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Accurate measurements of glacier elevation changes play a crucial role in various glaciological studies related to glacier dynamics and mass balance. In this paper, glacier elevation changes of Urumqi Glacier No.1 between August 2015 and August 2017 were investigated using Sentinel-1 A data and DInSAR technology. Meanwhile, the atmospheric delay error was corrected with the MODIS MOD05_L2 products. The weight selection iteration method was applied to calibrate the glacier elevation changes in the mass balance years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Finally, the geodetic method was employed to calculate the elevation change values of individual stakes of Urumqi Glacier No.1. Moreover, the elevation change values corrected by the weight selection iteration method were verified. Results showed as follows:(1) the elevation of Urumqi Glacier No.1 glacier affected by atmospheric delay was 1.270 cm from 2015 to 2016. The glacier elevation affected by atmospheric delay from 2016 to 2017 was 1.071 cm.(2) The elevation change value of Urumqi Glacier No.1 was-1.101 m from 2015 to 2016, and the elevation of Urumqi Glacier No.1 decreased by 1.299 m from 2016 to 2017. The overall thickness of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 was thinning.(3) By comparing the elevation change results of individual stakes with corresponding points corrected by the weight selection iteration method, the mean squared errors of difference were 0.343 m and 0.280 m between the two mass balance years, respectively.(4) The accuracy of elevation change in non-glaciated areas was 0.039 m from 2015 to 2016 and 0.034 m from 2016 to 2017. Therefore, it is reliable to use Sentinel-1 A data and the study method proposed in this paper to calculate the elevation change of mountain glaciers with very low horizontal movement.  相似文献   

Glacier length is a key morphological element that has many glaciological applications; however, it is often difficult to determine, especially for glaciers that cover larger spatial areas or those that exhibit frequent temporal change. In this paper, we describe a new ArcGIS-based method that can derive glacier flow lines for determining glacier length based on digital elevation model and glacier outlines. This method involves (1) extraction of the highest and lowest points on a glacier, (2) calculation of 10-m contour lines on the glacier from 10 m to 100 m height, and (3) connection of the midpoints of each contour line with the highest and the lowest points in order to create a flow line, which is subsequently smoothed. In order to assess the reliability of this method, we tested the algorithm’s results against flow lines calculated using field measurements, analysing data from the Chinese Glacier Inventory, and manual interpretation. These data showed that the new automated method is effective in deriving glacier flow lines when contour lines are relatively large; in particular, when they are between 70 m and 100 m. Nonetheless, a key limitation of the algorithm is the requirement to automatically delete repeated and closed curves in the pre-treatment processes. In addition to calculating glacier flow lines for derivation of glacier length, this method also can be used to effectively determine glacier terminus change.  相似文献   

This study used Corona KH-4A and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) PRISM images to generate digital terrain models (DTMs) of the distal part of Imja Glacier,where a few supraglacial ponds (~0.07 km 2) expanded into the large Imja Glacier Lake (Imja Tsho,~0.91 km 2) between 1964 and 2006.DTMs and subsequently derived topographical maps with contour intervals of 1 m were created from the high-resolution images (Corona in 1964 and ALOS in 2006) in the Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS) platform.The DTMs and topographic maps provided excellent representation of the elevation and micro-topography of the glacier surface,such as its supra-glacial ponds/lake,surface depressions,and moraine ridges,with an error of about +/-4 m (maximum).The DTMs produced from the Corona and ALOS PRISM images are suitable for use in studies of the surface change of glaciers.The topographical maps produced from the Corona data (1964) showed that part of the dead ice in the down-glacier area was even higher than the top of the lateral moraine ridges,while the glacier surface in the up-glacier area was noticeably lower than the moraine crests.This suggests more extensive melting of glacier ice in the up-glacier area before 1964.The average lowering of the glacier surface from 1964 to 2006 was 16.9 m for the dead-ice area west of the lake and 47.4 m for the glacier surface east of the lake;between 1964 and 2002,the lake surface lowered by 82.3 m.These figures represent average lowering rates of 0.4,1.1,and 2.2 m/year for the respective areas.  相似文献   

An understanding 0f variati0ns in vegetati0n c0ver in resp0nse t0 climate change is critical f0r predicting and managing future terrestrial ec0system dynamics. Because scientists anticipate that m0untain ec0systems will be m0re sensitive t0 future climate change c0mpared t0 0thers, 0ur 0bjectives were t0 investigate the impacts 0f climate change 0n variati0n in vegetati0n c0ver in the Qilian M0untains (QLM), China, between 2000 and 2011. T0 acc0mplish this, we used linear regressi0n techniques 0n 250-m MODIS N0rmalized Difference Vegetati0n Index (NDVI) datasets and mete0r0l0gical rec0rds t0 determine spati0temp0ral variability in vegetati0n c0ver and climatic fact0rs (i.e. temperature and precipitati0n). Our results sh0wed that temperatures and precipitati0n have increased in this regi0n during 0ur study peri0d. In additi0n, we f0und that gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI was mainly distributed in the vertical z0ne fr0m 2,700 m t0 3,600 m in elevati0n. In the study regi0n, we 0bserved significant p0sitive and negative trends in vegetati0n c0ver in 26.71% and 2.27% 0f the vegetated areas. C0rrelati0n analyses indicated that rising precipitati0n fr0m May t0 August was resp0nsible f0r increased vegetati0n c0ver in areas with p0sitive trends in gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI. H0wever, there was n0 similar significant c0rrelati0n between gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI and precipitati0n in regi0ns where vegetati0n c0ver declined thr0ugh0ut 0ur study peri0d. Using spatial statistics, we f0und that veeetati0n c0ver freauentlvdeclined in areas within the 2,500-3,100 m vertical z0ne, where it has steep sl0pe, and is 0n the sunny side 0f m0untains. Here, the p0sitive influences 0f increasing precipitati0n c0uld n0t 0ffset the drier c0nditi0ns that 0ccurred thr0ugh warming trends. In c0ntrast, in higher elevati0n z0nes (3,900-4,500 m) 0n the shaded side 0f the m0untains, rising temperatures and increasing precipitati0n impr0ved c0nditi0ns f0r vegetati0n gr0wth. Increased precipitati0n als0 facilitated vegetati0n gr0wth in areas experiencing warming trends at l0wer elevati0ns (2,000-2,400 m) and 0n l0wer sl0pes where water was m0re easily c0nserved. We suggest that spatial differences in variati0n in vegetati0n as the result 0f climate change depend 0n l0cal m0isture and thermal c0nditi0ns, which are mainly c0ntr0lled by t0p0graphy (e.g. elevati0n, aspect, and sl0pe), and 0ther fact0rs, such as l0cal hydr0l0gy.  相似文献   

Glacier variations in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountain ranges in China affect the livelihood of over one billion people who depend on water from the Yellow, Yangtze, Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus rivers originating in these areas. Based on the results of the present study and published literature, we found that the glaciers shrank 15.7% in area from 1963 to 2010 with an annual area change of -0.33%. The shrinkage generally decreased from peripheral mountain ranges to the interior of Tibet.The linear trends of annual air temperature and precipitation at 147 stations were 0.36°C(10a)~(-1) and 8.96 mm(10a)~(-1) respectively from 1961 to 2010. The shrinkage of glaciers was well correlated with the rising temperature and the spatial patterns of the shrinkage were influenced by other factors superimposed on the rising temperature such as glacier size, type, elevation, debris cover and precipitation.  相似文献   

基于遥感多特征组合的冰川及其相关地表类型信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰川作为青藏高原的一种典型的地表覆盖类型,在高寒地区广泛分布,往往因为地形复杂,无法实地测绘。本文利用高分辨率遥感影像和高精度的DEM,在分析各种冰川类别的光谱、形状、空间关系、地形和气候等环境分布特征的基础上,综合和发展了现有的特征描述算法,建立了描述各种冰川类别特征的组合提取模型,运用面向对象的自动提取方法,对西部测图区青藏高原试验区进行了冰雪影像自动识别试验。试验结果表明,该方法是可行的,它对难以实地测量的冰雪信息引进了遥感自动提取方法,为研究冰川消融和气候变化拓展了研究思路。  相似文献   

利用2000-2014年MOD10A2积雪产品和数字高程模型DEM数据,以积雪覆盖率为指标,在分析西藏高原积雪空间分布特点的基础上,定量研究了高程、坡度和坡向等地形要素对高原积雪时空分布的影响。主要结论有:① 西藏高原积雪的空间分布差异显著,具有中东部念青唐古拉山和周边高山积雪丰富,覆盖率高,而南部河谷和羌塘高原中西部积雪少,覆盖率低的特点。② 海拔越高积雪覆盖率越高,积雪持续时间越长,年内变化越稳定。海拔2 km以下积雪覆盖率不足4%,海拔6 km以上覆盖率达75%。海拔4 km以下年内积雪覆盖呈单峰型分布特点,海拔越高,单峰型越明显;而海拔4 km以上则为双峰型,海拔越高,双峰型越明显。海拔6 km以下积雪覆盖率最低值出现在夏季,而6 km以上则出现在冬季。③ 总体上,高原地形坡度越高积雪覆盖率越高。不同坡向中,北坡积雪覆盖率最高,南坡最低,年内分布呈双峰型,而无坡向的平地积雪覆盖率要小于有坡向的山地,其年内变化呈单峰型分布特点。  相似文献   

The spectacular scenery of Glacier National Park is the result of glacial erosion as well as post-glacial mass wasting processes. Debris flow magnitude and frequency have been established through extensive fieldwork across seven separate drainage basins in the eastern portion of the park. This paper summarizes the investigation of the hypotheses that debris flow distribution in the Glacier National Park, east of the Continental Divide is (a) not random; and Co) concentrated adjacent to the Continental Divide. The location of 2317 debris flows were identified and mapped from sixty-three 1-m resolution Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles and their spatial distribution was then analyzed using ArcView Spatial Analyst GIS software. The GIS analysis showed that the debris flows are not randomly distributed nor are they concentrated directly adjacent to the Divide. While the Continental Divide provides orographic enhancement of precipitation directly adjacent to the Divide, the debris flows are not concentrated there due to a lack of available weathered regolith. The most recent Little Ice Age glaciation removed the debris directly adjacent to the Divide, and without an adequate debris supply, these steep slopes experience few debris flows. Both abundant water and an adequate debris supply are necessary to initiate slope failure, resulting in a clustering of debris flows at the break in slope where valley walls contact talus slopes. A variety of summer storm and antecedent moisture conditions initiate slope failures in the Glacier National Park, with no distinct meteorological threshold. With over two million visitorsevery year, and millions of dollars of park infrastructure at risk, identifying the hazard of debris flows is essential to future park management plans.  相似文献   

地形校正是崎岖山区遥感图像预处理的关键步骤。为了评估基于DEM数据的经验校正模型、山地辐射传输模型和波段组合优化计算模型在去除地形阴影效应方面的性能,并将其应用于福州市植被覆盖监测,本文采用C模型(和SCS+C模型)、6S+C模型和阴影消除植被指数(SEVI)进行评估、比较。采用1999年和2014年两期Landsat 5 TM卫星数据和相关的 30 m ASTER GDEM V2高程数据,分别计算了C校正(和SCS+C校正)和6S+C校正后的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和比值植被指数(RVI)以及基于表观反射率数据的SEVI。通过目视比较、光谱特征比较以及太阳入射角余弦值(cos i)与植被指数的线性回归分析,可以看出C模型和SCS+C模型对本影具有较好的校正效果,但对落影的校正效果欠佳。NDVI和RVI的本影与邻近无阴影阳坡的相对误差分别从71.64%、52.57%降至4.80%、6.43%(C模型)和0.50%、9.94%(SCS + C模型),而落影与邻近无阴影阳坡的相对误差分别从62.01%、47.57%降至31.05%、24.40%(C模型)和33.42%、16.01%(SCS + C模型)。在NDVI的落影校正效果上,6S+C模型比C模型和SCS+C模型有一定的提升,本影与邻近无阴影阳坡之间的相对误差为8.63%,落影与邻近无阴影阳坡之间的相对误差为14.27%。而SEVI在消除本影和落影方面整体效果更好,本影和落影与邻近无阴影阳坡的相对误差分别为9.86%和10.53%。最后,基于SEVI对福州市1999-2014年的植被覆盖变化进行了监测。监测结果表明: ① 1999-2014年植被覆盖增加了893.61 km 2,植被增加区域主要分布在海拔250~1250 m范围内;② SEVI均值在坡度40°附近达到峰值。  相似文献   

Glaciers were solid reservoirs and important water resources in western China, but they were retreating significantly in context of global warming. Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was the largest valley glacier in Qilian Mountains. In this study, realtime kinematic (RTK) data, topographic map and WorldView-2 satellite imagery were used to measure changes in terminus, extent and volume of Laohugou Glacier No. 12. Results showed that Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was shrinking significantly since 1957. From 1960 to 2015, the terminus reduction of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was 402.96 m (3.99%) in total, and glacier length decreased to 9.7 km from 10.1 km. Reduction of glacier area and volume were the most obvious. From 1957 to 2015, glacier area and volume decreased by 1.54 km2 (7.03%) and 0.1816 km3, respectively. Reduction trend of terminus and area was slowing in 1950 -1980s, even stable for a period in the mid-1980s, and then accelerated. Ice core analysis result and nearly meteorological station data shown an increasing trend of temperature in 1957 -2015, it was a main reason of continuous retreating of Laohugou Glacier No.12.  相似文献   

Glaciers play an important role in the climate system. The elevation change of a glacier is an important parameter in studies of glacier dynamics. Only a few ground-based measurements of high mountain glaciers are available due to their remoteness, high elevation, and complex topography. The acquisition from the German Tan DEM-X(Terra SAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) SAR imaging configuration provides a reliable data sources for studying the elevation change of glaciers. In this study, the bistatic Tan DEM-X data that cover the Geladandong Mountain on the Tibetan Plateau were processed with SAR interferometry technique and the elevation changes of the mountain's glaciers during 2000–2014 were obtained. The results indicated that although distinct positive and negative elevation changes were found for different glacier tongues, the mean elevation change was about-0.14±0.26 m a-1. Geoscience Laser Altimeter System(GLAS) data were obtained for comparison and verification. The investigation using GLAS data demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed method in determining glacier elevation change. Thus, the presented approach is appropriate for monitoring glacier elevation change and it constitutes a valuable tool for studies of glacier dynamics.  相似文献   

由于生长环境、地带性分布规律和垂直差异,山地与平原地区的不同植被类型在遥感影像上存在“同物异谱”及“异物同谱”现象,易导致土地类型的误分。为避免此类错分,在进行土地覆被类型解译之前,应首先确定平原、山地植被的边界。本文在遥感影像聚类分析、GIS空间分析及数理统计分析技术的支持下,以江西省都昌县北部地区为研究区域,基于高分一号(GF-1)遥感卫星影像及地形要素,完成了山地植被与平原植被的界线提取。实验结果显示,本研究得到的植被界线精度高达99.47%和96.28%。与单纯基于遥感影像分类得到的植被边界成果相比,精度提高了近25%和23%。研究证明,高分辨率遥感影像与地形因子结合后,计算得到的山地平原划分界线精度有明显提高,可以满足高分辨率遥感影像土地覆被类型解译研究的需要。  相似文献   

Studiesshowthattheglobalsurfacetemperaturewilriseatarateof0.3℃per10ainthenextseveraldecades(Houghtonetal.,1990,1992;Shi,1995;...  相似文献   

Glaciers in the Shaksgam valley provide important fresh water resources to neighbourhood livelihood. Repeated creation of the glacier inventories is important to assess glacier–climate interactions and to predict future runoff from glacierized catchments. For this study, we applied a multi-criteria technique to map the glaciers of the Shaksgam valley of China, using Landsat Thematic Mapper(Landsat TM)(2009) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model version two(ASTER GDEM V2) data. The geomorphometric parameters slope, plan, and profile curvature were generated from ASTER GDEM. Then they were organized in similar surface groups using cluster analysis. For accurate mapping of supraglacial debris area, clustering results were combined with a thermal mask generated from the Landsat TM thermal band. The debris-free glaciers were identified using the band ratio(TM band 4/TM band 5) technique. Final vector maps of the glaciers were created using overlay tools in a geographic information system(GIS).Accuracy of the generated glacier outlines was assessed through comparison with glacier outlines based on the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory(SCGI) data and glacier outlines created from high-resolution Google Earth? images of 2009. Glacier areas derived using the proposed approach were 3% less than in the reference datasets. Furthermore, final glacier maps show satisfactory mapping results, but identification of the debris-cover glacier terminus(covered by thick debris layer) is still problematic. Therefore, manual editing was necessary to improve the final glacier maps.  相似文献   

1 Introduction As a special kind of tourism, glacier tourism is popular to tourists all over the world owing to its meeting tourists’ needs for seeking after freshness, difference, surprise and risk. Differing from conventional tourism, glacier tour- ism has its special characters while there is little literature on it. It is of great significance to study its characters and seek after the harmonious development in exploitation and protection of glacier tourism resources. Glacier tourism refe…  相似文献   

温湿指数是气候舒适度评价模型之一,通过温度与湿度的组合反映人体与周围环境的热量交换,本文利用2003-2018年浙江省及其周边71个气象站点月平均气温、地面水汽压数据,以及MODIS水汽产品,基于GridMet模型模拟了浙江省各月温湿指数空间分布(100 m×100 m),分析了浙江省温湿指数随地形因子(海拔、坡度、坡向)变化的特征;讨论了各地形因子对温湿指数空间分布的影响程度。结果表明:① 海拔、坡度、坡向3个地形因子中,1月温湿指数随坡向的变化最大,7月最小;② 同坡向上,坡度变化对1月温湿指数影响较大,而海拔变化则是对7月影响最大;③ 南坡1月温湿指数随海拔和坡度增加均略为增加,南坡其他月份及北坡各月均为随海拔和坡度增加温湿指数减小;④ 北坡相对于南坡而言,海拔和坡度对温湿指数的影响更为明显。浙江大部分山区由于地形影响,夏季较为“舒适”,适宜建立避暑消夏的旅游项目。  相似文献   

Solar radiation is often shielded by terrain relief, especially in mountainous areas, before reaching the surface of the Earth. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial structures of the shielded astronomical solar radiation(SASR) and the possible sunshine duration(PSD) over the Loess Plateau. To this end, we chose six test areas representing different landforms over the Loess Plateau and the software package of Matlab was used as the main computing platform. In each test area, 5-m-resolution digital elevation model established from 1:10,000 scale topographic maps was used to compute the corresponding slope, SASR and PSD. Then, we defined the concepts of the slope-mean SASR spectrum and the slope-mean PSD spectrum, and proposed a method to extract them from the computed slope, SASR and PSD over rectangular analysis windows. Using this method, we found both spectrums in a year or in a season for each of the four seasons in the six test areas. Each spectrum was found only when the area of the corresponding rectangular analysis window was greater than the corresponding stable area of the spectrum. The values of the two spectrums decreased when the slope increased.Furthermore, the values of the stable areas of the spectrums in a year or in a season were positively correlated with the variable coefficients of the slope or the profile curvature. The values of the stable areas of the two spectrums in a year or in a season may represent the minimum value of test areas for corresponding future research on the spatial structures of the SASR or PSD. All the findings herein suggest that the spatial structures of the PSD and the SASR are caused by the interactions between solar radiation and terrain relief and that the method for extracting either spectrum is effective for detecting their spatial structures. This study may deepen our understanding of the spatial structure of solar radiation and help us further explore the distribution of solar energy in mountainous regions.  相似文献   

High-resolution imagery can be used to reconstruct former glacier boundaries through the identification of glacial erosional and sedimentary geomorphology. We employed moraine mapping and the accumulation–area ratio method(AAR), in conjunction with Landsat, Google Earth, and SRTM imagery, to reconstruct glacier boundaries and equilibrium-line altitudes(ELAs) for Mt. Kenya in the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM), the Little Ice Age(LIA), and at present. Our results show that the areas of Lewis Glacier and the Tyndall-I glacier system were 0.678 km~2 and 0.390 km~2, respectively, during the maximum of LIA. Those mean that the both glaciers have shrunken by 87.0% and 88.7%, respectively since the LIA. Area change ratios for each glacier were significantly larger in the period of 2000 through 2015 than the former periods, indicating that glacier recession has accelerated. Continuous ice loss in this region has been driven by rising temperature and fluctuating precipitation. Linear regression data for Lewis glacier show that mass balance sensitivity to dry season temperature was –315 mm w.e./℃, whereas the sensitivity to dry season precipitation was 5.2 mm w.e./mm. Our data also show that the ELA on the western slope of Mt. Kenya rose by 716-816 m from the LGM to the modern era, corresponding to that temperature rose by 5.2℃-6.5℃.  相似文献   

神农架林区是我国物种多样性最为丰富的地区之一,地形地貌复杂,对植被分布影响巨大。本文利用该地区2007年数字高程数据、2007年植被分布图以及2017年野外实地调查数据,基于最大熵模型和空间分析理论,从植被类型和种群两个角度研究该地区不同尺度植被空间分布的地形特征,分别量化植被类型和种群空间分布的地形范围,得到植被类型与地形因子关系模型、植被种群与地形因子关系模型。结果表明:①神农架林区影响植被空间分布的地形因子不同,其中影响针叶林分布的最重要的地形因子是高程和高程变异系数,影响阔叶林分布的是高程和坡向,影响灌丛分布的是坡向变率和坡向,影响草丛分布的较为分散;②典型植被种群分布的地形范围和植被类型的基本一致,其中90%针叶林分布在高程1600~2600 m间,典型种群巴山冷杉和华山松主要分布在高程1700~3200 m和1700~2200 m;85%的阔叶林分布在高程1000~2000 m间,典型种群青冈类和鹅耳枥主要分布在高程1200~2200 m间;95%的灌丛分布在坡向变率0~40°间,典型种群杜鹃和蔷薇主要分布在坡向变率小于40°的范围,但相应的关系模型存在差异,植被类型与地形因子为高斯模型,典型种群与地形因子关系模型相对复杂,不同种群的分布模式不同;③虽然坡度常作为数字地形的重要因子,但本文研究发现该地区坡度对植被类型和种群分布的影响不明显。研究结果可为神农架林区植被保护和恢复,以及植被规划和管理提供基础参考。  相似文献   

遥感数据因其全覆盖的优势被广泛应用于山地植被信息的调查和研究。为了实现山区植被类型的高精度提取,本文以太白山区为实验区,结合山地植被的垂直地带性分布规律,利用太白山植被垂直带谱、高分辨率遥感影像(GF1/GF2/ZY3)和1:1万的数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model, DSM)数据,进行了多层次、多尺度的影像分割,构建了具有植被垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,并据此进行样本选择和面向对象的分类,分类总精度达92.9%,kappa系数达到0.9160。该方法相比于未辅以垂直带谱信息的分类,总精度提高了10%。研究结果表明,分类过程中加入具有垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,能显著地提高样本选择的效率和准确率,为后续的植被分类提供了精度的保证。通过人机交互的方式,将垂直带谱知识应用到分类中,可以有效地提高山地植被分类的精度。  相似文献   

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