未来需要重点关注的内容。  相似文献   

城市绿地系统结构与功能研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在分析城绿地系统概念和内涵的基础上,对国内外城市绿地系统结构和功能研究进行综述。主要阐述了城市绿地系统结构的两种外在表现形式,即“点、线、面”布局结构和“斑块、廊道、基底”景观结构。综述了城市绿地系统结构对功能的影响、主要进展及其应用,并提出未来城市绿地系统研究和绿地规划的主要方向,以期对中国未来城市绿地系统规划有所启示。  相似文献   

何小芊  刘宇  熊国保 《热带地理》2015,35(1):130-138
从地质旅游的概念、主体、客体、媒介等方面,对国内外已有地质旅游研究成果进行分析和总结。在研究内容上,国内外研究都注重应用性问题的研究,侧重研究地质旅游活动的客体——地质旅游资源以及主要空间载体——地质公园,国内对地质旅游基础理论的研究与国外还存在差距;在研究视角上,多运用地学的理论与方法分析问题;在研究方法上,以定性分析为主,定量分析逐渐增多。在此基础上,对国内未来地质旅游研究方向和重点提出见解,认为未来相关研究应加强对地质旅游基础理论的研究,倡导多学科综合交叉研究、重视技术的应用,强化对地质旅游空间实体的研究。  相似文献   

设计暴雨是缺乏流量数据的中小流域推求设计洪水的基础,对水利工程设施、市政工程设计等建设标准具有重大影响,国内外对此展开了大量研究。近年来由于气候和环境变化的影响,洪水频发且流量极大,山洪和城市内涝灾害对山区人民和城市居民的财产及人身安全构成了威胁,引起了多起严重事故,因此对设计暴雨雨型提出了更高的要求。论文系统总结了典型暴雨雨型选择的原则与方法和雨型分类方法,梳理了相关方面的国内外雨型推求方法及其特点,包括芝加哥雨型法、Huff雨型法、三角形雨型法、Pilgrim & Cordery雨型法等4种短历时设计暴雨雨型,以及长历时的SCS雨型与同频率分析法;最后提出了中小流域设计暴雨雨型存在的问题并对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

国内外城市型政区设置研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政区设置的科学性与合理性,关系到行政管理效率和政权的稳定性,因此受到世界各国的普遍重视。城市型政区的设置与调整是城镇化发展进程的客观要求,城市型政区不仅包括直辖市、地级市、县级市等各级城市,还包含市辖区、建制镇和街道等。建制市是城市型政区的主要类型,中国的建制市仅有百年历史,却有着极其复杂的演变过程,尤其是改革开放以来,随着城市数量的快速增加,城市型政区设置变化较大。本文在辨析城市型政区相关概念与内涵的基础上,重点分析了城市型政区的演变过程、设置模式、层级与管辖幅度,并对国内外城市型政区的研究方法进行了梳理与总结。在此基础上,评述了国内外城市型政区研究的主要特征与存在的不足,得出以下启示:合理设置城市型政区、创新大都市区管理体制以及减少城市行政层级。最后,通过对国内外城市型政区的行政区划研究进展的总结,对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

山地环境研究发展趋势与前沿领域   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
钟祥浩 《山地学报》2006,24(5):525-530
对国内外山地环境研究现状、发展趋势进行了概括性的介绍,并对国外山地环境研究发展特点和国内山地环境研究中存在的问题进行了归纳,对山地环境概念和山地环境系统特点做了阐述。在此基础上,提出今后山地环境研究的前沿领域:①山地表层环境过程及其变化的综合模型研究;②山地环境演化动力学研究;③山地环境脆弱性与山地环境保育研究;④山地环境与全球变化研究。对开展这四个领域研究的必要性和主要内容做了简要的论述。  相似文献   

中国的韩国旅游研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自中韩正式建交以来,两国之间旅游交流的迅速发展促进了中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究.文章以中国知识资源总库的四个主要子数据库为基础检索了1994年以来发表在中国大陆与韩国旅游相关的研究文献,并通过内容分析法对此进行了系统的归纳、分析和总结,认为目前中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究主要集中在三个领域:韩国赴中国旅游市场分析与开发、韩国旅游业成功经验分析与借鉴以及中韩旅游交流与合作;存在三个主要问题:研究动机的行业推动性、研究方法的单一性和研究内容的肤浅性;在此基础上提出了一个中国的韩国旅游研究概念框架.指出了未来应进一步拓宽研究视角、深化研究内容,采取更加科学的方法重点研究韩国旅游者行为、中韩旅游区域合作与竞争等主题.  相似文献   

国内外农户对气候变化/变异感知与适应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于国内外农户气候变化感知和适应研究进展,在辨析气候变化和气候变异概念的基础上,阐释农户气候变化/变异感知结果及影响因素。研究发现农户气候变化感知与适应行为之间存在不确定关系,农户气候变化感知直接转化为适应策略需克服一系列障碍因素。针对农户气候变化适应策略,在系统梳理国内外农户适应策略的基础上,对这些策略是否属于气候变化和变异适应行为提出质疑,认为不能忽略其他复杂的社会经济和政治因素对这些措施的驱动作用。最后,对中国未来研究提出慎重大规模开展农户气候变化感知及适应研究、厘清气候变化/变异感知与适应策略之间关系和重视时空异质性以及农户异质性研究三点展望。  相似文献   

A study is made of the role of bogs in the formation of the annual runoff within the Middle Ob basin and its intra-annual distribution as well as making an assessment of the swampiness of the river catchments by using Landsat space images. It is shown that the overall swampiness of the catchments of almost all rivers under investigation(except for the Shegarka, Kargat, Chichka-Yul and Bol’shaya Yuksa rivers) as determined by analyzing the space images of the study territory exceeds, on the average, he previously obtained data by a factor of 1.5–2, while the influence of the bogs on the streamflow is different and depends on the occurrence of separate groups of bog microlandscapes, the structure of bog massifs, the character of location of the bogs on the catchment, and on the course and stage of their development. The area along the left bank of the Ob is dominated by raised bogs (49%) of the central-oligotrophic course of development and shows a regular alternation of definite groups of bog microlandscapes from the middle part to the margins of the bogs, and an almost total merging of elementary bog massifs to form major bog systems, such as the Vasyugan Swamp. As a result, the influence of the bogs on the streamflow is more clearly pronounced there. Along the right bank of the Ob, in conditions of the larger dissection of the terrain, the peripheral-oligotrophic course of development of the bog massifs is dominant, almost all bogs are in early stages of their development, with transition bogs predominating (49%) so that the bogs have a smaller influence on the streamflow. In conditions of an increase in swampiness of the catchments along the right bank of the Ob, it is found that the mean long-term layers of flow increase, whereas along the left bank the inverse situation is observed. The area along the right bank of the Ob shows an increase in evenness of the discharge within a year is observed with an increase in swampiness of the river catchments. The intra-annual runoff distribution of the rivers in the area along the left bank of the Ob is characterized by a larger irregularity, and by a decrease in the runoff at the low-water period with an increase in the area of the bogs.  相似文献   

Homogeneous region determination using linear and nonlinear techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Similarity between catchments in a region can be determined depending on catchment properties. This helps to understand the response behavior of the similar catchments more appropriately. Catchment classification plays a major role in the process of hydrological prediction in the case of ungauged catchments. The following categorization was carried out for 32 catchments of India. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) along with K-means clustering, was applied as linear classification; and Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) were implemented as nonlinear classification methods on catchment attributes and daily streamflow time series. The classification established on streamflow signatures was taken as the reference classification. Results obtained from PCA, SOM, and KPCA were compared with results of the reference classification. The absence of discordant catchments from the clusters of SOM, based on catchment attributes, suggests homogeneity among SOM-derived clusters. Similarity index scores are 0.48 and 0.47, 0.46 and 0.42 ?for first, second, third and fourth clusters of SOM respectively with that of the reference classification technique. Nonlinear techniques with high similarity index values outperformed standard techniques. This study demonstrated the ability of classification based on catchment attributes to classify ungauged catchments.  相似文献   

In Integrated Catchment (or Watershed) Management, the impacts of upstream conditions and actions on downstream environments and people is a key issue. Knowing upstream people’s values towards waterways is, therefore, important for community engagement and the development of publicly acceptable management approaches. This qualitative study applies Kellert’s framework of relational values to explore the types and diversity of people’s values towards the upper catchments of South East Queensland, Australia, and tests the “universality” of Kellert’s framework. We found the full range of values identified by Kellert with some variations and elaborations in content. People living, working, and enjoying recreation in the upper catchments have affection for their local waterways and a moral inclination to protect them. This extends our understanding of how people value these waterways, which is more often depicted in terms of utilitarian and economic value. The findings provide managers with new opportunities for engaging with local communities and waterway users.  相似文献   

Longitudinal valleys form first order topographic features in many mountain belts. They are commonly located along faults that separate tectonic zones with varying uplift histories. The Indus Valley of Ladakh, northern India, runs northwestwards following the boundary between the relatively undeformed Ladakh Batholith to the north–east and the folded and thrusted Zanskar mountains to the south–west. In this region the Shyok Valley, on the northern side of the batholith, approximately parallels the course of the Indus. This study investigates geomorphic variations in transverse catchments that drain the Ladakh Batholith, into the Indus and Shyok rivers. The batholith has been divided into three zones based on varying structural characteristics of its northeastern and southwestern boundaries. Morphometric analysis of 62 catchments that drain into the Indus and Shyok valleys was carried out using three digital datasets, and supported by field observations. Morphometric asymmetry is evident in the central zone where the Shyok valley is considered tectonically inactive, but the Indus Valley is bound by the northeastwardly thrusting Indus Molasse and the batholith. In this zone the catchments that drain into the Indus Valley are more numerous, shorter, thinner and have lower hypsometric integrals than those that drain into the Shyok. By linking these observations with the regional geology and thermochronological data it is proposed that high sediment discharge from the deformed Indus Molasse Indus Valley has progressively raised base levels in the Indus Valley and resulted in sediment blanketing of the opposing tectonically quiescent catchments that drain southwestwards off the batholith. The Indus Molasse thrust front has propagated at least 36 km towards the Ladakh Batholith over the last 20 Ma. Hence it is proposed that this long term asymmetric structural deformation and exhumation has forced the Indus longitudinal valley laterally into the Ladakh Batholith resulting in the morphometric asymmetry of its transverse catchments.  相似文献   

在GIS软件的支持下,计算了鲁中南山地及其各流域的高程积分并判定了其地貌侵蚀阶段,对鲁中南山地第四纪平均侵蚀量作了初步估算.通过侵蚀指数、自然侵蚀指数、人为侵蚀指数等指标的构建,计算了鲁中南山地各流域水土流失的自然侵蚀背景,进而得出人为侵蚀强度的流域差异.研究表明,鲁中南山地整体的自然侵蚀速率约为0.17 mm/a,大致相当于实际侵蚀的1/4,人为侵蚀强度较大;自然侵蚀强烈的流域主要分布在研究区北部,而人为侵蚀严重的流域主要分布在研究区东南部.提出了地貌演进背景下水土流失自然(地貌)侵蚀与人为侵蚀定量评估的技术方案,对鲁中南山地水土保持工作的政策措施提出了建议.  相似文献   

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of active extensional basins   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
We present conceptual models for the tectono-sedimentary evolution of rift basins. Basin architecture depends upon a complex interaction between the three-dimensional evolution of basin linkage through fault propagation, the evolution of drainage and drainage catchments and the effects of changes in climate and sea/lake level. In particular, the processes of fault propagation, growth, linkage and death are major tectonic controls on basin architecture. Current theoretical and experimental models of fault linkage and the direction of fault growth can be tested using observational evidence from the earliest stages of rift development. Basin linkage by burial or breaching of crossover basement ridges is the dominant process whereby hydrologically closed rifts evolve into open ones. Nontectonic effects arising from climate, sea or lake level change are responsible for major changes in basin-scale sedimentation patterns. Major gaps in our understanding of rift basins remain because of current inadequacies in sediment, fault and landscape dating.  相似文献   

Faulting exerts an important control upon drainage development in active extensional basins and thus helps determine the architecture of the sedimentary infill to a synrift basin. Examples of the interaction between faulting and drainage from the western United States and central Greece may be grouped into a relatively small number of classes based upon the structural position of a drainage catchment: footwall, hangingwall, fault offset and axial. Our examples illustrate the diversity of erosional effects that might arise because of variations in the spacing, orientation and segmentation of faults and their interactions. Where basement lithology is similar, footwall catchments are generally smaller, shorter and steeper than those of the hangingwall. Footwall-sourced alluvial fans and fan deltas are: generally smaller in area than those sourced from similar lithologies in the hangingwall. Wide fault offsets often give rise to large drainage catchments in the footwall. The development of axial drainage depends upon the breaching of transverse bedrock ridges by headward stream erosion or by lake overflow. Once breaching has occurred the direction of axial stream flow is controlled by the potential developed between basins of contrasting widths. Fault migration and propagation leads to the uplift, erosion and resedimentation of the sedimentary infill to formerly active basins, leading to the cutting of footwall unconformities. The outward sediment flux from structurally controlled catchments is modulated in an important way by lithology and runoff. The greatest contrasts in basement lithology arise when fault migration and propagation have occurred, such that the sedimentary fill to previously active basins is uplifted, incised and eroded by the establishment of large new drainage systems in the footwalls of younger faults. Drainage patterns in areas where faults interact can shed light on the relative timing of activity and therefore the occurrence of fault migration and propagation. Facies and palaeocurrent trends in ancient grabens may only be correctly interpreted when observations are made on a length scale of 10–20 km, comparable to that of the largest fault segments.  相似文献   

Contemporary and post-glacial rates of aeolian deposition are determined for three small catchments that straddle the alpine-subalpine ecotone in the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. From process measurement over a single year, the mean annual regional (allochthonous) rate of aeolian deposition for the catchments is estimated to be approximately 11 g m−2. The average rate of annual deposition over the post-glacial period is calculated from the soil profiles to be c . 6 g m−2, although fallout rates are likely to have varied significantly over the Holocene epoch due to changes in climate and catchment conditions. It would appear that the vegetated ground strata in these catchments are net receivers of aeolian dust fallout. Consequently, many of the soils are cumulic in nature and protect the bedrock in these catchments from subaerial weathering. These results have implications for sediment transfers in alpine and sub-alpine environments in southwestern British Columbia.  相似文献   

Short-term channel dynamics of mountain stream reaches in the southern North Island of New Zealand were assessed over two successive 3-month periods using morphological budgeting. Response to floods varies between reaches, even when the catchments were located close to each other and had similar characteristics. The reaches on the Central Volcanic Plateau experienced least morphological change, while streams with steep catchments and migrating planform in the Tararua and Ruahine Ranges showed frequent channel adjustments. Channel response is conditioned by intrinsic variables rendering reaches responsive or robust to the effects of floods, and this is likely to reflect the degree of connectivity between slopes and channels, and reaches.  相似文献   

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