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The present study deals with the mineralogy and geochemistry of the clayey facies of the Água Limpa kaolin deposit, situated in the Moeda Syncline, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kaolinite, quartz, oxides and iron hydroxides (hematite and goethite) represent the mineral assembly of the five facies of the deposit. White mica, rutile, anatase and gibbsite are heterogeneously distributed along the profile. Despite the variable behavior of the chemical elements along the profile, the geochemical patterns for major and rare earth elements enable to define the filiations generated by the laterization process that affected the sediments.  相似文献   

Archean terrains of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero comprise a greenstone belt association surrounded by granitoid–gneiss complexes, mainly composed of banded TTG gneisses whose igneous protoliths are older than 2900 Ma. This early continental crust was affected by three granitic magmatic episodes during the Neoarchean: ca. 2780 to 2760 Ma; 2720 to 2700 Ma; and 2600 Ma. Dating of felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks defines a felsic magmatic event within the greenstone belt association around 2772 Ma, contemporaneous with emplacement of several of the granitic plutons and constrains a major magmatic and tectonic event in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Lead isotopic studies of lode–gold deposits indicate that the main mineralization episode occurred at about 2800 to 2700 Ma.Proterozoic evolution of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero comprises deposition of a continental-margin succession hosting thick, Lake Superior-type banded iron formations, at ca. 2500 to 2400 Ma, followed by deposition of syn-orogenic successions after 2120 Ma. The latter is related to the Transamazonian Orogeny. The western part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero was also affected by the Brasiliano Orogeny (600 to 560 Ma).  相似文献   

The Morro Velho gold deposit, Quadrilátero Ferrífero region, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is hosted by rocks at the base of the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt. The deposit occurs within a thick carbonaceous phyllite package, containing intercalations of felsic and intermediate volcaniclastic rocks and dolomites. Considering the temporal and spatial association of the deposit with the Rio das Velhas orogeny, and location in close proximity to a major NNW-trending fault zone, it can be classified as an orogenic gold deposit. Hydrothermal activity was characterized by intense enrichment in alteration zones of carbonates, sulfides, chlorite, white mica±biotite, albite and quartz, as described in other Archean lode-type gold ores. Two types of ore occur in the deposit: dark gray quartz veins and sulfide-rich gold orebodies. The sulfide-rich orebodies range from disseminated concentrations of sulfide minerals to massive sulfide bodies. The sulfide assemblage comprises (by volume), on average, 74% pyrrhotite, 17% arsenopyrite, 8% pyrite and 1% chalcopyrite. The orebodies have a long axis parallel to the local stretching lineation, with continuity down the plunge of fold axis for at least 4.8 km. The group of rocks hosting the Morro Velho gold mineralization is locally referred to as lapa seca. These were isoclinally folded and metamorphosed prior to gold mineralization. The lapa seca and the orebodies it hosts are distributed in five main tight folds related to F1 (the best examples are the X, Main and South orebodies, in level 25), which are disrupted by NE- to E-striking shear zones. Textural features indicate that the sulfide mineralization postdated regional peak metamorphism, and that the massive sulfide ore has subsequently been neither metamorphosed nor deformed. Lead isotope ratios indicate a model age of 2.82 ± 0.05 Ga for both sulfide and gold mineralization. The lapa seca are interpreted as the results of a pre-gold alteration process and may be divided into carbonatic, micaceous and quartzose types. The carbonatic lapa seca is subdivided into gray and brown subtypes. Non-mineralized, gray carbonatic lapa seca forms the hanging wall to the orebodies, and is interpreted as the product of extreme CO2 metasomatism during hydrothermal alteration. This dolomitic lapa seca ranges in composition from relatively pure limestone and dolomite to silty limestone and dolomite. The brown carbonatic and micaceous lapa secas are the host rocks to gold. These units are interpreted to correspond to the sheared and hydrothermal products of metamorphosed volcaniclastic and/or volcanic rocks of varying composition from dacitic to andesitic, forming various types of schists and phyllites. The high-grade, massive sulfide orebodies occur at the base of the gray carbonatic lapa seca. Both disseminated mineralization and quartz veins are hosted by micaceous lapa seca. The data are consistent with a model of epigenetic mineralization for the lapa seca, from a hydrothermal fluid derived in part from the Archean basement or older crust material.  相似文献   

The gold–tourmaline quartz–vein deposit of Passagem de Mariana, in the southeastern part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, produced more than 60 tonne of gold, from the end of the 17th Century until 1954. The mine has not operated since 1985. Orebodies are veins composed of white quartz (> 60 vol.%), carbonate (ankerite), tourmaline, sericite and sulfides. Tourmaline (dravite), up to 10 vol.% of the vein, occurs as subhedral, coarse, commonly zoned crystals, and is concentrated along vein boundaries and on the edges of host rock inclusions in the veins. Tourmaline is present in all rock types in the mine, but the chemical composition of the host rocks determinates the intensity of tourmalinization, with the alteration being greater in sericitic phyllites, graphite–sericite phyllites, and calcareous rocks. The most abundant sulfide is arsenopyrite, which is normally associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, löllingite, berthierite, and maldonite are present throughout the deposit. Sulfides are concentrated at veins boundary or are dispersed in the veins. Arsenopyrite is associated, most commonly, with calcareous rocks, and graphite–sericite phyllite. Pyrrhotite is usually found at the base of itabirites. Gold abundance is directly proportional to sulfide concentration. Hydrothermal alteration associated with the veins includes silicification, tourmalinization, and sulfidation. The mineralized zone is a shear zone associated with a bedding-parallel thrust fault that juxtaposes the itabirite (Lower Proterozoic Minas Supergroup) over other units. This shear zone/thrust fault extends for tens of km beyond the Passagem mine and hosts numerous gold deposits. The richest orebodies are along the itabirite footwall contact and within the graphite–sericite phyllite (Main orebody). Although many lithologic units were mineralized the graphite–sericite phyllite appears to have been most favorable for gold deposition.The area underwent three phases of deformation, D1, D2 and D3. Mineral assemblages indicate upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite conditions of regional metamorphism. Retrograde metamorphism, characterized by chloritization of biotite and chloritization and biotitization of garnet, developed locally. The gold-bearing veins crosscut the main foliation and lithologic contacts at low angle and occur within, or are in contact with, all lithotypes. Field and laboratory data indicate that gold mineralization at Passagem de Mariana is epigenetic. Gold deposition occurred after the peak of metamorphism, within the late- to post-D2 period of deformation, which is correlated with second set of structures of Trasamazonian age of Alkmim and Marshak [Alkmim, F.F., Marshak, S., 1998. Transamazonian Orogeny in the Southern São Francisco Craton Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil: evidence for Paleoproterozoic collision and collapse in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Precambrian Research 90, 29-58.], indicating that the gold mineralization occurred between 2.124 and 2.04 Ga. We choose to regard Passagem de Marina as an orogenic gold deposit as defined by Groves et al. [Groves, D. I., Goldfarb, R.J., Gebre-Mariam, M., Hagemann, S.G., Robert, F., 1998. Orogenic gold deposits: A proposed classification in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship to other gold deposit types. Ore Geology Reviews 13, 7-27.], i.e., an epigenetic, structurally-hosted lode–gold vein system in a deformed metamorphic terrane.  相似文献   

The Cuiabá Gold Deposit is located in the northern part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The region constitutes an Archean granite–greenstone terrane composed of a basement complex (ca. 3.2 Ga), the Rio das Velhas Supergroup greenstone sequence, and related granitoids (3.0–2.7 Ga), which are overlain by the Proterozoic supracrustal sequences of the Minas (< 2.6–2.1  Ga) and Espinhaço (1.7 Ga) supergroups.The stratigraphy of the Cuiabá area is part of the Nova Lima Group, which forms the lower part of the Rio das Velhas Supergroup. The lithological succession of the mine area comprises, from bottom to top, lower mafic metavolcanics intercalated with carbonaceous metasedimentary rocks, the gold-bearing Cuiabá-Banded Iron Formation (BIF), upper mafic metavolcanics and volcanoclastics and metasedimentary rocks. The metamorphism reached the greenschist facies. Tectonic structures of the deposit area are genetically related to deformation phases D1, D2, D3, which took place under crustal compression representing one progressive deformational event (En).The bulk of the economic-grade gold mineralization is related to six main ore shoots, contained within the Cuiabá BIF horizon, which range in thickness between 1 and 6 m. The BIF-hosted gold orebodies (> 4 ppm Au) represent sulfide-rich segments of the Cuiabá BIF, which grade laterally into non-economic mineralized or barren iron formation. Transitions from sulfide-rich to sulfide-poor BIF are indicated by decreasing gold grades from over 60 ppm to values below the fire assay detection limit in sulfide-poor portions. The deposit is “gold-only”, and shows a characteristic association of Au with Ag, As, Sb and low base-metal contents. The gold is fine grained (up to 60 μm), and is generally associated with sulfide layers, occurring as inclusions, in fractures or along grain boundaries of pyrite, the predominant sulfide mineral (> 90 vol.%). Gold is characterized by an average fineness of 0.840 and a large range of fineness (0.759 to 0.941).The country rocks to the mineralized BIF show strong sericite, carbonate and chlorite alteration, typical of greenschist facies metamorphic conditions. Textures observed on microscopic to mine scales indicate that the mineralized Cuiabá BIF is the result of sulfidation involving pervasive replacement of Fe-carbonates (siderite–ankerite) by Fe-sulfides. Gold mineralization at Cuiabá shows various features reported for Archean gold–lode deposits including the: (1) association of gold mineralization with Fe-rich host rocks; (2) strong structural control of the gold orebodies, showing remarkable down-plunge continuity (> 3 km) relative to strike length and width (up to 20 m); (3) epigenetic nature of the mineralization, with sulfidation as the major wall–rock alteration and directly associated with gold deposition; (4) geochemical signature, with mineralization showing consistent metal associations (Au–Ag–As–Sb and low base metal), which is compatible with metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   

U–Pb SHRIMP results of 2672 ± 14 Ma obtained on hydrothermal monazite crystals, from ore samples of the giant Morro Velho and Cuiabá Archean orogenic deposits, represent the first reliable and precise age of gold mineralization associated with the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt evolution, in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil. In the basal Nova Lima Group, of the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks have been dated between 2792 ± 11 and 2751 ± 9 Ma, coeval with the intrusion of syn-tectonic tonalite and granodiorite plutons, and also with the metamorphic overprint of older tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite crust. Since cratonization and stable-shelf sedimentation followed intrusion of Neoarchean granites at 2612 + 3/− 2 Ma, it is clear that like other granite–greenstone terranes in the world, gold mineralization is constrained to the latest stages of greenstone evolution.  相似文献   

The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is a classic gold province on a global scale, with hundreds of individual gold occurrences in the Archean greenstone belt comprising the Rio das Velhas Supergroup. There are numerous small gold deposits, including Faria, Esperança III, Bicalho, Bela Fama, Juca Vieira, Brumal, Boa Vista, Fernandes, Moita, Roça Grande, Bico de Pedra and Pari, as well as the world-class deposits of Morro Velho and Cuiabá. All these deposits, whether large or small, are structurally controlled and related to either shear zones or folds. Extensive down-plunge continuity is a consistent feature of the deposits. In the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, six main styles of gold mineralization are recognized. These are deposits hosted within: (1), Lapa seca (e.g., Morro Velho, Bicalho, Bela Fama), (2), Banded iron formations (e.g., Cuiabá, São Bento, Raposos, Faria, Brumal, Roça Grande), (3), Quartz veins (e.g., Juca Vieira, Fernandes), (4), Disseminated sulfides with quartz veinlets (e.g., Moita), (5), Amphibolites (e.g., Pari), and (6), Disseminated to massive base-metal sulfides (e.g., Bico de Pedra). The first four types of deposits are epigentic (orogenic) gold deposits, similar to those found in greenstone belts worldwide. The last two are unusual types of gold deposit, peculiar to the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Bico de Pedra is a polymetallic Au–Ag–Zn–Pb–Cu deposit related to an aplite intrusion, whereas Pari is a stratiform Au-bearing-banded iron formation metamorphosed to epidote–amphibolite metamorphic facies.  相似文献   

以南天山中段萨恨托亥-大山口成矿带内控矿韧性剪切带为例,对韧性剪切带的金成矿作用进行了初步探讨.通过对地质体的构造变形特点、变形演化过程的分析表明,韧性剪切带的构造属性控制了金矿的产状及规模,金矿化阶段与韧性剪切带的变形演化过程密切相关.矿化类型、矿化强度及矿化方式受韧性剪切带发展阶段制约,剪切带内物质组分迁移变化揭示出韧性剪切带与金在剪切带内的迁移富集、沉淀成矿的内在联系.韧性剪切带成矿作用是南天山成矿带中段重要的金矿成矿作用.  相似文献   

In Zhangbaling Tectonic Belt,two types of mineralization,auriferous quartz veins and alteration halos,can observed within many deposits.The pressure of metallogenesis of auriferous alteration halos is much higher than that of quartz vein,the temperatures of metallogeneses of these two types of orebodies are don't the same Geochemistry study indicates that both of them are micro-mesothermal deposits related to Yanshanian granites.The results of proton microprobe analysis of sulphides from the gold deposits in the area show that the "invisible" gold existed in sulphides is in the form of micro inclusions,and the concentration of "invisible" gold in sulphide minerals within quartz vein is poorer than that from alteration halos.Field observation shows that the structural modality of the fractures controlling the orebodies of auriferous quartz vein is different from that of the auriferous alteration zones.The fracture controlling the orebodies of auriferous alteration halos is compress-shear fracture,auriferous quartz vein is controlled by extensive fault.The alteration halos crosscut by auriferous quartz vein.The wallrocks of the former altered strongly and developed alteration zones well.The wallrocks of auriferous quartz vein altered slightly.The results of tectonogeochemical study shows that the concentration of associated metallogenesis elements and intensity of alteration are positively correlated with tectonic deformation strength for auriferous alteration halos.It indicates that it is probably a general character for micro-mesothermal gold deposits due to the multistages of metallogeneses took place.The tectonic environment is the most important fact determining the mechanism of fluid flow and precipitation of gold,and then the types of mineralization and modes of gold.  相似文献   

激电法在辽宁柏杖子金矿勘查中的作用及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁柏杖子金矿床是冀东金矿带大型金矿之一,金矿化类型为含金黄铁矿石英细脉浸染型和含金黄铁矿石英脉型,大部分金矿矿体是隐伏矿体,矿体与围岩电性差异明显,矿床普查阶段开展了电阻率中梯测量、激电中梯测量和激电测深工作。矿体具有低阻高极化特点,异常带与矿区主构造和花岗斑岩吻合一致,因此由以往围绕北西向小矿体找矿,改变为沿矿区主构造和花岗斑岩寻找隐伏矿体,根据电法异常布设钻孔,取得了显著找矿效果。  相似文献   

The Rio das Velhas greenstone belt is located in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero region, in the southern extremity of the São Francisco Craton, central-southern part of the State of Minas Gerais, SE Brazil. The metavolcano–sedimentary rocks of the Rio das Velhas Supergroup in this region are subdivided into the Nova Lima and Maquiné Groups. The former occurs at the base of the sequence, and contains the major Au deposits of the region. New geochronological data, along with a review of geochemical data for volcanic and sedimentary rocks, suggest at least two generations of greenstone belts, dated at 2900 and 2780 Ma. Seven lithofacies associations are identified, from bottom to top, encompassing (1) mafic–ultramafic volcanic; (2) volcano–chemical–sedimentary; (3) clastic–chemical–sedimentary, (4) volcaniclastic association with four lithofacies: monomictic and polymictic breccias, conglomerate–graywacke, graywacke–sandstone, graywacke–argillite; (5) resedimented association, including three sequences of graywacke–argillite, in the north and eastern, at greenschist facies and in the south, at amphibolite metamorphic facies; (6) coastal association with four lithofacies: sandstone with medium- to large-scale cross-bedding, sandstone with ripple marks, sandstone with herringbone cross-bedding, sandstone–siltstone; (7) non-marine association with the lithofacies: conglomerate–sandstone, coarse-grained sandstone, fine- to medium-grained sandstone. Four generations of structures are recognized: the first and second are Archean and compressional, driven from NNE to SSW; the third is extensional and attributed to the Paleoproterozoic Transamazonian Orogenic Cycle; and the fourth is compressional, driven from E to W, is related to the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle. Gold deposits in the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt are structurally controlled and occur associated with hydrothermal alterations along Archean thrust shear zones of the second generation of structures.Sedimentation occurred during four episodes. Cycle 1 is interpreted to have occurred between 2800 and 2780 Ma, based on the ages of the mafic and felsic volcanism, and comprises predominantly chemical sedimentary rocks intercalated with mafic–ultramafic volcanic flows. It includes the volcano–chemical–sedimentary lithofacies association and part of the mafic–ultramafic volcanic association. The cycle is related to the initial extensional stage of the greenstone belt formation, with the deposition of sediments contemporaneous with volcanic flows that formed the submarine mafic plains. Cycle 2 encompasses the clastic–chemical–sedimentary association and distal turbidites of the resedimented association, in the eastern sector of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. It was deposited in the initial stages of the felsic volcanism. Cycle 2 includes the coastal and resedimented associations in the southern sector, in advanced stages of subduction. In this southern sedimentary cycle it is also possible to recognize a stable shelf environment. Following the felsic volcanism, Cycle 3 comprises sedimentary rocks of the volcaniclastic and resedimented lithofacies associations, largely in the northern sector of the area. The characteristics of both associations indicate a submarine fan environment transitional to non-marine successions related to felsic volcanic edifices and related to the formation of island arcs. Cycle 4 is made up of clastic sedimentary rocks belonging to the non-marine lithofacies association. They are interpreted as braided plain and alluvial fan deposits in a retroarc foreland basin with the supply of debris from the previous cycles.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the denudation rates in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais State (Brazil). The aim is to compare chemical weathering rates from measurements of solute fluxes in rivers and long-term mean erosion rates deduced from in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be concentrations measured in fluvial sediments. Both water samples and sediments were collected in fifteen stations (checkpoints) located in four hydrographic basins with low anthropogenic perturbations.Depending of the type of substratum, three degrees of chemical denudation rates from water samples are observed: (i) high rates in marbles; (ii) medium rates in schists, phyllites, granites, gneisses and migmatites; (iii) low rates in quartzites and itabirites. Preliminary results of long-term erosion rates deduced from in situ-produced 10Be are comparable with those of chemical rates.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2008,33(3-4):511-542
The Morro Velho gold deposit, Quadrilátero Ferrífero region, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is hosted by rocks at the base of the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt. The deposit occurs within a thick carbonaceous phyllite package, containing intercalations of felsic and intermediate volcaniclastic rocks and dolomites. Considering the temporal and spatial association of the deposit with the Rio das Velhas orogeny, and location in close proximity to a major NNW-trending fault zone, it can be classified as an orogenic gold deposit. Hydrothermal activity was characterized by intense enrichment in alteration zones of carbonates, sulfides, chlorite, white mica±biotite, albite and quartz, as described in other Archean lode-type gold ores. Two types of ore occur in the deposit: dark gray quartz veins and sulfide-rich gold orebodies. The sulfide-rich orebodies range from disseminated concentrations of sulfide minerals to massive sulfide bodies. The sulfide assemblage comprises (by volume), on average, 74% pyrrhotite, 17% arsenopyrite, 8% pyrite and 1% chalcopyrite. The orebodies have a long axis parallel to the local stretching lineation, with continuity down the plunge of fold axis for at least 4.8 km. The group of rocks hosting the Morro Velho gold mineralization is locally referred to as lapa seca. These were isoclinally folded and metamorphosed prior to gold mineralization. The lapa seca and the orebodies it hosts are distributed in five main tight folds related to F1 (the best examples are the X, Main and South orebodies, in level 25), which are disrupted by NE- to E-striking shear zones. Textural features indicate that the sulfide mineralization postdated regional peak metamorphism, and that the massive sulfide ore has subsequently been neither metamorphosed nor deformed. Lead isotope ratios indicate a model age of 2.82 ± 0.05 Ga for both sulfide and gold mineralization. The lapa seca are interpreted as the results of a pre-gold alteration process and may be divided into carbonatic, micaceous and quartzose types. The carbonatic lapa seca is subdivided into gray and brown subtypes. Non-mineralized, gray carbonatic lapa seca forms the hanging wall to the orebodies, and is interpreted as the product of extreme CO2 metasomatism during hydrothermal alteration. This dolomitic lapa seca ranges in composition from relatively pure limestone and dolomite to silty limestone and dolomite. The brown carbonatic and micaceous lapa secas are the host rocks to gold. These units are interpreted to correspond to the sheared and hydrothermal products of metamorphosed volcaniclastic and/or volcanic rocks of varying composition from dacitic to andesitic, forming various types of schists and phyllites. The high-grade, massive sulfide orebodies occur at the base of the gray carbonatic lapa seca. Both disseminated mineralization and quartz veins are hosted by micaceous lapa seca. The data are consistent with a model of epigenetic mineralization for the lapa seca, from a hydrothermal fluid derived in part from the Archean basement or older crust material.  相似文献   

成矿流体电导特性研究及其在金矿床的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
流体包裹体研究发现,成矿溶液高浓度聚集区,常是矿床的主(富)矿体赋存处。用热爆法打开包裹体提取成矿溶液,以电导度度量其相对浓度,以地质类比法通过从已知到未知的分析,将其结果用于成矿找矿试验。实践证明,该方法在以下几个方面具有应用前景:(1)查找成矿断裂,优选最佳成矿区段;(2)区分有无工业价值的含金石英脉;(3)反映矿段或矿体的贫富程度;(4)评定矿体的稳定性或矿化不均匀性;(5)评估矿脉的剥蚀程度;(6)矿脉深部成矿预测.  相似文献   

Forward modeling of transpression–transtension, assuming homogeneous strain and a direct relationship between finite strain axes and foliation–lineation in tectonites, investigates fields of stability of foliation and lineation orientations in oblique convergence and divergence. Vertical foliation–horizontal lineation (VF–HL) develop for angles of convergence–divergence between 0 and 20°. With increasing finite strain, this narrow window of stability is further reduced; lineation switches to vertical in transpression and foliation switches to horizontal in transtension. If a shear zone contains VF–HL, it either developed as a zone very close to pure wrenching, or recorded low finite strain. The stability of VF–HL at high strain and higher angles of convergence is enhanced by lateral extrusion of material along transpression zones. VF–HL may be stabilized in magmatic bodies that progressively intrude transtension zones, if the wrench component of deformation partitions within them. Alternatively, if these bodies are dike-like, cool fast, and do not record large deformation, they take up the extension component of transtension through anisotropic volume addition, leaving a larger component of wrench deformation in the country rocks; this effect stabilizes VF–HL effectively at low strain, but only marginally so at high strain.  相似文献   

邵军 《地质与资源》1997,6(4):278-287
浙江青田-仙居地区位于华南褶皱系浙东南褶皱带之温州-临海拗陷内.金银矿化的直接围岩是上侏罗统西山头组晶屑、玻屑熔结凝灰岩.主控矿构造为火山机构及有关的断裂构造.多期次的火山活动、岩浆侵入活动为金银成矿提供热源、热液及成矿物质来源.该区与龙泉遂昌金银成矿带同处于地幔陡变带内,深部构造特征相同或相似.区内构造活动、火山喷发及岩浆侵入频繁而强烈,伴随的多期次热液活动明显.基底岩系为含金变质岩系(陈蔡群、龙泉群),盖层岩系是由基底含金变质岩系重熔或部分同熔形成的中生代火山喷发-沉积岩系.在基底岩系演化过程中,金银等成矿物质发生了活化、迁移、富集或再分配作用,部分在构造有利部位富集成矿,部分则以自然态、游离吸附态赋存在凝灰质岩石中,经多期次热液作用再次被活化、迁移,最终在成矿有利部位沉淀富集成矿.因此,青田-仙居地区具备较好的金银成矿条件,是金银矿找矿的良好远景区.  相似文献   

A. Mignan   《Tectonophysics》2008,452(1-4):42-50
Iron formation rocks of Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil, were deformed at greenschist facies. Quartz grains in bedding parallel veins were sheared and deformed by a combination of mechanisms assisted by aqueous fluids. Veins in the outcrop appear to be stretched parallel to the compositional layering. The overall vein shapes resemble those of boundinage and pinch and swell. In thin sections, veins show microstructures similar to those observed in hand samples, where domains of large quartz crystals are pulled apart for several millimeters. The voids between quartz fragments are filled with domains of polycrystalline quartz. The microstructural and orientation data show that the strain imposed on the vein as a rigid and competent layer was not accommodated in the quartz polycrystals exclusively by crystal plastic deformation or dynamic recrystallization. The new grains are strain-free, with straight boundaries and with weak to random crystallographic fabrics. We interpret these features to have resulted from a combination of processes, which included grain boundary sliding accomplished by solution transfer. We propose that the coeval operation of both mechanisms allows the aggregate to deform at higher strain rates without necking of the vein layer in a type of flow similar to those described in superplastic regimes.  相似文献   

在辽吉岩套发育区识别出韧性剪切带内以围岩为角砾、铅锌硫化物为胶结物的角砾状矿化类型。矿体宏观形态简单而微细特点复杂,分别说明成矿裂隙兼具有压扭及张性特点。综合分析表明,成矿流体是高盐度卤水,重要意义在于它对铅锌成矿物质具高溶解度,携有足够量的成矿物质,它使先成矿体(化)中的铅、锌物质被淬取、活化和迁移。同时,对含矿裂隙的形成与发展有着促进意义。 角砾状矿体的出现与韧性剪切带晚期变形阶段岩石由韧性向脆性的转化有密切关系,在此过程中沿着Riedal裂隙系统的D裂隙系有铅锌成矿物质充填就位。Secor模式对角砾状矿体成矿空间的力学属性给出了很好的解释。液压扩容破裂作用是这种成矿空间产生与扩展的主要机制。  相似文献   

In the Littleton Formation, garnet porphyroblasts preserve three generations of growth that occurred before formation of the Bolton Syncline. Inclusion trails of foliations overgrown by these porphyroblasts are always truncated by the matrix foliation suggesting that garnet growth predated the matrix foliation. In contrast, many staurolite porphyroblasts grew synchronously with formation of the Bolton Syncline. However, local rim overgrowths of the matrix foliation suggest that some staurolite porphyroblasts continued to grow after development of the fold during younger crenulation producing deformations. The axes of curvature or intersection of foliations defined by inclusion trails inside the garnet porphyroblasts lie oblique to the axial plane of the Bolton Syncline but do not change orientation across it. This suggests the garnets were not rotated during the subsequent deformation associated with fold development or during even younger crenulation events. Three samples also contain a different set of axes defined by curvature of inclusion trails in the cores of garnet porphyroblasts suggesting a protracted history of garnet growth. Foliation intersection axes in staurolite porphyroblasts are consistently orientated close to the trend of the axial plane of the Bolton Syncline on both limbs of the fold. In contrast, axes defined by curvature or intersection of foliations in the rims of staurolite porphyroblasts in two samples exhibit a different trend. This phase of staurolite growth is associated with a crenulation producing deformation that postdated formation of the Bolton Syncline. Measurement of foliation intersection axes defined by inclusion trails in both garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts has enabled the timing of growth relative to one another and to the development of the Bolton Syncline to be distinguished in rocks where other approaches have not been successful. Consistent orientation of foliation intersection axes across a range of younger structures suggests that the porphyroblasts did not rotate relative to geographical coordinates during subsequent ductile deformation. Foliation intersection axes in porphyroblasts are thus useful for correlating phases of porphyroblastic growth in this region.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown systematic correlations between the composition of plutons worldwide and the metal content of associated skarns. This is the first report of similar correlations between the composition of Çelebi granitoid and skarns of the Çelebi district in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Çelebi district is well known for its polymetallic Fe–W and Cu vein ores. These are hosted by calcic skarn zones. Both exoskarns (pyroxene–garnet) and endoskarns (epidote–pyroxene) occur in the district formed mainly along the granitoid contacts and along the fractures within the marble. Based on mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, two different igneous rocks were recognized in the Çelebi granitoid, referred to as leucocratic (felsic) and mesocratic (intermediate) Çelebi granitoid. The leucocratic Çelebi occurs as dominant rock type, and is classified as granite. The mesocratic Çelebi is not widespread and is classified as adamellite, tonalite, quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite. The mesocratic Çelebi has I-type characteristics, and have subalkaline, calc-alkaline and metaluminous characteristics like most worldwide skarn granitoids.A post-collisional tectonic setting is proposed on the basis of field evidence, the relative timing of intrusions with respect to metamorphic and obducted ophiolitic rocks and trace element geochemistry. The high abundance of La and Ce and the enrichment of V in mafic components suggest that Çelebi granitoids are formed by partial melting of mantle rocks, but have been contaminated by interaction with continental crust involving possible magma mixing processes (i.e. mixing of coexisting felsic and mafic magmas). In the district, the mesocratic type and mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) mainly within leucocratic type represent a mafic underplating magma that was mixed with and/or injected into felsic magma of the leucocratic type.The present study shows that Fe mineralization is associated with mesocratic Çelebi type, whereas W mineralization is associated with leucocratic type. Mesocratic Çelebi granitoid is significantly different from the worldwide average of plutons associated with Fe skarns. In particular, MgO vs. SiO2, FeOt+CaO+Na2O/K2O vs. SiO2, Fe2O3/Fe2O3+FeO vs. SiO2 and V vs. Ni vary from typical values (are lower than values typical for plutons associated with Fe skarns) for plutons associated with Fe skarns. Instead, it resembles the geochemical characteristics of plutons associated with worldwide Cu and possibly Au skarns. This suggests new exploration possibilities for copper and gold in the Çelebi district.  相似文献   

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