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The epipelic diatoms from various water bodies from the south-western part of the Hornsund fiord area are presented. Altogether, 157 taxa (127 species together with their variants and forms) have been identified. The flora consists almost entirely of diatoms from the order Pennales which is represented predominantly Biraphidineae, chiefly by the genera Navicula, Pinnularia and Cymbella. Also some information about the ecology and phytogeography of the diatom flora analysed is given. Most of the species are typical indifferent or alkaliphilous freshwater forms with low trophic requirements. Nearly 55% of the diatoms examined are arctic-alpine or nordic-alpine species.  相似文献   

The species composition and biomass of material collected in the summers 1981 and 1983 from 69 stations in the Hornsund fiord were analysed. 48 macroalgal taxa were found: 13 green algae, 18 brown algae and 17 red algae. 19 of these taxa were not reported from the nearby Isfjorden.
The overall biomass for the littoral zone varied from 0 to 216gnT2 formalin d.w., although in J of samples the biomass was between 20 and 80 gm_z. The dominant species were Fucus distichus, Acrosiphonia duriusada and Pilayella littoralis.
Using cluster analysis, an attempt was made to delimit regions with a characteristic species composition. The results obtained, however, do not permit this in the littoral zone of the Hornsund fiord.  相似文献   

Light-photosynthesis curves for 9 species of benthic algae from the Hornsund fiord were determined. As a result of adaptation to the conditions in the Arctic, benthic algae from Spitsbergen have a low requirement of light. Saturation and compensation points are low and within a range typical for shadow-tolerant plants.The values for gas exchange rates indicate that Arctic algae have lower photosynthctic capacity than temperate species.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on matter and energy flow through ornithogenic Spitsbergen tundra (Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen, Svalbard). Data are given on the inflow and dispersion of nutrients in tundra, vegetation, distribution and primary production, organic matter destruction, microfauna abundance and its classification into trophic groups, and the metabolic rate of the dominant species of microfauna. It was found that in the ecosystem examined herbivorous invertebrates are almost lacking, the dominant food chain is detritus type, and the majority of the plant matter produced is removed beyond the system to the sea, in the form of detritus. A qualitative model of matter cycling in the ecosystem is given.  相似文献   

Polar bear predation on ringed seals in the fast-ice of Hornsund, Svalbard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar bear hunting success on ringed seals in subnivean lairs and basking on the fast ice, was studied in Hornsund, Svalbard. A few bears were observed while actually hunting, but in most cases bear tracks were followed by snowmobile to determine the outcome of hunts. Seal carcasses were classified from size and tooth annuli as pups, juveniles or adults. A total of 62 subnivean structures were entered by bears, with six seals killed. One of ten charges on basking seals resulted in a kill. Success rates of bears in Hornsund arc compared with results of studies in Canada and Svalbard. OHunting success, polar bear, predation, ringed seal  相似文献   

Foraminifera were examined in recent (<100 years) fine-grained glaciomarine muds from surface sediments and cores from Nordensheld Bay, Novaja Zemlja, and Hornsund and Bellsund, Spitsbergen. This study presents the first data on modern foraminifera distribution for fjord environments in Novaja Zemlja, Russia. The data are interpreted with reference to the distribution of foraminiferal near Svalbard and the Barents Sea. In Nordensheld Bay, live and dead Nonionellina labradorica and Islandiella norcrossi are most abundant in the outer fjord. Cassidulina reniforme and Allogromiina spp. dominate in the middle and inner fjord. The dominant species are dissimilar to species occurring in other areas of the Barents Sea region, with the exception of Svalbard fjords. The number of live foraminifera (24 to 122 tests/10 cm1) in outer and middle Nordensheld Bay corresponds with values known from the open Barents Sea. However, the biomass (0.03 mg/10 cm3) is two orders of magnitude less due to smaller foraminiferal test size, which in glaciomarine sediments reflects the absence of larger species, paucity of large specimens, and high occurrence of juvenile foraminifera. The smaller size indicates an opportunistic response to environmental stress due to glacier proximity. The presence of Quinqueloculina stalkeri is diagnostic of glaciomarine environments in fjords of Novaja Zemlja and Svalbard.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and sulphur in mosses from southern Spitsbergen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of Cd, Pb. Ni, Cu. Zn and S were determined in 16 moss species collected from 9 localities in southern Spitsbergen (mostly within the Hornsund region). Two species, Sanionia uncinata and Hylocomium splendens , were objects of more thorough studies. In Sanionia uncinata the mean concentrations were (ug/g): Cd-0.59, Pb-7.07, Ni-4.25, Cu-6.01. Zn-21.13 and S- 1, 481. Hylocomium splendent accumulated similar quantities of these elements. The concentrations of metals and sulphur in mosses differed significantly {p 0 .05) from site to site, depending on geological and climatic conditions specific to the Arctic region. The effect of remote sources of pollution reaching Spitsbergen on the levels of heavy metal concentrations was taken into account, as well as the effect of local emissions from the Polish Polar Station. At 10-25 metre distances from the Station, the levels of heavy metals and sulphur were 3-10 times higher than at a 300-metre distance.  相似文献   

1IntroductionStudiesonchemicalcharacteristicsinsnowpitareveryimportantinresearchofmodernprocesesinsnowandice,whichisbasiccont...  相似文献   

中国海洋产业空间集聚及其协调发展研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
高源  韩增林  杨俊  管超 《地理科学》2015,35(8):946-951
产业集聚是经济活动最突出的地理特征,对陆域产业集聚的研究由来已久,而对海洋产业空间集聚问题的探讨尚处起步阶段。基于海洋经济地理视角,首先依系统论观点,对区域海洋产业集聚的空间结构层次及其相互关系进行了简要分析,省际尺度的海洋产业空间结构的研究处于“承上启下”的地位;在此基础上运用区位熵对沿海11省市区海洋产业的集聚程度进行测度,并描述了1996~2012年空间集聚变化特征,研究发现,近17年中国沿海地区海洋产业的集聚过程大致可以分为3个阶段,并已形成了4个较强集聚区,即天津、上海、福建、海南;产业集聚带来发展的同时也会增加对区域资源环境的压力,文中进而运用耦合协调度模型对4个地区2001~2012年海洋产业-资源环境复合系统的协调程度进行了测度,结果表明,目前4个地区均处于中级协调阶段。  相似文献   

头足类种类众多,分布范围广,是世界上最具开发潜力的海洋生物类群之一,近年来,北极海域渔业资源开发得到了世界各国的重视。据统计,头足类在北极海域共14科26属约43种,分别隶属于乌贼目、八腕目和枪形目,主要种类为僧头乌贼(Rossia palpebrosa)、莫氏僧头乌贼(Rossia moelleri)、深海多足蛸(Bathypolypus arcticus)、深海蛸(Benthoctopus piscatorum)、西伯利亚深海蛸(Benthoctopus sibiricus)、须蛸(Cirroteuthis muelleri)和黵乌贼(Gonatus fabricii),北极大部分头足类都是通过探捕、兼捕或者从其他动物胃含物中获得,大部分分布在格陵兰海、挪威海和巴伦支海等海域。黵乌贼资源丰度为最高,但目前均没有商业性开发。本综述系统收集了分布在北极的头足类种类及其有关资料,为北极头足类资源合理开发及研究北极海域生态系统提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

In the summer of 1981 the common flora and fauna of 28 species from Hornsund were collected, and the energy value, lipid content and global activity determined. It was found that the plants had low energy values, varying from 12.26 ± 0.42 kJ g−1 dry weight to 15.45 ±1.00kJ'dry weight. The highest values in animals were noted in Liparis liparis (Pisces) 22.15 ± 0.89 kJg−1 dry weight, and Sagitta elegans (Chae-tognatha) 20.64 ± 0.49kJg−1, the lowest being in Orchomene minuta (Amphipoda) 11.30 ± 0.74kJg−1d.w. The lipid contents in the species studied were mostly low, the mean range from lowest to highest being 1.37-8.60% for plants and 7.14–31.93% for animals, and they were proportional to the energy value. Both the energy values and lipid contents were comparable to those in similar species from other waters. The global fi activity in the organisms analysed was not high; at the same time plants had a higher content of radioactive isotopes, 1.97-61.9pCi g−1 d.w., than animals, 5.2-17.8pCi g−1 d.w.  相似文献   

The previous literature on the occurrence of Tertiary strata at Renardodden provides contradictory information about the primary versus tectonic boundary with the Precambrian basement. Tertiary sandstones and shales overlie unconformably the basement rocks, which have been resedimented as boulder conglomerates prior to Caledonian metamorphism and weathered prior to the deposition of the Tertiary strata. The boundary relations are complicated by a repeatedly active fault system that may form part of the Inner Hornsund Fault Zone.  相似文献   

基于CiteSpace中国海洋经济研究的知识图谱分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
韩增林  李彬  张坤领  李璇 《地理科学》2016,36(5):643-652
利用CiteSpace可视化文献分析工具对1982~2013年CNKI总库中文核心期刊以及CSSCI中文社会科学引文数据库中海洋经济研究的3 441篇相关文献进行分析,绘制出研究热点、核心作者群及研究机构的知识结构图谱。结果表明:自中国海洋经济研究会成立以来,中国海洋经济研究主要围绕 “海洋经济”、“海洋产业”、“可持续发展”、“海洋资源”、“海洋开发”、“滨海旅游”等展开;韩增林、张耀光、郑贵斌、殷克东、李靖宇、徐志斌等是主要的发文作者;国家海洋局、中国海洋大学、辽宁师范大学和广东海洋大学为发文较多的机构;《海洋开发与管理》是海洋经济相关研究载文量最多的期刊,《经济地理》、《中国人口·资源与环境》、《地域研究与开发》、《资源科学》等是主要的载文核心期刊。除了传统的海洋经济研究视角下,区域海洋经济差异、海洋产业结构与布局及优化、海洋产业竞争力、海洋产业集群、现代海洋产业、海洋资源开发利用的可持续、人海关系的脆弱性、滨海旅游等的研究外,在新的国际和国内形势下,海洋经济相关理论、战略性新兴海洋产业研究、海洋经济可持续发展研究、及“一路一带”战略对海洋经济相关研究的新要求也是需要重点关注的方面。  相似文献   

A sediment core from the Arctic Revvatnet (Hornsund area, SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard) provided data on environmental changes over the last 3100 years. Diatom analysis showing the domination of planktonic Cyclotella forms suggested good edaphic conditions until the middle of the nineteenth century, even during the Little Ice Age. A thermally stratified and relatively stable water column with good mixing allowed small, less heavily silicified Cyclotella sensu lato to develop during this time. The climate warming at the beginning of the twentieth century induced intensification of erosion processes in the catchment of the lake and caused an increase in the sedimentation rate. These processes have caused a lack of thermal stratification by disturbances in the water column and an increase of nutrients, consequently driving changes in the diatom species composition, which became dominated by benthic forms. In this period, almost all planktonic taxa disappeared or abruptly decreased in frequency. Higher temperatures accelerated the melting of nearby glaciers, which caused an increase in the activity of diatoms typical of running waters. Also a few Cladocera species appeared at the first time in the youngest samples.  相似文献   

During the period August 1981 to July 1982, samples of six species of Amphipoda common to Hornsund were collected, and a study of their energy value changes was carried out. Only slight fluctuations of energy values were observed throughout the year, and no distinct seasonal changes as in the case of boreal organisms. Individuals of greater body size exhibit higher energy values. The lowest energy values 10.93 kJ g−1 d.w. (SD = 3.01) and highest ash contents 29.8% (SD = 7.6) were found in small Amphipoda (e.g. Ischyrocerus anguipes) , while species attaining greater body size were characterized by higher energy values and lower ash contents, for example Gammarellus homari 16.96 kJ g−1d.w. (SD = 0.50), and 22.9% (SD = 3.3%) ash.  相似文献   

根据1987年1月17日~2月2日我国第三次南极考察期间,在南设得兰群岛邻近海域所获28个测站的甲藻样品,分析研究了微小型浮游甲藻的种类组成、数量分布和群落结构特征。经鉴定共有11属47种甲藻,其中以圆甲藻属(Gyrodinium spp.)、裸甲藻属Gymnodinium spp.)和原多甲藻属(Protoperidinium spp.)为主。网样甲藻平均丰度为(6.47×10~3个/m~3;水样甲藻平均丰度达2511.43×10~3个/m~3。微小型浮游甲藻的组成具有鲜明的南极海区的地方特点,大部分种是南极地区特有种,适宜在南极高寒海域大量繁殖;部分种为南极沿岸种或南极—亚南极冷水种;还有一部分为南极寒海域冷水种或分布较广的寒温带种;仅个别为广温广布种;南极海域出现的甲藻类分别代表着南极海域生物地理学和海洋生态学的特点。  相似文献   

大气层臭氧损耗与紫外辐射对海洋浮游植物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
人类活动产生的氟氯烃等化合物对大气的污染造成臭氧损耗 ,引起地面紫外辐射 ( UV-B)增加 ,进而造成对生物的有害影响。根据作者近年来的研究和国际上的相关研究进展 ,本文就“臭氧洞”形成和紫外辐射增加对海洋浮游植物影响的关键所在 ,即紫外辐射对海洋浮游植物的生化效应 ,包括海洋生物对 UV- B的忍耐性和抵御能力、UV- B对海洋浮游植物细胞内、外生化环境的影响等 ,作一综述。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the Gyrodactylus fauna in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Fish were collected from waters surrounding the South Shetland Islands in the Antarctic and from the Revelva River and Hornsund Fjord in south Spitsbergen in the Arctic. Eighty-two individual fish representing seven species from three families (Channichthyidae, Harpagiferidae, and Nototheniidae) were found in Antarctica and 2 Gyrodactylus infections with altogether 95 specimens were reported. Two new species were identified: Gyrodactylus sp. 1 Rokicka et al., 2009, from the gills of the black rock cod, Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, 1844, and Gyrodactylus sp. 2 Rokicka et al., 2009, from the gills of the gaudy notothen, Lepidonotothen nudifrons Lönnberg, 1905. No Gyrodactylus were found in the 95 Arctic fish examined, which represented four species from four families (Salmonidae, Gadidae, Cottidae, and Liparidae).  相似文献   

我国南大洋海洋大气化学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋大气化学是一门海洋化学与大气化学交叉的新学科。中国的南大洋海洋大气化学研究与我国的南极考察事业同步成长。30多年来, 随着南极科学考察的经验积累和数据集成, 我国的南大洋海洋大气化学关键过程研究即大气-海洋生物地球化学循环, 碳、氮、硫、磷、铁等的海气交换研究都有了长足的进步。与气候变化关系密切的碳、氮、硫的海-气循环等研究, 取得了一批新的认知和成果, 引起国际学界的关注。自20世纪80年代早期开始至今, 我国已开展了三十多次南极科学考察, 在这些考察中开展了南大洋大气气溶胶物质来源研究, 探究了大气-海洋生物地球化学的一些关键过程, 估算了硫、磷、氮、铁的海气交换通量。随着国家重大计划“南极在全球变化中的响应与反馈作用”项目实施及后续研究的开展, 对全球变化的敏感要素碳、氮、硫、铁在南大洋的源汇特征及其环境和气候效应等进行了研究, 对其有了更深的了解。我们还对南大洋海冰区碳汇格局演变, DMS、MSA、N2O、Fe等的海气交换过程及其对生态环境的影响有了新认知。同时, 在对上述化学物种的实时走航观测关键技术研发上也取得了重要突破, 为未来开展相关研究提供了坚实的技术支持; 在站区大气污染特征分布上进行了深入探讨, 为了解人类活动对站区环境的影响提供了评估依据。  相似文献   

GEORGE L. HUNT  JR. 《Polar research》1991,10(2):553-560
The distribution and abundance of breeding and foraging seabirds is usually a reflection of the availability of prey in the marine ecosystems on which the birds depend. At the scale of hundreds of km, differences in marine communities may be reflected in variation in the species composition of resident seabirds. At small scales, environmental features such as fronts or ice can influence where birds will aggregate to forage. Features at which prey become concentrated near the surface are of particular importance to bird species dependent upon small planktonic organisms. Concentrations of foraging seabirds frequently indicate the presence of such features, or of areas of unusually high prey biomass. The absence of birds does not mean that concentrations of potential prey are absent. "Assembly rules," by which one might predict aspects of the marine environment that birds should use in selecting foraging areas are proposed.  相似文献   

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